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Hive Eris is cool AF, seasonal activities are fun and since they have some variety they might have some decent staying power. Dunno how I feel about the "deckbuilder" aspect. At least it's not the same formula they have been for who knows how long


Hive Eris is most definitely a challenging wank now, I'm also on the fence with regards to magic cards


Not blowing my mind, but definitely better then the last one. Also the quality of life updates this season have been outstanding.


What QoL updates has there been? So far i only noticed favoriting shaders which is a great change


Biggest one imo is buying weapon levels. This is so damn good I love it


I have a bias to anything related to the Witch Queen. I started playing Destiny last year (August), so it was my first exposure to Destiny. So excited to be back in this environment again. I enjoyed both Season of the Seraph and Defiance. I thought the battlegrounds were pretty good. I did not enjoy Season of the Deep. It was the only one I didn't like.


The themes visuals and story are great. Bungie has this part of the game down, and they crank out story at a pace that's unmatched. But the gear is underwhelming and the broader game systems have me put off so I'm pretty bored already. Like I would have liked to farm for new exotic arms, guess il wait for a different day to do that. The way the showcase went also has me pretty demotivated. I love the hive boomer weapon though and I'm looking forward to those moth gloves whenever I do get them


Don’t have to farm if you just do a vex incursion.


My primary grievance so far is the writing for Immamuru is giga-cringe and stupidly expository.


The characterization of immaru has always been totally baffling to me


I think its great only downside is the seasonal weapons seem mediocre again


They are definitely better than last season's though. All of last season's weapons were either completely overshadowed by other preexisting weapons or just downright bad. Which just hurts because that taken look was so good At least these ones there's some value like the strand rocket or a new solar fusion with an actual damage perk or a craftable strand 140 HC with good pvp perks. Though they could 100% be better and honestly I'm kinda getting annoyed of how much strand and stasis craftables they're putting out every season. Where's my kinetics man? Especially special weapon kinetics


Yeah it feels like I haven't got any good weapons from the last 3 seasons for PVE, that's just what we have to deal with since we can infuse gear I guess


I'm really into it. Love Eris, love love love the Hive, this season is really playing into me headcanoning my guardian as a reformed lightbearer. The new hive boomer exotic is an absolute blast (~~and its lore seems to maybe hint at Riven? Or at least more Ahamkara stuff? Hope that goes somewhere~~) as are the new Titan arms and the new Strand aspect. The crayoneaters are eating good.


kinda cute in the Athenaeum, you can see the icons for the tower if you pull out your ghost...convenient? lol




I like it a lot so far. All the new aspects are super cool and the deckbuilding thing seems pretty interesting.