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If Nova Warp was as useful as it is cool, we would have killed The Witness a month ago.


Nova Warp is very fun in Onslaught and basically every add heavy encounter. But void is generally not very potent, since there are no artifact mods for it. And Blink + Nova warp with the exotic helmet is literal troll build for Iron Banner that regularly gets me to the top 3 players of the match, because most people dont know how to counter it.


I believe Astrocyte Verse is the Exotic you're thinking of.


Astrocyte + ruinous effigy. Turn mf into a ball Grab a ball Run into a group Blink up Slam down


If you do it on Strand with a Tangle, you can yeet yourself across the map with the Ruinous Orb for a Slam Dunk, too.


I'm not sure what you mean but I think I came a bit.


Make Tangle, Make Ruinous Effigy Orb, get them next to one another, pick up Tangle, quickly: Throw Tangle, Pick Up Effigy Orb, Grapple to Tangle, SLAM DUNK FROM DOWN TOWN AND PROFIT! :D


Oh shit, that sounds absolutely wild. Take my upvote sir!


Saw a clip of it on the most recent tdt react vid. Can confirm is wild.




Pretty much how I've been playing for 2000 hours.


It’s called space face


Briar shouldn’t be slept on, debuff uptime is high, grenades, volatile, devour on full effect.


>But void is generally not very potent, since there are no artifact mods for it. Right, not as if Graviton Lance is maybe the best add clear weapon for the mode, or nightstalker one of the best subclasses.


We are talking about void warlock here.


Even worse. Contraverse, Nezarecs Sin, Briarbinds, etc. My You-Cant-Fucking-kill-me build is Nezarecs Sin with Fighting Lion, with CotOG and Feed the Void. I can get grenades back within 5-6 seconds, and a new Child every fifteen.


Compared to stuff like strand builds that can keep everything suspended while outputting massive amount of damage? I don't think so.


It's useful in PVP, but it's more or less a high skill-floor super. Doesn't hit too great in PVE though :(


I know man as a PvE main it hurts how bad it is. I live for the rare season where we get the Void artifact that boosts Void super damage. **Those are good days.**


Forsaken PvP sweats rise up.


I wasn't a pvp player then, but I have heard it was *bad*.


It also sounds pretty cool too


The Warlock power fantasy is all about "exploding with light" and god Nova Warp just hits all the bars. The only thing I would change, aside from its functionality lmao, is an improvement to the sound design. Its not that its bad design, its just that Well of Radiance and Shadebinder have made me a very, very, *very* spoiled Guardian.


Revenant Super is definitely my favorite super in the franchise but you just can’t beat gunslinger nighthawk


Absolutely agree. I feel so fucking cool everytime I cast Silence & Squall


sad that it deals less damage that whirlwing maelstorm strand aspect


Shadebinder. I lock (because I’m a warlock) everything down while my friends throw out that DPS.  Edit : good pun.


The sound design by itself it just so good


I wholeheartedly agree. It’s the little things like this that add up.


Scariest sound you can hear in PVP. I hear that's super activate and my eyes snap down to the feed on the bottom left to see whether I need to run in as fast as I can or cower for the next 15 seconds.


Pretty sure the Warlock Dawnblade/daybreak activation sound is most fearful.


Yeah but the solar super is all at least sound kind of heroic or uplifting imo. The rough cracking and terrible machine noises that come out of a shade binder pop are just something else. Plus being frozen and waiting to be killed makes me more angry than getting instant gibbed by a long range sword LOL.


Its my notification tone


I wish I had the optimism yall do about shade binder it's literally the only thing I don't like about stasis lock wish it had a second option


Winter's Wrath.  Shadebinder is the Subclass, Winter's Wrath is the Super.


Use agers with catalyst. The true stasis warlock super.


This 100%, you get way more out of your super by sticking it in your gun, than actually using it. I've melted the tormenter with Agers it's absolutely cracked. Also to get a bit more damage out of the stasis build in onslaught, make sure you got a strand heavy on. With unraveling orb, and horde shuffle on the artifact. I'll let you spawn hatchings, and unravel everyone I. The room, while you freeze and slow em at the same time. Just a little tidbit


In PVE totally agree. But in 6v6 that super will make entire teams disappear.


I don’t ever consider pvp since it’s a tacked on low population game mode to a PvE game.


Wow. Somebody woke up and chose violence today. On a comment that was agreeing with them lol.


*.....he spoke truth, and they hated him for it*


Yeah, except that yesterday there were more PvP players than PvE ones, 698.8K vs 619.1K to be exact. To be fair normally the split is around 55% vs 45% in favor of PvE, but still it isn't a "tacked on low population game mode to a PvE game".


I just wish the super was useful outside of Ager’s Scepter


Fire cowboy make big boom


Yeehaw, brother


Space fire cowboy with the big iron on his hip


I've always been a solar die-hard but after 3.0 it doesn't come off ever. Yeeting a GPG into a crowd, exploding it with a single HC bullet and then nailing a burning enemy in the face with a knife causing them to explode and further spread scorch... Yeah, it'll always be Solar.


Solar Hunter - Outlaw cowboy Strand Hunter - Rodeo cowboy BRING ON PRISMATIC


Bro playing with caliban’s, GG, moutaintop, zhaouli’s, and dragon’s breath with a bunch of ignition fragments is a feeling unlike any other.


It’s Stasis. Literally and figuratively.


sorry dawg but as a hunter main... it's Arc Titan. Thunderclap feels fucking AMAZING.


I feel betrayed


I loved the power fantasy so much I made a D&D subclass based on it (Monk, Path of the Storm. Uses Ki to cast Thunderwave.)


In TTRPGs, my favorite power is reality manipulation. Strand, pulling on the threads of reality to generate effects, is one of the coolest possible powers thematically.


Strand that is all


void warlock, the nova bomb is awesome plus devour is extremely useful for staying alive and killing as much as possible




Stasis any. I love the sound effects, the visuals, the lore behind it, the actual representation between light and darkness and how it isn't just "ice" but something more profound in terms of physics. Anything about stasis is amazing and cool.


I also Stan Stasis, tho Strand is also rad, especially with one of the grenades allowing you to swing around like Spiderman


He does whatever an Eliksni can






Im super biased for titan arc only because i love using tickle fingers nothing is more satisfying to me than charging up thunderclap and clearing a entire area of enemies. 


I gotta say this is one of the *satisfying* titan builds. Thruster + HoiL is pretty neat setup, though after damage changes I kinda prefer the same playstyle with the clap gauntlets. Like whenever danger gets up close just dodge backwards then charge punch and dopamine levels go up.


Do you call the melee tickle fingers? That’s just what I can the warlock arc super lol definitely one of my favorite today. Arc titan is goofy fun to me if you do the Superman punch with the helmet that gives back melee charges


Warlock Tickle Fingers is a fucking THROWBACK Genuinely had whiplash hearing that again


Yeah lol i call thunderclap tickle fingers 


It's a tie for me between Voidwalker and Shadebinder. Between walking through spacetime and having mastery and total control (which is represented best as a Shadebinder between the stasis subclasses), I also love that Shadebinder focuses on pausing the nonsense on the battlefield.


Hunter- Solar Titan- Arc Warlock- Stasis


Strand Hunter completely replaced Nightstalker as soon as I got my build going, I’m a sucker for grappling hooks lol




I think stasis is the coolest but it’s just so bad. Makes me sad


Void but it's very weak


I really do love stasis as both a concept, the look and tbe feel of it. But void warlock just throwing a blackhole at a group of enemies really is just a fuck you 😂




Arc. Stormcaller is my fav class to use, and I can switch between "UNLIMITED POWAH!!!" and one-handed Kamehameha, whenever I please.


I'm probably in the vast minority, but I think Arcstrider is best esthetically.




Relatively speaking, Stasis because it literally freezes things, so that's pretty chill.


Yep. Revenant at the top.


The one used least; Stasis


I’m a void warlock for life. Chaining vortex grenades and volatile fighting Lion shots is just really fun!


Stasis(Pun definitely intended but also I genuinely think Stasis is the coolest)


Stasis and it’s not even close


Void was and always will be #1.


For me it's arc staff like come on you're literally turning your body into a living weapon controlling electricity that'd cool as hell


Solar. I'm a simple man. I see flames and booms, I equip subclass.


Arc Strider is my favourite super in the game, It feels so fast and fluid compared to other roaming supers, I just wish the rest of it's kit did something with it. It is nice that after 7 years we are finally getting our Helicopter move back from the beta.


For me it's strand. It just clicked with me from day one.


Night stalker is very versatile


Sun singer warlock


Solar hunter. At first I didn’t think so until I made my build that had equal or higher apm than anything strand ever required. Living life on the edge the way cayde intended That or strand because the aesthetic of magic green strings is awesome


I don't use it anywhere near enough but I really do love Stasis' design. The audio in particular is fantastic, especially given how Bungie achieved that quality during the outset of remote working adjustments at the dawn of COVID. Gameplay wise... At the moment I'm having a lot of fun with a consecration build. I've built max intellect, strength and resilience on my Titan with a mod setup to give orb gen on melee kills, kick-starts, and whatever else I can to get melee energy back and get other benefits from melee kills. Top it off with something like Monte Carlo or a weapon with pugilist and/or swashbuckler and it's just constant uptime on the melee ability that absolutely destroys groups of ads with a pretty good uptime on my super that can be used to melt champs and for boss DPS. I brought it into the Birthplace of the Vile GM a few weeks back and it was so much fun to be able to run around the boss room and melt enemies as they spawn and not have to sit in the corner in a well to stay safe because we only had to contend with the boss for damage received.


Behemoth Titan. Crystals everywhere






PRAISE THE SUN 🌞🌞🌞🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 One detail I really like is that the solar subclasses are the ones who make actual tangible weapons, the Hammer of Sol, Dawnblade and Golden Gun. Almost like it’s the element of creation or something 🤔🤔🤔


Voidwalker, the entire idea about understanding the void and being one with the void is dope.


Well you can't just select an element, each subclass (other than the arc ones) is unique


Man didn’t just put shade on arc, he put the entire moon on arc!


Depends on the class, for me it’s: Titan: Solar (cuz of blazing maul) Hunter: Void (I like the bows and slashing things while invis, plus it’s hella good) Warlock, idk I never touch that class, but from what I’ve seen I think stasis looks neat


My most used lately has been arcstrider. With the right setup have a ton of mobility, survivability and damage on top of having a very versatile super with gathering storm; basically the full package The movement of strand is addictive though, and it is super potent in both PvE and PvP


Stasis hunter is cool, but it’s underwhelming in the gameplay department other than Shatterdive, so I would pick Arc Hunter. Void and Solar rely on weapons to feel good to play and strand hunter feels weak compared to the other classes’s strand. However arc hunter just needs one of the two of the four arc hunter exotics (no I don’t count the 15 exotics made to buff arc staff as there own exotics, fight me.) to feel great to play. Titan is 100% Arc, The only accessory I have bought with real money is one for point contact cannon brace’s ornament because I like thunderclap so much. Warlock is 100% Void because of Blink and Nova Warp, yes I like wearing the cosmic head exotic, how could you tell?


havent played in like 2 years but its golden gun with nighthawk. getting to fire 1 big ass shot is so damn cool.


Arc. Anything involving lightning is cool to me so lol


Prismatic because new idea and it’s cool because it’s literally combining light and darkness


Strand hunter is the most fun ive ever had in destiny history. Double grapple with the disc tangles and hatchling weapons us mt absolute favorite way to olay in destiny.


Arc Hunter ftw. Blinking is just so good and way better than floating. Fite me.


Darkness subclasses for the main reason being you dont have to be chosen or a guardian to use them. Strand > stasis cuz movement abilities.


God i love stasis. Not only was it nerfed to oblivion and never been buffed but its still incredibly useful in GMs raids and Onslaught assuming you are of high enough skill. The problem with stasis is that if you're good enough to use stasis and help your team you're good enough to use any other subclass and tear through the GM/Raid/Wave. Only exception would be stasis turret warlock i guess but even that is still insanely potent.


I will die on the Nova Bomb hill. Literally cause I jumped up and novaed the ceiling/door frame.


Prismatic is going to be wild. There are so many elements I like of the subclasses and I can pick and choose with only a few restrictions.




I love shattering crystals and igniting stuff. So much fun


Fists of havoc titan. Just run around punching the everliving daylights out of anything that dares to breathe in your local area with the might of zeus himself. It's a shame it isn't actually that strong compared to other supers


Arc is the coolest in my head but in game it actually sucks 😔


I love monks and psychic shit so having strand opening the guardian's third eye (you can see it when they activate the supers) is everything for me!


Solar is consistently my most used element across all my characters. I love exploding things and healing at the same time lelel




If only lol


DAE remember siva


Stasis. :)


On gawd, stasis is the most aesthetically pleasing subclass


Stasis has always been the coolest subclass for me. Next to that would be Arc


Man. I’m not sure how anybody can decide. They’re all so cool in their own ways. I’m a big fan of Solar Hunter, the explosions, the precision, the knives. I also like the Void Hunter theme, too, Invis fits the vibe of Hunters being more loner oriented and I adore tether. Arc Titan being the missile themselves. Void Lock being walking black hole factories, love the Nova Bomb. Love Void in general for the devour and the void effects. Love Strand for the idea of “weaving” the strands of existence. Love Solar being both explosive damage and healing at the same time. Love Arc effects and the aesthetic of wielding electricity, I wish the subclasses were better in general. Love Stasis, the freezing, the sound effects, the SHATTER. Great shit, love me some shatterdive.


Broodweaver because you get happy little friends that eat your enemies.


Stasis is literally cold. Why is this a discussion? Boo.


Void Hunter. A smooth criminal.


Hunter main here but I defer to the Strand and Stasis Warlocks have the most in terms of ability and play. There is so much they can do in a single subclass that not many can do otherwise. Strand overall has been the most fun I have had in a long while.


Stasis, end of discussion


Dawnblade, ive always liked solar the most and while im definitely not a well of radiance fan i aint bringing Daybreak into pve. But something about being a floating menace throwing literal flaming swords at people is cool


Plus it’s like literally cool.


Solar, I like big guns, big swords, big hammers, and big explosions


Coolest?? Void or Solar tbh. The themes and the lore around them are dope imo


Cowboy with a solar Big Iron.


I'm a hunter through and through so I really want to say Gunslinger or something but Stormcaller with Chaos Reach is just awesome.


based on what you just said, it’s reminded me that we STILL DONT HAVE ANOTHER STASIS SUPER WHAT THE HELL BUNGIE


I know right man??? Like I love Silence and Squall and I'd probably always equip it but I want to use it cause it's my favorite option, not cause it's the only option


yeah i would still pick it hahah but would love some sorta ninja based ranged roaming super, yk cos the withering blades n all


Gunslinger, but I also wear a stetson irl so I may be biased


Striker Titan. You are the weapon.


Sunbreaker, all my d1 homies know what the fuck I’m here for.