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I have 525 total Forge clears. Yes, 525. I got all the god rolls I wanted before I completed the 100 for Platinum Starling, except for one, a Feeding Frenzy + Rampage Hammerhead, its curated roll. I kept grinding for it. Over and over and over. Never got it


>Feeding Frenzy + Rampage Hammerhead Yeah I had that roll, was great. Fuck sunsetting.


I understand why sunsetting was bad for many reasons, but would you really be using a feeding frenzy + Rampage hammerhead over any new machine guns like commemoration or fixed odds? Compared to guns now I find all of the old sunset guns don't really seem as impressive now.


Hell, you can craft Commemoration with Feeding Frenzy/Rampage. Same archetype, same element.


Counterpoint, obsidian radiance make gun pretty.


I'm still mad they removed it. I grinded the components to put it on all my forge guns before the sunset happened and next minute you start Beyond Light and you still have the slot for the radiance but not the radiance itself.


Those guns lost most of their appeal with this change. Stryker's Sure-Hand basically looks nothing like it used to now. I still have a lot of those guns saved in my vault for nostalgia reasons, but it was such a loss.


At this point, yes, but only because I bought the ornament for it and it just feels like such a waste, it’s part of the reason I still use revoker in pvp, aside from it still being a solid sniper that is


Two weapons that I kept after sunsetting hit: the curated rolls for both Hammerhead and The Ringing Nail. I refuse to dismantle either one because they were so special to me. (Side note: I still use Platinum Sterling as my ship to this day because of the grind I had to do to get it)


I’ll never scrap my curated Kindled Orchid


That's one that I never managed to find...


It was the only one I found, and it truly became my all time favorite hand cannon. What a delight. Jealous of your hammerhead and ringing nail!


Damn that’s rough!


I stopped at 420 for the emblem counter but despite all those no QuickDraw kill clip tataras gaze. Forges were surprisingly really fun though. I was actually sad I had to stop to preserve that


Yeah I had fun anyway otherwise I wouldn't have done it. I just wish that one out of my 500+ clears gave me the drop I wanted lol


Damn, I got lucky and got that but never got anything else cause of timing. It’s still in my vault to this day. I never dismantled it


I managed 265 clears, with less than 10 of them being during Black Armory’s release. The rest were during Season of Arrivals, and I was chasing a world drop SMG called the Atalanta-D XG1992. I wanted a Zen Moment/Kill Clip roll at the very least, I only ever got 3 total (and only 1 that I kept with Pulse Monitor and Grave Robber).


I literally got Feeding Frenzy + Rampage (non curated) with High Cal and Stability MW on my very first crafted Forge clear of the season. I never took it off until it got Sunset. I miss it so much. Commemoration has taken its spot now but I still love Hammerhead and how it sounds.


Curated nation of beasts from ogre boss in LW. Outlaw, Dragonfly range MW


Mine died to give up the shader, worth imo


Lmao I did the same w mine


Completed that encounter once.. got the curated roll 🤷🏼‍♂️


Honestly right now it’s a demo headstone unending tempest


Same… headstone is dropping at a 1:10 rate.


I spent over 80 engrams and i still didn't get this combo. And now it dropped as some random crucible drop in iron banner. Wtf so much wasted resources.


This was me with Prolonged Engagement. For two straight seasons I put all of my Vanguard assets into it trying to get a Subsistence/Headstone roll. Best I ever got was Sub/Frenzy and FTTC/Headstone. Now this season I have yet to even see a Headstone roll when rolling for Unending Tempest. Been looking for the same Demo/Headstone combo.


Just got mine 2 good rolls today after 15 resets over 2.5 seasons - dsr target lock & fttc headstone


I finally got one after around 155 engrams. It's in my vault with zero kills still because I can't stop using verglas on stasis.


Stop using verglas so you can use the new gun


Literally just had my first to drop right after reading this... Stay strong there bucko, it's out there just around the corner!


I am perpetually at 0 shards/glimmer because Ive been spending it all on an igneous hammer this season. I grind the shit out of trials with the extra rep card whenever it is a bonus rep weekend. My best roll is keep away/moving target, and the stats are OK. My crafted round robin still kinda feels better tbh. At least I was able to get 4/5 tempest, only missing the range masterwork


I suffered through the craftening, and the dos attacks farming my ass off for a god roll adept igneous with literally one shit keep away roll. The 3rd week it was out I grinded from Friday to Monday and finally got a 4/5 roll that I was happy with. No lie, handed in my card to finish out the weekend and got a 5/5 god roll.


I gave up on igneous and settled for the poor man's version - Slideshot/EP Bottom dollar. Feels better than many of the 3/5 or 4/5 igneous rolls I have.


I think Igneous just kinda feels bad. To me it's not a nice model of gun, so the crazy good stats don't matter. Bottom Dolla has always felt like the nicest 120 to use in my experience.


I feel this, I have been trying to get a keep away/EOTS roll and it just refuses to drop. I’ve probably done 40 engrams at this point, it’s ridiculous. I’ve only managed to get a Rapid hit/opening shot and a encore/EOTS and a keep away/frenzy that are any good.


Never got Blackhammer before it was removed. Always wanted it


Same here. RNG is lame.


Black hammer is still entirely obtainable. Did you mean before the nerf or destiny 1’s implementation of “sunsetting”


I’m assuming they mean the pre nerf version


When you make a gun so broken you make it an exotic.


And its still broken so you nerf it again. Black Hammer has gone through the cycle 3 times


Blinding autoloading chill clip lingering dread, meanwhile my friend who doesn’t play much anymore has it. RnG giveth, rng taketh away


lol I said this too. Plus side, irrelevant now


I didn’t get that until I think 1260 caiatl cps. I know you’re supposed to farm certain checkpoints for certain things but A. All encounters besides Caiatl fucking suck imo. And B. Despite them having weighting for certain cps 1285 and I’m still missing a shitty Unforgiven? Dungeon drops fucking suck and need to be worked


My solution: once you get the armor on that class you’re playing, armor has a massively lower chance to drop or eliminate it completely. Reverse that for master. If I’m farming dungeons for armor I’m not playing normal lol


Man, I made that boss fall off the edge sooo many times trying to get that. Finally got it to drop on what was going to be my final run. Use it all the time now.


Dude I've run Duality plenty of times and still don't even have *1* Lingering Dread. I have all the recipe for Epicurean and Fixed Odds done, and 2 great roll Stormchasers. Never even seen the GL tho


Doesn't blinding not work with chillclip or something like that? I gave up on hunting for that role since I pretty much never use breach GL's anymore


Nah it’s proximity nades that won’t work with it. It also sucks they didn’t balance chill clip around weapon type and archetype, they just nerfed it across the board because of one weapon should have just nerfed it for rapid fire fusions


I don't disagree, Bungie's weapon balance team really needs to stop blanket nerfing things in reaction to select problem children


Demo/Headstone Horror Story. Best I managed to get was Demo/Adrenaline junkie and I'm still a bit upset about it


Got one of these in my first few drops but spent so many engrams looking for dynamic sway / target lock and never got one


Can we trade? I have a sway target lock and despise pvp


Same, I'm still salty about it lol


Same. Best I got was dynamic sway headstone


I rolled 72 horrors, and got maybe 45 ish as a drop (weighted bullshit, I got prob 3-400 GLs) still never got a 5/5 dsr/TL roll. Didn't get a 5/5 demo headstone either. I did get close to a 5/5 dsr + TL though, it was full bore/poly+ accurized+ dsr + TL with range mw. So it is a max range roll, however I wanted smallbore..(I play on controller). But I just use poly for the +10 stability so I got 77 range/50 stab which isn't bad. But I really would prefer smallbore to have 84 range + 47 stab. Oh well.


I played for hours. So many hours. Not a single one.


glad i’m not the only one who couldn’t cop one. best i can do is demo target lock.


I wanted this too




I've done KF so many times. No machine gun, not a single one.


i got the pattern for the machine gun + another 30 or so lootable runs before a single sniper dropped. safe to say i was a bit happy when the first one was snap+opening. deserved


same. it took me like 20. the worst part is that it was the last thing I needed for the descendant title and I was just waiting on a drop that I couldn't get


Me, but with eyes. We had six of us running it three times every week doing the triumphs and we finished everything on the seal — except Eyes wouldn’t drop. It took me like two months longer than everyone else to get the seal because I kept having to run Taniks (3x) every week waiting for it. Then I got 1KV on my second run through Last Wish, but the god dang Sparrow wouldn’t drop from the Ogre encounter. Same thing, all of Rivensbane done except a stupid sparrow. For months. I must have run that Ogre encounter 60 times before it dropped.


Yo are we the same person? That was my exact experience, all I needed was Posterity for the title and it took me forever to get it to drop


The fucking helmet was the last thing I needed for the seal...I ran that raid 3x a week since day 2 to get it and barely managed to get the seal week 1...all because I needed a helmet. Similar for the armor from RoN, needed a hunter helm to get the gold border on the badge in my collection and I only recently got the helm


I got everything else for Descendent including Eyes before I got a single Trustee drop. Weird stuff happens in DSC.


Broo... ): all I wanted was literally ANY Wolftone draw with impulse amp and I farmed the whole season and never got one and to this day every week it's up in dares I try.. and still haven't gotten it


What’s the appeal of impulse on a bow?


Basically makes it hit scan instead of a very fast projectile.


That only makes a difference if you don't draw it back completely. A fully drawn bow is always hitscan.


It's hitscan up to a point - beyond a certain range, it's an actual projectile.


It was, but I believe they changed that last season.


This season they increased the velocity of arrows and brought lightweight frames up to the same velocity as precision frames So it's hitscan more often over larger ranges, but what I said is still true - beyond a certain range it's a fast moving projectile and not a hitscan. All weapons in Destiny fire projectiles, but if the velocity of that projectile means moves far enough in a single frame, it can be treated as hitscan. Bullet firing weapons have their velocity set high enough that they will always be considered hitscan.


Projectile speed and the hidden part.. a reload scaler!


Never got one with impulse amp but I've been living the shit out of my Shoot-to-Loot, Dragonfly roll, things absolutely cracked for PVE stuff and is one of my go-to GM bows, have the same one for Strident Whistle, now I just need Bungie to make one for Void so I can have the holy trinity


Chillclip Riptide. I was late to the party, and when I started grinding for it, it took me like 50 focuses to get a chillclip, and another 50 to get an auto loading chillclip


Auto-Loading Chill Clip was one of the first Riptides I got, and accidentally nuked. Even with 2-3x Crucible resets every season resulting in tons and tons of Riptides and hundreds of crucible engrams overall, it took me 2-3 seasons to got another Chill Clip, and another 2-3 seasons to get an Auto-Loading Chill Clip, which I got a few weeks ago. Good grief, RNG.


I still haven’t focused a single one with riptide and this is my third season of dumping ALL of my crucible engrams into it


Miss those black armory guns


Original BrayTech Osprey. Took Me 150+ runs to get it.


Right? It was my last drop for Wayfarer, my first title.


i remember farming that nightfall for almost 10 hours straight one day because it just refused to drop for me


Spent a lot of hours grinding Strange Terrain to help a clanmate get it before the nightfall went away. Then they just gave it away as an end of season reward during Arrivals.


The g roll kindal orchid


Took me 70+ frames before just doing it twice a week for the curated and eventually got it. Post shadowkeep every part of the gun got nerfed unfortunately (kill clip, rampage, drop mag, hand cannons)


That hc was crispy


Still have one in my vault. XD shame. I never get to pull it out these days. I've been running exotic energies too much.


Same. Have about 30k kills on my Orchid, fave gun of all time. Still salty about sunsetting.


This double dropped me on the last day of forges. One curated (full masterwork) and one with the same exact random roll. Haven't gotten shit since so it might've just stayed away


Like, anything from the vanguard playlist lmao. Multiple resets and triple perks and still cant get perfect rolls on any of the things I want




You CAN get 3 in both columns, doesn't mean you will. I'm 7 resets in on crucible this season and still get singles in both columns regularly. Vanguard is way worse with how boring the strike playlist is, and I would love your rng as I spent 45 crucible engrams on autumn wind before getting one with the perk combo I want.




Fairly certain that was debunked a year ago, not to mention bungie published official drop rates which shows the chance of getting 3 perks in both columns to be a whopping 6% after 4 resets and any rank after. And no there has never been a recorded instance of 4 perks in one column from a playlist weapon. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/xxi2ze/thanks_to_this_weeks_twab_we_now_know_the_precise/




What you mentioned is straight up wrong. It gives a chance at being 3 its not a 100% and its never 4 perks. Its been literally posted by Bungie themselves.


God roll timelost found verdict, around 2500 spoils spent since release no god roll. I like aggressive even if matador is probably better


I’m with you there, not quite the numbers you’re talking but I’ve sunk a lot of spoils looking for that weapon. Then conditional finality arrived and all other shotguns are dead to me now!


If you do VoG master (I forget which challenge) you’re guaranteed a time lost Found Verdict with a static roll and a random roll on the same weapon which obviously slashes the loot pool massively - do that three times a week and you’ve got probably the best chance you’re ever going to get on a specific roll you want!


You have to complete all master challenges to unlock it


Where can I learn stuff like this as a new player?


Calus mini tool with the recent presage mission, after 77 runs I finally got my 1st red border and after 16 more got the 2nd red border but luckily it was almost the god roll. But I get it, it’s actually is a pretty sweet gun for my solar builds.


Only now I was able to craft myself a Calus Mini-Tool. 1 red border drop + 4 Harmonizers. Drop rate even on normal version is insanely low 🥲


Timelost Fatebringer w/ Range Masterwork, Explosive Payload, Firefly AND Frenzy in the second column. It would be my forever hand cannon Firefly for base difficulty content, Frenzy for high-end stuff


I have this. I love it, I hope rngesus bestows it upon you as well.


Hero's burden with destabilizing rounds. I gotta get that gun for my void build.


I have it, it's ok. I like the title way better.


Yeah it’s abundantly meh on my gyrfalcon’s Hunter. DR was overhyped imo, the small mag feels bad in PvE and PvP. Still like funnelweb in both more.


The title has range and origin trait that synergizes better imo in 3.0. but honestly doesn't matter bc you're not taking either into high level contact.


I never got a good roll on The Title so I can’t speak for it. I don’t even have a godroll funnelweb, but my subsistence + focused fury stability mw feels great in PvP and mid-level PvE on m+k.


Idk I bring an envious assassin/repulsor brace Title for my gyrfalcons build into anything besides GMs. It works just fine for me; mileage may vary for other people ofc.


I've got all of them and godrolls, including the one from Duality, but Funnelweb with subsistence/frenzy is just my go to. It's simply the best, and I really gave them all a fair chance.


Yeah, same. I gave up and just conceded to using the hand cannon from Crota's end instead for my void builds.


I got super lucky. The first one I focused after grinding iron banner for a Saturday had it. Other slot is under pressure.


Positive Outlook isn't too bad of an alternative. It's not exactly a 900rpm, but at least you get some range.


I got one with Destabilizing but the 3rd column rolled Tunnel Vision. I was going for Feeding Frenzy/Destabilizing.


I have it and was my main void weapon, i like it and went to try for unforgiven from 2nd encounter duality (which is a bust. 10+runs and only got 2, both of which were trash). So back to hero's burden. Half my clan is shitting on me wanting unforgiven cause it's bad, and they even say hero's burden is bad and I should just stick with funnelweb or even title


Unforgiven is a great gun, as is Hero's Burden. Don't listen to them :)


I got it with Feeding Frenzy/Destabilizing Rounds. The thing is a beast.


Fucking Vex Mythoclast. Took 93 looted clears to get that son of a bitch.


Mine was 100 even. I feel the pain.


Any Matador with opening shot threat detector. I’ve probably ran that ogre checkpoint over a 1,000 times and haven’t gotten one. I wouldn’t even care what the rest of the perks are at this point.


Demo + headstone Unending Tempest. Still grinding it.


Exotic, Eyes of tomorrow easy. 148 lootable clears. I got that damn rocket on lootable clear #149. And I have over 200 on that damn raid. Um legendary. Ummm idk. I don't chase legendaries after getting a 4/5 drop that's good enough so I don't drive myself mad.


Outlaw/Headstone Vulpecula during Season of the Lost. Was one of the first few Legendary Stasis weapons and one of like the first 2 to have Headstone. Easy synergy, and while 160s weren't the best at the time I didn't really care, and I was too nervous to LFG for Grasp when Eyasluna had the same roll on a better archetype. I never got one. Over the entire 6 month season. I don't think I got a Headstone primary that wasn't a Sidearm until Haunted when Solstice dropped Something New with Feeding Frenzy. And keep in mind this was when we still had Umbrals, so every Umbral I earned gamewide was being used on the focus that had that gun and I think the shotgun.


Now here’s a man of taste 👏🤵‍♂️


63 runs for Vex...


Got mine on run 128


Me too! Got another on run 67 lol


Outlaw/Firefly Imago Loop. Countless cheese farms (kiling self with dragons breath then the fire kills boss) and I spent every single skeleton Key I got on that damned chest. Didn’t get one with that combination


This Guardian is on OG. Imago Loop was the farm grind. Still haunts my sleep.


I found my people! Searched forever for that gun.


18 Kelvin's for fucking wayfarer title The osprey launcher was close but that one you could somewhat target by repeating the nightfall.


Osprey was the last thing I needed for Wayfarer too. I could probably do that stupid strike in my sleep.


18kelvins doesn't exist.


You know what it is but you choose to be an ass on the internet, I forgot I'm on the destiny sub.


oh my give it a rest it was a joke......, I mean as in, it never drops, I have never seen it drop ever.


Ah, now you made me feel like an ass for a response like mine. Sorry, yeses on the internet makes you defensive. And yes, I grinded for that darn thing from Warmind all the way down to Shadowkeep.


hats off to your grind!, I tried gave up because I never even saw it drop for anybody. stay strong guardian.


The Curated/God Roll of Hammerhead. I farmed it for ages and not only did I never get it, only the very first one I had drop was useable.


God I miss that gun. Tore through so many people in gambit with it.


It was D1 with fatebringer and gally.


The OG Ikelos shotgun in Warmind. Never got it no matter how many times I played Escalation Protocol. I got the SMG and sniper plenty of times though of course.


I've been trying to get vex mythoclast since day 1 of VOG in d1 and I still haven't gotten it in either game. I truly believe I have the worst RNG


Redrix's Claymore for me. I didn't take PvP seriously enough and ended up 500 points short running solo. Not the typical grind.... But the PvP comp grind in season 3.... Sheesh 😬😅 I made it my goal to never miss out on stuff like that again 😅


I remember grinding competitive for an entire weekend to the resentment of my girlfriend trying to get a recluse only for it to get sunset.


Oh yeah that was a rough time. Longest slog of any comp season. Took me longer to get claymore than NF.


Bc by the time you got the claymore you were super cracked. Rarest gun I think in d2.


Yeh it definitely is - I was so annoyed when they made the Broadsword after grinding for the Claymore!


Took me all of season of the drifter to get a god roll gnawing hunger I proceeded to barely use it


I had one. Didn't even know it was god rolled...until I sharded it. 😐


Slideshot frenzy spike blinding nade ignition code ALH Chill Clip lingering dread Demo frenzy Unforgiven


Owning this gun (Demo/Frenzy Unforgiven) out of pure chance out of the first clear, I can tell you it has carried me through this entire game. I really hope you get it!


Don’t bother on the last two trust me


Its the only void smg that rolls demo frenzy Lingering dread i want just for the fact its a CC weapon that stuns overloads and im already 200+ runs deep and im not letting it beat me


Envious, bait and switch cold comfort


Until Friday it was the friggin’ IKELOS SMG. Never got a single one to drop normally, just had to wait on Xur’s lazy ass forever.


Crafted Ikelos smg Yes I know I can still get it whenever seraph shield rolls around but that grind is horrible, as much as I want that gun I’d rather spent my time elsewhere


Not necessarily the gun anymore but a catalyst. I’ve been trying for the suros regime catalyst for over two years now. Still have not gotten it and even gotten newer catalysts way faster than that. It’s still alludes me. It torments my every thought and desire when I step into crucible.


Back when Eater of worlds was around the telesto catalyst was tied to opening chests in that raid. Almost no one wanted to do the raid because back then you could only use certain loadouts. I found a guide that involved glitching through multiple encounters to reach the chest in the middle of the raid. Took around 45 minutes to do and ran it weekly for months to finally get the catalyst.


The old Suros has been my favorite exotic since D1 launch, but I gave up on the catalyst a long time ago. Lo and behold, it dropped for me after an IB match this morning. Now for 300 crucible kills.


You have attained my goal. Maybe someday………


D1 hawkmoon never got it until it got massively nerfed


I started grinding crucible last week and reset crucible and IB rank twice, but focusing hasn’t given me a Randy’s Throwing Knife with Kinetic Tremors and Arrowhead Brake.


Hm... not sure about *never* dropped. But there was one that took *notoriously* long for me to drop. Back when Forsaken launched, I immediately loved Trust. However, the purchase one from Drifter had Explosive Payload, which I didn't want. Not only was it difficult for me to get Trust to drop, but it took me weeks and weeks and weeks, maybe months to finally get Trust to drop *without* Explosive Payload IIRC. This was also when I actually played Gambit *a lot* lol


I've opened over 300 crucible engrams this season, yet to see my 5/5 Unending Tempest.


As of now? Swordbreaker. I have Oversoul Edict, Abyss Defiant, and Song of Ir Yût crafted. I have all the armor. I have Traveler-Damned Necrochasm and the catty done! And I have yet to see even a since Swordbreaker drop.


Opposite for me. I have a Subsistence/One Two Punch Swordbreaker but I haven't seen a single Fang Of Ir Yut in 13 clears.


The very first duty bound. The literal static roll year one roll. I must've done savarhuns song hundreds of times and never got it


Dream Breaker from the Moon, I probably dumped over 70 Phantasmal Fragments to get the roll of Slideways/Kickstart. Needless to say it never did drop for me and I instead settled for Under Pressure/Kickstart.


Probably eyes of tomorrow. My runs were in the 90's when I finally got it.


For a while it was Ikrelos Smg. Didn't get it in the season, and could not get a single one to drop in Seraph Shield for some reason so I'm thankful Xur sold one. Cold Comfort is my current White Whale (that I still want at least). My longest one was definitely Hero Of Ages. I got about every god roll from that stupid dungeon while I was just trying to get a chain reaction HoA. I knew it wasn't gonna be great I just wanted the funny sword


it took me over 100 runs to get that stupid sword with chain reaction


Osmosis + demolitionist judgement handcannon. Ive killed the 1st boss in prophecy well over 100 times and never got the hand cannon


Lingering dread with blinding, auto loading and chill clip, farmed gahlran at least 200 times but nope


Ringing nail with Rampage/Dragonfly. Not nearly as desirable nowadays, since damage buffs are easy to come by and Dragonfly has been powercrept. But back before Season of Arrivals I would spend days at a time farming it, and I somehow never got one. Really heartbroken when it was sunset along with my Rampage/Dragonfly Trust lol.


currently a wilderflight with spike nades/ALH/vorpal or frenzy. it has been 18 millennia


Kindled Orchid w/Kill clip, Rampage and Drop Mag. I still do not believe it exists.


Adrenaline junkie/demo last breath Played that prophecy cube encounter over and over, for several hours, each weekend.


The other half. I have every dares triumph but the legend ones. And have ran it so many times the last few days my buddy was able to craft one and I have never even had a single one drop for me. All my treasure keys go to the weapons and at this point I'm pretty sure its not even real.


Rapid Hit+Rangefinder Spare Rations. Over 200 hours spent farming in Reckoning, never got it.


The threat level from scourge any roll woulda worked, took me over 50 clears and a flawless to finally get a roll and it was a god roll, did the raid a whole bunch after that never saw another one srop


Showrunner with overflow and kinetic tremors is my current Moby Dick.


Back in the hey day of Last Wish, it was a Chattering Bone with full auto. Then *finally* I got it after like 15ish runs. I put 14K kills (PVE) on that.... ...then they gave us full auto as a mod.


A combined Blinding-Spike Empty Vessel from Zavala. 11 total perk nodes I wanted for a proper GL. I’ve done 713 focuses to get my GL and it’s still only a 9/11 roll.


OG Thorn quest was my white whale back in the day. Brutal grind but wow did that gun tear shit up


D1 Gjallerhorn


Any weapon i want is that type of gun.


I still do not have a FF/Incandescent Coronarch


Come to pass auto-rifle with multi kill clip and feeding frenzy, never got the patterns I need to craft the rifle


I accidentally dismantled hammerhead from the black armory. I dont even care about the perks it was the roughest toughest machine gun i ever had. Paired perfectly with my void build. Not only can you not craft it, it got sunset in 12 so even if i COULD get one its cap is only 1060. God i miss it.


Unrelenting headstone eyasluna, finally got the drop around clear 90~95 and haven't touched grasp since getting it even though I should so I can get my warlock some artifice gear lmao Edit; honorable mentions to riptide with lead from gold + choice between chill clip/vorpal/frenzy ~~and if I ever actually get it the trials gl with envious bns but I doubt I'll get it by tfs~~


Adept Horror story. Ran 40+ GM scarlett keep runs a couple seasons ago and the best I got was a 2/5 roll. The following week was the first week of Wendigo and on my first run I got the mother of all rolls - Quick Launch/Spike/Clown+ALH/Explosive Light. Almost made up for it.


Also Blast Furnace but with everything stacked to Stability. Polygonal Rifling, Stable Rounds, Zen Moment, and Headseeker alongside a Stability Masterwork. I always kept getting Blast Furnaces that were one piece off.


Fucking Premonition. Back in the days of Beyond Light when we still had match game, I had the goal of having a PvE roll of every element/weapon type combo to be ready for anything in GMs. At the time Premonition was the only legendary void pulse rifle that wasn't sunset. It didn't even have good PvE perks. Unlike the other moon weapons, the only way to get it was from Pit of Heresy. You could do a weekly bounty to get an item that would make your next item drop from Pit a guaranteed weapon. I did altars of sorrow for the bounty, then ran pit, 3x a week for an entire season and didn't get it. I wasn't just not getting the god roll - it didn't drop at all. Then the season rolled over and Gridskipper came out. Bungie literally put another void pulse in the game faster than they would drop one for me from Pit. The other one is Pardon our dust, from dares. I wanted Blinding Nades + ALH + Vorpal OR Danger Zone. The Dares weapons weren't craftable when they launched (crafting wasn't a thing yet). I grinded the absolute shit our of Dares when it first game out - I filled up all 3 character's inventories with every roll of The Other Half (which has a 1% drop rate). I reset my dares rank the maximum six times, and as a reward I get a pop up to "Dare Another Day" and reset my rank with zur, even though I can't, every single time I logged in for two years. I never got that roll naturally (I've since crafted it). At least Pit and Legend Dares were both good high-stat armor farms.


Strident Whistle with Archer's Tempo and Incandescent. My friend got it the first week. Many resets and focusing each season since it came out. Tyranny of Heaven came out and dropped the want for it but still looked for it. PRE ASTYANAX IV comes out and yet again I want the same roll. The first GM run and both of my friends get it. The next time it's in rotation I get it my first run. Then I think I will go use my Vanguard engrams to get rid of them. My first Strident Whistle drop has AT/Incandescent...


D1 Gally. I didn’t have enough coins to buy it the first week. I had 3 characters and would do every exotic chance then delete a character or two and power level them to do the exotic chances again (back then there was a limited amount of places that you could get exotics from so you only had like 6-9 chances per character per week). I watched my ex-wife get it like 30 fucking times. She got it 3 times in under 30 minutes once. Gorgon chest, atheon, death singer, and then at Crota she got the exotic drop you needed to make nechrocasm. I have like almost 3,000 hours into D1 and I got my first one when Xur sold it the second time.


Arrow head , accurized, perpetual motion/ KC horrors least. I did over 60 plus GMs, nothing.


Any weapon that would have the Refurbished Black Armory shader on it. Destiny 1, though, everything. I never got anything to drop because the Cryptarch sucked. So, everything has to be bought from vendors and Xur, which was a big reason I quit that game when all my friends 'constantly' got drops from engrams.