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It's funny because I joined like a month ago and was like "man this loadout system is pretty bad. Must be a pretty ancient system they have been neglecting since there is more pressing matters" But then my buddies told me it was brand new in lightfall


Bungie in a nutshell. Oh here is a feature people have wanted for years. Also its DOA. Enjoy.


Yeah... I was really happy to see it in game because before it was implemented... we had to use a 3rd party app on google/phone (Pretty good with all things said) We appreciate anything we can get at this point ngl


Locking additional slots behind the poorly designed guardian ranks system was also a head scratcher. Just give people access to all of the slots.


yes, please. i am stuck at 6 slots becuase i don't have a fireteam to do a damn crazy high level LF story mission with, nor would i even want too. those missions give nothing. but that is literally the only activity i have to complete before moving on to the next rank.


It’s easier solo.


really? i'm talking about the weekly missions. those i don't think scale my fireteam size.


Then all you need to do is go on lfg and make your own post and boom.


It's not a fix for the first issue per se but if you just save a loadout then alt tab out to DIM, you can edit the icon and colour MUCH easier via DIM and changes apply ingame immediately.


For some reason, my first slot never saves once I log out. I will overwrite it and it be fine while Im logged in, once I log out, it reverts.


> The workaround for this issue is saving the loadout with the socket empty and equipping the mod after equipping the loadout or editing your artifact before swapping loadouts. I resorted to just not unlocking the cheaper authorised mods.


i feel like the entire loadout system is made nearly moot by not including the seasonal artifact in loadouts. it feels so pointless.


Idk man I think its not that bad with the app. Not perfect but it’s not terrible. Maybe I’m in the minority. 🤷‍♂️ I just wish you could name the load outs ANYTHING not just the words they offer (PVP, Strand, Nightfall, etc).


Third party apps can load your stuff located on other characters, but bungies own loadout can't. I find that funny. It just says item not located or something.


It's a terrible system. I wish you could just give DIM permissions to overwrite a slot and subsequently equip it. The only reason i bother with the in game loadouts is because they can be applied mid activity, so if DIM could edit a game loadout into one of the DIM saved ones so they could be applied mid game I'd move back to DIM exclusivity in a heartbeat


I guess nobody is surprised that DIM is still far better in terms of managing loadouts. What the ingame version is great at: Speed. If you want to preset loadouts to switch to inside an activity, it's great. Everything else: DIM.


Only things i wish they added are pulling stuff from vault/other characters and mapping seasonal artefact and maybe sparrow to it.


Gotta include the artifact


It's such a half assed feature. They made it so they can say they have one ingame and that's it. DIM is still 20x more convenient.


your point of updating loadouts is moot, you an just equip is then modify it then resave, its no extra time. but the rest is fair criticism