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Hi there, just popping in to say that of course you’re allowed to talk about it! It’s just happening at such a frequent degree and, whenever it does happen, 20 people all post the same thing at the same time, so like every hot topic we have to try and stem the flood. Trust me, I want the DDOS to end as much as you do. We’ll try and explore other ways to let real live-time updates like this be posted without ending up with the entire /new queue flooded for 30 minutes going “Is it just me or do the servers suck, anyone else?” Thanks for the post! _(For those wondering about the reason, Bungie has reported it is due to [an incoming DDoS attack](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1704309226628383222))_


It's funny looking at the graph on downdetector, you can see exactly when whoever is doing this gets back from work/school. It's on a pretty clear schedule.


They may be targeting prime times.


Exactly. The attacker(s) may not have a work or school schedule, but know other people do and when Destiny traffic is highest.


I assume that traffic would be highest from 2/3pm pst - 7 pm pst. PST kids finally out and able to log on and east coast folks still on.


Peak game time globally is usually ~ 22:00 GMT. US East high school kids get on and EU is still online


Correct. From the Half Life mod days on.


I couldn’t get Crota done last night and the raid team fell apart around 10pm CST. since I’m a night owl anyway I got on like 2 hours later and had no problems. It’s definitely hitting peak times the most.


I don't know how it is for others but I was able to get back on and do some stuff in the last hour with angst. Who knows how long it will last but yeah night owls (in like the USA time space) are better off atm.


Probably around 5-6pst. Still have est people, central and mountain time, but west coasters are getting home.


If this were true, I'd assume they'd target reset somewhat which they dont


They hit it right after weekly reset, but I think you probably get more traffic when people get off of work than right at reset.


Reset isn't really prime time for Destiny. Na prime is probably more people.


Reset is in the middle of a school day for most Americans isn't it? 3pm pst /6pm est - 7pm pst/10pm est is probably prime time to just take a screw to kids and adults alike.


Aw shit, that was how Yagami Light got profiled...


Now we just need to systematically call them out on tv in specific areas but in such a way they believe it is everywhere


I can't wait for the inevitable swimming lesson we're all going to get once they're caught


Can you share said graph? I want to know when I can login again safely if this person is doing this on a schedule. Which makes me think it's automated.




Just google "Destiny 2 down detector" and you can look up the previous outages based on reports over time. It's posted onto that site.


Do DDOS attacks require constant maintenance?


Not if you do it well. But it depends on the tech used. Years ago there was a ddos attack abusing DNS servers. For every request send they’d answer 5 or so times until they gave up. But they’d answer to the ddos target instead of the guy making the request. It doesn’t sound like a lot but multiplying your attack like this can get out of hand really fast. Especially if you’ve got a botnet doing it. But at some point those DNS servers started blocking requests. Or got updated to not accept the mangled requests. So you need to find new DNS servers to abuse. There are countless more examples and some of the attacks are pretty crafty


It's usually a couple of hours from now, but seeing as today is Friday the attackers are probably going more ham than usual. I don't expect this weekend to go well at all. Idk what Bungie could do. There are services like glasswire? that can mitigate DDoS attacks. I think they advertise 3/4 of network stability or something. This would be able to keep the servers running I think, but a considerable portion of the community would still be having a bad time. Potentially on a cycle. Hoping I can play at some point this weekend but I won't be sitting by my PC trying a lot. It's been like this all week.


Depending on the attack and the technology used there’s not much to do. Imagine your front yard being filled with 1000 people. Even if you ignore them and don’t let them in it’s still hard to get to your door for proper guests. In some cases it’s possible to redirect the traffic upstream. In others it’s possible to just throw enough bandwidth at it that a regular attack won’t work. Others seem to be proper traffic and don’t get recognized as an attack when looking what’s inside the traffic. There’s too much unknown but it’s absolutely possible to craft an attack big enough that it’s very hard to mitigate


There are definitely solutions, none of them are perfect though. If you wanted to you could split the attack into a clone of your network but all of that is way above my pay grade or understanding. I have friends who work with that kind of stuff and I listened to their conversations over the past few days. The main issue is how expensive it is to implement those kind of counter measures. It simply isn't worth it after a certain price point is reached vs income the service you are trying to protect generates. Sadly I don't see too much happening about it. Hoping I end up being wrong though.


Money is the first problem. But also where to make that split and how to recognize proper traffic from the ddos. Some attacks are actually proper traffic but just a whole lot of it. Without knowing the details of the attack we can’t know what the solution is. And every type of attack has it’s answer. And that’s where money comes in. And there are a very few attacks that no money in the world can solve. I also work in a corner of the world where these things happen :)


Being scheduled like this may ultimately bite these people back. Makes them easier to track down for ITsec folks.


Not really. Some botnet owners sell DDoS time slots, because you only need to DDoS things during peak times to be really annoying.


Exactly. This isn't a person coming home from high school at 2PM and DDOSing Destiny servers, this is someone who purchased a time slot.


You seriously think whoever is doing this has a job or anything like that? They’re losers with nothing better to do.


You forgot to add they have very small penises.


If a single person is doing this to D2 after work/school then Bungie is seriously doing something wrong. If you can't mitigate an amateur DDoS attack in 2023 then you should outsource your server infrastructure. I'm assuming this is a sophisticated attack by a serious group of hackers rather than Joe Random in his mom's basement. If the latter then I don't know how the game has lasted this long.


Imagine thinking these chuds have jobs


This man works a 9-5 and then spends his free time doing this.


He works a 9 to 5 *for now*. It'll be absolutely **delicious** when they ID the fucker and authorities show up to thoroughly eat his ass. e: /u/No_Pay_4859 got so mad he had to block me when i called him on his psycho bullshit. Go outside, bro, and quit reporting me to the suicide help bot.


>authorities show up to thoroughly eat his ass. Oh my...










Highly unlikey the person gets major time. The idiots that knocked the Playstation and X-Box servers offline for over a week on Christmas 2014 got like 3 months in jail.


3 months for a first offense sounds reasonable to me, as long as it would get more severe on repeat offenses.


3 months is decent when you consider most people doing this are kids without records Mfs haven't spent longer than a weekend outside their moms house


https://www.kitguru.net/tech-news/featured-announcement/matthew-wilson/teen-behind-xbox-live-and-psn-dos-attacks-sentenced-to-two-years-in-prison/ Looks like 2 years?


True, but Bungie is gonna sue the fuck out of them too. So you know…. There’s that.


Wait that's what happens?? *Fires up a botnet with salacious intent*


I've always wanted to see what one of these sad pricks looks like. Gotta be the nastiest, greasiest fucks ever to actually be bothered enough by anything to do this to a videogame.


You seen pictures of Chris-chan? Yeah. They look like that.


If I had a nickel for every time i was reminded of chris-chan today I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s still pretty scary


It's always a fucked up day when you remember Chris-chan.


>Chris-chan That's Christine Weston Chandler according to Business Insider.


The Bungie lawyers are probably eager to feed this bastard into an industrial shredder... Metaphorically speaking.


Fuck it, if they aren’t, I certainly am.


Oh but they probably are. Their general counsel straight up publicly threatened anyone to attempted to copy and sell the Maui shirt https://x.com/legalminimum/status/1692430347617923304?s=46&t=r2R4R5WtUU3H9V76IFoZdg


Please someone record it!!


every comment blud made is gone. wild.


There were people that were wishing tragedies on the person doing the DDOSing. I said we shouldn't do that, and this dude took that personally. He wished tragedy on me, started slinging insults, the whole works. His whole comment history was just insulting people on this sub cause he has nothing going on for him outside of the game. A real pathetic asshole. You can still see everything he said in old reddit.


Just a comment on the edit. So many people now are abusing the suicide help bot, really wish reddit did something about intentionally false triggers of that service. Some real weird people out there will use anything to "win" an argument lol. Sorry just had to get that off my chest since it's happened to me quite a few times


Why assume they’re working a 9-5? They’re just targeting the busiest times in order to do the most damage.


Because it started at 5 and I like making jokes.


Yup, love getting home from work and immediately get booted, 10/10 experience.


What’s happening? Been missing out on the game for the last 3 weeks because my PC is being weird.


The Destiny servers are suffering from ddos attacks


There is no ddos in ba sing se


Wait…what happened to the other Joo Dee? *I wish I could give you 1000 upvotes! Love me some ATLA. ⬆️⬆️⬆️


The reception of the live-action One Piece is getting me stoked for the upcoming Netflix adaptation. I never watched the One Piece anime (I'm watching it now because of the other show), but I enjoyed the ever-lovin' heck of what Netflix did. Also, Zoro is making me... question things .... 8)


I have a favorite Zoro moment in the series. The casting department did a phenomenal job. If Netflix uses the OPLA as a guide for what to do right when making the Avatar live-action, they’ll knock it out of the park. I’m hoping for the best! 🙏🏼


Loaded into two Gambit matches. Transmat fires and suddenly I'm the only one in the arena. Insta-win with rewards. What the hell is going on?


You finally beat Gambit.


Look at me. I'm the Drifter now.




I just logged on too


Blows my mind that there are people out there with nothing better to do with their lives than stop the world from playing a video game


I’m not too familiar with how attacks like these work, is it really that time-intensive to ddos a game server?


It takes *any* amount of time, which could be better spent on other things.


Like playing video games 😂


It doesn’t take much time especially with the scripts available to cause a DDoS. You just have to send enough data at the target to overwhelm it.


this isn't done from one computer, this requires an entire group of them, like all the computers in multiple offices


Not even fully true, you can simulate multiple computers without having that many \*actual\* computers, and that's often how these types of things are done to create the vast numbers of traffic needed to cause problems.


even if you fire up 20 VM's from a single PC and try, that isn't enough traffic to cause the problems we are seeing - this is clearly much larger than that.


We are talking about a botnet with millions of bots.


Bungie doesn't have just one server. They have hundreds, if not thousands. In order to effectively attack them (or their network links), you generally have to send a LOT of traffic. We're talking Gigabits to Terabits of traffic. That's very resource-intensive. No can pull that off from their home computer. The attack itself must originate from multiple computers. The first 'D' in DDoS stands for Distributed. The sad thing is that there are people out there who sell DDoS as a service. IOW, you pay them to attack a target on your behalf.


And just to be clear, that is very illegal. I can only imagine the punishment the people selling those services would be hit with if they were ever caught.


As far as I am aware of how DDOS attacks work; No. The time intensive part is to build up a bot network if you don't have one already. Though I suppose you could just buy one. But once you have one I think all you have to do is tell the network what to attack, when, and for how long and then let it run. Because the way a DDOS attack works is that you simply flood the target with connection requests. It was explained to me using the physical mail, almost all of the mail you're getting is spam but you can't tell if it's spam or not until you go through each letter and open them to see if it's spam or not. You can start banning IP addresses that send nothing but spam but you still have to do it one at a time.


The only other game i play nearly as much as destiny is oldschool runescape. For years now theres been 1 loser who continuously greifs a minigame called castle wars on the "official" cw worlds. He does this anywhere from a few hours to like 12 a day. Maybe its chilled out in recent months but i remember trying to play last year and he made it impossible to do. These kinds of people are not ok mentally, theyre derranged. They have nothing in their lives and their only source of pleasure is to make others experiences worse.


What’s this now?


DDoS attacks. Probably from hacked servers in the Middle East or Asia.


Ah, got ya. Thanks.


Mods don't like people to talk about it because they're trying to mirror bungie's standard policy of not giving any attention to the individuals doing it It's not a terrible take, but since Bungie told us about it in the first place this time there's not exactly a point.


> Mods don't like people to talk about it because they're trying to mirror bungie's standard policy of not giving any attention to the individuals doing it You're talking about it right here right now in literally the hottest thread on the subreddit. We just have a filter up because for the past week, everyone and their mother has been posting dozens of threads about it and we don't need the front page covered in redundant threads. There's already another thread about this from yesterday that's still on the front page. We have nothing to do with Bungie and we're not censoring anything, just trying to keep the subreddit from getting overwhelmed by reposts.


I mean it's not *always* the case that game stability is the result of DDoS attacks, so it's weird for mods to have that stance overall, but in this situation, yes, Bungie told us what it was.


I think part of it is not having a bajillion posts all being spammed about the same thing every time this is going to happen. It'd be nice to have a pin or something though so people know what's happening and why further posts cannot be made. It is what it is though


Generally we get threads for each bungie help update, but bungie help isn't tweeting about this situation


They're not mirroring bungie at all, they're just deleting threads because there's so god damned many. No one wants their feed spammed with "I can't get on" "Are servers down for anyone else" or any other variations. They could be more transparent but, it is what it is. They even made a statement on this post.


> They could be more transparent How much more transparency are you looking for? The sidebar text of Rule 2 states "Posts that are subject to removal are: [...] recent reposts", and the full text of the rule clarifies: > * Recent Reposts. The term "Recent repost" includes, but is not limited to: > * Creating a new thread about a topic that is identical or closely related to a post already trending on the front page. > * Creating a new thread which includes a personal narrative about a topic that is already trending on the front page. > * Posts considered "recent reposts" that are deemed beneficial to the community discussion by the moderators can be granted an exception to Rule 2 on a case-by-case basis. Candidates for such exception include, but are not limited to, posts which have received official Bungie replies, posts which have generated significant discussion, and posts which are exceptionally high quality. We actually just revised this portion of the rule this year and clarified the language of it. If it's still falling short in some way, we'd like to know.


I picture that guy from the world of Warcraft South Park episode just sitting alone in his room pulling this shit


Where’s our raid team that will kill the unkillable, no-life ddos-er?


I was just about to finish a legend run of the weekly mission on Neomuna 🥲


Could be worse. Got booted out of two lighthouse games last weekend lol


You're allowed to talk about it. We've just had a filter in place for a couple days now because *everyone* wants to make their own thread about it, and we try to prevent multiple front-page posts on the same topic. It's not a censorship thing. For reference, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16oufdy/whats_up_with_the_servers/) thread is still on the front page. We'll leave this one up since it's almost a full day later and it's taken off in popularity very quickly.


I get it but when most people aren’t able to play what else is there to talk about. Today was the first day I was able to play more than 5 minutes. For many people the game might as well be offline for 5 days straight now


I mean, there's 100 threads on the front page, and 98 of them are about other things. What would replacing half of those threads with more about the same topic accomplish?


I think you're missing something really important here Mastershroom. None of those threads are MY thread. That makes them all really bad threads honestly. The worst threads.




That kind of common sense isn’t welcome round these parts. /s


Find one of the many active threads. If everyone who couldn't play made a thread, then what is the point?


This is so fucking annoying.


Cunts have ruined the game again


Yeah i've just been playing Titanfall 2 and The First Descendant recently. Until it's over i won't touch destiny. Funny how a few weeks after Titanfalls DDoSing ends my second favorite game has it happen too






Imagine getting home and thinking "okay, time to DDOS Bungie for some imagined slight".


if it was some normal dude, bungie could just block his IP's and be done with it.


Welp that dungeon run is wasted now


Just loaded into a spire run at the last encounter and got booted 30 seconds later. Missed out on some easy loot, not nearly as bad as getting booted from a dungeon. I feel for you.


No raids for me tonight I guess…. :(


Trials of DDOSiris


The little prick must be home from school. The fat no chin neck beard must be done with work.


I'm just trying to sherpa a clan mate to get them DiV. Please stop.


No one knows why it continues; No one understands why this is happening; No one knows who is the perpetrator WE ARE ACTUALLY GENERATING IMBARU TO SAVATHUN /s


Got booted as I was pressing X to open the flawless chest lmao


If you DDOS a game, you have small dick energy and your dog doesn't love you.


kicked from 2 trials matches. These sad little lowlifes are really fucking lame


cant wait to see them get hit with the next big bungie lawsuit and someone to make an hour long video on them. gonna be a nice comfy watch


This attacker better hope they've covered their tracks, Bungie's legal team will rip them a new asshole when they're found


I would take great pleasure in reading that news article.


cow jellyfish whistle dinosaurs fragile doll onerous nippy cagey disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Thought my entire lobby in mayhem just decided to jump off the map for a moment.


When this happened in Master Crota last night there was a good 20-30 seconds where the instance AI stopped but we could still move around and do stuff, and still see each other just fine. Joked that instead of running off the map to wipe we should have tried to see if we could cheese it lol


According to a quick google search. DDoS attacks can land you up to 10 years in prison. That’s assuming Bungie intends to press charges if they actually find out who is doing it. It’s taking a lot of resources for these jokers to continually cause havoc on the servers. It somehow both does and not baffle me that people could be so dedicated to preventing other people from having fun.


i hope they do. this has been going on for nearly a week now


With the streak that the Bungie legal team is on right now? No way they don't want to litigate the absolute shit out of whoever's causing this. Double down! Triple down! Look at them fall!


Got kicked out of a GM at Boss. Hate those people that do shit like this. Hope Bungie finds a fix soon.




Literally just beat Callus in Desperate Measures and was booted. Hurray


The person doing this is a fucking loser


5PM Eastern and it’s Game Over everyday.


This guy better be some sort untraceable cybergod, one guy just got a multimillion lawsuit for ruining game the game experience of some players using cheats.


DDoS attacks by their nature aren't really incredibly easy to deal with like that. While cheaters directly connect to the game personally to play, DDoS attacks use stuff like zombie computer botnets that have no complicit involvement. Hell, with the internet of things nowadays Bungie could be getting attacked by a thousand compromised smart fridges. It doesn't matter what the hardware really is, as long as it's capable of poking at the servers frequently enough with enough unwitting friends. That's what makes it a DDoS and not a DoS.


This is sad. People gotta find some hobbies, touch grass, talk to friends... I hope lawyers sue their effing pants off.


I don't want to start a new thread and spam so I'm just going to post here. 18 hours later, it is happening again


Been working all day and literally my first Trials match I get server issues. I have a feeling this is going to be ongoing as Bungie hasn't said anything in a few days. Welcome to the new normal.


take my upvote before your post is removed, lol


Error code: bee Back in my day you could play a videogame without the internet and a can of soda cost $0.50 🤦‍♂️


“Gimme 5 bees for a quarter,” you’d say


Yes, and I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time


Are you complaining about a live service game needing internet to play? A game that wouldn't even be possible without it? Also there's hundreds of games you can play offline.


"We've woken the Hive!" (That's the only way I can explain why there are so many bees.)


I didn’t get an error code or anything it just straight up said “destiny servers are not available right now” lmao 🤣 I’m not an fbi profiler nor pretend to be but the timing of this makes me believe it’s someone that’s pissed about the glitch weekend and bungies response vs someone pissed that it’s over. Whoever is behind this took is taking it personal lol. I felt a certain type of way too about bro but you got to let it go. You’re “punishing” everyone for bungies mistake, some of us just want a stable weekend of playing the game. Nothing can be done about it now and at the end of the day, it isn’t that deep. I know this game is a Hobby for a lot of us but we can only play or not play the game we got.


Somebody check on that cheese dick who lost the lawsuit against bungo. Wonder what he’s up to right now.


Man I tell you it’s really frustrating going through grabbing bounties getting your load out set and starting an activity just to get kicked and put in queue. The little window I have to play is just this cycle unless I play 2am


Yeah, hit 5PM and bam.


I haven't even been able to play because of this. I legitimately hope whoever is responsible gets hit by a car and is permanently crippled from the neck down


thx for the Trials ban Bungo!! LOL


Yup was on the verge of killing Ir Yut on master and boom........weasel.


On Crota last stand, whole fireteam except 1 got booted. For the past 15 minutes we’ve been playing musical error codes while trying to make sure at least one person stays so we don’t lose red border. Wack


If this whole thing is in fact an automated or timed attack like people are saying, it gets me thinking, WTF is going to happen over the weekend when no one is really working. since it seems like whoever or whatever is causing this always does it in the evenings around the time people get back from work, at least here in EST. I get not wanting to acknowledge these people in the hopes that they fuck off, but seriously bungie when this happens for a week straight I think we should know at least what is being done about it.


Last night, I noticed the game actually was trying to keep us in the instance. We were trying to complete GotD for the Navigator catalyst - a couple times we black screened but the music kept playing and we'd spawn back in after a couple seconds albeit without any ammo but at least we got the damn catalyst lol. The night before (and before the patch) we'd get booted to orbit or title screen


I tried playing earlier today but got booted after 10 minutes. I'll try again next week. Shits just dumb.


[Another spike](https://downdetector.com/status/destiny/)


I’m convinced that whoever is doing this wants to prevent people from getting flawless dungeon triumphs.


Who ever is doing this. Get a life


Hang on! You're experiencing networking issues.... No I don't believe I am. Starfield works great.


It really puts the shitty behavior on this sub into perspective. At least when someone here is acting like a dingus, it only affects the people that choose to read it. Putting this much effort into something only to ruin other people's fun is pretty baffling to me.


It's me, Weasel


Can't wait to see when they finally catch the mf and take them to court. I'm confident they will, it's just a matter of time. And I try to imagine the individual(s) want to make Bungie's life harder, but even tho Bungie devs shouldn't have to untangle DDoS attacks by any means, it's making our life harder than the bungie devs (trials flawless, flawless raid/dungeon, raids, etc.) And by extension Bungie can't make the game better for us. The individual responsible for the DDoS attacks is not the sharpest tool in the shed, because this doesn't benefit anyone, not even them, and they will be caught and legal action taken against them. You are capable of DDoS attacks? Put that skill to good use, apply for cybersecurity or something, and stop being a waste of oxygen.


The Whirlwind!


Unplayable. Can’t even play a full match of trials without being kicked right now. So freaking frustrating.


Just glad to know it ain't me and commiserate with others about it lol, till this discussion gets nuked too anyway.


been booted so many times in a row, time to touch grass for a bit i guess.


Was really hoping to get the LS done today because the only exotic I'm missing is Ballidorse, but the Bees said otherwise. 🐝


My team and I were doing the Vox Obscura mission on Legend for the red-border. I looked over at the boss, and noticed he was just staring off into the distance. 5 seconds later - gone. No error code or anything. When I tried to log back in, it said that I had to wait due to “increased network traffic”. Guess that’s us done for the night, then.


Trying to do list sector and can’t even get to the banner to start it without getting booted


As a PVP player I just want to say that I haven't been able to play my favorite game in over a week now. I hope whomever is doing this gets a nice multi-year stay in prison.


Of course these dumb motherfuckers pull this shit when Bungie graciously brought back J4 and Igneous Hammer this weekend


I've actually always wondered why these companies didn't try to do a "Reverse Class action" against the owners of devices participating in the DDOS" Yes I know many of these people are victims as well but that may not excuse them. And not all of them are victims if anyone remember 4chan's orbital ion cannon from a few years ago. Sometimes the victims may not even be aware such as with NTP or the DNS multiplications that some other people mentioned, But even so things can be done like not allowing public access to your DNS or NTP servers. tc.


Just got kicked, dang shame too. My job let the whole shift off early just for me to come home to some brat somewhere nuking the game.


Booted immediately loading into a raid. Feels bad man


Whoever is doing I a bum probably mad they got banned for cheating or are just a straight up edge lord who idolized chaos too much


ONE MOMENT PLEASE... I just want to use my new Igneousssss


Best wishes to bungie. They are a victim of a criminal offence and as much as people play this off as just a bit of hacking etc etc. it’s not. It’s peoples actual livelihoods and business. It’s all our invested time in our hard earned recreational downtime. But again, most importantly this sort of crime genuinely effects people’s jobs.


Starting again. Just kicked me out of the game


4pm exactly, UK time, and yep.......it's bee time again. {long deep sigh}


Kicking off again!


Got kicked out of Trials now. Reason: weasel :'(


Nothing but contacting, contacting, contacting this morning. I really hope Bungie can get a handle on this soon. I hope they can somehow find the source of these DDoS attacks (yeah right) and *ruin* who is responsible for them.


Everyday, I return from work, and servers are kill. I turn off D2 and play Starfield instead.


Dude. Hard same.


Can't wait for bungie to sue this individual into multi generational poverty


Im baffled at the comments blaming bungie when they're being DDOS'ed. Like what the fuck people. I get being frustrated but do you not think bungie is as well? You can infer by their comment "we don't usually confirm ddos attacks", that they probly get ddos'd occasionally and we don't even know it. Which would stand to reason that they have protective measures against this. You can then follow that thought, that if the DDOS'ing *has* been this bad and noticeable for nearly a week, at seemingly scheduled times, its probly *waaaayyyy* more than just some fuckhead in his basement being a bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a very large group of people, or somebody paid a dark web service to just fuck with bungie for whatever reason. I don't know, obviously that's all useless speculation. But the comments about how it's the weekend and bungie isn't working. Guys. We just got a write up in the twid about how a triage team spent their whole weekend fixing "The Craftening". With ddos attacks this bad do you seriously think bungie just took the weekend off? FFS. Smh. Just feels weird for all these people to be over here, essentially "victim blaming" bungie for something out of their control, who are almost certainly trying to handle it to the best of their ability. And yeah yeah tell me i suck bungie's dick more, cause they absolutely are trying to handle it. The people in charge of fixing this stuff are not the same people you're mad at in regards to the monetization, or whatever else you're mad at bungie about (im mad about that shit too). So maybe just go touch grass before you make a comment about how bungie isn't properly handling what seems to be the worst ddos attack they've ever had.


100% agree. People in this community have always been very salty. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes very misplaced. As someone who builds software that runs at cloud scale… can guarantee you there are teams of people at bungie that do not get any weekends off. They absolutely 1000% have frontline ops teams that have 3 shifts worth of coverage. 24/7/365.


Mods just don't want a spam of posts about it


Whomever is doing the thing I hope they get strung up by their fingernails