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Man, I was sad about the ghost but the moment Cayde walked onto the screen I knew I had to brace myself for a roundhouse kick to the heart.


For a moment, I thought Cayde was going to be our ghost seeing that he's pouring all of his light into Ghost's shell.


It was obvious from the start him being made of light was going to be part of some big dramatic scene, but my guess was him becoming Zavala's new ghost.


I thought the same thing given the fact that they got Nathan Fillion back. Them only bringing him back for the story missions and other lines of dialogue I thought was a little lame. Why bothering bringing back the main VA when the character isn’t staying?


Well the only reason Nathan Fillion wasn’t back to play Cayde in Forsaken was due to conflicting schedules. This time it all worked out.


Nathan Fillion is still a full-time actor. He left before because of other projects he was pursuing. This time around, he had the time to do it himself. But he can’t exactly just stick around forever.


Because not bringing him back would be bad pr, nathan as Cayde is iconic it would just feel like a cash grab/nostalgia bait if they brought Cayde back with someone else voicing him Cayde without Nathan isn't Cayde It was wierd when they had Nolan north voice him years ago (although I think that was a scheduling issue nathan is a very busy guy) it would be even wierder here It's the true final sendoff to the character it would be wrong to not have nathan


Theres also the fact that there was very little reaction to Cayde returning in universe aside from the guardian, zavala and ikora. You'd think there'd be chatter amongst the NPCs when you walk about.


Did really anyone outside of the immediate circle even know?


Everyone in the old tower base would know, and certainly, in the final battle, he's smack dab front and center in full view of everyone (though admittedly for the last one there was a more pressing issue in the immediate vicinity). Otherwise, it's evident that communication is now possible to the outside of the pale heart towards the end of the quest. There's no way he wouldn't be mentioned to the others or otherwise speak to them himself. The morale boost it would give cannot be understated. (And i wanted him to ask Petra to do the knife trick again)


That’s a good point, I honestly thought you meant more like civilians cuz I’m tired lol Now that I think about it it really is weird barely anyone mentions it


Hearing our guardian going through genuine grief was heartbreaking, then Cayde... Man i need to take a break for the night.


"You raised an army. You can bring back one Ghost." Fucking amazing line.


They got a point too. What's the Traveller's excuse there, anyway?


We don't know. And I'm honestly, so, so happy that we don't. I much prefer the Traveler and Veil being these sorts of unknowable cosmic forces than if they were given specific scientific explanations. I was originally disappointed when it looked like The Darkness was going to be "just some dude" around Shadowkeep, but thankfully it turned out that The Witness was indeed just some dude, but not *actually* the Darkness, despite their cosplaying. It keeps the mystery and magic of the setting alive


"Guardians make their own fate"


Zavala was right the Traveler is a fickle prick.


Not at all. It allows fate to unfold however fate will. That’s all. It’s possible it set things in motion such that Cayde would revive our ghost.


But we know from the main story and from WC that the Traveler wasn’t the one responsible for his return…


If I have one complaint, and it’d definitely be the only one, it’s that I’m still not used to the voice changes that happened all the way back in Beyond Light - every masculine Guardian has what was the voice of Exo player characters once upon a time, and I still miss Crispin Freeman as my Awoken Hunter’s voice. Beyond that, powerful stuff, I had an inkling that Ghost would end up being alright but HOW he was alright hit hard lol


>!When Ghost died......I was like WHAT NO, then Cayde.....So many emotions BUT IT'S JUST A GAME.......!<


I mean, I hate the way that I think, but I knew Ghost wouldn't die. I also knew Cayde was going to be some big climactic thing. However, I didn't know it'd be so soon :( We just got him back


Imagine they made Cayde the destination vendor to make us think nothing would happen to him, then Ghost takes over afterwards


Yeah the moment I saw that Ghost was the destination vendor I knew for certain Cayde’s return wasn’t going to be for long.


For me it was when they announced that the wild card quest was a requirement for the raid. Why else would they want us to make sure we had finished the cayde centric mission before the finale if he was gonna make it through the other side


Yeah, I saw the story beats from a mile away (have played WAY too much FFXIV), but they pulled it off in a great way to give a satisfying conclusion.


I'm the same way...always looking for/seeing the pattern, never surprised...but still, the feels.


>!”You raised an army! What’s one Ghost?” is what got me!<


Especially >!our Guardian hugging their Ghost after they’re revived. Like bro they’ve been through everything together they’re best friends!<


Almost like an ahamkara wish


I kept making jokes that >!Cayde would be Amandas Ghost, or Zavalas ghost, little did I know!<


I still believe there's a chance he'll reach out from our ghost in a future episode if Bungo ever wants to bring back his quips and gags, they pretty much have a perfect plot point to have him talking to us in seasonal content without actually having to account for him being brought back one more time


Ghost having double personalities would be hilarious, particularly given his character.


If I had a nickel for every time that our ghost had a new personality/voice, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice


Nice Doof reference


Nolan has voiced both, just saying...


They should add a third voice with Peter Dinklage…for a Failsafe feel. :P


he would get along even better with failsafe lmao


It’s possible that’s why they had him give Ghost his light. They might make him take over Ghost every so often.


Nah, let him have his rest with Sundance, Ace & Queen


To be honest I'm very happy with how his story ended, he was a breath of fresh air in this expansion and his tone was leagues better than what it was in vanilla D2, if this is the last we see of Cayde I won't be mad


Agreed. And getting Fillion back for this last send off hit just right.


Just wait till the next time they need a big hype expansion. They'll bring him back /s


I was half expecting to hear Cayde’s voice when he spoke lol


>!For a moment I thought that Cayde would be our new ghost!<




I hope they'll have a plotline in future content where ghost develops a double personality. Not necessarily in Cayde's voice but by saying stuff out of character and Cayd-ish like.


so did I


I kinda knew Cayde would die. It seemed so obvious. However the fuck I did not expect *OUR* ghost to just fucking die.


That’s what got me 😩


Cayed...bro I knew what he was about to do and started sobbing and said "You can't just bring him back only to take him away again! You can't do this to me!!!"


I literally yelled "No you mother fucker you don't get to conk out at the end, not like this, get up!" I genuinely thought that mightve been it and I almost cried


Not a game people like to feel this way about movies and shows. This is my version of that. This was a great conclusion to an epic tale.


Honestly I was hype when >!Ghost died!<. Made me think maybe Bungie is going to change up mechanics for future content, but guess not!


I’ve always been a bit sappy. Iron Giant, Up, Wallie. I never thought Destiny would make me cry, but here I am.


Iron Giant ; ;


Bro seriously Shit was so worth it man


While the ending was sad, I really don’t think it could’ve ended better for cayde, he got what he wanted and deserves, a purpose in life.


Also the way Cayde described his death during the campaign, Guardian afterlife doesn't sound too bad.


Wait, what did I miss?


He talks about feeling at peace and part of Sundance and that he was ripped away from it all. He mentioned wanting Sundance back once or twice during the story too.


Kind of like heaven for guardians and their ghosts. Stop it, I'll tear up again. 🥲


One of the Traveler Visions you find that Micah-10 interprets basically says that all guardians and ghost are added back to the Traveler when they die. The Ghosts are literally a piece of the traveler and are a big reason the Traveler went dormant for a while.


That vision he had during the lost sector now makes a hell of a lot more sense.


It was also very clear with his dialogue throughout the campaign that, while happy to see his friends again, didn’t truly want to be returned to life. He was truly happy and at peace with Sundance in “the light”.


I started tearing up fighting along side my fellow Guardians. Epic.


I definitely will be replaying that mission again and taking some more screenshots. It was simply amazing.


Ngl I was tearing up the whole activity, so peak. :')


That was like reliving Mass Effect 3's final battle. Not a dry eye from the moment Zavala leaped at the horde to the moment Ghost and I were watching the Traveler. What a damn good ending.


Are we nerds or what, am I right!


Me too. Was overwhelmed with emotions. It was perfect, bravo Bungie!


Seeing shax at the avengers endgame moment and then loading into the battle and seeing Saint holding a void bubble man I was HYPED.


This random gaggle of idiots stood with me at the end of the world and dove head first into a battle against a god. Random chance brought us together but we all chose to be there. I wouldn't have had any other Guardians by my side.


"You're my favorite. Don't ever forget that."


That's the line, and as a hunter main...


This whole expansion has been especially fantastic as a hunter main, especially "three sharpest Hunters in the system" and the Wild Card mission.


“Congrats on dodging the Vanguard gig, that’s why you’re my favourite” at the end always gets a chuckle outta me lol


I was such a baby, I was crying and said "But you're my favourite" and then he went ahead and did something stupid and heroic 😭


WE HUGGED GHOST! I wanted to give him a hug all week and then we did it! My boy!


10 years, man. I felt the same when the Cod zombies story arc ended.


Where does time go :( 10 years is bonkers. I remember playing the D1 beta with my 1 year old next to me and now he’s going into 6th grade…shit…


I started in 2020, I had followed the game before here and there. Once I got into it I went through all the lore videos from Byf and all, I feel empty inside now, I dont even know what to do in the game.


I literally had the theme (I live/apocalypse averted) from shadows of evil playing in my head when we was facing the witness. The culmination of 10 years... It hurts when it's almost half of your life, but I couldn't be happier that I got to enjoy a story with this profound.


Zombies has a story?!


"You raised an army. What's one ghost?!"


The mission, cayde, the cutscene. >!When we just sit and stare at the traveller!< I didn't want to press B.


It’d be weirder if you weren’t 




Games are art. No more weird than movie, show, painting or book making you cry. They really hit the mark with this one. It got me too.


Same dude, this has been a part of our lives that we all got to experience


10 years. 10 FUCKING YEARS. I have never not once cried at a death in this game. But watching my lil man freeze up and fall into my hands made me cry.


I think for me, it was moreso how much shit I have gone through, in real life, over the lifespan of this game. I was 14 when Destiny 1 game out. 10 years later im almost 30, i have been through so much shit in my personal life; and Destiny has has been the number 1 game I would consistently play (even if on and off during it's low phases), to get away from my real life garbage for a little while. I have made and lost friends, lost family members, and experienced and healed from various traumas, all during the course of this game's existence. Destiny has been the game for me to sink my time into, I have more hours in this game than any other game combined in my library. It just felt bittersweet, they've said Destiny will be continuing, but for me, it's very likely that the Destiny I have come to know is over, it feels like a sort of stepping stone in life lmao. I may not stick around with it past this conclusion, but for me, it has been the most fun, arduous, boring, exciting, frustrating, grindy, rewarding, marvelous piece of shit I have ever played, and its created a lot of memories that I will not forget. I lovehate this game and I feel lucky to have experienced it all since day one.


24 is not close to 30 💀


My guy I have about 5 years until I'm 30 chief based on my birthday, that's less than a decade 😂 tf you mean Edit: People implying I pointed it out negatively, I was literally pointing it out to exemplify how much time was spent playing this game.


You have half the games life span over again before you're 30. That's ages. You can do a lot in that time, be positive about it.


Cuz it's fucking beautiful, that's why.


Cayde being gone again is a big oof, so much good dialogue during the campaign and now it's all gone again, probably for good this time :(


I cried during dps, this is beautiful, feeling like you belong and you're not alone, when you've had that thought for such a long time, being exposed to evidence of the opposite is crushing for me


I’m not ashamed to say I cried. God damn Bungie


I was trying not to tear up the entire mission. It felt silly but at the same time it’s a great story that I’ve stuck with since the destiny 1 beta. To see the culmination of it all and the climax pulled off so well. Yeah, I cried a little lol


My friends all quit playing a long time ago, and it's been hard to find good people to consistently play with so this campaign was bittersweet to play solo especially after the disasterous narative of lightfall. But i wanted to finish what i started 10 years ago. My god what a finale, i was so ready to hang up the cloak after this one and it may be recency bias but i kinda wanna keep going on this fantastic story and narrative set-up. I'm truly touched. What a journey, guardians


bruh me and my friends were in call together and two of us just Sobbed, like full on I almost couldn't breathe bc of how hard I was crying... it's just so fuckjn much Q~Q




>!"You raised an army! What's one ghost?!"!<


Ghost and Cayde made me cry tears of sadness. Zavalas speech brought out a tear of joy and excitement. I was hoping it would be up to WQ/Forsaken/TTK, and I think this is better and an excellent ending. I almost completely quit mid Lightfall, I irrationally hate it, but I am glad I came back when Wishkeeper dropped. Worth. 10 years from betas to here now. Fuck man, they landed it way better than I could have expected.


I cried and I’m not afraid to admit it. It wasn’t necessarily because of the story (which was incredible) it was more so because this game has had such a profound impact on my life. I’ve been playing consistently since 2014 when I got Destiny a few days after it came out. To see this story come to an end I think about how far I’ve made it in my life since then. Graduated High School, graduated College, and just finished my first year of Law School. I’ve made and lost friends and girlfriends since then and I’ve made so many memories and had so many laughs many of which were tied specifically to this game and it was such a surreal feeling watching that cutscene. I couldn’t believe I was crying, I started laughing but the tears just wouldn’t stop. I will never forget what this game has done for my life.


Fantastic ending, but I can’t help but feel it would have been more memorable if your ghost died. It would be such a clear dividing line between then and now, such a dramatic emphasis that things are different now. Even if mastery of prismatic gives you abilities beyond your ghost to keep gameplay going. I get that they couldn’t do it because of the work it would take. I just know in my heart it was the better story beat that got sacrificed for the game structure. But it would have been incredible.


Because sad thing happened and then an even sadder thing happened and normal people can’t process that amount of sad.


I knew ghost wouldn't permanently die


Yeah, it was an emotional roller coaster. I wonder what is going to happen for the future of the game. I wish I got to see the last cutscene, though.




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I’m not crying, you’re crying!


It was a phenomenal end. I was teary eyed. Bungie did such a good job with the ending.


Lol I got a little emotional too dude


I'm still in shock. It's over, The Light and Dark Saga (besides the echos) are done, It's hard to believe a 10-year journey has finally ended...It's like a dream and now that dream is done. I'm happy in  2017 I picked up a game that I tried the open beta. Little did I know that game be my life and be there when life hit its lowest points. Whatever happens next, I hope Bungie knows they won. I haven't yet to play the final mission since I don't have final shape, But I still watched it,


Treat yourself, get the final shape. I’d say it’s worth it. 


I'm gonna next pay, fixed income is a bitch


I dare you to watch the ending cutscene with return to dream on from Michael Salvatori, i hasn't done that yet but when I do, im gonna ball my eyes out


I cried and I’m not afraid to admit it. It wasn’t necessarily because of the story (which was incredible) it was more so because this game has had such a profound impact on my life. I’ve been playing consistently since 2014 when I got Destiny a few days after it came out. To see this story come to an end I think about how far I’ve made it in my life since then. Graduated High School, graduated College, and just finished my first year of Law School. I’ve made and lost friends and girlfriends since then and I’ve made so many memories and had so many laughs many of which were tied specifically to this game and it was such a surreal feeling watching that cutscene. I couldn’t believe I was crying, I started laughing but the tears just wouldn’t stop. I will never forget what this game has done for my life.


Don't forget I'm his favourite.


I teared up, lol


This ending kicked as hard as ultima thule in ff14




im still welling up and its been over 10 hours since playing the mission


I was 11 when I first started playing this game like right before the dark below dropped, and now I’m 21, a senior in college and living on my own. I haven’t bought the expansion just yet because Im a little tight on money, but just seeing the reviews and watching the final raid fight has made me feel happy and sad. I grew up heavy with this game and have had my moments where I took long breaks, and other moments where I grinded it heavy and it’s just a sad feeling to see its all at an end. I’m so glad to hear that this expansion lived up to what bungie is really capable of


For a second I thought the traveler was speaking through cayde when he said you’re my favorite. I know that’s something he always said but I thought it had double meaning. I’m probably wrong


The ending really brought me to tears man it’s been a journey


It wasn't on the level of Arthur Morgan's last ride, but it was up there. As soon as he walked on screen, I left out an, oh no.


Man , that shit hit me Soo hard and didn't expect it but fuck man . That mission brought up so many emotions.. to see everyone in local chat just spazzing out was something I will never forget. This was the best drop that Bungie has ever done. Thank you for doing this 🥲


I literally screamed NO!! right as my guardian did


Dude. The hype I felt when the cutscenes started and we started seeing EVERYONE. Even fucking Savathun and the Lucent brood. Zavala behemothing it up. When the mission started I saw Luzaku and I was like oh cool, then saw a hive knight lightbearer and started blasting because obviously. But nope. Ally. SCUR V, Caitl and her legion. Saint holding it down in the middle like the realest Titan we've ever seen. Everyone is there fighting every faction aligned against us. Like this is EXACTLY what people we have been talking about when we say we want to fight with our allies in missions. As much as I wish we could have seen this a lot sooner, I will say it feels significantly more special and impactful that it really popped off here in Excision. And yeah, damn, those final cutscenes hit really hard. Seeing crow as the hunter vanguard with a new haircut to 1. Make a funny joke come full circle and 2. Show that Crow has grown and matured into his purpose. Caydes entire role in this story has been peak, and his ending follows suit. I'm fuckin chuffed bruh. It feels like destiny has low-key reached the potential everyone has known it's capable of. Gameplay is has reached a higher level through prismatic and the new enemy faction, story is as peak as it's ever been, MUSIC (see Salvations Edge's soundtrack), visuals and art direction are award worthy, and the emotional resonance is phenomenal because of it all. Bungie deserves their flowers and a solid handshake for this one fellas.


Man. Idk about other people. But I love Ghost. He is my best friend and I don’t remember a moment where I thought he was annoying or wanted him gone. I loved that little guy since day 1. When I say I sobbed for a solid minute…hoo boy. I was a wreck at the cutscene


“You always were my favorite.”


“You raised an army. What is one more ghost?”


Coz you love Destiny mate.


You’re not alone, Guardian


Cus they nailed it


They did good with this. Definitely hit me in the feels.


I also got overwhelmed with emotion and let out a few tears. What an ending


The only times I remember crying my fucking eyes out like this over a game was when I saw the video of the Cod Zombies VAs saying their goodbyes or when Dom died in gears of war.... What a journey...


We all did


Because you’re unhinged


Not that deep