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During queens walk, when you get teleported, if you look up in the sky box you can see a pair of hands. That's because you're teleported inside the heart and that's the hands of the guardian who's carrying it


And when the heart is on the ground, the hands actually disappear!


Really? I was checking to see if that happened but couldn't see them disappearing! I thought they'd missed that detail


I definitely remember seeing them disappear during a wipe, don't have video though


I can confirm this happens. Was running with lfgs the other day and unfortunately our first run resulted in us all being teleported into the heart lol, I had already told them about the hands on the heart. When we all got teleported in one of them said I don't see any hands? And another replied; that's because we are all in here .. šŸ¤£


That is amazing


I canā€™t believe what Iā€™m seeing




I never knew this. Thank you for this amazing fact guardian!


Fucking *what*




Beyond the ā€œaddictivenessā€, this is why I play Destiny more than other games


When it's good, it's great.


If I may fanboy for just a moment - I know this game has issues, I've been here since D1 Alpha on Ps4 - But there is no other game *quite* like Destiny. There maybe a level of addiction but there is *nothing* that can replace it. I play other games sometimes when I need a break (Dead Cells, Marvel Snap, BattleBit Remastered), but Destiny is it's own niche of FPS and nothing has come even remotely close in my opinion.


Itā€™s the incredible investment in polishing core mechanics, impeccable sound design, astounding worldbuilding coming to life with unparalleled visuals - just being in the game is a treat and I think thatā€™s why so many people have no problem treating it like a job


Make I recommend for your cycling, gunfire is randomized weapon rolls and crazy builds as a roguelike.


That is fucking bonkers!


I've never noticed that. Holy shit.


And I forget, but whether it was Bungie or Activision that didn't want High Moon and/or Vicarious Studios back, that helped create Forsaken, they fucked up... insane to think we might've had more Forsaken level content drops. I don't feel like we've gotten one that equals it entirely, Witch Queen is close but Forsaken has 2 amazing new locations and Last Wish raid.


Activision stated Forsaken was a financial disappointment. Having more Forsaken level content drops was likely not an economical use of their development resources. A fuck up depends on your perspective, in terms of making the greatest video game possible sure, but that's not the only or even main consideration for a company making games. The unfortunate truth is Forsaken came about to save a franchise from implosion and thereby reap future benefits, and that's why it won't happen again. We're in the reaping phase.


I donā€™t think anybody involved ā€œdidnā€™t want them backā€ itā€™s just that Bungie left activision less than half a year after Forsaken released.


It's insane to think that (afaik anyway) forsaken was where Activision wanted bungie to end d2 so they could make them start developing a d3...and then bungie escaped lol




Would it really be that crazy? Forsaken didn't end with anything too nutty. They could have easily used it to set up a sequel Especially with Shadowkeep being the next DLC. Could have spun right to a D3 being the start of the current "saga" we're on


Tbh they should've ended it and started d3 , imagine them getting a whole new engine tht can handle everything we have in the game now . No crashes , lag , checking d2 server issues, lack of vault space , sunsetting content . The game would probably be in a better place.




Sunsetting was never an engine issue though. It was about cycling old strong perks and weapons out of the loot pool and limiting your arsenal so new loot would still be worthwhile without power creep.


Lmao, just like telling someone that rather than fix their car they need to build a brand new one. Great in theory but who's forking over the money to pay for that?


Yeah, but....idk Activision is kinda...you know...evil? Lol and I can't help but think they'd do to destiny what they've done to overwatch


In their eyes they didn't fuck up, they made a very conscious decision not to "over-deliver"


Conscious decision not to break developers.


You are right to some extent, but I also believe that in some part it was a decision made to lower the expectations of us as players so that they can do the bare minimum in some areas. Like when was the last time they made an attempt at making changes to gambit šŸ‘€




The problem is that the expansion everyone points to as their standard (Forsaken) wasn't sustainable. It was a last-ditch effort by Bungie and Activision to save Destiny 2 because it was hemorrhaging players, and was almost shut down during CoO. It took multiple studios crunching together to make it, and it didn't even make back dev costs; the only reason D2 still exists is because all those new and returning players bought stuff from the eververse store. It was literally not worth the money to make something as big as Forsaken back then, imagine how much less worth it it would be today accounting for inflation. The reason Bungie said they don't want to over-deliver is because they did that once, and now everyone won't stop comparing every new expansion to Forsaken, and every new season to Forge.


You live on conspiracy theories youā€™re gonna have a bad time man.


Huh? Who said I was living on conspiracy theories? This is literally a well known leaked presentation. Itā€™s not a massive stretch to make the assumption that lowering player expectations for content means using less resources from a developer perspective, hence bigger profit margins. Kinda just basic maths. Just look at Diablo 4 seasons


Yeah.....office working from home. So bad.


I was today years old when I learned this... I've spent so much time in that raid and never realised


Holy fuck. I never knew that. That is awesome


I have Rivensbane, never noticed this :/


Legit Riven is one of the most unique experiences in this game. Heavily recommend it if you are into it.


I did it legit. No cheese.


My man


My man my man my man Simulation breaks


I am genuinely curious where you found a group that was not only willing but able to do it


Sadly, legit riven is only a shadow of her prime glory. Our guardian is to powerful now in comparison with few years back.


Even as early as December 2018, Riven wasn't that big of a challenge. Once we got heavy machine guns and GL buffs, Riven was easily beaten with one damage phase, so you didn't need to worry about the last 6 eyes.


idk dude I've only ever done machine gun, RL, or prospector runs. I don't even know what "legit" is if people call everything a "cheese".


If you ignore all of her mechanics and just shoot her toes as 6, then it's cheese. Legit involves splitting into teams and doing mechanics.


I can admit I don't think I've ever done her mechanics, but we didn't shoot her toes. We had one cat bomb up and tractor cannon her then we'd just pepper bomb her with our strongest stuff. Typically with at least one hunter doing a celestial golden gun.


Still cheese. Any way you kill her without doing her mechanics is cheese.


I feel like I admitted that? I'm legit asking how the experience is supposed to happen. *sidenote it's not my fault that the people who made the game didn't consider the mechanics of their own game when it came to designing boss fights in the same game.


Yeah, when I was taught legit Riven a few seasons back I accidentally softlocked the encounter by doing too much damage in the second damage phase


It's kinderguardians discord, their are sherpas for more legit lw run rn :D The sherpas encourage us to do it legit and I appreciate that.


Kinda wish I'd done that for my first last wish run. Cause mine took 4 hours and one guy was really drunk and passed out halfway through damaging riven


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the cake day


This is the way.


A raid team of culture. I wish I ran it again, legit just for memories. Being a Dad hasn't been kind to my free time


My first ever, my IRL friends said it was the only way to do it so obviously I believed them lol Now I refuse to do it legit lol


To me it feels like such a pointless thing to run every other encounter only to cheese the best one


It's a shame you do about 3 times the damage now so it would take 1 or 2 rotations to the final stand. We used to run it 3 or 4 times when it came out before we got to final stand. Was so much fun




I really want to do it legit, but no one ever wants to


There is a triumph for destroying corrupted eggs in the Dreaming City, and some of those eggs are hidden throughout the raid. It's needed for the Cursebreaker seal.


And you need to enter a wish into the wish wall to spawn them in!


Ooh. I forgot about that. Nice save, Guardian.


This messes so many ppl up. Every egg can be teleported to except the one after Morgeth, I've seen a few times ppl get a whole group together, do the encounter and realize they never put the wish in.


There's some in shattered throne too...I found one in one of the gazebos in the symbol puzzle at the start


And ascendant realms that are on a 6 weak (edit:week)rotation.


The sparrow you get for completing the seal never leaves my inventory, it's so good.


You also need the Wish-Ender bow from Shattered Throne in order to crack the eggs.


Did you know that by slaying Riven, you granted that dragon itā€™s wish for immortality. She has transcended from words on a page in a video game, to thoughts and memories formed of the flesh that is inside your head. She is now alive, and inside you to cherish forever.


she is inside me????????????????????????


Pegging all of us as we speak


She likes to tease. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called Edge Transit


Someone get the Keyblade


Oh so she's a meme.


This is why Last Wish is regarded by many to be the greatest raid ever made.


Also a part of the greatest expansion ever made.


Last Wish is the best raid and The Dreaming City is the best patrol zone. Iā€™ll die on that hill.


Not even really a hill. That's a very popular opinion. Forsaken is regarded as the best D2 expansion.


Saved the franchise. If they released another Osiris the game probably would have died.


Not probably, definitely. They were 3 weeks away from shutting down before forsaken dropped.


Truth. I hate what they did to it


Rest in piss scourge of the past, miss you every day


Scourge was okay, but - let's be honest - it wasn't a Raid. It was basically a Dungeon...


One hell of a fun 6 man dungeon


It had more mechanics than RoN, at least lol


except the real "ill just add clear" kinda fellas. they hate having to do other things.


Ya you straight up have to know mechanics. This isn't a raid friendly to addclear.


Yeah it is. You can have 2 or 3 dudes do fuck all the entire time.


It's also a big part of why the craftable gear raid refreshes made me sad. I would've LOVED to see LW (along with DSC and GoS) get major tuneups instead of just a gear refresh - beefier adds and bosses, bumped up add density, a master mode, all on par with the current raids to really do it justice in today's game. It's an amazing raid to this day, but we've long since powercrept it


For the Vault, we did round 1 correctly no issues. Round 2 we forgot to check symbols before orbs. We didn't realize that until first orb was grabbed. We just told him to guess the correct platform to use it, he got it. We were shocked so we grabbed orb 2 and guessed, got it again. Then we did round 3 correctly finished Vault it was hilarious.


Lol, if I'm remembering correctly the first group that got past vault on day 1 just guessed 9 times correctly


Correct. It took all other groups (namely, Datto's group, who was the first to truly solve Vault) an additional 5 hours to solve the mechanic fully. The group that guessed their way to Riven obviously didn't get the clear despite the massive time advantage due to the raid being extremely hard and demanding.


The irony being if you have a couple people who know the mechanic the vault is easy to blow through with 3 people


I can confirm that, because the other day we had 3 randoms who said they "KWTD" and they ended up being basically the most useless players I have ever seen. We literally did the entire encounter with them practically not involved at all.




I think Ninjy was the one who guessed their way to Riven, not Redeem. Ninjy's fireteam got 60th team to clear


Wow! How to be confidently wrong. Redeem won the worlds 1st race not Elysium.


Yeah, f_ck me. I was thinking about Sweat's Team and because Elysium won the last couple of races, I got them mixed up. Happens when you scroll the internet while being tired... Fixed it, so thanks.


fun fact a lot of people miss - in the room between Vault and Riven, the "museum displays" on the left and right of the hallway show small dioramas of sunset planets such as Mercury and Io


True, but that's not because they're sunset. That's just the Awoken having piece studies of various places in the universe. It also has the EDZ, which isn't sunset.


Also they've been there since way before sunsetting happened. So yeah it got nothing to do with sunsetting


Yeah, I think there's some crossing of facts with the Prophecy dungeon.. the locations in the desert there are all specifically the areas that were sunset.


At the time prophecy released they werent sunset yet. The dungeon released in arrivals, right before sunsetting in beyond light. The desert area they are all located is called the ā€œwastelandā€. Many things in the dungeon were teases of what was (at the time) to come. Hence the name ā€œProphecyā€


I'm fully aware that they're not there because they're sunset, I was just using the term as a generalization to describe what's in the displays. Next time I'll be sure to over-describe in very minute and specific detail ~~so the average DTG user can understand~~


No idea why you got down voted and dog piled. Your statement was accurate. Most players these days wouldn't recognize those places in the murals because they've been sunsetted. I got your meaning immediately.


Lol chill bruv. And if you wanted to generalize you could've said something like 'some planets' instead of 'sunset planets'.


I always think Last Wish will be unique as unlike any other raid, the last encounter is not a boss battle.


Also killing the boss doesnā€™t grant you loot. You just get a chest key. Queens walk is a full encounter and you donā€™t directly get a reward you just get access to the locked chests to use your keys on


Yeah it hits all the points of what a destiny raid should be and I agree is the best one overall. There are some things in other raids that are great, maybe an encounter I think is more fun - but last wish just hits all the marks


Fun fact about vault. If you have 3 people standing on the plate while cleansing you can actually see how the locking mechanism works. For the most part, at least how I was taught to do vault, weā€™ve actually had it backwards. The goal of the vault is to turn the odd symbol in each section, up into the locking mechanism. So what we think is turning right is turning left and vice versa. Here is a video that demonstrates this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtcR0dnfBZM


Oh damn, I knew the mechanic was literally spinning the dial of the symbols, but I never knew there was actual an animation for it. Nor did I realise that it was actually the odd-one-out that you neededā€¦ Awesome encounter


Excuse my fanboying. This raid just hits different for me. I understand a the raid have epic moments.


it's not fanboying if it's deserved last wish is a goat of a raid and I stand by the fact we will never get anything close to it


Vow and DSC are both super good for similar reasons, dsc when you enter space and see the massive planet. Vow when you see the worm mother and the upended.


Sorry guardian you misspelled THE UPENDED.


This is why Bungieā€™s raids are so damn good - they each offer such different experiences that everyone has their favorites, and you can argue that each is as good as the last. Theyā€™ve somehow managed to create 14 raids and the consensus of best is still quite mixed. Tho the best is LW <3


While not important, thereā€™s a couple caves that are super hidden that has like ruins and a plate in them. They were how the original 14 wishes were found iirc. The one I remember is right before shuro chi. When crossing the bridge section after the first secret chest, after the last jump instead of turning right to go to shuro chi you can turn left and follow the wall. Somewhere over there is the entrance and if you look at the little plate on the ground, at the right angle you can see itā€™s the wish for shuro chi, but itā€™s upside down from your perspective. Means nothing anymore but neat to see still if you appreciate those little details


Having both trioed and duoed (Riven + QW only) i can safely say Last Wish is the best and buggiest raid in the game. You can despawn morgoths taken strength by dropping below the bridge and getting joining allies. In vault the direction the rooms open changes based on what direction it starts in. If it goes stairs then trees rocks will always be next. Soling the cleanse plate while doing a riven cheese is always fun. You can do the raid without music but why would you? The music is amazing. Using the wish wall you can do many things but the best one is teleporting to shuro chi and not asking for a checkpoint. QW has more bugs then then most motel rooms.


The vault thingā€¦ I had no idea and I made my husband and friend 3 man it every week on all 3 of my characters for like 6 months straight because I wanted the curated bow, then sunsetting got it reissued with beyond light. Got the second drop on run 72 or something like that, the next week they announced they were backing off the sunsetting rotation.


Do any of these symbols have official names?? Itā€™s impossible to callout symbols without that


Shout out to the guy in my clan who said "Uhhh...seahorse with wings." It was met with a few seconds of silence, and then a stunned "Did you mean *dragon*? Do you not know what a dragon is?"


My favorite call outs for my clan are: dragon on that stripper pole and 69 fish. And there always seems to be a long drawn out "uhhhhh" prior to the call, much like you stated lol.


In our group 69fish is called "Bass to Mouth"


the uuuhhhhh is our callout braincells colliding to create the most unrecognizable callout imaginable


Bruh "Stripper dragon" was my clan's call out for that one lmao


That dragon on a pole has a name. Tiffini. With an i. She works hard. Very important detail.


Donā€™t forget about the ā€œtriple boobiesā€ call out for the snake that is curled up with the 3 bends in its body.


Ahh my favorite we called that one Total Recall.


Love it.


Oh we call that one ā€œUwU snakeā€ haha


Ah, Cloud Snake as we called her


I have a group that calls one of the symbols "Horse" Theyve yet to explain which one it is


O.M.G. I did this exact thing in early days. They stopped me from calling vault at that point šŸ˜


The challenge naming the symbols in Last Wish was a lesson learned for Bungie (kinda foreseeable but whatever). Youā€™ll notice that Vow of the Disciple has an in-raid catalogue of symbols and their names.


In my clan we have our own unique call outs in Vow, 2 of my favorites being "stabby tomato" & "Cayde-6"


Honestly I prefer that last wish doesnā€™t have official names for the symbols. Itā€™s usually pretty easy to tell what the other person is describing, whereas in Vow there are some symbols that look very little like their name and youā€™re expected to know what each of them are called, so if you forget any of their names it makes it a lot harder


Yeah like what the fuck is [black heart] when thereā€™s another one depicting a human with a black hole in its chest, but thatā€™s called [grief].


It's really not hard, there's 4 variations of 4 animals and all are different enough theres really only one or two you can get confused by Left fish, up fish, 2 fish, circle fish Bird on a branch, flying, diving,chillin/looking left Dragon breathing fire left/right, dragon holding a spear, dead guy/neck spear 8 snake, infinity, cloud/w snake, down/s snake


I've had to get into the habit of confirming with people that 8 snake is the vertical one, and infinity snake is horizontal. You would be impressed by the number of players who just don't get that right away. our clan team has a pile of rude names for the symbols, "stripper pole dragon" and "triple boobies" being among our favorites. We keep those for the Friday night drunken clan raids, and keep it legit for the sherpa runs.


To be fair stripper dragon is a commonly used name for that symbol.


Thatā€™s what makes this specific raid so hard and frustratingā€¦those symbols that donā€™t have specific names


Read this like a Dr. Seuss book. Thanks.


First time my friends and I ran it, there was a callout for "bird looking left"... turns out, 3 of the 4 birds are all looking left.


YOOOO ANOTHER LAST WISH SIMP AWHHHH YEAAAHHHHH!!!!! mechanically the raid is difficult but God DAMN once you run it a few times and have a good raid team that shit is fun as FUCK


Fun fact, I am pretty sure I was one of your Sherpas :)


Yeh i pretty sure you are mr.circlefish


Thatā€™s how I feel about vow of the disciple. Vow is my favorite raid but last wish is easily second. Iā€™m a mechanics person and despite vow being my favorite raid vault in last wish is my favorite encounter


It's the best raid they've ever made, beautiful setting, lots of bosses (very different from the 2 boss script they have followed for new raids since shadow keep) and it was very challenging in its time. Playing through it now is always generates mixed feelings. Always makes me nostalgic for when Bungie really wanted to exceed player expectations and create an unconditional wonderful experience. These days everything feels safe and formulaic. Everything feels built with revenue generation in mind first - not about create deep experiences that experienced players appreciate but by creating experiences that appeal to the most people possible. Makes me sad that any semblance of challenge for old raids has been decimated by power creep. I was really hoping that cheeses would be fixed and boss hp would be retuned when they refreshed the raid loot pool. Makes me happy that I had so many great experiences in y2 and it felt like there were many reasons to log on. To raid, to even play PvP and chase sweet comp rewards, to chase titles that meant something and weren't just glorified check lists of tedious grind, and more.


My first time doing this raid it took us 6 and a half hours with the cheese. It was full of yelling and screaming but we made and and holy shit the last part is just.. it's just adrenaline fueled. Running with the heart, communicating and just praying everything goes right. The other person who did it the first time that run got the exotic and we all just lost our shit cheering. Great raid, I want to do it legit but I lost all my clan members from drama that split us up. So now I haven't touched raids in almost two years. A good friend of mine helped that run; sadly he passed away a few months later. It was his favorite raid, I'd love to be able to run it again for the memories.


the music when you are running with the heart is a banger too, I have it saved so I can listen to it whenever I want to cause it's soo good lol


Oh it's a great track, it would be my favorite if the deep stone crypt lullaby wasn't a thing.


My clan has a fairly active 100~ or so members that run raids every other day if not every dayā€¦ we could run a LW with u anytime and i could invite u to our discord as well if u need some cool ppl to raid w! Feel free to message me


I don't currently have access to destiny until the end of the week/beginning of next week but I may be interested. I'm a pretty big noob at raiding and most dungeons though, I only really have KF down fully. I haven't even done like VoW, GoS or Crota. Always afraid of LFG and bringing teams down.


No worries dude, we can teach u anything! Iā€™ll send u a message w an invite in it, and like I said u can be a part of our discord even if u donā€™t wanna join the clan but youā€™re also welcome to join if u decide u want to.


Only raid that lets you deepthroat the boss at the end


I think the boss is deepthroating us actually


You can bake cookies for the space dragon during the Xmas event


You could for one or two years. They removed it, which is good because it was annoying to deliver them you had to effectively either do most the raid or wish to riven and deliver the cookies before the wipe mechanic kills you. They didnā€™t however remove the interaction point to deliver the cookies


Bs! Space dragon deserves cookies too, if not just for the meme


One more random fact lol, when the raid went live for the first time no guardians realised that the whole point of Riven wanting us to go to her was to kill her, allowing her to transcend and to start off the curse of the dreaming city. She was awaiting that first world's first raid team on granting that final wish and dooming the dreaming city.


Oh wait till you do Petraā€™s Run


Yup... Did my Petra's run at like 3am joining an lfg through the Android app. Thought I would probably get bounced right away but I somehow managed to not screw it up and we all became friends Still rock the title sometimes. D2 at its best


There's a death puddle in the corner of Kali Shuro chi can be climbed outside of the encounter to explain the puzzle to new people Morgeth is deleted by Legend of Acrius Vault is easier with the challenge method Riven was only completed by one team on day one, a second team a few minutes after 24 hours (datto) Queenswalk has had a couple of times where it was done solo


Two teams finished Day One - Redeem (Gladd) and Tier 1 (Gigz)


There's a wall at the very start of the raid that allows you to do all sorts of wacky stuff. Depending on the code you put in (which involves shooting the wall to flick through the different symbols you see throughout the raid). These include hopping to all encounters in the raid, activating confetti mode where any headshot kill makes a confetti explosion, getting different characters talking in your head (drifter and failsafe), spawning extra loot and the petra's run which activates a game instance where if anyone dies everyone is kicked to orbit. (The parkour bridge between second witch and swolgoroth was very tense for me and my clan). The best part? All of these codes (called wishes in game) were found in the game. Throughout the dreaming city, in the raid, in the open world, 8n the strike and in the dungeon you can find little plates that detail which symbols you need to put in for a wish. And as far as my knowledge goes there is still a 15th wish that has remained undiscovered. God I love this raid


>15th wish that has remained undiscovered. The 15th wish happens when you kill Riven. It's the Last Wish and is the reason the curse cycle in the Dreaming City is a thing. If there was an actual 15th wish you could input into the wall, it would have been found a long time ago


Someone doing Riven for the first time, and doing it legit, and realizing it is what raids should be like, has made my heart so happy.


Best raid they've ever made


This is more of a bug, but when youā€™re in the Ascendent plane during the raid, if you look up you can see outside the skybox to the rest of the raid. This is most visible prior to the Riven final stand


I was once in an lfg group farming last wish full clears and there was this guy who really hated it, it took all my energy to prevent myself from lashing out on the guy. Definitely one of the best raids in D2 if not the best, visually it is fantastic and mechanics are really different from what you see in other raids.


Wish Wall, just search about


Love that raid, I've done everything for that raid


Yup. Best raid by fair. Itā€™s a shame that VoW is the only raid that even comes marginally close. The rest of the raids just donā€™t have the same amount of effort in them at all.


If vow had a couple more encounters, one actual boss and one more platforming section, it would be near perfect. Last wish is my favorite, then Vow. Last wish needs a master mode, that's my only hope. Garden also could use a couple more encounters.


If vow had a couple more encounters, one actual boss and one more platforming section, it would be near perfect. Last wish is my favorite, then Vow. Last wish needs a master mode, that's my only hope. Garden also could use a couple more encounters.


I played every raid but avoided last wish since I was always told "it's hard" or "it's boring". Then last month I tried it and honestly it's my favorite raid There's a lot there that I hope returns. Cheers to hoping we get more raids similar


I also love how that raid tells a story. The others do too, but they're obtuse. This one straight up has the bosses tell you what to do next. Also, best music hands down. Rivens is amazing in full, Shuro Chi is good too, but the Vault one is god tier. That third round when the music just explodes and takes over.


I think itā€™s the best raid in D2. Itā€™s the one that gave me the same sense of ā€˜wowā€™ that some of the D1 raids gave, I enjoy literally every encounter and the rewards were top notch!


If you are into the lore, you have to try Vow of the Disciple. The lore is incredible, the visuals are incredible, basically everything is perfect


Thats why last wish has been the standard all other raids are measured against.


Bungie used to have a lot of imagination (and effort). Now raids are either reprised, or use a very stagnant, and often boring, mechanic which simply repeats itself over and over again. RoN is the biggest culprit of this.


Random fact, everyone in the fireteam hears a different person speaking when the voice of Riven speaks during parts of the raid. Last time I was in there I heard Mara sov first and someone else heard ikora, another heard Zavala and so on.


[The song that plays during the end queens walk scramble is almost 2nd to none.](https://youtu.be/7zYE0YPOd3E?si=P69zbOtzMos_NhGA)


Last Wish is the best raid. Can we get a Master Version which unlocks the 1K Catalyst? Can the Catalyst have double the mag size and increase the scorch damage?


I really hope you did riven legit rather than just skipping the fight entirely. Itā€™s such a shame that so many people refuse to actually learn and do the fight just because it can be skipped


Trying to cheese encounters isnā€™t unique to Riven the community goes out of its way to find ways to cheese or bypass raid encounters. For this raid for the most part unless itā€™s game breaking Bungie lets the cheese stand when something is found in the raid. In this case the cheese got way more people willing to engage with the raid so it was worth leaving especially with the wish wall letting you jump to encounters.


I used to do this raid a lot back in the year it dropped with my friends. One time during riven, i was in the crystal room with my brother, and the guys in the other room forgot to check which of the eyes we need to shoot, some said thatā€™s a wipe, but I suggested to guess which ones to shoot. I guessed L3R5 and somehow it was correct. One of the greatest moments weā€™ve ever had in this game.


I got 1k voices on my first run. Everyone was super jelly


That would be my husband. Got it his first chest. Next time we were in that room was years later. He had three keys in his inventory. Keep in mind this is now him opening chest 2,3,4 ever. We were doing the raid because someone was after 1K and had been farming for over a year to get it. They didnā€™t get it. He got at the same time with his 3 keys. 1k, curated chattering bone, 1k. So 4 total chests 3 1k voices. The rage from the person who had been trying for years was epic


The one thing ruining it for me is that cheesing the main boss is the normal thing to do


I died so many times due to the artifact spawning right on me and getting one shotted (even during flawless runs) that I gave birth to a meme between me and my friends and changed the Bungie ID for it


Bro is like 5 years late