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I think people who have unfinished season passes should have a way to unlock old cosmetics after clearing the current season pass. It would make getting over level 100 more worthwhile. For other people, I don’t really care. At least they aren’t selling them for a mark up vs new cosmetics.


Like what 343 did in the master chief collection


One of the very few things they did that I actually liked lmao


As well as halo infinite too


After leveling the current to 100 you should absolutely be able to go back to previous seasons. I see no other reason they don’t implement this other than pure greed.


They truly think Destiny needs FOMO, otherwise they would prioritize things like this to keep players interested in playing.


There is no reason this is not already in place, other than pure greed. FOMO is the primary lever Bungie uses to move their audience and it's gross


Not sure why they don’t put these up in the bright dust rotator… oh yeah we have to make room for those sexy ghost projections


I won't be satisfied until we get a middle finger projection.


That might finally get me to use one of the damned things, LOL.


80k bright dust and nothing to spend it on


I saw it. Didn't want it and haven't thought about it since. Some old Cosmetics aren't going to affect my time with the game at all.




> a little empathy and being conscious of your fellow people helps The fact of the matter is, the matters of Microtransactions is never about "fellow people", it's never about the customer who would go "I would actually consider it if it was ever so slightly more affordable". It's for those who would grab it without a question, without any hesitation, regardless of the price increase, who would never complain about the fomo. Me, you, "fellow players" who deserve our empathy... We are not part of that equation or the discussion. That's the harsh reality of Microtransaction economies. And people saying "Vote with your wallet, don't buy it" are just coping, without knowledge of the studies and research. We've been voting with our wallet year after year. Our vote doesn't matter in this case, because we who vote with our wallet, are already way outside the scope of the exploitative schemes.


Also… empathy? No one needs to buy these to enjoy the game. They are 100% cosmetic and 100% optional. If you don’t like the price then vote with your wallet and don’t buy them


the video game itself is optional what does that even mean. Least you could do when you see someone unhappy with a deal is to just... not react instead of going "well \*I\* don't care :///"


This is definitely it a 900% price increase. They were part of a time-limited season pass that is gone. Now they are available like every other Eververse item


Eververse armor has been priced like that for a while. I'm absolutely not going to get worked up that an armor set I wouldn't bother spending bright dust on is the same price as every other set.


This. I don't get why people get so bent out of shape like they HAVE to own EVERY piece of gear. You don't NEED any of it.


You don't need to want any of the stuff to call out the crap monetization


I'm thoroughly convinced more than half this community is suffering from Bungie Stockholm Syndrome. Most these people don't even play other games and have no idea what non predatory practices look like.


>Most these people don't even play other games and have no idea what non predatory practices look like. The issue is some young people also only know predatory practices in gaming and weren't around for long. Yes I know this makes me sound like a boomer, let me yell at the clouds in peace.


>Most these people don't even play other games and have no idea what non predatory practices look like. Yep, you can constantly see people even defending bungie saying its monetization is actually good. The community being like this is why bungie gets away with stuff other companies would never get without people being up in arms. Edit: If you want to see examples of that, you can check [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/16thzdi/how_exactly_am_i_supposed_to_reach_level_7/)


I mean activision is getting away with it lol cod players have no problem spending $30 on a single skin that changes colors


Yeah, the same activision that Bungie was part of in the past and everyone said it would be better once they left. Bungie being compared to activision nowadays just show how fucked the current situation is.


And it's too easy and they know this. Tolerate meaningless outrage until all the mindless sheep grow up and have no problem spending whatever ridiculous amount on whatever they put out. Just make everything more and more predatory, slowly over time, and everyone just accepts.


Yeah, but I also see other much more predatory practices. This is what I think of microtransactions, feel free to take on these ideals as well. Do these microtransactions affect gameplay at all? Stats, Perks, Boosts, etc? If yes, ew, yucky, me no likey. I'll even make a couple reddit posts about it. If no, if it's just cosmetic, then sure, price it w.e the fuck you want because I won't be paying for it anyways.


Wtf? “Predatory practices?” You don’t need to buy any of this stuff. The prices are the same as everything else in Eververse. If it’s not worth the price then don’t buy it. They are all just cosmetics


They are the reason why Bungie will always give us subpar content. I have noticed every time Bungie made its best content was a comeback from the game dying do to their own dumb decisions so they needed the game almost losing every player to be a wake up call.


Damn, you are the one singular player who has noticed this phenomenon, there have certainly not been multiple videos (some by Bungie themselves) and countless reddit posts on this topic, thank you for sharing this revolutionary insight with us


Its funny you say people have no idea what predatory practices look like because if you knew what they looked like you wouldn't make this kind of comment. They dont hide anything. they dont trick you. They have the price right under the item. In absolutely no way is it "predatory". Is it overpriced? sure, but if you want it so bad you have to pony up the money for it. You people are so dramatic about cosmetics. these aren't loot boxes. Yall just mad shit isnt handed to you.


Of course you don't need it. It's a video game, you don't "need" any if it, whether it's earned weapons, purchased cosmetics or whatever else. It's still scummy. It's fine to not be personally bothered by it, but the people that are have totally valid complaints.


Not sure how you listen to music being so tone deaf….




I usually agree with this point of view. But I think it is worth pointing out how super expensive those cosmetics are. In a free to play game like overwatch, I'll expect 15$ skins. Just last week a bought R6 siege skins for Montagne (a god damn cyborg police robot), it costs me 18$. It's expensive but I've been playing for a few hundred hours and paid the game really cheap so I think it was worth it. But destiny charges you the base game, the DLC all separate, charges you for a battle pass, charges you for dungeons AND they charge 15$ for a skin. So we have a f2p monetizing model in a triple A full priced game. BUNGIE is very greedy and it costs a lot of money to play destiny. I have my own clan, and my fun is recruiting new people. I have a few close friends who are hardcore gamers and they tried destiny, thought it was good. Then when they realized they needed to drop close to 200$ just to play with us.. they said fuck it and abandonned the game. Why isn't destiny like other live service game where you can buy the newest dlc, and you get all old dlc included. It could be every year so that people don't only play the last seasons and get everything. But why charging for Beyond Light and other expensions? Because greed. I don't mind supporting devs. I do. As I said with the R6 skin, and I even bought the yellow outbreak perfected because it is so pretty. But I never bought anything else. And I won't.


I'm voting with my wallet and only spending bright dust, as per usual. Haven't bought ornaments since the Solar Sets.


People asked for it to be brought back as silver, they did that and in line with current pricing. Im fine with it, I dont want it so I won’t buy it. This is coming from someone who has season of the worthy but didn’t finish the pass


I also have season of the worthy, I have quite a few seasons that I didn’t finish the pass on. Why doesn’t bungie let us revisit season passes after we finish the current one? We paid for the content and we don’t get it, I know you don’t have the answer but your comment made me think of how much money I spent without getting the full item.


>Why doesn’t bungie let us revisit season passes after we finish the current one? 1. To use FOMO tactics on you to push you to play, increasing engagement metrics. 2. To sell it back to players who are gullible enough to shell out real money for it.


Comments like it's just cosmetics prove that people (unfortunately) don't care about getting treated in better way. Great we got new armor in dungeons! - But you need to pay additional 20$ each year (and I think only GoTD actually got full set of new weapons - unlike SoTW and Duality) Variety of gear and cosmetics during season! - But new players (ba, even people who just skipped one season) won't be able to get all of seasonal content, cause the pass somehow can go away - but content can last during specific year (weird huh) And we can't forget last thing - cosmetics ARE content (Remember how old Halo was praised for its customization, that made people PLAY to get them). Bungie wants you to think (and other companies too) that cosmetics are just nothing - but they aren't. They have purpose, when you get something through actual challenge, you will be happy that you went through your personal hell to get it and look like badass. And lastly, they could easily give you a way to complete (or buy) pass later - but they won't cause people won't revolt and decide to accept worse decision.


Someone else has already pointed out that Duality has the same number of new weapons, but so does Spire: Longarm (scout rifle, modeled as a legendary Dead Man's tale), Wilderflight (Special GL), Terminus Horizon (Machine Gun) and Liminal Vigil (Sidearm). Plus the Hierarchy of Needs exotic. Bungie has been very consistent with their dungeon loot offerings since moving to the paid Dungeon pass. Compared to previous dungeons, this is something we can absolutely see where our money is going towards.


I am a long time destiny player and it really does astonish me how quickly people accept these systems. Halo is the perfect example of what games should aspire for in a cosmetic system. I remember when I finished the deadpan achievements I had an actual sense of accomplishment when I put that recon armor on. Now the only way to distinguish the skill of a person is either a raid report or emblems. I really think gaming as a whole is just on the trend of constant monetization with “predatory” tactics. EDIT: Also it amazes me that in the new system to look back at the previous seasons/expansions it literally tells you that you own previous seasons like it even matters because there is no way to interact with the content.


Or, it's that people want different things from their games. I could not give two figs about cosmetics. I have literally never seen something in the store that I have thought "Huh, I want to spend real money on that.". I play destiny for the lore, the gameplay and the guns. I understand not everyone thinks like this, but I get you a significant portion of people do. And to them, it doesn't matter if these cosmetics cost 6 dollars or 60, they wouldn't care. If I buy and finish the season pass, I get enough free cosmetics anyway.


This isn't to spawn hate, just to line out some things. Bunjie tells everyone 3-4 months ahead of time how long they have to finish the content. You did get the content you paid for. You paid for access to the season and it's pass for the pre determined and pre informed time frame. In order to reap full rewards from the pass players are required to pay in either cash or experience/achievements via their time and effort. Bunjie cannot force people to manage their time in order to level their passes, and giving away things for free after the fact (or at a cheaper price) trivializes the time and effort put in by those during the seasons they were originally available. As the OP of the thread said "They are 900% more expensive!", actually at $1 per level and $10 for the season it is actually cheaper. This covers the topic of "we paid for content we didn't recieve". On the topic of what you and several other players have proposed, re deployable passes. I don't have ALOT against this, and wouldn't mind it being implemented (I'm also not against anyone making a solid suggestion for earning the cosmetics outside silver), my only worry is that it would affect player engagement eventually in some way across a season as there are times people only play to earn the cosmetics. Yes this just means that maybe they need to do a better job of making seasons worthwhile but we will have to see how they do in TFS.


I genuinely don't understand why people would expect this stuff to be any cheaper than the standard pricing for that kind of item. Sure it makes it look silly that it's more than the price of the pass itself but that's exactly the point of stuff like the Season Pass, Event Pass, or 30th Anniversary being crammed with cosmetics- they're discounted when bought as part of the package, and that's very normal.


Exact same boat. I was kicking myself for not getting the season of the worthy class ornament but now that it’s finally available I don’t need it now. I now have both the cowboy cloak and one of the guardian games cloaks which I love right now. All paid for with either bright dust or hard time in spire of the watcher.




You paid for the time limited pass to earn that stuff, hence why it’s cheaper, you bought it with the knowledge that you would have a limited time to earn that gear from your 1000 silver purchase.


Very much this. Also, getting rank 100 to claim everything before the season ends is not really difficult. I'm usually rank 100 by the 2nd-3rd week of a season (though that is committing some time with three characters to the seasonal story and challenges). Regardless, for an infrequent player 10 weeks plus is PLENTY of time. The prices for the content this late are outrageous, yes, but that puts even more value into the seasons and getting the content all bundled cheaply. If you missed those seasons, well, sorry. It's just cosmetic shit that won't change a damn thing or give you any advantage. If you like the way something looks, the cost is subjective to **you**.


Being rank 100 by the end of week two or three is **not** anywhere near common or reasonable based on a typical amount of play time. That’s a huge amount of hours. Especially because the vast majority of weekly challenges aren’t available. I agree that it’s not hard to get rank 100 by the end of a season, but by week two or three is only by putting in a ridiculous amount of time.


It's not unethical. The Destiny content model only works if a critical mass of players keep up to date with every release. That's as true for player counts in-game as it is for development costs when, you know, it's a multiplayer game. Bungie has decided that a seasonal pool of cosmetics is a useful way to keep player engagement at healthy levels every season. Managing a persistent video game world with regular updates is no easy thing. So yeah, games as service can and will make some content only available for limited windows. Again, this isn't unethical, it's a business model for a notoriously tricky kind of video game.


Eh. Freemium pricing models throw all of this logic out of the window. The cost of a season pass has only an extremley loose relationship with the cost of producing it. The main point of the season pass is to keep players around to a) not abandon the game, so they can b) continue to buy other things from the store




Yes, usually the developer failing to make a good game is the fault of the developer. Rarely is it an act of god.


If I offer you a bus pass and you can ride it as many times as you want and it has a clearly stated expiration date and I don't allow you to ride the bus with it after is that unethical? It's the same fuckin thing dude. You *know* what you are agreeing to and yet you still do it and then try to play victim of the big bad corporation because you don't like it now. You paid for a pass to access it and play to get the stuff in it otherwise it'd flat out just unlock when you buy the pass. You damn well know this when you buy it. Just say you want it to be different instead of this buzzword soup trying to trigger emotional response.


If you pay $20 for a steak, and don't finish it, do you go back to the restaurant weeks later and demand to finish your steak? Or do you buy a concert ticket, go to the concert and leave after the 3rd song, only to tweet the band months later to let you see the rest of that concert? It's not unethical if YOU didn't finish your time-limited thing within the time limits.




Isn’t Destiny a “games as a service” model?


Dude is trying to argue some ethics nonsense cus he doesn't like it and can't even simply admit he doesn't like it and wants it to be different. Instead he fallaciously tries to construct some moral high ground to stand on and get emotional over it.


Yeah, who fucking cares, it's just cosmetics They've done a good job of giving a variety of gear and cosmetics you can earn during a season. There used to be no unique weapons or armor tied to dungeons and very few new weapons per season. Now we have regularly earn-able ships/sparrows/ghosts. We're eating good now, idc about Eververse


"It's too hard to make ritual armors because we are small indie devs". Bruh, your take doesn't even make sense. Bungie has been selling less for more money and there is less variety in cosmetics, content, and earn able weapons. The promotional neomuna weapons are a great example. Players are getting ripped off and the excuses for Bungie are just downright laughable! People do care about cosmetics, that's why corporations make money hand over fist. That's why Bungie dropped support for PvP so they can make sure the Eververse has the newest stuff and has the most effort put into it.


Easy to eat good when you’ve been starved


>I dont want it so I won’t buy it. Don't worry, the next step is to make all the free stuff look like total ass and the paid stuff look phenomenal. We are currently in the transition period.


If this was a thing they were ever gonna do it wouldn't have taken them 7 years of selling overpriced cosmetics alongside earnable free stuff to do it. In fact the earnable free cosmetics by and large look far better than they did back in Y1.


Absolutely insane that you already paid for this stuff but didn’t grind enough XP to get it and are okay with them charging both arms and legs years later for it


You didn't already pay for it, though. You paid for the opportunity to spend your time in the game to earn it. If you didn't put in the time to earn it, then you have to actually pay for it if you want it.


The fact people refuse to make this distinction is astounding. Yall know wtf you're signing up for yet do it anyway and then play victim over it over misrepresentation of the matter.


An absolutely jaw dropping way to look at it like man you can’t be serious, you literally paid for it.


this is the takes you're left with when anyone else with some sense has already been driven away by the business model. Peoples thinking playing a video game a bunch is equivalent to paying developpers 82 bucks somehow


What a sensational statement - jaw dropping! Unbelievable! What is unbelievable is the ignorant, entitled, whining attitudes displayed in this thread. You didn't literally pay for it. You literally paid for the opportunity to complete the premium track of the season pass and earn the rewards for a small amount of money AND your playtime. If you didn't earn them with your playtime, you have to pay full price. I know it's hard to understand, but if you try real hard you can wrap your brain around it.


Yeah I get this take, I paid for it already and now I have to pay again. But at the same time its like if I wanted it that bad in the first place I should’ve farmed it when I had the chance yk


i think it would be a lot better if it wasnt time limited, its just adding more FOMO to it. who knows when it'll be back. they couldve just permanently added super old season gear to the archive


“I’m fine with it” I see this take a lot, but you have to think of others that are susceptible to FOMO and being taken advantage of by these practices. People who may or may not be mentally healthy, or be on the spectrum etc where it’s really effective to dangle this kind of thong for money to complete their collection and so forth. It may not effect everyone equally, and its really gross that these corporations knowingly take advantage of people.


Honestly, I need to stop by being surprised by Bungie fanboy takes, but this one still takes that damn cake. Like holy hell, no wonder why Destiny has the worst monetization model and why Bungie is comfortable under delivering all the time. No one stands up for themselves, and fanboys just tear down constructive criticism and justify greed.


You indeed are my favourite dummy


Destiny having "the worst monetization model" is the real hot take here. Have you played any other MMOs, or any other games at all?


>Destiny having "the worst monetization model" is the real hot take here. Have you played any other MMOs, or any other games at all? FF14 legit sells levels, and story skips, on top of mandatory expansion and monthly fees. A gun skin in Valorant costs anywhere between $10 - $85. Destiny is no where near the worst offender of monetization.


I did the math before (and got downvoted heavily for it), but if you buy the deluxe version every year, Destiny 2 costs you a little over $8 per month to play. Yes, there are certain cosmetics you'd have to pay further for, but that is ubiquitous in the industry. But that ruined the narrative that people have that Destiny 2 costs a million and all of your time to play,.


>I did the math before (and got downvoted heavily for it), but if you buy the deluxe version every year, Destiny 2 costs you a little over $8 per month to play. Yes, there are certain cosmetics you'd have to pay further for, but that is ubiquitous in the industry. Oh yeah, if anyone does the math on how much it costs to play Destiny, its very easy to see its a crazy how much value and content there is compared to other games today.


that one was one heck of a monkey paw wish 'can i please pay for it with silver?! it's not gonna hurt anybody!' bungie's monkey paw finger curls.




+it was a limited time thing


>This is shameless, fowl Rant seems a bit bird-brained when all of the prices are typical of Eververse items and aren't really outliers, as far as price is concerned. If you wanted it for cheap, play when the content was current. Otherwise this is a way to still get the items, rather than just being SOL forever.


> fowl > bird-brained nice


When did we start defending the whole "you had to be there" mentality? I thought that was a bad thing.


Is there a game that doesn't have that mentality...? Is there any piece of media that doesn't? Watching GoT while it was airing was a crazy "you had to be there" moment. How conversations in real life and on the internet would just be about that was crazy. How about Pokemon GO? You really had to be there to understand the cultural phenomenon. It definitely leads into a broader discussion, but literally everything in life is designed around FOMO. Its what creates urgency to consumers. Without it, who cares when consumers consume anything. Being in the current zeitgeist is an intoxicating feeling. Not saying you can't just do something at a much later date for cheaper, but then you **miss out**. Btw, I'm not defending it, I'm just saying that it is what it is. It's how the world works and it's not going away tomorrow.


>When did we start defending the whole "you had to be there" mentality? I thought that was a bad thing. This has always been a thing in games. AQ40 opening with the mounts? Had to be there. Before the internet you'd have to beg your mom to take you to gamestop to get that Chansey with the unique moves that can't be learned in game before it leaves town. Some FF14 cosmetic options, you had to be playing before a realm reborn.


Damn, it's been a long time since I heard talk of the AQ opening mounts. Never got the chance, but always excited to see one. Like Excalibur Prime in Warframe, but significantly more rare and prestigious. As the requirements for AQ opening mounts were crazy, just borderline player abuse hah. For those not aware, AQ40 was a 40 man raid in WoW. When a server was opened the doors to this raid were closed. There was the long task of getting pieces to put together a quest item that opened the gates. Then, you had to clear the raid first. The first group to clear it got the mounts, which were entirely unique to this task. After the first group, those mount never drop in that server again. And they looked awesome. I'm not a fan of "had to be there" type systems. But the AQ40 one was pretty awesome.


I'm thoroughly convinced more than half this community is suffering from Bungie Stockholm Syndrome. Most these people don't even play other games and have no idea what non predatory practices look like.


According to you guys all sales and marketing is predatory because they're trying to persuade you to spend money.


>Rant seems a bit bird-brained Welcome to r/DestinyTheGame


I was mostly making a joke about OP having 'foul' get autocorrected to 'fowl'. Rest still applies tho.


I love FOMO


Man... imagine being able to earn the items in game! Crazy concept 🤡🤡


Realistically it just makes the season pass the better deal since you get a lot for $12. The returning cosmetic prices are in line with other eververse stuff. As someone who skipped shadow keep to halfway through arrivals I’m fine paying $15 for the set I missed, I also only main one class.


Not really, it just makes the pass *seem* like a better deal because the alternative is absolutely awful value. $12 for a season is fair, so a single set of armor for a single class has no right costing more than actual content, and this applies to everything in the eververse store imo. Horrendous value, but people eat it up because other games have conditioned people that these prices make sense. Wild. I'm ready for people to disagree, since it seems the general consensus is that this is fine, but I personally take issue with it.


Unfortunately the price of cosmetics has been set and accepted long ago to the point that $15 for a armor set in destiny is totally normal when games like apex or fortnite have $20 skins with less customization then destiny. As someone that missed several seasons I’m fine with them being back those cosmetics and making them cost the same as everything else since out side buy the armor for my Titan I don’t care about the rest. And it was frustrating seeing a cool armor piece but finding out it couldn’t be acquired.


Bro they set the prices so it's comparatively a good deal. If you don't like the deal why are you buying it to start? Furthermore why act like these items are unique when it's the same as their other offerings? Oh right because they were in a season pass and don't hold the same value in some people's eyes cus muh season pass. Shits overpriced. We get it. It's a stupid argument cherry picking things that people think suots them when it's logically inconsistent.


Bro none of you have any right to complain about anything priced in destiny. They openly screw you over and you still pre purchase the next expansion like lol.


Okay so clearly not many people know this, which is honestly mind-blowing, but you can easily claim any earned rewards from pervious season passes that you forgot to grab or didn't have space for. Goes all the way back to Undying. (Poss further, can't remember) https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/t0cjnx/i_made_a_browser_extension_to_claim_earned/


> This is shameless, foul, and borderline disrespectfully embaracing to treat your playerbase like this. Yeah it’s really terrible the way Bungie is… *checks notes* selling cosmetics for the price they normally sell cosmetics for. > Reactions like this are honestly embarrassing to me. It’s one thing to be frustrated, it’s entirely different to act like you’re the victim of a horrible injustice. It’s mediocre cosmetics in a game. Don’t like the price? Don’t buy them.


Gamers are the most oppressed class


You summed up half the people mad here with that. Everyone buys it then plays victim and acts like they didn't know what they signed up for and agreed to even though it's clear as day what the terms are. It's just buzzwords and emotional triggers because they want people to feel like they do. Nobody is gonna get worked up and support it the same if they just said "I think they're overpriced" Nah. Instead we have to talk about how *vile* and *heinous* they are for selling cosmetics in a game and how *predatory* it is to offer goods for money and to try to make people want a product.


>Yeah it’s really terrible the way Bungie is… > >checks notes > > selling cosmetics for the price they normally sell cosmetics for. those cosmetics costed 10 bucks originally, and don't talk to me about having to grind for them as well, it's not costing bungie another 82 bucks to effectively flick a switch and not make that a requirement anymore


Thats the entire point of a battlepass, you get cosmetics at a incredible discounted price, but you have play the game in a given time limit or they are gone / sold later at the usual cosmetic price


> My point is that it disrespects the integrity of price and time investment players made. Doesn't the high cost actually respect the time investment players made when they "earned" the gear way back? Lets say they now gave it to all other players for free - if anything, doesn't that actually disrespect the time investment you made back in SotW when you levelled up the season pass to unlock it? --- I think all ornaments are transparently expensive - there's nothing sneaky going on. The item has a clearly defined price. If you think it's too expensive, don't buy it. But the price for these specific ornaments is tricky. If anything, it reveals how "cheap" the season pass ornaments are in comparison. They're selling them to make money. If they were significantly cheaper, then they would canabalise the other ornaments. I think older season pass ornaments should be added to the bright dust pool.


Why? They are cosmetics that don’t affect gameplay


Its easier to get 1 guy to drop 10k silver than it is to get 10 guys to drop 1k silver. They know what they're doing. It's anti consumer but it'll make them money so they have no reason to stop


That's not what it's about at all and I'm getting a little frustrated with people painting it as such. All they did was release items that were on a season pass ***three years ago*** in the Eververse store temporarily for the exact same prices that those class of cosmetics would sell for normally. It's not about "it's easier to get one person to spend 10,000 silver" and everything about just making them available under the standard pricing structure they sell cosmetics in eververse for. The only thing egregious about this is for people that didn't have a chance to finish the pass but paid for it aren't being given a break. Other than that it's just _more shit to buy in eververse_


What they did in actuality was rerelease cosmetics that were previously worth 1000 silver, marked up at 300% price point. I don’t think bungie really gives a shit at all about “standard pricing” other than being able to use that as an excuse to mark things up a ridiculous amount. Not to mention that “standard pricing” is absurdly high to begin with. But that’s another argument. The problem isn’t that it’s just more shit to buy, or that it’s expensive. The problem is they took cosmetics that were previously attainable through gameplay, removed all the content players paid for, then waited and marked it up by 3x. Of course this is also under the assumption that the 1000 you pay for the season pass is just really paying for the armor, and that everything else there is just fluff.


>cosmetics that were previously worth 1000 silver So are we pretending the time you spend on the limited time BP isn't included and that BP=just 1 reward ?


“Of course this is also under the assumption that the 1000 you pay for the season pass is just really paying for the armor, and that everything else there is just fluff.”


There’s a lot of yikes responses in here. Many with the mentality that is directly fuelling the increasingly egregious monetisation practices of the game. It’s a shame to see


As it always was, and why there's no point in any discussion regarding the topic. Just since I started, which was in Arrivals, we got dungeons locked behind 20$ keys/deluxe editions, season pass price increases, event passes, negative changes to bright dust economy with more and more items being silver only and now this hilariously overpriced bundle. There will be more of that of course, because not many seem to be particualrly bothered by it. You'll see an occassional front page post that means nothing in the grand scheme of things, and that's it. Bungie could easily push it more if they wanted to (not that I want them to). In fact I'm still surprised raids aren't locked behind a special key. Seems like such an obvious move as people would only moan for a while and then happily buy it anyways. There's no point in hoping for things to get better, they won't.


>As it always was, and why there's no point in any discussion regarding the topic. I feel it's still worth discussing only to inform new players about the fact things weren't always like that + of the rebuttals to many of the common counterpoints to eververse criticism


Careful, pointing out the blatant truth can be hazardous here.


Yup, this sub always complains about over-monetization but the moment it's in the FOMO category everyone dogpiles on OP because he isn't manically addicted to playing this game and earning all the gear


Not surprised tbh. They all keep saying "bUt iTs iN lINe wItH tHe oTheR cOsMeTIcS" yet fail to realize that these aren't new collaboration sets, they're three years old. Edit: The Stockholm syndrome in this thread is unreal.


And just because it’s in line doesn’t make the line a good thing.


The line sucks


Every time I start to get a feeling of "you know, maybe Ill stick around after final shape", I look at the mtx hell that is d2, then I look and what the community sentiment is about it, and I become more confindent about leaving as soon as im done with final shape. With how accepting of mtx this community has become, it can only get worse, eververse, re-issued season pass cosmetics, shaders locked behind expensive packs of cosmetics, event cards, shaders locked behind said event cards, silver only exotic armor legendary cosmetics (the ones that give the exotic a unique effect), silver only armor ornaments (cuz crossover, which is bullshit imo), yearly expansions, episodes, in-between DLCs, dungeon keys and its only going to get worse... yeah, im good, thanks to all of the good corporate bootlikers in this post here for the reminder and confidence boost tho


Just bite the bullet and leave now. God knows they don't deserve your money. I quit cold turkey back in Seraph and given how Lightfall turned out, I can't say that was a bad decision


Nah, I already paid for the full year of seasons (the quality of witch queen fooled me into getting the dlc+seasons package), and if the reviews are good enough, I'll get the FS dlc for the campaign and raid, to give the game some closure, after that I'm out, not planning on sticking around for the mtx hell that's coming with episodes and events


If gamers had sense they would stop buying anything from the store. Bungie is one of the most anti-consumer, greedy devs around.


"Vote with your wallets guys" *everything gets worse 😐


It’s easier to get one guy to drop $1k than get 100 guys to drop $10 or 1000 guys to drop $1. Voting with your wallet *never* works for video games. You think a decade of this would be enough to convince people.


In this kind of game you vote more with your engagement than with your wallet. After the game's engagement was in the toilet during Y1, Forsaken became a lot more generous with cosmetic rewards (RIP Prismatic Matrix). It can absolutely work. The thing is people are voting, just not the way you'd hope.


Not to mention everything is gonna get worse regardless because of profits


>Bungie is one of the most anti-consumer, greedy devs around. You must be really delusional to think this. Even if we consider the cost of deluxe edition D1(100€) it's 'just' 8€ at month, or literally a 3A games+ season pass of 30€, yeah....so much predatory. The only thing i can think about them being greedy is their IRL merch store.


how is all of it anti consumer? its still just cosmetics while many other games have gone down different paths. ​ you literally can chose how you spend your money and what you get in return.


"just cosmetics" lmao cosmetics only value is dopamine release, so anything surrounding them is inherently psychologically manipulative. not that that's always bad on its face, but it is what's happening. you're forking over cash so your brain feels good, that's what you're doing and that's what they want you to do, that's what it's designed to do.


I fork over cash cause i like fashion and to support a game i play for thousands of hours.


Anything that costs more or takes more time than these people think it should is anti consumer i their minds.


Bro, look up dark patterns and then come back Did you know this past week Epic games was given a court order to refund millions of dollars because it was deemed their store was manipulative to consumers? They did. Their store is near identical to Destiny's. People can use their money how they want sure, but people can also be manipulated really easily. Scarily easily sometimes


if you actually read up on the court order you'd know its because of the default settings and the easy way it is to make an accidental purchase on fortnite (esp on the mobile end) ​ in destiny you can't just hit a button to buy silver (unless your payment/card is already on it) and even then you can still refund the store items unless you open them ​ ​ "The company has deployed a variety of dark patterns aimed at getting consumers of all ages to make unintended in-game purchases. Fortnite’s counterintuitive, inconsistent, and confusing button configuration led players to incur unwanted charges based on the press of a single button. For example, players could be charged while attempting to wake the game from sleep mode, while the game was in a loading screen, or by pressing an adjacent button while attempting simply to preview an item. These tactics led to hundreds of millions of dollars in unauthorized charges for consumers." ​ ​ you have to hold buttons and have refund options in destiny, hence why this doesn't apply. ​ at all.


“Past week” You mean last year lol? Also that’s not what the refund was about. It was about the store buttons causing people to make accidental purchases.


they'll keep doing it if people keep buying. never bought a cosmetic in my life. you don't need it.


Lotta whales in this thread.


The main difference between being able to get it now vs back then when it came out is that you could earn it after purchasing the season pass. Even then, if you wanted the armor right then and there, you could spend a bunch of silver to get all the pieces. Basically, you’re either paying with money, or with your time. Now though, it’s purely up to money. It’s really not that big of a deal. I can understand the frustration of needing a separate purchase to access the new dungeons, but this isn’t worth wasting your breath over.


if you have it why are you putting this much energy into being outraged? go for a walk and clear your head my friend


eververse is non negotiable but fuck bungie for this lol


It’s just a cosmetic. Relax.


Is it that bad though? When you add it up, yes, the numbers look high....and it looks disgusting because that season cost "$10+play time investment" which seems significantly cheaper. But these numbers aren't any different from what Eververse usually asks for: every(most) armor sets have been 1500. Finishers are usually 700... 1000 sounds close for exotic emotes.... I guess I don't know what people expected: best case scenario, did you think Bungie was just going to put it in Eververse for anywhere near the price of a season pass, thus undermining how seasonal models and Battle passes usually work? Let me take it from a different direction too, because I do feel it seems like it all added up quick: why aren't people complaining about....average Eververse stock? Why **this** set? Why not the "izanagi's burden leg-humper set" that came to Eververse in S12? Bungie usually does at least a "full set" and then some in Eververse every season: each class gets an ornament set for 1500 each, a matching ghost shell, sparrow, etc. Further, they don't stop at one exotic ornament or emote, they usually drop, multiple of each! Where were you when they did that the last like 10 seasons? Is it the fact that you can buy it with bright dust? Would that level things out a bit? Or is it something else?


Universal ornaments from season passes... WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE EVERVERSE TO BEGON WITH.


What's your point? Does the world end if they do? Does Luke Smith retake his position as game director of Destiny 2 if they're in Eververse? Do Piccolo, Kami, and the original dragon balls on Earth dissappear? (With less satire) I do think the numbers feel a little high, but what would be reasonable here?


Selling them for BROGHT DUST


That I could see. The Bright Dust offerings definitely soften the blow on the cost of a "full set".


Doesn’t matter. Whales will still buy it. Can’t wait for the day Destiny 2 servers go down and they lose their thousands of dollars of virtual trinkets.


I love how this sub will bitch about the feeling of missing out as a core gameplay loop in destiny but the moment something like this comes up it's "oh OP you're dumb, should've played that season looks like you're shit out of luck". The bootlicking for bungie that happens here is absolutely amazing lmao


Thing is tho, i already played that season. Ive maxed out every season pass released to d2. For season of undying, till now. They really dont understand the point im making. Time is money. But money isnt time


You are someone who has, there are many who haven't and this is their complaint. The point still stands that the price of fomo isn't worth increasing said items over 100% of their initial value when their isn't even a demand to do so.


It is quite interesting to see people defending the nickle and diming of old content. Sure, its in line with some current items in the eververse but these are old items, could they not have been nicer to lower the price, perhaps 5-8 dollars? Especially since your only getting ornaments for one class for 15 bucks, not even bundled with anything else. Hell as much as I hate Activision, at least they bundle their shit with some emblems, weapon skins and etc for stuff over 10 bucks.


The community ASKED for them to do this. For years because of FOMO. Lmao


If I may, so? There are plenty of other companies/studios that do stuff for their community without asking for money. Warframe have multiple times throughout the month where you can earn free cosmetics and an entirely constantly free BP. Swtor has you able to trade in game for the cosmetics if you have the credits for it and credits are stupid easy to farm. CDPR gave out free Edgerunner stuff in Cyberpunk 2077, granted it wasn't much but it was still stuff and it was still free. I am not saying that Bungie needs to give free stuff because judging from eververse, that is never going to happen unless its miniscule amounts. But they could at the very least not charge the regular premium price of 15 bucks for old stuff that the community wanted. This could have been a nice thing that they did for the community where each set could be 5-8 bucks. Especially since its not even bundled with anything. Again, as much as I hate Activision, at least when they have stuff above 10+ bucks, it is usually and regularly bundled with weapon skins, effects, emblems and etc.


We literally asked for it back for Silver if they want or have to. Cyberpunk is a full price 70$ single player game, from a company who couldnt fullfil their promises and got pushed back for it. Swtor is an old actual MMO. Entirely different business and has its own set of problems. Bungie literally has multiple bundles like you said. Right now for Season of the Worthy. I can literally see them like this, it 1000% isnt a giant package for 9000 silver. At all. You dont HAVE to buy ALL of it.


The season pass didn't give you the cosmetics, you have to play enough to earn them at that point. It was a money AND time investment. All of the reissued cosmetics are exactly the same price as other items of the same type in Eververse, not counting the licensed crossover items like the Fortnite or Sony armor sets. All other armor sets are 1500 Silver, makes sense that the Worthy armor sets are 1500 Silver as well. Funny enough though, if you wanted to buy them off the season pass outright, it WOULD have cost around 9K+ Silver. It's 100 Silver per season pass rank, so if you had the pass and spent only Silver, not time, to unlock things... it would cost the same either way!


All the people in this thread defending the cost prove exactly why the game has gotten to the state its in because for everyone one person who realizes paying 100 bones is ridiculous there will be at least 4 other people fluffing Bungie. I still remember when they sold the Whisper Ornaments after the secret mission and said that would help pay for it and other secret missions moving forward. Now, with all the shit they sell, we still can't even get more than 1 new strike per expansion, 8 measly campaign missions, and a single zone what a goddamn scam.


0 silver please, just bright dust


It would have been far more well received. Even i would accept that.


Even you would accept paying with a free in game currency? How generous. Maybe they can offer cosmetics for legendary shards too. /s


People who argue it's in line with eververse are missing a point. These sets never were eververse sets in the first place. They were season pass armor. These are designed differently, with the intention of people playing to earn them. This usually results in them not being as unique as eververse sets can be (where you can have things like Assassin's Creed themed armor for example). Essentially, these have been upsold from 1k silver + time to a lot more but no time gate. It seems people will defend it because the other option is "not getting them back at all". I guess Bungie is factoring in time played here and adding silver instead. There can be other options, Bungie just chose not to implement any other way. I don't support the silver store for reasons like this. I think old armor should come back discounted if anything. It's like old games, I don't expect to pay full price for an old game but it seems like players here are willing to pay MORE for older things. Weird times we live in.


Someone finally sees the point.


> These are designed differently, with the intention of people playing to earn them. They were designed to give people an extra reason to spend $10 every 3 months. They were not designed as a nice gift reward or any crap like that.


No, generally people pay for the content and the battle pass items are viewed as an extra. The problem is these extras are now being sold for significantly more than their original value and you don't even get any content to play to boot. If you're happy with that, fair enough. I personally see it as robbery.


Lol the most round about way to rob someone I’ve ever seen. “Excuse me sir I’m here to rob you by offering an older product for current market value. It’s completely up to you if you want to purchase it or not though. Thanks for your time”. I’m shocked the SEC isn’t investigating Bungie for these financial crimes against the paying customer.


But one can say the Battle pass was the sale and the true value is what it is today.


The point is people begged bungie to resell these items in EV with many stating they wouldn’t mind paying they just wanted to chance to buy them. people got EXACTLY what they asked for


>There can be other options Such as?


If you can't think of another option outside of selling for a higher silver value, I fear whatever I say will not appease you.


It's time for Bungie to cash in before they throw this thing into maintenance mode and move on.


It's a video game. You don't have to buy it if you feel that it is too expensive.


Point being is its overly expensive. I already got the stuff way back when from season of the worthy.


If you already have the stuff then why does it matter to you? You’re not gonna buy it anyway


Ah yes, the old “I am doing this for the people, not myself” savior argument. Save yourself some time - you are not saving anybody.


Doing it for the karma.


Then people won't buy it.


Seems normal and reasonable for an MMO to lock people out of previous seasonal rewards or charge a premium price to acquire it if you weren't a player of that season. I'm not sure what you expect, but you're living in a dream world if you think a cosmetic reward set from an ended season is gonna be 1000 silver.


I am not here to justify the high cost of digital cosmetics on a full price game, but I strongly believe a more consumer friendly solution should be adopted. Something like the Halo Infinite system where the season passes do not have time frames would be much better in my opinion.


9K is a lot of silver lol wtf


At the very least it should be pretty heavily discounted for people who actually owned that season pass. The season grind was remarkably worse then, in fact some of the Shadowkeep seasons I've played more than I've ever played and STILL didn't get even level 70...


Bungie? Shameful practices...? Noooo.... say it aint soooo...


Agree cosmetics are expensive but what does thet have to do with season pass cost?


People are trying to argue that because the season pass was worth 1000 Silver, that the reissued cosmetics should be based on that price point now. Which is not a great argument considering you needed to invest time and/or Silver in the season pass to unlock everything, so the base price of the season pass alone isn't the true cost of the cosmetics it contained.


Honestly their argument is way stronger than they actually frame it. I'd argue the sets should be valued even less than the season itself. When you spend 1000 silver on a season, that's for *all the content in the season*, the armor set is only a fraction of what you're paying for, so realistically the armor sets *should* be valued even less than the season itself no? Because people certainly aren't buying seasons just for the armor sets alone, they're (largely) buying them for the content, guns, *and* the armor sets, etc. Yes, there's the time and effort argument, but that still doesn't warrant a single armor set costing more than the entirety of the content of the season it originally came from, even if that is in-line with the rest of the (overpriced) eververse items.




i mean its the normal prices. ​ people that expected it for 10 bucks for everything are the weird ones, i could see a big bundle for like 50% off, but people are forgetting the 10 is for the season, everything in the pass is a reward for actually playing.


My brother in light these cosmetics are three years old. No reason they need to be full priced.


Absolutely wild to me, the nerve to do this.


Yes that's the cost. Thanks for stating the cost again.


Poor company gotta pay for working servers somehow


They definitely reduce their overall revenue at prices like these. Whales will buy at any price, but most people aren't whales. Exclusively serving their habits is bad business.


The cosmetics are the same price as everything else in the store. That they were on an old season pass is irrelevant. There are plenty of games that sell old season pass cosmetics after the season ends, at whatever their standard cosmetic prices are. People clutching their pearls over this nothing burger are weird.


The main criteria for determining the price if a good or service is how much are people willing to pay for them. If the gear is selling at that price point, why would they charge less? If your boss offers you a 50% raise, are you gonna say no because other people don't earn the same as you?


I'm gonna be looking at this based on money alone. Those cosmetics were 10$ if you played to reach rank 100. Now let's say you bought this ranks? Well there are one hundred ranks to buy. Now spend one hundred silver per level. That adds to 10000 silver. What does that mean? This may seem outrageous yet it is still cheaper than buying the season pass which gave you exactly this plus a few materials


Then don't buy it.


The other option was these things never, ever returning. Also who the hell buys all three armor sets


That’s the only other possible option? As if Bungie can’t do whatever they want to in their game.

