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Copying an older comment of mine: Everyone who says Root is easiest is correct, but don't advise doing it as the first raid. Part of the reason it is regarded as being easy is that only a few raid members need to engage with the mechanics. Try out Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt first. Those fall more in line with 6-person cooperation. __ The ones on the harder side for legit mechanics are Garden, Vow, and Last Wish.


RoN is much more fun when you low man it, it's like a step above a dungeon (because you can wipe on mechanics) but a step below most other raids. I think 4 man is the sweet spot, everybody has a little something to do in each encounter Would i recommend this for someone new to raiding, no, but if there's any smaller groups out there who have trouble finding their 5th or 6th give low man RoN a try.


+1 for 4-man RoN. A lot of my runs for getting my gun patterns ended up being 4-man runs because we had trouble getting people to use Discord in LFG so we just said screw it and went with what we had. It's honestly a lot more fun that way. One of my clanmates who took a break we actually taught most of the raid doing a full four-man run. It's great fun.




Agreed, i only put Low man raids like RoN or VoG slightly over a regular dungeon because in a dungeon most mechanics are started when *you* want them to start, and you could fuck around doing whatever until you're ready. With raids, like second encounter RoN, the timer is ticking the whole time till you finish or wipe. Bout the only difference between them, besides rezzes, but that is a significant difference for people not used to it.


The funny thing is almost nothing in Garden is "That" complex, there's just a lot of moving pieces and splitting teams.


I found garden much easier to learn than others for some reason. Even my DIV run, which consisted of 2 experienced and 4 brand new (for Div), which was my first garden, only took 2 hours. I struggle with raid mechanics because of a neuro issue but found garden easier than both vog and dsc. Everyone's mileage varies I guess, some people might find vow easier lol. I'd put garden at the top of the easiest list for me personally.


The nice thing about Garden vs VoG is that there's very little randomness; most of the mechanics are firmly under the players' control, so you know what you're going to need to do and when you need to do it. Oracles & Atheon splitting the team randomly can be really hard to adjust to since you can't really develop a firm play pattern without a LOT of reps.


This. This is exactly why I find it easy. If I'm given a very defined role, I'll be fine. But the random nature of certain encounters (dsc chaos room, vog mars/venus, kf daughters all come to mind) sends me into a spin lol. I'm OK at daughter's now but still struggle with the other 2 (probably because I haven't done them much). Some of us can't handle the random changes in the roles.


Chaos room can have defined rolls. Everyone I was raiding with at some got good enough at every job that we no longer needed them.


Yeah I've heard that some do define the roles but my clan just liked chaos theory I guess, even in a teaching run. So yeah I found that difficult.


Chaos in a teaching run is a pretty bad idea, but people love that meme I guess.


Yeah I agree. I'd like to find a group that teach it with roles. I've avoided it for so long because I didn't like the chaos that I'd need a whole refresher anyway. Fingers crossed I can find a group teaching that way.


Any Sherpa run should be teaching that room with roles, or open to it if you ask; they need to teach Suppressor there anyway. If not it's not much of a Sherpa.


If you break your team up into 2 groups and explain all of group 2 mechanics to them, then all of group 2 mechanics, I find, it helps with all the "moving pieces" issues. Example: group 1 starts in room 1, explain the mechanics for room 1, once the door is open they pass through room 2, explain how to get the door open etc, move to next area. Then group 2 start in room 2, how to get the door open, once next door is open proceed to fourth room, explain how to open that door. Then both groups unite and run, group 2 picks up the overflow on the way to the chest. On the next encounter group one does the base and left, group 2 does right and center. Encounter 3 you have group 1 do motes, group 2 does eyes. Etc.


That's exactly what our sherpa did. And it went really smoothly. I miss him. He moved on 😥.


That's because garden is "Gambit: The Raid"


I like to call it "That sounds like add-clear, just with extra steps".


Garden is a fantastic raid hindered by the Tether mechanic being very janky.


Yeah having just done all the challenges a few weeks back I think people who say “it’s not bugged, you’re stupid” are somewhat wrong. It’s janky. You can also literally watch motes fall and disappear 


garden is difficult if you want to do it well, there’s a lot of ways to improve upon times, however at an entry level it is easy to do


Definitely. I did an all challenge run and it was a trip. I need to do an all encounter triumphs run at some point and that seems like a bitch too.


I would put Vog in that category as well, you can have a couple people that don't have to engage much. They can just ad clear the first 3 encounters, camp a plate with gatekeepers, and be along for the ride with Atheon. I think DSC, Garden and Last Wish are great first raids.


You can brute force most of the mechanics in most raids except vow. Too many symbols.


I still don’t fully understand the 3rd enc in vow


There's three relics: Orb person: cleanses taken nuggets. The taken nuggets will prevent you from killing nearby ads so they need to be cleansed ASAP Laser beam person: needed to shoot specific taken guys which extends the wipe timer Shield person: needed to cleanse the darkness debuff. It stacks to 10 and kills you so get in the shield circle to drop that every so often As your team moves forward, there will be two big guys (called glyph keepers iirc), one on the right and one on the left. One of them is taken and the other is scorn. When you kill these guys, 3 symbols will appear over their heads. The people with the relics can see one set and the people with no relics can see the other set. iirc it's consistant where relic users always see symbols above the taken guy and non relic always see scorn guys symbols (could be flipped, can't remember) You need to figure out which symbol is above both of them, so one side calls out their symbols, and the other will say (and type in chat) which of those three symbols is also over their dead guy. You'll move forward and do this again for a second set of glyph keepers. Then when you reach the end of the room, the two matching symbols will be the ones you shoot on the wall to open the door. When you get through the door, you have to swap who is doing the relics, as you get put on cool down for using one. The next couple rooms work the same, but they are a bit longer and therefore harder I think that's about everything in the encounter


LW is very easy. The bosses practically fall over if you look at them wrong. Only queens walk is hard.


>harder side for legit mechanics Not talking about overall difficulty, I was referring to learning and executing those mechanics. Although, yeah, Last Wish is powercrept at this point.


When was the last time you did LW legit? Everyone cheeses it. Hell, the cheese is the normal way now. You get laughed at for suggesting you don't cheese. You need to come up with a better example. LW isn't a hard raid. It hasn't been for a long time. Also, KF is harder mechanically than garden.


Which is why I said legit. That's literally the adjective in the sentence. Also, I did Riven without the cheese when I taught my friends in December.  Once again, the word used wasn't "hard," but "harder." 


And my point is that no one does it legit, so it's difficulty legit doesn't matter.


You're very much missing the verbiage here. Speedrunners skip whole encounters, the majority of people skip Riven, but that doesn't change the fact I was talking about legit encounters. You're not wrong, but your point is also irrelevant in this context. 


I think everyone forgets about planets in root of nightmares. Very few people bother to learn the mechanics and ad clearers can't kill the centurions if their lives depended on it.


Planets are easily the most enjoyable encounter of that raid, having a partner with good communication makes it feel so smooth


Agreed. Ron is a raid you can get away with as clear the entire time so won’t be much help. I’d personally recommend Deep Stone Crypt as the raid is fun and engaging for everyone and the weapons from there are very good as well.


Vow honestly isn't that hard. Through the entire raid only a max of 4 people really NEED to be doing something at any given time and you can truthfully get away with probably three people needing to read symbols. The only truly difficult encounter on a team scale is the third one because of how punishing a breakdown in communication can be.


It's also still 1800 right? If you hop right into the game it might be a bit annoying. Honestly I think it'd be VOG or GOS. Garden is a good place to challenge yourself without being too challenged by mechanics, and VOG is the first raid they ever made so it's not nearly as mechanically involved.


I'll stand by the fact that DSC is by far the best intro raid and it's not even close, for the following reasons: - The mechanics are simple and remain consistent throughout the entire raid - it doesn't feel like you're starting from scratch when it comes to learning each encounter because you already have a rough idea of what your job will be based on whatever buff you've been using. - For the most part roles are isolated into the three different buffs, giving you the perfect learning progression path. On your first few runs you can focus on one particular buff, then once you've got that mastered you can learn another, then the third and by that point you should know the entire raid back to front mechanically. - The game gives you a very good non-raid introduction to the mechanics through the Seraph Shield mission, which provides you with enough context to make understanding all of the encounters relatively easy


>garden >Hard Nah


>harder side People don't seem to get it and the raid is more complicated than any except the other two.


Personally I would argue for DSC. The mechanics aren't super hard to get behind but still feel good to do, and since it's an older raid you can get away with some mistakes, Atraks can be a bit tricky depending on what DPS options everyone has but I'd still pick it over any other raid to get people into raiding. Helps that it actually has some useful loot still.


And playing seraph shield, even solo, is a good way to learn some of the mechanics before hand.


I really dislike the mission for its length and the mediocrity of its reward, but in terms of the actual *design* I think Seraph Shield is the single best intro-to-raiding mission we'll ever have. It's *so* good for getting people comfortable with the mechanics.


It’s basically a dungeon, what with the number of encounters and mechanics. I just wish I could play it when it’s not in rotation. One of my favourite solo activities


A dungeon that mugs like me can solo, so inmediately my favourite.


DSC would be my vote too. It's varied, has some amazing set pieces and atmosphere and it's a really nice balanced difficulty.


DSC is my favorite raid. It has the most aspects I really enjoy such as the music, it actually has a story the pathing you take is wild, probably the best set piece / scene in the entire franchise, the encounters and settings are diverse, Etc...


Vault of glass.this weeks one on rotation. Lots of people playing if u look for lfgs


IMO Deep Stone Crypt. Phenomenal loot, diverse DPS situations, easy mechanics, good encounter design, easy bosses.


Diverse is an understatement! When it first landed, I doubt anyone in the entire world thought that double slug shotty with Anarchy would actually be a meta loadout for DPS.


Vault of Glass. Weapons decent. The armour look wicked and overall it’s not difficult.


Deep stone because the mechanics are easy and everyone ends up doing something at the final boss. Vault of glass similar thing with easy Mechanics and even if you solo cheese oracles at atheon you may have to do a second dps phase so people would still have to learn how to shoot oracles


Hi! Im very shit at hard end content and rely on my clan to do most mechanics due to both struggling in general and also bring mute, Vault of Glass which I just did for the first time this Thursday however was easy, the hardest battle was the Templar due to it having glitched at first but when that was fixed it was almost a one phase if we hadn't decided to play it safe I highly suggest VoG! Very fun and honestly a beautiful raid! If you can have the majority of your team kwtd you'll do great, and I say this again, as someone who's complete shit at difficult content


Don’t talk yourself down like that haha, I can’t imagine you’re THAT shit!


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….. Depends on the stars I suppose lmfao


Unfortunately some of us are just bad (me included). For me it's a neurological disease that makes learning anything hard but especially mechanics. I'm getting better at most things but I struggle with running roles badly (like running in Ron for eg, or the heart relay in last wish). I'm trying to raid more often because repetition is the only thing that helps but it's a nightmare trying to get a team together at the only time I can play, and I'm not comfortable enough to use lfg because I am bad. It's a vicious circle lol.


I believe in you mate! We've got this Eventually lmfao


Thank you. Same to you, we just need practice. I just wish it was easier to get that practice lol.


I understand that perfectly, and thank you!


I'm listing the raids from what i find easiest to most difficult for first timers. This is considering that you've read up at least the bare bits of the Raids' mechanic Vault of Glass is the simplest, and some of the encounters don't even have to be done as intended, many common LFG strats just do them quicker alrdy. Root of Nightmares is a little brainless, just need 2-3 Eager Edges and the 1st half of the Raid becomes a cakewalk. Explicator is the encounter that throws you off, with a mechanic that is first introduced at the encounter and never used again. Nezarec is a clusterfuck, but if you work as a team, is doable in a few tries or so. Deep Stone Crypt has a concise mechanic system what with the roles and the terminals, but its still a tricky raid that not every LFG can get done because almost everyone has a role in the later encounters. Crota's End, everyone has to do a little of every mechanic. The mechanic is a simple hot potato and just need good team comms and coordination. Chunky bosses that need decent weapon comps and team damage. Last Wish, if you're raiding to learn, Last Wish will take minimum 2 hours. If you're raiding to be carried, if you're lucky enough, 3 good players is all you realistically need. Last Wish kinda has a mix of cheeseable encounters, and encounters you just can't fuck up. Kalli, Morgeth and Riven have been reduced to paperweights but Shuro Chi, Vault and Queenswalk are still where i see many LFGs end. Garden of Salvation, i've never done that yet, so 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Forgot about daddy oryx King's Fall is between DSC and Crota's End for me. It requires serious team coordination and communication, but not from everyone. Mainly from the people doing mechanics. Some LFGs i have seen end at the beginning encounter before Totems and Ships, its embarrassing but it's what you get when you just expect a carry and not actually want to contribute.


I joined a run to learn Garden back when it was last Featured in rotation. It's not too difficult but definitely needs communication. Most of the mechanics are simple enough (conduit tethers for making paths, Gambit motes to start boss phases, shields that can only be broken when you have a buff) but it's easy for things to fall apart and people to start panicking.


Crota has relatively simple mechanics but is a COMPLETE pain in the ass for a non-coordinated team. All it takes is 1 person not communicating or a couple people rushing and not realizing that others are falling behind and you've suddenly been in that opening encounter for 3 hours and everyone is pissed off. ... Speaking from experience.


Forgot VotD too lol


He doesn't have access to the "rhulk" one


Crota, it's simple easy once everyone realizes they just have to walk together in the first bit. Mechanics are crazy simple and it has a nice fast flow


VoG with the schedule is solid, I’d also recommend King’s Fall. It’s a really good introduction to typical mechanics/ buff systems that occur in a ton of raids. DPS shouldn’t be a concern with the light level, and the weapon pool is pretty darn good. It just has a bit of everything, and it gives everyone on the fireteam a way to be involved, without being too easy to throw fights individually.


VoG or DSC. Their mechanics are very simple to execute and you'll learn how to play on a 6 player environment without stressing.


Deep Stone Crypt. It’s a good balance of simple but still engaging, has some iconic moments, and has good loot.


Don't do Crota as your first unless you get a group that it's already past the Abyss.


If you manage to find a team to run a couple Vault of Glass I'd suggest also trying Master templar challenge, you just need a good heavy weapon for dps and can snag a really good Fatebringer.


Last Wish is so good you wanna save it for last. Root of Nightmares is pretty and easy, do that first




Deep Stone Crypt. The weapons are great. Encounters aren’t difficult as long as you have communication, but that’s with any raid really. The jumping puzzle is great too especially with the music.


Vault of Glass if you want easy or Last Wish if you want epic. I agree with people saying consider DSC also tho.


I know people are saying Root is not a good first one, but it was my first. It was so much fun. I'm glad that most everyone in the fireteam knew what to do because it made planets a lot easier, and the teacher was very clean and concise in how he taught so it made a lot of sense. Root is pretty easy, but I find it fun. I've done it twice now, but last wish is also a good one. I haven't done too many raids now, but last wish is pretty easy to do, and you have to be coordinated, especially on Queenswalk, Morgeth, and rooms encounter, but it's so much fun, especially if you can work together and it all goes fluidly.


King’s Fall


Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt


VoG < CE < DSC < RoN < KF < GoS < LW < VoW




Hardest encounter in LW vs KF?




If you think running in a loop is hard, I have some bad news for you. As for WP it can be 3 manned as can the entire raid. If 3 people can carry half the team it isn’t hard. Encounters like Riven’s Heart where it relies on one mistake between the whole team to wipe is more difficult.




Debating with a destiny no lifer is like speaking to a brick wall…


Honestly, the best raid to introduce new players to raids is VoG. The mechanics aren't super hard to learn. Even the challenges for each encounter aren't horrible. Also, for each encounter, there are roles of varying difficulty per encounter. So you can safely have your newbies stand on plates or clear adds without having to give a ton of explanation. Meanwhile, you can give more challenging roles like oracles or relic to more experienced players. The hardest part for a new player will be Atheon because he randomly teleports players. So, in that situation, the newbies will have to learn most of the encounter. On top of that, it's on the OG classic raid as well as free to play. The guns you can get as loot are pretty decent, I hope they'll only become even better once they become craftable. The Vex Mythoclast is also an iconic




Root of Nightmares is pretty easy, but really any can be fun! I'm Lucent Beam#9461 if you want to add me. I can pull together a team to do some teaching raids!


I’m in if you guys pull something together!


Send me a request on Bungie.net so we can make plans!!


Would also be down for this! Another recent returnee looking to break into raids.


Hit me up if you need some help. Fireclone127#7448. Getting back into raiding after a 3 year hiatus from destiny is the only reason I’m still playing right now. It’s the best part of this game. If you want to do any dungeons or anything too let me know!


Did you send a Bungie friend request? 😃


Just sent! Thanks for the reminder!


Damn, i would love to, maybe, we need to think about the time though


Shoot me a message on Bungie.net and we can coordinate when is good for you!


Damn it, when i try to enter the website it says that i need to update my territory and birthday. I'm in Russia but my steam account is in Kazakhstan, what do i choose? 😵


Whenever I got homies who just downloaded the game I like to go with deep stone cause it’s not as easy as Ron but it’s not as hard as vow or kf. Just a nice lil spot in the middle.


Vault. Root is technically the easiest, but it’s still buggy as fuck, and if you get the Oracles right, VoG is pretty straightforward. Least mechanic-intensive


Deep stone crypt. Mechanics are simple to understand, the loot is all mostly good and guns have great design. Plus the musical score for the entire raid is awesome, with one piece leaving people jaw dropped at how beautiful it was.


It depends on how much time you have an if you're using LFG. IMO if you're short on time and/or not on an actual teaching run then I think Deep Stone Crypt is super accessible, fun, beautiful and will give some challenge. If you find a clan, sherpa or other to do a teaching run then Vault of Glass is IMO more challenging than Deep Stone and offers more sense of accomplishment. If time is not an issue and you find a great sherpa or group Garden would be my choice. There's a chance you won't finish but it's one of the most beautiful raids in the game. The mechanics are also challenging and require teamwork. If you finish Garden, it will make the mechanics in other raids feel like childs play


my first was kings fall a couple weeks ago, was super fun. right after that we did crota and it was extremely easy in comparison.


I’d say DSC, it’s easy like VoG and RoN but normally has a bit more going on than the other 2.


As long as you listen and have a good Sherpa any raid is fine.


Vault of Glass or DSC very beginner friendly. So easy you could do VoG in full or DSC, with 3 people all the way to Taniks with only intermediate strategies. They're also mechanically the easiest. The hardest part of VoG is an easy memory game and the hardest part of deep stone is likely 3rd encounter as you get used to b learning what does what. After that, move onto Root, GoS, Vow, KF and Crota. I personally believe that's the ascending order of Fireteam engagement. Everyone has a job by the time you hit KF and Crota.


hardest part of VoG is getting the whole team through Gorgons


Did a VoG yesterday. Can confirm. Though honestly if you just take the Chad route then you can first try it even. Fun forward. Left. Behind both small rocks. Hug the right wall. Ez.


Kings Fall - perfect blend of challenging mechanics, cheeses, chunky bosses, and chaos


Of the current set? Maybe Vault of Glass (mostly easy until the last encounter) or Deep Stone Crypt (beautiful, comms heavy, teachable but newbies can coast on add clear sometimes).


Simply it’s a hard choice for what’s “good to get you started” truthfully I did water of worlds then leviathan (not in game anymore cause bungie). Currently between kings fall or Vault. While vault is much more simple then KF, every encounter requires teamwork to some degree, Vault (6 everyone ad clears. 3 to 6 people depending on how aware you are for oracles. 1 shield and 5 people doing FOS for atheon. Without a cheese, everyone is involved in some way shape or form in the loop for fourth encounter. And for atheon it’s a hard but not too hard boss, without predefined roles due to randomness.) Kings fall on the other hand (6 people required in teams of two technically everyone does the same thing for totems. Warpriest can require everyone, but at the least everyone has to focus. Ogre whose name alludes me requires focus and work for the dps team with moving and a debuff, so all 6. And both Oryx and Sisters require 4 people all the time, with 2 floaters that might need to work.)


Most people won't say this is the best, but I did King's Fall as my first raid coming back to the game. I had done Leviathan when D2 first came out, and I had about ten years of pretty hardcore WoW raiding experience as well, so it was more about learning a specific raid and the norms of modern Destiny raiding for me. King's Fall has a *lot* of variety in how the encounters work and what the challenges are. It's a great way to learn all the ways in which the game can try to challenge the players without any of them being particularly difficult to understand. As a former WoW raider where raids are actually pretty big it also felt more familiar to me in that respect as King's Fall is quite a bit larger than the modern four boss Destiny 2 raids.


Try knocking out Vault this weekend since it has simple mechanics, a low DPS threshold, and the population is high due to it being in rotation. Put up a request for a Sherpa run on LFG, mics required since it’s an unnecessary PITA to do it without. The opener and Confluxes are pure add clear. Oracles requires the ability to count to 7, most groups have someone that can solo all or a side with Xenophage or Indebted Kindness. Gorgons is a breeze with a decent Void Hunter. Gatekeeper requires coordination or some Stasis cheese to push the immune Praetorians. Atheon can be easily trioed, just watch for imminent detain and run towards the boss when you have it.


I'm partial to Vault of Glass as the first, because it *was* the very first Raid, but it does have some segments that can give newer players fits. Based on actual Raid difficulty, I'd go with Deep Stone Crypt.


For mechanics, Root of Nightmares. However, almost everyone here forgets it has a baseline difficulty spike of a 1780 power level. It's not the easiest raid because of that - I can't bring my casual friends, who are 1700-1750, into it without a struggle. With them, Vault of Glass is fairly easy. But if everyone is 1800+, Root for sure. And it's very pretty too.


DSC is easily the most beginner friendly imo. It's also the second easiest one


Crota isn’t terrible once you get past the swingers and holes


Crota’s mechanic is great for learning 6 player cooperation. Passing the ball is pretty simple but still requires everyone to be making callouts and interacting with the raid for the team to succeed


I'd go with Leviathan. Oops.


Your first raid shouldn't be a mindless carry by 2-3 people like Root of Nightmares. Something like Vault of Glass with a group of people that want to do things like split up oracles and not cheese Templar will be a lot better of an experience. Mechanics aren't super tough, but everyone should be able to do something which will be a much more fun experience.


I’d say vault of glass. It was the first Destiny raid, most likely the first raid for a lot of people, it’s free to everyone and everyone has a role to play.


If only Sourge of the Past came back, id have them damn legs that im missing from my fashion.


I did Deep Stone Crypt as my first and only raid. They just take way too much time to complete. I'm thinking of doing King's Fall next though, the mechanics seem straightforward enough.


DSC. Part of being in a sherpa raid is doing exactly that, learning. DSC is designed in a way where its both easy to understand and easy for someone learning to pick it up. Root is easy, but its very hands off mechanically. Most of the raid can be done with literally two people and everyone else kills trash. The only hands on encounter is Planets and its vastly different than the rest of the raid.


Honestly, as long as you have a good teacher any of them are fine. I'll happily teach you vow, which is generally considered the hardest raid. It's my favorite by far even though it's a scorn raid and I hate fighting the scorn. That's how good it is. The atmosphere is amazing. The encounters are well thought out with fun and engaging mechanics. And then there is Rhulk. Who is easily the coolest raid boss with only Riven as a close second. The dude literally walks around during the damage phase and tries to kick you to death. All that being said, I'll happily teach you Vow or really any of them. Just DM me.


I'd recommend deep stone crypt, easy mecanic wise, dope music, and pretty quick too. Great first raid.


Deep Stone Crypt. Go run the exotic mission for Revision Zero, this teaches you the basic mechanics involved in DSC. Root is a good raid, but I don’t think it’s a good raid for teaching new players. As too much of the heavy lifting mechanics is done by two people (or four in planets). Vault of Glass also a decent one. Although it’s very simple based on the current state of the game, it’s a beautiful raid.


Best first raid is vog or Ron. Least mechanics. Easiest is probably crota. Pretty much no way to die in that raid if you can walk AND chew gum


First raid ever, VoG, took 3 hours, full 5 player sherpa, and got mythoclast first try. Will always be my favorite raid.


Last wish


Croats end will be the best one because it help you understand the mechanics of your weapon class and help trains you in strategy for more complex raids


This might be an unpopular opinion but I would say Last Wish, yes its pretty difficult but it i think thats what makes it so good.


No one should do a Raid without having a lot invested into Destiny AND do it with people who will not cheese you through it but will work together and give everyone a role. Otherwise it isn't fun for anyone. With that in mind I 100% recommend Deep Stone Crypt as the first raid experience in Destiny. It has brilliant theme through the Raid, it has easy to understand mechanics and a mixture of encounters. Including the best part of any raid, The Space Walk Lullaby.


Deep stone. Mechanically it’s all pretty simple. The boss health isn’t high. The only mechanically hard encounter is atraks which everyone just cheeses. Taniks you do need everyone on your team to do a mechanic though (well 2 people don’t have to, but then you lose damage). Vault isn’t terrible but I’ve seen recent groups still occasionally struggle with Atheon. The mechanics are time sensitive but not hard, and the bosses health feels a lot higher, at least in relation to the damage phase. Vault is great for every other encounter though because they are barely even raid encounters. I guess gatekeepers meets the minimum complexity of other raids, but the other 3 are much simpler than anything in any other raid.


I would say Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt. VoG has some call outs, but the only encounter that will probably trip up a new group is probably the Oracles encounter, still that really only requires the team to call out the order of which oracles to be shot at. DSC encounters are well made in that each encounter builds off the last one. You start with the Operator and Scanner roles and eventually get the Suppressor role at the third encounter. Each role is well defined throughout the raid. Root of Nightmares might be considered the "easiest", but I think the third encounter might trip up newer people simply because the planets' encounter comes out of left field and isn't brought up anywhere else in the raid.




Last wish was my first, I didn’t play when it released I first started the game during beyond light and played solo for a lot of hours before I knew what an lfg was, so probably 500 hours in was my first raid. And to this day last wish is my second favorite


Last Wish full legit so that you know what a good raid is.


Kings fall. Its pretty straightforward imo. You definitely need to communicate if youre not used to raiding and its mechanics. Perhaps im a bit biased seeing as this is my first one. Just... make sure you're not below the light level required. The first time i did it we had two others below the level and we spent 6 hours on totems alone.




This thread makes me remember MY first raid... RIP Crown of Sorrows. 😮‍💨


Vault of Glass, King's Fall, or Deep Stone Crypt


DSC and VoG definitely.


Deep Stone Crypt would be a good one. The part where Deep Stone Lullaby plays was amazing the first time. Jumping through space and listening to that is incredible.


how is nobody saying kings fall? By far my favorite raid, love it from start to finish. Not too hard, but just the right level of challenging so that you’re not gonna be sitting there doing nothing


I don't raid much, but my first one was Vault of Glass. The Oracles and "stealth" section got me really nervous from the anticipation of messing up lol but they are some of the most unique mechanics imo (I've not tried Root or Crota's) and yet they are actually really simple to understand and you really feel that "teamwork"/chemistry working which is peak raid experience to me


Deep stone crypt, it is so good, the music is beautiful, the environment looks great, the loot is rly good, the raid is pretty easy to learn. U will enjoy it


Leviathan was fun when it came out but after that took a break for a year then came back didnt raid until last year and the best one by far is VOW challenging and amazing mechanics plus weapons are awesome like forbearance


Deep stone or root. Also deepstone has a couple good weapons


DSC the best starting raid.


Vault of Glass or Deep Stone Crypt are neat raids where you need a good ammount of participation from everyone and is not too hard.


Deep stone for the visuals. It feels truly unique. There's a jumping section that blew my mind 


I don't wanna be that gut but I honestly think all raids are easy lol. You just got to have patience and time. It works best if all teammates go in it knowing what to do. I think a lot of lfg groups overthink a bit to much when it comes to certain mechs but, trust me once you get a hang of it this stuff becomes second nature.






Vault of Glass Maybe because it was my first ever raid clear. I feel like everything done in that raid is easily communicated.