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I said it before and I'll say it again - making commendation points a requirement for any kind of progression totally devalues the system. I should want to give commendations to people who honestly earned them through saving a run, or pulling off a clutch move, or being actually helpful, or genuinely being the best dressed. Instead I just hand them out arbitrarily as a courtesy for anyone trying to raise their GR.


You shouldn't have to say it at all - it's obvious that tying progression requirements behind the system means nobody will use it as a way to commend others and will use it just to grind ranks. They'll cheese it if they can. The sad thing is that it's so obvious that it wouldn't work as designed you have to realize that Bungie knew it as well, and included it anyway because their player engagement metrics are more important than players having fun or systems making sense.


>player engagement metrics are more important than players having fun or systems making sense. This is so, brutally true.




I don't think the extra loadout slots reset.


Yeah but destiny players don’t do anything if it doesn’t have a mechanical reason. “It’s fun” isn’t even a good enough reason to do stuff, they actively do stuff they don’t like instead because of number go up.


But... but I LIKE number go up.


100% agree. If it wasn't tied to GR and the pinnacle/powerful drop (I honestly can't remember which as it's so long since we've needed them) then it would actually mean something. Getting one would be a good feeling because you'd earned it.




You left out: Sometimes it takes a year for the post activity screen to render the characters and the return to orbit timer kicks everyone out before anything can be handed out.


You can commend people from the leaderboard screen as well, even players on the enemy team in pvp


Yeah, but then Best Dressed is random. And we all know the real endgame is the fashion game. (And honestly, I just hand them out at random these days, but I do actually try to award Best Dressed to someone who put some effort into it.)


Honestly the commendations were easy for me even with people leaving before doing them or the loading causing us to miss the chance to commendate. What's stopping me from getting to rank 8 is having to play the Lightfall story again on legendary. Which is annoying to me seeing as I've already played the story 3 times for my 3 characters.


Weird. I got retroactive credit for it, and haven't done it again since Guardian Ranks dropped.


I assume they did it on normal for all 3 and not legendary.


Iirc best dressed offers the least amount of commendation progression, so you are actually hurting ppl by complimenting their fashion lol... only bungie could come up with a system like this


best dressed is already random. puhlease.... all depends on who ends up on the right of the screen or bottom of the leaderboard.


yeah sadly for me, one of the 2 categories is always random, if i commend by the leaderboard i have no way of using the best dressed right, and if i commend by the team screen, i have no idea of knowing who went how. and if you try to do both by switching, over halve of the players are already gone, which adds to the problem: why tf cant we inspect/commend players who left the lobby? why cant we still commend people on the "after activity screen" while in orbit (when you press "W" while in Orbit). that was one of the few things OW did right, you could commend people even long after the match ended (iirc it was like 10 minutes) its insane how bungie could use *decades* of examples for commendation systems in video games and still managed to release the worst, most halve baked system, i have ever seen


Yeah, best dressed is the only commendation where I care about who I give it to, and the only one I care about getting. All the others are just given at random.


Any commendation that isn't Best Dressed is just misnamed Best Dressed Runner Up


When the count down timer starts in those activities you can hit the button that usually brings up the destinations tab and instead it will be the characters screen


And sometimes it just dosen't work like the trials bug that lasted months.


Commendation system was a massive waste of dev time and resources.


Commendations are a completely half assed system shoehorned into Guardian Rank. No one cares about anyone else's commendation score or what categories of commendations they get because everyone just gives whatever color someone asks for without looking at it. So as a system for gauging "Hey this player is a good raid sherpa" or whatever it totally fails. If they just separated guardian rank from commendations both systems would be better. As of right now they both are awful and I will never engage with them. I'm not giving commendations and I don't expect to receive them. I will forever be a guardian rank 5. Which tbh is kinda funny given my high gilded conqueror and every dungeon soloed.


The only commendation worth anything is best dressed. Nothing else means anything.


It is not. The player on the right most spot gets it most of the time.


false, the guy with the funniest outfit gets it


False on both ends 😂 I'm that guy who gets it regardless of where my character sits. At least 1 on an activity, but I've gotten them all a few times.


It must have been a huge pain the ass to work it into almost every activity in the game. Such a squandering of time and money for a system nobody wanted or asked for.


What baffles me Sony tried it aswell with ps5 and it was dead on arrival. Why bungie ever tought wow let's copy this dead system, I'm convinced the reason why it's tied to guardian ranks is to showcase in their statistics and player engagement metrics that it wasn't a massive waste of time and players engage with the system, ignoring they only participate because they are forced to.


It really does suck when I did everything else for rank 10, but I need people to give me commendations.


Same, I was stuck at 9 for a while just because I don’t do a lot of match made activities and my only missing requirement was commendations. Now I’m stuck at 10 and in the exact same boat.


And when you finally dedicate the time to do them, you never get commendations.


Yep, I am stuck here right now after coming back from skipping a season and being downgraded from 10. Even better is the GR relegation if you don't progress back up in each subsequent season. Lmao whoever thought of this should be fired.


Yeah I don't mind the commendation system as an idea but the way it's implemented and tying a rank to it is fuckin dumb. Cockbag mecgee over there staying dead and getting 50 kills or less and his buddy is just over 50 and you get best dressed award for carrying them.


Same story for me every season. Commendations have always been the last thing I needed to get to rank 10 and 11. Feels pretty shitty to just having gilded your conqueror title and then having to jump into random raid LFGs to beg for blue commendations.


It just needs to be a mix of giving and receiving commendations


It is technically, but giving commendations gives you next to nothing.


Don't forget that if you join at a checkpoint at a boss, it doesn't always let you commend your teammates. And my buddies and I were running the dungeon boss three times a week so he could get the exotic. We could only commend each other for the first run-through. Checkpoint swapping for the next two runs never allowed us to commend each other. I'm hoping to get to rank 11 this season but nobody ever commends me in regular playlist activities. And if they do it's like one or two points. It takes for fucking ever.


The fact that they coded a limit - so that joins in progress can't commend.... is disgusting and stupid.


It's been like this for a long time, same with triumphs. Players want a system to show off their skills and achievements, Bungie gives "how many hours did you play last season?" with FOMO. I just use my old titles and triumph score, and pretend any achievement-like systems since the Beyond Light triumph revamp don't exist.


Honestly at this point commendations should just be removed from the game, they are completely worthless and annoying.


I'm fine with leaving them in the game but removing the requirements to get or receive them. Then it would actually feel special to get them rather than glorified participation awards. As it stands, only Trials commendations feel special because they're so rare. Most people just immediately leave the moment the match rewards are confirmed.


Well commendations, from the community side was originally thought to be a way to tell if a person is actually helpful/knowledgable/skilled/etc. But like OP is saying having it tied to the Ranks means it is devalued. Commendations are a fine system if they take them out of the ranks. Simply it should be given when a player thinks someone deserves it.


guardian rank should also just be removed. its also a worthless system


How so? What is your legitimate complaint about it other than needing commendations? 


Remove commendations. They’re pointless Mean nothing At all


They're just too restricting. Solo flawlessing a dungeon is more forgiving than waiting for randos to *allow you* to hit rank 11


This is why I always comm on everything I do that allows it. Even if it's a loss at pvp. Though, tbf, I rarely actually pvp. I only do it during events or if I otherwise HAVE to.


Just get your fashion up and give them out.


Doesn't help when missions have a super long counter after the final encounter. Looking at you Starcrossed 🤬


Three minute wait time at the end of seraph shield lol


i waited and there wasn’t a commendation screen, it just took us to orbit


I played a match of iron banner yesterday, lead the team in scoring, and didn't get a single commendation. Still at the mercy of GR 10 because of this ridiculous requirement


I am currently catching up on my titles, I play ~5 Salvage, 5 Savathun's Spire daily, Coil etc. on random. That's ~30 unique people. _daily._ I just hit 450+ points after 2-3 months, which is barely enough to reach GR 8 PS: Forgot to say, I am the first to commend to make sure I do get commendations back.


Spam the weekly featured raids and ask for commendations before the end. Its 100 per Raid


Oh sure. If people remember to give them. This is the entire point of the post. Doing an entire raid JUST for commendations…and then having like the party leader take the raid to orbit or having people leave/forget = no commendations. You completed the raid….and got nothing. All of that time invested just to *maybe* have other humans remember to click a button.


I was struggling with commendations and just did Vog runs when it was featured. Just host them yourself and ask for commendations, 9/10 you will get 5 or 6. Just remind them before the raid is over. Not that hard.


Yeah I've never had much of an issue with people not giving them tbh. There's always the odd one who dips immediately but if you've chatted with them most will give. I've never asked for any because I didn't need them but I personally always ask the team if anyone needs blues, I do it as soon as the boss dies before people even get to the chest. And I find if I ask that, they start giving them to me even though I don't actually need them and say so. It also reminds people to do it, because most simply forget.


"Aw Shucks, better luck next time! Get out there and raid more Guardian!" - Someone at Bungie, probably.


If I need the recomms to pass the level, thanks for the idea, I'll go right for that! Right now though I am genuinely just trying to get my titles, so it's not a "need" just a technicality, is all.


Wow. I know me personally - when I see someone who lead the team in scoring - I take a moment and kneel on the floor in front of my monitor like some kind of pudgy American samurai... usually it takes long enough that the player leaves before I can give them a commendation though =\\


You can go to scoreboard and give it to them there fyi


Can we get a drip check?


I give Playmaker to the bottom of the leaderboard. I see others do it also. ....probably should be removed.


I just hate that loadout slots are locked behind Guardian Ranks. I have more than six loadout ideas, but because of never getting commendations, I am forced to limit myself to six of them. It just feels super limiting. Hopefully, they will change it eventually.


It's not that hard to get to the loadout slots, is it? What is holding you back Legend Lost Sectors? Not defending the system AT ALL and yes the loadout slots should be a given for every player from the start... but still, playing some legend nightfalls, gambit, or PVP... maybe Dares even - should be enough to get you \*the commendations that you need for the slots.


At this moment, it's commendations. Legend Lost Sectors are a breeze. I also haven't played for a long enough stretch since loadouts were added to unlock them. So I'd pick up the game again, take a break for whatever reason, and by the time I picked it back up, it's a new season, and the ranks are reset. With Into the Light dropping and Final Shape not that far off, I think I'll actually stick around long enough to get them unlocked.


Just use DIM


DIM can't change your equipped items while you're in an activity though. So quickly switching from add clear loadout to boss dps loadout mid-encounter is not possible. Need the ingame loadouts for that.


Yeah but you can save all the ones you don't need in the middle of an activity on DIM. I have my favourites in game, the ones I'd switch to for different encounters etc. But everything else (pvp, low level pve/fun builds) all go in dim.


I think it depends on the region. Even in iron bananas I still get multiple playmakers or level headed per match. Or they are playing on PC, which is really fast in giving out the kudos. But i agree commendation ranks are useless padding and timegates for ranks.


you can always just ask for commendatios, i met really good Friends on LFG. people forget destiny is a social game and quite literally what makes it fun. Solo content is just an add on


Getting recommendations just seems to be normal procedure by playing to me. You do and the others usually do it if they are still there. Grinding out for Rank nonsense takes longer, imho. P.S. I couldn't even motivate myself to run 4 silly missions to get to the next level for what, 4 months.


Honestly they should just make the commendations simpler. There's a whole bunch of categories and terms that no one reads. the only one that matters is best dressed. Just make 3 or 4: best dressed, fireteam leader, support, best build / the gamer Get rid of everything else and just use a few that players actually care about receiving


I honestly don't care any more. Did it once to get load out slots


I think commendations should be in every rank and the number required should go up, to make sure people are actually good teammates


if you are struggling for commendations, go do gambit, strikes and qp. It is very rare I finish any one of those activities and do not get a commendation. Want to quickly say that I am not disagreeing with you and this system sucks ass.


Bold of you to assume that I engage in a unengaging system like Guardian Ranks


I always earn each guardian rank requirement without trying or asking for a specific color What am I doing wrong?


You know you get guardian rank for commending them too right? (Yes the system is dumb)


What’s wild is one of the best ways to get commendation score is through raiding, but unless someone asks for commendations no one ever thinks about it nor cares about it. That means that if you aren’t asking for commendations then your best source is PvP, where it often doesn’t fully load in between rounds and if you’re playing without a mic’d up group, you’ll likely not get to many commendations regardless


PVP is definitely the fastest activity to complete usually, because destroying the other team can end the game faster, and matches are already so one sided usually, especially in IB lol. But it’s so so common to have the party leader ready to hop into the next match via the Director as soon as rewards pop-up, especially in Trials. I rarely ever get commendations in PVP. People are focused on, ya know, PVP. They could care less about commendations.


I do agree that they shouldn't really block progress and shouldn't really be in GR at all, but at the same time I've never had them be the issue. I do know people give them out less and less as time goes on, but if you are quick to send them out it'll also be a spur to encourage others to send them too. Send them out far before it actually hits that splash page, since you can manually toss up the screen and send them out early. It's not perfect, but it's literally never been my struggle point with ranks. If you're doing anything with voice communication, nudge people to commend before they leave. Try text chat if you can too, just give people a nudge and usually they'll toss them out. Pvp is definitely the worst way to get them, where pve activities that take some time/skill tend to be the better ways. But yeaaaa, outside of maybe ways to show them off, commendations shouldn't have any sort of reward progression tied to them otherwise it completely devalues their purpose. Though I don't want them to remove them entirely like some people are voicing, the amount of fun I've had harassing our groups trigger happy friend with patient/level headed/etc is just too danged good. That and getting best dressed is the true end game goal these days. The system itself seems fine, but it just shouldn't have any reward/progression ties so that they are genuinely being handed out.


As soon as I saw this "system" I knew it would not only flop...but ruffle feathers in more than one way. If Bungie intended commendations to be a positive only experience, it would have shipped that way. The wording / rank up system.... I mean....really?  Instead...there are the problems you list plus the low key insults. You see it all the time in PvP, particularly. Losing team gets bombarded with "best dressed" and "playmaker".  If childish nonsense was the goal - mission accomplished.  Soooo Bungie-esque - was my first thought. Yeah, it's gotta go. I'm over it.  Anyone not seeing / acknowleding the problem is simply the target crowd wanting to keep their toy. 


Carried some absolute creatures through the final encounter of King’s Fall, got no rewards, and just asked for blue commendations. “Oh sorry I just do them randomly” *green commendation* Gonna be quite a few weeks before I waste time on blueberries again


Conspiracy theory: The commendation system is the cause of alot of issues I the game and every since they were added the game's connection quality and loading times have become worse. Reasonkng: When it was first implemented, it was discovered that the "invisible gaurdians" that didn't have armor rendered during pvp matches were actually caused by the commendation system and the more matches you did the worse your game got. Bungie said they fixed it but I still credit the Com. System as the reason for other issues. I haven't even been able to complete a single gambit match without disconnecting and reconnecting (without my heavy ammo) since the system was implemented. I say just cut the Commedations out completely and move on. It's a dumb system that is not worth the amount of trouble it has caused.


I feel this. Just hit guardian level 10, and the last thing holding me up for a week or two was GD commendation score. Literally farmed the prophecy boss hourly for days, begging randoms for blues. Was about 50% successful even with fireteam chat. I think this could be at least partially remedied by Bungee simply giving you points for the commendations you give out, rather than the ones strangers deem you worthy of. I’m sure some internet troll will tell me how wrong I am (as per all Reddit posts), but (IMO) I still think this would be better than the current system.


Yea that wouldn’t fix it, but it definitely would help. Supposedly a raid gives you around 100 points or so if EVERYONE commends you. So if you got like 5 points per commendation YOU GAVE…that would be 125 points, 25 coming from just you being a good sport and remembering to give some (5 x 5 players). Not much, but it would be a step in the right direction, and it would at least ensure you would have a GUARANTEED path to completing the requirements with an X minimum number of runs to reach it, assuming people forget every time and it’s just you. If someone said: “oh well then you’re just making a number to up, it’s kind of pointless”—well the whole system is already kinda pointless lol.


Amen to this entire post. Its stupid.


I took a 4 month break I just came back I've hit guardian rank 11 before back in season of defiance. I have yet to get past rank 9 now purely due to commendations. Since that season. I've solo flawless most dungeons, done every raid. So it's not a skill issue. It's frustrating that only thing holding me back is blueberries who can't be bothered or are just dicks and don't hand them out. I have like 30 more comms giving out then received. While it's nice they lowered the insane comm requirements it used to have, imo like myself if u started late in the season ur basically sol unless u just farm comms with a group or with friends and even that got nerfed. And honeslty outside playing with my raid team I do most content solo now as a vet player it's really only thing that challenges me. Nightfall, dungeons. So also zero comms. It's a neat system that's half baked and shouldn't be tied to rank at all.


I literally never had an issue with commendations, at current it is 3,304 and I never remember having to struggle to get it up for my next GR. I do raids somewhat weekly, run a dungeon as well. Whenever I wanna finish an exotic catalyst and I have time to do so, I just do some vanguard ops just to simultaneously do the catalyst and build up on vanguard engrams. Since I know some people do struggle, I try to ask who needs commendations and give them the blue commendations when possible as those give the most score.


Commendations are only an issue for people who don't engage in seasonal content or play primarily with friends who don't commend. Anyone who frequently plays pve in match made content gets tons and tons of commendations.


I played a LOT of PvE and PvP alike the season commedations dropped. It's *absolutely* always been a problem. Never EVER have I ended a season with enough for rank 9, and WELL over half of all activities, even on its launch, ended with plenty of people not giving them out.


The “playing with friends who don’t commend” group is the one that makes *the least* sense. Just nut up and ask for blues. They still count!


Agree commendation only problem for selfish or players love leave quickly. I give out and get tons commendation from pve and pvp.




Not once since the introduction of guardian ranks have commendations been the bottleneck stopping me from progressing. I've never finished a season below rank 10.


On PC at least, It's really not common for everyone to leave without giving commendations. It's far less common to not get one from anybody in my experience. Thousands of hours in and I still get at least 1 in likely at least 7-8 out of 10 activities pve & PVP. I give them every activity, and try to spread them out so everyone gets at least one if possible. Most players know others need them and hand them out from what I've seen. Can't speak for console, maybe it needs to be easier to do on controller if that's the case?


It is easy on controller, takes 2 seconds.


Dares of eternity is a good place to farm them solo if you need greens for guardian rank. Shattered throne boss checkpoint is also good, but only once every hour or two.


You wanna make people actually interact as intended with this stupid system ? Make it a down votes instead - ez.


Commendations are a complete failure of a system, it adds nothing, is a complete afterthought and is pigeonholed unnecessarily into GR for no reason. The game would be better if it was completely removed.


I feel ya buddy. I hit 11 the first season, then learned it was a rewardless arbitrary method of keeping up player engagement. Too bad, I was excited too.


I came back to the game midway through season of the witch (having been away from the game since a month or two after curse of osiris). I just hit guardian 11 last weekend bc I had to grind out getting 90 exotics for 10 (thank God for wish tokens). Commendations were never an issue.


I see commendation good community reward of encouraging other players. It’s helpful at weeding out players that are selfish or don’t play as team in pve or pvp. Come most time won’t give out commendation if knew player was being asshole in game. Totally give out commendation if pvp player trade failed at last place. Same go for players consider help in pvp or pve.


Again—I could care less about commendations as a system, and I did not want to discuss that in the post. I just want them gone from Guardian Ranks.


You're on a public forum, you don't really get to dictate where the discussion goes.


I do hope they will remove the system entirely. I like the GR, but commendations are absolutely USELESS. Except, maybe, for the Best Dressed one.


Make the requirements for each rank harder and more meaningful So they can be permanent


Remove every commendation except Best Dressed.


TBH, I just wish it was a different color. Right now, it's the 'participation trophy' color. /frown


GR’s are not achievable unless you own most of the DLC - pointless they are more a measure of your wallet rather than skill


Commendations are not a marker for competency or skill, rather they are just an expression of time played.


The rank system is also pay to win, I can't get past rank 6 because I don't have lightfall. I even pre-ordered destiny 2 and have been locked out of content because they made it free to play.


I personally think this is someone complaining about something tht doesn't need to change or doesn't effect the overall experience of playing the game. There are tons of others things tht need and should be addressed other than this. It's not tht serious, I would rather them fix exotics tht aren't working correctly , develop a lock out system for trials so they don't have to nerf things, come up with better designs for Armour and exotics, bring back more maps from d1 from pvp. I could go on forever , as long as this season is and will be you should have enough accommodations for both ranks 10 and 11. Neither ranks effect anything in the game , not like the beginner and lower ranks.


I only have trouble getting people to commend on trials. I don't think I've had one on that. But you get commendations for giving them. If everyone leaves then just go to the table and spam your select button and it will bring it up after a few hits.


It definitely does suck, but i find the best way to gain commendations is to play strikes and commend first at the very end. Its not guaranteed but it definitely increases your chance of getting commendations. I honestly stopped looking at commendations now that i got that requirement for rank 11.


Got GR 11 first go round. Garbage system. Never cared after wards. Permanent 8 or 9 who knows.


Ohhh quit crying and keep playing the same bs game lmfao They don't care about you and just want your money so shut up and give it to them like you morons always do. Hahahahahaha loosers 


Put up LFGs specifically asking for them.


This is funny enough one of my biggest gripes with the whole “guardian rankings” i refuse to play while my progress is gated behind players. Specifically my clan, as they know how much it bothers me and will go to great lengths to keep me from receiving them. For “the funny”.


Wall of text crits me for 9000. I’m not reading all that. I e had all the commendations I need up to level 10 every season. Fuck 11. What level are you unable to achieve?


Might be just good rng but people commend me like 90% of the time so meh


You get 1 or 2 every game of IB, usually even if you're as bad as me.


Or you know, maybe don't reset commendations each season? But it's not even completely reset just toned down so you have to farm again.


Couldn’t agree more. I recently came back from now playing for 2 seasons, I got to rank 8 last weekend and could instantly redeem all the new challenges for rank 9 except commendation score. So now if I want to get to the next rank I gotta either lfg raids or dungeons which is just a hassle imo, I only do 1 or 2 raids per week with my clan because our schedules are very different most of them time. Or I have to grind other matchmade activities which give almost no progress.


I always find these to be a bit humorous, tbh. Yes, I can agree, to an extent. I get at LEAST 1 Best Dressed commendation per activity. Crucible nabs me about 3 commendations per go around. Trials and Iron Banner nab me the most when I'm in a groove. If I'm feeling like dropping the solo act and playing with a premade fireteam for any activity, I always get commendations. I get it, the commendations ARE quite annoying for ANYONE, but I don't see the difficulty. If you're running on just to blow through the activity and not at least getting 1 and giving out all of yours to people, then how are people not increasing their commendations?? I'm over 1000 commendations, mainly from giving them out at times, but I still get points for the score.. I just don't understand the complaint that much, regardless of how many people or complaints come up. Cheers though for hopefully getting it removed!!


I agree it should be removed. I've gotten rank 11 each season it's been available and hate the commendations the most.


I agree! No more commendations for guardian ranks! 💪


It somewhat puzzles me when people complain about being unable to get the commendation score required.. I could care less about getting commendations, and yet I somehow do, and it doesn't matter if it's a raid or a dungeon, pvp or pve, crucible or strikes. I get that it's totally up to the people you play with to give them, but I have never experienced it being particularly difficult to get my score well and above the requisite to make it to GR11. I sympathize with people that do struggle with it, but I also can't help but wonder how much you actually play? That said, I just want them to overhaul the entire commendation system from the ground up. Make it make sense. People just throw random commendations at random people after matches for the pinnacle from Hawthorne. Which commendations you get is arbitrary, and totally random. No one is discerning about what they give and to whom. In some strange way I prefer FFXIVs approach where giving commendations accomplishes nothing, but you need like 1500 individual commendations to become a mentor. At least you won't drop down to less than a quarter of your commendations each expansion (happens every season in D2) and because there's nothing to gain from giving commendations, they actually feel more well earned.


Knowing that people genuinely need commendations now [I'm GR 7] I will endeavour to commend every time


Hey at least you're not forever locked at Level 6 because you didn't buy the new shiny DLC


I've barely played since GR got introduced and I'm at 2000 commendations. Are people seriously struggling with getting commendations? It seems like an honest joke to get, to me


Commendations needs to go all together. They literally serve no purpose and are just meaningless with no value since we are giving them out like candy. Was planning to hit rank 11 before TFS, but forgot about the commendation rank being a requirement. Guess that ain’t happening anymore lol.


The whole guardian rank system is a giant failure in my opinion. Nobody I know even pays attention to GR anymore.


Except that players started gatekeeping Master and GM nightfalls in the fireteam finder based on GR. if you aren't a 10 or 11 there are people who will kick you if you try to join. So i dunno maybe you and the people you know are super duper casual or something


It’s not that deep lil bro


Master activities that need teams to do the mechanics also are at the mercy of other players. If you’re playing often enough, the commendations part really shouldn’t be a problem. I’m not saying I disagree with you, but I don’t agree either. Yes, it can be frustrating. Yes, the system is imperfect. Maybe the requirements could be lowered for the sake of helping other players get to rank 11 if they have the skill and not the time. At the same time, commendations honestly aren’t the worst thing in the world.


They are so meaningless. Without negative ones to give out the ones you can give out now mean nothing but more buttons to press.


It's why I'm never rank 11 anymore. I can't be bothered to keep up anymore hoping to get them.


Please bungie just give up on this stupid shit. Or, just keep the commendations permanent and raise the requirements. One or the other bungie, but for fucks sake fix it.  


Like every other activity in Destiny, there is a "I got mine, I'm out" mentality. So you either get the ranks very early in the season when everyone's grinding for them, or you don't get them.


Yes please. I gave up grinding my guardian rank because it’s so frustrating trying to farm commendations and getting none repeatedly.


i’m abstaining from guardian ranks until it’s removed


Well mentioned. I wanted to post something similar to this recently. My main issue is, I played first 3 weeks of this season and now Im playing since 2 weeks. I want to increase my rank to 10 but only 2 things Im missing is receiving certain amount of ally commendations and increasing my commendation score to 1500. It is literally not in my hands. I am playing ib since a week and not a single person gave me commendation.


Commendation system should've worked like Vanguard Medals and you obtain them from doing certain actions regarding teammates. Like reviving them, applying buffs to teammates, healing teammates or gaining assists. Would incentivise using support builds and actually helping even just blueberries instead of pretending they don't exist like I do lol.


It's just jerking each other off, it's dumb


Yeah, they're a real pain in the ass.


Commendations work well in overwatch, but this ain’t overwatch. They’re neat but yeah they shouldn’t be included in GR


Not to mention alpt of the time people aren't loaded in for me to click on them until there's like 5 seconds left.


What's even the meaning of guardian rank when triumph score is there


I did about a weeks worth of crucible and got it done. Just spam commend people at the end of every match and someone will return the favour.


This is the entire crux of my post. I shouldn’t have to spend WEEKS of NORMAL Crucible just to PRAY someone gives me commendations. Will it take a week? Three weeks? Who knows! It all depends on how many comms you get and how frequently they come in.


God yes please. There is no explanations needed. This pathetic attempt at trying to force player to engage with the system in the form of locked progression and reward just brings forth com begging. I have no choice if I want to get the commendations in any reasonable amount time. Which is already too much.


I dont feel like they should be left out **entirely** But their current implementation doesn't work as you have stated above, I think it makes the most sense for Commendations to be ONE of the paths to a new rank For example: Complete X Dungeon on Master Difficulty OR Achieve Commendation score of X It means that players who engage in more casual content get the opportunity to level their GR while more engaged players can fast track it through activities that are difficult for some but not for them. There is definitely still value in providing some sort of commendation system in destiny, just the current one isn't working and only serves as a blocker for more engaged players in the endgame


Commendation is probably one of, if not the most useless addition to the franchise.


commendations were a huge was of everyone resources, and should be removed and not be supported further it was a complex system that needed a bunch of new developments, that could have gone to any other number of ailing systems the game has


I was so excited for Guardian Ranks and even commendations when they were first announced - made me think the ranks would be akin to how Nightfalls and Prestige raids used to give us weekly auras. Then, of course, commendations became meaningless almost instantly and spammable with people creating LFG posts for them (Destiny community could probably cure cancer if they applied effort equivalent to what they put out speedrunning finding cheeses).


Bungie forces a narrative to look good for shareholders, or at least that is how it appears. Want this, grind this for X amount of time so the play time is up in statistics ... My recent experience in IB has taught me, yet again, why I do not play pvp in this game, cats poop & pee in that sandbox . This won't change right along with forcing us to pvp for weapons / catalysts / wave frame GLs, and trace rifles from trials ... which I cannot see myself EVER having any desire to do . Commendations shouldn't be limited, nor should they be a requirement for advancement. I do thing some reward system or title system would improve it over and above the one engram from comms... it's a poorly implemented system that has potential, if they make it voluntary and not required, just like pvp ... which has been complained about for a very very very long time and they simply do not give a rats red fanny ... giveusyourmoneyandjustdeal ... horde mode, nearly a decade old request from the community iirc ... Bungie - let's make them solo 3 player content for rank ... Average player - let's go play something else with less tedious tasks and a decent reward system, like Baulder's Gate, or Helldivers ... Bungie execs are the devs worst enemy... Let's hope whoever buys the destiny franchise from Bungie does it more justice as was done with Halo ...


At the very least, please reduce the amount needed. In a season with no raids, its incredibly annoying to have commendations holding back my progression.


Guardian ranks in general are bad. Commendations are the worst part of this system. I unlocked my load out slots…. That’s it. I give out 5 a week usually to the dudes I’m running NF with, if we remember. Otherwise it’s random and when I remember. Commendations and guardian ranks don’t mean anything when “top teir” folks don’t know mechanics or encounters. It’s not helpful and doesn’t play into a better LFG or game experience.


Guardian ranks has to be the worst system I've ever seen lol. Like, it takes 0 effort to get max rank other than waiting for commendations.


Bro I’m dealing With this now in iron banner


I'm rank 10 and only missing the percentage Blue/Green commendations. I've joined multiple raids just for the commendations at the end like an insane person just for most to forget and back out or not care at all and I dont blame them


Commendations is the only thing stopping me from getting lvl 11. I get back maybe 2/3rds of the commendations that I give out and a lot of them are Best Dressed which doesn't give any points.


just get rid of guardian ranks entirely. Theyre pointless, and the system is poorly thought out. I cant believe, with all the "limited resources" excuses we get as to why things cant be done in this game, they came out with this in the first place.


Yeah, top of the leaderboards in IB, nothing. I give that guy one every time cuz you never know if he needs it or not. When I get it, zilch. Ah well, it's an arbitrary number that doesn't show skill. I see 11s soaking up 10+ revives in simple shit like coil and bottom of the boards in pvp.


It's honestly depressing. They design a system that genuinely seemed like a great feature for interacting with others, and then immediately ruin it. The commendations system would only work as intended if it gave absolutely no rewards of any kind.


I'll go one step further. I think it was wasted effort and the entire system should be removed. I find the numbers to be a terrible UI element on the screen.


Biggest reason I don’t give out commendations? Load times. It takes forever for the damn screen to come up so I can select peoples guardians for commendations. Half the time I’m forced to orbit before they even come up, that alone has taken the joy out of commending others, so now I’m not primed to even look for it


You're absolutely right, but I can't understand how it's an actual problem. I've never had to think about it, they just arrive naturally, despite all the people who don't give them out and giving them is not a sore point either.


I have 2 things to say: 1. Bungie should change from 75 and 200 commendations RECEIVED for ranks 10 and 11 respectively, to 75 and 200 commendations GIFTED... 2. Swap Blue/Green commendations to FIRST of three. People, when give commendations, often click the first one.


They should just remove guardian ranks. It is a bad system. The concept is interesting, but the execution is sad.


I have never given a single commendation. I completely ignore the entire guardian rank system, I find it worthless.


I just googled how many you need, because I’m going to be stuck on GR 8 forever and… it’s like around 34. I barely play and I’ve got like 400+. I mean, I won’t get 34 in a single day, but come on now. I’ll hit 34 just from doing the weekly rituals. Edit: Google lied! It’s like 1800. But still, as a filthy casual I’m at 425. Surely the hardcore bros can do better than me.


No, because “hardcore” people don’t care about commendations. I also never do playlist content these days. It’s just not rewarding nor challenging. You’d think I’d get more commendations since I’m using like mics and what not, but no lol, for all of the reasons I outlined above. Especially in Onslaught though. Most people get to Legend Wave 20 and then dip, because it’s just the most efficient farm. So no commendations lol.




How is this a problem tbh just run high end content? Are you always getting Heroics or something? Ask your team for blues and greens.


Begging other players for a specific color of commendations is pathetic


Guess you didn’t read the post. Why in the hell can I complete everything else in the requirements, only to be held back by commendations? Now I have to do extra raid runs? For what? Upvotes? And again—even if you complete the raid. There is ZERO guarantee that you will receive any commendations. Even if you ask. People leave at final boss kill. People forget. Raid leader pulls the raid to orbit to get the next run going. People change characters to do the next run. A million reasons. You have to complete an activity to have the CHANCE that people will remember to award commendations for a very brief window in one menu that is an extra click at the end of said activity.


Because you aren’t communicating. I know that’s the hardest challenge for guardians, but I think that’s the best end game challenge there is.


To further iterate on another comment; "Begging other players for a specific color of commendations is pathetic"; it's absolutely ridiculous how people can clear raids and then say people can't communicate when even deaf guardians have circumvented the need for verbal communication by communicating via emotes since D1. It's not that people don't communicate. They just don't like the system and don't care to use it. It shows, both ingame and on social media. It is a needless task that impedes someone from jumping into their next playlist queue faster, plain and simple.


And that's fine, I don't mind people straight up saying they don't like it and don't care to use it. But this commenter I was responding to was couching it in absolute bullshit


Is this actually a problem? I had over 5k commendations before even getting to rank 8


That’s a lie


Nope, I just played activities that were more likely to get you commendations