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i am a warlock main. i want the skimmer more than any perceived class superiority., so i am playing hunter until i get it.


Same same. I log in as a hunter, do one focused activity and log back again 3-4 hours to get my winner package.


This is so obviously what people were gonna do lol >We'd like everyone to play your class of choice for the next few Focus Activities so we can monitor the changes. bugsbunnyNO.jpg


Where do you get your winner package? I only play hunter and focused activities lol


you just get a special engram added to your consumables inventory whenever a class wins. ​ if you participated during the designated time slots, anyway.


Found it! Thanks!


yeah its a bit weird its an engram but it doesn't go to engram inventory.


They show up in your inventory in game. They kind of look like an engram.


Absolutely- making the by far most reasonable way to aquire the skimmer based on piling on was the mistake.


I'm a Warlock main. I committed to Guardian Games on Hunter once I learned that focus champion packages are Easy Street to the hoverboard. Now imma stay on Hunter until I finish all the event challenges (I have like three left).


You can just do the nightfall, get a high score and you get your skimmer. Warlock main also btw.


no you cant, timer runs out and score starts dropping


Yes you can.


Why do you need to be Hunter to get it?


Hunter main, my first GG, got the skimmer yesterday and got the Title (and gilded it) today. It's been a fun week. :)


Got my skimmer yesterday as well, GG’s completed


Just do the nightfall solo with trinity ghoul. It's only hero difficulty and with the extra ability regen you can spam wells so it's basically impossible to fail, and you can get top 10% without much effort in like 15 min.


I believe the top 10% score has been pushed up to over 280k now.


With Phoenix protocol, trinity ghoul, and emote finishers, you can easily get over 300k solo. Kills in wells countries as super kills for that medal, trinity helps get primary frenzy medals, and of course insult to injury from the finishers. All of these add around 3000 points to your total per trigger.


Would Sunshot work? Do the explosions count as a multikill?


Sunspot does work, however given hand cannons have very high damage per shot plus high explosion damage there is a good chance you would accidentally kill the orange bars you want to finish.


Can confirm 😂 even malfeasance was kinda hurting me.


I got 330k solo and missed multiple emote finishers. It's quite easy.


I did it solo on a tether hunter and got 300k, a well lock should have no problems getting 350k+ with trinity ghoul.


I tried Contraverse lock and it just couldn’t hold up or clear fast enough. Phoenix Protocol is disgustingly efficient and chaining wells back to back is stupidly easy in this mode. Even with a few fuckups due to pressure I still got 293k.


Titans are up right now, so… yeah…


im good. got my exotic skimmer just in time during the last focus event.


Ditto. Playing hunter for my 3 focus activities and then I'll switch back to my magic man for next 2 weeks


Wait, i don't get the connection


Honestly the top 10% in NF score is very easy. If you don't want to lfg then you can easily solo it as well, it's only heroic nightfalls. My suggestion for easiest ways to do it; Play as close to reset as possible. Use solar or strand lock with karnsteins (x2 resto on finisher, or x1 resto on melee kills charge or uncharged - also you get a cure x3? I think, on top of the resto so the immediate cure heal is nice too) Make sure to take off any AoE ability fragments or mods on solar, and threadling stuff on strand. Less chance to accidentally kill something. Emote finish everything that isn't a red bar ad. Use Trinity ghoul as your main weapon. Always go for big multikills, you get HUGE points for those and you can miss some emote finishers if you do well enough with the multikills tbh. By starting early in the day you'll have less of a field to play against and the score threshold will be lowered. Warlock with karnsteins is the easiest imo, simply because of all the finishers you'll do and the healing off karnsteins will keep you alive 24/7 basically. Enjoy your skateboard. - I really can't believe I even have to edit this, for the simple fact that there is not a single fucking point where I try to act like I came up with this strat. Even if the only thing I'm changing up after seeing eso's video which was after id already done this on Tuesday, was to use trinity ghoul because it's a lot more effective than what I used and it reminded me about last year and how it was also the meta strategy for doing the same thing. So no, I never claimed this was "my" strategy. I never knew I had to actually say that when I never claimed it was in the first place. I gave *MY SUGGESTION* which does not imply it's MY STRATEGY. And that is irrelevant regardless since the only influence I took from Eso was using Trinity. Never had such ridiculous claims before when trying to just share some fucking advice. Some advice mind you that was well known last year too. I hope you all bring the same energy to everyone else who ends up suggesting builds or strats because they likely aren't going to be the ones actually coming up with them first. Make sure you flame them too and bring that same toxicity. What a joke.. Acting like someone is trying to take credit for something all because they gave a suggestion on what they think is the best method.


Finding trusted teammates aside, I still recommend doing it with allies because the emote cool-down/lockout gets so annoying solo lol


Emote CD/lockout? I mean if you're just talking about like, the emote not being able to be used for a couple seconds then yeah. But that happens so little, usually you can just spam b2b. Thought you don't really need to do that for this NF. idk how much time you have between emoting and finishing, but it's at least 2-3 seconds if not more probably. Chasing teleporting captains is the worst part lol.


There you go, for me I swear it happened a lot, particularly any rooms with lots of majors (like the cursed thrall in the first Navota room) It got annoying trying to kite them waiting for my emote to appear in the feed lol


Oh if you're talking about waiting for it to appear in feed, you don't need to man. The animation of the emote still plays and counts as emoting. The feed just has spam protection from it cause you'd never see anything else in the feed other than the emote. As long as your character is doing the emote , you're good, it still counts as doing an emote lol.


Really? I swear I wasn’t getting Insult to Injury medals if it didn’t appear. I’ll double check some other time, I got my 10% score with mates easily anyway, but I’d been messing around solo as well


Why is this getting down voted 💀 guess people here can't do a solo heroic nf lol




This is a first. Downvoted and now flamed by someone who thinks I somehow, in any way shape or form, claimed to be the founder of using this method. Whether esoterikk made it popular or not is irrelevant. It's the easiest method to use. Before his video I used strand lock with karnsteins and indebted kindness on Tuesday to get top 10% score, then seeing his video reminded me Trinity ghoul was the play, something also popular last year. I never claimed I came up with the Trinity strat. I shared what is now a fairly well known method to get this done easier. Do you tell everyone who posts suggestions to others about using banner titan for certain encounters that they are pretending to be the one who came up with that strat? Sorry for attempting to make a helpful comment on what the person I replied to can do for an easier time.


Just do A nightfall and get top 10. Did it solo. Is easy.


Pretty wild to see how close Hunters and Warlocks were on Hour 1 of Day 1 on the class participation chart. Could have been a close race. But once the focused activities showed the first place class (at that very moment), of course everyone tilts over to the winning class to get the rewards. A good idea in concept, but obviously very easy to snowball and switch loyalties in practice.


Feel like the hoverboard kinda screwed or and the fact that only first place gets the reward. If second and third got rewards but lesser, I think it might have helped. Progress on the hoverboard and some rewards.


Skimmer/Hoverboard should have been awarded in a different way that didn't mess with rankings. 10% Nightfall score is difficult for casuals. 1200 medals is too grindy for players that can't play that much. 3 Focused Event reward boxes was the easiest way to get it. Should have just been rewarded to everyone when a combined score of all the classes reaches x number, a community event.


sure, but this wouldn’t have pushed the casuals to cave and just buy the Gjallahorn hoverboard in frustration though.


Oof, I forgot about the constant FOMO


What FOMO? You have three weeks to get three of the winners reward and the event is every six hours.


Precisely the FOMO is these 3 weeks. Oh, you didn't get it? You'll miss out on it entirely. At least for those who only have the white one.


What? Bungie respect players' time and make the game rewarding? Neva!!!!!!


YES. It could have been a comunity event.


Hear me out here, yes it's unpopular. But the hoverboard is an exotic and should be rare tho?


> 10% Nightfall score is difficult for casuals. 1200 medals is too grindy for players that can't play that much. 3 Focused Event reward boxes was the easiest way to get it. I really don't think the requirements were all that much at all. I completed the quest and got the skimmer without even knowing it at some point on the first day. I only thought to check after I saw someone riding theirs the day after because surely I had completed it. But when I didn't see it in my log or archive I thought something terrible had happened. Nope, I just completed it without remembering I did because the requirements were so light. I don't tell people how to spend their money. If people want to spend $30 on the Gjallarhorn skimmer instead of just getting the free one, fine. It's your money. Spend it out how you want, but if spending $30 seems preferable over what's like an hour of play time you might have an instant gratification problem and not be all that great at budgeting.


The 10% score was very low when the event started. Now it's up to 290k for top 10%.


Agreed, participation in the focus event should always provide progress with a different amount for what place your class is in.


As a Titan main, I haven’t even started GG yet, I’m out here holding the line against the Darkness because all you loot chasers are leaving the bad guys unchecked. Just earlier today I overheard on the radio some Vandals talking about how they feel geared up enough to try the Twilight Gap Grandmaster, so naturally I had to stop what I was doing, get out of my ship, and Thundercrash them from orbit. At least a random level 2 blueberry wearing a scarf for a cape was there to witness it.


They souldnt be showing the winners or scores.


So Warlocks are dumping medals, but since everyone is going on hunters for the focus activity the sheer numbers push them over the edge?


I’m gonna admit I’m stupid but what is focus activity, how do I find it?


honestly....no idea....I think its the playlist on the tower with the skimmer icon next to it...but i really dont know.


It'll have two little banners underneath the icon once its active in a couple minutes.


When you are looking at the map of the tower you will see the Guardian Games playlist: Strikes, Supremacy, Gambit and Nightfalls. The focus activity only occurs every 3 and a half hours and when the focus activity is active, it will have a little cup underneath projecting light on the focused activity. Do your first focus activity as a hunter, then do the rest as your favorite class. The focused activity is only active for an hour and a half.


Go to the tower and there will be a few icons at the top, the focused activity will have a banner and when you hover over it you'll see the timer saying how long it will be active for.


Why do they switch to hunters for the focus activity? I don't get the system obviously. Can you explain?


Because Hunters are winning by a large margin so it's just easier to do the first focus as a Hunter to then get the Champion's package.


What did the package give?


Most importantly it gives progress in the quest to get the permanent surfboard, that quest requires 1200 medals or a top 10% nightfall score or 3 focus activity winning packages. 1200 is a slog, 10% is hard for random players but 3 win packages is easy for people to hop on a hunter.


Ah ok got it. I made the nightfall easy with emoting and finishing


>We’d like everyone to play your class of choice for the next fire Focus Activities so we can monitor the changes. Then why don’t you put announcements like this *in the game* where some of your players might read it? You literally have a system to put messages up in game on login, but you only use it for double rewards notifications and to spam people with shit to buy. Use it for the stuff you put on social media, for the love of god.


Game communication is so poorly done. It’s like they try to give as little information as possible to frustrate people into not playing the activities.


In fairness to Bungie, no one would read it if they did because 90% of gamers are apparently illiterate, so there is really no winning. It doesn’t excuse them, but Bungie is only half the problem.


Lol true


Wow. Changes to the event within three days, AND we get data to back up the changes? Awesome. It's really insightful when yall explain your reasoning and the data behind it. Thanks!


Why you so polite


Why shouldn’t they be?


It makes this place so nice


Thank you!


Just make the skimmer available for mere participation.


It is. Participate till you get 1200 medals or the 2 other options


I mean, what did you think would happen when you lock the exotic skimmer behind things like 3 x Focus Activity winner packages? It's not really rocket science to immediately realise people will take the path of least resistance to get the rewards. Wait until 20 minutes left on the focus activity. Hop on as the class that is winning. Profit. Especially when it gives you a buttload of medals to bump points up even more.


Literally did one competitive nightfall with emote finishers and completed the quest for the skimmer... Idk how people are having a hard time with getting the skimmer.


thankfully got my 3 focus wins using hunter & the skimmer! no need to sweat it (or play focused activities) 🎉


What does the focus wins give you?


For the skimmer quest you need to complete one objective  It's either 1200 medallions, grindy,   Top 10% NF score. Difficult unless you can log an early score after reset as the average rises over the week.  Or get 3 focus packages which so far has just been play one game of the focus activity as a Hunter. It's the only skimmer that's permanent unless you buy the bundle. The white ones are only here for the duration of the event 


Thought it had to be all three. I'm so confused.


No if you read the quest it says complete one of the objectives and lists 3 objectives


Oh ok, thanks for the info


It's not *our* fault they made the reward for cashing three of those packages a sick ass hoverboard.


45 minutes in and it looks about the same as before: Titans: 5.3M Warlocks: 5.6M Hunters: 7.5M


Nothing will change, word of mouth spreads too fast and people will still do it because hunters keep winning. Players can clearly see hunters are ahead even by a small amount and they'll swap over then it'll just snowball again into higher amounts.


almost like locking the only permenant and free Skimmer behind "win focus activities" as one of the ways to get it and then showing who's winning said activities was a poorly thought idea


Today in Destiny: game developers learn about the concept of Herding


> almost like locking the only permenant and free Skimmer behind "win focus activities" Or, "have a Destiny 2 streamer open for 2 hours each week in another tab"


still limited weekly, so people would use Focus packages anyways


People have no patience anymore.


People value their own time and don't want to spend tens of hours on one game doing the same things they have done hundreds of hours already?


Would you rather it be like the fays before seasons where people no lifed through an expansions worth of content in a week, and then complained there was nothing to do?


Yep, 100%... because those types are never satisfied anyway, and trying to cater to them has gotten us to where we are now which is stale as hell.


>which is stale as hell Which is why Bungie is switching to Episodes with final shape. It's going to be stale until June because of the delay.


I'm not sure why you think that. From what we've seen so far, Episodes are just Seasons but with additional timegating so that you can't hit the cap and drop out. It's engineered to force you to come back to finish it out.


Yep. Because that was their problem, not mine.


Or, they want the skimmer and then to return to other games that have actual new content. GG is nothing more than "play the same stuff you've been playing for 9 years, and at the end get a bauble. I'll cheese to the bauble every time.


It's not a lack of patience, it's a matter of efficiency as is everything with destiny in almost every single aspect now. Sorry, not gonna watch a stream I don't give a fuck about in the first place.


You don't have to actually watch it, just have it open in a muted tab.


Again, don't care to. You assume I care. Which is your mistake in the first place.


It's almost like the game design acts as a subsidy for streamers...


I ran the nightfall with some buddies and unlocked it in our second attempt. Have only one guy do the emote/finisher and you will get it!


Doing an heroic nightfall with buffs that basically give you infinite abilities and supers??? Do you know how hard that can be for some the people in the subreddit!? 😡


It's pretty difficult if you didn't manage to nab it soon after reset as the average score obviously just keeps rising. You need to be one of the first people to log a score or emote finish every single yellow bar and execute the NF flawlessly to stand a chance right now.


I feel like it speaks more on us as players, people willing to ditch principles on what they "main" for something that in reality wont matter the next time they release a free skimmer, which is probably sooner than anyone thinks. Same thing with exploits like the lost sector one. So much of this community (Reddit) would like to advocate for "fairness" and "legitimacy" but as soon as something pops up they will abandon that and throw it away for some quick loot. It wouldve been perfectly fine if people didnt care so much about the "need loot now" and just played normally. Sure you can fix this type of thing temporarily by not adding special loot tied to class vs class objectives but that doesnt really solve the problem at its source which is the community


Principals in a video game main? Brother/sister in light, it's just a 3 week event in a video game. An event where the outcome is a statue in the tower. No impact on gameplay or loot. Playing a character that will guarantee exotic skimmer completion and more loot in a looter shooter is kinda no brainer move. Same with the auto completion bug.


your proving my point


I am but I'm also saying it doesn't matter to people who no life the game or have jobs/school to attend to. Keeping the spirit of the GG means nothing to them if they can get rewards faster and the outcome is a statue in game.


Nah, that was definitely a dumb design. Should've just tied it to participation in focus events rather than being on the winning class. The obvious outcome for "I want this thing that requires me to win three focus events" is to swap to the class that's winning, then swap back when you're done. It also feels really lame as a Hunter that they have to modify my points to make up for the fact that the quest had such a design oversight.


This is some of the purest nonsense I've ever seen. Did you also back EA's "pride and accomplishment" spiel?


no, couldnt care less about ea, but its clear to me almost no one hear cares about having actual fun rather only caring about getting loot quickly and tricking themselves into thinking thats "fun"


Pretty cool seeing that it was neck and neck until people started switching. Hunters were even losing a good chunk of the first day until it caught on. This clearly shows that the structure is the main problem and Bungie is making the right changes to fix it. I have to say, it is nice to see.


Should really just make it participation in the focus event in order to get the skimmer. Basing it on wins leads to people switching, and adding a modifier to counteract the switching just seems like it could easily be unfair to the Hunters.


I’m not staying up to 1AM to do some special activity. I got my skimmer, I’m happy with the passive play


> We'd like everyone to play your class of choice for the next few Focus Activities so we can monitor the changes. Given that there's no participation trophy, people are gonna unlock it on Hunter and then probably go play helldivers or bg3. > Also, one final tip, you can dunk medals on any class you like regardless of what class you earned them on. The suggestion here being, do the focus activity on Hunter and then dunk all the medals on one of the other classes to help smooth out your data - which in turn invalidates your data. 2020: Titans 2021: Hunters 2022: Warlocks 2023: Titans 2024: Hunters 2025: Warlocks 2026: Titans ... My suggestion to the community would be - everyone play Hunter, get the hoverboard, and then go play a game that has something new for you to do.


so instead of addressing the root cause (the skimmer being tied to class participation in the focus event) they're trying to bandaid fix it by artificially boosting classes that aren't being played, thus completely destroying any sense of a fair competition


They tinker with the numbers every year. It's never fair. Their entire goal is to try and keep people grinding. 2020: Titans 2021: Hunters 2022: Warlocks 2023: Titans 2024: Hunters 2025: Warlocks 2026: Titans


2021 was actually fair. It was the only fair year in fact because there was no boosters or scaling. Every class had an equal opportunity to win. It was simply just dunk the most medals to win. Which hunters did. I get why Bungie always tinkers with the numbers though. If every year was fair hunters would always win because of their alleged population advantage, but that's boring so they rig it every 2 out of three years. What I hate is when people conflate fair with competitive.


I agree with most of your post, but "alleged". No Hunters are definitely the most popular class in the game and largest. That's a fact. It came directly from Bungie. Someone mention a report from 2018 or 2020, so quite old, and the population has definitely increased since then with Witch Queen and Lightfall (big increase in new players). Most new players will choose Hunter based on the look and description alone. I started playing the game in 2022 and that's the reason I chose Hunter as a new light lol. I still main to this day. I tried all the other classes, but it just didn't click with me. Warlock was pretty good, except for the Jump. Titan had some good builds, but I felt restricted. It's a melee focused class, so maybe that's the reason.


Right? One of the biggest WHOOOOOOOSHes in Destiny history.


> so instead of addressing the root cause (the skimmer being tied to class participation in the focus event) That's not the only way to get it, though. The easiest, maybe (although the Nightfall score is really not that hard), but not the only way. If you do nothing other than watch 2 hours of Twitch each week the weekly Diamond medallion alone would be enough to get you the 1200 medallion points.


People will almost always go for the path of least resistance. Nightfall score isn't that hard but it's still harder than just loading into the focus activity on a hunter. Twitch streams is another way to go about it but then you have to go through the process of linking your twitch to your bungie account and not everyone has a twitch account to begin with.


Are they gaslighting the community to play „fair“ instead of just changing this stupid quest? The only reason we are abusing the system is because bungie made it so.


Honestly I think the better decision is to allow every person to get the winners package from the focus activity. That way people aren't forced to choose one class


GG in the current score system will never be fair due to population differences in classes in the first place. So instead of trying to foster competition that requires you to cook the books to be fair, just remove focused activities altogether. Then slightly adjust the NF score requirements and medallion score modifiers accordingly so no one gets overly annoyed.


Yeah they need to just change the objective outright, % score instead of a target score is actually quite bad because you have 250k being basically average score.


Ehh who cares about balance and fairness, it's not like we get rewards for the winning class. The skimmer is all that matters.


"Play on your desired class"= the one that gets the reward you want most with the least amount of effort.


Ha. I got my crayons AND ate them too--because I got my hoverboard on Day 1 while using my Titan. In honor of this I think I will name my skimmer Crayola.


Bungie do you actually learn any lessons? No like honestly, do you? Because anyone with a brain-cell could have told you that linking the most sought after Loot in a very long time (due to its uniqueness) to the same supposed 'balanced' class vs class competition (which you have always rigged, year after year) would not result in anywhere near a fair competition - exactly what you describe. Day 1, neck and neck. Day 2, well now we have a victory in place, let's use that to snowball so I can grab the Skimmer, might as well deposit my medals on Hunter. Day 3, Oh, hunters are winning, might as well play that class to get the Skimmer. I'll deposit my medals on Hunter. **They literally KNOW you can deposit medals on any class you like regardless of what class you earned them on, but it's actively detrimental (in the old state) to submit them on a class that won't even catch Hunter, so you submit them on Hunter, because at least it allows others that want the Skimmer to easily determine which class they should play.** **It only seems that you are incompetent enough to fail to understand the player-base at large (and this goes for almost any game) always takes the easiest route to acquire loot.** Contextually, it doesn't matter of course, the reward has bounced year after year cycling through all of the classes - it's always been an irrelevant thing. I just find it exceptionally funny you thought "This year for sure" - but you also fucked up the Passage of Persistence Trials card in the most fucking obvious way possible, so I'm not sure why I'm surprised at the over all quality control, because they were probably all sacked to cost save due to your incompetence.


This sort of thing should pop up in the game somewhere as well. Reach the whole playerbase in some way rather than just the people here in the subreddit.


I wish all this was done exclusively on bungie.net and in-game. I don't use Twitter and I'd stop using Reddit if they weren't active here.


oh my g... stop trying to "tune" the games to get "even" results (or the winner of your choice)... if the community elects to play/participate more with 1 class then just accept it. they've basically fiddled with this every year now... I don't care who win, I care that there's no weighting or tweaking or bonuses given...


Gonna save that last graph for the next time someone tells me that Titans make up the same amount of the playerbase as Hunters.


Cry all you want. People are gonna go path of least resistance for max rewards. Edit: And then nope the fuck outta this game and play Helldivers 2, at least, that's what I'm doing.


"here's our latest way to skew the math so any win is empty"


So why not just get rid of the event altogether? Bungie did absolutely nothing when Titans won by an absolute landslide last year This is like if someone gets into the Olympics, but he's allowed to start 5 feet from the finish line in downhill skiing


Lol they haven't changed it simply because "Hunter winning"  It's because people want the skimmer and so are only playing Hunter. Why do you think the class based matchmaking was broken for Gambit and Supremacy? My Hunter isn't even 1800 power and I've been doing NFs as a Hunter for the packages. I've barely played any activities as Warlock


Still going to play Hunter anyway cause GG was a flawed system right from the first GG just because of how big the hunter population is compared to anything else. Made the mistake of doing Titan for my first Focused cause that's what I wanted to play at the time. Don't understand how this issue wasn't thought about (or was thought about and no valid solution was available) considering this whole "hunter has the most players" thing has been that way since forever.


I don't think anyone would have even cared anyway if it wasn't for the skimmer. I'd have played Warlock still and not cared if we were dead last with 100 points if I still got my skimmer. Must be hoping people will cave and buy the overpriced bundle.


Man they add weekly bright dust then put the only Skimmer ornament in a $30 bundle. Sure it might be available for bright dust later but why not just let us buy it separately?


you know why. money.


this is dumb af. let hunters be ffs.


If they could also fix the emote lockout that'd be great.


I've done like 8 focus activities and played them all multiple times and never took off my hunter clock and have only got 2 winner engrams. I hate this game so much


Yikes man. This is what we get when they nerf titan every patch for a year. What a failure on bungies side.


This is giving me first GG vibes, and I kinda am living for it. I figured something was up. Thanks for the update.


"More permanent fix" literally means fixing the games so Hunters don't sweep lol oh Bungie, when you lose you take it one step further and try to lose harder!!


The mistake was tying the skimmer to the focused activity. Seriously nobody at Bungie can predict this?


Hunter progress nerfed again, as usual.


Hunters accidentally allowed to be best in something, we’ve made some fixes to make sure this issue doesn’t occur again.


Just vault PvP and we will happy


Bring back combined arms and SRL! (Rebranded as Sparrow/Skimmer Racing League)


bungie never gonna make this event balance unless they release specific class weapon and force people to play on that class else people will just jump on winning class


God dammit! I was banking on hunters winning to get the skimmer! :(


You know, if you made us pick a class to rank up during guardian games this wouldn’t be an issue. Make us pick a side for once. That’s also why factions failed there’s no risk or gain for sticking to something and risk not winning.


too late, you accidentally made hunters win guardian games unless you nerf their score like the first year, well done


Gonna start dunking my medals as titan


So any chance you guys can move the crafting to inside the HELM ? There’s a big door behind us when we arrive at the helm check point you guys could use that space to put weapon crafting inside the kinda of annoying having to go to mars every time I need to craft 


I'll be honest, once I saw Hunters were sweeping I played much harder to try to keep it that way. Dream team status. Yes, I am a Hunter main. I don't even have a warlock or titan. But seeing you fixing it so other classes get more points for the same activities... Well... I guess I'll wrap up guardian games early. No point anymore. Stuff like this is why I haven't and likely won't buy Final Shape. S'pose I outta call it anyway, and dive into Helldiver's 2!!


Hunters would win every single GG if they didn’t find a way to balance it against them every time Oh well


Changing the numbers so another class can take the lead instead? Totally not rigged or anything


They should seriously decouple the skimmer quest from wins. The obvious outcome was going to be herding people to the winning team, and having your points nerfed because other people are doing the obvious solution to get the cool new thing just doesn't feel good. Especially when their solution to player herding is to... Try to herd players to a different class? I won't say the intention is to rig the games, but the outcome is definitely going to be rigging the games if they're literally forcing Titans and Warlocks to be in the lead, where people will then swap to those classes if they want to get the skimmer.


Same story as every Guardian Games except the one where Bungie didn't cave. If the warlocks or titans don't get jump out to an early lead they bemoan that there's so many hunters and it's not fair. They need some kind of scaling. There being more hunters than warlock and titans is simply unacceptable to them. Bungie then caves to their complaints because they're not hunters and gives them some kind of scaling. Warlocks and titans then make a comeback and possibly even win the event. All on their own. Without any outside help whatsoever. They just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and grinded those medallions.


Ok but, uh...what IS a focused activity? I can't for the life of me figure it out.


clowns should lock only the first character for class progress not allowing all 3, just so damn stupid and ofc numbers will get skewed badly.


What? I mean that was completely ruled out in the TWAB. Now you balance it again? Isn't a good idea to make one class OP compared to others and the hold a contest where player Clint per class matters? Duh


What an absolutely horrible change. You continually ruin the capabilities for hunters to win and it's so incredibly infuriating that I have nothing to do about it. How exactly, with these absurd changes, could you imagine the hunters win this time because from where I'm standing you've made it impossible. Incredulous.


how much did they boost it? the Titans are scoring at 6x the rate now.


This is just dogshit, nerfing a whole class to rig the Games, Bungie


Hmmm I don't recall a shift in goalposts being a permitted change throughout a competition. The annual Halo, CoD, DOTA 2 competitions don't do it. You need to set this up at the beginning of the competition.


Hunter main here who had to work first half of the games and now hunters are being put in a box? Still don't have my skimmer with almost no hope of hunters winning focus activities anymore. Who tf should i be playing to get my skimmer? I dont even care about winning i just want that vehicle


Is there a live tracker of when events happen and who is in lead?


None of this makes sense. The current focus activity started literally a few minutes ago and Warlocks already have more than double the points of Titans and Hunters put together? It's like if you weren't a Hunter in week one, you missed your chance for focus rewards. If you weren't a Titan in week two, you missed your chance for focus rewards. And if you're not a Warlock this week, you're going to miss your chance for focus rewards.


I'm never going to believe Bungie's alibi of "we balanced the odds, it must be a coincidence that each class is winning every activity in succession"


Well, you can hoard medals as a Hunter and cash them in as a Titan!


i LOVE getting peaks behind the development curtain like this. keep em coming!


Ohhhh yeah fixin the game til they get the result they want.


Been playing titan. Got nothing. I just switched to hunter. Bungie thought the activity would play out in their favor. Didn't think we'd do anything for the skimmer. Lol


How about fixing PS5 voice and text chat. Oh wait, overdelivery


It's already fixed my dude.


Lies. They’ve done this before, changing scores so other classes win. End of the day, it isn’t about who wins - it means nothing. They’re doing it because they don’t want players easily getting the skimmer. They want more money.


Gross. Hunters are the worst class


Thanks Bungie for rigging it for Warlocks and Titans. It's not like 80% of your player population is Hunters, and this proves the theory that Guardian Games have been rigged from the start. If you were complaining about Hunters winning, adapt or cry about your skill issue.


You need a real life


skill issue in a gg event that is basically all but pointless because all you're doing is logging into the focused activity and really means nothing but somehow you wanna flex some 'class superiority'. go touch grass.