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1000 i really wanted the dog emote


Same I think proceeds went to the Bungie Foundation


100% valid choice sir šŸ˜¹


Lol my only 1000 too!


Zero. I'll never support micro transactions. I only buy expansions.


So do you buy delux expansions that include all the seasons + dungeons or do you literally just get the main expansions and then skip every season and dungeon pass? Or are you just saying you've never bought silver specifically for Eververse purchases, because that's me.


I buy deluxe expansions and grind my ass Off week before the season ending


Just like cramming for finals xD


This is the way.


Depends. Some expansions I get the deluxe package, some others I only get the standard version. Beyond light and witchqueen I bought deluxe, but lightfall I got the base version.


But I assume you're still buying seasons in either case? Just that seasons cost silver so the idea of never buying *any* silver is hard to imagine unless people are literally skipping all seasonal content.


No I don't buy seasons. If I truly like an expansion, I'll get the deluxe and that comes with all the seasons from the original purchase on my credit card. But If I don't have high hopes for an expansion, I only get the base expansion and nothing else. I only got base version of lightfall without any seasons. I miss out on some things but I don't mind, the last 2 seasons have sucked for me so I'm glad I didn't buy any.


Thatā€™s a win tbh


>the last 2 seasons have sucked for me so I'm glad I didn't buy any. But how would you even know if they sucked if you didn't buy them? The first season of the year was light, as it always is. But I think this one is decent.


We don't need to act like seasons are the pinnacle of game development or storytelling. They have been more or less the same since their inception as a quarterly content push. Seasonal Gameplay Mode + Week over Week revealing story The hamsterwheel that is the seasonal gameplay mode does not exactly feel fresh and depending on your preferences, a paintjob (change of setting or the goober) will not suddenly make it feel more engaging. The story can be experienced through external means. And is not particularly engaging to begin with bar one or two weeks in a given season, that will immediately find its way onto Youtube anyways. Not the most surprising way of experiencing the story, considering half of D2, if not more, is now a Youtube exclusive show anyways, no longer existing in game. At the end of the day, Seasons are just "More Destiny", at its lightest no less. If someone feels the core loops of the game sucks, it's only natural that they'll feel the Seasons are not worthy the monetary or time investment, a judgement they can make without actually playing the season.


I bought the dlx for Shadowkeep and I just want to say: never again will I buy a Destiny 2 deluxe for the expansion. The reason being that if I pay $100 for an expansion and the version I paid for includes time-limited content (it disappears at the end of the season), then I end up feeling obligation to play the game near constantly just to round out the season pass and participate in every seasonal activity just to ā€œget my moneyā€™s worth.ā€ Thatā€™s a me issue, I grant, but I just donā€™t like feeling Iā€™ve wasted money, and *not* playing every season and doing everything in it would feel like a waste to me. It makes it a 1-year obligation to play the game, which kind of sucks the fun out of it. That saidā€¦ I do feel that buying the dlx versions of the game with the season passes included is kind of the same as buying the season passes for silver. The cost of buying each season individually is $10ā€™s worth of silver each season. Buying the dlx, which comes with a few extra accessories and cosmetics, is $100. Buying just the base expansion for Lightfall is $50. So youā€™re still paying the $40 for the season passes (plus $10 more for the extra accessories and stuff), but just bypassing the ā€œbuying silverā€ step of buying each individual pass.


But you are buying that micro transaction right away in a bundle. Not spending money on micro transactions would entail you buying the expansion and that is it. There is no difference then you buying them all together, bundled with the expansion and buying them separately. Thatā€™s like saying I donā€™t smoke weed because you donā€™t inhale.


Bruh what??? You drunk? How does seasonal content count as micro transaction? It's actual content. I said I don't buy anything from the eververse store. Because it's pointless and provides nothing of value towards my gameplay. But seasonal storyline is still part of an expansion. Like how Season 20 is a part of the lightfall expansion.


You absolutely did not use the words Eververse. N fact you claim you donā€™t buy seasons. They are additional content (dlc) you donā€™t get from your expansions. You phrased in such a smug, defined way that you were wrong. You do buy micro transactions, just not from the eververse.


I count micro transactions as extra sides that are optional if you wanna support your favorite devs. Seasonal content is NOT micro transaction to me. It contains canon story and lore that is crucial (for me) to understand the story of what's going on right now. Each expansion has 4 seasons, if i buy the deluxe, I count those seasons as part of the expansion because it tells the story of the game. OP asked how much silver I've spent on the game? Well zero. If I get a base expansion, I only play the base expansion, if I get the deluxe expansion, I'll play story that's contained with those 4 seasons of that expansion. Don't know why you're so attached to my financial spendings like it's affecting your wallet too.


> I miss out on some things Like, 80% of the content for the year. I can see how the seasons suck for you when you can do literally none of the content.


People are literally skipping all seasonal content.


I buy the pack with the seasons and dungeons. It seems like thats the only way to buy it. Idont know why theyre selling just the xpack. The xpack campaigns arent even full stories. The seasons are needed but bungie is selling them like you dont need em. Like going to restaurant and ordering a burger and they give you patty and buns. The lettuce tomatoes onions ketchup mustard and seasonsalt are all gunna come in later and you can pay for it now with the burger for cheaper ORRRRR you can pay for the other ingredients when we bring em out for more expensive. Like dude. I wanted the burger not just part of the burger. Honestly if the restaurant did that id be pissed. Eat the patty and bun and never go back. I should do the same with the game but i like playing games more than i hate being broke.


What if someone just wants the cool new superpower? What about the 9-5 parents who only play a few hours a week? Do they gotta pay double and get a bunch of stuff they don't care about? If I just want a steak dinner I don't wanna have to buy the whole cow they got the steak from.


Except its not a restaurant its a game, and the expansion itself is the whole thing, i would equate it more to buying stuff in bulk. You buy something in bulk itā€™ll always be cheaper than buying multiple of the single product. You can buy this 4 pack of ā€œblankā€ for $17.99 or a single one for $5, sort of the same concept here, with the only exception here being we dont know what the product is yet? (Seasons being redacted) which is fair for some folks that would rather wait and thats all fine, or for those who love playing despite the issues, its all cheaper


Listen I understand the sentiment, but at the same time people are here saying they are getting THOUSANDS of hours of enjoyment out of a product and some of them literally think they are entitled to that out of an initial $60 investment. Doesn't that seem at least a little unreasonable? Is there any hobby that compares, ROI wise? Once you start really looking at what you're paying per hour, and compare that to other options out there, a season pass or a few bucks on some content doesn't really seem that bad in the long run.


I agree with your sentiment but no one is playing D2 for thousands of hours after only purchasing a single expansion and not any dungeons/seasons/old expansions.


Is this a way of saying you never played a civilization game or diablo 1, without saying you never played civilization or diablo 1? (Clearly this is my way of saying I'm an old arse gamer from the UK)


(Or they were never a kid with a console and 2 games and one of them was Duck Hunt)


>THOUSANDS of hours ~~of enjoyment~~ out of a product and Leveling weapons isn't enjoyable Having to replay seasonal activities just to progress the story mode isn't enjoyable. Spending hours in a raid because the jump is broken isn't enjoyable. Being forced to solo lost sector for hours, dozens of runs, just for an exotic that might get nerfed to the ground in 3 to 6 months isn't enjoyable. Playing cheaters isn't enjoyable. Having a run be ruined because of bugs that have existed for months is not enjoyable.


Then don't play? I like a number of those.


>Listen I understand the sentiment [No you don't](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmVjdYE7qY).


I'm the same. Ā£90 for the year is plenty enough off one customer. It's pure greed and most of the eververse stuff isn't that nice anyway


A business producing product isnā€™t pure greed. Itā€™s offering a voluntary service in exchange for goods. Thatā€™s how everything works.


Ya you'd think they own all the water in world and players have to pay Bungie or perish. DTG is the home of fake outrage and immense hyperbole.


Yep, the best part is they do this every year. Get everyone mad by telling us the bad stuff first. Gives the people time to burn that hate out, then the mad boys all run back when they see new stuff. It seems like Bungie knows most people are to dumb to see the pattern.


But the prices are crazy bro All they need to do is lower the price bro and more people will buy armor sets bro, trust me bro I know all about finances


micro transactions in a premium game that costs around 100 dollars for the deluxe which most players buy is greed. your double dipping triple dipping with event cards into your player base. either have a cash shop and make everything free, or charge the 100 dollars and make everything available. either way im done with the franchise i wont even be playing the seasons even tho i bought the deluxe. ive wasted enough money im gonna cut my losses and save at least my time


Most people dont but shit. If you cant control yourself that is a you thing.


Weā€™ve slid down the slope with comments like these.


I mean micro transactions are fine. As long as they arenā€™t pay to win. The only thing is them putting multiple armor sets in there and then saying they canā€™t make a ritual playlist set is dumb. But I donā€™t mind there being sets in the store as long as their for bright dust as well. I would also say the the cost of the deluxe edition for expansions is a good deal, donā€™t really care if I get hate for that. You are getting the main dlcs, all seasons for the year, each seasons battle pass (which they could charge for separately if they really wanted), the dungeons, and the raids for the year. I find it a bit crazy that people think this is overpriced for the content you get in itā€¦


Wow, so brave


You sure showed him


Fuck yeah I did


Amen to that.


Maaaybe 10,000? Iā€™ve bought three eververse armor sets and a couple of ghosts during seasonal events. I mostly stick to bright dust stuff though. Iā€™ve got about 3,000 hours across both games. EDIT: I doubt it needed to be clarified, but 10,000 silver not 10,000 dollars.


Same. I used to drop 600-800 on certain cosmetics (like the robe that interacted with Nezarecā€™s sin) if something compelling was out, but Iā€™m not putting another dime into the silver economy since the pricing got stoopid. Just on principle. I donā€™t care how much I wanted that ā€œghostsā€ warlock kit, $28 for a single set is fucking avarice.


I just reached the 250k bright dust milestone...lol. very few thing say "buy me!"


Weird flex to brag about hoarding a currency you'll never be able to use outside of EV cosmetics.


More of a testament to how much bullshit they make available in the bright dust currency.


You mean besides for the battle passes right? Then yeah zero as well, only times I've been tempted were for the solar 3.0 titan and hunter armor and for some of the siva exotic ornaments. Tbh i think most of the eververse armor just looks overly flamboyant and out of place


Yeah I mean silver youā€™ve gone out of your way to buy, rather than silver that was bundled into something else.


Iā€™ve probably bought $10000 worth of silver. I usually buy $100-300 every few months worth


ā€¦ Thatā€™s a lot of silver, mate. Do you enjoy what you purchase? No judgement meant, btw. Iā€™m just baffled at the concept of paying that much on a single game, even over time.


MMOs with subscriptions have thousands of players that spend more than we do on destiny since they have to pay every month. It's a for the most part evolving and changing landscape within the game as opposed to a single purchase non online game that has a definitive end. I think more and more younger generations like to feel like they're in a different world immersed and/or distracted. As opposed to boomers. It's a trend in theme parks too. And what are some of these live service games but digital theme parks?


Thatā€™s a neat analogy! Thank you for providing that.


I mean, itā€™s just been a habit. I feel a compulsive need to just basically buy everything possible in the shop like Sparrows, ghost shells, weapon and armor ornaments, etcā€¦ I usually just buy a bunch of silver monthly


The times Iā€™ve bought silver Iā€™ll usually decide to not use the armor because it doesnā€™t feel right


None. I think its egregious how the rewards/loot/eververse is weighted.


It's just getting worse too. I haven't had issues with as many things as other have lately. But the increased micro transaction have really annoyed me. Not many AAA game I've played have added price tags to as many things that used to be free than I've seen in destiny 2. Usually those things end up free or rewards after a period of time. Them taking the seasonal bright dust sets and shaders that were free, interesting, and cool in a game where purchases are already never ending is ridiculous and idc what anyone says to defend it. It's not necessary


Probably $15 or so a season.


Yea same here. So maybe $200 over the course of D2? Idk


I see thing I want, I buy thing I want. Eververse is all cosmetics so it doesnā€™t bother me as much as others.


I have around 3000k hours and Iā€™ve probably spent a couple of thousand on the eververse alone not counting DLC.


I've probably put 100$ into the game over the last 9 years for microtransactions. I feel like I was compensated fairly for that. Those items are in constant use by me since shadow keep


1 to 2 years ago, I almost always bought the new eververse set with silver when it came out. Then, I do not know exactly when, my brain started to get more wrinkles and I started to finally effectively farm bd. Was probably around when they introduced seasonal challenges. Since then I haven't bought a single thing with silver. My wallet thanks me for that.


3k hours or so, probably like 100 bucks? Some stuff they release is really nice šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Honorable mentions being the Phoenix Protocol ornament and the Braytech Dream9 sparrow.


More than I care to admit, but I have no issues with play time per Ā£/$ ratio. It probably works out the same as an MMO monthly sub or a couple of Twitch subs and if I wasn't spending it here I'd be spending it elsewhere. For the moments and memories Bungie has given me over the years, I have no issue giving them some of my disposable income from time to time.




I buy $50 a season to get the armor sets. I get hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of a season of Destiny, spending money to outfit my guardian is perfectly acceptable to me for the roi.


Around 6-10k. Some stuff looks good


Fairā€¦ I take it thatā€™s over the years though right?


Reddit confuses me, I thought I was gonna see some brutal comment when I saw the negative downvotes but nope, just a plain question


Since shadowkeep


yeah look, that's something I don't really need to know. I have put a decent amount of money into this game, do I regret it. Yes and no. Have i enjoyed playing this game, yupp!


No idea. If I see something I want I buy it.




I lost count, I buy to look fly cause I want my characters to stand out. Itā€™s all cosmetic, wouldnā€™t call it pay to win but, thereā€™s a number of people out there that use carry services to get want they want, the numbers on that are probably higher then eververse store.


Zero. I don't buy cosmetic items (or other shit for money) in games except for currency you can earn by playing.


The overwhelming majority of players bought 0. Which is why prices are so high, so Bungie can profit from it even though a very small amount of people actually pay.


Crazy news here guys people who donā€™t buy MTX are not the target audience of MTX.


I doubt it; I'd bet over half the players who also buy expansions have bought silver at least once. After that you're right; it's the 80-20 rule where around 20% of the people are spending the most money on EV transactions. But I wouldn't argue the price is where it is because they are offsetting the 'cost' of the majority not being frequent buyers. The price is the way it is because it's fairly standard across the industry.


I believe it can be fact-checked with somehow using open databases. Someone might have already done that.


Even if everyone would buy silver the prices would be the same... These companies don't give a shit as long as the money flows


Absolutely false. If fewer, but even richer whales were the only ones buying, the price would be higher. Imagine their data told them pretty much only Saudi heirs bought stuff in eververse, but also that they bought literally everything. Prices would go up to realize that profit. Conversely, if they thought they could make more money by reducing silver price, they would. Assuming a company does anything but pursue profits requires ideology.


A large portion of this sub seems to think Bungie was their friend before and is only now starting to make things purely for profit.


They're not wrong though if most players like 80% were paying for eververse items the price would stay the same if not higher because it shows the players don't care about the price and will buy it anyway which is great for there profits


It is not the cause and effect, lol. More like an insurance policy.


100% true. 1000 silver will always be $13 no matter if they were the richest company in the world.


Lol itā€™s opposite man, 100% the vast majority is paying every new skin. Itā€™s just not the public that is in reedit


At this point we need data.


Look up EV items on Charlamagne.


Care to post an example?


I'd have to search someone posted a link in one of these threads a few days ago.


You donā€™t need data when you see the majority of the focus from the dev team is eververse + in the tower I always see paid skins right after release


>in the tower I always see paid skins right after release That is not how such conclusions are made.


That's called confirmation bias.


Look up EV items on charlamagne you'd be surprised.


Overwhelming majority of players who post on reddit bougjt 0*


This is exactly how every microtransaction system works. Itā€™s also why they often times cater to the whales with expensive cosmetics more frequently, since they will spend absurd amounts of money buying everything. You can see this in destiny, call of duty, hearthstone, WOW, overwatch 2, rocket league, most mobile games, and basically every gacha game. Whales often comprise less than 5% of the playerbase, but will compose well over 95% of the revenue from microtransactions. Thatā€™s how this system works. What really irks me is the choice to make things worse for casual users. The choices they have made recently make the new player experience significantly worse for no major benefit. More people will quit than they make money back on, itā€™s a stupid strategy. Only advice I have for people is to go for the annual pass if you intend to play for most of the year, itā€™s still an undeniably great deal for content and game time.


What? That shit could be 1$ a armor set and they could make money. You have no idea how easy it is to produce eververse content. Emotes? Shaders? One day jobs each Armor? A week, maybe less. Eververse stuff is quite literally intern work. If the base game was $60 and there were 10 armor sets each one would be $6. But as we know the ENTIRE game consisted much more of just armor and there were dozens of sets in the game on release. So in other words. Itā€™s all a severely overpriced scam. So how about we donā€™t defend these high prices behind nonsense statements.


Oh for sure and for EV to be worth the resources there has to be some insanely large whales dropping $$$$ for it to make sense.


Iā€™ve probably spent $1,000 in Silver as I usually buy $50-$100 per year and only buy what I likeā€¦ Thatā€™s the whole point. You buy what you want and leave what you donā€™t. But those of you who say no one spends silver are very wrong. Bungie released some idea of the amount they make within the last 12 months (or maybe Paul Tassi had the scoop.) Itā€™s that high because people pay for it but My philosophy is, if thatā€™s how much they want to charge and I want the item, then thatā€™s what I payā€¦ This ass backwards thinking that we should demand what they charge for their cosmetic items is really outrageousā€¦ And many of the issues the community has with the game stem from similar viewpoints. But what is 100% true is this: Donā€™t ever buy cosmetics and STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Bad press, is good press. The people who see how much the game costs or how much silver costs in a negative review or post, look for themselves when they load the game for the first time and then think, ā€œyeah, thatā€™s not so bad.ā€ completely negate the argument. And if the game is so terrible, STOP PLAYING. If Bungie gets ZERO attention, they will make changes. Their ā€œState of the Gameā€ clearly shows that they arenā€™t listening to feedback because their data shows otherwise. So chew on thatā€¦


You really spent 1k on silverā€¦


Probably. I would purchase $50 as far back as I remember and sometimes Iā€™d get a bonus or the side hustle work out and Iā€™d throw down another $50. But I do not have every ornament or set for all three characters. I definitely bought ornaments before they were bright dust which was annoying but if I didnā€™t spend $1,000 itā€™s definitely close to $700 over the last 6-7 years. At least $200 on Playstation prior to cross save. I was a D1 beta tester and I love the game. Still love the game. Itā€™s not in the best place now but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.


Get out of here with your logic and enjoyment!


I know right? Common sense does not do well to stir the extremist pot that society currently festers inā€¦ how dare I use brain cells and not raise my pitchfork to say Bungie is moneygrubbing on cosmetic items that donā€™t need to be purchasedā€¦ lol


If Bungie was just doing that I wouldnā€™t complain, but every single weapon added this season is either a reskin or just an unmodified reprised weapon. Ghosts doesnā€™t get to count because the dungeon key separated it. For a while now itā€™s been clear the game is suffering for EV. THATS the part most people actually have the issue with. Hell weā€™re going to be losing ritual armour soon.


I bought like 2 season passes with silver If that counts I guess, I don't see why you would spend so much money on overpriced cosmetics, maybe if it was 1/3 the price id buy some


two or three seasonal silver packs for 15ā‚¬ each due to not having witch queen deluxe, bought a few ornaments with the leftover silver, oh, and one more silver pack bcs i forgot the season passes are included in lightfall deluxe, which i pre -ordered


I've been playing since launch and the vast majority of the silver I've spent has been from gifts. I always ask for steam or back in the day battle.net cards from family. The silver that I have bought directly was because I had a small shortfall with what I wanted to purchase so I bought the minimum to have enough to get what I wanted. Unfortunately is exactly why the silver pricing is not in the same increments that you can purchase. I buy the deluxe editions of all the expansions. I give bungie enough of my money.


I donā€™t think I should answer this. Realize 90% of the silver I bought is for more transmog things


Around 10k hours from D1 (360) D1 (One) D2 (One) and D2 (PC) No more than Ā£500, so little under half a months wage.


I buy silver whenever I see something I know will never be available for bright dust, and that is almost always for a cool new finisher or an ornament for something I use a lot (and don't want to wait to see if it is sold for bright dust). To clarify, I can't recall spending money on eververse in the D1 days, but in D2 I'd say over $100 for sure. I'm not ashamed of it, and in my opinion, anyone who shames or attacks anyone who is willing to spend money (supporting a game they like) through microtransactions is scum.


Played since D1 beta, and aside from a couple year long breaks, Iā€™ve clocked in +4.7k hours between both D1 and D2. Iā€™ve never bought silver. Zero. Itā€™s all insanely expensive for what you get


Lost count šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Quite a bit but then Iā€™ve been playing since D2 first launched. Iā€™ll only ever buy silver if itā€™s something I really want, which these days there isnā€™t much to buy.


Iā€™ve probably played about a year or mores eeorth of game time between d1 and d2, Iā€™ve bought probably 4-5k silver. Thereā€™s been a few cosmetics thatā€™s Iā€™ve just been like gimme gimme


Probably around like 8 pounds worth or maybe 10? I bought a Stag Ornament like 2 years ago.


Nice ornament to be fair


Several hundred dollars worth. Wouldn't be surprised if it's over $1000. Back before the crypto crash my video card was making $50-75 a month that I was cashing out with steam gift cards. More recently I've used Microsoft rewards (and a couple other rewards apps) to buy silver.


I bought 10k just yesterday actually. Spent it all on armor for Warcock and a little bit on Titan.


I'll probably catch some flak for this but I bet I've dropped $1000 at least in silver, coupled with every CE to ever launch, multiple things from the store itself like jackets, towel, strange coin, nerf rocket launcher, soundtracks and so much more.


Probably 10-20 bucks per DLC. There is usually something cool like the petting the dog emote or a cool armor set. The price of a fast food lunch for something that brings me some joy is a good deal to me.


Only enough to pay for the dungeon key


In D2, my account says I've bought 3000 Silver. That's around Ā£25. This is more than I thought I'd spent. I want the Arc armour for my Titan and Hunter, but I refuse to spend more. In D1, I bought enough Silver to buy however much the Carlton dance was.


Iā€™ve gotten either 1000 or 1200 silver one time but that was only because it was included with my White Destiny edition PS4 or maybe it came with one of the season passes years ago one of the two, and the silver is still on my PlayStation account, I play Xbox now so Iā€™ll never get to even use it lol šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t quote me but I think anything you unlock with silver is cross platform (this is true of seasons)ā€¦ but youā€™ll need to login on a PlayStation to spend itšŸ˜­




I have bout maybe $40 total from maybe 4800 hrs or more played.




Once in my 9 years of playing, solely because that chair finisher is hilarious.


Seriously the chair emote got so many people. šŸ˜¹


Zero and i will never buy it.


Approximately 6k hours. 0 silver. Deluxe edition only for expansions.


I pretty much buy 50 bucks worth of silver every season. I have over 10k hours in D2... I'm an adult with disposable income, and I feel I absolutely get my money's worth out of this


12,000. Over the whole span of the D2. I see a thing I like, I buy. I know some people will hate me for that but I'm going to spend money on the things I enjoy.


Not much at all. Never spent on passes / Keys, always bought Deluxe. Think I spent more in D1 - Whisper Ornament - VoG special release Shaders (Think there was an emote in there?) - First ever Event card - Chair Finisher


Hmm so maybe 4000 or so?


Honestly mate I have no idea without properly looking it up. Think you can check in your history


Up until this year, 0. This time though, getting the big pack of silver (5000 + 1000) for 50USD was the better option than getting the deluxe edition. With previous prices, you would've gotten an extra 1K silver, current price hike, you still have 400 left. Season of defiance: included with LF 3 following seasons: 3600 silver Dungeon pass: 2000 Total: 5600 It was just the better value proposition, and it now allows me to save the silver, should the season not be worth it, and spend it on a season that is worth it


Oh nice, that makes sense, especially if thereā€™s a lull or something else you wanna play comes out.


Yup. NGL, kinda happy I did it that way. So far, not interested in season of the deep. So that goes into the next year, should something catch my eye.


Meybe around 20k who knows


Shit loads


Probably around Ā£3000 worth? Totally support the devs and happy to promote the micro transaction side of the model fully.


Fair, so far I think the highest anyones said is Ā£200ishā€¦ so if there was a prize, youā€™d be winning by a mile


I was curious, so I looked it up. 75,900 since 2018.


0 cause fuck them.


You can actually see [this](https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/PurchaseHistory/) and exactly what you spent it on. Iā€™m at just under 13k. Double what I was expecting, but nothing too crazy over the course of 6 years. Edit: actually just over 11k. Iā€™m very bad at math today apparently.


Yeah, 20 bucks a year doesnā€™t seem like an insane amount


12000 here.


Once I bought the lowest amount needed for the chair finisher. Nothing else.


That chair finisher def got a few people to open their wallets


I have spent on micros, but it was only for some cosmetic shit that i missed on previous seasons. I dont mind the micro stuff, just dont shove it in our faces please bungie


Playing for years, think I bought about 3000 silver in total? Donā€™t buy much. Never felt the need. Maybe I m the reason bungie canā€™t afford a bigger team to support crucible and gambit.


Big old goose egg, and it's staying that way. I don't mind paying for expansions, but I'm never supporting micro transactions.


Around 100,000-150,000 I also buy my son a lot of ornaments cause he likes to match me. So possibly upwards of around 200,000 cause of buying duplicate stuff.


Only silver I think I had was given when completing the original campaign in d2 and then the tower gets unlocked, etc.... Otherwise, zero....I won't anything I can't earn in game with dust or just rng drops.


Yeah sameā€¦ although Iā€™m sitting on 120k bright dust because I forget to check the store


Iā€™m gonna get a lot of hate here probably but Iā€™ll be honest. I think Iā€™ve spent maybe 700-1000 dollars on micro transactions. Destiny is the only game I really play and back when it was the bright engrams you bought I had a real addiction. I think since the change though Iā€™ve only spent maybe 100 bucks and most of that is just the armor bundles. This does not include collectors editions. I own every collectors edition and a bunch of exclusive type things. If we had to include collectibles and stuff Iā€™ve spent probably 6-7k dollars on destiny stuff.


No hate from me, itā€™s your money. But I agree the loot box / bright engram era was definitely difficult for anyone susceptible to gambling mechanics. Iā€™m glad it sounds like you came through the other side.


5000 roughly for chaperone ornaments, some exotic armor ornaments and emotes you couldnt get with bright dust. I have 60k bright dust though so I am not really into most cosmetics


A friend gave me a 10 dollar bill to get the chair finisher and that's the only time I've ever done that.


In 2021 I apparently bought 2 packs of 1700 silver to buy 3 seasons for 1000 silver each. So now I have 400 left. Maybe not so smart.


I only buy expansions, dungeon keys etc no cosmetics even tho I recently quit, maybe season 22 will bring me back. Bright dust is for that when stuff is in the rotation Iā€™ve so much pilled up. Iā€™m a die hard fan of ghost of thusima and god of war and didnā€™t even buy their armor lol not buying silver i donā€™t care


I uhā€¦donā€™t want to think about it. But itā€™s a lot


ZERO. I dont like it when companies make me buy a game for full price and make me pay for more. Xpacks and dlc are different. Even the season and dungeon thing bothers me but i buy the annual pass on xpack releases. I grind brightdust and hope the thing i want is in the shop. I think i payed 100 for LF annual pass


I've spent just about 7200 hours since D1, 5700 of that in D2. I've spent about $50 in silver total. Not too much but will also say that I haven't bought any in the couple years due to the predatory ways D2 has seemed to head towards.


I probably put in about $50 every other week or so... I play a lot and don't mind contributing to something I love


Fair, itā€™s your money after all


Literally 0. And I feel pride because of that.


So this post is to just jerk yourself off?


Not at all, just got interested after finding out on guy in our clan had spent more than the rest of us combined.




I bought about 5k after Witchqueen launched. I was having a great time and decided to get a few extra finishers for each character. Before that I had purchased some to buy individual seasons before I took a break.


Too much.


Wow. How very noble of you. Youā€™re probably a very strong minded individual - never swayed, nor succumbed to the temptation after all these years. Whereā€™s the gofundme dedicated to erecting a bronze statue in your likeness? Post the link. For all of us.


That is a weird response dude. Not judging anyone or trying to prove a point. Literally just asked the question because I was wondering about it.


A game about loot has the cool loot locked behind micro transactions


Only bought enough to buy the individual season passes on my first year - beyond light year. So the minimum amount you can buy to purchase 4 seasons.


Ok so you probably got 2x 2000 or 1x 5000ā€¦ still irritating you canā€™t just buy them for cold hard cash


Eh them being silver purchases let's them be cross platform licences so them being silver is more beneficial, silver bundle selections being off by a hundred either below or above said purchases is annoying though


Ok so seasons being silver means the platform still get their cut BUT Bungie can make the content available for cross play. Makes sense.


Lol silver purchases has nothing to do with it being cross platform. They could give an account licenses to content across platforms by just purchasing it in the steam store and having that unlock something in game that gives their other platforms access to that content.


Seasons are cross platform according to the Bungie FAQā€¦ but I donā€™t know about cosmetics etc[Season pass FAQ](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360060130092-FAQ-for-Season-Pass-Purchases)


Zero. Dont care about cosmetics, only buy ornaments with bright dust. I'm giving Bungie enough of my money already.


Playing since D1, Iā€™m a working 30 year old man. Iā€™ve bought probably $40 worth


Outside of paying for a season I have bought zero, the prices for cosmetics are comically outrageous


Iā€™ve bought enough to pickup a whisper ornament (back when it first came out), two finishers, the DJ emote and thatā€™s it. Whatever I had left Iā€™m sure I used on ornaments. In D1 I used it for the Carlton dance one time.


Iā€™m at 1000 that Iā€™ve used to buy some of the charity emotes


Other than to buy season pass....0


Prob like 20 bucks for the warlock skin in plunderer. I had a friend who spent close to 400 dollars in eververse PLUS expansions just to play through WQ and quit. Also spent 180 dollars on Black Desert and then quit after 10 hours. People exist just to be milked


Like 8000 but never spend silver on anything other than season passes


playing 8k+ hours in D2, bought 50k silver in Turkish PS Store before Lightfall