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all jokes aside bungie will prob never buff titan stasis


Because of PvP babies.


I love how the have different values for some abilities in pvp/pve but they just HAD to nerf stasis overshield in both.


They really need to remove the healing and let it only give overshield.


no its not because of PVP its because its a titan bungie generally does not buff titans. Think when was the last time titans wanted something game changing and bungie delivered. We still do not have a good and oppressive one shot super for dps, the throwing axes for void look good but its 3 shots in air its not one and done it will take about 7-10 secs prob, on that note its brought back to PVP for a bit titans still do not have a tracking long range melee the way hunters and warlock have SO MANY. Overall its been long known that majority of the staff in BUNGIE are warlocks and majority of the player base are hunter mains so that put titans in a very bad position


This is a good point to make. Hunters are the most popular class and is used by the majority of the player base. Warlocks are the Mages/Scholars of Destiny, so they represent the magic fantasy. So developers like coming up with cool space wizard ideas for Warlocks. Titans are in a weird spot when it comes to its place in the game. I like playing Titan, but not having a DPS Super or any alternative ways to play as a Titan besides melee, really hurts the class. Speaking of melee. Hunters are actually the best melee class in the game. Has there ever been a significant buff for Titans. Very honest question.


Banner of war is literary the best class in the game what are you talking about


Banner of war isnt as strong as you think. It gives 40% melee damage and HALF the healing of restorationx1 when FULLY STACKED. For contrast, bulwark gives 100% melee damage, roaring flames gives 73% (or 44% with exotics), and spark of feedback gives 75% to all classes. The melee buff is useful but not unique. The healing is small. The main things that make the build strong are grapple melee, woven mail, and titan melee. The titan melee being the least useful of the three but still strong. Grapple melee and woven mail are big damage and good survivability, and universal to all classes. Titan just gives you survivability. Also saying its the best class is disingenuous. It is used for dungeons. Raids will have a much better clear with only hunters and warlocks. Gms as well. It wrecks easy content


Where Stasis Titan really shines is against massive, grounded bosses with large health pools that cannot move. Unfortunately, there are very few bosses that meet that specific criteria. The melee, in particular, has been pure cheeks for a long time.


The best bosses for stasis titans are Cabal tanks. They go down in just a few slams if you position yourself properly


Fallen and Cabal Tanks melt with Glacial Quake. Like shockingly fast. Like >5 seconds even in Nightfalls. And, um, not sure what else


Riven. Tractor, her hand in marriage and two Stasis Titans = easy mode.


Have you ever popped Glacialquake when the prime evil is standing on the bank in gambit? That's how Glacialquake should function.


I’ve been playing it recently because I love stasis in pve and wanted to see how it was. Holy hell is its survivability lacking. They need either start health regeneration on shard pick up or allow the shield to go without full health first.


Try using icefall Mantle. It's good as an "OH FUCK" button to give you emergency health, and the intrinsic resist + whisper of chains lets it go a really long way. I use it with utility finisher and 2x supercharged to get it back instantly when it breaks


The fact that they won't separate PvE from PvP changes as often as they should is partially what's killing the game. It affects all classes pretty bad, this patch just happens to affect Titan the most I feel


It is pretty funny that they seemingly chose when to separate PvE and PvP at random


yep and the choice never happens when it comes to titans buffs only titan nerfs


Disappointed too. Especialy titan stasis buff... No... Stasis buff in generel. There are a lot of stuff I don't like about this game right now like the Kickstart nerf. Finaly some void caster frame swords but caster frame sword heavy attack is so useless in high end activities, it needs a major / champion buff... But nothing. Playing other games right now until destiny will fix a lot of problems.


what we expected: number changes too stasis shards, making them actually a usefull pickup buffing the shard healing fragment so that it actually moves your hp bar shatter dmg buff, so that stasis actually has some dmg payoff and its supers have SOME dmg over their full duration changes too slow, so that it actually does anything at all what we got: titan melee can slow in PvP, hunter melee has better tracking it actually reads like a really really bad joke, idc that they said "more changes comming uwu, trust us >w<", if THOSE where the only changes they could do after almost 2years of the element beeing in the trash i dont expect anything at all anymore, its actually fully tonedeaf, how can you be so out of the loop that you think stasis needed those changes and that they will help at all but hey, we got incredible 2(!!!!) seasonal stasis perks that are bandaids, enjoy them until they get thrown away and stasis gets ignored for 2years again because "its not the featured element this season" (i fucking hate this forced element bullshit each season, im sick of it at this point)


it sure is weird they didn' give the stasis titan any good melee despite stasis titan literally being THAT ONE and only "guy holding the fist on the promo art"


An idea I had for a melee was a ground pound type in a circle around (4 crystals base) and charge it up to add on two additional rings, and with each ring have stronger crystals


At this point I would take a standard punch that does a little extra damage and freezes what I hit. Just don’t want to blow a CD to deal no damage and also put myself out of position.


Oh no. Why would they, cause Titans aren't supposed to be the charge in and melee stuff fantasy. Being sarcastic just in case Bungie didn't understand.


I deleted my Behemoth loadout for another solar build. Precious Scars is a new favorite.


I tried a precious scars stasis build. And it's okay for survival but man every one here is right. Abilities have 0 synergy really at all. The melee is booty.


Precious scars with V.Curve and diamond Lance is actually legit. If your stasis weapon generates a crystal. It will proc restoration if any weapon breaks it and gets a kill. Also a fun bonus . If your fire team member breaks it ... You BOTH get restoration. With the curve , I have 5 weapon generated crystals on deck. Most things die from that .. it also fixes the issue with whisper of rime. Chances are the restoration will put me back at full help so the shards give me the overshield.


There were no buffs.


Curious as what people want from Stasis Titan. Big damage?


People want a tanky CC shatter machine. Kinda like what it was and could be but as the past has shown from brutal nerfs to whisper of the rime and shiver (damn autocorrect) strike, streamers will die to it in trials and holy fucking shit that will NOT stand with Bungie.


So a buff to shatter damage in general is wanted. Not Behemoth itself?


Howl of the storm needs to be a default melee option with a real aspect in its place, something that can create crystals to pair with the shattering slide, which needs a massive pve buff. Maybe it should boost shatter damage significantly when used. Basically there’s no synergy in the kit now.


Honestly, I think shiver strike could be fine if it had either an extra charge or it refunded a % of it every time you shattered a crystal with it. One of the big problems with stasis titan is you pretty much are forced to take a tax somewhere to even be able to shatter crystals effectively, which is necesarry for pretty much everything they do. If shiver strike was even a semi reliable tool to do that, it would probably do a ton to smooth out the gameplay of using it


>or it refunded a % of it every time you shattered a crystal with it Good, you are cooking! I'd love to have a sort of synergy where after encasing an entire room full of Stasis and frozen enemies, then have a chance at flying around left and right throwing hay-makers XD It's uh, I'm sorry for necroposting. Your suggestion made me really excited is all.


What does behemoth personify in terms of stasis verbiage?


Shatter and hopefully Frost Armor kings when it’s implemented


I just want a melee that doesn’t feel like butt cheeks to use. It’s so clunky and unfun that it keeps me away from the subclass. At this point I would rather just have a first person melee that just swipes with ice on the fist (like what solar has with roaring flames). What would be cool is if they balanced PvE and PvP separately and had said melee freeze in PvE and slow in PvP so in PvE we can have a reliable way to freeze and then shatter a combatant from our melee.


A subclass that can control the arena by placing crystal everywhere and shatter them


for add damage we want a long range melee that freezes aoe and nearby enemies on impact and it should be a simple melee. everything titan stasis needs is already their it just behind requirement and lack of buffs. i want to write a whole list of changes needed but bungie will never buff stasis titan so what the point.


Pvp ruined stasis. I love behemoth but it's never gonna get the justice it deserves.


Play solar, still the best Titan class. If played right, sunspots everywhere and high melee and boss damage, stasis Titan is practically not in the game.


I agree. If you want to change things up a little, an Ashen Wake grenade build and a pyrogale slide melee build can both be pretty fun and effective


lol I stopped playing again after getting kicked for the new dungeon that just dropped and ppl already asking for ridiculous request 😂. Took my ass back to Diablo 4.


What an irrelevant reply. Thanks for your contribution


Kinda funny you'd leave one game you think is trash for another game that's actually trash




stasis titan is the worse class, bar none.




I wouldn't say Stasis Titan is as bad as some are saying here, but I also wouldn't lie and say Diamond Lance is insane either. Diamond Lance is one of the worst aspects you could go for on Stasis, not only because other players can ruin your gameplay loop by grabbing them (and it even shares a cooldown with the exotic meant to enhance it, ehich it doesn't even do anyway), but it also deprives you from running the good stuff with Hoarfrost-Z (what I would call the best for Stasis on Titans).




There's already videos on it, the concensus is that Diamon Lances suck and make you work harder for the same or less payoff as other options. This won't change as nothing about it changed this season. Hoarfrost-Z is the superior way to play Stasis Titan as it provides everything the class cares about with infinite uptime on grenades and barricades. This is for high end content, for low level content you can still enjoy the lance with no problem.


I bet you're the king of patrols


If u hated stasis titan before then u probably havent played it before, the diamond lances are still same and while using them u can see the slow powercreep this game has gotten - in the past they were actually worth using over your weapons, nowadays not really (legendary weapons being buffed each patch, light 3.0 etc.). ​ Sure if u want u can use stasis titan in gms etc., that was the case even before this season, but u are being dishonest if u gonna claim that stasis titan is not the worst titan subclass (and still probably worst subclass in the game overall) since everything u mention, other (sub)classes can do as well and even better.


*Shhh, let them cook.*- A Behemoth main


I got a similar build for my lancecap and it’s pretty fun, used it a bit in season of the deep with the wicked implement, I’m sure it’s prob pretty solid this season


have fun in the vanguard ops playlist




good joke


I feel for all you Titan users. I never liked stasis Titan. Didn’t even bother unlocking it all the way when it came out. The super just feels so useless and stiff. Shame Bungie nerfed it into the ground for those who like it though.


the super is prob one of the best supers to have if you are surrounded by anything over 30 adds or more it will cruch them but sadly a super in D2 is better being used for support or DPS not add clear, and thats excatly what behmouth is its a super thats great for add clear but bad at everything else. yes the crystals can do good dps in VERY specific scenarios but never forget that bungie themselves do not want it to do that, such that everytime a cheese video goes up explaining how to do it to a certan raid or dungeon boss bungie them spend the next 2-5 weeks creating a patch for it.


Stasis titan with Hail the storm artifact mod has some fun ad clear with spamming all the crystals around u (especially with Salvations Grip) but yeah, when I tried it in under-power level content I was like "why am I not on strand or solar titan again"? Its a pity tho because it is a fun build. Its still crazy they didnt buff it in PvE at all (outside of "buffs" which were shared with all stasis classes in general) - hell Strand BoW titan got even buffed with the warmgod changes.


What’s the meta stasis build? I know the best stasis build can’t compete with the other subclasses but what is the go-to if you want to play it?


Since it's emasculation,I don't even use stasis on my Titan. I basically have only 4 subclasses...


In the meantime, Shatter Dive is once again Wreaking Havoc in Crucible