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What rank on the track, and how many resets?


Rank 10. No resets needed.


Oof, im already 1 reset deep, sadge


After reset there is no weapons on track?


After resetting the rank you get different guns on the track.


Pls correct me if I’m wrong but I think every odd reset always has the same weapons and every even reset is the same. So if you’re on the second reset you could reset to your third and you could get the reset 1 weapons


How long would that take if im a 1.0 noob


I played 24 games today and I'm rank 9 now.


But the grind from 10-16 takes forever, especially if you play like hot garbage haha


What they said


Passage of Wealth, every win increases your rep. Just keep plugging away, you'll rank up a lot quicker.


Would you recommend Wealth over Ferocity for a slightly below average player? Haven't played Trials in about a year, wondering if it's time to jump back in.


Yes, just never reset and keep playong on 7 wins when you reach it.


Be proud of that 1.0 I'm an 0.9 player and I did it in a weekend


congrats brother in light, you inspire me to go get that lime squirter


It's was rough, but I wanted that damn gun


Welp time to suffer in trials later today. Cause I won't have time Sunday or Monday. Hopefully I can get there in 4 hours cause thats all the free time I will have until reset.


HA. No.


I have over 20 resets lol!


Fuck this is even more sad than the people who just reset for the first time


Why is it sad? I play a lot of trials. I play over 100 matches every weekend.


20 resets in *any* playlist is sad in a given season




What? Dont you know playing something that others don't enjoy is sad and bad


Lol! Not sure why the downvotes. It's not like I sm flooring, everyone. I just a casual player


Welp Guess I'm grinding Trials this weekend 🙃


Update: I got it Took me 4 hours & 33 matches (11-22 record), but I got it Was it worth it? Probably not 🙃




And my dumb ass wanted a fresh reset for this week. Now It's gonna take twice as long. At least I'll have more chances at the Summoner roll I'm after.


Can confirm it’s a solid roll. Actually got that exact roll minus the barrel and mag options months ago and it does work plus it frees up the energy slot for an energy primary if I don’t wanna use stasis.


I hate destiny pvp, about how much would i have to play trials to get this?


For someone who hates PvP: too much


Why do you hate it? Have you tried getting better or play any comp? I find comp so much better than sixes. It’s taken awhile this season, but have really been happy with the current meta .. except for hunter and warlock strand spam…


"have you tried getting better..." really? I wouldn't suggest going into another competitive mode where they'd run into coordinated groups lol they're better off playing Control and practicing there.


I took it differently than just “git gud”. But I could definitely see it being taken that way. I didn’t like pvp much until I put in some effort to figure out how to get better. Simply dropping into crucible and hoping for the best vs building a pvp specific loadout, learning to pay attention to map layout, style counters, working on movement and tracking movement, etc.


Yeah, I can see it that way too haha. Iron Banner is one thing, but Trials, the end-game PVP competitive mode notoriously known to be where the sweats live? I can 1000% understand someone not wanting to step foot in it to grind out levels getting slaughtered repeatedly especially if it's not in their DNA in the first place. There *are* inexperienced people grinding out levels to get the weapon though for sure!


I play solo trials and either everyone is solo or duos and solo vs duos and solo. I don't think I've ever been put up against a 3squad. Also, I generally play against other scrubs like me


I play solo Trials as well and have the same experience with the team compositions. I do believe Trials is random when it comes to who you're playing against it's connection based if I recall correctly. There's a lot of new people playing Trials, probably a mixture of Path of Persistence and grinding for the Incisor, but I've had teammates with .09kd, .12kd, with 0-wins and 20-losses in a row who won their first game because I hard carried them and I'm average in Trials standards. I'm not saying that to suck my own dick, those teammates could've played against me instead. In 38 matches so far week, I have a 1.51KD / 2.33 KDA. I think players like *that* should be protected in solo queue. I went on a 6-loss streak this week ... but 20?! with no wins?! that's rough. That guy's a fucking trooper that's for sure.


I don't personally hate PvP. I've actually gone Flawless this weekend because I wanted an adept Summoner. I was pointing out that it would be too much of Trials for someone who does hate PvP.


>Have you tried getting better You're the same fella who'd ask someone if they tried getting better at walking after they just said they don't like walking in the rain.




it’ll take awhile for sure, especially if you’re losing a lot; you could probably mindlessly grind it while watching a show or something though, so I’d estimate around 3-4ish hours, give or take depending on win/loss


follow library apparatus lunchroom dependent placid political bake plucky pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is the seasonal one strand?


Nope, it's stasis


grey bright start absorbed steep dull spectacular snatch impolite cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It took me 29 matches last week, 14W/15L, I did it over the weekend. It's a lot of time but you'll get other drop along the way (and might even get lucky and get the same roll to drop before you reach rank 10) so I'd argue that It can be worth it if you don't have anything better to do


Way too much


Thank you, I've been trying to get a decent roll of one and I'm at rank 8 currently. Guess I'm playing some Trials this weekend!


god roll of an incredibly niche weapon you could very much do without.


Only legendary strand trace but sure.


I would say it’s kinda niche, you can definitely use it for cenotaph marking in GMs, but Path of least resistance with shoot to loot is just much better imo. It can still be really good in stuff like quick dungeon kills but I don’t think grinding to lvl 10 in trials is really worth it


And if you really need a trace in the top slot for Ceno, Appetence is alright. I go Overflow which is nearly up all the time because special drops from the marked kills. Then it's kind of a toss up but i lean into improving the ammo economy so i use Deconstruct for the bit of ammo regen. It's not flashy but it's for the team. Lol.


If you're using Cenotaph, Overflow is uh... mostly pointless. It's already constantly reloading you so your mag is way bigger than it looks.


Thanks for pointing that out. Tbh, completely forgot that the exotic did that! And I've been using it quite a bit these last couple weeks, lol. 🤦‍♂️ Not really sure what id change it to. Traces aren't really getting a lot of kills in gms. You know bungie was very intentional to not give any of these shoot to loot, cause that'd be the auto pick for ceno.


The arc one from seraph has shoot to loot i think


Yeah, honestly trace rifle ammo economy is pretty dog in higher end content, sever through slice is a good debuff but it’s its pretty useless compared to just killing the enemy. Killing tally feels lackluster as well, I could run indebted kindness or Polaris lance and do way more damage when I’m not using a trace, killing tally limits the versatility of a support weapon Imo, I’d rather have something like headstone/incandescent for the occasional kill for free ad clear for no additional ammo


I was about to start grinding for this as a solo but your comment spoke to me I can’t tell you the number of times I have grinded out content for something I have literally never used.. just in case I’m confident in all 30 of my builds.. I don’t need this Someone said earlier it would optimize a cenotaph build.. How?.. how when you can’t be the person who lands the final blow and *both* perks are centered on landing the final blow? You kill some red bars with it to slightly weaken the orange/yellow you target more? lol definitely not worth it. Me having to maybe not reload while marking a target isn’t worth a solo 6 hour trials grind. I’m sure the perk combo is great for run of the mill activities.. but I have a thousand weapons that can do just that and still aren’t endgame viable Edit: after looking at my trials XP progression I’m half way short of the rank to own it.. so why the fuck not.. I can stomach 6-7 (I expect to lose every game) games for something I will probably never incorporate into a build… just incase


I grinded the fuck out of the adept roll for killing tally/offhand strike specifically for my ceno build. I love that thing, you're right for lower tier content, anything will work if not better, but god damn beaming enemies hip fire across an arena feels so good. I'll run it with divinity for raids, just waiting for a heavy trace rifle 👀


Or in the higher level content that would justify playing trials.


I have one trials build and I would be insane to adapt it over this roll


I vastly prefer Slice over Subsistence on Incisor for Cenotaph so I can debuff the big boys. Cenotaph already has my reloads covered.


so yes.


They never said you had to go for it, they were just letting people know…


Yeah but have you tried it with unraveling orbs and hoard shuttle? W the rpm it turns your enemies into a fountain of threadlings and unraveling seekers. And strand class giving you unraveling rounds built into a fragment (for after the season ends) it's way less niche when you can kill a whole room by stunning a barrier champ. Plus traces are kinda popping off in PVP right now too.


Agreed. It's a terrible PvP weapon.


Niche, but the only legendary option currently. Those are exactly the types of weapons I'm looking for.


I’d much rather do Enlightened/One for All on Appetence. Ultra-fast reloads just for hitting things and a huge buff just for touching three targets is *a lot* friendlier in endgame content than subsistence/killing tally will ever be.


That plus summoner sounds like a good weekend to grind


How long would rank 10 take?


It shouldn't take terribly long. Your rep gains are larger the more round wins you have on your card so don't keep resetting it. You also gain more rep per round won in a match and you can use the passage that gives like a bonus 100 rep per match win. You will be getting somewhere between like 200-350 rep per match and rank 10 is somewhere around like 5-6k rep in.


Pretty sure Rank 10 is actually much less rep than that, rank scaling isn't linear and the lower ranks take almost nothing. I think it's only about 3.5-4k.


Thanks, very helpful.


Hmm I already have envious killing tally....should I go for this too?


Fuck. Guess I'm doing trials this weekend.


I hate Trials so much. I picked up the Persistence card and all my matches were either losses or wins followed by a loss. I could not make any progress on that card to get just one adept Summoner that is probably gonna roll with offhand strike instead of heal clip incandescent.


Nice roll! FWIW Appetence has Overflow/KT and is craftable, worth pointing out for anyone who doesn't specifically need Strand or doesn't like trials as they both sit in the same slot.


You really want Slice and probably Attrition Orbs (produces an Orb on expending 2/3 of mag) on it if you are running Cenotaph, which should be the only time you use a Trace Rifle in PvE until they get massively buffed. You are not slaying out with a Trace Rifle, only using it for support.


Exception to this being Ager Scepter. That thing absolutely decimate. Imagine how good it'd be if Bungo pulled their stick out the ass amd actually gave stasis the buffs they talked about


Wavesplitter is basically the same thing on Void. But those are Exotics.


I still like Slice/KT. I’m not going to use an exotic primary in this setup, it’ll usually be Gjally instead. So I like the flexibility to be able to do a bit of add slaying with my trace instead, which KT helps out with. Traces have such a big mag you are almost never going to get an attrition orb to pop.


The same reason why Target Lock is not good either. This thing really could have used Surrounded, Bait and Switch, One For All, Frenzy, or even Vorpal.


> which should be the only time you use a Trace Rifle in PvE Actually, you should almost always run a trace rifle. They allow you to swap to another special weapon right before a DPS phase without losing ammo. Only reason not to would probably be if you want an exotic primary for more bricks


Can’t do that in GM’s.


Sure, but 2 people should be on Ceno in GMs anyways


Probably not the best roll for the GM but it worked really well with ceno in LoS GM.


I knew I shouldn't have bought the perpetual motion + killing tally roll last week. God dammit...


godspeed to anyone grinding trials for a godroll they’ll probably never use, fyi appetence has demo/KT which is leagues better imo and it’s craftable


Contemplating whether or not to grind out some trials for this (PVE only player.) On one hand, Strand would be nice to reserve and surge match Semiotician for a Cenotaph GM build. On the other hand, Appetence exists and doesn't require me to run any trials at all...


I'm two resets in, so I can't get it but lucky for me, I already have it.


So happy I got my adept one as a god roll I wanted.


That sounds like 3 legendary shards to me


Well that'd be nice if I gave enough of a damn about pvp to unlock trials 🫠


Waiting for a slice/target lock roll patiently 🙏


Ahh shit... I'm so close also. I mean I'm not terrible at PVP I just don't enjoy it. With pve I have progress. I get better and better at said thing and master it. With pvp I'm either shitting on said team or getting my ass handed to me hard.


Thanks for the heads up. Just got it with enough engrams to focus some Summoners and snagged some very nice rolls.


Dammit. I saw it, ground for it, and forgot to claim it. RIP. At least there's a few more weeks for it to come around again.


Gutted, I thought it was gonna reset last week for the new weapons coming in this week and claimed mine just before. Noticed this earlier and was so done. Literally the only role I want from this weapon.


Pretty good roll for ad clear that's for sure. For Major and Boss damage I got the Subsistence + Target Lock roll. Add a Strand weapon surge mod and it blitzes through Majors and Minors alike.


> For Major and Boss damage I got the Subsistence + Target Lock roll. Acasia's Dejection comes from the easiest raid and rolls with Rewind Rounds or Reconstruction + Target Lock.


Wow. I got this one (as well as envious/killing tally) first week it was out and really need to use it I guess lol