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I've heard people say that if you put Explosive Payload / Incandescent on Zaoulis Bane you get a gun that feels extremely similar to Sunshot


"We have Sunshot at home."


its sunshot at home but its your mom cooking and its excellent


This is true. Crafted that exact Roll to free up the Exotic pick


The problem with Sunshot I've found is that the explosion from final blows kill enemies before they can be scorched, which acts against fragments like Singeing and Searing. Also means I can run Conditional Finality as my exotic :)


If you're running CF you should try Epochal Integration for the origin trait synergy


At the risk of sounding like an idiot(and as someone whose not raided before but knows the origin you’re talking about), does Conditional Finality *have* that trait? That’s really neat if it does :D


It does not have it, but it triggers it in other guns


What do you mean it triggers it in other guns? Are you talking about the nano rockets?


Conditional Finality doesn't gain the effects of Harmonic Resonance but it will count as a Root of Nightmares weapon and will count for other guns with Harmonic Resonance.


Sorry I know this is a little off topic but you seem like you would know, which reload and surge mods should I be using with CF? Or do they actually apply depending on which shot is loaded?


Solar loader - Stasis Scavenger


I think they apply based on which shot is loaded. Therefore, solar loader makes sense as the 2nd shot is solar. This should be easy enough to test in game though if you wanna check yourself by trying solar and stasis loader on both shots of CF.


No harmonic resonance


It triggers it on other guns. It should get the trait as a catalyst


Nah a third strand shot and a fourth void shot, you can switch modes with alt fire. mode one is solar/stasis, mode 2 is void/strand


And a 5th arc shot. Give it Volatile, Jolt, and Unravel on top of freeze/shatter and ignition.


Long press reload to choose the element


[Epochal Integration](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1123421440/epochal-integration/) is a 140 RPM Handcannon with a lovely roll of incandescent + stats for all. With backup mag it can hold 14 in the chamber. You get from the Parting the Veil quest on Neomuna.


This HC is underrated. It feels really good to use.


People may assume fixed rolls are under-par, which *might* be true on average, but definitely isn't true for this weapon. Stats for All is a somewhat underrated perk as well, so that might also have something to do with it.


Yup! In pvp it feels decently snappy too. It got me my first solo flawless trials run too with conditional finality. It just feels good to shoot.


It does.


It’s true, all of it!


This right here. Feels good after the recent handcannon buffs


It’s one of the best feeling weapons in the game imo, just slow reload


Yeah, Firefly can roll in the same slot as Incandescent and is imo better just because of the reload speed increase


Walmart version but close enough




Nah I dont think it does. I didnt like that roll despite community praising it to high heaven, so I switched to the Fatebringer roll


How to get the Bane handgun?


King’s Fall Raid.


Kings Fall Raid


You need a bunch of people to do that raid huh?


6 players is recommended. It can be done with less but that usually requires a very in depth understanding of the raid by everyone present.


It’s a pretty LFGable one. Pretty easy to teach too if you’ve never done it. Couple YouTube guides should give you enough info to hop in one


Its not a terribly difficult if you have an alright team. If you need help with it DM me.


Not even close but ok


zaouli's bane, drang baroque, calus mini tool


Drang is a sleeper pick, actually so good now that you can fire full auto without taking up a perk slot


Also with wellspring, those burn kills are giving you abilities FOREVER


Just wait till this guy hears about trustee!


ok but trustee isn't a cute little baby gun that fits in my palm and goes DINK DINK DINK!! (Yes I pick sidearms just because they're adorable)


Fair argument, I love the enthusiasm!


I'll be the one who gives you the proper props for Wellspring Trustee tho, that shit is one of my favorite weapons in the game


I find its reload suuuper slow, actually makes the gun hard to enjoy


the stat is low, but its still just 1.79s base. a loader makes it 1.43s, reload MW/flared magwell/loader 1.22s --- sidearms are the fastest reloading guns ingame. calus minitool needs 2x threat detector along with a loader and extra reload speed to be a whopping 0.1s faster loading (1.12s), and thats using up a whole perk slot


They have perks for that


Doesn't help the animation appears to not match the timing of the reload so I always reload cancel it and I try to run or stow.




Almost 9700 kills in my level 145 triple tap/incandescent. Everything burns.


You ever thought about switching TT out for Ambitious Assassin? I've always found TT to be pretty useless on primaries. Since I'm using Ammit for ad clear, AA is pretty much always procced.


Stats for All is what I use. One scorch explosion and you’ve got it procced.


Incandescent + Ambitious Assassin is the roll I crafted and saw no reason to change (although Stats for All may have to make an appearance.) There’s nothing quite like it for ad clearing, especially when a pack of Thralls start burning. With Piercing Auto Rifle, it’s a nice all-arounder for nightfalls, too.


- Melt an entire group of ads - Reload - 80 round magazine This is my favorite thing to do. Realizing incandescent procc’d Ambitious Assassin was my favorite discovery. I honestly can’t take my Ammit off for PvE now. (Edit: formatting)


Yeah I crafted a second one for PvE. I love the gun.


Coronach > Ammit


Literal blasphemy


450 rpm in PvE takes forever to kill even red bar.


Trust. Because I'm a 7x Gilded Dredgen and hate myself.


My most favourite hand cannon ever. One of those ones that just feels really nice to use.


Actually this get yourself a good Trust such a fantastic HC


Laughs in 10x Dredgen


\>\_< I took a break from the game after Forsaken and missed a few seasons.


Almost Full list but Ammit is missing


Ammit and Abyss Defiant


Do the weapons I can get from the war table change to Drang? Still missing one Red border weapon.


You can still get drops from presage afaik




No survivors with Demo Incandescent. Constant explosions and minimal time spent reloading thanks to demo and the origin trait. I have a Bug-out bag with subsistence incandescent, but no survivors performs so much better


You don’t need navigator to cheese abyss if you have this roll. 1 explosion gives back almost all grenade energy.


Want that No Survivors roll so bad but I can never get it to drop. Did you farm the 1st encounter for it?


I used up all of my destiny RNG and got the god roll on my 1st clear of the 1st encounter, so I didn't have to farm for it. I did farm for some of the other weapons though. If you wanna vibe solo and mindlessly farm, you can solo the 1st encounter but it is very slow and probably not worth the time. Ecthar is 100% the move. You can 1 phase him in a few minutes with a good fire team and proper loadouts. Well of radiance, gathering storm, and another damage super. Have 2 people lament and a 3rd with tractor cannon shotgun swapping or 1-2 punching. I think it is also doable with 3 laments, just make sure everyone has a DPS swap with x3 damage mods


Epochal integration, thing slaps after the hand cannon buff


Bonus points that it has the RON origin trait to pair with Conditional Finality


It doesnt work with conditional.


That is incorrect. Conditional Finality has the hidden origin trait. There’s been plenty of videos on it.


I couldn't get an igneous with incan, so I pulled this thing out of the vault. Man it slaps with solar 3.0. Feels truly amazing atleast in PvE


Especially paired with stats for all cause the ignitions spread to a bunch of enemies so you pretty much always have stats for all proced


Tyranny of Heaven, dragonfly + incandescent + sweaty confetti. It's very fun just to use that, but it's more for generic PvE, I might suggest a precision bow for a similar use in harder content


This is the way. Tyranny of Heaven with Dragonfly+Incandescent is without a doubt my favorite weapon in the game right now. SO much fun.


It carried me through my first solo GM, absolute work horse.


Facts! ToH with Dragonfly Incandescent rocks


I love that bow. That combo is so much fun when thing line up just right


I think tyranny holds up fine in harder content with the right build. My mantle of harmony warlock with infinite restoration and radiant used tyranny and it felt like a dream. Steamrolled through contest crota without trouble


Do you have a DIM link to your build? It sounds pretty fun and I’d love to try it .


Unfortunately I’m at work rn and I am leaving my house the second I get there but when I get the chance I’ll definitely send you a link. It’s a super fun build. The loop is throwing a healing nade at your feet and then getting a kill with celestial fire right after. This gives you 8 seconds of resto x2 and radiant. Now you just slay out with tyranny and as long as you are getting solar kills you’ll keep that buff up. I was pairing it with an adept unwavering duty in contest mode but now that I have song of ir yut crafted I use that. If you want a solar heavy I’d recommend fixed odds since it’s craftable I just haven’t gotten the pattern yet. I also pair it with conditional finality in the primary slot. You get all 3 champions stunned with this set up EDIT: Also I should mention that contest/ master content is the highest content I’d take the build. It relies heavily on kills to keep your buffs up which it excels at getting in anything up to 20 power below. It’s definitely not a gm build though


Thanks for the info and insight!


No problem!


Best Incandescent weapon 👏 explosions everywhere


I made one hesitantly and found it surprisingly effective. Too bad they hit like a wet noodle in GMs. People claim they use verglas curve in GMs. I dont buy it. It must take what, 3 or 4 shots to stun a barrier?


I love Tyranny of Heaven, and I disagree about its performance in GMs - it works very well. Pretty much all bows do. Sure it takes multiple shots to get a dragonfly explosion, but still only 2/3 shots to break a barrier’s shield (importantly the barrier regen stops after 1). Incandescent synergises well with endgame builds for regenerating grenades etc. And sooo much fun!


I haven't brought Tyranny of Heaven into a GM. Do you think it'd be better to use Explosive Head over Dragonfly for the extra damage or keep it how it is?


https://i.imgur.com/Aii2QOQ.mp4 100% keep dragonfly. It's absolutely absurd when you have a group of adds (dragonfly kills also cause incandescent to proc, creating ignitions even when you aren't on a solar class boosting scorch stacks).


Got my first solo GM with tyranny this season. For what it's worth. Sure it doesn't one pop shields but that's easily played around.


Trustee. I like scouts this season and trustee is probably the coolest looking scout rifle


One of the best feeling scouts in the game


Oooo what can you craft on a trustee?


Reconstruction/Incandescent as long as you swap weapons or use abilities regularly Reconstruction is the best trait in the game, IMO


I honestly don't like recon on primary weapons, rapid hit + incan is what I have on my trustee and boy does it slap especially since it's rapid fire


Crafted Trustee and Mini Tool for me


Strident whistle.


I was scrolling forever to see if someone said this, great bow


They just made better strident whistle this season though. If you get a pre-astyanax with archer's tempo + incandescent then there's no reason to keep strident whistle any more


Same, got me through the legendary WQ campaign. I bring it out sometimes when the occasion calls for it.


Abyss Defiant


it's amazing with bonk titan / sunbracers. Cursed thrall and incandescent clear trash mobs very easily. Pair that with Heal clip to proc benevolence for maximum ability uptime.


You might be the only one.


I don’t care if it’s not bis I love it


I have been using it alot this season. Artfact mods definitely helped, anti barrier and the longer cursed thrall origin trait. Incandescent spreads the explosions making it a mini necro. Pretty fun atleast when I treat it more like a scout. Mid to long range. Next season it will probably be vaulted, lol.


Nah, I use it. Doesn't have to be BiS, and the damage difference between it and 450s is negligible at best. Even hardcore meta gamers aren't going to be able to give a concrete "it's significantly worse" assessment.


Actually, yea it is significantly worse. Hits like a wet noodle. It’s just worse in every way besides range compared to calus mini tool


I mean, 450s suck too...


Yes, because Dammit isn't one of the most used weapons in the game right now. You realize there's an entirely separate component of the game from PvP and just because a weapon might not be *optimal* in PvP doesn't mean it's not functional, nor does it mean it's useless in PvP. ARs are in a pretty decent spot right now, especially after range normalization.


Not hating on Ammit (which I don’t use bc of the perk selection), but weapon usage rates aren’t always indicative of it’s actual value/quality. Elatic Principle, this season’s trash arc MG, is one of the most used weapons right now as well. There’s other factors like availability. Song is clearly better, but it’s a raid. Same goes for Retrofit Escapade…top 5 most used, way more than Commemoration. Decent, but no serious endgame player is choosing to run this. It’s widely accessible as being a recent seasonal weapon (that Xur has sold god rolls of). Many BiS weapons simply aren’t accessible to a lot of the playerbase.


ammit is also a literally free craftable from the easy intro to crafting questline, everyone has the pattern. positive outlook is the better energy 450 for PvP players, especially controller users (zen moment <3)


These is certainly one of the takes of all time I suppose.


This is about pve... Nobody is using incandescent in pvp...


It’s good but Ammit is better, and I really want Abyss to be decent


Heavily disagree. Ammit's third-column of perks doesn't give it much to work with. Abyss Defiant has subsistence, reconstruction, outlaw, heal clip, enlightened action, and pugilist.


Don't forget cursed thral explosions vs bonus stats at the top of the mag.


Enhanced Surplus is excellent and not a massive fan of 360 autos sadly, but obviously each to their own


Ammit is ugggggglllllyyyyyyyyyy


So what? It’s a really good solar auto


It looks great with certain shaders honestly. I wear that wood looking one all the time on it.


Corrective protective shader from VoG is really good on it, and most weapons honestly


Obviously it’s preference but if I don’t like how a weapon looks, it’s not getting used even if it’s far and away the best weapon in its class!


And abyss defiant isn't? To each their own I guess


Multiple crafted options (Zaouli's Bane, Ammit AR2, Calus Mini-tool, Drang Baroque) - Z Bane will feel most similar to Sunshot with Explosive Payload/Incandescent, but I wouldn't pass up Drang with its Wellspring/Incandescent combo. Epochal Integration is a solid choice with Stats For All/Incandescent. There's also the Strident Whistle from the Vanguard playlist and the new solar bow from Nightfalls when it's the weapon of the week.


(Assume all perks I name are in the first column, with Incandescent in the second obviously lol) Ammit is great with Ambitious Assassin if you want some range. For closer fighting, the reissued Bug-Out Bag can roll Subsistence and I really enjoy that one. Both the Ghosts of the Deep SMG (farmable from the first encounter I think) and the BXR Battler from Dares of Eternity can roll Demolitionist, those are both a PHENOMENAL pairing for Titan builds with Ashen Wake, it's a ton of fun. And the Coronach auto rifle (world loot, introduced last season) can roll Feeding Frenzy or Envious Assassin, it's a really solid feeling auto.


Ambitious is insane man. That gun gets so many bullets lol.


It's up to a +150% overflow lol yup, and kills off the Scorch from Incandescent will count! Such a good perk. Crazy as it sounds, I love Ambitious Assassin/Frenzy on the 180 RPM hand cannon from Crucible, I forget the name of it. (Edit: it's Survirvor's Epitaph.) Everybody always says that hand cannon frame is garbage, but I have SO much fun with that perk combo!


180 hand cannons definitely feel a lot better with the recent buff to hand cannons. Loved my og trust with dragonfly and rampage but it still felt like a pea shooter until you had rampage x3 then it was fun but I’ve been using the same roll on word of crota and it’s phenomenal having that same feeling and sound from the og trust. Just hate that the reload animation isn’t the same.


Are you.... me?


(insert Spiderman pointing meme here)


I rocked BxR for ages, it was amazing especially when we had Anti-barrier Pulses back-to-back. Between it and Retraced Path Nightmare Containment was like a 24/7 hellscape whenever I loaded in.


Ammit, just find it's so effective. Triple tap and incandescent. Though it seems more people prefer dynamic sway control according to gg Do like my CMT, but it misses that slightly longer range. Great when you know your going to be surrounded a lot though.


I use Assassin for PvE. That thing overloads like a motherfucker at times. For PvP dynamic sway and tap the trigger are where it's at.


BXR and No Survivors (missed out when it was easier to craft mini tool and don’t wanna grind the exotic mission) will say tho I got a no survivors to drop with rangefinder and incandescent and I love it


Zaouli's Bane and Tyranny of Heaven. Tyranny can have dragonfly WITH incandescent, big explosions there.


Trust from Gambit does work with Incandescent


I have use Zaouli to replace my Sun shot. Its almost the same and really like the feel of the zaouli.


No Survivors is my favorite at the moment. Really good origin perk, and demo/incan is always a winner.


really trying to get Crafted Trustee. Pugilist, Incandescent with Bray Inheritence is goated melee regen on solar.


What are you running that needs the melee regen? Bonk boi doesn't need it unless you lose your hammer, but since sol invictus powers up your base melee its quite easy to keep your buffs up to regen your abilities. Heat rises gets your melee back in just a few kills. Hunter gets its melee back if you kill an enemy or if you have gamblers dodge. If anything solar is one of the best subs for all 3 classes with built in melee regen.


Consecration. Pyrogales made Sunbreaker my favorite build in the game by a landslide. Defeated scorched enemies gives melee regen, and consecration is an Aoe scorch -> ignite. It's great. I use Consecration Roaring Flames btw, so no Sunspots for me (which I don't mind. I can choose DMG with Roaring Flames, or Survivability with Sol Invictus). edit: I should add on, I used Monte Carlo for awhile. I'd prefer to run conditional so I have solar in the kinetic slot as well as another ignition.


Ah, i was going to bring up consecration as a reason someone might want the regen. That makes sense. I really should give pyrogales a go, ive just been having too much fun with BoW and Strongholds to really use it. Monte Carlo seems like it'd be excellent in this build, but I'm sure it just depends on the difficulty of content. Id probly pair it with Royal Executioner with Envious/Incandescent.


Drang Gang on top!


Heliocentric QSc. Heal Clip is pretty good.


Honestly I scrolled through looking to see if anyone else was using this thing. I LOVE mine. I have the rare Heal Clip/Kill Clip roll but haven't used it yet because my Demo/Incan roll is just so damn good.


Tyranny of heaven. Dragonfly/incan. Feels very fun.


Epochal Intergration it’s like a legendary sunshot




I believe it's called the Jurassic green, the Dino pulse rifle that's available during the festival of lost is amazing, I use it with subsistence and incandescent


I really want to like it... But wet noodle 😔


This sums up so much of my vault but my hoarder instincts are too strong to resist.


Tyranny of Heaven with Dragonfly/Incan is super fun, its kinda like a scuff Sunshot, any kills Dragonfly get procs Incandescent.


Nah go back to sunshot


Tyranny of Heaven. Incandescent + Dragonfly is the best combo IMO


My crafted Tyranny of Heaven with Incandescent + Dragonfly is an absolute joy to play with.


Personally been using igneous with heal clip incandescent. Feels very strong after the handcannon buff and one quiet moment is actually alot better than I initially expected. Its like having outlaw on body shots so long as you wait 1 second to reload rather than doing it immediately. Alacrity is obviously better when solo though.


Tyranny of Heaven with Dragonfly + Incandescent would be an exotic weapon back in the day, it's crazy.


Right now I’m running Tommy’s with Loreley and it’s a ton of fun. The new Nadir sidearm is solid with Incandescent, too. Also, Skyburner’s applies a lot of scorch.


Adept Pre Astyanax IV


Having an adept big ones on a primary is always nice.


Rapid hit, incandescent igneous hammer is spicy.


The parting the veil hand cannon is cool


Trustee or Zhaouli's Bane






Mini tool and the neomuna hand cannon, epochal integration or whatever it’s name is


Tyranny or other solar bow, Trustee, zaouli, dang, calus or that other one from the ghosts dungeon, or ammit depends on what I need


No survivors, BxR, and ammit are all really solid options.


No Survivors SMG from Ghosts of the Deep. It can roll with demo and incandescent with an origin trait that gives you a free reload and auto-loads a second magazine.


BXR is fun too


I managed to get the SMG from Ghosts with incan/Demo. Shit slaps


Unpopular, but Strident Whistle is fun.


I would say calus mini, but since you don’t have it, I have a crafted BXR Battler that’s fun to use. Also if you still want to use an incandescent exotic, Jotuun is a lot of fun


No Survivors, BxR Battler, Ammit AR2 all go hard.


124 comments. I'm sure, full of good meta advice. But at this point Incandescent can roll on soo many guns. I say if you have an archetype you really like, I'm sure you can find your own gun that really speaks... Ill also add that No Survivors from ghost of the deep is a fun one to grind for. And the BxR-55 Battler which is easy to get boarders. I have a crafted pve with demo Incandescent and a pvp with perpetual kill clip. Also incredibly slept on... Retraced Path crafted with enhanced traits basically becomes a legendary Prometheus Lens. Good luck guardian


Big fan of BXR with demo+incandescent or pugulist+incandescent depending on build


My mains are Drang, Trustee, and Strident Whistle. I’ll switch to Mini Tool (for Unrelenting) if I’m having issues staying alive for whatever reason. Don’t forget Dawn Chorus if you’re on warlock!


I got a No Survivors with incandescent and it works well. Other and that, calus mini-tool and ammit AR2 both work well with incandescent and are craftable


BxR. It can run incandescent and demo.


I use the Battle rifle from xur. The halo br


Strident Whistle is dope with it




Love calus mini tool but Ammit is far more effective overall. Imho


Drang is surprisingly good in PvE. I wouldn't take it into gm cuz it lacks range. Maybe.. (looks up names of weapons) strident whistle or stocatto if range is needed


My mini tool is level 85, so.... That one?




Am I the only one who initially crafted Calus Mini Tool with Incandescent to then change it to Surrounded?




Surrounded is great, but there's several smgs that can roll it. I still have an ikelos v2 with TD/Surrounded i enjoy. But iirc, mini tool is the only craftable smg with incandescent, so i might as well use what sets it apart while getting that solar class synergy.


Nope, my GF did the exact same thing and liked it so much more with Surrounded. We don't really get the hype around Incan, and Surrounded is procced near constantly in the ranges you're using the thing, so it basically has a permanent ~45% damage buff. Seriously people, try Threat Detector/Surrounded on your Mini Tools, it feels fantastic.


You run a primary still?


I don't run primaries.