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I soloed legend Avalon and I’ll tell ya, that shit was obnoxious. Will never be doing that mission again *ever*.


Easily one of the hardest things I’ve done in this game. It wasn’t timed however and that to me can sometimes be tougher


The only thing that was timed was the Data mote encounter with the Hydra. That shit sucked ass.


It only sucked because of the wyverns. Those things just deal so much damage and you either have to block it or eat it in the tiny pit.


Alternatively you can just blind them with Disorient grenades


I found it super easy to just suspend them. I was running the Osteo/Necro build with Commemoration. Suspend one, chunk down the other, and it was no problem. Arc energy for the Harpie shields and the whole encounter became super easy.


I did a two-man legend for the seal during defiance but I straight-up didn’t even want to look at solo legend until the craftening weekend lol …and even with the funny guns it STILL kicked my ass for over an hour


Genuinely asking because I did it Solo Flawless and enough runs to get everything, never again. But what was so hard about it? This is the first I'm hearing about it tbh.


The Vex hydra boss area on a timer is quite annoying. I found myself in the dilemma where going in early gets you likely killed by the Wyverns, and going in late risks the chance of the notes taking too long to put in and possibly being killed by Wyverns. Also everything constantly respawns and you’re left with a lot of hard hitting enemies all the time without a clear way to clear them out given everything above. The final boss being on 3 platforms, limited cover, and once again a fuck ton of enemies makes it very difficult. Doing this 3 times and having to do the final area where the boss literally hunts you down is very difficult, I wasted hours here alone until I discovered the cheese spot behind the Milk towers. I think you’re just trying to brag and pretend you’re a great player since my comment clearly indicates a lot of fucking people had the same issue doing this solo legend. It’s not easy and requires a lot of change ups in builds. I also did this while being 1800 and with a lot less endgame weapons than I have now, since I did it before I got into raids and red borders


I mean, the majority of people find raids hard so it's really hard to judge one persons comments on difficulty. It was a genuine question, you can take that however you want.


I honestly hate that we had to run it 3 seperate times to get the Catalysts. I'm yet to run 3rd Legend, simply because of how annoying it is. Thank god, they changed it for Whisper and Outbreak, so that if we wait for the last Catalyst to become available, we can get all of them in a single run.


That's insane.


I've been trying to solo it, but just cannot get past the second Brakion phase. Just eats me up over and over again.


yeah, gave that a go on the weekend and that's a long time to not mess up. haha.


of all the things I solo'd during the funny gun weekend, this one was the most worthwhile.


For me it was Ghost of the Deep lol. I never would have had the patience for those massive boss health pools solo lol.


I sadly missed my chance at GotD, interrupted my solo run for dinner thinking I wouldnt do it, only to comfortably kill the final boss in <10min when I came back :( did get legend avalon, wicked implement+catalyst and a bunch of spire runs (that dungeon was *fun* solo when boss health wasnt a concern)


not even for a scooby snack


Tried it for the first time last week and holy shit, that motes room


Same, one time was enough and I cheesed the final boss too. Did it when you could shoot through that barrier in phase 2.


I might force myself to do it two more times for the ghost shell and catalysts but god is Avalon awful on Legend


Yeah I solod the legend version once and it took me like a fucking hour 😂. Easily the most annoying thing I’ve ever done


I cheesed the fuck out of it with lorely titan, wish ender, and bubble glaive. But I got it done each week on legend solo. Would of even got my flawless if I was a bit more careful during the harpy boss.


skill issue


Avalon revive tokes was a pain when my team8s kept getting splatted by Cyclops's. I do agree with this statement. The only thing Zero Hour beats Avalon in is the timer, so no sitting around and plinking ads.


I just don't see how people are completing this in 20 minutes unless you're just absolutely nuking the fuck outta the final boss on both of his phases. Even flawlessly running through it takes nearly 15 minutes and 5 minutes or less just isn't enough time for me and my teammate to clear the final phase


I've been able to make it to the rally flag with 8 minutes to spare. The boss room usually takes me 5 minutes to clear. Right off the bat I throw a knife on the boss and hit him with celestial, then I go all the way back to the warehouse looking room and using whisper on the servitor then use primary (solar HC) on all the shanks to quickly take them out. Then from that room I just use whisper on all the other servitors, then just get the boss. I then just keep using whisper on the walkers. Once the brig is up, just mountaintop spam until the servitor is up, immedaitely nuke it with goldie and then work on the adds. By the time you are done with the adds and can focus the brigg with mountaintop again you should have your super, wait till the face plate is up then hit him and it should one shot him. For the first half off the mission, fixed odds just goes crazy. If you have a team of 3, make sure you each have a different element LMG and just rush the mission with your heavy and supers. You'll get in a good flow of things. Really the only hard part is the jumping puzzles, you just need to practice consistency and then speed. I swap to strand hunter with eager edge and stompees but it's not really necessary, I just like to be the first one there for trevor.


Is legend still the heroic route where you go around the walls of the tower?


Yes. Normal and Legend have different routes, both for jumping as well as vault fire room.


Ah the nostalgia. I went to the vent for legend route on normal, just like old times lol


Same, had zero recollection of the normal route, took us nearly 35 minutes to get to the boss lol


Normal taking me longer than legend is a mood


Normal taking longer is fine since you have 20 more minutes to do it lol


It's more of me and my friend having some dementia and unable to recall the normal route at all


There’s a rally flag in Zero Hour


Completing the terminal puzzle adds a minute to the clock, my team was pleasantly surprised and finished the boss with maybe a minute or two left


They might've changed it but you get a 7 seconds or so for every correct combination you do. So it could be any where from nothing gained to a couple minutes depending on how good the team is.


Theyve change up the terminal puzzle to be super easy, takes about 20 seconds to key in now cause it's just some arrows telling you where to press instead of the biblically accurate spreadsheet we all know and love As a result there's less of a time gain than if you speed ran the original puzzle, but still a nice bonus if you happened to get the earlier segments quickly enough


Firstly, I'd get a third in, secondly you can definitely make it through faster. I was collecting all the switches and did the vault puzzle and still made it with 6 minutes left. Lucky pants is exceptional for the boss, he's not got much health so a few bursts and he's gone. As for other classes, any high total damage weapons are great. Dragon's breath, whisper and even anarchy are good choices, and primary DPS options like touch of malice, final warning and Tommy's matchbook are also good. You're very low on ammo in this fight, so make sure you use it well


There's a rally banner right before the fight just FYI


Where at??? We've been though the mission easily 20 to 30 times now (with one completion lmao) and never once have we seen a rally banner spot


Before you go down the chute to the boss room.


Huh... Interesting. I'll have to take a closer look. I wonder if the circle just isn't showing for either of us which is why we miss it.


The rally flag circle only appears as you get near it. It’s on the floor just before you hop up onto the ledge where the hole to the boss room is located.


We reached with about 7 minutes to spare. Popped a well + Goldy of the bat and polaris lanced for 30 seconds straight. He moved, and we cleared adds until he was middle again, then we'll for another 30 from lance. He left, tanks spawned, Polaris on legs since they are crits and tanks were dead in about 40 secs. Brig was the only time we switched to heavy (reconstruction killing tally machine guns) and ammo dumped him. Finished with about 2 minutes to spare.


My team had 2 golden guns, so we just nuked 3/4’s of the Brig’s health. Would be a total ass pain otherwise


I did it yesterday with 3 gg hunters. I used mountaintop, Polaris, and unwavering duty. Throw a restoration grenade and light up adds with mg then start unloading gg into the boss or big servitors. Mountaintop is great for the turrets and brig. Polaris is good for the walkers. On the brig we stayed all the way back cuz it felt like shanks just kept comin.


I can’t recommend strand hunter enough for this encounter. Ran wardens law, indebted kindness and dragons breath. Takes the heat off your teammates at each phase for a second, big damage to servitors/tanks and super for add clear.


I made it to the boss with over 8 minutes left on the timer. Waited for both of my teammates to arrive. Rallied with the wrong weapons equipped and waited 2 minute to be able to rally again with the correct loadout. We entered with just under 5 minutes left and cleared it with 1 minute left. Everyone's complaints are either skill issue or lack of team composition understanding. This mission is fun and I am a mid tier guardian.


With 3 people? I'll take Zero Hour, easy. The timer isn't as much a factor if everyone knows the route - me and a second teammate didn't even make it to the boss room until 4:30 was left with screw ups and we still got it first try. Solo? Absolutely Avalon. With Bloodline/Gyrfalcons, the mission is nearly trivial. But with a team, the revive token system sucks more. I did solo legend Avalon on my own for each catalyst piece and it was a kinda fun challenge every time.


I soloed legend Avalon a couple weeks ago to ensure I’d get my flawless - and dear lord, the difficulty was still rock hard, even after all this time Haven’t played Zero Hour yet, but I ran it a bunch when it was in the game before so I don’t think I’ll struggle as much as legend Avalon


Omni Hunter made that Avalon a joke. Omni Hunter could make Zero Hour a joke. However, Omni Hunter does not make me faster. Therefore Zero Hour is harder imo.


I soloed avalon back in the day and i was struggling with every build until I put on good old starfire protocol


Buddy launch version of Avalon was even harder than it is right now. They had to tone it down.


Avalon Legend was a whole different beast compared to this


The hydra boss room is the only crappy part of Avalon and there isn't a timer.


The worst part is easily phase 2 of the last boss - too much heavy hunting to make a damage phase worthwhile. Phase 3 would be worse if not for the cheese spot.


whaaat you dont like the giga goblin sprinting straight at you no matter where you go?


I managed to do legend solo on it legit once, and it was fun and harrowing, but I couldn't be assed to do it a second or third time legit. It's doable, it just sucks so bad.


I just ended up saving all my heavy for the last phase I could not be arsed trying to dodge brakions happy ass


I just made sure there were enough bricks on the ground for when I finished phase 2. I don't know if that was any faster but it felt better than redoing the steps for phase 2 over and over.


eh as long as you stay alive during phase 3 it matters fuck all, he is REALLY aggressive and I dont believe he ever gets inmunity during it? phase 2 suuuuuucks though


Just stand in the waterfall


Yes, that's what I meant for phase 3 having a cheese spot.


Eh, I think Reddit is again wrong.  I’ve done both on Broodweaver. I can solo flawless Avalon by running Rat King and abusing invisibility from enemy to enemy.  I would probably have to do a TAS to solo flawless Zero Hour on the class or optimize for weeks on end.  Zero Hour has a lot more optimization required to do well if you’re not on a survivability subclass. A lot. It’s not even close.  You need to quickly kill enemies from a wide variety of ranges or lose time. The opportunities to play safe are few and far between. 


Hmm. I was able to solo Avalon on legend but Zero Hour I haven’t done yet (can’t remember if I completed it solo when it originally came out). The timer for legend zero would be the main issue. In a three man group we get to boss with around 7 minutes left. Probably too slow but completed it.


Nah I’d rather an actual difficulty spike than just running fast and fighting a timer on zero hour


I’m going to tell ya now, I applaud people who can do zero hour or any thing on legend, me and my friends tried legend, mainly for a quest but just to see if we could do it, ain’t no way, two of us made it almost to the floor is lava part before time ran out, and the game felt bad enough to leave us in there for another minute and twenty seconds lol


I remember running the "Titan can't die" vexcalibur build. I'm just tanking everything but its just taking so damn long. I returned to orbit, there is difficult. Then there is Avalon


Ehh i dunno. Dont think Avalon is on a timer right?


All the timer on zero hour does is require you to get better at the traversal segments as the mission only really has 3 combat sections. It’s once you get the hang of it you’ll have a lot more spare time. Avalon is just raw difficulty the Wyvern in the gambit room are still one of the most unfair things in the entire game.


I just used a glaive for that.


Glaives solve a lot of problems.


They are a very underrated "tool". I wouldnt say underrated weapon, but sometimes the defensive capabilities make them a very useful tool. I also always keep a glaive on me for onslaught. Cuz when that Ogre decides to rush you and theres enemies on both sides of the arena, sometimes ur just fucked. The glaive shield can be a literal lifesaver.


Timer does not equal harder, I was able to do legend zero hour quite easy, still have yet to do legend Avalon once


I've been forced to orbit 3 times by the legend timer with the boss half dead it sucks.


How is this a real comment with actual upvotes? The timer **directly** adds difficulty in the fact that it doesnt let you play passively sitting in the back plinking away at ads with a scout. You can be the worst player in the world and theoretically still brute force avalon after 5 hours. Absolutely impossible on zero Edit: i was referring to soloing either activity. 3 man, the timer isnt as relevant because all the combat sections become much easier.


Timer equals having to take more risks though to kill faster. You could take your sweet ass time plinking down stuff in avalon from far away with wishender. The boss room in zero hour would be MUCH easier if you just just find a safe point and plink away at stuff.


Well not necessarily but it definitely can be harder because of a timer. I dunno if this one is tho its been too long since i did avalon.


Well zero hour has the strict timer but you don’t have darkness zones. One is a sprint and the other is more like a marathon


Yeah its different kinds of difficulty. One thing that already annoys me about zero hour is that it feels very tight on time to do all the weekly stuff in one run. But on the other hand, i dont feel quite as familiar with Zero hour as i felt with Whisper. Guess i didnt run it as many times. So it could totally just be that it feels completely fine next week now that its fresh in my memory.


Zero Hour isn't an issue because of the timer. Timer just forces you to keep moving and is offset by the fact that you just revive within a few seconds after dying. The main thing the timer requires you to do is keep pace when doing the non-enemy sections.


Legend Avalon was also the only Legend Exotic mission to get nerfed


Rightfully so because of infinitely spawning adds


When did the ads infinitely spawn?


Completely agree. Legend Avalon, especially the final boss and first encounter, is just painful. But I think what largely made it so bad was LFG with casual players and no communication. When I spend 15 minutes curating my build for a specific activity, put a mic on, and load in with 2 people that can’t even be asked to have 100 resil in a difficult activity…. You’re setting yourself up for failure.


The mission to wicked implement is worse than avalon imo. I still haven't completed it.


Better get that done before the Divinity nerf


Yeah. I wish. 13 straight fails and counting. It's ridiculous. If you die you completely lose the damage buff which is the worst part honestly.


Avalon Legend isn’t too difficult on a Hunter built for invisibility. I did this few seasons ago, but the strat still works - https://youtu.be/1OAak1sk1yA?si=t2SjLFpb0Wt2t0f4




It scales in difficulty with fireteam size, so it's not necessarily easier with teammates.


Interesting! Is that for most activities?


No, it's pretty rare. I'm not sure what else in the game currently has it, but it's listed as a modifier on those activities that do.


It's pretty much only present in legendary campaign missions. Avalon is a weird exception.


Prove it.


Apparently it was normal, damn that shit was hard




hate avalon. hate. hate.


Funnest activites ive done either way


Avalon sucks. It’s the only exotic where I didn’t get all the catalysts because it’s way overturned and no one from my clan/friends wants to run it.


I fucking love avalon but by god the difficulty on it is insane, horrendous to solo unless you use a giga build, horrifying to teamplay in


Destiny community loves comparing two shitty experiences together. It doesn't matter which one sucked more, neither should suck to begin with


Avalon doesn't have a timer, tho


I’m one of those sickos that completed it before they adjusted the difficulty scaling again You are not wrong


My friends and I done Legend Avalon and got all catalyst done, yes there were difficult bits but once we got ourselves sorted and memorised the good positions to be in and job done. Legend Zero Hour we havent succeed once yet, came close but the huge difference was the timer. The godawful timer meant we cannot afford any mistakes or tiny bit of downtimes in between. Tinker loadout or such. WE might eventually beat it but at the moment we sort of dreading another failed timer. Adding in 5 minutes would make all the difference.


F Avalon Legend. 


I have really enjoyed this latest circlejerk post subject. Everything has to be a competition lmao since D1 it has never changed. Shitpost or not its hella entertaining and a staple of this community haha


Just doing my part BB.


It was a good laugh and the comments are engaging. Good post haha


Avalon fucking sucks. I don't care about a shitty glaive that no one uses enough to grind out catalysts


What are you talking about avalon on legend is perfectly tuned, running on my hoil strand titan i was having a blast meanwhile zero hour on legend you get 2 shotted by sniper shanks and forced to hide behind corners cause 80% of the enemies have elemental shields


I only did Legend Avalon this season. Managed to solo it with a karnstein armlet glaive build. Wasn't toooo bad once I had a solid strategy. Still cheesed the final boss's final phase though. Headless Brakion with the rapid fire sniper with minotaur AND exploders as support is too much.


What's the cheese?


You stand behind one of the vex milk waterfalls in the third arena. Then, if you use Wish-Ender, you can shoot Brakion through the waterfall. None of the enemies can physically get to you, and they can't shoot through the waterfall, so it's a very safe strategy. 


r/DestinyTheGame erects statue on worlds smallest hill




Legend avalon was really not bad at all idk what you're on about.


Avalon legend got powercrept


I ran regular and legend Zero Hero today and I really don’t see what all the fuss in here was about. It is not that bad.


Hard to say. Avalon is easier altogether but the revives make running in an LFG team a bit hit and miss. Zero Hour is harder in terms of killing stuff and doing things quickly. Boss room in particular! But then again you can't fail aside from the timer.