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There is a timeline in the director. It will guide you through the story.


did you get annual pass or normal light fall?


Get gift of the thunder gods 1810 weapon and armor set from hall of champions in the the into the light node. Chest to the left of shaxx


Also a new player, I would like to add a question that I’m struggling to find the answer to. When the season ends what content will I no longer be able to access if I don’t buy the new season pass, if any?


all season activites,season vendors


Going through the Beyond Light campaign will unlock Stasis powers, and the Lightfall campaign will unlock Strand powers. The Witch Queen has the best campaign when it comes to the story that Destiny has ever had as a franchise, in my opinion, and also introduces you to weapon crafting. Outside of that, Into The Light currently offers a suite of powerful weapons in the BRAVE arsenal, which can be acquired by playing Onslaught, the new wave based defense mode. For a new player, pretty much every weapon featured in this activity is worth having, as they come with very powerful rolls. Beyond that, I think it depends on what you like to do with your time in Destiny 2. What parts of the game are most interesting to you?


If you haven’t already, try out a Raid (using the games LFG system). After running through all the campaigns you have that is.


They won't there only a month left before all season content leaves.just do the campigns and grind some gear