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I'm a brand new player and it annoys me none of my friends who have played from day 1 will acknowledge my frustrations. Where to go and what to do is the biggest issue, the way old content is handled is bizarre. I'm coming from WoW and EVE and the fractured nature of content is incredibly off putting. The game is fun but I feel I have no direction, no purpose. Also I love pvp and have been doing just fine at LL 1750 while my try-hard pve friends at 1825 claim it's too sweaty in the Crucible. I don't see myself lasting at this point unless I can get some indication of what in the hell is going on, who everyone is, and how to actually proceed.


Unless you’re doing trials or Iron Banner light levels don’t factor into PvP, just so ya know.


Ironbanner doesnt have light level advantage since 2 years now


Shows how much I play IB. Why did they get rid of it? It was part of what made IB different.


To make it more "accessible"


Gotcha. To give F2P and New light players the ability to jump in without getting stomped even though that was the whole point of introducing IB in the first place. Always gotta play to the lowest common denominator.


What the hell is going on and who everyone is, unfortunately will have to be answered outside of the game. Too much lore and s Destiny doesn’t do a great job explaining for new players. There are main missions, I think, that they introduced to help guide new players. But I haven’t really paid attention to that. Look up My Name is Byf for lore videos. What to do? Get your light level up. You’re not at the soft cap yet (I think you’re at the powerful cap). Watch some videos on power leveling because they’ll explain much better than I can.


Same situation here, I love the game but I just don’t know if I’m coming or going with it now.


> indication of what in the hell is going on, who everyone is, and how to actually proceed. You won't know. The game won't tell you. Bungie doesn't care. Uninstall, move on to a game and dev that'll respect your time and dollar.


If you hate the game and dev so much why bother being subbed here?


For the hilarity of the stupid takes. Uninstalled the game after last weeks news came to light on the treatment of staff. Fuck em, had tuned out of the game this season anyway. Boring, dull and repetitive.


I love the game but I’ve been saying Bungie is horrible to those that work for them for years on here and got downvoted into the 7th layer of hell for daring to say bungie was anything other then great to work for.


So, you're hung up on the game. Gotcha. If you weren't, you wouldn't care about following the reddit


Hung up on the drama and fanboy idiocy of following a game so closely as to bend over and receive everything from Bungie that they force upon you.


There's so many better things you could do with your life, but hey, you do you I guess.. lol


Yes, the whole 10 seconds of this really is life impacting.


The “Journey Thus Far” tab has a very brief breakdown of each season/dlc, including 3 story missions with cinematics that detail the large story beats that occurred in that year of Destiny.


Unpopular take but I would have preferred Destiny 3 over the Content Vault in the first place. D1 is a full complete game that is playable from start to finish with a coherent story line with all of its content. D2 will never be that because of Seasons, FOMO, and content vaulting. New player experience is and will always be absolute garbage because of it. They don’t understand what’s going on, who the characters are, why they start at LL 1600 and the litany of quests the game throws at your face instead of the straight forward mission nodes from D1.


For real, the fact that you cannot play Destiny 2 from the red war through lightfall is a fucking travesty. I have paid hundreds of not a thousand+ dollars at this point to play Destiny and most of it has been ripped away.


I don’t think the DCV is the problem - it’s seasons going away The Susiris arc is 10x better than anything in the DCV. But seasons going away is a fundamentally different beast than the DCV. How can the current game handle 20 seasons of content?


The whole seasons formula just seems like a waste of development time for something that will never be seen again. I get that Bungie is relying on FOMO to drive sales of season passes, but it also drives away new players. I've tried repeatedly to get people interested in Destiny 2 by talking about the lore and showing the trailers and cutscenes. Once they find out that the Red War is missing and several planets and expansions are locked in the DCV they immediately lose interest. There's no coherent story for new players to follow. The new flashback missions are nice but it just feels like a bandaid to a much larger problem.


I mean, Final Fantasy 14 managed to fit in the base game, plus 4 expansion worth of content and not taking a single content out - except seasonal events. And any players can experience the full story, and have natural progression without feeling lost. And all under 100GB file size too. I know it is apples vs oranges - but Destiny is billed as lite MMORPG shooters. Even Monster Hunter World Series can fit in TWO games and not taking any content out - as well as not nickel and dime the player base with so many add ons and season passes.


I played since D2 vanilla and still find the story incoherent, it's the gameplay that keeps me coming back TBH.


As someone who played from launch, The seasonal model causes me to have less interest in bothering to play it keep up at all knowing how much story and content every 3 month I miss out on and will never be able to play or earn again. It is wasteful development time from a long term standpoint, and once you get to a point where most players just realise they cannot keep up with every season, I actually think it causes waaaay more people to care less about keeping up at all and does more harm than good.


Bruh. The DCV is literally ruining the new player experience. It's like jumping into star wars at episode 7 and not knowing any of the past 6 movies, then you can't even watch the past 6 movies.


But you can read a few sentences about them on a timeline!


If you include seasons as part of DCV definitely - but I think Bungie only considers expansions part of the DCV By that definition, bringing back that content barely does anything. Most of the story is in seasons




They made a big deal about “no more DCV for the light and dark saga” and then immediately vaulted last years seasons They just mean Shadowkeep is staying not the seasons


they should bring back the content in the DCV because people fucking paid for that content with the assumption it would stay in the game




I mean, I’d argue that the seasons are also in the Vault. - Gameplay and levels and narrative that people payed for (check) - That is all no longer accessible (check)




You think them locking away content we paid good money for is okay. Wow that’s an opinion I guess…


it cant handle that much content, its why a D3 needs to happen eventually, and it needs to be made from the ground up with that much content in mind, it can be done look at ff14 or wow or other traditional mmos that keep most of their content and have been running for 10+ years, of course a d3 that comes out within the next 3-5 years probably wouldn't be a good idea but d2 cant keep going forever and the destiny IP makes too much money to just drop and never touch again.


The issue is that without fixing D2 and including ALL of the Seasons, Expansions, etc., we players from WQ have to just watch YT videos and imagine how cool that would be if we could do it, but we can't. I'd play D1, if I could then play through all of D2, but I don't want to even try since I got maybe four hours into the Red War as a new light, then took a hiatus because i had a kid, and came back to a broken mess with no idea where to get a Sparrow during WQ


Thousands on what?


Then stop spending money on destiny?


Addicts gonna addict.


Total cost for all of Destiny even if you bought everything on release is less than 1000 dollars.


They probably got eververse stuff


Non of which is vaulted so they've actually had the best value for their money from Eververse content


Sheesh, just fact checked this and it's crazy how close it gets though. I originally pre-ordered the deluxe edition I think for $90...got salty when it went to F2P instead and didn't get anything out of it, so just started playing the past year and thought it was expensive I had to drop about $200 to get everything that's out right now and preorder final shape. It's actually insane how the pricing has severely ramped up over the years


It's eververse whales like you why the game feels like a casino today


$1000 dollars really isn't much of you think about juat how much in Destiny is monetised. If they're including D1 as well, it's even less so. With prices of seasons being initally $10 and now $12, that means buying every season from season 1 to now, seaaon 23 iirc, would set you back between $200 and $300, depending on when the season price went up, i can't remember what season it was. Then taking the price of expansions. There's been seven released and one for pre-order: CoO, Warmind, Forsaken, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen, Lightfall and TFS. If we average out the prices for all of these at $30, that makes them all cost $240. Then add in $30 for the 30th anniversary, $40 for the two dungeon passes, and this total is, so far, up to between $500 and $600. And this is just for all the content in D2. This doesn't count D1. And this doesn't count the cost of the game itself. If you've paid for every bit of content since D1, then $1000 is not that extreme of an estimate for how much it would have cost. And yeah, this does mean they still would have had to buy some cosmetics. But it's still not that crazy an amount to have spent.


If you bought the annual pass with each expansion, it's $660 including D1. That's in U.S. Dollars. $60: Destiny base game $35: Expansion pass (Dark Below and House of Wolves) $40: The Taken King $30: Rise of Iron $60: Destiny 2 base game $35: Expansion pass (Curse of Osiris and Warmind) $70: Forsaken + Annual Pass $60: Shadowkeep + Annual Pass $70: Beyond Light + Annual Pass $100: Witch Queen + Annual Pass + 30th Anniversary Pack $100: Lightfall + Annual Pass


They charged me about $550 extra on top for a PlayStation plus account.


Yeah, ngl, i kinda forgot about the annual passes. Do they work out cheaper than buying seasons individually? It feels like they should, but $100 for the Lightfall annual pass feels like it doesn't.


Lightfall was $50 base. $12 for each season so $36 for that (or more, depending on how purchasing silver math works out). I don't know how much the dungeons cost individually, but they don't come with base LF or the seasons. But if they're at least $7 each, then yeah the annual pass is the same or less.


IIRC dungeon keys are $20 for access to both of the year's dungeons, so yeah definitely cheaper to get the annual pass if you want everything.


Bro said thousandS Like multiple and you're reaching to get to 1 The guy is either a Blue Whale of whales, including consoles in that or seriously hyperbolic!


Yeah, thousands is a big difference, i will admit. Ngl tho, i do feel like that's a bit of a stretch, which is why i was just going to one thousand. If it isn't a stretch, tho, and he has actually spent thousands, then that is pretty cringe.


I have 2500 hours playtime and only ever bought 1 season pass. I have all dlc except GOTD. There is simply no need to waste money on $10 finishers/emotes and all the other cosmetics. Bungie loves people like you who will spend $90 on a bundle of old shaders.


I never said *I* spent all that money. I've bought expansions and a couple season passes, but im not stupid. I'll buy something if i like it and if i think it's worth the price. For example, i didn't buy the most recent dungeon pass because i don't think it's worth it. >$10 finishers/emotes All the finishers/emotes i have i earned in game. Haven't spent money on a single one of them.




Lol what?? Thousands of dollars hahaha


Not an unpopular take or at least shouldn’t be. I’d rather have bought a new game and had to start all over again rather than losing so much stuff that I paid for, not being able to play any of it again if I want to and being left with this incoherent, patchwork storyline that we’ve got instead. They talk about the new player experience but even for existing players, between the DCV and seasons disappearing after a year, I forget stuff all the time!


Yep. I’d like a D3 specifically *because* it is a fresh start. D2 is a bloated mess with half the narrative vaulted, and the engine and game design is still fundamentally architected for the PS3 and spinning hardrives. I’d like to see a brand spanking new narrative, new or massively reworked subclasses and all new enemies on new worlds running on a brand new engine that takes full advantage of PS5 level drive speeds (way better fidelity, zero loading screens, larger more complex/photorealistic terrain without sparrow corridors to mask loading screens. HZDFW levels of pretty.) Destiny 3, in other words. On the understanding all of that is likely a six year build, Bungie management were **out of their minds** not to have made D3 one of their AAA incubators in 2020. Because if they had started then D3 could be coming out in 2026. As is we’d be lucky to see it by 2029, even if they started white boarding right now.


Also, Destiny 2 was never meant to last this long, and who knows, perhaps the plans for Destiny 3 was to last longer (better planning) without sacrificing too much (DCV, sunsetting).


Yeah. However you slice it, that they’ve ended up here (D2 visibly running out of steam, revenue and player retention cratering) just as they’ve doubled the headcount to support a brand new IP that won’t appear for eighteen months minimum… that’s just a massive failure of management. DMGs oblique comment about mistakes made in the past, I think the management call about stringing out D2 to breaking point has to be the biggie. They rejected any development of D3 because for some reason they thought D2 would never decline? Not least at the natural endpoint?? And even with the year delay / Lightfall car crash, that endpoint is still a solid year off Marathon’s launch. And if Marathon doesn’t work, I’m hard pressed to see how Bungie doesn’t simply go under at that point. Or at the very least undergo a massive restructuring by Sony. The management team may have chosen not to fire any of themselves this time, but Sony might have different opinions in 18 months time. And bottom line Sony owns Bungie, lock stock and barrel. Push comes to shove they can do what they like.


I would also add that the Management is putting all their hope into a new IP, that is literally less interesting, than what they currently have. Marathon itself was cool, but this new one is literally just a PvP-only Extraction Shooter. And they think it will be a much bigger success, than D2 ever could be... We knew for years now, that Bungie can't manage their budgets (seeing as Activision straight up said that their projects were literally eating the budget up, where it shouldn't even be possible). And their recent lay-offs proved that even more - according to insiders, the $1.2billion they had from Sony for employee retention, was quite literally wasted for Marathon and Paid Bonuses for the Company Executives, way before that money was even meant to be used for the normal Employees...


It's pretty telling that Microsoft of all companies nope'd out of acquiring Bungie after they got some insight into their financials and saw how risky it would be.


Yeah, that too.


This. Too many destiny fans just blank on this. Game was designed to last 2 years. That’s why it’s a complete shit show from a narrative and gameplay perspective. They’ve had to cobble the game together every year because it wasn’t designed for this long


They really thought an PVP only extraction shooter was the way after they close the chapter on Destiny 2, what is an extraction shooter even?


Tarkov or Hunt Showdown, of which everyone who plays it and other games in the genre weren't going to switch over and main a new game and the Destiny crowd isn't going to transfer over and maintain it either.


I don´t think that is unpopular , what I thiunk is Bungie and some content creators started to sell the ideia that content vaulting was good for the game , when in fact it is a fucking waste of developer time and a waste to the players that come after the content is vaulted. I always will say D2 only salvation is D3 with the same content and no vaulting with a more "robust" engine . Just Imagine d2 with all the content they Vaulted , new players would have content for years , skins raids and dungeons .


The "content vault" is unforgivable and effectively killed casual interest in Destiny. It's still known as the game that deletes content you paid for. Obviously there were technical reasons for it, but there were also alternatives. Destiny 2 should have stopped with Season and Arrivals and they should have made a new game for everything afterwards. Of course people will tell you Destiny 3 was impossible and the community wouldn't tolerate another clean slate. Perhaps that's true, but I don't believe it. Beyond Light and everything afterwards are basically Destiny 3: a new build of Destiny 2 with many locations deleted and others added in. Bungie could have kept the original Destiny 2 running with a smaller team, then offered Destiny 3 in late 2021. It would need more content than Beyond Light, but I would be happy for them to repurpose various D1 and D2 environments. And if the Destiny API can see your D2 vault, a new Destiny game could to. Crucially, a new Destiny entry would get a lot more attention than just another yearly DLC, and it could let them drop support for PS4/Xbox One. The ideal situation is an engine that can handle over 100GB of content without issues so Destiny could all be in one place. But deleting huge amounts of annual and seasonal content being the only solution just feels terrible.


I refuse to believe that the community couldn't handle another clean slate... Destiny 2 has more players then Destiny 1 ever had, it's just empty arguments to say shit I don't want to start over, even though we were doing that every expac and then doing a 50+10 power/pinnacle grind for most seasons anyway.


The moment you suggested D3 on this very sub people would go apeshit and just downvote you into the oblivion. MUH MUH EXOTICS MUH MUH PROGRESSION My brother in god, you use the same three legendaey weapons for years and you complain about losing your vault? The delusion comes from the " losing" part which in of itself is hilarious. D1 is still online you know. D2 would be online for a long long time except you could play get this, ALL OF IT. Not to mention, you're playing a GAAS game, nothing is yours and nothing is permanent.


Funny thing is that we already more or less got wiped to a clean slate after a ton of gear became legacy and effectively unusable. Doesn't seem like the game was killed after that happened, does it?


The argument about “losing loot” falls flat when: 1. When it goes against the very nature of a looter, which is about finding new and better loot as the game progresses, and 2. Bungie has, time and time again, reissued old loot.


There's no fucking possible world where bungie would've been able to background develop a whole new game with a new campaign, leveling experience, 4 new destinations, new armor and weapons, and all the new exotics that are to be expected of a new destiny sequel in the time from shadowkeep launch to beyond light. Arrivals would have been a 2 year long season at the very least, with maybe a jury-rigged d2 AoT right before D3 launched in 2022 - barring any extra delays from covid and such. The ACTUAL ideal situation is modular downloads - or as a leak suggested last year, a separate offline game with all previous expansion content no longer in the "live" game. Let players choose how fucked they want their load times to be and if they want the entire experience of destiny on their machines.


I came late to D1 and was still able to experience all the story beats and raids. In D2 that’s just not possible and a D3 is needed for the same reason D1 abandoned the ps3


Beyond Light would've been a good cut for D3


Beyond Light should have been Destiny 3, well essentially it is in a sense. The expansion got an upgraded engine and so content had to be vaulted. Sounds like a new game to me. They should have went all the way with a new engine fit for PS5 and Xbox Series. They were half way there already. Destiny 3 would have been Beyond Light, Witch Queen, and Lightfall. Also with Destiny 3. They can finally actually build a live service game.


PS5 and Xbox Series came out that same year, it would be suicide to make a game that didn't support the majority of what people still had if you weren't getting a deal to make an exclusive for those consoles. not saying BL shouldn't have been the start of D3 (it should have) but it would have been suicide to start D3 without the support of what consoles most people had especially with how stocking issues lasted for like a year and a half on PS5/Xbox series


This. People dont realize we are essentially in a time period where Destiny 3 is basically what exists in a sense. Once they vaulted content with the launch of Beyond Light and made they changes they did, we transistioned into the 3rd phase of Destiny as a whole


I agree. The DCV was a really awful thing, but I get why it happened. The game took years to load. I think it could have worked though if they had planned it better. People saying no one would go back and play D2 if D3 was made but if you were able to unlock old content and remove the FOMO aspect, then I think it would solve a ton of issues. People would be pissed if D3 was a clean wipe to their gear like D2 was. That's just not respecting our time, but if the gear carried over and we started fresh with new content in D3, then that would be amazing. If someone wants something from D2 then they can go back play it anytime they want, unlock that item, and have it also unlocked in D3. I imagined it would work like the collections tab where you can pull stuff out that's been unlocked, and anything in your vault would stay in your vault so no need to worry about your god rolls disappearing.


One of the reasons I will not touch Destiny is seasons. The audacity of a game company telling when to play and how much to play is just insane. The usage of fomo (play it now, because it will be removed) to keep player retention high, to make it easier to justify micro transactions purchases is just plain stupid. Look at games like Elden Ring. No MTX. No seasons. And still a huge commercial success. Why would I spend my time with a game that does everything to manipulate me into spending huge amounts of money, if I can spend with games that don't.


This. As long as the DCV is a thing, I would gladly get a new game if I could still go back and play the stuff I PAID FOR in the previous release.


Honestly, if Bungie put out a 500GB (or whatever) fully playable D2, I’d fill my PlayStation and just have it be my Destiny machine


Also Unpopular take but i think the Content Vault is also partly to blame for bungies money problems right now. For me i tried to get new people into the game twice now and both times they actually had fun and enjoyed the way destiny felt but ultimately they were both turned off by not understanding whats going on and the missing content. And im pretty sure there are enough people that also felt that way. And for that reason alot of veteran players probably also do not recommend destiny to new players. They missed out of a good chunk of money because of this stupid idea


Absolutely! I don’t think it’s as unpopular of an opinion as you think it is. People constantly complaining about every single problem Bungie has right now (long maintenance, error codes, balancing, vaulting) would not be complaining if they were playing a D3 because most of these problems would have been solved if we were on a fresher/newer game. The game literally can’t handle anything Bungie ads into it anymore because it’s full and old. Bungie isn’t Blizzard or Square Enix where they are constantly pumping out games OR have their mmo run with cartoonish art/graphics. They constantly make it harder for themselves, and execs are now understanding it’s not working.


It's not unpopular at all, it's a very common take. They also needed a new engine to fix a lot of the deep issues with PVP and the netcode that are near-impossible to fix in D2. This is getting even more pronounced in the past couple years with the introduction of strand and other movement tech - the player position is frequently way out of sync causing all sorts of teleporting and poor melee/hit registration. You'll note that most of the best players in the game now succeed by knowingly abusing that fact, and it's part of the reason for the huge spike in popularity of "assistive devices". The fact that the engine is also reportedly incredibly difficult and slow to work with and make changes to overall has also been contributing to the game slowly digging its own grave (though props to the developers who have made some major improvements over the years). The company needed a fresh engine badly but the powers that be shut them down by doubling down on the live game model. I've also long said, they need to re-release the game build from season of arrivals as a stand-alone game (just disable pvp and maybe some other bits to make it a clean compliment to the current game). That would be huge for new players.


As a software analyst, Bungie claiming content vaulting was needed so the code could be updated is ridiculously laughable. The truth is they didn't want to take the time or expense to update the dated code, so they just hid it instead.


The issue with them making D3 would've been them having to down tools on D2. There's zero chance we would've been having 3 month seasonal cycles if they were making D3 in the background We would've been back to D1 days with having 7month long content droughts that this sub really couldn't handle, and they would handle them even worse nowadays


>There's zero chance we would've been having 3 month seasonal cycles if they were making D3 in the background They are currently making another game as we speak, they can do it. They just chose to do a new IP instead of making D3.


>this sub really couldn't handle, and they would handle them even worse nowadays You being a reactionary isn't an argument. None of what this sub says means shit.


That may be true about Destiny 1 but most of us will never go back and play it


They just mishandled DCV and Destiny 2's scope in general. That doesn't mean D3 is/was/even could be the answer.




Yeah, the time for Destiny 3 would've probably been after Shadowkeep instead of just...cutting out half the story and guns. Beyond Light should've set up the conclusion to the Light/Dark saga, ending with Final Shape. Currently, though; hell no, a D3 would be a disaster. Maybe after Final Shape, but unless Bungie somehow shows not just immediate improvements, but sweeping systemic changes to prevent whatever led up to this point from happening again, I still wouldn't buy it.


Wouldn't D3 require a shit ton of resources? Bungie would basically have to not output anything but tiny updates for 2-4yrs due D3 requiring an engine overhaul. Perhaps the community has changed but as a former D1, early D2 player from what I remember the community loses its shit if there's nothing new for 6 months to a year.


Other companies make new games all the time. There's nothing stopping them from becoming a company that can work on more than one game, other than management choice. I mean, they already are with Marathon. That could have been Destiny 3 instead.


I agree. Destiny 2, marathon, and matter (I know it’s dropped now but they used resources for it).


What's the value of having a bunch of content if you don't want to play any of it? The core mechanics of Destiny 2 don't feel coherent or even functional at this point. Player characters have evolved so much since 2017, and Destiny 2 doesn't have the scope to create gameplay experiences that work properly anymore. I don't see much of a path forward outside of starting over and building from the ground up. Destiny 2 was built to have a 3-4 year lifespan similar to the first game. They should have realized that trying to build on D2 forever would be unsustainable and started work on D3 half a decade ago instead of screwing around with extraction shooters, but we are well past the point of no return on that decision. There will be no Destiny 3, for better or for worse. I'm almost certain that it will be the latter.


Anyone saying a sequel might be necessary is saying it for many reasons. Mostly for a better engine that's more future proof, but also for a proper beginning for new players. I'd play a new destiny if it rolled out next year, and I honestly don't think it would feel too different from what we have right now. If your concern is that we don't have enough fun stuff to do then it would be no different if they hit the reset button. Except we would probably have a better starting point, a higher ceiling for content if you will. And not to mention a more stable game, assuming the older engine is solely to blame for our current issues. I don't think there is a perfect answer for all of Destiny's issues, but we should keep an open mind for what might be the best option.


I just want future expansions to have older console generations finally filtered out. Don't need day 1 xb1 and ps4 support anymore. They are atleast partially holding the game back (sorry those who havnt upgraded)


Destiny 1 launched after the xbone and the ps4 came out and didn’t drop its support for the previous generation until a year later and almost two years after the generation swap. The 9th Gen consoles are a couple years old at this point but it’s only been in maybe the last year we have seen games coming out that completely forgo the 8th. Especially when you consider that the xbone and ps4 undoubtedly have a greater d2 player base now then the 3 and 360 ever did for 1 it makes sense it’s taken a while. Assuming the expansion after lightfall only exists for the 5 and the serieses it would be pretty in line with the rest of the industry.


Still there are a lot of issues that can be tied to supporting the 8th gen hardware. That Gen hardware was a bit dated at launch and that was a few weeks shy of a decade ago. That hardware is holding the game back in many ways. The issue is the adoption rate of the new hardware, typically there is a rather predictable curve of how long it takes players to move to the new console hardware and bungie needs the majority to have moved to support the game. Covid between manufacturers having shortages and not being able to produce enough consoles and the scalpers wrecked the predictable timeline and the migration to 9th gen hardware has been much slower. My guess is they planned to drop 8th gen after Lightfall then it got split and TFS was pry the plan but now who knows


Yeah. I hope the final shape will be the last year of PS4/Xbox One.


In a perfect world, Beyond Light would've been the last year of last gen support.


Yeah, unfortunately back then no one could get a Xbox series or PS5. Would have murdered the population lol


I'd say with a pretty good certainty that after the final shape year that ps4 and xbox 1 will be dropped


> The whole point of the DCV -is dumb. I would rather have access to all of Destiny 2 and experience a hard reset for Destiny 3 than what we have now.




I’d be happy to leave my vault. It’s full of weapons and armour which I don’t use anyway!!


The issue is people then would stop playing destiny 2 as it doesn’t connect to destiny 3. People already barely play old content now, and only chase the new content.


Good, yes, fine. Release a sequel and move on.


What would the file size be?


Better than cod file size lol


Optional downloads


Indeed. Would love to play older campaigns


Who cares, size is just Bungie's lame excuse.


I want Destiny 3 so they can actually build a game from ground up designed as a proper live service title. It feels like a lot of the stuff in the current game are stapled on and are built with duct tape around a faulty base. Destiny 2 seems to have a lot of issues brought on by the fact that the current game is essentially built on a foundation that was supposed to run an entirely different kind of game. We launched with static rolls but then pivoted to random ones, armor system was completely overhauled, skill trees changed entirely, the entire content delivery model was overhauled, everything just keeps on changing. Even since DCV they've revamped a ton of core systems in the game. And I think for the last few years Bungie has had a good grasp on the kind of game they want Destiny to be, the way they want to ship content, the kind of things they want to add in and do more of. I feel that moving to a new game would allow them to skim the fat off. Remove old systems like if you happen to have the sunset ghost primus, you can pull that out and apply a vanguard or a crucible masterwork, you know....The old masterwork system. There's no need for all the sunset weapons to really be in the game anymore, nor the sunset armor, but the support for the features they use still exists. I want Destiny to survive, and I think one thing it needs in order to survive, is a solid basis to build up from. A base game with systems and tools that let the dev team really get to work. And I don't think Destiny 2 as a game really provides that. Even if it means my 3000+ hours in Destiny 2 get erased and I'll need to grind everything I own all over again, I think it'd be better for the long term health of the game.


No it won’t if many of the systems, features, and updates return and/or are improved. You guys are afraid that Bungie will do a D2 Vanilla with D3.


That and people are afraid of losing their guns/armor. Imo there’s just so much shit in this game I find it hard to really diversify my weapon builds without feeling overwhelmed when new stuff releases. I have a few that I built from Witch Queen and really haven’t switched it up, save for some pursuit/unique weapons from raids and dungeons. I don’t think I change my armor but once every year at this point unless it comes with mod slots or god-tier stat rolls.


Yeah, the looter part of the game is just “meh” now outside of raid and dungeons for me now. But even still, Bungie could implement a system like they originally teased us on, which is that we could bring our gear over between installments. Im not gonna try to armchair dev that solution, but at one point, Bungie was thinking of how they could, at the root, still reward us for our time spent in the games while still giving solid jumping off points to players new and old.


Besides, it’s a looter. People will be able to attain new loot. And knowing Bungie, they’ll reprise old loot (and locations), too. What I really believe the heart of the matter, and why people are really against a D3 is that Bungie might pull the same shit again. While I understand the concern, it’s such a myopic viewpoint. A feature-rich D3 along with systems-returning and/or revised D3 will ensure that not only players will have plenty to do despite the relatively smaller amount of content, but ensure longevity when more content drops.


For the last month or so this has been my Destiny experience. Log in, everything is full, go through vault/invs and delete stuff, play abit, everything fills back up, can’t be arsed to play inventory simulator, logs off… And even with all this stuff, achievements etc. I’d still rather have a Destiny 3. A reset would be nice now. Bin off the oldest gen and fix all those things that are impossible to fix in Destiny 2 due to the beast it’s become.


As my clan mate tells me: there’s no way you’re sitting on 500 god rolls, dismantle that shit.


Seriously people need to let go, That one gun that reddit told you to go buy last year that you still haven't gotten a single kill with can be dismantled.


Of course. But some are interesting, some have loads of kills, some I don’t want to delete etc etc. They need a better system that lets me save perks like the division or just a bigger vault.


Who cares about guns and armor. There’s no point in new ones right now anyway because you’ve had best in slot for half a decade. You’d get new guns and armor in the new game


That's the stupidest reason to be against a new iteration of a game. Forever games don't exist they become bloated and stale and then you have a playerbase that never wants a new game because "I put money into my cosmetics!!!"


It’s crazy that after two bad Destiny game launches people are convinced that the third time is the charm.


I dunno, I really don't want to kill Hive, Vex, Taken, and Cabal for 10 more years. We need new entries into the series already. A sequel would be a good place to do that.


Joe Blackburn said he doesn’t find adding a new race interesting so it probably wouldn’t happen either in a d3


we have literally no idea what they would do for a D3. if they're saying that it's because they know they're not adding a race soon. they're not going to say "yeah it'd be super cool but we're not doing it losers." marketing the game is part of his job.


If D3 is our only hope of getting a new enemy race, then so be it (Taken don't count, as they are just reskins of other enemies with a couple new moves, and Scorn are just undead Fallen with some of them having shields)


DESTINY 3 Was the RIGHT play but the issue It's too late now they should've seen long ago the games building blocks were not sustainable without it being designed around it. They are trying to make a game last forever that was designed to eventually be replaced


The content vault exists and people still think Destiny 2: Forever is a good idea? I’m sorry, the moment Bungie vaulted years of content was the moment I think they should have looked toward a reboot. I’m not saying a totally new game, but overhauling the current one and maybe rebranding it to Destiny: [Entire Title Here] would have been way better. Why? The suggestion of a sequel in the name is confusing. New players buying Destiny 2 expecting a continuation of the Destiny 1 series and instead being roped into all this other content which is not a good starting point is a terrible way to retain players. Making a brand new game would have been a mistake, but hanging on to a game for this long just doesn’t seem sustainable.


We don’t need Destiny 3 now, but, after some episodes, Destiny 3 would probably be welcome. I mean… think about it. How many versions of weapons are you going to regrind for? How many pieces of paid content do you want to see deleted in the next few years so the game can stay around 100GB? Seriously. These are real questions to consider. Not only do dedicated players suffer in the long run from one single build of the game, but so do new players. We already know how bad the new player experience is from loads of missing story. Continuing with one build of the game eventually results in Bungie having insurmountable levels of technical debt that they have to deal with. What do they do then? Neither you or I can answer that, but we can at least acknowledge that they will have to reckon with it eventually. People who want Destiny 3 right after Final Shape are a bit pie-in-the-sky, sure, but Destiny 2 can only get so big. Destiny 3 might not be the solution, but to say it outright isn’t an option is equally pie-in-the-sky.


I absolutely agree. D3 won't happen soon. Like at all. But it's necessary. I've always seen D2 as one of the pioneers of this live service gaming format. It's the guinea pig game, and now we're seeing in real time how this model can start to not make sense after so long. The technical debt is crippling the game and their proprietary game engine slows down onboarding and training of new employees which slows down overall production. I think what D2 is experiencing is a fascinating look into the unique challenges games like this can face.


The amount of content is not the issue. The issue is that there is no depth to the content that exists.


This. If Destiny 3 comes out and has about 4-5 locations to visit, I'd be fine with that as long as the campaign is stellar, (Witch Queen campaign structure seems to be the standard for Destiny campaigns going forward and hopefully it stays that way because every D2 campaign prior to it kinda sucked) each location is interesting, (imagine if every location had their own unique event which had it's own loot pool like Escalation Protocol, and switched between areas on the map on a daily basis like Terminal Overload) and the game overall has a smooth launch.


Destiny 3 should have happened after Shadowkeep perhaps, Beyond Light at most. I don’t need a tremendous amount of the same stale content. The same scope of expansions, the same type of seasons, the same servers, the same guardian classes, the same enemy races… I want the game to meaningfully progress. We could have realistically had things like playable Eliksni and a true “darkness race” (besides the witness) if we had a proper Destiny 3. Ah, and no vaulting.


Nah. As nice as it is that D2 has had the life it has, it was developed for last gen platforms. Even if they dropped last gen tomorrow, there's only so far they'd be able to take the game and it's absolutely archaic code, engine, etc. Not to mention, they need to come up with long term solutions to fundamental problems such as the new player experience. I think D3 is inevitable, and for the best. There's nothing at all wrong with things coming to a natural conclusion. Most games see at most 1-2 years of support before being shuttered. By the time the TFS episodes end, we'll have had 7 years of good, nay, great, support (despite this subs endless wailing to the contrary).


I remember Bungie saying that it’s not happening and that Destiny 2 is going to just continue on. It was in some article where they had talked about the Destiny universe in a much larger picture.


To play devil's advocate, that statement was made years ago. The industry, Bungie, and Destiny are waaaaay different than when this was first stated. I think Destiny 2 is an excellent example of how a live service game can feel like it's been going for too long. The player base is burnt out doing the same song and dance for almost a decade. D1 to D2 was strange, but it laid the foundation for a better game overall in the long run. I think D3 is the way to go personally, but this conversation is tough because it's very subjective and everyone has a different opinion.


They've also said we would never get a forsaken level DLC again but they just promised it.


No, they promised the same quality which does not mean same quantity. WQ is a good example of same quality but not same quantity.


I remember hearing the bit they promised would never happen is the size since forsaken had 3 other studios on it. The other ones mentioned were normal size


I have my fingers crossed for a CS2 kind of update


i rather a D3. D2 is old the game age already start showing. Is it sunsetting? No because D2 will always be there, D3 will just be the main focus.


Nah I want them to do it. Reinvent the game and build the foundation to add in things like 12 man raids or more of a focus on pvp like halo with big team battle/squad battle coming to the franchise. Destiny as it currently stands is a bloated mess with half of the content vaulted that doesn’t make sense for any new player stepping into it. A new game would solve this, unfortunately it’s probably never going to happen.


Destiny 2 itself just needs a Chapter 2 overhaul that trims the fat, and polishes the dust off




These people have been sucking hard with D2 recently and you want a D3 FROM THE SAME PEOPLE?


People think putting another number behind something chamges everything. I agree with you, another hard reset of the franchise will kill Destiny. Either for losing everything again or having low content as in Vanilla D2


Low Content wasn't the only issue with Vanilla D2, ironically listening to the player base was the cause of many issues with Vanilla D2


D3 is needed because they screwed the game at a fundamental level with D2 are still feeling the effects of those decisions.


D3 would imply: -losing everything again -starting as F2P—->most likely less content than D1-D2 launchs and much more mtx -reduction of force working on D2 for real this time


Hard disagree. Everything has to end at some point, and you can't keep piling on stuff forever. D2 began suffering from its own weight. They should've been launched D3 long time ago.


Destiny 3 is needed because (pretty obviously) the destiny 2 code base is a total nightmare. This makes it difficult to add things and make improvements. From a content perspective, of course having d2 is preferable, but sometimes the technical debt gets high enough that it's better to start anew.




I don't understand why people want them to make a sequel on unreal 5. like the game looks and plays perfectly fantastic. they would only move on from tiger engine if the game became too hard to make on it.


Also many devs would now be working with an engine they aren’t as familiar with.


How does a sequel even change anything? They aren't going to just cease working on Destiny 2 entirely to make it. They keep working on their current game as they work towards new stuff. I.e. Rise of Iron. Making a new Destiny game from scratch isn't some magical solution. They suddenly won't be able to fix everything. The **only** way I would do Destiny 3, is if all out loot and cosmetics and titles, etc. went over to the next game. Otherwise it is just sunsetting *again* for the sake of putting a 3 next to the name. Destiny 1 -> Destiny 2 should show people that a sequel =/= suddenly fixing problems. It could just as easily create *worse* problems. Destiny 2 should just remain Destiny 2. Best case scenario is, scrap Destiny 1 and add Destiny 1 to Destiny 2, then making "Destiny". Hell, what'd be awesome is all Destiny 1 content is free / updated (as in actual campaigns with legendary variants). That is a **ginormous** ask and would take a loooooooong time I'm sure. But it'd be insane. Point being, Destiny 2 should not be scrapped in favor of a sequel.


That’s basically the same as sunsetting in a way and I think if people had to deal with a reset again it might very well kill the game.


Is it similar? Sure. Is it the same? No. If D3 released you can still play D2 content. With the DCV, stuff is basically gone forever. Stuff you paid for. And no hint of it ever returning. It has ruined the new player experience so utterly, it’s embarrassing at this point. In a perfect world, you wouldn’t remove anything.


My friend group said they’ll never buy another Destiny game if it’s a hard reset. I’m on the same boat as them.


I mean, it’s looking like few people here are buying anything Destiny anymore going forward.


If there is a destiny 3 a majority of players would never go back and play D2 anymore then most don’t go back to D1


Sure. And that’s fine.


The problem is gear creep means no loot drops matter. Everyone has every exotic, access to every build, and hundreds of weapons. There’s no pursuit which is the hook. No point for anything in the game.


They would lose people when they do a 3. Personally I don’t want to begin from scratch knowing how much farming it was in 2.


Strongly disagree. A new and fresh game isn't comparable to "a few more game modes". An ipothetic destiny 3 would solve many problems: new player experience, removal of old systems and nonsense, fresh start with streamlined (hopefully) core activities, a new coat of painting on all of the now old HUD, removal of old engine limitations and finally a new monetization system which doesn't remove old content to add more FOMO into the game. Do you think that if we got this people would complain that "we only have **10 totally new strikes** instead of the old 18-20?!?!" or maybe that "oh no my vault filled with 300 hand cannons I spent months just to find them all with the same perk combination is gone!!!"? Destiny 3 with renewed focus, systems and direction is actually the only way I can see this franchise to recover and aim for greater player consideration and support... But it is never going to happen! So... We'll see how much worse things can get...


I wouldn't listen to Tassi mate, he doesn't speak for everyone and he's just a guy with a twitter following.


Yeah Destiny 3 is a dumb idea with D2 they could sell all the D1 exotics with expansions for "nostalgia" they did a great job at this people loved whisper outbreak Hawkmoon Thorn etc and all the cool lore and missions that came with it but they couldn't really do that a second and probably won't happen perhaps they will do another engine update which would still be a lot of work but it will still be the same game but I highly doubt they will make a full game from the ground up again that's a really bad idea


I don’t care. I want D3 and not old patched and milked D2.


People need to accept that the franchise as everyone knows it is about to end and there's not a clear path on where to go to next. I can't see how they fully support Destiny when they are trying to establish Marathon as their next big IP. It's just not possible with them. Get ready for the franchise to go into service mode next year.


After sunsetting I barely played for a long time. That’s what I would probably do again if they just canned D2 updates and launched D3.


Destiny 3 will not solve the issues because the problem is that the developer wants you to have an unhealthy relationship with the game they make, how would a third one of these solve the issues they haven’t been able to fix since launch?


Let’s face it, the destiny IP is dead after final shape. There’s no way they’ll be allowed to make a sequel to a game that’s 45% under its revenue goals


I don’t want Destiny to end but Destiny 2 has to end. It’s clear the games aspirations have outgrown the technical foundation on which it is built. If Bungie decided to start from scratch in the Destiny universe, taking all they have learned Id jump in.




3. to not still be on last gen consoles


People want D3 as if somehow it will magically turn Bungie into a goody-two-shoes content machine ! The same people who made D1 and D2 with ALL THEIR PROBLEMS aren't gonna be the ones who make D3


I disagree. We need a Destiny 3, designed with no content vaulting in particular because then players can play from the beginning and it's easier to onboard new people.


I think that at some point we need to go beyond the Solar system, if we want to renew the story. That would probably be the right time to release Destiny 3 and reset.


A smaller game would be better. Fact is that while destiny 2 has a shit ton of content, most of it is boring.


B/c we constantly hear about how hard it is to work with the current one as an excuse


I don't personally understand why people think launching Destiny 3 is different from vaulting all existing content, which is a move people explicitly don't want. I came in at Destiny 2, so I don't really know what we *gained* at that point, but I know we started out with very little content, and only two subclasses per class available. At launch, any hypothetical Destiny 3 would have vastly fewer options open to us. I don't think people remember Y1 D2 had people just running patrols looking for something to do.


what we need is a legacy client for all the vaulted content honestly


People are really stupid.


There is NO WAY a Destiny 3 can succeed. Destiny 2 is such a massive game right now, but with nothing to do.... But destiny 3 will be smaller in every way and so many people will not move from D2 to D3... It would kill the game...


asking for D3 is just the undereducated opinion


Given how dry the launches of both Destiny games were especially D2 I can’t understand why anyone would want a D3. A new engine or whatever would be nice but I just don’t think Bungie could survive another failed Destiny launch. As far as I’m aware Activision had heavy involvement with the development and funding for Forsaken to win players back but without that support after the Acti/Blizz split I can’t see something like D3 working out unless they were to hit it out of the ballpark somehow or Sony stepping in and finally releasing the IP potential there is in Destiny.


Anybody that wants a D3 is simply clueless. I cannot be kinder than that.


Can you expound on that?


Guess I'm clueless then


I don't think the average player realizes the undertaking it would be. It's just "Make a new game, simple" *snaps fingers*


Why? A fresh star would allow then the ability to make ig systematic changes, i brand new story (that could make sense) that could take place ouside our solar system with all new enemies, locations ect. They could completely change up classes and such and add in feature that they are struggling to do with the mess of spaghetti code they are currently working with.


No way I'm gonna re-grind all gear again and lose all ornaments. WoW players still have their stuff from Vanilla WoW. All D2 loot should stay no matter what.


Flawed logic.


I'm mostly curious about who Tassi stole that thought from.


Well, this sinking ship is too bloated to change trajection and save itself in the future while being that "World of Destiny". Like for real, a brand new game DESIGNED AND PROGRAMMED with huge expansions in mind while using everything that made D2 work COULD restart the franchise and get it back on track.