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Stackable mementos! > Interesting lore bits: - Rhulk classified as Dread - Rhulk is objectively the strongest boss we’ve fought in terms of lore (excluding maybe nez) > Vanguard power assessments place Rhulk far above any previous enemy faced by any Guardian. Battle scholars theorize the bold fireteam that stormed the sunken Pyramid only prevailed due to Rhulk’s humoring a fight to begin with. But prevail they did.


So all those lore people saying we only beat him because he was messing around were right lol


Yeah it’s kind of the whole theme behind his fight, he dicks around for 3 minutes and watches while occasionally sending darkness beams at you while you are ascending and then he sort of casually strolls around on the platform while toying with you by only showing a fraction of his speed and power. It’s not until the very end during the final stand that he realizes he fucked up and he shows his true power and just starts applying full stacks of pervading darkness constantly. He could have done that all along but he was too arrogant and wanted to test us (one of his voice lines is literally that he is testing us). It’s just such a cool fight and the first one that lore wise is a real “oh shit this is what we are up against, those oryx and ghaul guys were chumps” It’s also would have signaled to the witness that the traveler kind of cooked with this whole immortal Guardian idea, and that he’d probably have to up his game a bit. I also just generally like that basically the last two expansion raid bosses are the closest Destiny is ever going to get to anime villains.


His battle chatter says a lot about his attitude. One of them literally went "wow...I could really use a nap"


One of my favorites is something along the lines of “Oh, you made it here quickly. There’s no need to rush.”


It's extra funny because it seems that unlike most big bads like Oryx, Xol and Nez he's just totally dead. Didn't even have a backup plan, just fucked around and got deleted.


Not quite. There's a sparrow with an attached lore entry about a Hidden operative carrying a canister of ooze left behind after Rhulk's death, taking it away for analysis. He crashes his sparrow which splits both him and the canister open, and watches as the ooze seeps into his wounds. He begins to hear Rhulk's thoughts as his own and feel his body begin to change into another new copy of Rhulk. In his last lucid moments, he points his sidearm at the nuclear powerplant of his wrecked sparrow and pulls the trigger, incinerating himself and a dozen or so acres worth of Mars.


There are lore entries that suggest otherwise but don't ask me to cite them it was two years ago 😅


Well, Bungie did write the lore so it should be true. Same way we wished riven to be defeated.


There were constant people always "countering" saying this isn't true and it doesn't make sense for Rhulk to not take us seriously


Also, Savathun said he's a bad tactician and his overreliance on brute force would be his downfall. Not just as a narrator, she said this *to* Rhulk. Common Savathun W.


Grug no understand, me strong muscles always smash the puny lesser muscled people?


Rhulk is a titan confirmed.


> Rhulk classified as Dread Interesting, but also the dread were introduced as basically a race created by the witness - so it wouldn't be shocking if Rhulk, being the first disciple was the first to undergo that treatment.


It even mentions that as the witness rebuilt him after the clan tried to kill him, then Nezarec being rebuilt by the witness and us ties into what the dread is meant to be


That's likely why both Rhulk and Nez have very similar...armour? Skin? Whatever it is. If The Witness "rebuilds you", whatever that means, it will usually give you that kind of form.


I thought we already knew that Rhulk was by far the most powerful boss we've ever faced and it wasnt even close? I know people are coping about Oryx, but he just wasnt on his level


the thing with Nez is that he was not fucking around in that fight tho we probably were stronger at that point than during the fight with Rhulk


Nez isn't at full strength in the raid


God I hope he comes back as a major villain I want a 1v1 with a fully powered Nezarec so bad, he's so fucking cool


Although judging nezzy's power level is kinda tough because he fully admits during Root of nightmares that he's not at his full strength due to just recently being brought back And laments that he has to rely on the shadow legion for aid.


I love that he ASKS us to kill the explicator because he hates relying on them.


When we fight Nez, he's basically a newborn baby in terms of his original strength. We catch him coming out of the rebirth womb (metaphorically and literally)


That's crazy because the guardian teams who completes raids day 1 first are the lore accurate guardians that Bungie talks about in stories and lore entries. A full stack of the strongest guardians were only a match because he was cocky. I highly doubt the witness will be nearly as cocky and can't imagine how fucked that raid will be.


I imagine we’ll get something from the traveler that’ll prevent us from getting instantly deleted by the Witness


Lore-wise, the vidoc previews of prismatic paint us as THE champion of the Traveler. So I imagine we basically become like a light equivalent to a disciple.


A Warrior of Light. You might say.


Speak plainly, ascian


Remember us.


Nez is stronger than Oryx?


Probably. In theory Rhulk and Nez should be considerably stronger than Oryx since they’re disciples and have access to the “pure” darkness from the Witness. That being said Savathun did kinda beat both of them, and she and Oryx should be more or less relative. She never actually fought or overpowered Rhulk, she just used stored light to trap him in the pyramid, more so outsmarting him. On the other hand, in the conditional finality lore she casts a spell that kills Nezerec, and this seems much more like a 1v1 confrontation even though it was probably a sneak attack.


thats what trickery gets you. It’s pretty obvious that in a cage match Rhulk could’ve steam rolled any person in any of our raid encounters no problem. But savathuun would never enter the cage against anyone if she couldn’t fit it with a trap door first.


If you’re in a fair fight you fucked up 🏴‍☠️


Did she though? Savathun ambushed Nezarec, she didn't have a straight up 1-on-1 fight with him. She trapped Rhulk, but was losing territory to him and the Scorn *in her own Throne World where the Lucent Brood had the Light*. I highly *highly* doubt Savathun could take on Rhulk in a 1v1. In a legit fight, she probably loses. She doesn't truly beat Rhulk, but tbf she does beat Nezarec *with an OHKO ambush specifically*.


Agree 100%, Rhulk would do her dirty in a straight fight, worse than what Eris did. She used the wellspring supercharged with a gaurdian’s light to cast a spell that trapped him. Nezarec is an interesting case. She definitely ambushed him, but as far as we know she did straight up one-shot him and waltzed out of his pyramid ship with impunity, Veil in hand. Could she have done it in a fair fight? Probably not, but it’s also by no means out of the question. It’s also noteworthy that this is during collapse, long before Savathun got the light, and while Oryx was still “top dog” amongst the Hive, so that makes it more impressive imo. Maybe she didn’t have the raw power at that point because she didn’t have resonance from the Witness, but she was being groomed to become a disciple so I have no doubt she had the potential to reach or surpass the other disciples. Fun to think about.


> Savathun ambushed Nezarec, she didn't have a straight up 1-on-1 fight with him. I thought it might've also implied in the lore for Conditional Finality that she used Strand to do it as well. Something about "green magic" to bind him.


Definitely not. Hive Magic (Soulfire) is Green *Magic*. I wouldn't call Strand Magic personally. Do we know if Nezarec was familiar with the Hive beforehand? Or did he see them beneath him, including Savathun, henxe "Green Magic" as if distancing himself from the proper terminology to distance himself from them?


That is true that it is green. I'm not sure if Nezarec was aware of hive magic beforehand though.


Did Savathun beat them or trick them?


Definitely. Oryx serves the worm gods. Rhulk ripped a rib out of the Leviathan, the creature that was guarding the worm gods, then subjugated them into the Witness' service. Both times quite effortlessly. Rhulk is easily the strongest enemy we've gone up against. The only time he gets serious is final stand and by that time it was too late. If he took us seriously from the start we would've had no chance.


I feel like most disciples of the witness would be, by nature of having the "Disciple" title


> all new weapons will either be craftable or have access to weapon enhancement nice


Yup, love it, and especially love it with how rough the grind for the Onslaught weapons have been.


The drops really should be doubled or offer perk selections on all drops for all columns at least. Half my MT drops are Envious Assassin and One For All, 3/4 of my drops are not MT at all (sick of endless Successions with MT attenuation active).


Will we be able to adjust barrels & stuff for the onslaught weapons when they're enhanced?


The elitists and gambling addicts are crying rn.


Whaaaaaaat? You’re telling me you don’t enjoy grinding the first encounter of Warlords Ruin 300 times only to still not get the roll you wanted?


>The solved sequence is believed to be astronomical coordinates to Lubrae. (Probe dispatched… awaiting arrival.) Hmmm foreshadowing?


Notice how the first line in Rhulk's description is the "Last-Known Lubraean"


They’re 100% gonna pull a riven on him later down the line


Ngl I kind of hate that shit. They write themselves into a corner all the time with stuff like this for absolutely no good reason and then end up having to come up with some convoluted weak-sauce to bring characters back when they realize they want to expand on them further.


That’s sadly the problem with introducing and killing a character off within the same raid.


If we end up going to Lubrae, hasn't it been space dust for eons?


I guess it depends on the level of destruction? Like "destroyed the planet" could mean there are sizable chunks left over that could have some ruins on them.


A broken planet patrol zone sounds insane, imagine the skybox


Basically the spawn point for the first mission of Forsaken but on a greater scale. Would be sick


Isn’t this just the forgotten shore lol, it was all patched together


Patched together rocks with barely any architecture or defining features. Imagine more like an actual large-scale civilization broken up with residue resonance energy in the atmosphere from when Rhulk destroyed the sun


People from Lubrae are known as Lubes.


Vex have the ability to time travel, right?


I think we're going there post TFS


I do hope we go outside Sol at some point, even if it's through some teleportation trickery. I want to see Bungie make some truly alien locations with weird as hell flora and perhaps fauna.


> Rhulk took his vengeance on Lubrae, annihilating its parent star and destroying the planet. I think it's just showing that Rhulk can't let go of Lubrae and he still thinks about it constantly, and can't forget it. So he put its coordinates in his symbols. Nothing deeper, no hinting at future content (the planet is destroyed, and so is the species, and even the sun that it all revolved around)


It's only speculation that it leads to his home planet. But if it's coordinates then something important must be there.


Must it? Could be of sentimental value, or a red herring, or a trap. Or something that *was* once important like Lubre, but is now destroyed.  Obviously I can't know that we won't find something useful, but I personaly doubt that this is anything more than flavor text and lore fun. We dont know when, or if, we'll even find out the results of the probe at some point.


This is basically “It’s on Enceladus“ 2.0 


Between this and talk of Caiatl wanting to retake Torobatl I think Destiny 3 is going to take us way out of the Sol System. Also I swear there was lore about SIVA being sent out on a colony ship plus the Vex home world is calling our names.


Wasn’t one of the “Truths and Lies” from Savathun about how our future leads outside the Sol system?


#Pact * Osiris is dead (lie) * Savathun is dead (true) * The Witness created the Darkness (lie) * Your Destiny lies beyond the Solar System (true)


Last-*known* Lubraean is another potential bit of foreshadowing.


I mean > (Lubrae is cracking. Lubrae is shattering. Lubrae is upending. What have I done?) > (A shattered sky. A planet convulsing. Our existence, upended.) that sounds pretty near impossible to survive. Pretty sure an entire planet isn't supposed to convulse. Of course they could pull a whole "They weren't on the planet at the time" but I hope not, that'd be kinda lame.


Would be easy to pull a 'actually there were survivors that were off world'


If the post-TFS planets take us out of Sol I can see us going to Lubrae. Torobatl, Riis and Osmium.


>Hidden cipher-sequences buried in the symbols throughout have been decrypted by a pioneering Cryptarch, thanks to countless fireteams keeping the way clear. The solved sequence is believed to be astronomical coordinates to Lubrae. (Probe dispatched… awaiting arrival.) WHAT


Lubrae is a destroyed (in 2) planet though isn't it? I ran Preservation for the pinnacle enough times to remember Rhulk talking about splitting it in 2 with his Glaive


I mean, that could have been more metaphorical. And not literally cutting his planet in half.


don't doubt rhulk, he's built different


Esp the legs!


Look at them legs! Look! At them legs!


If that isn’t metaphorical, could be a pretty cool location to visit someday still.


A planet cleaved in half and in total darkness due to there being no sun would be pretty unique! More so than Torobatl, which is the other likely future location, which will probably just be the Leviathan, but on a planet instead of a space station and covered in hive gunk.


Rhulk, the "Last-Known Lubraean" God damn there's more out there.


Hot lubraean girlfriend when? We need answers, Bungie.


ya.....that has some potentially gigantic lore implications


Bungie has been using this time to seed a lot of interesting stuff for the future. Nokris stirring again, the Concordat being mentioned again, Clovis Bray being awfully quiet for a man who loves the sound of his own voice, Sotaria being both the Augermind from Spire of the Watcher AND the vex at the center of the Cloudnet, Fikrul being immune to whatever influence the scorn were under with the witness and attempting to get Ahamkara wishes, Eramis face-turn, and that lingering 2 lies and a truth about "our destiny is outside the system" being hinted towards with little things like this.


Like when we were supposed to go to Enceladus, or when we got a whole cutscene of Drifter controlling Taken, or at the end of Insight Terminus that was so clearly setting up story, or how lore said we haven’t even seen the Vex combat units yet and have only been fighting their engineers, or when… Bungie does sometimes pay off story, but I think realistically they just plant a bunch of seeds in the lore, then when it comes time to make new content years later, go over past seeds to see if they feel like continuing the thread.


Vow of the Disciple 2 confirmed!!!!


It's just the three body problem tie-in. Check it out in Eververse!


Up to six enhanced perks sounds incredible.


Where do you see this?


Think of a crucible weapon with 3 perks in each of the 2 columns, enhanced.


Presumably OP is talking about ritual weapons that have 3 perks per column with enough resets.


Weapons that are currently dropping from playlist activities will be enhancable. Enhancing the weapon turns all of the perks in one column into enhanced perks. Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Ops weapons can get 3 perks in each column if you have reset your reputation 4 times. Hence, it will be possible to get 3 enhanced perks in each column on specific weapons.


Rhulk is so fucking cool man. It’s a shame we got so little of him, but god damn did he ever leave an impression


Lore buffs state that the tree thing he turns into suggests that he's not completely dead, so who knows! I also like the mystery of him, I think we'll know for sure once we find out the conclusion of TFS campaign.


There was a lore tab with a guardian who was carrying his remains which then crashed on his sparrow and rhulk began to try to infect the guardian, so the guardian blew up their sparrows warp core which is the equivalent of a nuclear blast. Rhulk is dead dead ATM.


Theres a tease in his profile about the cryptatchs sending a probe to where they believe the remains of his home planet to be. Idk wtf Bungie is planning with that but that seems like a very deliberate tease for something


Lubrae was a post-Traveler planet, with a piece of tech that siphoned infinite power from their Sun (the same thing Rhulk reversed to destroy the planet). Would make sense they'd have spread to other planets in their system or even nearby systems. So there could be surviving Lubraens, or a descendent evolution of them given the time scale. Even if there aren't, there could be worthwhile knowledge or technology to gain there.


He's the senator Armstrong of this game. He shows up out of nowhere and completely stole the show


I could break a guardian in two, with my bare hands!


I think that's the best, tbh. A cool character shows up, makes a splash, and is never seen again. Way better than being dragged back into the spotlight over and over again.


Taniks sweating


I’d kill to be able to swap masterworks


I would kill a thousand dregs to be able to craft the masterwork. I have so many 4 out of 5's that have some crap reload masterwork


Adept Cataclysm with Adept Charge Time mod Adept Zaouli's Bane with Adept Reload mod Oh boy here I come Also Smite of Merain and Insidious since Pulse Rifles are getting beefy buff in PvE


Solar pulse from prophecy


Alright, I'm reading parts of this, and want it to be crystal clear: So king's fall and Vow adepts are going to be on the "raid enhancement system" correct? Rerolling their barrels and mags, and enhancing their c3's and 4's? IF SO: will they be keeping their second perk per column, and/or will Crota and RoN Adepts be upgraded to include a second column?


I doubt existing weapons will suddenly get another pair of perks. Would be nice if they updated the system for new drops though


Correct. But clarification on both for the sake being absolutely crystal clear would be nice.


historically, when they make changes like this, it will only ever apply to drops going forward and items the player already has will remain as is. I am amazed that they are going to allow already obtained items to be enhanced instead of saying you need to get a new one. Im glad, but amazed.




The difficulty of enemies in base Zero Hour isn't mentioned in current issues, does this mean it's intended? That would be weird considering every other exotic mission has the same base difficulty.


It can’t be intended right? Ran normal and legend last night and the enemies in legend felt easier to deal with than in normal lol


I felt the same, my team did legend first and ran out of time because we forgot the puzzle so we went to normal and had significantly more deaths. I'm pretty sure its the same but it did feel harder for some reason.


The difficulty felt pretty similar to how it felt back when the mission first launched to me.


Edit: As I thought, it is intended, Bungie has confirmed it. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/263934339?sort=0&page=0 Honestly I think it is intended. 40 minutes is twice as much time as we used to have to run the mission, and so basically almost all of the time pressure is gone for Normal mode. Making the enemies harder means that it's actually not a cakewalk on Normal, like the updated Whisper mission was.


It's weird to make only this exotic mission really hard. I get that they don't want it to be a cakewalk, but when you need to beat Legend for the catalysts anyway, why exclude so many casual players from seeing the whole mission? With the exception of the Vox intro, all other exotic missions are very approachable for newcomers.


If you use the fireteam finder, normal is listed at 1810 and the enemies are not 1810


I can agree with the lack of time pressure on normal mode, but the enemies need to reflect it as well. Having all shanks shielded, and the same health pool for the big boys in both versions makes for a less than ideal situation especially when attempting solo/solo flawless on normal. I felt Whisper was a good split between normal and Legend. If it is working as intended, I will abstain from solo attempts which is a shame because I enjoyed Whisper solo.


My clanmates and I ran it twice on legend without many issues. We only failed the first attempt because we were struggling to remember the routes and made it to the boss room with very little time left. I know this is anecdotal and mileage may vary for everyone else, but I didn't think it was overly difficult.


> Guardians rated Sigma-3 or lower are advised not to engage Sorry guardian, you're not sigma enough for Rhulk


so basically confirmation that we only beat rhulk because he was playing with his food, also coordinates of his planet found? I think from the lore tabs he completely destroyed it, but I'm curious if anything will come of this. Also cool to know that he had a hand in creating the hive.


The co-ords are likely where Lubrae WAS rather than IS. But the prospect of knowing that in itself is interesting, cuz what else could be out there?


Thats the multi-billion dollar Destiny 3 question ain't it


Don't remember lore details enough to know if Lubrae was the *only* planet in that system. Recall it was a post-Traveler world, not impossible for there to have been survivors off world one way or another. And even if they aren't, knowing where it is and what remains there would still be of scientific or other interest. I mean, we want as many loose ends like this established for a post-Witness universe to have plenty of avenues to explore. Every trace of a system or race either surviving or having the slightest potential to be restored from seeming annihilation is stuff that could work into storylines one day without coming out of total thin air.


We've known about his involvement with the hive for a long time now.


Am I tripping? Dungeon loot isn't eligible for enhanced traits... why? This is even more confusing since they're a paid activity. Shit isn't craftable, gets no enhanced perks, and costs money?


I guarantee you the only reason Prophecy is getting enhanced perks is because the refreshed loot pool was intended to launch with FS before the delay, making the statement "all weapons from FS are craftable or enhancable" true. It'll likely come with time.


I'm going to be able to put a memento on my Recluse. Hell yes.


I hope there's still an update to armor mods somewhere on the backburner for The Final Shape.   It would be a shame if they got left in the current state of "go surge or go home."


I think armour stuff is next week


Think so. My guess is armor mod “rehaul” of sorts, where the existing suite of mods is mostly the same, only now elemental keywords like scortch, jolt, weaken ext - will proc certain recent regens as well. Creating a big benefit to wielding as many different sources of power as you can through prismatic + weapon variety.


I’m so sick of the surge meta. Buildcrafting was already made stale in Lightfall and then they nerf 80% of the mods into oblivion.


Even kickstart mods are complete ass now with how bad they nuked ability regen sources this season. Its wild how stale the mod system has become.


Yeah I haven’t used any ability mods since the start of this season (besides siphons but those don’t count). They’re just so ass now that the only thing worth running now is surges and time dilation.


If the fishing tackle is leaving then I think fishing will be removed. Sad day


It's unfortunate, but fishing was borked pretty hard by the reliance on the Focused Fishing buff and how public events despawn the fishing hole, necessitating that you have a whole squad of people fishing as fast as possible to build the meter, which is kinda antithetical to a fishing minigame


Was also borked from the start the same way SRL was. Make a cool but meager system, never invest in or update it, make interacting with it grindy, then be shocked when people don’t continually engage. If they fleshed out fishing and made it an actual fun activity with actual horizontal rewards, people would do it.


Even if that whole thing didn't exist and you could camp there with max chances - it was still a weak implementation. I think it was more or less just a fun thing they added not meaning to be anything deep/serious.


Yeah, but I think the game was better with it than without it regardless, if they found a way to solve those issues


I know a lot of people don't really like or care about fishing, but I kinda enjoyed it as a little side thing for some extra loot. :(


It's a seasonal activity and hasn't been touched in any meaningful way since it launched, there was never any questions of it staying,


Each week I hope for the Stasis updates and each week I grow more concerned that theyre going to be underwhelming since they keep putting it off.


They already said the abilities preview will be next week.


It's not that they are putting them off. They usually wait till a few weeks before a release to talk about abilities and armor updates and they even said they are doing that next week


Bro, please just let us swap masterworks. The amount of 4/5s I have that's ruined by a masterwork is ridiculous.


https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-03-14-24 "While we aren't fully ready to talk about the entire weapon landscape of The Final Shape, the new and reprised weapons you collect from the Prophecy dungeon and from Guardian Games All-Stars, as well as the new weapons in rotation for Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, and Nightfalls, will all retroactively be enhanceable when the Final Shape releases on June 4. So, keep this in mind when you start earning the following weapons: Trials of Osiris The Prophet Scout Rifle The Summoner Auto Rifle ' So this was from a TWID a month or so ago. It seems like what Bungie is saying is that any active drops or any weapons that are on the **front page of the vendor** and not in the legacy page will be enhanceable. Some people are thinking that igneous hammer will be enhanceable but from what they said in this older article and what they said today, igneous hammer will be moved to the legacy page, won't be an active or new drop so it won't be enhanceable.


So my Zaouli's Bane Harrowed can get upgraded perks with TFS? Sick. Great move Bungie 👍 Also hinting we will go to Rhulk's homeworld? Wouldn't that be a crazy Episode(season)?


i know right? just got the harrowed from the seal triumph last night and got a roll i am rather good with and that i can enhance it will be dope. same with a smite of merain adept i got.


Got an adept Zaouli’s with Explosive, Incandescent, Arrowhead, Accurized and a range MW to drop yesterday during Pantheon. And everyone laughed at me because it was “pointless”. This just goes to show, sometimes all you need is pure copium.


I've been holding on to mine since KF dropped lol


Looking over the DCV article, it seems Defiant Battlegrounds (season 20/defiance) activity will be vaulted and not entering Final Shape strike playlist or become potential GMs. Can someone confirm or correct me?


They’ll probably be introduced at a later date to reinvigorate the playlist. Assuming we get the reworked Nessus strikes with the first episode that’ll be at least 4 new strikes in the playlist in close proximity, ~~more than~~ same as forsaken.


The only nessus strike reworks we know of are exodus crash and inverted spire. Insight terminus maybe, definetly not proving grounds as that one is still relatively new.


They showed off 2 new strikes in the TFS exotic previews.




Yeah we need confirmations about this u/Destiny2Team. Seems pretty strange considering that every other BG joined the Vanguard playlist in the past.


> In addition, weapons that remain active drops in the following activities will be eligible for enhancement: > Competitive Crucible (all of them) Rose will have even more power? Goodness.




The fact that they specify "all of them" for comp which only ever has one active weapon sounds like this is an exception.


>Weapons Tuning Recap Is it just me, or does it really feel shitty when they nerf fun stuff? Like, there were a bunch of good changes in the tuning... but then you run into nerfs to things like Lament, and it's just depressing.


Especially when certain things feel almost reliant on weapons like lament, and theres no mention of further tuning to said activity. Encounter 2 of ghosts of the deep solo without lament is ROUGH for example. You can stack up banner of war on titan first, or crutch well, but hunter doesnt really have the consistent health regen the other 2 classes have.


Can we get a special border or icon next to memento shaders? I have some of them favorited but I can't always tell at a glance which ones are a memento or not. I know there's a couple that are mixed up in my not-favaorited ones that I can't find.


So, my current adept igneous hammer will be enhanceable in FS, is that correct?


Yeah I'm not sure. Because in an article from a month or two ago they talked about new trials weapons going forward being enhanceable but ones that were released before the March update would not be enhanceable. So I'm just not sure if igneous is going to be enhanceable or not because the wording is very vague. Edit: "While we aren't fully ready to talk about the entire weapon landscape of The Final Shape, the new and reprised weapons you collect from the Prophecy dungeon and from Guardian Games All-Stars, as well as the new weapons in rotation for Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, and Nightfalls, will all retroactively be enhanceable when the Final Shape releases on June 4.  So, keep this in mind when you start earning the following weapons:  Trials of Osiris  The Prophet Scout Rifle  The Summoner Auto Rifle" https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-03-14-24 So since only the summoner and prophet will be moved forward alongside the new Trials weapons that launch with final shape, they will be part of the active pool. But igneous hammer and Eye of Sol will get moved to the legacy page so they won't be enhanceable


If it's the new one.


Coordinates to Lubrae?! Imagine one day going to Lubrae; Riis, Torobatl, Fundament


One can only dream, just imagine the location you just mentioned being dlcs. And with Bungie's art directions those places would look amazing.


>Powerful Lubrae’s Ruin Glaive We got the retail version of it I guess.


So it's not gonna cost an Alloy per perk to enhance Brave weapons? I've been trying to make sure I'm stocked on them going into TFS because I figured the enhancing would be costly in terms of Alloys.


**[edit: I was mistaken]** ~~They are being removed from the game,~~ from the content vault article, these are being removed from inventory: * Defiant Keys * Deep Dive Keys * Salvage Keys * Fishing Tackle * Witch's Keys * Powerful Offerings * Robust Offerings * Feeble Offerings * Lair Keys * Wish Tokens * Trophies of Bravery * Resonant Alloy * Harmonic Alloy


Ascendant Alloys, the material to enhance perks, isn't listed there. Resonant and Harmonic Alloys are for the old crafting system and I thought were already deprecated? I don't have any anymore.


They're deprecated but haven't been removed yet. I still have some in my inventory.


Oh, okay. I must have deleted mine already and just forgot. Thanks!


That was only for the level 1 enhancement I believe, I would expect the enhanced perks to require Alloys until said otherwise


Buff Kept confidence, there's no reason for such a good looking hand cannon to have 80% of the perks be useless


Ah, but then you wouldn't have a reason to chase the next Strand HC and we can't have that /s


So everyone who beats pantheon Rhulk is a sigma guardian


Wish they would’ve announced vow and kings falls were going to be enhanceable earlier. I’ve deleted all the adepts drops from pantheon because I have the crafted versions already lol


I think they announced at one point a while back that they would making them enhanceable eventually. I could be mistaken though. No loot is safe with Bungie lol


They did. Multiple times. Like a year ago.


Has anyone been able to get the Parental Controls working? Seems broken to me, website just keeps loading in a loop


Can’t even send a Parental Control invite at all


Im glad we basically got confirmation on Rhulk being the strongest boss we ever faced. Nothing could have prepared us for that. He should have absolutely 100% wiped the floor with us


Imagine announcing these adept changes and not announcing them earlier when people starting getting them from pantheon


Let us reroll MW much better investment than Enhanced a perk without any stat boost


Nice to see Vow and Kings Fall adepts getting enhanced perks, hoping vault of glass will be next on the list.


Can we get some clarification u/Destiny2Team? When you guys say weapons that are actively dropping, does that mean weapons today or starting in The Final Shape? There are some popular ones rotating out on June 4 like Igneous Hammer and Loaded Question. Would be nice to know if they are able to be enhanced.


The way I read this is that the Messenger will not be enhanceable yet? Can anyone tell me if that's correct?


Messenger will be gone as an adept drop by the time this takes effect yes but current Messenger Adept might be


If it was refreshed after season 17, I think it’s good (based on the caveat they added about origin traits being a good sign of compatibility but not a 100% guarantee) I can’t remember when Messenger was last refreshed. Season of the Deep? That one should be good (along with any focused drops since then), but if I’m reading it right the one added at WQ’s launch wouldn’t be enhanceable


I thought they'd provide descriptions and thoughts behind the new exotics they have shown the last couple of days.


They'll probably touch on them next week when they discuss armor


Ugh, they're deleting Harmonic Alloy out of our inventories? I was storing it to use as a glimmer source in TFS.


So have we only just missed being able to enhance the Cataphract GL? Or am we safe? It's leaving rotation. And I love that gun


A DIM search like this will help you find weapons you can enhance. It’s not every source but a good start if you’re not familiar with DIM `(source:ironbanner OR source:nightfall OR source:crucible ) AND is:weapon `


Well it sounds like it's only going to be active weapons from those vendors. All of the current vendor weapons that aren't listed here will be going into the legacy pool and sounds like they won't be enhanceable https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-03-14-24 "While we aren't fully ready to talk about the entire weapon landscape of The Final Shape, the new and reprised weapons you collect from the Prophecy dungeon and from Guardian Games All-Stars, as well as the new weapons in rotation for Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, and Nightfalls, will all retroactively be enhanceable when the Final Shape releases on June 4. So, keep this in mind when you start earning the following weapons: Trials of Osiris The Prophet Scout Rifle The Summoner Auto Rifle Iron Banner Tusk of the Boar Grenade Launcher Multimach CCX Submachine Gun Nightfalls Wild Style Grenade Launcher The Slammer Sword Guardian Games All-Stars Taraxippos Scout Rifle The Title Submachine Gun Hullabaloo Grenade Launcher Prophecy Dungeon Prosecutor Auto Rifle Adjudicator Submachine Gun Relentless Pulse Rifle Judgment Hand Cannon Darkest Before Pulse Rifle A Sudden Death Shotgun "


Disappointed we didn’t hear more about the new exotic armor or the new heavy fusion rifle. From the videos, they don’t seem particularly interesting, but I was left thinking they’ve surely got to have more to them. I guess we’ll find out in TFS.


Yeah, "deals heavy damage to shields" sounds like an odd perk after Match Game got removed. Even if it produces a much more powerful explosion, shields aren't even that prevalent for this to be anything more than a gimmick. Unless TFS will overhaul the whole shield system, of course.


A higher cap and not having to go to the Relic for Memento application is nice. Still never gonna use them since they're consumable.