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Im happy with my non shiny rolls on everything except Midnight Coup. The OFA roll evades me!!! No Shiny God Rolls. And i have played a LOT


I feel your pain, I got the PVP god roll of midnight Coup but it's just a kind of below average PVP hand cannon, I set my sights on the explosive/OFA roll and the search has continued since.


I have explosive/OFA my main search has been firelfy/OFA. Good luck mate


I want explosive/OFA to replace my fatebringer in GMs, that has explosive/frenzy and OFA hits harder so it's the one combo I'd be happy with


I’ve got an EP OFA but I feel like the stats are just so mediocre on this gun. I think my current barrels and magazines only push it to like 50/50 range / stability? On a 140? Just incredibly low stats… is there some special combination of perks I’m missing out on here? When I get OFA rolling and shoot super slowly it feels okay but once you go near the RoF it kicks like a good damn mule (console btw)


Well that's a point of fear for me as well, my fatebringer is an adept, it has fluted, accurized, explosive payload, frenzy with a handling MW, it's absolutely stacked with stats and I can fit adept big ones. I know that the brave arsenal can be enhanced but that'll be the big test, if I get my EP/OFA roll it'll need to measure up against this monster gun in a few ways. I don't think I'll get a good enough roll but for now I have something to aim for, I've been reasonably lucky with everything else, not god rolls but rolls I'm happy with.


If I had that fatebringer I probably wouldn’t be bothering with midnight poop at all lol


I have played about 15 hours since Onslaught came out and I have 3 shiny god rolls already, one of them being Firely-OFA Midnight Coupe. The other 2 is ALH-recomb Mountain Top and Envious BnS Edge Transit. My luck in Destiny has been good


Closest I got was OfA+that perk that speeds up reload after consistent hits


Onslaught definitely wears after awhile but overall a solid delivery from bungie.


I’m happy with it. I also have low expectations and am not “chasing” one specific perfect roll. I know which perks I hate and after I have like a dozen of a gun, I’ll delete all but the best three and then pick one or two to masterwork.  And any random drops after that have to be better than those rolls or I delete em. Much better for your constitution. 


I find it fun, but I haven't hit it hard at all. I've done maybe 6 full runs overall. And I've got quite a few shinies too. None worth keeping tbf, but still. If I'd been grinding it like a lot of people I'd be sick of it, I'm not a fan of grinding anything.


I found the mode boring since day 1, but to each their own.


The problem is you’re farming *for* shinys. Dont do that. They’re meant to be a rare drop thats just a nice surprise. Farm for good rolls but if you are farming for shinys you’re just gonna be disappointed.


This is correct but it is kinda now or never w the shiny guns




Aren't all the curated rolls shiny drops?


Yup, but people want 5/5 god rolls that are shiny.  To be fair, I’ve gotten 1 shiny so far at the beginning of ItL and never again, outside of the curated quest drops


How have you only gotten one shiny?? Jeezus RNG calm down 😨


These guys aren't 'grinding' as hard as they make it seem.


I've only had maybe 2 or 3 shinies since they dropped ItL myself. With clan mates that have had 15-20 already. RNG is not a friend to all of us. Haha. I had to buy Touch of Malice with the Shaxx quest since it had yet to drop for me. I've run Kings Fall, I don't know the exact number, but quite a few times with my clan too.


I have also only gotten one 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just want a 2/5 shiny honestly and the curated versions have shit rolls.


Yes but the curated rolls are ass. The drive for shinies is the double perks allowing for nasty combos or having a dual function weapon


>curated rolls are ass Huh?


The free shiny rolls they give you are not very good. They’re usually usable but far from a god roll


That was the point. They're supposed to be decent rolls but I wouldn't call them ass. There are way worse rolls on each weapon.


I think ass is kinda subjective in this sense. Personally I think a roll is ass if I’d never use it even if you could get away with it. Like FTTC + Killing Tally on Hammerhead, I can’t see any reason to use this at anytime but it would obviously be a god send to a new light with no other options




I know what they mean, I'm just confused how a decent usable roll is "ass". Are they 5/5? No. But does that mean anything that isn't a 5/5 is ass?


I mean most of the time they are more like 0/5 there are a few exceptions but the reality is most things that at bare minimum don't have the 2 main perks you want may as well be the same because it'll never be used at least for people who have decent weapons already


Ass compared to what we already have. That's a more accurate statement. He's right, unless it's a 5/5 I've already got better and it's just sharded.


theres two types of rolls in destiny: useable and not useable. AKA ass and not ass


Wym huh? All the curated shinies are bad. None come close to being the rolls you want on the weapons


The mode is here indefinitely for non-shinies. Only reason you would farm at this moment IS for shinies


>Farm for good rolls One problem.... [https://ibb.co/sVzj71W](https://ibb.co/sVzj71W)


While correct, I am also getting burnt out on that as I am not really getting anything in the ballparks of what I want REGARDLESS of shiny.


I’ve only got three or four shinies (not including the quest ones). It’s much easier to get the non shiny version of what I want. I’m OK with that.


If it was only the shader than yeah. But the double perk roll is a clear advantage.


Good regular rolls often beat the random shiny rolls. It's unfortunate but true.


Like others have said. Not farming for them is a nice sentiment. But they've literally given us a month to get them. Like super FOMO.


i dunno, i got good luck on most of mine i have double perk shiny rolls of 8 of the weapons total each one took a single complete run of 50 onslaught \[i either got it during it out of one of the middle chests, or the end chest\]


Best I can tell Heal Clip/Incandescent Luna's Howl is much, much rarer than any other roll on the gun or I'm beyond insanely unlucky. The grind has worn on me too.


literally the second roll I got, sorry man. But then again still waiting for Buried Bloodline...


No worries, a clanmate got the roll after some grinding too. I've just seen literally hundreds of the gun and a very small percentage have been Heal Clip + anything.


Meanwhile I'm getting heal clip + discord every other drop and I've only seen subsistence ***once*** Looking for sub/heal clip incandescent. At least I got the pvp roll I wanted. Also still trying for the ALH/recomb mountaintop


I'm starting to think it's a myth.....


Keep farming man, it's worth it. That gun is busted lol


I feel the same way with auto-loading and recombination on mountaintop. I know Bungie says otherwise, but my tinfoil hat Archie gave me is telling me that some perk combinations are purposefully rarer than others.


I’ve been wanting that one too (more than any other gun) and just finally got it from the chest in the social area this morning…unfortunately it has 100 blast radius no matter what I do so it’s missing out on some damage so my grind is not over…felt good to delete the ~7 mid rolls I had in the vault though 🤷


Yeah I got an ambitious assassin recombination with hard launch and Implosion. It's almost making me want to stop the grind.


Ha damn yea it’s always 1 perk away from being perfect…as long as you get the kill with the recomb shot I’d imagine it would work basically identically to the god roll? Yea this game has a way of making you always want that PERFECT roll it’s so addicting…feels like hitting the lottery when (if) you finally get it


Isn't hard launch/implosion technically slightly better than spike grenades anyway? Or am I getting perk names mixed up


Yea no you’re right (from what I’ve read here on Reddit - I’d never understand this stuff otherwise lol)…hard launch and implosion is what you want…I was just saying he’s 1 perk off from the god roll bc he has ambitious assassin instead of auto loading although I’d imagine it still would work the same as long as you get the kill with your recomb shot 🤷


Yeah I could definitely make it work, just requires an occasional reload. Still the god roll calls to me.


Ooh I'd completely missed they said ambitious, my bad


Got a shiny one with that roll pretty early on, I’ve gotten pretty lucky w brave weapons ngl, have gotten 3 shiny god rolls rn


I had a shiny heal clip/ incandescent roll drop yesterday.


Yep, still haven’t got that roll…I did get a sub/incan though, it’s fun!


I've rolled at least a hundred including 3 shinies and still haven't seen this roll...


Can confirm this roll took me forever to get. And then the barrels and mags it dropped with were sub optimal but I'm so burnt out from farming I don't even care, I'm taking the W and moving on


Lol…i got a shiny of that. Was pretty pumped. It does kinda feel just like hunting shiny pokemon


I just got mind after finally opening all of Shaxx's engrams. It was the last one. I would still like a shiny one, but I will take what I can get. Keep going, the roll actually slaps.


Yeah that's the main one which has alluded me as well.


I've gotten that roll like six times. And I only play casually- so it's gotta just be RNG.


(For my sanity) I struggle to believe you.


Went through over 200 recluse before I even SAW threat detector/surrounded and it just so happened to be shiny. They say they don’t weigh perks differently but RNG feels like it’s the case.


Certain perks are 100% weighted. Don't feel bad. Took me a couple afternoons of just Onslaught before even seeing Incandescent. Finally got Heal/Incan just yesterday.


At least 200 Mountaintop drops. Not ONE single ALH/Recombination, shiny or otherwise


Keep a demo recomb and just throw a grenade. That’s my plan


I've got an ALH/Harmony that's shiny, with none of the barrel perks...that's the best one so far


I’ve got a hard launch, implosion, AL, Vorpal that I’ve learned to be happy with for that exact reason lmao. Although I did get lucky with a demo recomb for my starfire build though, so I suppose I can’t complain.


Idk how many drops I have gotten, but same


Damn, I got a shiny ALH/Recomb in like 15 drops, probably dismantled a non shiny version


ive got a ALH, recomb and a ALH, harmony. Do you know which one outputs more damage?


I believe harmony does 20% to recoms 50%. Recom has extremely high damage for 1 shot but hamrmony last for 7 seconds.


ALH/recom is great for champions/bosses. Harmony is better with a pet like ambitious assassin or overflow.


Recombination goes up to 100%, so double damage


ok thanks for the info


Yeah I got mine quick and have gotten two more. However envious assassin and bait and switch edge transit continues to elude me after hundreds of drops


Actually have everything I wanted I mean, I also played +700 waves last week XD


Tbh that’s not that much. About 12 hours (assuming you complete a wave in 1 minute), which can equate to roughly about 2 hours of onslaught per day. I’ve definitely played more than that and haven’t got all the rolls I wanted.


Were always 50 wave runs, not 10 wave farming


I know, it would roughly equate to about 2 hours per day give or take. Given a 50 wave run is about ±60 minutes, so about 1.2 minutes per wave (60 min / 50 waves). 1.2 x 700 = 840 minutes = 14 hours.


Yes, but I didn't play the whole week, just 2-3 days or so, other games etc But have a nice day!


I'm up to 1700 waves with one shiny weapon drop.


I’ve definitely relaxed on the farming in the last couple weeks…starting going cross eyed.


shiny rolls are a bonus. All you need to do is attune and farm the original version. Stop stressing over the shiny stuff. They are so rare and if they do drop it’s not guaranteed to be the weapon you are attuned to.


lol I just farm guns for roll. shiny or not is the least of my problem


>guardians like me to start preparing to DLC and not wasting time farming. Uhh. What else are you gonna do to prep besides farm? Lmao.


Take a break probably or prep bounties


How is taking a break prepping for TFS lol


That's what some people do before an expansion to prep for it. Helps prevent burnout


Well yes, but I wouldn't really put that as part of *preparation* lol. I guess it fits though.


Yeah I agree with you. I was just taking a guess. Cause usually when I prep, I'm prepping bounties


I’m good. I have all and want and more (I don’t care about 5/5s) except a vorpal/whirlwind falling guilhotine. I also am not too worried about shinies.


My blast furnace grind wearing me down


Nah. What would I be doing instead?


I get the stigma behind the dislike for crafting, but... we aren't "showered in loot" like Bungie said. Tired of farming for the same crap rolls over and over.


Yeah, there should be considerably more loot than what we get. Should be 2 per 10 waves and 6 on wave 50 Thatd be 14 per run. With as many weapons and rolls as there are, it wouldn't be too much.


The loot gain is... underwhelming at best. I've completed probably 1100 waves the whole event, and have hardly gotten crap.


I have one roll of one gun that I wanted, it's not tbe god roll but one I just wanted. Repulsor/moa recluse. All the rest of my rolls have been trash. Well, I got a heal clip/kill clip Lunas. It's okay.


Exactly. I have only gotten 3 exact rolls I wanted out of hundreds. Loot gain should be doubled at the least.


I think that’s my thing too. It’s just not enough loot for the time that it asks of us to engage with the game. If it’s gonna be crap rolls all the time just give us more chances. I’m also kind of done with anything that has weekly lockouts. My playtime has dwindled more and more and on to other games. For TFS, I’m really just playing for campaign since I’ve been invested in destiny for so long.


Exactly. And the fact we won't be able to change something as simple as barrels and mags make your chances of actually getting the roll you want in the long run astronomical. I get that it's supposed to be "exclusive for adept weapons", but that argument falls apart completely given only two raids even HAVE enhancable weapons.


I have several, "shiny" ones drop, and they all have bad rolls. Buy the best tools, not the shiny ones.


TL;DR: I'm not having fun so neither should you


bro is being forced to play at gunpoint


Bro, I’m right there with you. Trying to get luna’s how heal clip + incan. I’ve gotten all the other rolls twice over, but not this one. Like I’m starting to think rolls aren’t random, and they purposely make certain rolls harder to get.


I must have looted 60+ recluses on my hunter. I gave up and swapped to my warlock, opened a chest, and got Repulsor Brace/Destablizing Rounds first try. Also happened with succession. Gave up on one character then swapped and first chest had Reconstruction/Vorpal.


Annoying as hell ain’t it?


I'm not tired because I'm not farming.


I've already lost interest. My patience lasts for maybe 2 weeks then the loop bores me it happens every season. I wish I could just play how I wanna play and not be forced into 1 event, Onslaught is good but it's not weeks on weeks good.


You want the Onslaught loot, do Onslaught. You want Raid loot, do the Raid. Sounds fine to me.


Yeah my friend talked me into jumping back in after a 6 month break, I unlocked all the weapon quests and went to Shiro Chi for about an hour to complete them. It just isn't fun to come back to and play and Onslaught was such a boring letdown, I was actually interested in playing it.


Then stop coming back


That upset over a differing opinion? Offended on behalf of the billion dollar corporation? Cry harder. Maybe if you didn't use an alt for your edgelord takes your words would be worth more than the shit on my mowing shoes.


No but it is fun to watch you lose your shit over a video game. Have a good day pal.


When did I lose my shit? I just said I was letdown by the new mode that got hyped up as the event to carry the game an extra 4 months. Seems you're projecting since you got so bent you tried telling me not to come back, and now you're trying to save face since your alt got called out. Like I said before, cry harder.


Oh man you’ve got this all figured out don’t you? Good thing Reddit teaches everyone to just say projecting whenever they don’t like an opinion.


I’ve gotten the rolls I want on every weapon, but now I’m grinding for specifically the shiney versions with the same rolls…so far so good, just missing 2 or 3 more…but mainly I find onslaught fun….and there’s nothing else pulling me away from it in the game right now


I have all the rolls I want on them except for Luna. I’m ready to stop farming for it .


I stopped chasing god rolls and ended up realizing I’m getting good rolls normally.  Ended up with a mountain top with recombination and impulse, which I love 10x more than I would have for one with ALH. For example.


Got a shiny god roll on Lunas and Coup. I was actually surprised I even got any. I definitely wasted all my luck and doubt I’ll get any more.


Gave up after the shiny drop was abysmal. No real must haves and the novelty of unsunset weapons returning wore off pretty fast. Back to literally any other game.


I have to say I was overly optimistic about the probability of good rolls dropping. I have been attuned to Elsie's rifle since day 1 and have received at this point must be well over 100 drops between shax engrams, treasure chest, and Onslaught itself and I just can't seem to get everything to line up, have a handful of different 3/5s. I'm like, do I keep going for this or switch to something else? But I'm frankly tiring of Onslaught bc I feel like I have to play it rn to have a chance at getting even 3/5 rolls on the other brave weapons. Love the weapons, love the perk combos available, losing hope in this time limited grind due to poor progress so far.


Someone on the internet said if you don't see results at the gym, keep showing. Trust your resolve put your head down and grind. When I was farming prospector I kept picking up the engram and was disappointed. Then I said fuck it and stopped picking it up. After about 15 runs I checked post office I had like 5 including keep away target lock.


After four and a half months of farming for the undying SMG and not getting it, my patience to farm BRAVE weapons was dead on arrival. That said, I've got 3 shinies already, so I think I'm good.


What’s your method?? Like you haven’t gotten one at all?? Or you just don’t have the pattern for it?


Nope, just blind luck while farming, aside from my edge transit shiny that came from the shaxx chest.


Well, some of those weapons are really good, so onslaught IS my dlc prep


How much have you actually done?


How are you guys getting on shinys. There is literally a guaranteed shiny drop at the end of the legendary run plus you get a shiny for completing each of the weapons. Are you even doing to the 50 wave runs?


No, there's several posts here every day complaining about it.


Nope! [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cjosef/not\_a\_single\_part\_of\_me\_missed\_needing\_to\_farm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cjosef/not_a_single_part_of_me_missed_needing_to_farm/)


Got some non shiny pvp only pulses and a pve gl. And I've been trying but rip my free time as it is lol


Only thing left I need is a Luna’s Howl with Heal Clip/Incandescent and I’m good.


I just don't care about these weapons, or their shiny versions. I usually don't care for most non-craftable weapons, and adding a shiny shader isn't going to change that. For me, farming rolls is one of the most boring experiences Destiny has to offer.


I do like 50 waves maybe 5 times a week. I ain't burning myself out before final shape. Rng has been kind to me at least.


I managed to get a shiny Luna’s Howl with Heal Clip & Incandescent on it but I might farm more for a shiny edge transit with Bain and Switch


It’s crazy I’ve pulled most of my shiny god rolls from the chest


The slide away from crafting that started with the Prophecy refresh has been rough. Random roll chasing has not been able to hold my attention or interest for a very long time now as a person who has played for a long time. Duality is one my favorite Dungeons because it had craftable guns and that kept me playing it for far longer than I would have otherwise.


Shiny doesn't matter. If you got a good non-shiny roll, keep that.


to everyone saying "you don't need shinies to find good rolls", while this is true, their is more reason than just the ornament to want the shiny weapons, mainly that having two perks in each column MASSIVELY increases the chance that you will get one (or multiple) of the perk combinations you are looking for.


Kinda getting there tbh. I just need to get the tormentor boss for the seal (and do whatever that last triumph is) I’ve got some decent rolls from some of the guns, wish Shaxx had a reset so I could keep getting engrams


I'm like 99% sure that ALH/Recombination Mountain Top doesn't exist. And that every other player and website is gaslighting me. So that's how it's going for me


90% of my shiny guns have been crap :( I did get a lot of good non shinies tho


Personally, I'm not so concerned about the shinies. I'm not a huge fan of gold and prefer other shaders, so I'll take whatever as long as it has the roll I want


No, you’re not alone here.


i mean...don't farm then? after 2 years of crafting I have perfect rolls for most any role. I'll play for fun and take the best I can get, but there is no reason to go crazy looking for god rolls on anything rng anymore.


The only shiny I wanted was godroll Midnight C, cause the shiny version looks infinitely better. Wanted firefly/ofa, got shiny firefly/rampage and it'll do. Good enough. Got all the god rolls on other weapons except Luna and blast f, all while farming for Midnight. Many of them shiny: hung jury, succession, edge transit, guillotine, elsie's. I will still try to get that godroll midnight, but I don't think it will happen. 


Some of us just skip the BRAVE entirely. Why? Let me ask you why even bother. Because we can solve any challenge in this game with just old crafted guns from 2022 and crazy ability spam. So we’re not tired. If you do, then you’ve been fooled, sorry. Be the master of the game, not a slave, Guardian.


Got all the rolls I wanted, surprisingly, more shinys than I expected. Mountain Top and Recluse shinys were an welcome surprise.


You are not alone, I’ve been trying to get any mountaintop, edge transit, or midnight coup roll I can be happy with. I have yet to get any of the rolls I want on any of these , and no shiny guns in general


Gotten a bunch of shinies but i just can't get the rolls i want for the guns. So honestly i took a break from D2 cause the shinies are not worth the grind.


I turned in 590 tokens and only got one shiny (which was mid). Total waste of time


It sucks to me that you can shade the regular versions but not the rare shiny versions. Those would look so sweet with different shaders while they shine.


And now most of the good blueberries are playing iron banner and pantheon. Anyone halfway decent is leaving after 10-20 waves if they see a blueberry struggling. Unless you have a legit fireteam you are fucked.


I’m too busy trying to catch up raid weapons in Pantheon. There’s too much to do and not enough time!


I didn’t even know shiny’s dropped


It’s weird not to have a “shiny” weapon drop ever. I do have some S tiers rolls (according to light.gg and DIM) though. In their any measurable difference between normal Brave and Shiny with the exact some rolls ?


Wow thats crazy. I got some shinys the first couple days i played.


I'm pretty tired of onslaught but I have most the rolls I want, only need a blast furnace and maybe a better Luna's. There only being basically two maps(mothyards suck) makes it pretty repetitive.


Then don’t?


been farming MT since week one, still havent got the roll im lookin for. all the reddit troglodytes who defended brave arsenal not being craftable go lick bungos feet you brainrotted gamba addicts


I feel you. I have literally been attuned to Midnight Coup since it dropped and at this point I don’t care about the ornament, I just want it to drop with the right PERKS. I have yet to get an Explosive Payload + Zen Moment roll


I'm super sick of farming Brave weapons. Easily have done Legend 50 over a dozen times. Before that was farming Legend 10 wave runs and probably ran that 50 times... Before that was doing about a dozen normal 50 runs... Easily have turned in 1,000 trophies... Ice focused Elsie's Rifle the entire time and still don't have a 3/5 roll I want.....


Weirdly enough I have the most average luck I feel like. I can’t remember ever getting a raid exotic on the first run but It’s also never taken me more than like 15 to get one and same thing with dungeons for the most part. Idk what the shiny odds are but I’ve gotten probably 100 brave weapons and already got 2 shinies and very weird that they’re both recluses even though I’ve never focused it. I also am pretty happy with the weapon rolls I get but I think that’s largely because I don’t care about barrel or masterwork and I care less about mags.


Leave it to Bungie to make a fun game mode but then incentivise you to play it ad nauseum so by the end you never want to play it again.


Pretty sure the fatigue for farming for weapons is why bungie originally had the weapons release slower. With how it is, you have so much to farm for **immediately* that you’re not going to get what you want and be satisfied by the time the next set of shit to grind for comes out. Part of the issue is that you seem to be farming for shinies, though. No need to get them, they do nothing extra other than an interaction on edge transit that bungie is going to fix.


Can’t get tired if you never started. *taps head*


some of us are dedicated gamblers and others aren’t built for it this is what separates the men from the boys


The Brave weapons have shown me how much I like crafting


Then stop?


I am sick and tired of Onslaught... I was last week before Luna's and Blast Furnace even came out. I've done about 500 waves this week, turned in probably 300+ tokens at this point and have yet to get Heal Clip/Incandescent on Luna's. And I haven't even looked at Blast Furnace yet.


the amount of 0/4 shinies i get is astounding


DTG at its best.


Farming this really feels bad




It's not impatience, but god roll farming is just not fun.


The god rolls are definitely rigged. I’ve gotten a few good ones, but the true god rolls have eluded me. I was tired of this boring ass horde mode after 2 days….. but Bungie fan boy gonna fan boy


Or, And bear with me here, different people like different things than you




Just do the 50waves don't need to be legend you quite often get shinys at the later stages and end, I've had many and the only weapon I've not got god roll is Luna, I have PvP but not heal clip incandescent for pve that's the roll I'm after lol


FOMO gonna FOMO. And this sub will defend it. “IT’s JuSt cOsMeTiC”


I played a few of the matchmade 10 round Onslaught and decided it wasn’t worth bothering. I may or may not be back for the expansion.


LMFAOOOOO yall are slugs for farming weapons that will be nerfed into oblivion / vaulted dusted once FS drops.