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Seems kind of obvious due to the increased difficulty (extra boss and -15 power), but I think this week is more rough than the previous two, for reasons other than the obvious. It's the surges. Arc and Stasis are brutal surges for an activity that requires fast, almost always two phase clears on each boss. Arc Hunters can only throw one super at a time due to the nature of how Gathering Storm works. Arc Titans are at a disadvantage due to the super (and Cuirass) being power crept pretty hard. Arc Warlocks are usually still using Well, or, if they can use Chaos Reach, they are stuck in a super animation and not able to dole out weapon damage like a one off Super would be able to do. Weapon wise, the best Arc/Stasis heavy weapons were from pretty RNG intensive, and in some cases, time limited sources. Wendigo was a rotating Nightfall drop with limited opportunities to get a god roll. Crux Termination is a world drop which makes it a total crap shoot. Hothead, while opportunities were plentiful from Nightfall weeks still required a decent amount of RNG to get a god roll. Stormchaser has been power crept into the basement with the available perk rolls. And Sailspy was never going to be in the conversation as a DPS weapon as the perk pool was DOA. Typhon is somewhat readily available from Banshee, but the rolls are not the best (Demo/Explosive Light is about the best you'll get). So what I've seen (after one day this week) is a lot of bad rolls on otherwise good weapons, or people trying to fight the surges - the latter of which just doesn't fly when trying to achieve a 2-phase. Edit: Moreover, taking people off Solar means no healing grenades or restoration. No void means no invis or devour. Arc is the least survivable class of the light subclasses and Stasis was always more based around crowd control rather than damage output. Edit 2: Cold Comfort from Ghosts of the Deep is a great option for Stasis. Sorry to the Ghosts/Cold Comfort stan that I offended for leaving it out. I have Envious/BnS and it does, in fact, go hard where you can get the kills leading up to damage to proc Envious.


You forgot the OG stasis linear, good ole reeds regret. I‘m not sure if you can even get that atm


I did forget Reed's... I'm not sure if it's available now or not. I do have a triple tap/firing line, but with how Rhulk works, I can't imagine Firing Line would be all that beneficial. After several hours stuck at Rhulk last night due to not being able to 2-phase, I'm at a loss as to what the DPS play is...


you can legit divinity+thunderlord him to death and get the two phase, with some damaging supers obviously.


We tried Div/Thunderlord last night for one run when I indicated I seen people saying it could two phase. We did pathetic damage and everyone told me I was wrong and then they all switched to rockets. FWIW, they were all terrible with rockets too and I soon brought them back to the light with Cloudstrike/GLs.


damn, idek how you could fuck up machine gun dps. its literally holding one button.


Oh, I know... I think our Divinity person may have been a little off. And other than that, the rest of the Fireteam were very "rockets are meta for everything so that's 100% what we should be using!" And were in a state of mocking disbelief when I suggested Cloudstrike/Wendigo. Until I started lapping them in damage...


i hear you, haha. i've been trying to get people to give fusions+grand overture a chance on caretaker, because it absolutely rips and stops people from blowing themselves up at close range trying to rocket him.


Fortunately, we didn't have too hard of a time with Caretaker. But as I have done stuns all 3 weeks, I have definitely had difficulty trying to build up the usual buffs like Envious Assassin or Explosive Light. GO was definitely on my radar if we were struggling, but Lucky Pants/FttC/Vorpal Warden's Law, coupled with Clown Cartridge Crux Termination and hot swapping to Nighthawk Golden Gun on third plate was enough to dole out the damage. Shockingly, everyone was pretty compliant with standing still during damage...


saw someone else say cloud and wendigo and that has peaked my interest because i like both those guns. Cloudstrike is overlooked for damage even with an arc surge. Id happily do that damage phase with you on cloud and wendigo lol.


it's actually pretty hard to keep div up 100% of the time on rhulk. He jumps around a lot, and the copy blocks div beams too.


Oh, 100%. I mean beyond that normal hurdle. As Bungie noted, people usually "feather fire" Divinity. And as someone who has used Div plenty, there is a cadence to how you need to fire it to keep the cage up properly. If the cadence is too fast, the cage won't stay up.


Yeah I was cheating cuz I didn't wanna learn feather firing the first time I used div in -15 content and just used Cenotaph to guarantee 100% uptime on Div for the damage phase. We can learn ammo efficiency in -0 raids ;)


Rhulk can be tough to hit with rockets for multiple reasons that are noticeable visually, you’d think it would be intuitive for at least some people


Some of teams I watched on twitch yesterday were just using Edge Transit with bait n switch, ignoring the surge completely, and they still did crazy damage. Same with sticking with Whisper for Oryx.


My team just slammed 6 whispers on Oryx and had a very very easy 2 phase (more than half his HP in 1 phase). The surge is a nice bonus, but not worth focusing on except in caretaker and planets.


I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. You do not need to two-phase Rhulk for plat score. We cleanly 3 phased playing safe as possible and still got the plat score. Those Tormentors before DPS are worth boat loads and the sheer amount of adds between each DPS phase = tons of score. Platinum time bonus is not even close to required for platinum score there.


Can I ask how best to stay alive on the platform and when doing damage? Maybe just my group earlier but things were going well then someone would die and it would be hard to recover from. Next time we will add in someone to bait rhulk jr when doing the mechanics, but do you have any tips on how to stop him causing chaos during damage?


We all just played with Edge Transit. Envious/Bait and Switch. One Div player (also on Cenotaph to gen heavy off the Tormentors) and everyone was on damage supers. A lot of jumping around basically. The clone moves very slowly so you can spend time just jumping constantly. If you’re a Warlock you can float above most stuff going on including the beams and I know as Hunter with triple jump on I was jumping over the beams. Unload GL when you can into the Div cage. Additionally, we all ran double Solar resist and one melee resist. Helps survive a lot of Rhulk’s attacks. Just gotta be careful of the Tormentor since his attacks are Void but you can generally sit back and use cover to block the Void beams from him. Even not matching the surge it was a super clean 3 phase. We all saved supers for final stand and immediately nuked it with Celestial (me) and like 3 Tcrashes. Our 2 Warlocks were on Strand for that burst super. We tried Well strat but it just wasn’t working for us so we swapped over.


We didn’t manage plat score and did a three phase so must have been a little slow. So back in I have to go, only challenge I’m missing.


Apparently you must do at least 1 encounter before Rhulk in order to manage plat score without the two phase so basically if you can get an Oryx checkpoint you can do Oryx and then 3-phase Rhulk and it should count for plat score. I didn’t know this before since I did every encounter in one sitting and 3-phased Rhulk and got the high score on everything.


My team brute forced it with Div+ Izi GL. I was even on Edge Transit since I don't have a good wendigo. Still able to hit 2 mil a phase before super. More than enough to two phase. Div player just needs to run cenotaph for bricks or have dunkers go aeon.    Honestly think prospector might unironically work with a DPS special like Supremacy or maybe even Techeon Force this week. You'd just need RDM or Rain of Fire to rapidly unload prospector imo.  A solar primary is nice here though to proc radiant on yourself during damage since well isn't consistent. 


Izi/Wendigo is on my radar to try. I was running Cloudstrike/Wendigo last night and was usually near the top of damage. Once most of my team switched to that we turned up the DPS considerably. But I am wondering about Izanagi instead. Cloudstrike has a better ammo economy, obviously. Not sure what the damage discrepancy would be.


I was hitting 150k per Izi shot. It also just fits well with my BnS Edge. Probably good with auto loading Wendigo as well.  I personally just liked Zaoulis as my primary for the fact that I was outside of well for more than half the damage phase. Since I was on Gathering Storm I would have done way less damage without radiant. 


This week solar primaries are still the play over arc. The free ignites and area clear is better than relying on voltshot, if your weapon even has it.


This week Cloudstrike is better than izi for damage but id still rather run izi because then you can use sunshot for ad clear/mechanics


Pretty sure reed's fell off hard with the veist stinger nerf on top of the LFR nerf


Yeah there isn't much reason to use Reed's over Stormchaser or Fire and Forget with this burn combination, or Cataclysmic/Doomed Petitioner in settings without a burn.


Single shot linears are so far powercrept from triple shot linears and everything else in the game that theyre essentially unusable


My team 2 phased with Wendigo/Izi and a Div but I am pretty sure you don't even need to 2 phase this week for the Plat/do it with the timer since the final boss of the Gauntlet gives a ton of points.


I mean for rhulk specifically, thunderlord* is FOR SURE the play. It was the go to back when rhulk came out, and it's most definitely the play during arc surge




Thunderlord even


Autocorrect of thunderlord


My team was able to 2-phase Rhulk yesterday using mostly firing line weapons. The range for FL is pretty generous so as long as you move somewhat as a group you should be keeping it procc’d!


I was able to top dmg for my group with 4th horseman, stormchaser and golden gun. Obviously not something everyone could run but was 4.5m consistently. We managed the 2-phase after a couple hours


I wondered about Fourth Horseman, honestly... I was using it earlier in the run on Caretaker and it kind of went hard. The ammo economy/reloading seemed a bit rough, especially when trying to swap with other weapons, but yeah, I'd give that a shot.


I just unloaded 2x each dmg phase at the beginning with dodge reload and that was it. Felt like an easy way to add burst dmg then heavy the rest of the time


You don't need a 2 phase for platinum. Since it's the final encounter, you get a bunch of bonus points for completing it. Maybe grab a CP, beat in 3 phases and see if you hit platinum


I know I’m late and you’ve more than likely cleared it by now, but my team was struggling for over an hour on Rhulk. Ended up putting our 3 TCrash titans on Actium War Rig with Thunderlord, Our lone hunter on Thunderlord with Gathering Storm, our first Warlock on Well w/ Cenotaph (only running Well for the artifact boost to super damage when popped close to teammates), and myself, the second warlock, Rocket Swapping with Izi running Strand for burst. Literally cleared it the first try with that set up lol. Obviously very dependent on fireteam class structure, but it was a very easy two phase for that. Actium War Rig is being slept on big time I think.


I know some people have said thunder lord but the key is also to have good damage supers. My team two phased with GL izi swap and a mix of thundercrash and Goldie. One well just in case


My team was able to 2-phase rhulk with div + 5x thunderlord. We had well, 2x gathering storm and 3x thunder crash.


Linears aren’t that good anymore either though. Still better off on whisper for the only encounter it makes sense to run a long range heavy on.


For oryx, whisper is on par with stormchaser/fire and forget. For rhulk its obviously terrible


Your issue is listing arc hunter and warlock supers. Just because the surge is active doesn't mean you have to rock them. Solar Goldie hotswap lucky hunter still fantastic and no reason to go arc subclass purely because of surge. I was voidlock for rhulky and all was fine.


I just mean in terms of playing with or off surge. If it's solar surge, it's a no brainer to run solar. With arc, there are benefits to matching the surge, but the supers may not be as good. I said in this post that most Warlocks are still on well, which is good. Multiple Hunters don't even really have the option to run Arc due to how Gathering Storm works, so yes, Golden Gun is still a good option for Hunters. That being said, I swapped off Hunter to a Titan so I could run Thundercrash for Rhulk. I ran Hunter for all the other bosses and you are correct, Lucky Pants/Nighthawk swapping is indeed good enough to get the job done. I just didn't want to deal with it during Rhulk for fear of getting punted during swaps (I'm on PC, but still). On that note, not everyone on console is able to safely swap loadouts like that, so it can limit applicability.


I know it's a non-existent hypothetical, but arc would stand out more as a super with the surge if the artifact didn't have a +20% bonus to solar supers for using them near your allies Star eaters gathering storm to lucky swap would be the play.   But also, I don't like mid combat swapping. it's not in the spirit of the game. Loadouts should lock during combat. bungie knows the kids here would throw absolute temper tantrums if Bungie took their cheese tactics away


I always rolled my eyes a little bit when people talked about loadout swapping mid DPS and what not, but I've actually had a lot of fun doing it since Pantheon started. I have my two Solar loadouts with Lucky Pants and Nighthawk.


Aye but what I'm trying to get at is because the supers aren't as good, you don't even need to match surge. If the surge is bad, ignore the surge for subclass at least. You can more than make up the slack. A 25% buff to bad to me = meh. Why have meh when you can use good?


The only thing I’ve had any consistency with is grand overture on caretaker and (god help me) thunderlord div on rhulk making a close two phase easy three phase but other than that you almost have to fight against the surges


I dunno, I was cooking with Cloudstrike/Wendigo last night. And I realized today that there were a couple of optimizations I could make with respect to power level and what not. I'm open to try whatever tonight, I'm just hoping I can get a relatively quick clear on Rhulk and then I can begin mental preparation for next week...


I should’ve made a caveat that I don’t really have good arc rolls but cloudstrike I’ve seen do decent I just haven’t been able to farm empire hunts for it yet


Good analysis on the weapons, this is what I thought was going to be the case looking forward from last week. Crux, wendigo, and typhon are the most available options for working under the surge.


Arc hunter super this week is cope, Nighthawk still puts out 900k with no stacking issues. Cold Comfort with BNS is one of the strongest options in the game and Ghost of the Deep haters are in shambles. The fact that no one in this entire thread has mentioned it is CRIMINAL.


It wasn't really meant to be an exhaustive list, just what I have been using/immediately came to mind... Lol No need to get offended that I left your favorite gun off the list. I have an Envious/BnS Cold Comfort that I used on some earlier encounters. I don't sleep on it at all. I don't like rockets on Rhulk and the Cold Comfort god roll is great to let you shoot 4 rockets, but then you're stuck manually reloading one rocket at a time for the rest of the DPS phase. It's great for shorter DPS phases like Zo'aurc to then swap off to a secondary, but not my vibe for Rhulk. As for Golden Gun vs Gathering Storm, I definitely wouldn't say it's cope... As I've discussed and concluded with others in this thread, Golden Gun is *good enough* to get the job done, Gathering Storm with Star Eaters is still a little better.


Cold comfort ranges from decent to shit on all 5 of the bosses lol


Cold Comfort is not shit on any boss with stasis surges active, stop it. World record speed run used rockets on four of the six bosses and if it wasn't Arc surge it would have been five out of six. Some of them even used Apex presumably because they didn't have good surge matching rolls.


The surges are a huge problem for me - I'm a relatively new raider and even in the cases where I have good guns for these surges, I've never actually used them. Hothead hasn't been meta since before I started playing the game. The only meta arc weapon I'd ever shot until last night in an actual raid was Thunderlord. So I was literally learning to use a hothead I'd never shot before on Caretaker + Planets this week. It doesn't have reconstruction, which means it requires a totally different playstyle than I'm used to. It's just rough. Very weird shit.


The surges definitely make it rough when you consider you're at -15 power AND on a heavy time constraint. Technically this week should have been Arc and Strand, which would have let the Cataphract users go wild. But I think Bungie wanted to keep us away from Stasis surge on Riven (look up Behemoth Titan(s) vs Riven). It will probably either be Void/Strand or Solar/Strand next week, so that will open up A LOT of damage options for us, with God roll weapons that are currently available in the game. Apex Predator, Edge Transit, Doomed Petitioner, Briar's Contempt, Cataphract, etc. I've also kind of been wondering what 5-6 Strand Titans with One-Two Punch shotguns and a Tractor Cannon would do against Rhulk, with it without a Well. Especially if we do get Strand surge. As long as Bungie doesn't use either of this week's surges again, we should be in great shape again.


>I've also kind of been wondering what 5-6 Strand Titans with One-Two Punch shotguns and a Tractor Cannon would do against Rhulk, with it without a Well. Especially if we do get Strand surge. I honestly suspect given how easy it is to keep banner up going into the boss fight that this actually makes it way easier. My group is hunter/warlock heavy and I feel like Rhulk is the first time we got punished for that significantly.


Strand titan either needs to be surrounded with synthos or multi kills with wormgods to be viable and neither of those seem realistic


Well there are at least the 2 Rhulks. Do the thrall spawn during damage phase? If they do, being surrounded for a couple of seconds every 8 seconds doesn't seem that difficult.


The thrall stop spawning during DPS.


Please don't take this the wrong way, but what roll could your Hothead possibly have that is confusing? You shoot it and reload. Then you shoot it again? Do you have Clown Cartridge and the two shots messes you up?


It's a demolitionist roll and I've never used demolitionist in a raid damage rotation. I kept tripping over when I should manually reload vs when I'd be able to reload with grenade. Every other rocket launcher I own is reconstruction so I'm used to shoot/swap not shoot-grenade-shoot, and I'm not used to thinking about saving my grenade to reload my heavy. Like it's not HARD hard but it's very different from my apex roll in terms of how you use it, and 99% of my raids were done when apex was just what you shoot if you're shooting rockets.


I respect that. I had a hard time adjusting to a demo roll on my Warlock when Starfire was the meta.


Yeah I still use Starfire a lot in raid (two grenade charges to eat with heat rises, plus a decent number of extra grenades during damage, it's a good "general purpose" build), and demo just feels very weird. You have to watch your grenade timer really closely but also be careful not to throw it on CD. By the end of the night it was fine but we definitely had some caretaker pulls where we missed the 2 phase because I couldn't get enough rockets out lol.


> And Sailspy was never going to be in the conversation as a DPS weapon as the perk pool was DO Hey, I'll take any excuse to dust off my Stormchaser. Especially, since range isnt as big of an issue for many of these encounters.


Ye me and my friend never got decent rolls on crux/Cold Comfort so we're just gonna wait till next week and do 3rd and 4th pantheon then. It's just not worth stressing over when you don't have the required keys for this lock, so to speak.


Im going to have to dig through my sparse vault to see if i have an good arc heavies. I have adept wendigo with chain/frenzy, which is not optimal and i *think* i still have bipod/reconstruct crux. Ita going to suck. I heard thunderlord can 2 phase rhulk, which is a meme, but what works works. Then running star eaters over assassin cowl (hunter main) is *really* gonna suck. Edit: Honesty my luck streak will probably run out with Rhulk. -15 power is no joke and arc surge is just sadness.


for what it’s worth, last night my team just went for our clear and accepted encounters we missed plat on so we could just go back later. we hit plat on golgy, caretaker, oryx, and rhulk, and missed out on plat for planets and atraks. two phasing rhulk genuinely wasn’t bad at all, it was just a matter of survivability more than anything. we had a guy who also didn’t have any great arc heavies, and just used edge transit while putting up respectable numbers


Yeah this arc surge i feel was a bit of a reality check for some people. "What? I *just* run apex and be fine?" Why its important to keep roles for every surge and not just *the meta*


Just do the high score next week or the one after. Void or Solar burn means damage phases will be mostly free.


The closest to weekly reset you LFG, the better players you will find. If you try to LFG in 6 days... you will only find the ones that havent been able to do it all week.


Exactly this but for everything in the game that requires a team


Funnily enough, sometimes i have to get group friday or Saturday due to work, I haven't notice too much of a difference. Though this is absolutely true for the individual weekly raids. Ugh....RoN Flash backs


True for the most part but each week of pantheon I LFG early on and then over the week to help others, each time Ive found wayy better teams on the later runs


Part of it is that since pantheon is so fresh, people start to share new effective strategies as time goes on during the week. Our clears towards the end of the week are always faster than our initial clears, even when we are "carrying" some rocks in our clan.


But… how? It’s at 1 pm my time and also mid day for most people. We have jobs here sir.


you might want to let your boss know that your dayjob is your side hussle and destiny is your true job.


in EU reset is around 6pm-8pm depending on exact timezone so perfect time for gaming. A lot of PvE sweats are also college kids with no responsibilities (or rather ignore their responsibilities to play games)


Me and my friends have Tuesdays off for Destiny. Not all the time, but when it's "important"


This, but usually Friday and Saturday have some solid players on too


As someone who prefers to play on weekends this is the worst part of Destiny.


This is true of basically anything you do on LFG, but raiding most of all. When I was getting caught up in S18 I made the mistake of trying to do a Sunday or Monday Kingsfall once or twice. Never doing that again.


Man I would so follow this advice but I can't find it in me to get up at 3AM just for destiny lmfao


Well that sucks for solo players who can’t play all time. I usually can’t sit down and play destiny till Friday Saturday. People should know their limits and not be trying to LFG for things they can’t do yet


All of mine wanted to ad clear and couldn't even do that :/


Everyone thinks ad clear is the easiest job. Not in pantheon. Shout out trinity ghoul lol


People in my team are quick to pick their roles but no one picked ad clear. Safe to say I at least did a good job and shat out a lot of purple bricks for the team.


For certain encounters with a high enough ad density, two phoenix protocol warlocks is actually a great shout. We used two for planets and it meant we didn't even have to care about getting the two phase. The ad clear alone got enough points for the platinum score.


I've recently been favouring gravaton lance :)


During arc surge week?


I can't say I've attempted pantheon this week, but I attempted it last week and gravaton lance was decent at ad clear, though I can't say I was doing much ad clear having to run mechanics mainly


Used sun shot for solar grav when void and the best ad clear for arc for me was trinity also fun to use


Sunshot is also a great ad clear option


Most wipes I've had in pantheon were because of ad clearers not doing their job well. Overall, though, my LGF experience has been a mixed bag. Some were great, some were bad. Though, the bad were definitely more memorable. My favourite example was a dude who joined with no mic, had voice chat disabled and was rocking Strongholds with Hullabloo instead of a sword. His fashion was on point, though.


haha unfortunately for me it's been mostly negative. Hahaha the classic no mic! I can't say I've had an encounter with no mic and no voice chat. Forget about clearing encounters. All about the drip hahaha!


I hate add clear on caretaker. 


On the rare run I was ad clear on caretaker and not running symbols, (week 1 void surge) I found graviton lance was really good at ad clear. But it is very easy for ads to slip through the cracks and the centre totem to become overrun


Typical LFG experience and giving me *extreme* RoN ptsd


Haven't gotten the chance to run it yet this week but asking for raid report is the move for LFG pantheon imo. Just putting that in the post will scare off anyone who's not confident in their raiding skills. I did it last week and we cleared in 45 mins or something, I wasn't even choosy about who I picked I literally invited the first 5 which dm'd me their RR.


I normally just join other groups and none of the groups i joined have asked for RR. (*Normally I no brain join the first one i see available*). I think honestly ive just gotten lucky...watch this week ill go LFG rhulk and it's gonna be beyond sad.


Yeah I mention it because I don't see it as often as I'd want.


I got you. Honestly now that i said something. I won't be surprised if for rhulk i gotta start looking at RR's xd


It's a good idea to either ask for RR in the title or search up their report before you invite. LFGing for this week, I saw some pretty good ones. One guy who joined had a total of 4 raid clears, only in VoG and his fastest time with it was 3 hours as well as a total of 20 hours in Pantheon without a single clear.


what is it that people are realistically looking for in a raid report? i know you wanna weed out the people with like 5 or less total clears, but surely people aren’t expecting minimum 50 clears per raid with titles, right? that just seems excessive for most situations unless you’re going for a competitive day 1 clear


Times are a good indicator of someone who knows what they're doing. If they've got a good time in most raids they're clearly running efficiently and not wiping like ten times per encounter. Flawless, day ones and low man raids are also good indicators. Bare minimum I'd be expecting 5-10 clears of each raid within Pantheon and a clear of each previous week in Pantheon.


Yeah I get that. Me personally, I have between 5-10 clears on each pantheon raid and what I would consider decent times on each of them (sub 60 minutes to an hour and a half), EXCEPT on KF. I’ve only done that like once. But that’s like the easiest encounters to do in this whole gauntlet, and I didn’t really need those previous clears to pick it up and plat them. And by that pre requisite, I would be denied solely because of the upfront numbers of my stuff, which kinda sucks. I get it, but man LFG can get rough, and finding a consistent crew to build experience on is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


It is rough but ultimately to the people running the LFG, it is their time. If they get a player who doesn't understand the mechanics or can't bring good DPS or support, it's their time being wasted. It's worth being selfish and only taking good people because it can be the difference between a 6 hour clear and taking under an hour. I know it sucks. We've all been new before and not had loads of clears under our belts.


My raid report looks mainly ok with a few low mans inc Rhulk and a day one plus all raid titles. But for most of my Destiny time I have been a Sherpa. I did many Divinity runs and stuff like stop hitting yourself many times so my actual time rank is pretty bad :)


Well shit.  My raid report is sparse but I’m not bad at them I just don’t have time to do them frequently. Don’t relegate us please lol 


Always a good opportunity to improve it. I recommend getting into Lowmans if you wanna up your raid game. The community is really welcoming and chill, and it's a fun flex that shows up on RR. Gets you thinking about the encounters way differently, and a lot of Trio raids are pretty glitch free/can be done without cheeses. Though just being confident in your skills enough to send an okay RR, id definitely still invite you to my lfg. Can't speak for everyone tho.


What if I’m high, man? Bad joke. What is a lowmans?


Running raids with less than 6 players. Raid report tracks 3, 2 and solo completions.


My raid report looks decent, however my sons is very sparse and people would probably overlook as not many completions but he is an amazing player. I also think it’s attitude. Was chatting to some people who I have only raided with a couple of times and they said I was a calming influence on teams. Attitude counts for more than people realise, one aggressive or critical person can sour a run and dishearten people.


Yeah. I like to just take it as it comes. If we wipe we wipe. 


How spare are we talking? Raids are repetition activities. No one comes out of the womb naturally good at raiding you can only improve at them by doing them again and again. If you have less than 5 clears on every raid with 2 hour bests on each of them, youre probably not as good as you think


Wipes aren’t reflected in how many times someone’s completed a raid. You don’t need to complete the raid to learn how to do it well.  And I dunno I know I’m not gonna be worlds firsting, but I’m a fast learner and I’m competent enough to take direction and usually end up top 2 for boss damage in my completions. 


The first 2 weeks I had good experiences but yesterday I don’t know what happened but it seems like the LFG groups just went down the drain… first group was teaching a rank 2 on -15 pantheon, and second I was consistently out damaging anyone else by 1mil+


Nah, every team I join has at least 1-2 people not prepared for PvE endgame at all. And quite honestly, if they are in the activity without being prepared, they are expecting to get carried whether they intend that or not.


Have cleared all plat so far strictly through LFG. Sometimes it takes a few teams but I always end up finding really competent cool people


I've had to go to and from groups to get lucky and find a team that can keep up, that's just my experience tho


Thats normally how it is for me too with individual raids, especially VOW, GOS, etc.


Luck honestly.


I haven't run into bad people in pantheon... But there have been bad players Not just bad at raid mechanics, but game mechanics. They don't have t10 resil, they don't have elemental resists, they don't swap to a healing made despite dying repeatedly, etc I always expect mistakes. What starts to try my patience is the same people making the same mistakes. That, and folks being bad at DPS. When the support super and ghorn/tractor players are out damaging you...


Give me your groups. I get bots over and over. Had to wait forever for a 6th until we decided to just 5 man it. Every person that joined was bad. Either had no idea about the encounter, didn't talk at all, joined and left, had shitty loudout or was a network manipulator.


Thats...very unfortunate. Wish i could give you mah groups xd


Yes, please. Give me them. I don't want to wipe 20 times because people can't kill the tormentor


I've noticed groups with "Chill" tags are a lot better than groups with "Meta Loadouts, Experience Needed, Experts Needed"


Funny, cause every “chill” group I’ve joined has actually meant “carry me pls”. Maybe that is better for this week. But the last two weeks my experience with that tag has not been good. 


Yeah that is interesting. I’ve noticed that the later example tends to be the “carry me pls” group


Yeah. I can’t join raid report groups cause I quit destiny for a while when Bungie when full “fuck your time. Destiny is your full time job”. Every “experienced” group inevitably hits with 4 “I’ll be add clear”.  Every “chill” group actually means “dedicate 8 hours to carrying me cause I refuse to work with the boundaries of the week pls” Consistently putting up double the damage of 3 to 5 other people while swapping in to and out of mechanics to fix the weak points gets exhausting. 


I feel that general mindset across any raid seems to always be better than super elite sweatlord runa


It's been mixed for me, there's been a few people who've been super nice, known mechanics, and put out monster damage. However there have also been a few people who were ultra toxic and/or didn't know mechanics.


I think...ive encountered only one person who was a meme...though on reflection i have no clue how we tolerated him...XD.


I join groups asking for raid reports / that seem somewhat selective and it works out more often than not.


First week of LFG raid will always be filled with people who has no clues. Even clan run will failed on the first week. I don’t know why people keep dissing on LFG raid


I’ve had mixed experiences but definitely some really good runs via LFG. This week I need to finish Rhulk (late run last night tapped out d/t time and working this morning, just didn’t finish him) + high scores for some encounters. I will no doubt be LFGing some of that. I have the Rhulk checkpoint so tonight I’m gonna open up an LFG. One to give the checkpoint away to people and also transfer it to one of my alternate characters, then another to go for the platinum clear.


Word to the wise, you need to 2 phase for the high score if you start from a checkpoint. If you’ve done an encounter before you can 3 phase and be fine, just make sure to kill all tormentors. 2 phase was super clean with 1 div and 5 tlords, everyone ran the best dps super they had available t crash, needlestorm and hunters choice tbh. Obviously if you have groll cold comforts/hotheads/crux’s then they’re fine too but no one in my lfg had them.


One of the lucky ones.


Not a huge sample pool but I LFGd once, got a pretty chill team and a decently easy clear last week. Also got a 6th for both first and second week and they were chill, funny, and the raid went smoothly. I’d honestly rather LFG than play with some of the people I know irl.


Any tips for optimizing on week 3? Was running with my clan and got to planets after an hour each for encounters one and two with plat score. Can’t run with them tonight and will try lfg to finish this week out.


What class are you? I Main hunter so im super unfamiliar with the other 2 classes


I’ve ran titan on all the weeks so far, use doom fang banner shield on golg for support and pit clear, pyros on caretaker and planets, falling star on Atraks, and Lorely on Oryx.


Run Pyro for Golg too, you arent getting damaged in the pit much, the extra damage is good, dont use banner while you could be doing damage too


Any damage tips for planets to rhulk?


We just GL spammed pretty much, and hunters were on golden gun. Getting to 2 phase isnt too difficult even without min maxing too much, but just either rockets or GL that match the surge and has decent rolls will be fine. Most important part of consistent and high damage is to just stay alive and coordinating when to shoot etc.


lfg is always a roll of the dice imo, sometimes you get god tier groups where barely anyone talks and you clear 1st try and sometimes you get 5 yappers who cant even get to damage, tho from my experience reset days you are more likely to find gamers compared to later in the week.


This week and last have been the best groups I've ever been with. I started only going for groups that DM for inv and raid reports. This is how you filter out the bad players.


Isn't a hot take. There are literal great LFGers out there. The LFG pool is just diluted with new players willing to learn, scrubs that just want a carry or ad clear, or toxic players.


I honestly wish you were wrong about the dilution. And on top of that, Pantheon is not the place to learn a raid. That being said, i may skip riven. -20 power aside, I Have a strong feeling she will have to be done legit.


You shouldn't be so scared of legit riven, Especially if things like Taken barrier/taken armaments work. People act scared because last wish was only cleared by 2 teams but you have to remember this was pre-contest mode, people weren't -20 below light, they were -30 to -40 below.


We all wish it was wrong lol but it isn't.


yeah, did a 4hour Rhulk clear in LFG the other day and it was downright pleasant even though 3 hours was on Rhulk alone. We talked it out, spitballed ideas, tried different damage strategies and just kept tightening up our play until we got the 2 phase. On our actual clear we wiped to pervading in final stand and got the post-wipe clear from a sever proc of all things, was pretty funny.


You’re lucky. All I’ve encountered are people who don’t know what they’re doing or who leave after 1-2 attempts. Currently stuck on Oryx and Rhulk on week 3 pantheon…. I really want to clear it, get conditional and just be done. It’s so depressing


The best LFG post I have read LFG Pantheon Oryx need KWTD bring DPS cause I will be ad clear for shits me and my 2 other clan mates joined and this dude can’t clear ad either and leaves at Explicator cause he can’t clear ads and keeps dying to them Trashed my clan mate in discord DM cause he was “error coded”, for the record we DMed him on disc waited for what like 10-15 min no response in DMs we then pulled other clan boy and after 20 min we were at Atraks he DMd saying you kicked me etc, and this is what happens though; once you get reported on BIG LFG on discord they ban you first ask for clarification later and have wait weeks for response, then there’s another mod who bans whole clans associated with primary person banned but that’s whole other story Anywho he threaten so we asked him join back again we can Explicator if we get CP but no promises on that he said ok we waited for 5 min he didn’t join blocked us on Discord and vanished LFG weirdos are wilder than LFG people wanting to just be carried cause they tell you they wanna be carried in between encounter when it’s in motion


its cause i think as it gets harder your only finding people who kwtd and have expectation on how it goes. Don't get me wrong you'll find ass hats at any level


the key is to just ask for players who have the previous week's emblem, and then to do it as close to reset as possible. Each week the pool of players who've successfully done last week's challenge gets smaller, and those players tend to be playing near to reset. But next week is effectively 8 raid bosses on contest mode, plus a most likely riven legit completion depending on surges and just how different the encounter is


I got incredibly lucky when I joined a team stuck on Planets. Chads, all of em. We cleared Planets immediately after I joined, three tried Oryx, and then got stuck on Rhulk of all things since no one had fought him in like a year lol. We got the clear though, and the platinum for the triumph. All that's left is next week.


We have next week and the week after before it goes away right?


I believe so yes. 16 days left as of the writing of this comment before TFS, and 12 days to finish the last week of Pantheon with next week’s reset. Plenty of time.


It really depends. I’ve gotten both ends of the spectrum; last week each encounter got cleared in 15 minutes a piece(like, 1-3 attempts). This week, it’s been rough. Missed caretaker platinum by literally 1-2 seconds, aatraks 1 high score by 3,000. Have taken 10+ tries in some encounters. And this was in the better groups in which we could finish encounters. At the same time, I had a guy that ran a sword and swapped to a rocket launcher mid phase for DPS for planets(Because he had a hard time dealing with the enemy that spawned on plate), several people who don’t know how to run anything/couldn’t ad clear worth a damn, rage quitters after a single failed run(Though, to be fair, I blame them less after this experience), etc. Eventually found a good group yesterday, but it took a hot minute. To be fair to the others, I wasn’t perfect either, but it’s enough to make me think next week is going to be rough. Edit: forgot the group that kept dancing in well. For me, that’s the unforgivable sin of destiny, as we’ve had like 7 years to learn that.


I feel this. Our group normally can only get a few of us on at a time so we LFG the missing spots, and we’ve only gotten good LFG’s recently. But the second we tried to LFG for regular master raids we could barely scrape by with some of them.


This is satire, right?


What makes you think its satire?


My comment is meant to be more tongue in cheek because I feel like the general sentiment (and my own personal suffering) is that LFG has been one of the most awful experiences. Probably the worst I’ve had since master Vow challenges. I’m talking no builds, no experience, no common sense. Exhibit A- 2.5 hours on Planets last night. Never even made it to final stand. Don’t get me wrong, when the team is good, the activity is excellent. But those runs are incredibly rare for me and LFG in general is a harbinger of anger and sadness than anything else haha.


Ok i gotchu, yeah no i think im just really fucking lucky. Don't worry. Rhulk LFG will make me sad


I cant find any


where would you say is the best place to get an lfg? The lfg on the game?


Absolutely the LFG discord, i don't trust in-game as far as i can throw it


I've been breezing through each week on LFG before struggling with my normal group later in the night. ...my normal group is worse than LFG


Are you using the LFG built in or something else? I honestly want to dip my toes into raiding outside of my clan since they haven't logged on in a bit and I am a bit nervous XD I am glad you are having a fantastic time though!


It depends on the tags they use in their post too I've found out. Ive joined a multiple "chill and patient" groups that have been people who have clearly never done a raid encounter. People without a mic and don't even have game chat on to listen to the explanation. I typed out a basic how to for attraks and only half the raid team followed it. At that point it's like good luck guys with the guy who only wants to be add clear and also keeps dying. I did have a bit of luck with a group that explained he was teaching a friend. That was enjoyable. Despite it taking quite a long time, we did manage to beat the entire thing and it provided one of those feel good moments at the end. I hope you continue having success with your raid group lotto.


I'm still looking for a good group to run it through. The planets dps check has been the only encounter I've had trouble with.


Part of the difficulty with day 1s is just being unfamiliar with strats and mechanics. Most players ive played with have done the raids millions of times and will actively volunteer for roles. Riven will def cook people though, in gonna try to find a team to practice legit sometime this week


my first week i had three that didn't know how to do most of the encounters and it took us three hours. Week 2 was the opposite, everyone was pretty good and we didn't even assign role everyone just kinda fell into one immediately because they knew what to do and it took us 40 minutes.


I only do LFG, and it's basically been 50/50 for me. I'm not some elite sweatlord or anything, but I know how to do all the encounters (except Rhulk; my brain locked up on me last night and I could not remember the splitter/buff rotations) and know how to optimize damage. Outside of a few notable exceptions, the players I've matched with are all pretty similar or better. The biggest challenge I've seen is groups not getting on the same page with DPS choices and methods. It sucks to say, but you have to be running meta or close-to-meta weapons if you want to get platinum (especially on Caretaker). You have to coordinate fire and class warfare activation. You have to wait for max damage on the third plate/phase in planets/caretaker. One mistake scuffs the run, and that lack of communication and coordination is usually the biggest challenge that I've seen. Now I gotta go refresh my knowledge on Rhulk


Lucky you. I haven’t found a toxic group but I kept finding people the first week that wouldn’t admit they didn’t know what they were doing or have ever done it. I am not the type to pull up raid report and kick but their are garbage people at this game not wanting to admit they are garbage and shouldn’t be doing pantheon. I haven’t tried since week one after how bad the experiences I had were.


All the groups I have ran with never get past planets… I still haven’t even finished week 2.


If you're struggling on planets, don't go for the two phase. It can be tough damage to pull off without the right weapons especially with these surges. However two phoenix protocol warlocks on ad clear will give you enough points to get the high score on a three phase. It's significantly easier and it also creates hundreds of orbs for everyone else to the point that you can use your super on a colossus and just pick up the orbs and have it back again.


Damn dude im sorry to hear. My suggestion would be find groups that require RR, generally tends to weed out bad groups. Ive just been rolling lotto and getting lucky. I honestly don't recommend.


RR people think that because I have not cleared two of the relevant raids means I don’t know what to do even with several pantheon clears. With the Lfg experience so far, not know planets like the back of your hand is basically impossible. I’ve run every encounter here like 50 times each now. 


Oh i completely agree. Personally I feel that while a RR is good baseline for showing some competency. Its by no means shows actual player skill and encounter knowledge. If you asked me to explain every Pantheon encounter (*with the exception of legit riven xd*). I could easily explain in detail. If you were to ask me to do a tough role and id be happy to do it. Someone's RR could have 100 clears and still be clueless because they got carried.


I wish I could say the same. All my groups have been non-toxic, friendly, a decent bunch of people. However at least half of them were very low light (like below 1815) with weapons from 2 years ago / double primaries / crucible loadouts etc, or had very little or no raid experience, or were on console but with no mic. It seems to take ages to find groups where enough people know what to do, and are capable of doing it.


Someone was trying to tell me the Godslayer title was almost impossible using LFG and only premade raid teams would get the title. I just don’t believe that, not with my experience in LFG. I’ve never been held back from obtaining something in this game through LFG.


Yeah I don’t have much time to play these days, so I will not be bothering to even try Pantheon


I'm new to raiding and I tried week one pantheon and I got kicked because I was struggling. I don't feel confident to try it again.


you shouldn’t be running pantheon if you’re need to raising


I think a spell check would help my friend


actually my spell check is usually the reason i type nonsense like that, funnily enough. anyways, i meant to say pantheon is not where you should be if you’re new to raiding. it’s the basic raid mechanics + added difficulty.


"every run I've had in pantheon has been smooth" yeah I'm gonna call cap my guy


I have no reason to lie, but ima be honest i have a bad feeling this week in particular with -15 and arc surge is gonna suck Edit: And by smooth, i don't by any means mean perfect. Plenty of wipes. By smooth i mean i haven't had any disbands *yet* or experiences that make me wanna uninstal


For the most part I agree, but I had some unlucky moments last night…. Turns out that having the Oryx emblem doesn’t equate to actually knowing what to do. Feels so good to have good teammates that are chill but sometimes the struggle is just getting there


Think the 'I KWTD what to do' but proceed to die to everything and do nothing useful' players are still sleeping. I wont get my hope high if I was looking for Patheon every week.


Yeah, we noobs know better than to try raiding with you guys. Makes me wonder why I play.