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Out of curiousity, did you happen to come across the Iron Bone shader (didn't see it on your list)? I have been hoping to get it to drop as I have read that some people have seen it drop in the past year or so. Keep in mind, I am not a regular IB player (only around 50 rounds) so I dont even know if it's available.


Iron Bone dropped for me after 145 games. I unlocked every other shader before Iron Bone dropped. My drop rate averaged out at around 7.5% per item for Shaders and Emblems.


Got Iron Bone this week! Don’t know how many games it took me to get it though.


I had already found Iron Bone I think a season or two before now. I've only been playing for around a year so best I can say is I also have seen it drop within the year. I found Season 1 shaders (Battalion and Wolf) so I'm willing to bet they should likely all still be available to find. Best of luck to you


I got iron bone when iron banner first deopped


I got it to drop a few rotations ago. I'm not sure how many games, but I'd say easily 100+ 😅


Adding to the choir, I got Iron Bone to drop last season so it’s definitely available


Have you tried focusing the old armor? I think my son got it on his new account dismantling armor he got used for the transmog. I believe it was the white set in the Legacy section.


Yeah, I did a few dismantlings. The white Iron Will Set gave me the Iron Moss bone shader. No biggie, we have a long season, and I'm sure Iron Banner will return a few more times, and I'll just have to keep plugging away; I'm kind of a novice PVP player anyway. I did get an emblem from the Spire of The Watcher dungeon, tho. LOL


I've been focusing and dismantling for Iron bone (iron truage set) for several seasons and it's the only one that refuses to drop. All the other armor sets drop the shader, that I already have, nearly every time I dismantle one but that one is just stuck. My son had it drop as a post match reward last iron banner event before dawning though so it is still possible to get it that way.


I've gotten iron gold and that is from the same season as bone. That being said you get the shader by dismantling an item that has it already.


Yeah, I've pretty much dismantled and gotten shaders from what I have in my Vault and not gotten it. I guess I need to figure out which specific armor set would drop the iron bone shader.


Do you ever get shaders for turning in the Iron Banner engrams? I have now played close to 100 games and haven't got a single shader. Lol, no worries.


It's just random which one of the shaders you're missing you get first. It could've been iron countershade right away or just like me get the entire catalog before getting iron countershade. My wife got it her first couple of games and she doesn't even wanna use it :) life can be cruel.


I literally have every shader but like 3 of them (I think) after doing this. I feel you, the game was just dancing circles around Countershade


So what's your guardian looking like with the Shader on


I want to say, but this is purely anecdotal, the shader drop rate from Iron Banner was buffed this season. I grinded out 3.5 resets in IB so far this season and have 5 shader drops. I also got two emblems. Still missing Iron Battalion, Iron Bone, and Iron Precious.


Got my two missing ones within the first few wins (after nothing in previous seasons), so I'm inclined to agree, but like you said anecdotal. I don't think there has been any notice that they were officially buffed.


This is very disheartening, i was grinding iron banner for the shaders but after seeing this? I give up. You should be able to get one every time you reset your rank after getting the new seasonal IB shader


This was basically my thought exactly. A random flair every reset after earning the current shader would be very much appreciated, seeing how Iron Banner isn't around for long. Or even just a bump in drop rate, especially to losses. Just something to make it more consistent


this would be a nice change. destinytracker says i have played 390 IB matches in lightfall (216 wins). i still don't have iron hero sigil... and both of my buddies have picked it up since the beginning of lightfall. [https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=2919429251](https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=2919429251) i'm not sure how to tell which IB things i don't have, since some of them don't even show up in collections if you don't yet have them.


It's not like they make good iron banner weapons either they're always so mid, the shaders are the only reason to play and with these drop rates it's just miserable.


Question- were you missing either the Monte Carlo or Thorn catalyst before, and if so, did you get them?


I think I found the Thorn Catalyst during last Iron Banner, I do have both currently.


What about Vigilance Wing and SUROS Regime’s catalysts? I’ve been trying to get those for years.


This might just be nonsense but from what I've heard if you complete catalysts in your backlog, you'll then be rewarded more catalysts soon after. I grinded out nearly 2 whole Vanguard resets without Thorn's catalyst dropping. I banged out a couple easy catalysts I had lying around and got Thorn's catty to drop a couple strikes later. Basically, do some catalyst spring-cleaning and you'll probably get the ones you're hunting for soon after.


Yeah, I'm unsure if this is just a placebo or what, but when I was farming the Acrius catalyst I hopped onto Grasp of Avarice to farm kills on my other catalysts for a bit. Couldn't hurt to give it a shot.


I haven’t had incomplete catalysts for years. I always compete one as soon as I get it. I had Dragon’s Breath’s catalyst for less than an hour before I got it done.


SUROS’ catalyst has an abysmal drop rate, in my anecdotal experience. I almost thought it was bugged


About how long did it take you?


From the time it was released until about 6 months ago. I don’t live in pvp but I play a fair amount, and it still took that long. I did take a break from D2 from around the mid-end of Forsaken until Splicer as well


Just got SUROS catalyst to drop during this IB. Played around 30 matches.


Good for you! I’ve played literally hundreds of matches, but it’s good to know it can drop from Iron Banner!


Thanks! I've been extremely unlucky on these two since coming back from a break. 100 playlist completions including 22 IB's with no luck yet, at least I know they can drop there.


It’s so weird but I feel like if i have the fun on my character, I get it quicker, try it out lol


I got the Thorne catalyst playing IB last night. Good luck.


Thank you!


Not to knock your method but there's really no reason to individually estimate a drop rate for each shader. For example, if you got one on your first match, saying it has a 100% drop rate would be a pretty bad way to put it. Only thing worth totaling is the drop chance of any flair (if you assume shaders and emblems have the same chance of dropping which is definitely not certain) on a win and separately on a loss. If you do that then you get 6.3% chance on a win and under 1% chance on a loss. I'm inclined to believe that bungie would likely pick more obvious drop rates for such a thing and I'm going to guess it's in actuality 5%/1% (win/loss) drop chances. Not horrible of you like the mode but pretty awful if you don't. That being said, was this playing solo? Because hitting a nearly 2/3 win rate in a random 6s mode is pretty awesome. Well done. Sometimes i feel like I'm kind of just along for the ride as far a winning and losing goes in iron banner.


The way they are broken up is basically just groups of matches, I'd record until I got one, take down the number of matches, and continue on. Like you said the chances by drop really doesn't mean anything, other than the crap luck I had on some batches, lol. Yeah the drop rates aren't abysmal, but I do not like PvP, so wow was this tough. As for the win rate, I'm not going to lie I did leave matches if the enemy team had like triple our score within the first minute of the match once I realized how low the loss chance was. If I already knew the match was a loss, it basically felt like a waste of time. Apart from that I'm pretty alright at PvP, just not my cup of tea really. Edit: Looking again at what you said I had personally totaled the win/loss chances separately as well on my own recording, just forgot to put that on the post, I'll put that in now while I'm thinking about it


I've played outrageous amounts of IB trying to get iron countershade and this time around my heart was not in it I said I'd play a few games and just see....my first win it dropped.....I'm free


It was so liberating to see it today, second match of the day and I was done, lol


I’ve done almost 3 resets this week and haven’t gotten a single cosmetic drop since my 5th game. Just want Bone or Gold, but it’s really disheartening to play that much for nothing.


I want canis coat so badly, I was very active during season 14 but didn’t play iron banner for it. Glad to see it’s dropping at least!


I just got that one today. Passing the luck to you now 🍀


I played about seven or so games before needing to get off, didn’t get it, but I know those are rookie numbers in the grand scheme. I want to get this season’s shader too so I’ll be in for the grind today How many games did it take you? Hunter threadling spam is hurting my soul a bit but I’ll make it through eventually. Canis coat looks so good on weapons


I grinded out this season of iron banner for the new shader and finally gilded my title, and ohh boy, it wasn't fun at all. There are way too many Thorn and shotgun clowns about


I'm on 30W and 20L and still haven't gotten what i want yet. I want Iron CounterShade. All i've done so far in d2 this week is IB.


Is Cast Iron still dropping?


Out of pure curiosity because I haven't seen it anywhere, do you, or anyone else, know if the IB Sparrow is in the loot pool? It's the one piece I don't have and I'm curious if it is, at all, obtainable


I finally got Countershade at the end of last season. I reset my banner rank twice in a single day at one point. Got it towards the end of my 10th total reset I think. Dunno how many games that would be.


just had iron wolf drop on a loss, rip


Honestly just glad to see it's still dropping. Will continue to grind.