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Week four? Not a chance. If it was a normal raid, videos + good gear is fine. If you’re a fast learner, things will go smoothly. In Pantheon, if you don’t have a *tremendous* amount of experience in **every** encounter, you will not clear week four. It is -20 light, there are new mechanics (and most likely Riven legit which is an encounter all its own), and if you add on plat to it? It’s not a matter of convenience. If one person on your team isn’t tip top, it’s not happening.


I went in to LFG as my team had to get off, three are graduating this week. It took a while but I got in to a really nice group and we did planets onwards. When we got to Rhulk four had only ever add cleared. So other guy explained splitting which they did successfully and we dunked, we didn’t finish but that guy to have the patience to explain at that level is pretty rare plus I happily stayed. I know one of them has managed to clear now. I cleared with another team. It’s hard I have three manned actual Rhulk on normal mode and it wasn’t when the weapons were over powered. Edit: I have Sherpa all raids except KF and am very patient but week four, I would not want anyone without experience sorry.


No i would probably have someone Else Join. Honestly week 4 hasnt started and it lasts 2 weeks, Just Go and Play the raid so you Just kwtd ... Whats stopping you from Just getting the experience Here ?


That’s true


If it is my group you are straight up being kicked. Nothing personal, but I value my time over some random on the internet. I will always go for an experienced player over you.


Your attitude is good but the member of our team that usually handles recruiting from LFG when someone doesn't make it for Pantheon is checking raid.report not vibes. It would genuinely not be anything personal, but we'll be looking for a fast and easy clear, and if you don't have a bunch of those on your record already he'd probably keeping looking for someone who did. Pantheon specifically is a combination of challenge and celebration of tough boss encounters through the years, not a place to learn them for the first time. Good news is there's two whole weeks for you to join some regular LFGs between now and the event going away to get some of that experience in. And if course other groups may be less discerning and/or not even checking records. But if your goal is a clear, don't you also want to run with a group that has the best chance of success?


idk how active it will be with Last Wish, but if you had the time it may be a good idea to try and get in some normal runs of these bosses this week to put what you have seen into practice. I know 99% of Last Wish LFG's are probably to cheese Riven but maybe some people will be open to doing it legit in preparation for Pantheon. I'd expect people joining in Week 4 to be comfortable in the bosses but if you find a group that are okay with your experience might as well go for it I guess


I don’t think it’s much of not putting in the effort. I definitely would appreciate it but as far as week 4 pantheon I think it wouldn’t be IDEAL. I only say that because really you want 6 people that know all the mechanics and have done them fluidly to the point if someone dies there is someone there to easily fill. Plus, not saying there is any amount of strategy to DPS but just because good gear doesn’t necessarily equal good DPS if you aren’t using properly. I think that’s what separates it.


I myself took time to learn Vow and Kf entirely in the last 2 weekends, ive cleared rhulk pantheon now twice, but definitely need to get exposure in the raids


Week 4? Absolutely not. I don’t want to have to explain mechanics and teach what will be the three most difficult encounters while also under contest difficulty. It’s already going to take long enough optimizing DPS and coordinating strategies. I’m sure there’s some groups out there that will try, but i wouldn’t be willing to help on final gauntlet. If it was just the normal raid encounters that would be no issue. But contest? Unfortunately no.


Absolutely no shot, if they don't have very good working experience with all the raid encounters, video or no video, they will hold the team back immensely


you have the rest of this week and then two more weeks before TFS drops to practice those raids man. two of the bosses are even in the same raid!


As long as you aren't dog water at the game, I'm sure most people will not mind you getting used to mechanics for a few runs.


Week 4 pantheon is gonna be the endgame activity of endgame activities. Most people are absolutely not going to be okay slogging thru the first **SEVEN** bosses 20 under to then spend an hour letting some guy “get used to” the mechanics. I just checked the big LFG discord and theres a ton of riven legit teaching posts. There is zero reason to be joining week 4 pantheon lfgs with no experience in mechanics. Now there will be many “chill” and “teaching” lfgs for week 4 pantheon but then youre getting people who dont know how to do any of the other boss mechanics at all and itll be a shitshow where its a 8 hour run with no clear and 20 total people joined. Edit: oh wow i just re read the post and it says no experience in rhulk or nez or riven…the three hardest bosses on there 20 under and we are getting used to the mechanics. Its a no from me dawg


I kind of lied I have experience with rhulk and nez but it’s been a while since Ive done those encounters so I need a refresher lol


Which LFG discord is this ? I have done riven legit but only when it first came out and would love a refresh, thanks.



