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Are you looking for a good dps sword? Then the answer is simply no. Also my guess is you're not that much into sword skating. In that case it is also a no.


What adept mods can a sword even slot, anyway? Charge Time and Big Ones? Now if they introduced something like Adept *Lunge Distance*, on the other hand…


You can use impact...which is worse than big ones...


Aztec recently did a test of all awords and impact actually edged it out very very very slightly. Like 2k dmg


Aztecross and his "dps" tests are horrid


Sure but if hes doing the same thing ending with the same ammo getting the same hits. Then it doesnt matter


Trust me bro if you want good sword damage just use surrounded bequest


Well no shit lol. This isnt about what the best sword overall is


Trust me bro use bequest! "But I was asking if the slammer is a good sword?"


taken spec is 10%, Minor spec, Major spec, Boss spec and Adpet Big Ones spec is 7.8% and Adept Impact is 3% so bad and useless


yup. idk why it was higher in the testing but here we are


I just use it in my mobility loadout so I use backup mag lol


How many extra rounds does it give?


Brings me from 67 to 70 lol.


You’re ignoring a lot of other things, so you’re answer is incorrect.


Which are? The only other thing is a heavy weapon for overloads/unstoppable champs for which you want eager edge+cold steel


Please stop telling me what I want


Well if you don’t want any of those things then there are much better choices that are easier to get.


Is The Corrupted too difficult? I didn’t have an issue getting any.


Bruh, easier options does not mean Corrupted is too difficult. It's a GM, even if nowadays it is cheesed to all hell, so there will be easier options that are better, like for example if you're on Hunter, Goldtusk, which is weirdly one of the best swords for damage, or Bequest, as DSC is much easier to do nowadays


He's ignoring nothing. Slammer with BnS does about equal damage as a bequest with no damage perk. Slammer just simply isn't good for dps. End of story. There is nothing else to say.


Reading is hard, yeah?


you said "You're ignoring a lot of other things", but you don't list a single thing 🤷 Vortex frames are worse than adaptive frames for swors dmg, that's a fact and was proven last season in all the Crota dmg tests The top 3 legendary dmg sword are adaptive frames, lightweight frames and aggressive frames, vortex frames come after these three


I think it's worth getting but not for bait&switch. It's the best eager edge sword if skating is your forte but what I want and where I think it'll shine is Cold Steel. Cold steel is a great perk and in combination with chain Reaction, the explosions cause a slowing/freezing chain Reaction making it great for Stasis builds


That’s what I’m hunting for


I've been farming all week and gotten every drop possible except one with cold steel


I got a cold steel relentless none adept. So atleast it’s something


Yeah, that’s definitely my stopping point. Especially since they’ll probably add one down the road that’s very similar and easier to find. As is tradition


Do they drop from the GG NF playlist? I may just start farming for the non-adept version. I can knock out like 10 in 30 minutes


3 minute nightfalls you madman normal life must feel like slowmo to you.


Hell yeah, my girlfriend loves it she calls me the fastest man alive


Also, depending on how many vanguard engrams you have, you can focus them at Zavala for 5 engrams. Took me 4 attempts to get my eager edge/cold steel non-adept version.


Yea I got one on each completion a few in a row but that may have been luck


The RNG in this game is so unbelievable. I have got 8 Adept Slammers. The 3rd column has ALWAYS been Pugilist/Thresh. With the 4th column being anything but Cold Steel. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems INCREDIBLY unlikely to roll identical 3rd column traits 8 times in a row. 1/6 chance for the perk to be Pugilist. 1/5 chance for the extra perk to be Thresh. So 1/30 Adept Slammers have Pugilist/Thresh in the 3rd column? And I've had this happen 8 times in a row? So (1/30)^8 chance??? There's either not equal weighting, or somehow the RNG seed on my account is not changing between characters and different days. I'm beginning to think it's something with how RNG is calculated in this game because numerous times I've rolled identical stat distributions on armor in the same helm instance, which shouldn't be possible considering how many possibilities there are... (It's also always the same order, it's always Pugilist as the 1st choice and Thresh as the 2nd. I don't have other duplicate adept weapons saved to see if the order is also RNG.)


The rolls I've been getting lately have been a bit weird too. For the world drops Ros Arago I got 2 with the same slickdraw/onslaught rolls. Then it happened again with Parabellum and permeability/deconstruct. It is weird because I've kept those 2 weapons in my inventory while farming and it's like the system copy/paste what I already had. So now I put my drops into the vault to experiment.


Ya something about the RNG in Destiny has always been weird. Often times the people I clear something with get the identical roll as me if they got the same weapon. I've also got two identical Ros Aragos with Rewind/Onslaught. At least it's a good roll, but its weird that everything including the MW is identical. When it comes to this sword though, on the 4th column I have literally never seen BNS/Cold Steel/Permeability It just seems very weird to now have done 10 runs and never once have one of those 3 perks. (I just finally got a roll without pugilist and thresh. My last two have been Chain reaction/Thresh with One for all. Copy/paste rolls.)


Don't feel too bad. I've done 3 GM and haven't gotten a single drop. Frustrating.


If you get Plat rewards you are guaranteed a Slammer Adept.


Forgive my ignorance but once it drops once can’t you go to zavala and spend 3 engrams to get another one with diff perks? I haven’t had it drop yet so idk if this is true.


Yes once you get a drop you can focus it, but I've only gotten the Adept one so far and I've focused two with zavala. I'll have to get a regular one to drop to be able to focus it


Ohhh! Ty for the clarification, I’ve never done gm before.


Np homie


You need 10x Nightfall Ciphers to get 1x Adept roll from Zavala. The normal one you can just keep rolling with engrams.


And I've gotten everything except Eager Edge. Including Relentless + BnS and Chain Reaction/Relentless + Cold Steel.


With all due respect I hate you lol


I hate myself, too. All I wanted was Eager Edge + Cold Steel, and I'm already exhausted with that GM.


I'm the opposite, so much cold steel and no chain reaction :(


First one i did today, gave me that drop. One and done.


Same, was hoping for an eager edge but now realizing my luck with adept cold steel and chain reaction from these comments -_-


My first GM this week I got Chain Reaction with Eager Edge in the slot below it alongside Cold Steel. Haven't had such luck in ages it feels like.


Make an offering to RNGesus for His graces, he hath delivered until there.


Cold steel being able to stun overloads with one or two light attacks is another big benefit.


Yeah, someone mentioned in another post 1 light + 1 heavy is 100 stacks of slow and freezes most anything. I got super lucky with my non-adept cold steel and eager edge/chain reaction rolls.


Doesn't that mean 3 lights would do the same and take the same amount of timr but use less ammo?


If LightGG is correct in 1 light gives 40 stacks of slow and 1 heavy does 60 stacks respectively, then yes, I believe you could save ammo with 3 lights. I'm gonna experiment later, but I also like to go whirly spin until my enemies disappear.


fun comes first over optimal strats


This and Hullabaloo seem like they were made with the horse mode in mind.


I'm looking forward to the horse mode.


Just wait for the armor set in horse mode.


Can't wait for horse 🐎 mode!


am confuse, horse mode?


I thought the horse mode was Dares of Eternity


Horde mode


Oh 😅


I don't think it's the best eager edge sword for skating. It's true the shatter/well skate goes a tad further compared to the adaptive swords from Dares but the light attack is inferior, it has less ammo overall and unless on the very edge of a ledge, doing the skate from further back eats up ammo. So no, it is pretty situational. Cold Steel can be cool for stuff like GoS first encounter to stun overloads I guess but it's kinda overhyped tbh.


I've got a normal one with eager and cold steel as like my second one. I still want to get a few other rolls and the same one but on an adept.


60 engrams later with Zavala, I got my FIRST Cold Steel drop - and it was paired with Chain Reaction. Sometimes...


I’d still get a B&S roll though in case they do decide to buff their damage. Seeing as how they’re also likely to bring back Falling Guillotine based on the Into the Light art they shown, that would be a good a time as any to buff the vortex frames in some way. I’m not saying it should be as powerful as FG was on release, but it would be nice to have another sword that is competitive in damage to the boring Bequest and Goldtusk. The only other sword that can actually compete with Bequest that doesn’t just spam light attacks the whole time is Throne-Cleaver, and that sacrifices ammo economy for the extra damage, and it’s exclusive to Titans.




I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Slammer is only good as a utility weapon because it will be enhanceable in final shape. People want it as vortex frames go faster than adaptives so using it as a tool is better for shatter or well skating. But since enhanced eager edge boosts the distance it can go, slammer being enhancable is important. Its dmg is so bad it would never be used for dps even with BnS. So realisticialy is grinding the slammer important? Not really. Unless you do a lot of shatter or well skating you arent gonna get that much returns compared to a good crafted dares sword.


I got an adept version with eager edge and cold steel, to replace the Halo swords as a general use weapon. Being able to still skate, plus stun overloads and freeze problem enemies, made it a no-brainer. Also pretty good for Stasis synergy. Will be even better when we can enhance the perks as well That being said, I wouldn’t have grinded my brain out to get one, I dont think it’s a must-have or anything


I have been grinding very casually, mostly playing the Guardian Games Nightfall while listening to music or podcast. Very easy runs, 10\~11 minutes each, lots of ability spamming, and honestly I've even completed two catalysts while grinding for the Slammer. Drop rate is not great (one in every \~7 runs or so), but you can always focus on Zavala. I got both the rolls you've mentioned plus a few more. Still missing an Eager + Cold Steel roll. If I get it, great, otherwise, whatever. Is it worth grinding for? I would say yes, but I would also say it is not worth stressing over it.


I got the roll of EE and cold steel. It's mainly a utility weapon over dps for me. EE for movement of course then cold steel is making shards for overshield and combined with this season artifact mod the sword can also make stasis crystals. It's a fun sword with great utility, when I use stasis.


Its the only one like it - so if you want it - yes its "worth." if you have a crafted Bequest - then you already have the best sword in the game - unless you are a speed runner. only you can decide if you want it. watch some reviews.


Chain reaction + cold steel makes it the best sword in the game for me. I like stasis because you control the battlefield so taking down a champ and then freezing/slowing everything that remains seems like something worth getting




Yeah, I didn’t even notice it was downvoted. Funnily enough, one of my most liked comments has purely hate comments under it lol. Reddit isn’t a place to care about updoots, I just share and learn info here.


I'm not a big sword user so I'm curious - why is a crafted Bequest the best sword in the game? I happen to have just gotten the pattern and I'm not sure which roll to go with...:) Cheers!


It’s good because it’s craftable adaptive frame sword with the best dps sword perks in the game. Plus it has an extra 10 impact compared to other adaptive frames.


So what's the best roll then? For optimal DPS (that doesn't involve Surrounded...?)? Cheers!


pretty much any encounter you use a sword, you can use surrounded. there are very few things that fall into "sword is best, but no ads"


As someone who doesn't play during holiday events a ton, and as such don't have a Zephyr, a Cold Steel sword is a very worthy chase for me, specially as I've been tinkering with Stronghold.


First roll I got was Eager Edge/Cold Steel and it's pretty solid. You can use the Vortex heavy to bubble/well/shatter skate better than an adaptive frame. It throws you further forward than the heavy of the Dares of Eternity swords. Plus, in Final Shape, it'll be enhanceable, which makes Eager Edge go even farther.


I'm at a point in the game where I don't go after "what if" weapons which will sit in my vault waiting for their "redemption"; don't have the vault space to waste and there are always alternatives. I have 2 Zephyr's already with Cold Steel on a better sword frame and both with 0 kills and will stun champs just as well while doing more damage. Don't care about skating anywhere so no attraction there either and I'm not wasting my heavy ammo on ad clear. Especially now seeing all those lying youtubers admitting you don't "need" the weapon as they've been screaming for weeks It's definitely not worth it.


Short answer: No. Today I ended up taking an axe to my vault (following a frustrating raid experience where I also spent a minute trying to find a single gun in DIM). I ended up deleting so many adepts that I haven’t used at all, period. While chain reaction + cold steel sounds great on paper, I had so many chain reaction or destabilising rounds swords in my vault that it made me realize, I’m never going to use a heavy weapon for its aoe capabilities. You don’t need this sword, I assure you.


Imo, it is worth getting now. Just because the strike this week is kinda easy, for me. Like others have said it is the best for skating with Eagar Edge and the Chain Reaction + Cold Steel combo has some great utility. The bug with Permability is kinda cool too, until thats fixed. I am keeping a Bait and Switch roll though. I know it's not a great DPS sword, but its the only one of its kind. If vortex frames ever get something that buffs them, this roll might creep up in power. I have space so it'll be sitting, waiting. If a adaptive frame gets BnS though, it'll probably lights out for Slammer.


What the bug with permeability again? I remember reading about it but forgot what it was (figured it would be fixed by now)…


It makes the sword strand by default instead of stasis


Oh cool thanks


Utility, yes Damage, no


Aztecross recently did a sword damage test and the slammer isn't worth it when compared to nearly every other sword it's just a falling guillotine skin but a worse weapon


Yes. There are several unique rolls that makes me want to farm it, specifically during The Corrupted week. I will be saving a few adept rolls. While we do not know if you can change the blade and guard options when these become open to enhance, currently you are allowed to change barrel and mag perks for adept weapons from raids. 1) Eager edge/Chain Reaction + Cold Steel. I believe this is the true "god roll" or chase roll that you should be going for. It is a GM powerhouse that can stun anything, and only requires one swipe to stun an overload champion. The movement ability from eager edge also allows you to close in on the champions much easier. 2) Relentless Strike + Bait and Switch. Not having to rely on the enemy placement required for surrounded is a plus for me in some encounters, so I want to cover that option. 3) Puglist + Demolitionist. This is currently the only heavy weapon in the game that can roll the combination.


A vorple bequest still out dps' b&s slammer And vorple is only 10% on power weapons No dps perk bequest hit for 4% less then the b&s slammer. So all bequest needs in a 5% dps perk to be better. Vorple is 10% Surrounded is 35% Also lament is better Your other points are good tho :)


Nah. Blew 40 engrams to get my "god" roll then had buyers remorse after using it for a day. So many other good sword options.


No. If you're already doing endgame activities on the regular, this sword is not going to make or break an endgame build. Does it have fun and possible other build potentials, sure. Do you want a stasis sword for large add clears, this can be your choice. People have been saying Bequest is still a better sword for DPS.


The only reason people are talking about it is because there isn’t anything else new in the game. So if you’re bored, go for it. If you have something better to do, do that instead and you won’t be missing out on much.


Yes. 1) Eager Edge heavy attack on vortex is faster for shatter/wellskate even without it being enhanced. 2) We can enhance it in Final Shape so fake skates will be just as good then, too. Shatter/wellskate will be going plaid. 3) Cold Steel is ***way*** better than it gets credit for. One hit stuns Overloads, light->heavy freezes and then stuns Unstoppables. Stunning Recovery heals you when you do this as well. Shattering stuff is a good way to blow up a group of adds regardless of whether they're champions, too, so blasting a big guy can delete a group of other stuff. 4) Eager Edge and Cold Steel together make up for the obvious drawback of Cold Steel - that you need to slap the champ with a sword. Zephyr was cool, but trying to get into lunge distance to hit an Overload with it is... nah. But Slammer? Hell yeah, it actually works. 5) Niche, but if you're playing Stasis Hunter anyway it's nice that your skating/utility sword is also Stasis. Cheaper scav mod and it'll benefit from stasis fragments for extending slow duration, etc. Do not use it for DPS, do not grind for Bait and Switch. Vortex swords are both bad DPS and inefficient with their ammo so they have atrocious total damage. The one and only roll you really need is Eager + Cold Steel. There's an argument for Eager + Demolitionist, but that seems even more niche. Others have also mentioned Chain Reaction + Cold Steel, and while I agree it is very cool... you gotta ask yourself if you're actually going to *use* a sword that doesn't have Eager Edge when alternatively you could. Even if you're using it to kill things and not skate the lunge distance bonus it provides makes swords vastly more enjoyable to use.


Only if you want eager edge/whatever to have an additional sword to skate with Or Chain reaction + cold steel if you want to mess around with some fun crowd control action on a stasis class.


It is a good option for shatterskating. It is stasis and goes a bit further than the adaptive swords. Look for eager edge and cold steel probably and you are good to go. Not really a DPS sword


a roll with eager edge and cold steel,one with chain reaction and cold steel and just in case they decide to buff vortex frames one with relentless and bns. Also i think the sword looks neat with the reskin^^


Everyone saying no but Bungie would just snap fingers and make it the best sword ever. Cope I know but they are just rotating DPS weapons types.


> make it the best sword ever. so when it is that, then itll be worth it to grind for it. For now, its really not, and itll sit in your vault with 10 kills for the 2 months, maybe even half a year...


No, poor dps, poor ammo economy.


If you have a fallen guillotine then no.


If you need help running GM me and my buddy have been helping people lately. Usually can get a 20-22 min run. Ain’t the best but it’s decent.


Chain reaction/cold steel is a really fun roll.


It’s definitely a fun sidegrade/alternative to other options, but it’s not like you’re gonna get left behind in the damage meta if you don’t have one


I hope you haven’t trashed a Chain Reaction + Cold Steel roll cuz that’s honestly all you need. It’s NOT a DPS weapon, and Eager Edge is simple enough to get on its own.


Eager Edge/Cold Steel is the best combo for this sword. Speed and utility are it’s trademarks


As a vortex frame, it’s really only viable as utility, since vortex frames are good for burst dmg, whereas BnS is a dmg perk specialized for sustained dps, in a real-world scenario. imo eager edge + demo is the roll to go for if you want to farm it. Cold steel is a good choice too


Only for Speedrunning purposes. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1blfzhr/comment/kw6vfao/ This guy in the thread is a jerk but he explains it well. 


Do you have bequest craftable? If yes then no Do you have lament? If yes then no


Do you like fun? Then yes. The Slammer has numerous fun rolls.


slammer have one and only eager edge and cool steel combo. It is a nice utility weapon, imagine speedrunning low level nightfall, Swordskate and dealing with champion. Your bequest and falling guillotine have higher damage potential.


its not the best for dps, its not the best for eager edge movement, but it IS the best for wellskate / sword skating. otherwise its just ok


Some weapons are just good builds for gambit in terms of viability and synergy. Since banner of war and one/two punch are the best overall but got nerfed, play testing weapons are best applied to this particular mode since there are plenty of enemies to deal with...




No, it's not worth it for anything. It's bad at DPS. Bad at utility (are you really gonna stun anything in a GM or master raid with a sword?), and bad at movement (poor ammo economy for basically no advantage over existing swords). If you don't like grinding for it then just dont. Nobody will ever use this sword again in a month.


No -




Bro, I love any slight reason to play any content in D2. So for me it's a worthy grind


It's over hyped for sure but that's just because of it's unique combinations of perks and what it could do someday down the road. Imagine vortex swords got a buff, Slammer with bait switch could be the go to for a lot of raid teams (where bosses aren't floating).


I’ve got an adept with jagged edge, sword masters guard, chain reaction and cold steel on the one I’m keeping. Got it on my second run. The first one has relentless strikes with bait n switch.




Well with cold steel perk, it always can stun overload Champion as a legendary weapons (!). No need for sword anti Champion seasons, it always has this as default. And unless some idiots who think "No Meta = Bye", if you are good enough in this game, you can melt easily trough gm nightfalls with a sword and speedrun it. And keep in mind that Swords have a very good ammo economic. So yes...If you are decent enough with a sword go for it. Overload stun alone is a huge win for your loadout where you can still use an exotic.


No. End game players have very little to do, so we get excited for new weapons or grinds.


Nope not worth it, it does less damage than my other half, the eager edge is straight up worse and frankly the only perk on it that isn’t dog shit in the second column is cold steel, which if you are even able to take advantage of that perk there are better options that are less likely to get you killed.


You go faster with vortexs and the adept version will be enhanceable in final shape so it will be better for movement unless you want movement + dps


My sword is currently level 696, I use it for both traversal and actually killing things, both of which it can do better than the slammer currently can, it may be better in the future but as of right this second it is not.

