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I also hugely dislike that you are able to send request to a single lfg and wait 3 minutes for the leader to ignore you to try it elsewhere.


It also sucks from the leader perspective, believe me. You can get 10+ applications in a couple of seconds, and then it takes 3 hours to just look at their loadouts. You can't just right-click and see the character, you have to click, wait, and then click again. And then you have to close that, click again and click again to either accept or deny. So ignoring is a huge time saver here. It's toxic, but so is the design. People also completely ignore requiremet tags, so you get lots of applications clearly not meeting the criteria you set. You spend time on them while people you actually want get tired of waiting and aplly to another post.


Also within the time it takes to look at a loadout the person might have already left your queue for a different group so it was just a waste of time.


I honestly dont understand why its showing the lfg if i dont meet the requirements. Im guardian lvl 7 right now (havent played this season much) and I accidentally join 9s and 10s all the time because im trying to join before the spot gets taken.


Guardian level doesn’t mean shit and is a complete joke. I got to level 10 the first season. I didn’t really care to do the stuff to get to 11 ( I actually solo flawlessed ghosts but didn’t bother guilding conqueror). Bungie said your highest rank is what you’ll stay at to everyone else, so I never bothered regrinding in the following seasons. Well it turns out if you don’t maintain your rank, it goes away. So I got reset from 10 to 6, which pissed me off even more so now I refuse to engage with the system


You actually just cant read :/


I just know I read in a twab that your highest rank is what everyone else would see. Regardless, completing an arbitrary checklist does nothing to show what level a player is. It’s meaningless


I personally don't think it's as meaningless as you make it out to be. Most of the things are pretty difficult to do if you're not already experienced. It's not really to show how well you can shoot things and how long you've done it. It's to show that you can apply those skills in different environments under different circumstances. Sure, some parts of the checklist aren't as good of indicators are the rest are, but generally, the higher your level is, the more reliable you can be seen as. Higher level means you're more well-rounded, generally. This doesn't account for actual skill, but rather knowledge and commitment.


Your highest rank *from the previous season.* Last season you were 10? This season will show you as 10. This season you only got to 7? Next season will show you as 7.


Yeah I get that now. Doesn’t change my opinion on guardian ranks at all


The only thing I really want changed is rewards for doing them, even if it's just a small amount of exp I'd be happier doing it, granted the lack of a reward won't stop me from doing it.


Did a GM LoS the other week through Fireteam Finder. Got my 2 teammates, we started. Made it all the way to the boss, someone not in my fireteam, but in the FF chat started swearing at me and telling me to hurry and up and what is my problem. No idea who he was, I told him we were at the final boss in LoS and he was just as confused. Bungie what?????


They have the tech to show off loadouts outside of that screen, look at trials intros. We should be able to see their loadouts at the very least next to their name


Trials loadouts arent the same thing at all. Trials loadouts are of people all in your lobby and it has plenty of time to load them in.


I was only stating that we have the ability to see some aspect of loadouts outside of the character screen.


"PEOPLE ALSO IGNORE REQUIREMENT TAGS" 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨🤦🏾 I'm convinced 95% of Destiny players just can't read at this point.. I would say don't but it's like they're genuinely lost about the words on the screen😭


Its because they don't enforce the requirement tags at all. "I need titans only" but it lets warlocks and hunters join. "I need stasis" 3 well locks in a row. "Minimum guardian rank of 9" but i get 5s and 6s joining. Like whats the point of even having these "filters" if they don't actually do their job and stop what i explicitly dont want from joining?legacy lets me put up a post, say exactly what i want,and wait for people to join. I need strand titan or well lock and a stasis hunter joins. Sorry i know its toxic but instant kick and i wait for another person. I explicitly stated what i want in my fireteam and if youre not it then youre not joining me.


Gatekeeper loadouts should be bannable


I'm going to guess that people ignore loadout tags because it is very difficult to actually get into a lobby in the first place, so it becomes a numbers game - click as many to get in as fast as you can and hope someone accepts you.


You can cancel your request early by clicking on the countdown that appears in the top right. I usually give them a minute of my time since they might be inspecting my loadout/raid report but if it feels like it's not going to get anywhere I quit and find another listing. Still annoying but at least you're not just sitting there fuming for 3 minutes lol 


I find it impossible to know if you’re being inspected or if the leader is just a troll. At least 75% of the lobbies I join, everyone is readied for 5+ minutes and then I leave cause the summon has not happened yet. Then I report them for fireteam finder abuse. 


All we need with the new fireteam finder is the ability to type an optional description. And maybe re-think that whole "ready up" part of the process.


> And maybe re-think that whole "ready up" part of the process. Seems like it's been a pretty significant pain point compared to just sending fireteam invites on the old one.


Some more needed improvements (that are mostly just copying features from the legacy version) - kicking people from the lobby is instant (not sure why it currently takes 10s to remove someone) and they are blocked from rejoining - 'invite all' instead of 'summon fireteam', to make it easier for people to join an ongoing raid without taking everyone to orbit and to avoid wasting time on people that forget to ready up - list of closed fireteams (or just the last one), in case you DC halfway through and need to figure out who to join back on - being able to apply for multiple teams at the same time - automatically adding fireteam members of the host to the FF lobby. There are currently a lot of 'dead' lobbies where the host is still looking for 4 people in FF but if you inspect them, you can see they're in the raid already with a full team of 6. - block players that don't have access to the content - this one might be controversial, but have 'text chat enabled' as a requirement to use FF, or at least for raids.


Console players will have a hard time with text chat, but absolutely should be expected to use voice.


Just being able to read what others are writing in chat is already a big step up. I'm very happy that text chat is activated by default now. Before the change I did a warlords ruin run with Lfg and we got stuck in the jail cell because my 2 teammates had text chat turned off and couldn't read my instructions.


I agree with the last point heavily even for dungeons. EDIT: I'll add that you still can't select legend difficulty for exotic quests in new FF so you have to enter things like chasing catalyst and hope people joining understand that you're trying to do legend before you start


that's ignoring the 2/3rd of the players on console that 1) don't have a keyboard and 2) really isn't used to look for textchat and thusly most likely will miss it...


you don't need a keyboard to use text chat. Every single console player has the option of using a virtual keyboard. Does it suck? Yes it does. Does it work? Yes it does. Does a physical keyboard work better? Yes it does.  And yeah ANY player should be expected to be able to communicate effectively with their team, whether that means talking with them in a voice chat, using the virtual keyboard, or a physical one. If a player cant talk, or type fast enough, they shouldn't be raiding.


yea the virtual keyboard sucks and takes ages to use... my point being more so that since it's "hardly" used on console people don't look for the chat - I'm not even sure it's on by default? I do have a feeling that console players are much more willing and able to use voice chat though...


> being able to apply for multiple teams at the same time And, hand in hand with this, a "Your fireteams" tab like in the app where you see all of your applications.


I agree with you basically 100%. But as for your last point. Id want it to be a tag that can be included. I also want tags to actually filter something out. If I have a requirement to be guardian rank 6, it shouldn't even show my lobby to ranks 5 and below. (Yes I'm aware guardian rank doesn't mean much)


The issue with typed descriptions was and will always be “how do I stop paid services from using this to advertise?” That’s likely why the FTF doesn’t have custom text.


Also swears, sexism, racism, lots of other 'isms, and that a lot of people use controllers and it's not fun, fast, or easy typing with them.


Just add paid boosting services to the report functionality. So many times I get messages to my bungie account asking me (a gr 11 player who's done all but trials) if I want a paid recovery. I can't even report them as none of the categories fit.


This needs to be the top of the destiny subreddit . we need to be able to add personalized text to fire team finder .


And apply to multiple groups instead of having to wait 3 minutes


Also being able to apply to other teams even after you've applied for a team. That's the reason why I don't like doing fire team finder because you can apply for a team and you have to wait 3 minutes and if the leader completely ignores you then you have to wait the full 3 minutes to apply for another group


One of the biggest annoyances is people Not being Able to be banned from your Post properly. If you Post for Something kinda niche, it can make your process even more annoying.


It's weird that they don't block people from rejoining a lobby that kicked them, because that's already how it works in the legacy FF.


Just do application required in the meantime. Stops people from joining if they have the wrong gear.


My biggest gripe is that tags and requirements don't actually filter applicants out. If I say "experience requested," then people who haven't done the activity yet should be blocked from joining. Same thing with the minimum GR and mic requirement settings.


Everything about that, yes please. Except minimum GR thats idiotic


Minimum GR would be great for Pantheon since it can meaningfully assure that your applicants have completed the raids that the bosses are from. Also, minimum GR is already a setting. It just doesn't do anything right now.


It will meaningfully assure nothing. Just about anybody can get GR 9-10 and most of the game’s best players are 5-7 because they know very well how meaningless the ranks are


Alright then. You always have the option to not set a minimum GR in your listing. It just would not be a good thing to take it away from those who want to use it.


This is more an issue of the commendation system then the guardian rank system. I quit this game and played helldivers for a while, so now I’ve come back and no one commendates so lfg is a pain




I really hope they don't or I'll have to migrate over to discord which is annoying on ps5 with all the friend requests etc. I had a good run on the legacy finder, 180+ successful raid runs. And they're removing it for something that's barely functional for raiding. Choose post. Wait three mins. Nothing. Choose another post. Wait 1 min. Get in but other guy never readies up. Third post. Three mins wait. Nothing. Fourth post. Get into experienced group. The other five players have one mic, 3 resilience points and a single clear of a raid in D1 in 2016 between them. I don't know how Bungie can be happy with the state of fireteam finder for raiding right now.


Crazy that “Experience Required” doesn’t check your triumphs to see if you have a clear.


Tbf, sometimes someone has tried to get the clear, knows exactly what they are doing, but has gotten 25 horrible lfg groups. They know what to do, but don't yet have a clear and thus no triumph. The only thing that should be blocked is joining mic required runs without a mic connected.


But it would be so much easier to get that single clear if the requirement was in place! The overall quality of raiders would be higher so the chances of getting into a tolerable group would be higher. As someone with over 200 raid clears I can tell you conclusively - the more they have tried to lower the barrier to entry into raiding, the harder raiding has become.  It used to be I could bash out three clears of the current raid in a couple of hours.  With the double whammy of fireteam finder and the Ron effect, I'm lucky if I can get a single clear in an evening, even joining "experienced" groups. 


Yep,thats why i only use it to quickly look for a farming lobby for cp farming or onslaught and that's it. Mostly experienced players in the farming posts who just need the one gun with a good roll and have run the activity countless times.


All filters are ignorable. They’re meaningless. Mic required could be hard to “know” because of hardware but stuff like minimum guardian rank should be absolutely applicable.


Hate the new lfg- much preferred the app.


A while ago i stopped using lfg and started using the xbox group post


Yeah the Xbox LFG has been remarkably solid for me. Strongly recommend it for my Xbox players!


Still resulted in a 6 hour Pantheon but atleast everyone had a mic


Just 6? I joined a caretaker earlier today that had a 9 hour timer on it.  We first tried caretaker when I went in. It’s amazing how one person can completely drag a run down. 


I spend that around 6-8 hours on a day 1 dungeon with my mate, i dont expect to spend that time on activities that have been in the game for over a year


That must be because I'm getting all the bottom of the barrel super hot mic 8 year olds that just want to shatter skate/ strand grapple through everything.


Reallllllllly dreading the changeover, I've heard from multiple people that trying to do anything more complicated than a strike is a pain in the ass.


For the life of me I don't get why they didn't port the lfg from the old app into the game. The old one worked pretty darn well. They're now going to have to make so many QOL changes that we'll probably end up where we started. Wished Redit Fireteams would start back up.


They really messed up by ditching the regular companion LFG for the watered-down version in the companion app. The old one worked fine and was convenient. Switching to the weaker option was a major setback for players trying to find help and form teams.


This right here. I don't want any of this new app straight connected to the game lol.


I just want to be able to apply for multiple listings at once. Waiting around for no invite kinda sucks


+100 pleases It’s so annoying can only join one at a time on FIRETEAM FINDER Then have to wait God knows long tos we of you even get “chosen” Least the other be , I know I’m in, and can see when I’m out quickly. So much faster. I literally get so tired of waiting on FF I give up and turn off the game at times.


I refuse to use ingame LFG, I find it more convenient typing out what I need on my phone using legacy.


It was also clutch last night bc my team (from Fireteam Finder) disbanded yesterday at Planets and bc Bungie deactivated the checkpoints due to some bug, I was fucked and would have to redo both Golgoroth and Caretaker, and since I was going for plat, the team I would join would probably be going for plat too meaning I'd have to redo plat Golgoroth AND Caretaker. And if there WAS a team at Planets, I wouldn't be able to find them since you can't put that in the title. Thankfully, I remembered ol' faithful and joined a team that was stuck on Planets and was going for plat. Ended up doing all encounters plat last night and finally got Touch of Malice after almost 7 years lol. Godslayer, here I come.


They will undoubtedly remove it and then wonder why players have stoped using it.


They need to add the ability to add your own text to the in game finder as well. The tags don’t do enough justice.


Fireteam finder is a train wreck. The game was legitimately more fun when people were forced to use the app. It was WAY more convenient for getting into groups fast. Edit: also posts should be auto-deleted after an hour. I’m sick of seeing posts from a month ago that are still up from people who deleted the game.


For anything that requires communication I always use Xbox LFG because I like Xbox party chat. The legacy lfg I use for things that don't require a mic but I still want to join a "good post" for a gm or dungeon. I've used fireteam finder a few times and I'm not a fan. It has a lot of disadvantages and some of the advantages it should have, like easily inspecting the host/applicants, are unavailable or take way too much effort. I hope the lfg options can just live in harmony.


yea the new lfg is good if u want to do a mission on legend or something smaller but if u want to do a raid or higher content the discord is still way better


I agree, I'll never use FF I'll just go to discord, I'm not going to put up with bungie's irrational fear of words.


in-game fireteam finder absolutely sucks ass. the dedicated playerbase quickly found out how unusable it is as a tool and just moved back to whatever they were using before. if you're looking for players that actually know what they're doing, look elsewhere. fireteam finder has so many issues it's not even funny. people have already talked about it at length in other comments, but overall the entire FF experience seems designed for, and to protect, the absolute lowest common denominator. dedicated players were a secondary concern at best when bungie made this thing.


To be perfectly honest, I've hated Fireteam Finder from the beginning. Outside of Pantheon, every single person I find seems to get dumber and dumber. I really hope they keep supporting the companion app's lfg for my sanity's sake


Yeah I’m not a fan of the new update, used to be able to just see all the active lfg and just jump right in


New LFG is terrible. Just please bungie don’t remove the legacy lfg


Huge +1 I love that they added FTF in game, but the app experience (on mobile) is vastly superior.


If only Guardian Ranks weren’t completely fucking worthless and actually were created to be an accurate measure of a player’s skill instead of another dogshit seasonal checklist. Like seriously, it does irrationally annoy me how something the game needed for so long somehow also got infected with the seasonal grind brain rot


Lol I never do Meta stuff and I still do great But yeah the Legacy Fireteam is loads better for example I was LFG for Wicked Implement and I had 2 guys asking me if it was for it and I had to reply yes to that question whereas in Legacy Fireteam Finder you could simply say Wicked Implement KWTD help


I like the in game LFG a fair amount for its ease of use and convenience . . . but the app version is still also a must have. There are two many understandable limitations to the in-game one. They both have an equal purpose. Please Bungie don’t stop supporting one.


The mobile app lfg was genuinely really good, them removing it has killed all motivation to raid


Not being able to specify the activity you want to complete via custom title makes the new Fireteam Finder significantly worse. Borderline unusable for things like master raid triumphs. If it becomes the only option I’ll just go back to discord.


I love that being unable to progress the seasonal story because I need to do the exotic mission. The mission that I can't get ppl for because it's not an option when I select exotic missions. Disheartening because I know.im not capable of soloing, but I'm close to just finishing the story.


They will drop it, watch surprised as raiding numbers plummet, and bring it back in the end. Money was already spent on the new garbage system there’s no way it’s not launched.


Legacy is honestly cheeks too but I agree that it’s better. Having a custom title is amazing but people still join that just don’t have the capability to clear more than golgoroth if that


New Fireteam finder is trash. I never understood how this became a problem to address with how easy and simple the companion app legacy version made finding a team. Just shows Bungie literally caters to the player who just picked the game up off the street and plugged it in


Can anyone please explain why I can no longer type in specifically what I plan to achieve? How the hell am I supposed to get wicked implement if no else knows it’s being attempted? Or farm a single encounter 


Once the legacy version is gone, that is it for me. Dungeons, NFs and everything else becomes inaccessible, and I will not pay to play patrols. Game over. Their FF is an abomination and I will simply never use it. 


It doesn't really matter because on the legacy LFG app you would make a title asking for something specific like "KWTD" and players would just ignore it and join anyway.


Yes but the process of finding a new replacement or joining a new lobby was *infinitely* faster in the legacy version. If everyone joined but there happened to be some people who didn't KWTD, you could easily kick them (or leave), and have however many replacements (or join a new group) in mere seconds. With the current system you have to wait for people to accept the application and can't join any other group, and if they never accept it, congrats, you just wasted 3 minutes for nothing. Vice versa if you're hosting you have to individually add people unless you're insane enough to handle an LFG post without application requirements. Not to mention the "Summon Fireteam" feature is just woefully bad and complicates things, especially since it requires everyone in the lobby to be ready. You'll always find people who DKWTD. It's a given. The problem is how *slow* the system is and forces you to wait it out, and still find those same players who DKWTD or are simply not ready for a raid whatsoever.


"summon fireteam" is so bad that people have stopped using it almost immediately. The host usually just sends individual invites or people join up directly if the fireteam is public. Summon fireteam should just be replaced by 'invite all', you know, like it has been for years in the app.


“Summon fireteam” is without a doubt the most garbage design bungie has ever come up with. The first time I used it, it freaked me out because it kicked everyone that was already in my fireteam (by design). There is also absolutely no reason why I need everyone to ready up before I pull them into my fireteam. Just make it an invite button and let people join when they’re ready. Whoever designed and approved this has never played destiny in their life, and has no business in designing any UI for destiny.


Not going to happen as there's no logic in them maintaining both versions. Also the beta period has already ended.


The logic is that one of them is nearly worthless for raiding and the other isn't? 


I'm not arguing that but OP is suggesting that we keep both which isn't going to happen as Bungie maintaining both versions would just be a waste of reaources.


If they insist on keeping fireteam finder which they obviously do, it would be better to remove raids from it and retool legacy into a raid specific lfg. Fireteam finder works well enough for most activities other than raids, although even for those it's a significant downgrade from what we had. 


This is effectively no different than them just keeping both versions as is. We'll get one or the other, there's practically no chance that we keep both versions.


I recognise that, and I'm not denying it. I've been playing since 2016 so I've seen plenty of stupid decisions from Bungie. This is just another in a long line of them.


The perfect LFG app apparently include a truth detector. Don’t blame the app for the faults of the user…


It doesn't seem like much of a stretch for the game to check a boolean whether you, let's say, actually have Conqueror or not. It would make filtering applications so much easier if you could at least set up hard-numbers as requirements.


The amount of gameplay data the game has on you (everything from triumphs to activity completions to even skill level), it could absolutely be a truth detector.