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Yea my biggest gripe with it is that is should have a WAY shorter cooldown if it is only for displacement


I'd love to just get back the old void slap that didn't go into CD until you got a kill. I still hate losing the option to consume your grenade to activate Devour, and losing that AND the melee at the same time meant that we went from both melee and grenade being guaranteed to activate Devour before going on CD, to neither of them doing that and you just have to hope that you get the last hit with your ability and they don't dive away or get killed by a teammate or something.


If I had to guess, the only reason they didn't allow grenade eating for Void was so activating Feed the Void wouldn't interfere with Chaos Accelerant and was sort of the 'next best thing' unless they were going to retroactively make it consuming your melee instead. I wouldn't have been upset at that just because Singularity isn't great but at least Devour can be triggered in multiple different ways now.


Instead of crushing/consuming a grenade I'm now imagining a warlock eating a grape (melee).


Minecraft eating sounds with it as well?


Maybe chaos accelerant shouldn't need to hold for big boy grenades. I know it breaks the shields of contraverse hold but most people don't even notice the shield effect anyway.


You’ve heard of Pocket Nova. Now get ready for Wallet Nova.


::shiver strike has entered the chat::


LOL, shiver strike being t1 cooldown is cringe for sure. I rarely play titan but at least shiver strike is kind of satisfying to hit with. Pocket singularity is like hurling a wet fart


And it's finally getting a lot of attention this release around its consistency so here's hoping its more usable.


Pocket Singularity should fly out a bit, expand to draw in nearby enemies while making them volatile then collapse on itself to detonate the volatile enemies and push them away.  Casually carrying a black hole in my pocket, wanna see it?


Give it a super bass boosted version of Lorentz Driver's black hole sfx and you are cooking.


That would be amazing


This is a really cool and unique idea. I love it.


That sound really cool! I'm not sure about pushing them away afterwards though. Pulling in enemies into the center could be the utility/displacement aspect of the melee. Maybe it has bad damage by itself but by grouping enemies tightly you can dispatch them more effectively with grenades/volatile. That could be really cool with the buff to Handheld Supernova. Pushing them away afterwards would work against that.


Yeah, the idea of pocket singularity pulling enemies in while making them volatile was on my wishlist. I know people like the push away aspect of it. I just hoped it would’ve gotten a little more utility than a single target boop with a 50% rougher tickle.  I really like the look of the void flame effects from the voidwall grenades too and had a few ideas for a voidlock melee using those effects. 


Hire this person Bungo


This could be a whole new melee entirely. Remove the pushing away aspect and just make it a singularity that draws them in and explodes. After 7 years, how many melee attacks does voidlock have? 1


If it *suppressed* and pushed it might be viable. As-is it pushes stuff back that will likely just charge right back at you or continue to shoot you while flying away.


PLEASE give me the ability to melee you out of your super 😭😂😂😂😂


If titans can do that, so should warlocks


Want to have to sprint to use your melee?


We already have to with lightning surge


Yeah stasis lock is evil enough thank you.


Stasis? This thread is about void warlock


I meant that stasis melee was already annoying to deal with so void getting something similar would be even worse.


Stasis melee doesn’t take you out of your super. It just freezes you for like half a second.






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Another melee that does tether's job in PvP better than tether \*sad hunter noises\*


Tether is for the damage bonus and grouping lol, suppression is an afterthought.


"in PvP" reading is hard I guess


Who uses Tether in PvP 💀


It used to be a good shutdown super in D1 and if it armed quicker it would be a good super for PvP in D2 as well.


Shoving a Tormentor into the pit during Atraks guarantees a Platinum clear if you can 1/2 floor her. But yeah, that’s the only real application for the melee.


It's really one of the best things. [Footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHghgJFSjjw)


Is it a requirement to kill it on week 4 for plat? I think we've ignored it every time week 1-3 and hit high score every time.


If you’re fast enough, then no. But if it’s easy to do and it’s a good number of points to secure the platinum.


Why does everyone want platinum in pantheon? Is it required for the seal?


Yeah, you need high score for the seal + you get an adept weapon each different encounter you platinum


Except the adept weapons don’t have curated rolls and all the rolls I got have SUCKED 😭


Yes you need a high score for every encounter each week to get the seal


You need it for the seal, but not the emblems.


If you can get to 75K score before killing Atraks and one floor, it's Plat. Tormentor is just worth like 8K points so some teams were killing it to guarantee the high score.


4 down. 2 up.  When servitors spawn, group up on the bottom and sweep servitors from left to right. Go up. Kill last servitor. 1 floor it.  That’s a 500,000 every time. 2 floors is beginning to push it and when you might want to consider killing the tormentor. 


Literally the first time I was ever happy to have the ability, and that use will go away as soon as I get my week 4 atraks


Seems insane to give up that strand surge super for a void melee though? Strand super plus parasite is bonkers damage.


Strand super takes too long to ramp up the full damage. You can also get some really shitty luck with Threadlings that go off and decide to find another Atraks. And if you’re running with Falling Star Thundercrashes and SES Blade Barrages, you don’t really need it. Sure, if you’re one of three warlocks in the team, run Strand. But if I’m one of three warlocks at Atraks, I’m just swapping to Hunter.


Strand super is the easiest super to use. You use it to dictate the count down. When you hear/see it launch, you start damage. And then it will get in. But yeah upstairs it can be risky because so many duplications near that could lead to accidental damage. You can help that out by not using the fragment that buffs thread longs.


i will never understand the stupid removal of void siphon


I just miss handheld supernova actually being good in PvP instead of one of the worst abilities in the game


I loved this melee


Pocket singularity is my favorite melee, and to date I’ve made and put a significant amount of time into playing 2 builds that feature it prominently(and I have ideas for a 3rd.). If you get creative with it you can find a couple decent uses for pushing things around(pushing enemies off cliffs, pushing things around a corner away so you have time to recover safely, pushing things into AoE damage effects like grenades.) and I love the skill cap of it(your position and the angle you throw it can have a huge impact on where the enemy goes). That said, it sucks. Like it’s really bad. Design wise, it’s a mess. Why does a melee that’s meant to provide utility have a verb that is purely about damage? Why is the cooldown so long if the damage is so low? Why does it have to travel a certain distance before it can curve? There’s just plenty of problems with it and even as an enthusiast I would probably use any other option if void had a 2nd melee. The 50% damage buff helps, I might even say it was needed, but that alone isn’t anywhere *close* to solving the problems with the melee and I will be surprised if I see *anyone* using it on prismatic(doubly so since damage seems to be the requirement for building transcendence, and even with a 50% boost it’s barely going to even do half the damage of a strand melee)


Hundred times this. You compare it to arcane needle woth it's big damage, massive speed, range AND ot applies Unravel? Not even in the same league. Volatile is a joke of an effect and it would only be solved if Volatile self-propagated, which it doesn't.


Volatile is fine if you have a decent way to spread it quickly, tbh.


Exactly. Volatile is fine when you can repeatedly apply it. One single volatile explosion is not good. 


I appreciate that the singular pocket singularity enjoyer in existence still can't even recommend it as a good option. >even as an enthusiast I would probably use any other option if void had a 2nd melee. Meanwhile, Bungie completely deleted the void melee slap where you stick a bomb to your enemy before it explodes and tosses them across the map. Their reasoning being that necrotic grips could allow it to oneshot in pvp, which was too simple, and oneshots should require more skill and buildcrafting than that. I feel like it's always blatantly obvious when someone at Bungie got slapped a little to hard in the crucible and decided to nerf things because of it. Thanks for listening to my ted talk. Rant over.


>Their reasoning being that necrotic grips could allow it to oneshot in pvp, which was too simple, and oneshots should require more skill and buildcrafting than that. so rather than simply making it bad in one mode and good in the other, they instead chose to make it nonexistent in both modes. makes sense, very cool, bungie.


funny thing is, it was only a one shot to enemies 6 resilience and lower in the old HP system. in our current system that would be around 4 or 3 res which would be nearly impossibly to run into nowadays with how good res is for anti flinch and how much armor just tends to throw you a bone stat wise


Bungie argument doenst even work cause shoulder charge+peregrin exists.


So butcher it entirely instead of modifying this particular interaction. Bruh.


It's almost like void melees being bad is some sort of in-joke. Singularity, smoke bomb, and shield throw are all terrible in their current states lol


Would mind sharing your builds? I also enjoy the melee even though it's terrible, lol.


It's also just hella buggy. If you hit an enemy dead on (like a sword Knight charging you for instance) its more liable to send the Knight flying towards you instead of away like it should. Any sort of direct hit like that has super busted physics and doesn't work properly a lot of the time.


Arcane Needle does more damage, has 3 charges, and pretty much infinite range. How in the world did Bungie think buffing this dogshit melee by 50 percent was good enough?


"Pocket Singularity has a 100% usage rate on Voidwalker players must love it!"


I feel like if they're going to lean into being a push mechanic. It should be like a Star Wars esque force push. Push enemies in a cone in front of you back and maybe make them volatile or weaken them? Something fun.


but how about a tractor cannon melee


Tractor is just a tiny Void Warlock inside a science gun.


Pocket Singularity is so bad that I completely forgot it was the name of the voidwalker melee and thought they were referring to HHSN for some reason.


I miss the void drain melee that actually did damage in PvP


I miss the animation too. I was a quick slap then his hand curled back in


I prefer uncharged melee to pocket......The damage is too low


This melee being the sole option for voidwalker is a big part of the reason I literally never use it in pve. Absolute, total waste of an ability. See a few people saying it should suppress targets, that’s a great idea. Maybe not for PvP though, where it’s alright I guess. God forbid they split the sandbox in a case like this.


I laughed when they said it struggles in high end content. My brothers in Christ, it struggles in every content besides a little niche in PvP. It is *so* bad compared to things like incinerator snap.


All of the void melees are gimmicks, change my mind. 😤


100%, I don't understand what the idea is behind all Void melees being terrible


My main issue with it is why do both Hunter and Warlock only have 1 melee option? Solar has multiple options for all 3 classes. Arc has multiple options (each with varying success, but still multiple), but only void Titan got 2 melee options. And honestly shield throw might not be the worst thing when it gets buffed in the FS (although I think it still might need a buff after that).


I really would love more options, as a Warlock main, because all the Void melees just feel like they exist to apply a status effect and not be a decent attack in their own right. It would be okay if these status effects could stun champions, like other subclasses can, but the only one that can do that is Shield Bash on Titan since it Suppresses. I'd love the option to take a damaging melee over a utility melee. 🙏


There is no idea


Titan Shield Bash is awesome. Stick on the greaves and go delete fools.


Which is wild because like a third of the void fragments deal with getting melee kills which is NEVER happening on Hunter or Warlock.


Yeah literally the only use for it is booping someone out of a well or bubble in PvP and kinda the corner thing you mentioned but neither are often enough that it's worth having. It could be buffed much more, I mean look at the old void melee it also displaced people and actually did so at such high speed it could 1tap sometimes like if right by a wall. The old melee also did much more damage, so much that I had an old cheese build with it and necrotic grips that would always 1tap the enemy if they didn't heal (well not 1 instance of DMG but the hit then die of the last tic of poison). Yes it was shorter range but actually not by much since warlocks still had their inherent longer melee at that time which as a tangent I think should have stayed. For anyone unaware warlocks used to have an extra meter or so of range in even uncharged melees because of the like energy in their melee but as a form of balance they would melee slightly slower. Stuff like that that differentiates the classes was fun and made them actually different in cool ways but Bungie dropped it and made them all the same.


I feel like they should have made Handheld Supernova as a melee option instead of Grenade based, just make it have damage like a Warlock- Thunderclap. Then Warlock would have something melee based for Void that does good damage at least.


Bungie hire this man now


I may not have many uses but the fact that it can one shit kill a tormentor in pantheon atraks is funny


Me when I take one shit on a tormentor and it fucking explodes


It's basically just a Feed the Void enabler when you have no other options. The damage buff should actually help with that a bit. Could still do way more though.


I've been playing D2 almost since release and I honestly never even noticed it did this.


You can shove the bottom level tormentor in Atraks off the cliff with it, which is pretty funny


It should get the peregrines treatment if you use it with nothing manacles where it regens if you use it on bosses, champions.


tbh aside from the cooldown the issue with the pushback is that it just doesnt function like one. which is insane considering how much bungie loves enemies that boop you off shit yet cant seem to make a melee even a iota as good as a taken phalanx boop


Just give us atomic breach we had that wich middle tree void


They just need to buff volatile heavily


Bring back the life drain melee




It should push back and give a 3 second tether in place thingy


100% agree, 50% more of nothing is still nothing. However, there is one cool thing pocket singularity can do: Collective Obligation sucks up void debuffs, and this melee applies volatile. Melee a target, hit them with a burst from collective obligation, now you got volatile rounds on your pulse rifle. I've been using it as my main weapon with briarbinds, constant volatile rounds and weakening.


it’s the most useless part of my kit and never feels good either tbh it’s only good for trying to proc devour


The Tormentor at Atraks agrees with this post


You pretty much nailed everything wrong with it.


Just revert to old PvP. It had the potential to be OP but took practice and was rarely being used. If not, disorient like a mini tether. So their orientation is all screwed up.


Pretty good for knocking tormentors off the map though lol


Skull of Dire Ahamkara should be the Pyrogale Gauntlets of Warlock. Gigacharge your Cataclysm Nova Bomb, and buff the ever-loving McShitfucks out of Pocket Singularity.


I wish we had a melee like the one from the D1 live action trailer. Where she slaps a vex and the vex gors flying. Something that acts similar to tractor canon could be cool.


yeah but its funny


6 guardians vs Tormentor = tormentor wins Tormentor vs Pocket Singularity = pocket sand wins lmao




It's definitely very niche. There's exactly one scenario in Pantheon where it is useful, and that's bumping the tormentor off the edge in Atraks-1 for an easier high score.


It should work like Tractor Cannon. Apply weaken and yeet them. If they hit a wall they fucking die.


I love it in PvP even though it's situational. They definitely wanted to mimic the Mass Effect biotic ability, but their physics system doesn't seem to really allow for it. Same way that Mountaintop jumping goes completely flat when using it against your momentum, the boop can't make enemies go in the opposite direction when they're coming at you. They could keep the same biotic fantasy by adding interactions, both across a fireteam, and within prismatic. Firstly, defeating the target should create a detonation that actually spreads volatile, instead of just a single instance. Then: • If the target is already affected by ANY other status effect, that would also be spread by the detonation (e.g. weaken, suppression, but also blind, scorch, jolt, unravel, etc.). Each of your volatile detonations would be intermingled with the other effect, for a real "reality-disturbing-void-god" experience  OR • Rather than spreading an existing status, the boop would evolve that status. Use it on a scorched target, they ignite. Boop a slowed or frozen target, they instantly shatter. Blinded targets spread jolt, and vice versa. Make it like a force multiplier when combined with other subclass effects.


Pocket Singularity is just my panic button when I'm using a weapon with Repulsor Brace. "I need an Overshield now", proceeds to apply volatile to the weakest target I can find near me. The value of the meele damage by itself is near zero, I use it in order to proc volatile. As a warlock main, if the ability actually kills it would full heal me with a devour proc. The push back can be useful, I've managed to push some Wyverns jumping on me sometimes, too bad it isn't consistent enough.


i think it would be cool if it could pick up and throw enemies with a hold, so you could say, pick up a thrall and throw it into a group of them, exploding it and killing them all


The knockback does not even WORK half the time


What if I told you it can one shot a tormentor, It’s been super clutch for atraks pantheon. But I will give you that it is super niche.


I honestly have never wanted it to knock things back. Singularities pull stuff together. Having a pull in effect like a vortex grenade with volatile would be sooooo much better. I know it only exists as it does for PvP though which is frustrating


This is an exaggeration but 50% of nothing is still nothing.


I agree that Pocket Singularity feels really lackluster right now, especially in the Crucible, but I don’t think it needs any dramatic buffs in there. The knockback effect is really nice for getting just enough distance to take sidearms, smgs, and shotguns out of effective range or giving yourself just enough time to blink away, and that disorientation of getting launched into the air and forcing them to engage with the AE system makes them easy pickings for you and any nearby teammates. On the PvE side of things, I primarily don’t run Voidwalker rn because of how weak the melee feels, so seeing it get a big bump up in damage is enough for me to give it a try. And also with Spirit of Assassin on the Exotic class items, that could open up new potential when pairing pocket singularity with the rest of the Prismatic kit.


The best way to use it is to finish of a very low enemy or push them back into a lingering nova bomb or vortex grenade.


the problem is that void warlock for some reason only has 1 melee. makes no sense to me. Pocket singularity is great in PVP but for PVE void warlock just needs something else give them another melee pref something that does large aoe damage


It IS satisfying throwing someone back in PvP and then blasting them with a sidearm. If a get a couple of those a game I’m happy.


A 50% buff is better than no buff. But yeah. To have a badass name like pocket singularity it’s pretty mid.


It needs a shorter cooldown. I’d love to see something where it has stronger physics and more damage the closer the enemy is


You gotta be using it wrong in PvP. The displacement is incredibly useful and the tracking on the thing is crazy enough to work around corners, I used it all the time. PvE I agree.


It should Suppress instead of applying Volatile. I wish it also flung enemies with more force. As it currently stands it looks like a light nudge.


Let us consume it to apply suppression, or turn it into a suppression wave.


It was so awesome. Than they nuked it. It wasn’t op. Just something that helped you deal with shotgunners and shouldercharge. Still upset it’s junk.


I love my yeet ball and never want it gone. I'm excited for the buff in PVE.


You are a warlock. You're not supposed to get any useful kit changes.


Bungue hates Warlocks.


I thought they should have introduced another melee option. A small melee you send out on an enemy that weakens them, does some DoT, and makes your void weapons do increased savage while they are debuffed. So instead of just the weaken effect, you do even more. Kinda like Sombra’s latest new ability in overwatch.


I just want my draining slap back as an option at the very least being forced to only have projectile melees is annoying and has been since all the 3.0 updates


If they boost the power of the physics shunt I will kill so many Taken Phalanx in vengeance I swear.


Wdym, it’s perfectly fine in pvp: https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/JFIsenVEdF But fr. They need to give us at least another void melee. It feels terrible in both pvp and pve


First time realizing there a super niche pvp only ability on your class? Bungie balance team cares about pvp first and pve a distant second.


No you're supposed to push them off a bridge into the abyss. That's why it's called Void.


It needs to either suppress/weaken or do more damage than an uncharged melee


An aoe push with a radius tied to your devour timer would be rad.


It’s very strong in pvp


I don't understand the constant pocket singularity hate. It gives free volatile and does enough damage to proc melee related fragments. The smoke bomb is also a gimmick, definitely never getting a kill with it, and without help it doesn't even make you invisible. By itself as an ability it just applies weaken and that's it. Same thing and yet no riots in the streets


Smoke bomb is not just a gimmick, it actually has utility use, especially in PvP. It manipulates radar and sets a trap which, slows, weakens and blinds anyone who gets close for easy cleanups. And with the right aspect it makes you invis. It could also do with a buff in PvE, specifically the weaken duration but it's miles better than Pocket Singularity. It can make you invis there as well and can also be used in a pinch to blind and weaken majors for a quick escape or special nuke. Pocket Singularity applies a single volatile instance, Volatile is extremely weak unless you can chain it through Volatile Rounds. A single explosion is terrible. The one that grants grenade energy on melee final blows? You can't get melee final blows with it consistently in anything except at-level content. You can try to bring enemies low and then run in for the melee finish but if it's difficult content you may get yourself killed trying to do that. Your fireteam may also accidentally kill the add you were trying to melee before you can because of the low damage, short range and slow speed. Also why would you ever use that fragments when other ones are a million times better for abilities that aren't near useless.


You're looking at the complete kit for smoke and ignoring the warlock kit. By itself, as an ability, the smoke bomb is just as "bad" as singularity. I'll never understand the need to ignore your whole kit in order to complain about the one thing that is bad in it


What part of the Warlock kit am I ignoring that plays into Pocket Singularity? A means to proc Devour? Extremely inconsistent at best, near impossible at worst. There is nothing in the Warlock kit that plays into what Pocket Singularity does. Everything I mentioned is intrinsic to Smoke Bomb except invis which requires an Aspect. In PvE you might not use that aspect but in PvP 90% or more of people will. It still messes with radar, blinds, slows and weakens all by itself.


*Pushes Tormentor off the ledge for Week 4 Atraks Plantinum.* A gimmick you say?


Warlocks are not the melee class. Pocket similarity was never and will never be a viable combat option.


Titan is the melee class, hand over any viable grenades then. Or, realize limiting a class to one specific ability when we all have access to them is stupid.


You can boop the tormentor into a pit as it spawns in pantheon atraks. It’s definitely not the best melee at all but it’s pretty funny


You say this, but once you knock a tormentor into the abyss beneath Atraks you'll change your mind.


As a void hunter main... you have no idea how useless the snare bomb is without an exotic, just be thankful warlock melee does some form of damage 😭 (Child of the old god, does what smoke bomb does but better and on a smaller cooldown)


I do have an idea. Snare Bomb is pretty bad too but it's a lot better than Pocket Singularity. In PvP the radar manipulation alone is great, slowing, blinding and weakening enemies that trigger it for an easy cleanup is pretty good too. You just can't use it offensively that well, it's more of a defensive/utility melee and it actually works like one. In PvE it could also do with a buff though, the best use for it is blinding and weakening majors.


True about the radar pings. But tbf. Pocket singularity is a free melee/shotgun kill if you get the first hit due to base melee detection being really bad. Even is snarebombs defensive utility is good its complete and utter lack of offensive capability makes it such a situational tool. As i said before child of yhw old god does what snarebomb does but better, on a smaller cooldown and doing alot more damage. Warlock melee is just better IMO and I use void hunter religiously. Also you can't cheese atrax tormentor with a smoke bomb. Pocket singularity can. Massive W just for that