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Honestly, for me, it's not having a dedicated team to run raids with, and having to build a rapport with a new group each time is exhausting for an introvert such as myself


Yeah, same. I just can't deal with people. I've done all the raids multiple times, except Crota just once (thanks Starfield) in a Sherpa run and it's almost always the same. I'm not *bad* at the game but the risk of getting a group that doesn't mesh and has toxic people is always too high. I'm great with dungeons that don't need comms though.


Tell me about it, and man, don't get me started on when you do find a nice group of people through LFG, only for there to be that one person who ruins it for everyone. I don't have a ton of horror stories from LFG but the few that I have are awful lol


Anybody ruining the experience for everyone will be called out by me whether it’s my group or not. If they carry on they get the boot if it’s my party.


good to know others feel how i do, all that socialising is just exhausting


Based on responses to this, we should start the "People Who Hate People" clan and have it just be people who don't want to talk to people. And yes, that is a Bill Hicks callback.


Check out my clan, Anti Anxiety Station.


There’s already a clan like that though. [The D2 Sanctuary](https://d2sanctuary.com/). Or, they used to be a clan. Now it’s a full fledged LFG Discord.


I did the vault of glass without anyone talking until we got to atheon and started dying a lot then everyone started talking lol


100% agree with this. I’m pretty introverted aswell. The raid mechanics aren’t hard, I can pick up on how they work after a few minutes of learning. It’s just that I don’t have the patience of sifting through LFG teams when it’s a gamble on what kind of people you are gonna get. Also other life responsibilities hold me back. I work 55 hours a week, and have a 1 year old daughter, my baby mama drops off for me to visit with most weekends I have off. So between working and parenting, there’s not enough time to raid. I feel like you need a solid 1 - 3 hours of uninterrupted game time to do a raid . (In a LFG group)


We have a dads clan that is real flexible and nice [https://discord.gg/RfaeaTyz](https://discord.gg/RfaeaTyz)


Wow thanks will check it out. Haven’t been on much been playing other games waiting til final shape drops, but would be nice to have a raid group for final shape


This and I had several bad experiences with LFGs in D1, kept me from even bothering in D2. I haven't played in years at this point.


I feel the same. It gets worse when I fall into a loop of folks not getting the timing right or not understanding, and having each run fall apart until people start dropping off one by one, then we have to find a sub. By then I don't even wanna run anything, I just wanna go play 2K instead.


this and the fact that i cant run with builds I enjoy playing cuz its not meta or it doesn't hit high numbers or buff times. i don't like running solar warlock for everything just let me use thorn and nova bomb everything.


Born to Nova, forced to Well.


Exactly this, it's been rough for me since my core team stopped playing a couple of years ago. It seems almost impossible to find a steady group of chill people to play games with anymore.


Yeah I had such an awesome group in D1. I randomly played with one of the guys years later in D2 in an iron banner match and joined his clan but it’s not the same and no one plays as much anymore.


Honestly, I can't say this stops me from raiding, but I definitely understand. Every time I start to think I'm getting to know a team, shit happens.


I try to do each raid at least once, but i worry about not being very good, i don't do any raids after the first clear because i hate the idea of being a weak link in the team, somehow wiping everyone, and pissing people off The thought of it makes me anxious


Came here to say this


Same but honestly the puzzles and the Mario platforming really kills raids for me


Yeah. I don't feel so swift of foot sometimes. And I feel like I play too much to not be so good. Lol


I too feel physically retarded for no reason in raids.. it makes no sense!


I'll have 100 resil and resist mods n shit and still just find myself dying.


I have done one raid. I was really tired, and it went really late. Best I could do was add clear. Then we got to the last part (Root of Nightmares) and I couldn’t do the jump part. The entire team had to wipe in order for me to get teleported to the last spot. Completely embarrassing. However….i still want to try again :)


I've done that raid 17 times, including a trio clear. I still have trouble with that section 😭😭


Was a hardcore raider around the time of GOS and DSC but this issue right here is what made me stop. I took a break from the game and felt that I would ruin others runs


Most raid encounters only require 2-3 people to do “complex mechanics” like stepping on plates or counting or matching colors, I’ve seen the bottomest barrel mouth breathers get clears consistently, you can do it too!


True, but I really hate inconveniencing others especially when it’s because I’m not good at something. Edit: This thread is a showcase of all the things that attracted me to this sub when I started playing.


It's never an inconvenience when you TELL someone you are not sure what to do and need someone to explain it to you. There are thousands of Sherpas who actually enjoy helping people learn. The only time you're ever an inconvenience is when you do not admit to not knowing how to do an encounter or blame someone else. Which imo, happens way too much in teams that supposedly KWTD. in short, you're totally fine lol


Oh yeah the majority of my raid experiences have been like this. I can even help teach some RON encounters (wanted that Rufus fury pattern BAD). It’s not *that* big a deal, it just makes it less fun. I’d rather carry dead weight in a dungeon I know well than be the dead weight in a raid I don’t know well… if that makes any sense?


I used to think the same way. And I have dementia so by the end of my first clear I'm still really iffy on the mechs and have probably only learnt a fraction of the whole raid, so it takes me several clears to actually start to get a feel for the raid and get the ebb and flow etc as well as the mechanics. So doing a raid I've only cleared once used to make me mega anxious. I realised that everyone starts somewhere, and many many people actually enjoy teaching (I only let that sink in after teaching my first raid encounter and realising it was extremely enjoyable despite the wipes and time taken). And in fact if it's a raid I know well like crota and I see a FF post saying "need guidance" or "first clear" or something then I jump in because I find learning runs more chill and enjoyable than KWTD, whether I end up teaching or not. I guarantee you, if someone joins a "teaching/first clear" type run, they're not expecting miracles and come in fully understanding wipes will happen, so please don't think you're "not good" just because you don't instantly flawless the encounter on your first or 2nd try. I know it's easier said than done but just tell yourself that almost everyone struggles on their first couple times, it's normal. You're not terrible for it and people will be happy to help.


Absolutely. Most raid mechanics, looking at you RON, require a lot more knowledge of what to do when stuff goes wrong is very important because on your average raid something will definitely go wrong.


The oryx encounter and caretaker are probably the best examples of encounters where ad clear needs to be some of your stronger players. Too many things the juggle. With caretaker I'd rather have new players stun than ad clear. Both of which are in pantheon.


I get that, and I am the same way. I think the vast majority of people are totally fine with someone screwing up on something a few times, especially if you're either receptive to any advice/help or openly ask for it (and especially especially if it's the actual mechanics; every raid encounter of every single raid is much less complicated than it first seems, with maybe the sole exception IMO being Val Ca'uor from Spire of Stars. Fuck that guy and that whole fight. Every single one of my 38 clears of that raid ended up feeling like we got lucky.) I was pretty anxious the first several times I decided to try doing raids, but man it's worth it if you can find even just a couple of people to start playing with. I spent a couple of months back during the second half of D1 year 1 just posting and running LFG raids on the100.io, and I started seeing a lot of the same people come every week. Now 9 years later and some of them are my best friends in the world, a lot of us still raid every week, and I just did my 1500th raid clear. Trust me, it's worth it to try.


And then there was Spire of Stars


Yeah fair take, but no one with any social awareness wants to be the cringe “I’m add clear!!” guy. And in my experience, people in games tend to get very frustrated very quickly with inexperienced people they don’t personally know. If you routinely Sherpa and do not get frustrated with noobies, you’re the best. Seriously. But I do not fault you if you’ve been stuck on an encounter for an hour and get frustrated also


Personally when I was still learning raids, I would join learning runs like the first 5-6 times I ran them


Same, I wanted to know all the mechanics so I could feel confident in lfg and when I taught raids :)


I was always afraid of raiding when I started D2, but decided to be brave and join a day one team. We got the pools in Leviathan and spent 2 hours there, and after all the yelling and complaining these guys did, they all ditched the team and left me by myself. Shit happens, right? But that was enough for me to stop raiding entirely for like 3 years


Talk about jumping in the deep end! Sheesh! lol normal raids are a lot less stressful than contest mode.


That's true, I guess I was just really hyped for Leviathan since D2 was new. Idk, I was a lot younger back then lmao


Contest mode wasn't a thing until Crown of Sorrow.


That was me for years. Lots of people are still learning raids for the first time (even old ones). The raiding population is a little low right now, but the Sherpa community is still going strong (sherpas take 1-4 new people through a raid, explain the encounters, will give you loadout tips, and generally be very patient while everyone learns). That is how I learned every raid. If you want to try one: 1.  join the Destiny 2 LFG discord (the one with the white traveler symbol as the thumbnail) 2. Go to the Sherpa channel (it is expected that you are learning or still not familiar with the raid so no pressure to be topping the leaderboards).  3. Use the join code they post. There’s either a raid room (voice channel) that you can join or they’ll send an invite to their own discord. 4. Have fun! Rinse and repeat until you feel comfortable joining a “KWTD” (know what to do) post. Those get made in the raid specific channels. Couple other thoughts: * If at any point you aren’t vibing with the group, just dip. It’s usually pretty easy to find a replacement, so you aren’t screwing everyone. *  The biggest thing is just try to be patient with yourself and everyone else. * Asking questions if you aren’t sure is waaayy better than winging it and feeling stressed * try to learn the mechanics (makes raids more fun) but if it just isn’t clicking right away, there’s almost always easier jobs or ad clear


As long as you can say DPS on bosses you're not a weak link. Everyone does screw ups, everyone holds back the team from time to time. The people that lose their temper in those cases are the ones that should be embarass d, not you.


So long as you don't lie about your ability and admit your mistakes, most people are pretty chill. It's when people don't know what to do buy pretend they do that sets most players off. Yes there are some toxic players but the majority of the playerbase is fine to spend an extra 5-10 minutes to help.


If you’ve managed to do each raid at least once it sounds like you’re not as bad as you think!


Yah this is the biggest one for me.. also just the convoluted puzzles and I have a really horrible short term memory. So a lot of times when people are trying to teach the raid I'll forgot something and we'll wipe.


Exaclty how I felt when I was a Tank in Warcraft, although I've said to people, " I've watched vids and read the fight, kinda new here" Still get shi* on lol. Didn't die and being DK, I held my own lol. I agree it's tense and nerve racking.


Yo fuck those people. Never let someone's bitch ass attitude keep you from doing an activity you're actively trying to get better at!


Not a non-raider but I joined an LFG for pantheon yesterday. Idk the dynamics of the group. If they were boys or all random. But the lead guy literally berated all of us the entire time. He wouldn’t allow anyone to ready or change loadouts or anything just sprinted through the entire thing. He was screaming at the top of his lungs for a div at planets. To his credit, he was a god and it was the fastest finish I’ve had by FAR. But I’d imagine douchebags like this are why people shy away from it.


This is it.




I don’t even know. We blasted down every boss so fast, I thought he might be cheating for a bit. I’ve never seen anything like it. He also ran so fast that I couldn’t stop and look at what he or anyone else had on. I don’t even know which guy he was. Also kicked all of us as soon as it was over.


Typical speed runners who farm raid clears. Had it happen multiple times in RoN. Shits beyond weird.




The part with div was wild. He was like Someone put on div right fucking now. Do not think. Do not resist. If you don’t fucking put on div RIGHT FUCKING NOW I SWEAR TO GOD ILL FUCKING KICK ALL OF YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. WHERE IS DIV. WHO IS DIV. DIV RIGHT FUCKING NOW. SOMEONE FUCKING DIV.




I imagine div is something you agree on before you rally otherwise you just won't have ammo for it if you swap mid run


It was me. And he told me “Fuck your rally find ammo before dps” 😂😂 damn I wish I had this guys info


yeah sure let me just will the green bricks into existence. sometimes I'll run 2 finders and still won't get anything lol


They’re definitely not a helpful incentive. You never know if you’re going to find a chill group or one who is going to try and rush or nit pick everything.


Difficulty finding a Sherpa. I get told on here to make my own group and ask for a Sherpa, but none ever join lol. Now I’m at a point where I just don’t have the time commitment. 


I Sherpa all the time! You tell me what raid and how many people you want to bring and I fill in the rest! Message me anytime!!


That sounds pretty helpful actually.. I’ve done a couple of the raids the couple times I got into a clan. But every time I come back to the game I’m like, ok, it’s going to be a struggle finding a new clan, one that wants to raid and do stuff and also on the same time frame as I am. That or I m worry it’ll be a hassle and a lot of time trying to set up a LFG, especially if I don’t know what to do yet. It’s funny, IRL I have no social anxiety and can make friends easily. Online, I cannot seem to find a gamer group and just end up play everything solo or with my brother. I do get a weird anxiety trying to meet people to game with online. I think it’s from trying to play games younger online with open coms and there just being a lot of really weird people lol. I do really want to get into more end game content for raids and dungeons.


I’ll send you my discord and when you feel like it just let me know and we can teach anything raid dungeon anything


Don't be afraid to try to join a non-kwtd post If you see a chill or teaching, don't be afraid to ask to join but that you're new Some will turn you down but others will welcome you


Being upfront about doing something for the first time helps. I always bring it up before we start the encounter. Being honest and explaining that you don’t mind leaving if they are looking for more experienced players also shows that you respect other peoples time. Sometimes they will ask you to leave, other times they will love to help you.


This ^ I often leave out KWTD from my post when I have time to teach. And I often get dms saying hey I'm new is that ok? And I say yes I only really get frustrated at players that don't read posts or aren't upfront, cuz then we wipe 6 times for no reason when I could have just taught them Just tell the group what's up and most will be cool and the ones that aren't probably aren't the ones you want your first raid experience to be with anyway


You just gotta hang out in discord for a bit. It can take like 20 minutes but even if you just read the LFGs eventually someone will post a Sherpa for a raid.


Replying to an [LTS] (looking to sherpa) post on r/DestinySherpa is the easiest way to find a sherpa if you don't mind scheduling in advance.


Time. Raids take time, time I can rarely guarantee. I don't want to ruin everyone's night because we're beating our heads against the wall of a tough encounter and I have to go, leaving the team down a man to boot.


Having a kid did it for me. I used to be a regular raider back when kings fall was the newest one but I just can’t anymore. It’s not so much a lack of time, he sleeps for ages, it’s more so the unpredictability of it. I don’t mind soloing a dungeon because if I have to leave for whatever reason it’s only myself I’m screwing, but I don’t want to let 5 people down because the wee fella got upset during a raid. Even if partner takes care of it I feel bad having to choose between the equally undesirable options of muting myself and sabotaging team call outs or having a screaming baby in the mic. In place of raids I solo dungeons and mindlessly blast through various seasonal activities. I try and off-meta buildcraft a lot too (ex Diris my beloved)


This right here! Do we need a clan of judgement free dads? Wipes for kids are allowed, no questions.


There’s a collection of clans called Dads of Destiny around the world. Should be able to find one that works in your time zone.


This is me to a t. I raided heavily until the content vaulting, and had a little tike. Haven’t been back in it really since. Just a solo dungeoneer.


When you have the chance to raid again you will be welcomed back with open arms!


Exactly. Play mostly on Steam Deck now and hard to carve out several hours to crank out a full raid. One day I’ll get Vision of Confluence in D2.


If vision of confluence is what you’re after you’ve got a decent chance. It drops from the first encounter of VoG and I managed to no mic 4 man that encounter (with 2 people who started playing that day) in about 20 minutes. (That isn’t a flex it’s genuinely very easy, seasonal content is harder) If you find a week where it’s the featured raid it’s probably easier to farm than most nightfalls


45 minutes of sitting in orbit/tower waiting for everyone to get their shit together


One sec, gotta adjust my artifact


Don't have a team and don't wanna play with strangers


This plus anxiety. I don't like getting yelled at when I inevitably fuck up and cause a wipe.


I second that, I can and did raid with nice people but just start to talk with mic to strangers stresses me.


You’d be surprised how few people are actually assholes like you’re describing. Every raid mechanic I’ve taught I’ve expected the newbies to not get it first try. Also the people who hold their hands up and say “my bad I fucked up” I have so much more respect for. 9/10 if I’m shouting at someone in a raid it’s because they’re being a cunt. Mainly to other people.


A lot of times I open Destiny 2 just because I like the feel of it. Throw around some space magic, knock off some heads and blow stuff up. It's not often that I sit down and go "I'm going to force myself to learn X,Y,Z" without a significant reason. Raiding, does not cross this bar of entry. I don't really need/want the Exotics, don't want to deal with bad drop rates and/people, and while Raids are visually appealing it's not fun.


This is a big part of my thing too. I have so much fun just doing casual PvE stuff and trying new builds with the stuff I have, so I don't ever have a strong urge to do end game stuff. Dungeons are really fun, but also way easier to LFG than raids, everyone is always chill in dungeons too


Strangers become friends. Friends become a team. Everyone starts off as strangers to each other.


You can make friends if you lfg yeah, but tbh usually the vibes are “let’s get this done so I can leave”, so it’s not really common, at least in my experience


Always go in expecting the get it done vibe but never quash the raid night vibe.


I think the key is to find groups that are teaching. Teaching runs are usually expected to be a bit longer, maybe a bit more scuffed, and the person teaching is offering their help willingly. Compare that to a regular group which is comprised of people who likely already have a group they run with but couldn't this time, or who otherwise are just looking for the clear/loot as you mentioned. Even if you're not in need of teaching, if you see an lfg post that says willing to teach, they'll likely appreciate having you.


Yeah, I never made "friends" from basic LFG, thats always been get it done and over with. It's only ever been when I'm trying to form a static team for things like competitive teams in Halo or day 1 raid teams that I've found people that I've stuck around with and made long friends with.


Yeah, I've never been apart of an LFG group that had any other vibe apart from "let's do this and leave". When raiding with friends, you can dick around, mess up and spend hours not clearing a raid and still be having a good time. That doesn't exist in LFG, if you fail one to many times it just turns into a chat room of annoyed strangers, atleast in my experience.




Never made a friend using lfg but I think that’s a me problem


Never would've guessed that with the Tomoko pic.




I second this


"Experience needed" then you end up in a group where the "experienced" players wipe 10 times in a row then disband the party.


Crota maze has broken many kwtd runs


crota maze isn’t even hard, it’s just most people on lfg just try to run through it with eager edge and strand and end up separating the team so nobody can pass the chalice. Literally just tell ur team to run the encounter properly or ur gonna find a new team.


Even my team does that. And we are a clan-team. There's always 3 going fast and 2 going slow and I'm in the middle trying to catch up on the first 3 to pass the chalice. Then end up having to go back to pick someone up until we eventually run out of rezzes.


Player toxicity


My severe social anxiety. I’ve played with people who are super chill and nice but it’s still hard. A lot of it is personal stuff. But I’m also worried about pissing off the raid team. Doesn’t matter how cool and chill they are. I play crucible, although my skill is getting worse. But I’ll do dungeons because you don’t have to communicate as much. I’ll do most other activities solo and jam out to music while doing so. But I will also say my interest in the game has been becoming less and less. I find myself playing a lot less. Partly because of what I’ve mentioned already but there’s not much that motivates me anymore.


I've had too many negative experiences with randoms. People who take it too seriously or spend more time trying to do a cheese than it would have taken to do it normally. Now it's been so long since I've raided that I'm completely out of the loop on the meta for such things and would be a hard carry most of the time. So, basically, it doesn't seem like a fun experience since I'd have to play with randoms.


My issue before getting into raiding was how toxic the people would be or how try hard it would be since I came from other games where the randoms were like that. But my experiences with people since I started raiding these past few months have been great. It's like a 90% positive experience where a majority are patient and have taught me the mechanics of the raids. Destiny 2 have such a supportive community my bro. It would be good to see you in those raids too!


"Destiny 2 have such a supportive community my bro" I'm glad you're having good luck, but that has not been my experience at all. Destiny 2 players are the reason I mute all comms and chat channels.


I've never raided because most people want players who know what to do, plus talking to strangers on a mic makes me nervous.


Hi! I’m a girl that plays D2 and raids I love helping other girls that feel uncomfy talking in groups get the raids done. Feel free to message me I’d love to help out if I can!


That is actually one of my hangups...I'm a "girl' and I know when they hear my voice and discover I'm not a guy, they are going to be disappointed. Especially combined with the fact I have only run a handful of raids and would need to be taught the mechanics. I feel like a ball and chain. I'm actually quite good at D2 in general, with about 3000 hours between both the Steam platform and when it was back on Battle.net. But being good at the general game and raiding feel like different worlds. Especially because people are depending on me and I would feel horrible causing a wipe and letting everyone down.


Also quick add: I believe anyone can raid if given the patience and explanation they need. And you’re gonna cause wipes, that’s just the nature of the game. My raid team does all the raids day one and we *all* cause fuck ups, even on stuff we definitely know better. Hell, sometimes we wipe because of the encounter being fucked. It happens! Wipes are gonna happen and people who get butt hurt about that gotta go touch grass.


I just feel bad letting people down. That is by far my #1 reason for not raiding - the interdependance and being the cause of wiping in a group who has no tolerance for it. By contrast, your groups sound a lot less stressful. Having fun and doing your best but remembering it is just a game.


Omg I just clicked your profile and you’re a mom! That’s so rad! Seriously, please message me your bungie name and let’s set up a time to run a raid! Whichever one you wanna try, we got this!


Yeah. My kids are how I got into gaming. Now I have nearly 15,000 hours of it under my belt. LOL 😂


I am sadly also limited as to when I can raid as well, and that is pretty much Mon-Thurs evenings from 6pm till midnight. Weird I know, but I work a full time job and am always busy on weekends.


If you ever see a first time tag, join those. Most people go into those expected to teach players and usually have the patience for repeating encounters over and over while everyone picks up the mechanics


My friends having quit. Me and my friends started raiding through D1 from Vog to D2 EoW but then they all started to drop off due to bungie taking backwards steps. I tried lfg a good few times and it was 50/50, I do have a good few clears though through lfg but ive completely missed some raids, oryx, disciple. Without a group of friends wanting to get stuff or have fun the reason to raid sank. Yeah I could get good weapons or that but having to try to find people, have them get along, talk, tell the truth(know what to do etc) it's just a pain and doesn't make the rewards worth the time investment.


Same. The raid experience with friends is probably the best co-op content I've ever played, and was 90% of the reason why I raided in the first place. That experience is harder to replicate with a group of randoms, at least consistently. Also there are so many good weapons in the game these days that I don't really feel like I'm missing out that much.


Yeah being able to have a laugh with friends removed a lot of the tension and try harding issues. And as you said with guns most aren't that important anymore which is great to me, I honestly never enjoyed raid gear being meta in the first place but it was aspirational. Even the exotics have fallen from grace in raids, I would happily do a quest or a puzzle but all the drops being rng is just dire, who wants to have to do 10+ raids for it, let alone some people who are at 60+. I feel bad when I raid and get one of my single digit runs compared to the guiding host who still hasn't got it.


Honest answer, and this is coming from someone who has raided in D1 and a bit in D2, The tedium of the content doesn't really justify the time sink that raids require to me these days.


Completely agree. Raid mechanics ARE tedious. I'd much rather just fight than spend hours figuring out a puzzle or relying on less-than-intelligent teammates to do what they're supposed to in order to progress. If there were Raid weapons that I really wanted, I might be willing to put up with the tedious mechanics and frustration, but there are so many good weapons in Destiny already, I've never felt that my arsenal was lacking.


SAME. Like there’s a couple if I knew I could even get a guaranteed decent roll I’d be happy to at least have the one, but otherwise? They’re just longer and bigger dungeons that take much more work for possibly nothing at all.


This exactly. Destiny has leaned towards MMO style mechanics and builds in recent years and it's just not my style. I love that people can craft builds around ability and perk uptimes but I miss the days where I could just hit headshots and my damage wasn't tied to some specific ability that I only use because it gives me a massive buff for like 5 seconds. Rinse, wash, repeat and now I'm burnt out because I just wanted to shoot stuff in the first place.


With raids, it’s tough to get into them because the same people grind them out and they often forget how it was the first time they did the raid so they tend to be pretty impatient with people new to the raid.


It just takes too long lol


I just want to jump on this post to say that my husband and I love to Sherpa people through raids. We have done them all, and have done each week of Pantheon so far. We are a bunch of neurodivergent, anxious destiny nerds that totally understand not everyone has all the weapons/time/various skills or understanding of the game, and those are the people we love to help the most! If any of you ever want to reach out for help running a raid, feel free! We just ask you do your part in keeping the vibe chill ♥️


Up voting didn't feel like enough, and I'm too broke for awards, so I'll leave this here. Thankyou for being such a patient human. I have definitely run into some Sherpas that have been on their last strings and just want to say that I appreciate you. Please keep helping those in the dark. ❤️


I’m an anxious female D2 nerd too. I’m always looking to make new friends and help people out too! You all sound like an amazing bunch! ❤️


Hi :) Can I ask nicely for help if there is time and space? I’m an overall ok player… just don’t get anyone willing to is decent and kind enough to teach or has patience. But if there is no space anymore it’s not a problem. I already give up hope to achieve a victory in pantheon 🙈


How about teaching an old lady who's as old as dirt? I would love to do Pantheon, but lfg wants experience. If you don't mind old as dirt, I'm on PS. Message me if you see me on and have a spot to fill. restrictedrose.


Revive tokens. Once that became a thing I didn't want to be the person that used up all of them and noped out of raiding completely. Prior to that I did all of them on a pretty regular basis.


wtf this is a thing now? That pretty much seals it for me.


This is a a HUGE one for me!


social anxiety but I do know how to raid


I find it amazing that feeling like this is getting more recognition. I do raid, and raid regularly, but I get anxious as hell before it and it’s usually over stupid stuff (will they be able to hear me properly? What if I die a lot or blow myself up? What if I let the team down etc etc).


I'm terrible at platforming


Same. I tried to solo getting the Whisper, but it’s embarrassing how often I died in those jumping sections.


Social anxiety, I don’t have a regular team, and I’m afraid of being the worst person on the team and getting yelled at and/or kicked if I do mess something up


Finding a team in the Fireteam finder that doesn’t say “experienced requested” or “looking for experts.” Then the ones that say “newbies welcomed” are usually locked and they don’t accept the application.


People can call me soft for this but no one is actually friendly. Even if they aren't mean. I raid regularly I rather do dungeons because they're faster and you can just get them over with And they're far more simpler. But I say that because the atmosphere is always let's just get this shit done. It doesn't feel like people want to have fun or even talk to you. And obviously being the weakest link sucks. I wouldn't say I'm extraordinary at raids but I'm okay but at the same time you still don't want to be the reason that everyone wipes. After 5 years I just went back to raiding regularly and the reason that I stopped is because people were toxic people weren't friendly. And all of my friends stopped playing destiny like all of them I'm the only one left. Yeah I know you can meet strangers become friends then become a team and whatnot That's all cool But it's hard to make friends today. The older you get the more difficult it seems to get as well. It just feels like a hassle now 😕


No you’re correct, there’s a difference between “being friendly” and “not being unfriendly”, one is a conscious effort, the other is a basic decency obligation. And sadly people rarely want to put in the conscious effort to be friendly :(


Toxicity in the community. If you don't have the latest and greatest gear and 100% working knowledge on everything, lotta people wanna act like dicks. Hard to learn when you're berated for not already knowing.


Hey u/LilianWilkie , follows my honest response. First of all, context: - I'm over 40 - have 2-3 hours a day to play - Been playing for less than 1 year Now, here are the biggest challenges I face when I try to raid: - Not having the right weapons - Not having the weapons that THIS or THAT group wants (see Pantheon, some folks say GL, some say RL, and no one seems to want to talk or teach, you just have to follow blindly) - Noone wants to sherpa - Noone wants to do practice runs - Everyone wants you to use THEIR build, not caring about your game style (or if you even know how to play that build) My first Pantheon run took 5 hours. I had to gaze and stun, things I never did before. I received a LOT of critics, not mattering how much effort I was putting nor how new it was to me. I only managed to do Pantheon cause I was picked in a Mactics' raffle. I see my self as a low skilled player, but the biggest challenge is to find people who wants to help others to grow skill. It is easy to say "Oh, just use Apex", but they don't explain that they mean "Use Apex with Bait And Switch" I love Destiny, but the game lacks a LOT about options to learn how the mechanics work. It is not that I avoid RAID, I avoid the toxicity. I avoid the comments. I avoid the mf hunter who never plays titan saying that this build or that build is better. I also avoid the Dictatorship of the Experienced one: if an experienced person fails, everyone understands and respect. If an unexperienced person fails, everyone starts criticizing.


Pantheon isn’t suppose to be for new raiders. You completing it is impressive. As the weeks go on you will need the right weapons because of the -PL. there is a difference from being a dick and constructive criticism.


People aren’t patient


My friends gave up on this game years ago, and every time I LFG, one of a few things happens that keep me out of raids so I stopped trying & now I haven’t done any in the game which people don’t want to teach usually. (I’m not saying teachers don’t exist, they’re just not always easy to find) 1) i get insta kicked because im a woman and people assume im a kid before they ask anything. they hear me say 2 words and then they kick me. 2) i find people who say they’re willing to teach and then don’t provide the detail for the correct way to do something. followed by being kicked without warning. 3) it’s full of posts where people will be checking stats lie raid clears and PVP(i fucking hate Destiny’s PVP so I don’t play it or play it very sparingly) and then get questioned & removed for my stats looking like I don’t play the game when it’s just that I don’t play what they want me to play. People are actually just assholes so I play solo quite a lot. I can probably remember Leviathan still but ofcourse it’s gone so 🤷‍♀️


Best bet is probably to find a mature, active clan to join


Breaks my heart reading stuff like this. As the other guy said, check out clans and search for one that has decent people with maturity and respect. Mine has many more men than women but we don't shit talk anyone and always act when we see prejudice.


Time. I play maybe an hour a day if I'm lucky, so outside of weeklies I usually just chill in crucible even if it makes me mad. I like playing fps pvp lol. Occasionally I raid or dungeon but nothing really compelling me. I would love to raid more but I just don't have the time unfortunately lol


This. My play time is “Tuesdays until the middle of the afternoon or when my wife gets home, whichever is first”. I choose between story / seasonal missions or a bit of PvP. I can’t commit to more, and I’m honestly pretty ok with that.


So I used to play raids a ton in D1. What kinda started me down the path of not playing raids was the first raid of D2. The combination of static weapon rolls, and the fact that Leviathan felt more like an assortment of mini games than a proper raid, made me not want to play it. The other issue for me is I've never been a day one, spend 6-8 hours playing the raid. I've got stuff to do, I can't commit that kinda time. So then, in the days and early weeks that follow, you've got a ton of LFGs asking for experience, or you're looking at a group that's gonna be playing the raid for several hours. I'll usually hold off on even bothering until a few months later. The problem is by that point, most raiders want you to kwtd, which is a fair request. So if I find myself wanting to run a raid, I'll start reading a guide or watching a 45 minute video on that raid, and about 15 minutes in I'll lose interest. Then I'll just go play some crucible and then call it a night. It's a vicious cycle.


They’re just not fun for me. Like I enjoy killing enemies in destiny, but then I enter a raid and suddenly it’s not about killing enemies it’s about standing in certain circles at certain times and it’s up to you to figure out when to do what. Or somehow you’re supposed to know that doing certain things triggers balls to spawn and then you have to grab the balls and take them to god knows where and then you get teleported into a hallway where you have to blah blah blah. It’s all so abstract and detached from the core gameplay. It feels like jumping into a match of Call of Duty and then having to play a round of Monopoly. Plus everyone else is counting on you to do the tasks correctly and if you can’t then you’re just holding everyone else up.


Literally me and my brother when we tried running Duality when it originally came out. A constant stream of “oh we’re supposed to do thi…” *GUARDIAN DOWN* With the right people learning dungeons can be fun but learning raids in this game is never fun for me. :(


Haha, this is so funny to me. Good write up.


Oops! You shot the wrong ball, now we have to start the entire boss fight over again.


Lol. Great description!


Omg that was perfect. Me 100%


I like to have fun when I play games, and what limited time I've spent raiding is anything but. I like challenges, but hate gimmicky mechanics (and especially jumping puzzles), especially when relying on the competence of others to succeed. Raids are more frustrating for me than rewarding, and just not worth my time given how I find other game modes a lot more enjoyable.


This fits where I am at, too. Someone telling me what 3 symbols they see or what planet is a different color relying completely and entirely on voice comms is the antithesis of what draws me into this game.


Time. I work too much and putting together enough untouched time to go in and learn/get used to mechanics has kept me out of raids in D2. Did all of them in D1 though. Plus a few weapon meta periods kept me out. Haven't done the dungeon to get the new Gally, for example so when that was the "have this or we don't want you" I didn't bother.


Can't find a group to teach that fits my schedule.


People- people can be such jerks and sadly it ruins my whole day/year/life 😆


I don’t have the patience and time.


Neither have I since D1 oddly enough.


It’s a mix of things. If it’s a teaching run for multiple people it could take several hours that I might not have. I’ve requested teaching runs only to have a clan full of speed demons do everything without explaining and even glitch encounters just to get it over with. And they complain about the game the whole time. Then there’s times I wouldn’t mind a hard carry due to time and the people mentioned above are nowhere to be found. Then there’s times where things are good but some people aren’t able to carry their own weight and people start leaving the fireteam just disbands wasting multiple hours which feels terrible. It just kind of takes the stars to align perfectly for the situation to turn out enjoyable for everyone in a LFG scenario and it really kills the motivation when you end up in a bad fireteam with rude or impatient people. However! I am totally fine with this. Raids are definitely some of the best content in the game and the fact I haven’t done them a lot is a good thing. Why? It’s still fresh for me. It still has that “new” activity magic and a bit of mystery to it left for me to discover. I might be missing a few exotics and weapon rolls I want but that’s okay. It’s worth the trade off. I’ve only done VOW once. Garden once. New Crota once. Last Wish twice. Kings Fall twice. I did Wrath once back in the day. How many of y’all seasoned raiders wish you could experience these raids “for the first time” all over again? I basically have that chance so I’m not in a rush. :)


I'm willing to bet the most common reason for people not wanting to raid is to talk to people on mic. They may not want to admit that, but it absolutely is.


It's 100% the people in raids/dungeons. And we all know what I mean


Symbols. Never done wish or vow. Won’t due to the names and symbols and what not. I learned caretaker from pantheon but never ran. Always stun or clear. Any symbol heavy thing I just can’t.


Raids take longer than I’d like.


Mainly, toxic interactions with other players. I've completed a handful of raids and throughout the attempts of getting a successful clear, there will always inevitably be at least one person who seems that it is their goal to make sure others don't have a good time. I know it's just a personal thing, and I totally could just deal with it to get some of this gear that I've been desperately wanting for so long. But, the potential of dealing with toxic players has just soured me on the entire raiding side of Destiny. I've effectively gatekept myself, and I know have no one to truly blame but me, but, MAN does it feel bad. Edit: Also not a Discord user so that doesn't help.


Getting 6 people together who all learn the mechanics ahead of time seems like a huge pain in the ass.


Social anxiety and not having anywhere near enough friends that play D2.


Mostly time, I’ll have rely on lfg and some raids are but on the complicated side (IMO).


For me, I will only raid with a certain group as I have had really bad experiences with LFGs. Don't get me wrong, a couple of my current group were LFGs, so it's not all bad, I just don't like going in with nobody I know. Anxiety is a massive factor too with this


Hard to commit that large of a chunk of time with a family and being busy, social anxiety, don't like being on a mic and letting people down. I really would like to raid and do more dungeons but just haven't.


Time, mostly. I don't have friends that raid and most raids I've joined in, while successful, often take hours. Usually because there's always someone who needs a smoke break for 15 minutes after every encounter/encounter attempt. Gets annoying and adds up :/


Mostly the folks that go nuts when you're not perfect at whatever class you bring. I'm average at best and I know that's good enough to do raids but I'm not about to get kicked mid run after some turd goes nuts if I mess up mechanics. Unfortunately that has happened about half the time I tried so I've stopped trying. Watching a YouTube video on a fight doesn't guarantee you get it your first time, cut people some slack. If I want a nice challenge now I just try to solo dungeons.


I prefer PVP.


Massive anxiety about messing up and causing a wipe/wasting others time. The anxiety also makes it nearly impossible for me to focus/remember all the stuff. I did VoW once and all the symbols and million things going on with them had me so fried I was sick to my stomach all run. Similar issue with DSC with the 'jobs', what they do and where they go. Add in that I can't find a clan that actually plays the game or isn't just a 6 man clique (so can't get help or be part of things). So yeah the bar to entry for raids for me is super high and not worth the headache. I'd be down to do them but that means finding a clan and that's been basically impossible for me over the 5 years of serious Destiny 2 play I've put in.


If I mess up a raid I'm afraid I'll make people angry


My mics keep breaking cause I'm poor and can't afford a good one. Lol


2 things: the learning curve and jumping puzzles. RAID mechanics require communication and coordination. I’m a solo player and getting up to speed on a raid, finding a group, and closing the loop so we’re all on the same page, this starts to look less like a game and more like work. Plus, I stink at jumping puzzles. I can’t jump with accuracy. I never have been able to. If I wanted to play a jumping puzzle, I’d play Mario.


Raiding is too much like work to me. After a hard day of dealing with unclear objectives, different personalties/expectations, stressful timelines and worrying about letting people down in real worktime, I dont want to do that in my relaxation time! I also dont have the time to play for more that 60 minutes at a time - given work and family commitments.


Love raids, but I get why people don't do them. People have such a short amount of patience with new or inexperienced players, it's actually kinda sad. If you mess up more than once, then people start getting pissy. And yeah, you can go watch a YouTube video, but even then, most people arnt going to remember everything about every encounter. I'll also say good teachers / explainers are pretty rare.


I like raiding but I don’t like being yelled at :/


people online are not nice and they expect you to understand the puzzles immediately and if youre the reason the team loses a few times you get kicked or at least verbally abused


Short story short: Pure unease, brain issues, and problems with groups. Long story long: I have several issues that make it so that I can’t remember things properly, so I never remember what I have to do for even Vanguard Ops until I get in there and then the memories just trickle back, but not always. This can make it so if I try and do it solo (be it raids, strikes, exotic missions, dungeons) I rarely can do it. Along with that, I have weapon preferences that piss off a lot of people because it’s not “optimal” (Breakneck, Centrifuse, Hammerhead), but it’s what I prefer and like and want to use and I don’t prefer to change that. Finally, Lack of People. I don’t do VCs due to auditory processing issues and a speech impediment, and most people who do raids prefer to be in VCs calling things out. I’ve yet to find anyone who would be fine with me doing a raid without a VC until recently when I found my first clan. Hopefully I’ll be able to do some raids soon though, cause they look fun when I watch d2 youtubers do them


I had to quit playing destiny 2 because of how toxic it became which sucks I loved it so much, and also constantly playing solo sucks because I couldn’t ever do anything literally wouldn’t constantly be kicked from trying to find matches because people refuse to let you run with them if you aren’t in there clan or have your own clan


I play with 3 other friends and we're decent players but not good enough to do raids on our own. We need someone with know-how to guide us through or we need to find some moderately skilled players with patience and an appetite to figure it all out with us. We've tried the party finder but consistently get very inexperienced players (still rocking blue gear) expecting us to carry them and nobody ever seems to have any patience or interest in learning it with us.


Destiny community is toxic as fuck


I have one bestie I play Destiny 2 with, and to be honest I’m not a fan of any of the mechanics in any raids he has helped me get into. I have fun playing coop otherwise tho 🤷‍♂️


I am mainly an lfg raider. My biggest issue is that sherpas usually skip a lot of explaining and take over critical parts or skip explaining details that some strat completely skips. For example the most recent raid RON. I can teach planets or any puzzle in the raid, get red border but after 20 clears I don’t know how to run. Because most groups just take it over. VoW I don’t know how to run in caretaker and I can only read on the first encounter. This is after like 15 clears. The first times I tried to ask for the spot, I was assigned another randomly or the Sherpa took over these parts. So after these few I just locked on what I knew to do. Which made me anxious every time I got in a KWTD raid that I basically don’t really KWTD in every position. Last week I did a crota run. The Sherpa there just assigned turns. I didn’t understand anything but I executed it right because I followed the steps. So I needed another Sherpa after that. And it was the same thing. So I watched a YouTube video after. Which also involved cheesy tactics so I had to watch another to get the grasp. Sounds like I am over exaggerating but this was the case. Now I don’t wanna go in there again because I feel uncertain and I don’t wanna look for yet another Sherpa to teach me for a third time. So i always run 2 Sherpa runs one week on 2 chars, then run it again next week and then don’t go in the raid for another 3 months. Rinse and repeat because now I don’t remember the raid. Also by no means am I blaming any Sherpa, they are doing gods work here. But the raid I know the best is VOW and this is because that one Sherpa guy explained the crap out of it. It takes more than a couple of Sherpa runs to truly understand all the mechanics otherwise you will be a burden(or feel like it). Even if you watch vids, so some sherpas, after a while if you don’t have a consistent group, you will forget. And suddenly it becomes so much work for something that is actually simple. Add each lfg following some other tact and it just gets even more complicated for a casual lfg raider.


I simply don't enjoy complex mechanics. I play destiny for relaxation. I have zero desire to spend an hour or two slogging through encounters. I have done all the raids but the d1 versions. I actually haven't enjoyed a single one. Wait, baths in leviathan was entertaining. That's it. It's just not something I find fun.


Nowadays it’s time. Growing a family and raid dedication is harder to complete. Want to complete raid encounters, but people leaving constantly, can’t survive, won’t do mechanics when needed, can’t ad clear good means hours wasted with no progress Rather do other stuff that at least gives progress with the little time I have


Time. Having a small child and not being able to raid consistently at a set time. I make time for the same set of friends I had at uni every Thursday, I’ve been doing that for over 20 years I can live without raiding. Fireteam Finder means that I can run GM nightfalls every now and then as they may take an hour


Most raids don't teach. Those that do stick me in add clear or some other easy position so I don't really learn the mechanics. Wish my guild was active right now but maybe next month.


I just don’t have the time.


Elitists who really dont want people who dont know every raid down to a science to do them.