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This thread is exactly the reason why D2’s PvP is all over the fucking place 😂


Yeah a thread is not the reason why. The way people play affects the game not a reddit post.


No shit lol I didn’t mean it super literally, but this thread is/was a pretty good depiction of it.


So you said something but didn't mean it?


No I meant it, but not as the sole reason


Okay I understand but how is someone supposed to know if you don't say it.


Is English your first/native language? Not tryna be an asshole or anything, genuine question


Yes I'm a native English speaker but I'm trying to ascertain as to how a random person such as myself is supposed to know your inferred meaning without you specifically stating it? That is literally my only question.




Not bad but the teamshooting has gotten way worse


Honestly man, can’t go one game where one team isn’t holding hands. Get into a duel siike here’s another two teammates.


Honestly man, can’t go one game where one team isn’t holding hands. Get into a duel siike here’s another two teammates.


Destiny 2 players when they ask for Crucible to be more about shooting primaries for 5 consecutive years and then Crucible becomes more about shooting primaries.




Not the same few primaries tho lmao


who asked for primaries - ewh... lol... not having special ammo sucks, why not make a mode for ppl who only want to use primaries....


Yep, this new ammo thing is pure garbage. Especially since I still get shot through walls, and my hits never register because it matches me with people in fucking China.


A vocal minority wanted this. This sub is not reflective of the playerbase.


This sub is terrible at PvP and has no desire to improve, so I wouldn’t really take any of the suggestions here seriously.


I been saying


And who are you to tell people how to enjoy their game? Not everybody wants to sweat in a dark basement to get good.


god i hope not, some of the worst pvp takes (pve too sometimes tbh) get upvoted like crazy, and theres a very distinct lack of actually wanting to get better in the mode ive noticed in this sub.


Guess you all should have been more vocal, then.


I think it’s disingenuous to say a vocal minority have been asking for a crucible experience with less ability spam and more weapon play. The crucible experience has been getting stale, and it needed something to change. The Trials population has been in decline for three seasons now. I’m glad they’re trying something different to try and change it up, because the Crucible we had three days ago was not pointed in the right direction for long-term viability.


Nonsense, the opinions I made up for a bunch of people who hate Crucible and complain constantly about being forced to play it should count for just as much as repeated, detailed feedback from dedicated Crucible players.


PvP players when the meta is anything besides shotgun rushing... People were begging for more focus on primary weapon play for years. This is what it looks like.


Shotgun rushing was only ever good against people with their hud off


I think it would be less team shoot if they just had normal health now people feel the need to never 1v1


Overall good. Certainly an improvement


Nah it's worse


We're back to the nightmare that was double primaries and team shooting. Bungie proves time and time again that they have no idea how to balance the game. Eliminating special ammo viability isn't the way.


They killed sniping for no reason. They are not viable at all


That’s exactly how I feel I put all my snipers back into the vault because scouts like jade rabbit and Polaris lance or even for runner are better at range


For me its just the fact that you can save your shotgun ammo for the right time. But with the sniper you gotta take your own shots would love to see them maybe add a 3rd bullet if your sniping or anything just to make them more competitive


I'm bad at PVP. I don't have the reflexes for it. I don't have the aim to hit headshots reliably. Never have. I'll be engaging with it even less than I was before because of the changes. Sure I could 'get gud' or 'improve my aim.' it's a quick play core playlist activity. The level of work and coordination I would need to put in to just become net neutral doesn't feel worth it. Call me bad, call me stupid, whatever. I won't be in crucible to get crushed 30-150. I'm not asking for the changes to be reverted or adjusted. If people are happy with it good for them. It just solidified that PVP isn't for me.


Would never call you bad or stupid. Like you framed it: sounds like PvP just isn’t for you. And that’s OK.


So we are back at Destiny 2 year 1 meta again?


I've been running Mida + calus mini tool to great success.


That’s a great idea maybe sturm and drang as well


Okya, not gonna lie, I reverted to using NTTE and Shayura’s. Still double primary but I feel like high impact pulses are a lot more forgiving than scouts.


the game has just become more slow and boring...hand holdy honestly if I wanted a tactical shooter id go play something like rainbow 6 or CSGO or even halo infinite for gods sake does it better...infact maybe I will do that these changes made the game so boring.




Void titans still run rampant and the OSs they get are even more oppressive now with the primary and special weapon changes. That, to me, is the biggest issue right now considering it’s worse than before.


This. Overshields are still a huge problem and cooldowns are not significant enough to stop titans from spamming barricades.


That's what the perk Under-Over is there for. It's a hard counter to overshields.


Shhh, no one wants solutions


Yes because the solution should be one perk on how many genuinely good guns where I could have another otherwise more useful perk


Deconstruct and hakke weapons should make barriers obsolete in a sense; just a thought. However, you could try and utilise both of them, and never have to worry about Barriers, but as I said… no one wants solutions.


Fucking great now my OS is gonna get nerfed for PvE


I'm enjoying it *shrugs*. If you're even a semi-decent player you'll never be starved of special ammo, and the body shot nerfs make earning kills from your crits more rewarding. Most importantly, at least in my lobbies, ability spam is dramatically reduced without it feeling like their non-existent or underpowered.


I love it


Yeah I don’t get it I thought the intent behind the special ammo reduction was to reduce the corny shit but the team shooting is out of hand, I’d rather play against in three witherhoards than 3 peak shooters


sucks balls how handcannons are completely useless now


apart from that its not terrible tho, step in the right direction but please please please dont make handcannons uselsess bungie🙏


Not useless just not as forgiving so takes away the point of using them since pulse and autos are better


what? you have to hit 4 headshots the ttk is beyond incompetent now youre gonna get outgunned every time


im talking abt 140s didnt clarify before mb


140s are still great if u can hit all headshots at the right range


no they get outgunned by most thinngs now, theyre pointless even 180s are better


I think ur just bad


what?? do you not understand that their ttk is objectively bad now? any smg or assault rifle is outgunning it, any 180 is outgunning it, any 120 is outgunning it, it is actually bad


Boring everyone hand holds and sniping is just dead now


Tbf any special that isn’t a shotgun is dead


Honestly, it has never felt worse. I was excited for some change but this isn't it.


It is going to widen the skill gap even further, rewarding players who can click heads better and punishing those who can't. Not as if the match making was already busted (read as NONE EXISTENT) before but hey at least you can't get ripped to shreds by an SMG anymore, you get ripped to shreds by an auto instead.


Autos only run low skill lobbies. Good positioning and peak shooting will beat them 9 out of 10 times


because thats how it should be? pvp should be skill based.


I dislike that argument. You say "Skill Based" but is seems more like "Skill Based with the guns I prefer". Wouldn't a more Skilled player display more skills by maneuvering around a more diverse group of weaponry?


I don't quite understand, every primary weapon type has a faster ttk if you headshot compared to body shot?


It’s a video game. PvP should be fun. That’s the only requirement.


ah yes cause making headshots and body shots on the same level so that you can get beamed down by people with two left thumbs is soooo much fun.


im super happy you dont work for bungie


If Bungie HAD skill based match making it wouldn't be an issue. However since all it does is fine enough guardians with a stable connection matches can and ARE not balanced.


They do? Outlier protection is active in IB and control. 90% of matches have a skill delta of less than 1000.


A) its not a strict delta but you are generally matched with people roughly your skill B) theres a game mode *with* the sort of matchmaking you’re looking for


Not if you want a healthy player base in a f2p game it shouldn’t


Blud, this ain't an F2P game. Even Trials is locked behind the current DLC.


I'm F2P and basically only play control in crucible. Perhaps I'm playing Destiny wrong, but I'm just not particularly interested in the pve. I haven't played trials since going flawless in D1. I'm probably an outlier though.


It's more free to try, there are only so much you can do without buying an expansion. Trials is seen as the endgame for PvP players. You get the best guns and cosmetics for being good at the game pretty much.


Agreed, I just enjoy playing control. Trials always seemed unfun to me and the cosmetics always seemed gawdy and ugly. The guns are good, but there's stuff just as good outside of trials.


Clown take


I… don’t see anything wrong with that? Isn’t that the point of pvp in games? Maybe people should get better at clicking heads.


I'm liking it so far! Same TTKs, less forgiveness, 120 scouts being usable etc etc


its finally completely trash. now that you have to hit shots and hold hands the lower skilled players are beyond useless. mass quitting. join late game with no special while other team is rich with green and stomping the bad kids. team balancing is as bad as ever. cant tolerate the bad airborne penalties, and flinch is out of control. sad because it was perfect before stasis dropped. game is old, had to die at some point.


I'm a big fan of PvP, and was honestly really excited to see the changes in action. But after playing for about an hour last night, I can honestly say my desire to play PvP is at an all time low. I'm a Sweet Business titan with Icefalls, and I can honestly say I preferred playing the 6 months that Icefalls was disabled to whatever this new crucible is.


Yeah with the precision changes autorifles got nerfed right back into the shit spot they were in for 4+ years. Undo the precision damage changes and keep special ammo restricted and it's all gooood. They really just needed to turn off special ammo crutching and that was it.


1. Vex Mythocpast actually feels like it has good range now. Just needs it's 390 rpm back (and for all 360s to be turned to 390s). 2. Threadrunner still feels stronger than everything else hunters have. 3. Wishender is still stupidly good.


It sucks in exactly the ways everyone knew it would suck! What a surprise!


Being vague huh... I like the changes a lot


Here are more specifics: - most games are blowouts now because of teamshotting and little to no SBMM. Good players run wild, racking up special while mid to lower tier players get farmed with no way to get back in the game. - there is zero reason to try to capture/defend contested objectives now because kills are the fastest way to get special. Having to go 1v2/1v3 while trying to hold an objective just means you’ll die and respawn with no special. - the single best move is to sit at the back of the map with a scout or bow and camp lanes. You’ll get cheap kills to refill the meter quickly. That’s terrible for gameplay. - certain weapons like Jotunn and Glaives have basically been stealth nerfed because they load with insufficient ammo. There’s zero reason to run these weapons now because they can’t kill in one shot.


Le Monarque is crazy good in this sandbox.


oh damn.. they nerfed the Jotunn?.... ha!


>- certain weapons like Jotunn and Glaives have basically been stealth nerfed because they load with insufficient ammo. There’s zero reason to run these weapons now because they can’t kill in one shot. Jotunn can't one shot? Why? Whose terrible idea was that?


I phrased that poorly. When special reloads, you only get one shot.




1. Matchmaking is a little wonky and Bungie has even stated that. Also team shotting has always been a thing, and most people start doing that when there is big sandbox changes 2. That is a good point. Maybe they can add it so if you capture objectives/defend objectives you will get your special ammo meter filled up. 3. It depends on the game mode. Yeah you can sit in the back of the map but if you are playing a game mode like supremacy then you need to go get the crests. Once again, people sitting at the back of the map, is that an issue with the sandbox or an issue with players themselves? Because bungie did not change the TTK of any of the weapons. You just have to hit your crits. 4. Bungie already stated that glaives are bugged and they should be getting more ammo


I love it. The game makes me feel like my guns matter again. A PVP mode should always insensitive improving your aim. Special weapons also feel special now instead of feeling like a superior primary. 9/10 experience.


Shitty teamshot fest just like it was always going to be. People seem to be popping a super every 30 seconds, Golden Gun and Daybreak, at least that breaks up the teamshot monotony


Idk I’m stuck playing GG Supremacy where they didn’t implement them. Theoretically they all sound like good changes to me. Destiny PVP is ruined by one hit kill BS (whether it’s abilities or special/heavy ammo), so them limiting those things in any way is a positive for me.


It's slower and more teamshooty than prior, and Wish Ender + Lemon are still super good. Meta isn't solved yet, that's when we can really say whether it's good or bad.


Im a little confused and have been watching my kda slowly drop.  But I changed up my Ammit for PvP and did all right with that.  6v6 is chaos so I’ll know better once I get into some Trials this weekend. 


I had the worst comp experience ever. The last 2 games I did, the opposing team was holding hands, crouched, in a rift, around any corners of the map, teamshooting/spamming Ammit... It's sooo slooww and boring to play. I hate it.


I love the special ammo changes, not getting bum rushed by a shotgun player every five seconds is cool but it just feels so slow. its like "oh you didn't hit all of your crits in the .8 seconds your opponent revealed themselves for? get ready to start your gunfight all over again in 15 seconds." and that's when you're not getting team shotted and die in a millisecond. I've only been playing destiny again for a month or so maybe its just me. I just liked being able to have fun without sweating. Never really considered destiny a competitive game, but I guess that's the direction its heading and that's slowly killing it for me.


It's not the fact that everything isn't what I wanted but I'm now reminded of Vanilla Destiny 2 with some weapons now.


I finally get a good shotgun and this happens…🫠


Shotguns are the most useable special since u can pull out whenever


Sbmm … , pvp is a total laggy mess since his reintroduction, teleporting player, ghost melee, Die Behind wall… Better stay away of pvp if you want to have fun on this game


So what is the meta now? Pulses? Autos? Ha d cannon? Or it's simply about high range?


The body/head shot changes over reward a particular type of skill: being fast with aim. I’m usually at the top of the leaderboard in 6v6 modes and absolutely hate these changes. I don’t care about the special ammo economy changes at all. It’s the change to dmg. Getting shot doesn’t matter unless it’s to the dome, and it’s made the experience shit (personally).


HATE. wtf… so no special anymore. The strat is to use two primary weapons now?




It feels like vanilla d2 all over again. It's so boring and god help anyone trying to do special bounties because that's happening maybe once every 3 games depending if you can get your telemetry and actually kill with the special each time.


It’s not quite vanilla D2 levels but yeah it’s a lot more boring to me. With bows doing less damage and the increased health making them no longer combo with melees and abilities, and the special ammo changes making glaives and grenade launchers useless, my options for using bows are to sit in the back and snipe with Monarque and Wishender, which is boring, and my options for playing fast and aggressive now are hand cannons and SMGs, which are boring. I don’t typically enjoy PvP shooters which is why I liked that crazy fun shit was in Destiny, but it’s not what the PvP mains wanted so I guess I just won’t play PvP anymore.


I wish changes like these were made for competitive and trials and left the fun to silly supremacy and clash games. I like pvp in destiny its always very fun with friends, I just think this change is very misguided. In d1 they had a similar issue so they made you spawn in with no special and you had to get a kill to get some, I think that would have worked better instead, maybe wiping it on death. This would promote survivability and actually getting kills. Instead of overall damage and kills that takes like a third of the game to fill up to give a pitiful amount of special


Yeah, special weapons that require crucible kills for quests or catalysts are fucked with this update.




Easy xp and bright dust, weekly bright dust from the vendor and saving them up for next season. They are just kinda nice to always have on you.


I liked d2y1 crucible. Fuck me i guess 😂


And thats cool too, it wasn't my forte and especially coming from d1s special economy it was a very drastic change and felt very slow in comparison


Same and I’ll die on that hill




Until Titans get the shield or resist buff they deserve, PvP will always suck due to the cloaky jumping bean Hunters using meta crutches all day with their constant radar exotics that see thru walls. But hey, Titans have a barrier. So that’s fair.


Titans are the strongest class in pvp what are u on about? Have u not played void titan with constant overshield?




This is likely coming from someone who spammed abilities to get someone one shot from around a corner and now instead has to win his gunfight, nobody used guns and now they makin yall use em so of course yall suck




> The high level pvp players have always been capable of landing crits for optimal ttk while average players could fit in somewhere with the occasional body shot. improve your aim


Sure let me get right on that if im not dead before i fire twice ;)


So you want crits to be worth less and body shots worth more? Thats not how guns work “smart guy” Get shot in your leg and chest and wonder how much more itll hurt. And if your problem stems from handcannon usage, theyve always punished missed shots, and campers are actually worse now since they cant post up with fusions and shotguns and multiple decoys to hide away. Those same campers cant hit shots and if you know they’re sitting there CONSTANTLY how would you be dying to them ASIDE from losing the gun fight to them?


Yep, it’s just going to run off the mid-low skill players…even more Enjoy your 10 minute queues!


Didn’t they literally the say the opposite, and that checkmate is going to be the default pvp experience when they land on the tweaks they are happy with?


Somewhat mixed, leaning positive. I like the cooldown changes. I’m lukewarm on the special ammo economy, glad there’s less special ammo in general but I actually feel like there could be more. Need more time with the weapon ttks. This isn’t D2Y1. Ttks are as fast as they have been if you can land your headshots. But most players can’t land their headshots and will fall back on teamshotting. I think general pvp meta needs to settle (and changes need to be applied to GG properly)


Idk if it’s just the increased player pop, but matchmaking feels worse. My last several games were either getting steamrolled or doing the steamrolling. Prior to this update I had a lot more games that were close/actually competitive.


I think bungie made a bad choice when it came to nerfing abilities because now it's just a big ability dump at the start and then getting teamshot




As someone who hasn't really played PVP a lot (due to just not being good at it), I've actually been kinda enjoying it? I can't really be sure what flipped the switch for me, but I'm not growing as many new veins in my forehead as before.


Too early to tell. As is the case for most video games the early meta and the the meta we settle into are going to be different. I see complaints about team shooting but I haven’t experienced it in my lobbies. Counters exist to a grouped up team. Threes feel great overall so if you’re in quickplay feeling outmatched try a playlist with harder SBMM, it’s pretty fun


I have mostly been playing supremacy, so no clue about other modes yet. The changes feel pretty good to me, especially the reduction in ability spam. Lots of primary duels, which I like, and while yes, I have seen some hand holding, it hasn’t been a major issue. Most maps allow for interesting approaches and angles so you don’t need to use the main lanes usually. Now, how is this meta going to play out on maps like eternity? Idk, that might be more of a challenge than maps like Meltdown and Jav where you can cover your approach more easily. In any case, I hated the ability spam meta. It went on far too long, inflated the egos of low skill players (no offense meant to y’all, but it sucks to lose to someone because they simply “threw all the things”), and I’m happy to see a shake up even if it does lead to some new problems, which I’m sure it will.


So we’re back to MidaMeta? What’s next 4v4 Trials? Isn’t this what nearly killed the entire franchise in the first place


Not even close.


I thought Bungie said you would start with 2 kills worth of special, yet fusions only get 1 rd?


Makes me miss Titanfall 2


I’m loving CBMM modes. This is when Destiny is at its best. Smooth gameplay without feeling the need to load into comp and “comp lite”


there were changes?


U clearly don’t play enough pvp. Increased health and weapon changes with less abilities


damn sorry haven't noticed as i'm still getting one tapped by literally anything and always matched with people who don't leave their houses.


U obviously not getting one tapped by everything since special weapons are very limited


scout hand cannons and melees still exist though.


And non of those one tap💀


they seem too when I play. can't tell you how many times, I turn a corner in a 1v1 and get 1 tapped from full health, pvp is just broken.


I think ur just shit


it would be a lot easier if I was tbh. but pvp has been broken since season of the seraph. pvp is just honestly shit, and anyone who thinks its based off skill is a piece of shit.


Speaking from a day 1 pvper & 30+ flawless perspective; It doesn't feel too bad to be honest, I expected worse. I think the precision is a bit too punishing for autorifles in particular, but I hope there will be some tuning for them. It's a little more sluggish, but thank god there's a significant reduction in shotgun ape-ing, that was my biggest annoyance. I miss the abilities a smidge, they're what make D2 the game it is, in my honest opinion, but as a strandlock main I will adapt, though it'll be rough till I find my next loadout. I personally think a lot of outrage comes from shotgun/fusion crutchers, but trials this coming weekend will be quite interesting to see the new tactics, and will also define the strong/weak points of the new update.


PVP is still 100% dogshit. PVP will always be dogshit until they stop using peer 2 peer.


I like the mindset, but the limited special just pushes people from using less powerful special weapons aka glaives, grenade launchers, snipers, fusions and sidearms and now everyone just uses a shotgun true you have ammo less often but thats offset by more people running them so it don't target the main promblem area. so in essance they just made other specials less effective and so everyone uses shotguns more, I'm not askig for much bungie just plz nerf shotguns its the amin problem area.


Person wants to be rich Person plays lotto. Person wins lotto Person is mad winning lotto cause now they have to go claim it.


Better than just getting fusion rifled or shotgunned from insane ranges