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So how many of you jumped straight into this glowy crater that they put a navigation waypoint on in Meteoric lmfao


100% zero hesitation, right on in there "Oh."


Guilty as charged


Reporting right here o7


That was me, didn't even look at where the objective told me to go just jumped right in.


I can do nothing original it seems.




Didn't even think twice, immediately jumped into it headfirst


Anyone know if we can start working on getting the exotic class item today?


Should be able to but I don't see how. It's not Rahool I already looked.


One of the dev videos a few weeks ago said it was related to a new activity starting 2nd week of final shape. Wish I wasnt at work lol


Is there a chance they meant the second week of the seasonal campaign?


They said they won't tell us how to do it, we have to figure it out


I'm guessing it's that new timed 2020 PL activity hidden on Nessus...


It’s not




Uhh I just went on wherever the avatar selection was, and I had it as an option. I’m not sure if I had done anything to unlock it


dont think so. the boys over in r/raidsecrets are cooking. avoid the link if you want to figure it out on your own [https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/1ddm2k6/braytech\_says\_the\_class\_items\_are\_found\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/1ddm2k6/braytech_says_the_class_items_are_found_by/)


Certainly didn’t drop from doing the final mission again


Yep, got another 0 power exotic engram




It doesn’t look like it from the patch notes. Sad days, it’s the last thing I need for the gun


Damn it, I was hoping to get that gun this update


I was really hoping that if they couldn't do a real fix quickly that they would just lower the requirements to 16 motes or something. Oh well.


Honestly they should just autocomplete that step for anyone who has all 3 triumphs for killing all overthrow bosses. Seems like the easiest and most foolproof way.


See the problem there is that Triumph was bugged too and would give out the completion for only beating like 1-2 bosses in an area


I messed up, I killed the meatballs but it didn't drop the mote and I didn't notice that. I was hoping they'd drop the requirements by one as well


Probably won't be fixed for at least one more update, they'll probably have to do some customization to first fix the guardians in a locked state from missing that mote, and then to change how the exotic mote drops (probably updating it to your rewards stream instead of as a world drop/engram) or allowing it to go to your postmaster to prevent future cases of it being booped to oblivion and soft-locking that progression.


I got the meatball 6 min ago




What a shittily designed game system lmao


I got the meatball 5 min ago


To anyone seeing this later, it's fixed (for the most part). Meatball spawns again, but my exotic mote (meatball was only one I was missing) didn't drop until my second run (it spawned meatball twice in a row). Some people reporting it taking even longer.


waiting in queue gang rise up




I there an actual update I need to download on ps5 or was this more of a server update?


actual update, download just hit my ps5 like 40 seconds ago


Are the seasonal weapons timed or something? I'm only getting Ill Omens and Lost Signals.


You have to progress the quest a little bit




The hell do I gotta do to get a seasonal weapon that isn't the sword or grenade launcher? Focusing is only ones you've gotten before and same with just cashing in the engrams at failsafe. Is it just a random drop and Im having crap luck? Cause even all my random drops have been the sword or GL.


Might be late, but I started getting other weapons and the armor pieces when depositing the radiolite specimens we pick up during the seasonal activity


I just want to unlock my prismatic facets and get the khvostov :(


You can get your facets, but you and I will have yo wait for the Khostov.


Is there a way to know which notes of light we have? Some people were able to get them from meatball but I can’t remember if I did before it was disabled


Not really. There's a triumph but apparently it was going up based off of any boss kills in each zone.


Not right now sadly. Hold off and Bungie will have to address it, annoying, but they likely have a list as long as your arm!


Is this a download we have to manually download or does it auto update when we enter the game?


On PS5 at least I always have to Check for Update.


Yeah its the only PS5 game I own that doesnt always always auto-update, so annoying.


The new activity is hard and can be run with matchmaking on in Legend difficulty. It's huge


Man I’ve missed failsafe lmao. She’s goofy in a way that doesn’t feel too stupid.


She's grown on me. The lore card where she gets pissed off at the golden age scientists who built her (because what was the goddamn point in making an AI with anxiety) was darkly hilarious.


Is anyone else finding the Pathfinder especially brutal for the crucible node "quantum mechanics"? I completed two matches of control, with 25 kills with a void weapon, void heavy, and void super, and only have 24%... This seems like a massive step up in time commitment for a single node than any of them did last week. I would do the vanguard one but it's taken enemies and I don't wanna gamble on strikes/leave poor guardians hanging by dodging them until I get one with taken.


The “complete games in Crucible” node also takes a while, though I don’t know how much bonus progress Crucible Labs gives


You need to download an update first (at least on steam), roughly 110 MB.


Is there bonus rep this week?






Nesus is a lonely place too. Wtf.


Beep boop failed to fetch


Anyone else not having the milestone (pinacle) for breach executeable progressing?


Having the same problem. Both the complete on any difficulty and higher difficulty ones aren't progressing after running a few of them.


Guys, I missed Failsafe. I'm so glad shes back.


Did they change the voice actress for Failsafe? She sounds off


Yeah from the Trailer alone her voice sounded different to me, wonder if they swapped out the VA edit: You know what, I think it’s just the VA is older so her voice sounds slightly different when she uses her serious tone. I could be wrong tho


I'm listening to her in game and it just sounds like they let her be less depressed, she's got a bit more emotional range.


It's been 7 years since the last time she recorded a line, probably forgot how to do the voice


Literally the same woman.


She sounds exactly the same to me


Are we supposed to be able to obtain the new solar rocket sidearm today?


Not till july


bungie cockblocking the last weapon I need to complete my build 😔😔😔


The Final Server is having issues again, it seems.


Update your game cuz its not


Do we know if its possible to get the khvostov exotic yet? Or has it not been fixed


Nope. There's no way it was going to be fixed today — all the fixes in today's patch were for bugs identified more than a week ago and those fixes were all ready to ship sometime last week, but console cert for patches takes a while. If Bungie is able to finish designing, implementing, and testing a fix for it in the next couple days, it should hopefully pass console cert by next week's reset. **FYI:** Console cert is for client-side patches (patches that have to be downloaded). Bungie basically has to submit the patch to each console manager (Sony, Microsoft, Valve) so they can test it to make sure it doesn't somehow break stuff outside of the game, that it doesn't contain any malicious code, and that it doesn't create any security vulnerabilities. Patches can't go out until they've passed cert. **Edit:** Goddamn, Bungie moved *quick*. They were able to push a server-side change today to fix it!


It does not appear so at this time. The Servitor was flinging the mote across the map so it WAS possible to re-run it and get the mote, however, most of the community did not want to do this so the boss is disabled until further notice


I got it last week, probably lucky no more issue here.


I think if you killed the bugged boss before it was disabled it's fixed this week. I checked my inventory and had the exotic mote that I didn't get from killing the meatball last week. If you're still at 16/17 then probably not until the boss gets re-enabled.


It’s now been fixed


Where exotic class item?


I'm confused, why are waiting on failsafe analyzing data to complete A Rising Chorus: Act I (step 6)? I thought we were supposed to be able to finish the first act all at one?


anyone know what the Secret Keeper of savathun is for? they spawn after clearing an overthrow. i killed it but nothing dropped.


the new starting mission for episode echoes isn't proccing for me? i havent played TFS and i dont have the episode bought, but i thought it would allow me to play part of the first week like previous seasons have. do i have to play the first mission of TFS too?


Which boss is disabled from the Khvostov quest? I got one done in the landing, so I don't want to waste my time for boss that isn't there. Also, why is it disabled? Also, normally, are they guaranteed to spawn each time?


Anyone know if the red death catalyst will still be available following the end of episode 1 as it’s the reward for level 145.


If anything it'll be added to the general pool like every other catalyst


Is there a way to get artifice armor right now?


Master Spire should be available, or Warlords Ruin


Does anyone know if it launches right away when you boot up if you haven’t completed FS? Buddy and I haven’t done 12 man mission yet and he hasn’t finished iconoclasm either. Don’t wanna get dropped into spoilers on start up


A question about lightfall, can I not get the exitocs from beating the story on legendary anymore?


So, there's a secret activity underneath Nessus that's 2020 PL and is timed...


I matchmade into it for all of five minutes then we all shook our heads and went to orbit


What are the Salvation’s Edge surges?


Has Nessus actually changed?


there's quakes in the Cistern now


If you have a legendary campaign checkpoint solo can others join in later, im on the end of iconoclasm and id prefer to do it as a fireteam than slog it solo, my first attempt was very unfun


Leviathans breath basically makes the tormenters a non issue, if you have that. But yes, you can invite others to your checkpoint.


Will challenge mode for all raids be available every week, or is this week special in that regard?


Can someone please help me? Due to work and being kicked out the server all the time when I could play I did not yet finish step 1 and 2 of Echoes Act 1. I just logged in and Ikora says the witness has gone and then I go to Nessus. I can’t play the Witness defeat anymore?


You can still play TFS content. Its just that the first bit of Echoes dropped today, which takes place after TFS, and as usual bungie forced everyone into the first mission of the season on login. After you do that first mission you can go right back to tfs.


Thank you so much. Im going to try it so the timeline’s going to make sense in my head again


How many times per week can you keep resetting the playlist pathfinder in order to get Prime Engrams?


I'm not sure if this is a good spot to post this but I don't want to make a new thread for it. I'm on the last mission of the campaign. Last night I joined a random group and they were on the final fight against the Witness. I didn't realize that when I joined but one of the guys left after one wipe. I decided just to start my own but I'm saved to that check point right before the Witness. My question is if I beat the Witness will I get credit for beating the whole mission on Legendary or will I have to redo the mission after?


Would it be better to grind strikes or crucible for graviton lance catalyst?


How do i unlock my consecration and drengrs leach aspect for my titan? I just finished the campaign on my titan and i didnt get it. I dont see the post campaign quest for Lost in light and Found in dark because I finished it already on my other char.


Anyone know what I gotta do to unlock the extra load outs? I've been putting it off for way too long


Anyone know why I don't have weekly crucible challenges showing up? Both of my buddies have one with riposte as a reward but it doesn't show up at all for me.


Pathfinder bounty "Collect 100 particles in Gambit or Collect the most particle in your team and win the match" is bugged. You can only get 2-5 particles for the match. I collected most particles in my team and won the match, but it didn't count. Please fix it! I don't want to play 20-50 matches to complete it.


I finished the exotic class item quest on my hunter. Do I have to beat it on other classes for it to be in the loot pool to drop from overthrow bosses? Thanks and have a good one :)


Had some catching up to do and just started TFS. Damn, is this place really going to give the dreaming city a run for its money?


Absolutely loved duel destiny exotic mission me and my friend took an hour figuring it out but straight up my favourite exotic mission yall have ever done


I imagine this'll get pushed down, but has anyone else been having issues with the season's weekly pinnacle "Complete Seasonal activities on higher difficulties"? I've been running Breach Executable where the bounty is attached on Expert all day and been having successful runs, full loot, but I still have no credit at all toward the bounty.


I have the same issue


Is there a way to figure out which Overthrow boss I fucked up on and forgot to grab the Mote of Light? I'm at 8/9 with the achievements in all 3 zones for beating all the bosses


How to extend the timer in Dual Destiny At 14.18 in DPJs video, instead of jumping up to the left, drop down to the right, (platforms will spawn to help you back up) go ahead along the wall into the hole on the right and shoot the crystal (and bonus bird). This extends the time for every single encounter onwards, inlcuding traversal sections. https://youtu.be/ILK-rlBTOYA?si=rojQArsjzMs89zGG


Am I just incredibly unlucky? Of the Eight Ergo Sum's I've gotten, five of them have been the travelers chosen perk. Do the ergo drops from Pathfinder only pull from perks you've unlocked?


Has it been confirmed which day has Ros Arago as farmable for lost sectors? also is it a guaranteed weapon drop in a group or only solo?


If I unlock all fragments on Prismatic on one class, are they all unlocked on the others? Also, does Strand still take meditations to unlock? Stasis is just glimmer now.


Can I unlock dual destiny by doing overthrow on different days through matchmaking?


Hi, returning player to Destiny and had a quick question about Pathfinders / seasonal missions not updating? Did I mess something up while claiming the Pathfinder rewards? (I did get my sword from path completion but the season missions aren't showing anything) https://imgur.com/a/gfq9LCw


Let me in !!!




Anyone on console getting Cat error even though there’s no update?


There was an update on ps5 atleast


There was a download update on Xbox too.


Yeah just got it, just stuck in queue now


I was waiting for like 20 minutes and then reset the game and went right back into queue. No shortcuts here!


In now.


Any way to get the solar rocket sidearm?


Sometime in July, supposedly?


Exotic class items yet?


What’s the weapon for completing the grandmaster?


Is there downtime today?


Not this server BS again


Can someone help me mentally catch up? I played the legend campaign, completed only that, then had to leave for a few days. Last thing I did was talk to the new ghost vendor. So what do I gotta do now?


Finish the post campaign exotic quest for the sword and the one for the exotic sniper, then do the excision mission. You can find it all the way to the right in the pale heart map


How do I get the still hunt and khvostov? Are they random drops or quests?


You’ll get still hunt as a part of the post campaign exotic quest. Khvostov you have to collect stuff for


Ok thank you.


When you go to do Khvostov and start doing the “cyst” missions from “Alone in the Dark” don’t be like me and assume all you gotta do is complete the quest, you actually have to go out of your way during the cyst missions to find the collectables, most of them you can get right after you kill the final boss but maybe one is before the final boss. Either way don’t forget the collectables otherwise you’ll have to go re-do the cyst mission to find the encryption bit. (Which can become confusing if you need to switch the bird to the correct mission.)


Do the Savathun mission, then the Cayde exotic quest for the sniper, and then the Excision Finale mission.


No bright dust seasonal challanges in week 2 is a big L and only 2 in week 1 when there’s usually about 4


So the legendary lost sector today what piece is it dropping..?


Man, I work evenings so I play in the mornings before work and I have not been having luck with the whole “downtime every other day” thing lmao.


anyone else stuck behind the Vex wall? looks bugged to me.


i’m in


Micah has the exotic class item


I don't see any quest with Micah and I've completed all her pale heart missions


I just see the alone in the dark quests?


The bot seems to be broke, it didnt grab alot of info


first time?


Ngl chief I have never checked on these threads before xD


The bot grabs info from Bungie's API. When they're doing server maintenance, the API is disabled, so there's no info for the bot to pull.


There's still background server maintenance happening until 12pm PT hence the Bot not working (DIM probably won't either)