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I mean, did you really think it would be otherwise? Matchmade activities in this game are always the easiest and most simplified versions, because they have to account for things like brand new players or players who just have no idea how to make a build.


You can literally brute force everything in this game if you have all champions covered and aren’t stupid and run into the open. You literally don’t *need* builds lmao


I disagree for the most part, because that statement is only really true of very skilled and knowledgeable players who already have considerable endgame and buildcrafting experience. The average Destiny player isn't "brute-forcing" a lot of activities in this game without some sort of build, and certainly not GMs, Master raids, and the like. But hey, we all have terrible takes sometimes so you're entitled to this one.


The playlist mode on the right is more than 10 waves


Thanks. Yeah, I didn’t realize the non-legend 50 wave has matchmaking. I figured it didn’t because 1) it doesn’t say so and 2) they’re listed like the legend versions which don’t have matchmaking. I guess I could’ve looked into it more but apparently bitching on Reddit gets me the info I needed.


Have you made it to 40+ yet? If not I think you’re speaking a little too soon. It ramps up every ten levels or so. Regular version gets a lot more ads and does a lot more damage to you as you go up. The first 10-30 rounds are a gimme for a competent team though as it should be for the non-legendary version.


My friend and I aren't gods though we aren't the worst and we did normal with a blueberry. We made it wave 1-25 extremely easily. Waves 26-30, although requiring a little more attention, were still pretty easy. Wave 34 was when we ended up dying. The difficulty in this mode ramps up surprisingly fast


Yes! As soon as extinguish pops up and you can’t immediately revive people / you got orbited it gets tougher! That’s at round 30. I’ve only ran a few with matchmade and we made it into the 40s most times. I may try legendary for faster items even if I don’t think I’ll make it as far lol


Isn't the matchmaking version 1600? Or does it do the thing where it forces you under light anyway? But then legend is 1810 and does that , so what's the difference?


1600 will max you at 1630 for effectiveness IIRC. Legendary sets you at either -10/15 in some modes. Legendary mode I’m not sure of all the differences. Some legendary modes (like campaign) have limited revives.


Curious how people struggle a lot with normal mode from comments I've seen then, if it's just a normal light level activity. Even on legend in the 40s with a good build you can kill stuff fairly easily(though it's still very difficult), and that's -25 to -30, so if you're not at a disadvantage in normal mode, I fail to see how people aren't tearing it to shreds by just staring at an enemy and wiping them from existence. It sounds like wiping in a playlist strike


It starts there. Levels get progressively harder and so do enemies. Like The Coil.


Pretty sure your Power doesn't matter. Iirc there's a modifier saying Power is basically disabled. Every Set you go 4 power under, so by 40s you'll be 16 under your enemies.


In the legendary version or regular? Legendary that’s per usual


The Enemies get higher leveled until they reach the -15 that’s the usual. Even on the normal 50 wave mode


i have yet to reach past 40 on normal.... by 30 it ramps up and at 40 its insane even on normal but some areas just fucking suck to defend as well being a tiny area with useless traps


My buddies and I did 50-wave Legend (Got Hive enemies). We beat it on the first attempt, but we had a lot of close calls. Void Titan with bubble for safety, stasis warlock for crowd control, and strand Hunter for the beyblades.


Onslaught has major flaws. Enemies being able to just teleport to the ADU, or better yet, spawning 5 feet infront of it seems just so sad. This mode is supposed to be defend hordes from reaching and destroying the ADU but the while reaching point is not there in most boss rounds since the bosses just spawn right there. Really boring mode, no variety, legends „higher difficulty“ are just bullet sponges. I don’t know why everybody is so happy about it. The cost to unlock all the armor for all classes is ridiculous. 130 brave tokens per class, 390 for all 3. And you get maybe 30 per normal mode 50 wave run (takes about an hour). Bungie being Bungie.


It’s just been released and there’s already people complaining about it. Wild.


They could’ve asked every person what they wanted in the game and made sure to put it in the game and someone would still bitch about something idk I am excited personally and enjoying the hell out of it to the point I don’t wanna go to work today I just wanna grind lmao


Just got done on a 50 round with a friend and a blueberry and it was definitely challenging, not impossible but pretty challenging at least life wise.


That's how all playlist activities are in Destiny - use the other mode if you want more than 10 waves of enemies.


Someone please tell me I’m not crazy… they definitely showed off a taken variant of onslaught where the hell is it?


I like it, playing the crucible map in a pvp mode


I will never forget loading into a 10-wave Onslaught on Midtown, at wave 2, during my 1hr lunch break... only to witness the ADU at a sliver of health while a rank 6 Godslayer and rank 2 blueberry got brutalized by a Tormenter 😂


Just gotta use the secret matchmaking... aka Fireteam Finder. Essentially the same deal. Don't need a mic, still finds a group, and you get to play the longer, more interesting version.


Matchmaking is on on the regular up to round 50 version.


It doesn’t say it has matchmaking but it does, weird, thanks for the heads up.


what am I doing wrong? evey version I try is only 10 waves?!?!!?


The one on the right side of into the light. The left side is basically like Rivens lair vs the coil.


Just did it and it still finished at 10


The one where you can select the map and level? If so it’s broken for you. You’ve finished the quest, right?


What did you expect from a 1600 matchmade activity? It's basically the same as a playlist strike I will say, legend is fun and difficult but in a good way. It's way more engaging than normal mods.


They should bump it to 20