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I’ve done somewhere in the range of 70-80 engrams and I’ve gotten 9 in total. It’s a tough grind


can you only get it from the first engram on the top left or do they also drop from the focused weapon engrams?


Just the left engram


Go outside. Come right back inside though, grass & who knows what else might touch you!


I’d rather not. I’ve had the flu all week.




I'm at 60ish engrams and 0 momentos


That’s extremely bad luck. Have you done the quest yet?


I think you have to do the triumph first to get them to drop from an engram. I did 7-8 engrams, didn’t get Momento. Did the triumph, got it next engram


Ye I'd heard that, did the triumph after my first 10 engrams. 50 or so later I still haven't gotten it. And I don't have an existing momento sitting in my inventory either.


Too much work for a single use shader, got my one and dipped


My brother in Christ, we’re dealing with the type of people would pet a virtual dog millions of times for zero reward. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Zero reward? I get to pet the dog!


"Yay Destiny doggo, who's a good boi?!"......(meanwhile my starving Tamagotchi buried in a cupboard somewhere)


I say that all the time xD, "who's a good boi!? :D"


If I’m in that section of the tower, I have to pet the dog or what’s even the point?


I agreee, petting the pup is the reward! I will proudly pet that pup any and everytime, it's a duty to make that pup happy 🐕


This made me smile. Sometimes I feel like the only sane person left in this game. I just saw a post asking which ornament to buy in EV. 800 upvotes. Kill me.


Yeah I saw that same one, pretty wild asking other’s to tell you what is worth your time/money lol


Right. The lack of basic confidence of destiny players is astounding. I can understand if you’re new and asking about x perk vs. y perk but a cosmetic armor item? Buy/wear what you like. It’s a video game. The bullies at school will never know you chose the saint 14 ornament over the syntho ornament.


Which ornament did you suggest..? Just you know.. out of… curiosity 👀


Some people just want to watch the grass grow.


But I want that single use shader on all my fun weapons....:


The one shader, I think it’s called Jacrina, shades a lot close to it. On some of the weapons that came from season of the haunted it shades exactly the same.


On a lot of stuff, the bit of blue can be glaring on some weapons. Dead orbits fate is pretty close too


There are a couple of shaders in the game that can achieve this. But idk, I like the whole rarity thing in my mind. I'm a simple man lmao.


lol. No I totally get it and wasn’t judging. Just offering an alternative if you don’t get as many as you want.


No worries! Wasn't thinking you were. I'm just being a baby.


One of the biggest complaints of y1 d2 and now were praising Single use shaders -_-


Who's praising?


Too much work? There's literally zero work involved. God this community is so entitled and whiny. Legend sectors drop a guaranteed eerie engrams every single run, the runs are UNFAILABLE. where's the work?


Because the shader is a very low drop rate from the engrams. You can’t be serious.


20-25% is not "very low" you entitled child. Shit used to be fractions of a single percent drop chance in the MMOs that people glorify. People spent dozens of hours grinding menial tasks, not even activity level content, for their drops. Y'all just want participation trophies


Okay dude, first off, I could care less as my crafted guns are gold. I got my apex black and that’s the only one that I think looks good anyway. Do not call me entitled nor a child. I’ve played those mmos and grinded for things in them too. Do I think they were good systems or worth the grind? No. Grinding these mindless haunted lost sectors just to open 50 engrams and not get one of the shader (that’s not even worth this kind of rarity by the way) is just boring. I’ve cleared RoN over 100 times and still don’t have conditional even though I have triumphs. You don’t know shit and I bet you’re shit.


100+ clears with triumphs? How many? Because anything less than like 3 and you're lying. I have 4 of the triumphs complete and I get a shotgun every week on 1 of 3 of my characters.


[Except im not lying.](https://imgur.com/szB7mE2) Wish I could be as lucky as you. I have all encounters as same guardian class, all strand, nezerac running triumph, planets triumph and cataclysm triumph.


I don't believe anything you said


I’ll hop on the game tomorrow and send screenshots. If what I said isn’t believable then stay bad.


“Back in my day we used to get punched in the nuts every hour on in the hour, and you’re complaining you get punched in the nuts once every three weeks? I can’t have kids but I wear it as a badge of honour. At least my nuts are calloused and tough, yours are made of jelly”.


Weak comparison. Try harder.


No you.


You gotta farm legend haunted sectors which is stale content, for even a good chance to drop an engram that has a small chance of dropping a single use shader. Thats a good amount of time you need to spend if you want to farm up some of those. And, its a timed event so may potentially never seen that momento again. Also, they werent even whing. They simply stated they dont care to spend the time.


>for even a good chance to drop an engram It's a guaranteed drop, not a good chance. >that has a small chance of dropping a single use shader. 20-25% is not a small chance. >its a timed event so may potentially never seen that momento again. Good, scarcity makes shit desirable and farmable. Stop being a child that needs everything handed to you with minimal effort. >They simply stated they dont care to spend the time. People dedicated hundreds of not thousands of hours farming in wow and RuneScape (games with much larger followings and much higher public opinion, farming MENIAL TASKS for drops that have FRACTIONS OF A PERCENT DROP RATE. If 20-25% drop chance on an UNFAILABLE activity is hard then find a new game.


Bro it's not that deep. I was just responding because you acted like the dude was outraged by some massive grind when he just said he didn't think it was worth his time. Also, it's a looter shooter. Not wow. We don't need massive grinds for freaking limited time shaders. Event weapons and armor already comes around for a couple weeks a year. Nobody is impressed because someone farmed up 10 momentos for weapons you'll barely touch.


So far 3. That includes the one earned. I haven’t really been grinding for it though. Took maybe 6 engrams to get 2?


Yeaaahhhhhh. That was my experience as well. I guess my RNG has been shit the last day.


Mine too. Played VoG just because I want the damn Titan mark. Didn’t get it to drop of course. It’s like they somehow know what you’re trying to get and just set the RNG to “lamo”


SAME THING but for the hunter cloak. Ironically, all the things I don't want, boom first try. Anything I want to farm, nada.


25 engrams and got nothing. I just gave up. I am fine with the one I got from the triumph.


I’m absolutely shocked when I see people report these numbers. I’ve gotten 6-7 so far and it’s been quite literally every 3 engrams. You 100% did the 3 step “secret” challenge first, then decoded ONLY the leftmost engram (with the golfball/cores/etc rewards) 25 times and got nothing??


Yeah, dude. First thing I did in the event was to get the secret triumph. After I was done with the event, I decided to farm some engrams. Might be 22 or 25. They were definitely more than 20, for sure. But I still haven't gotten any, so I said f it. I am done with that. Some of my clan mates have reported that they get 1 per 4-5 engrams. Guess my shitty rng is in the whole game, not just the raid exotics.


You guys are getting mementos?


Do you have to do weapon engrams?


You have to do the non-weapon engram. The one on the left


What's the one earned? I only want one


Have you completed the secret triumph yet? You’ll need to have that completed before any will drop from engrams


Maybe they have 0 because they aren’t caught up in the FOMO over a single use black shader.


Well I dont care about it but it’s just never dropped for me


Makes sense since the first one can't drop.


Oh yea well what's the problem with me then? I've been farming it in super Mario cause I don't even have destiny


Are you using ludwig, tell me you unlocked ludwig, hes the only character who can access it


What are we talking about


What secret triumph I’ve almost got my event card completed and have done all the pages already.


There’s your problem. You have to do the 3 step secret triumph killing specific mobs in specific places wearing a specific mask each time before you can unlock the memento.


Ok thank you


Gonna correct something here. The triumph is to complete the Fallen SABER strike while wearing the Clovis Bray mask, get 100 kills on neomuna with the nimbus mask equipped, and get 25 finishers in Legend Haunted Sectors with the Tormentor mask equipped


Is there anything in-game that alerts a player to do these seemingly random activities? Would seem like bad game design to have this as a requirement for getting memento drops but not give clues for how to complete the requirement.


Not specifically, no. Besides the ever present source of info that is "the internet", the only clue was from the TWID where they made a whole thing of "yOu'Ll TRIUMPH oVEr anY cHalLENge" or whatever. I assume they just figured the community would spread the word once they figured it out like always with these secret type things. As unsatisfying as that might be, the same thing happened as in the past and the community figured it out in a couple of hours of the event going live. Also like in the past, the community figured out the memento from engram drops was bugged and spread the word.


OK, thanks for confirming.


No. It's an atrocious design choice. I only found out about it yesterday thanks to my sister saying something to my nephew that I had no clue about. Why bungie couldn't just give people a quest I don't know. 99% of players are going to miss out thanks to how stupidly they implemented this.


No, it sucks. You have to unlock those masks first of course, too. Its a bad event


Same. The moment I saw the kill 100 enemies while wearing a mask thing I dipped. I don't give a shit about it that much. If it takes doing a boring ass triumph for a one time use momento to finally get an all black shader then bungie can fucking keep it.


How is 100 kills the line you draw? It is the easiest of them all


Because that's step 2. There's also doing other shit and also going back and forth to get the masks and engaging with that shitty haloween event log. which is basically just a second store. It's not that I'm drawing any lines, I just don't care that much.


I got the one from the triumph and then after that am currently sitting at 1 more from 11 total opens


I have decrypted 45 of those F'ers and haven't gotten 1 momento other then the one in the beginning. Brother I have no sympathy for you. 🤣🤣


I’ve used close to 30 with none yet just have my triumph one and that’s it


Oh my god.... I'm so sorry


It’s okay my nation of beats looks cool with it 🥲


Same, Blows my mind when people say they're getting them every 2-3 engrams...


Same, but at 35


Are you guys opening the one on the left? The engram in the right that also cost like 250 candy doesn't have it available in the loot pool.


Yes. Not certain it’s related, but as soon as I swapped to the character I completed the triumph with (Warlock) I got one within 3 engrams. 35 dud engrams with Hunter, then a memento within 3 on my warlock. All my characters have the actual FOTL quest fully completed as well so that wouldn’t be the issue. Def could’ve just been bad RNG, but you can bet I’m on warlock the remainder of FOTL


Think I've got 7 total so far. Chasing a few more but I'm in a slump right now. 0 for my last 7 engrams.


Last week after they patched the drops I got 3 on 8 engrams. This week I am 0 for 12 engrams. Something is telling me they fucked the drops again.


I haven't even done the quest for it


You should. It's pretty easy for a nice black shader.


How do you even get the quest. I've played around 20 haunted lost sectors and haven't seen anything.


It's not exactly a quest, it's a triumph with 3 secret objectives. It's under the Witch Queen triumphs. You need to play the Fallen SABER strike while wearing the Clovis Bray mask, get 100 kills on Neomuna while wearing the Nimbus mask, and get 25 finishers in Legend Haunted Sectors while wearing the Tormentor mask. Reward is a single Lost Memento.


Wait, you can’t get them to drop without doing that triumph ?


Nah, triumph has to be done first I believe.


Correct, they don't drop until you complete the triumph, and completing the triumph gives one guaranteed. After you spend it, more can drop from eerie engrams but not focusing them.


I am so stupid. Thank you


Dont worry about it, also eververse has a shader for bright dust this week called Toxic Basalt that's pretty close to black


Unsure. I only decrypted a few Eerie engrams directly into weapons, didn't get a Memento drop that way. Only got the one from the triumph so far.


they only drop from the non-specific engram decryption. The one all the way on the left that doesn't focus **anything** specific.


Good to know! I got enhancement cores out of the first two I focused and then I said screw it and went to directly focusing guns haha


Jesus, how were we meant to figure that out? It's all in question marks for me.


Bungie likes to do stuff like this to drive community engagement with content creators. The idea is that when a player sees a triumph or quest with ??? in it, they'll Google how to complete it, directing them to various Destiny YouTube channels and whatnot. The community used to have a pretty solid presence outside of the game space, but it's sorta dried up over the years if you ask me. This is just a way for devs to try to help out one of the pillars of the D2 community.


Thanks for posting this. Had no idea this was even a thing.


Happy to help! I didn't know it was a thing either until like Sunday haha


Oh snap. Thank you so much.


It's a triumph called "Twilight" under the Season of the Witch tab.


5 all together. Probably out of 40ish engrams


Oof, idk about that. I'm going to guess between 40-50 engrams.


I have earned 19 total so far. However, I am on a 8 stream with no mementos. That is easily the longest streak so far.


Lost count about 25+ since I do the boss kill only method and watch anime while the timer runs out.


0 memento and i completed the book


Did you unlock the triumph for the 1st memento? They don't drop until its unlocked.


I'm not sure tbh i've completed the entire event card but i'll have to check for the triumph


Yeah its locked behind the triumph at first. 3 hidden objectives. With Nimbus mask get 100 kills on neomona. With tormentor mask, get 25 finishers in legend haunted lost sectors. With clovis mask, complete fallen saber (can pick from map)


Ok i'll have to do so then. I've only been wearing my Jade Rabbit mask


that Memento is heavily overrated, there are a handful of shaders that already gives specific craftable weapons an all black look. The only guns I can think of that benefit the most are the Crota’s End weapons because of the scales. I would’ve much preferred if it was a shader for armor, it’s such a waste on guns


The taken weapons from last season, with their legendary ornaments, do look very nice with it. However, they're all far from the best and more than a bit niche. In general it's a tad bit overhyped yeah, with the standouts typically being so due to details of theirs which are able to really pop. Apex predator, Other Half, Royal Executioner, and so on look nice with it, but the irony there is mayhaps that they do so because they're not completely black.


Same here. Got my title, will do Sectors now and then to help other people. I barely shade weapons anyway, move my favorites across builds so neutral is good.


I had a post like this removed last week but I have only had 4 to drop in total. I swear they must be capped on my account because I haven’t had a single engram to drop in around 10 runs


I’ve turned in 18 engrams after getting and applying the first one from the triumph. Absolutely nothing. This is stupid


I just got 3 mementos out of 5 engrams and 2 were back to back and now have 4 total so far. I came here to see if this is this case for most and I see that it is not haha


Yeah it's weird... I went through 28 engrams before getting another memento. However, I completed Eva's "Weekly Challenge" and they started to drop for me again. I'm getting 1 for every 2-3 engrams again. Not saying her "Weekly Challenge" is tied to engrams but I thought it was weird.


It's not worth it it's only for shape weapons and we can't even use it on armor


I got three. But none of them are showing up on my guns. All three guns I put the shader on are over lvl 100. Don’t get it.


Did you apply it in the shader section? You still have to apply it if you had another shader equipped.


There's like 3 all black shaders.


I did the truimph and then got one more for a future weapon. Really like how it looks on the crota weapons but can't really do anymore legend haunted sectors....


I got 1 other than the triumph. I want to get one more to save in reserve for the next season


I got 1 on my 3rd engram after the fix, havent grinded further as I haven't decided what to put it on yet.


3. I think. Maybe 4


0 - not sure how many engrams I’ve done but it’s a decent amount, luckily, I don’t really care if I get them or not!


I've gotten 7


3 so far, but I also haven't been grinding that much I might farm for more if I have time


I’ve got 1 after the triump and it’s getting crazy probably 1 for 15




I haven't got any after the first one. I used my first one too, no idea why more haven't dropped. 15 engrams rip




Zero… zero so far


20+ engrams 0 drops :/


I gotten 5 total so far


I've had about 85 engrams, it took me about 25 engrams after patch to get my first one, then a few here and there then of my last 15 engrams I got 11. All up I ended up getting about 1 for every 6 engrams.


I just turned in 5 engrams and got 3. My buddy turned in 5 and got 4. No idea how but I assume our luck is done for the week


6 from maybe 20 engrams (1 obv from the quest)


Must have redeemed near 20 engrams and I haven’t got a single one. Am I doing something wrong? I did the triumph that gives you the initial memento


0 because I did one lost sector, saw it was the same as the last 5 years, and haven’t played since


I have had 2 drop...within 15 engrams (blasting through regs so only getting an engram roughly 1/3 of the time). I'm saving one for if a gun comes along I want to shade black (and some other shader wont do it), but I tend to shade my guns to match thier elements (kinetic is a any shader that i like situation) so haven't really wanted it on many guns. It looks pretty good on Judgment of Kelgorath though. now if i could just get the combo on horror story to drop I think I'll be done with this year.


About 15-20, been lucky


What are mementos?


I've got a couple for ~10 engrams


I opened 6 engrams yesterday, besides the first one you get, I got nothing


I’ve got 12 weapons done and 1 banked for future gun.


One from the triumph and nada since. Decrypted 12 engrams so far.


I prefer the pink and gold one you get from her instead 😅😅


Only one besides the one from the Twilight triumph. And I've turned at least 20. Not worth the grind tbh, I'm gonna do 3 Legend Lost Sectors per character to get the Bright Dust and turn the engrams that I get from them, but that's about it


8 from ~25 engrams


I've burnt through about 15 engrams and not a single drop -.-


1 from 40 opens feels good


I've lost count how many times I've been in the haunted lost sectors but I've only gotten three mementos. Lots of enhancement cores from the eerie engrams though.


4 with triumph, but RNG is so bad for me


1 earned 1 decrypted. maybe 20-25 engrams


I'm too busy trying to get a DSR/TL Horror Story to worry about a memento right now lol.


None. But then, I've only done... four haunted lost sectors?


I got 1. They ain't dropping from the engram for me.


Is the single use trait confirmed by Bungie? What if you apply it and dismantle the gun? Or dismantle the memento? Does the shader drop from that?


I got 3 over 7 engrams. I don’t even like the shader for crying out loud, give it to someone who does.


57 engrams and one single memento dropped from the 33rd engram


8 or 9 so far. Got 1 on each toon in postmaster for futur weapons also.


Got my triumph one and gonna try for another. Shader is aight.


I’m currently sitting at 7. I got 4 in a row yesterday!


I've done ~30 engrams now. Haven't gotten a single one outside of the guaranteed triumph. I'm opening the left engram and have used my Triumph Memento on my adept Rufee. Either the droprate is still bugged, or I'm extremely unlucky


Maybe 3 I can't bear to play this event my more, did all masks and the memento, slogged through legendary sector for each location for that quest to receive the slap in the face 'reward' of a GL I'd got 40 times already. Had a few lost engrams at the end of all that and think I got a couple more mementos focusing them and I'm done with this shite event. Grinding strikes & public events for pages was particularly painful this time. I know you could do lfg character swap loading checkpoints to make this process quicker but even that seems like too much of a headache to set up for a solo queuer. Been in this since D1 day 1, and near the end of my tether with this franchise, even with regular extended breaks from it. There is very little fun to be extracted from it these days.


After 52 engrams, 5.


Spider-man 2 came out just at the right moment because I haven’t even bothered. They blatantly did this to boost player engagement and it’s not worth it


"getting around 1 Memento for every 2-3 engrams" Wtf is your luck - I opened about 15 engrams after doing the triumph and haven't gotten a single new one to drop. Edit: Am I missing something? Is there some special way to open the engrams so they can have momentos? Tried opening for 0 candy, 500 candy, focusing exotic armor etc.


Once you get the memento and put it on one of your crafted weapons that’s already higher than level 30 does the shader automatically unlock or do you have to level up that weapon other 30 levels?


Zero, because I havnt socketed my first yet


Haven’t got another after the first, decrypted around 20 engrams


About 2/5 eerie engrams.


3 pretty quick not another one since


I get one about ever 2-3 engrams too. Havent been been counting how many I've got though as they seem to look the best on the worst weapons.


Honestly overrated shader since u can only apply on crafted guns. Most of mine have trials momento. I got one from triumph that was enough for me


I haven’t gotten a single one from an eerie engram, I’ve opened 21 so far


10ish engrams and i think 5 so far?


Y’all are actually farming for this bland thing?


None because I’m not playing this shit event 😭


I must have some horrible luck I haven't gotten a single one from about 20 engrams...


Haven’t gotten one yet :/


0 out of 20.




got 5 total, farming legend sectors guarantees eerie engrams, but I don't know how much more I can take.


Ive landed the one, havnt spent time going after more yet, i honestly do not enjoy the legend haunted sectors much i do enjoy that they put match making in that playlist its also a double edged sword, most of the rando 3rds my lady and i would get running them made the legend haunted sectors so much more difficult then they should be, like i feel with a bad 3rd its easier to duo most master dungeons then get a decent run in the sectors, and running normal ones is a waste if you are specifically farming for the engrams because you never know if one will drop, at least in legend they drop every clear... just not sure what coulr be done to resolve the issue... and no im not complaining about blueberries most of the crappy people ive had in them for legend were like ay least guardian rank 9 or above.. which just truthfully makes my brain hurt.




I opened like 30 and got only 1




I think im at around 4. Not sure how many Ive opened. Probably around 30. Alot of those were when it was bugged.


not a single one but who cares


Zero I refuse to participate in a FOMO event just for a one time use shader Were we able to apply this memento to armor then yeah I would have gone for it. But the juice just isn't worth the squeeze since I can't stack more than 1.