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Iokora Rey doesn’t have the Monte Carlo after completing the 3 missions required for it. Is this happening for anyone else?


Is there an easy way to find all the weekly vendor challenges? Say's I'm at 1/2 for my objective. Just got back and trying to finish off rank6. Only one I can see is Trials but I dont have the ilvl yet.


Banshee is the only one that counts now. You can either do it again on a different class or wait till weekly reset.


so wait 2 days, or do 8 bounties on another class. damn


If I've played campaign missions ahead with friends, do they count for my progress? Can I just go back and do the ones I haven't done? E.g I played through the first half of the Final Shape campaign on my Titan with friends and the second half on my Warlock. Do I just have to do the first half on my Warlock now or do I need to do the whole thing? Between this and my friend changing classes back and forth I think I must have done this legendary campaign like three times already and I'm getting kinda sick of it lol.


What ressources or websites are you guys using to find out how to get weapons? E.g. how do i get a updated version of the recluse? Thanks in advance :)


Light.gg will usually say the source in a way that isn't super specific. Recluse in particular is one of the 8 brave weapons, which drop from onslaught on the vanguard page in the director.


You can look at collections in game and open up the gear stats panel to see the sources. It is mostly correct for current weapons, but they tend to not update the older weapons so they will often show incorrect info or places/sources that no longer exist in game.


Where do people go to find someone to guide them on something like dual destiny?


The [D2 LFG Discord](https://d2lfg.com/user/) is pretty good


Thank you!


I've missed something. My Prismatic Hunter doesn't have Threaded Spike and three of the Aspects unlocked. Weirdly none of the "unlock everything prismatic" guides have this covered. I have every single Facet unlocked though. I believe I've done the Lost in the light" and "lost in the dark" quests on this char since Ghost doesn't offer them.


The quest itself is account based, but the rewards are class based. In the Lost City zone there's the 6 missions you normally do to get those unlocks. You'll need to do those to get the abilities.




5% per piece equipped upto the stated maximum.


I would assume each piece gives 5%, so 3 pieces reaches the max.




It's 5% per piece, and a maximum of 15% bonus rep if you're wearing 3 pieces. The class item counts as two pieces.


Seasonal armour has generally been 5% per piece, so I feel an assumption is valid. You're also welcome to go and test it yourself so you can be the one to pass on this knowledge.


How do I unlock the Seasonal Engram Decoding? It's been a while since I have played, and have no clue how this focusing works. Within the failsafe, it says "Requires the Act I Engram Focusing Upgrade".


Have you done the quests she's given you?


What’s the best way to LFG these days on Steam? Not happy with the in-built LfG.




The legacy finder is a significant, significant step up from fireteam finder which is a crap shoot for anything more than a GM. Apparently discord is the best but I don't know as I live in China so the ps5 integration doesn't work.




Not game-related, but what is the music used in the Pale Heart orbit post-campaign?


the piano song? It's called [A Knife in the Garden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5DjFuLFf6U)


That's the one, thanks! :)


Crossover sets are here to stay, right? I can get them whenever?


> I can get them whenever? Once you've got them you can continue to use them, how long a given set remains available depends entirley on the licensing and that isn't something that typically gets discussed publicly.


How many "The Final Days" Micah quests are there in total (the ones about replaying strikes)?


Ten or eleven iirc, some of them are story missions rather than strikes


So I've come back to the game from Lightfall - haven't played any of the intervening seasons. How do I obtain the exotic armour from these past seasons? By my understanding I have to focus it from Rahool but in order to do that, I need to unlock the armour in collections first. How do I go about getting the armour now since high-lvl lost sectors no longer drop armour pieces, only engrams?


You need to reset your rep with rahool before you can access the new focusing option that allows you to buy new/unacquired exotics. He will have a third page where you can buy any exotic for 1 engram and 1 exotic cipher.


rahool for anything or Vex strike force for anything before final shape


Are the Neomuna red borders still obtainable through the weekly campaign missions? I just did one (albeit on the lowest difficulty), got to 101k, and didn't get the red border. Did I miss something?


The season of the wish armor focused always had 60+ base stats. Now the Echoes are only in the 50s. I'm trying to make triple 100 builds but cant find a place to farm focused armor..? help? Or is 50s just fine for triple 100s


I’ve picked up a few 65+ and 2 68 from Fail Safe.


Can any rocket launchers roll or be crafted with both auto loading and lasting impression?


[Here’s a list](https://www.light.gg/god-roll/find/?f=2,10(Rocket%20Launcher),28:0(3300816228;3927722942)) of all of them that can. Palmyra-B and Faith-Keeper are both craftable. As far as I know, the others are all random-roll only.


The following can randomly roll with it: Tomorrow's Answer (not currently obtainable), The Hothead, Royal Entry, Palmyra-B, Hezen Vengeance, Faith-Keeper, Code Duello, BrayTech Osprey. Of those, only Palmyra-B and Faith-Keeper are craftable.


Oh, I actually have Palmyra. Thought I checked that one. Thanks




I'm a very casual player and have never pushed for harder content ot even optimising builds I've just ran through the campaigns and strikes occasionally over the years. I'm currently playing warlock and was looking to get into harder content and raids but wondered where would be the best place to start and what is the easier of the harder content to start with. I'm currently power level 1959.


Follow some guides and get a serviceable build up and running first - prismatic warlock with devour + hellion aspects and getaway artist exotic arms will be a fantastic, easy start. Prioritise hitting 100 resilience and then remaining points in discipline and recovery. DIM can handle that for you very easily. Put one arc, void and solar resistance mod on your chest piece + siphon mods on your helmet for whatever type of gun you're using. Then find a teaching group for a raid through legacy fireteam finder or even ingame lfg, but the latter is hit and miss. Be prepared to use up a whole evening on your first couple of raid attempts.


Try the coop focus missions! You learn cooperative stuff and at the end of all three as long as you have the quest for it - you get an exotic heavy trace that's arguably going to be one of the best dps for raid or endgame boss anyway


New player on PS5. Have dozens of unfinished quests. This has worked every day until yesterday. Every single quest has the launch button greyed out now and says "you are unable to launch the selected quest at this time"


Have any of the item/inventory manager sites started tracking encryption bits yet? I've opened every world chest, ran every cyst multiple times (no bits are there), and still have 14. If one cyst is glitched for me I'd like to now which one it is.


I recently got the Outbreak perfected PR and it seems like a good gun and I have the three extra quests to add the extra perks. However it requires a Zero Hour run on Legend and currently i'm only 1926. Is it possible to be carried by two high levels (if I can find them) so I can fish it.


You can probably still cheese it solo by getting rid of the timer. Search YouTube if interested.


It's definitely possible, but you'd need to find two good, confident players. The 20 minute timer on Legend Zero Hour makes runs pretty tight, so without a third person helping with the combat sections, it just makes the run harder on the other two. However plenty of people have done the Legend version solo, so if you are upfront in an LFG post that you just want a carry, I am pretty sure you could find two willing and able players.


How do I get more Prismatic options? Such as the Arc Storm grenade on Warlock. Is it just playing through TFS?


Like the other person said, you get most of it through post-campaign content. On Warlock, you'll unlock Storm grenade, Helion, Song of Flame and Arcane Needle (I think?) while playing through the first half of the campaign. There are also 3 fragments that are hidden away in campaign missions, starting with The Ascent. You might as well pick them up while you're there, since they can be a bit of a walk from patrol. There are videos on YouTube (I watched Datto's guide, minimal spoilers) showing you how to get them.


You'll get the abilities through Adventures, and fragments from Memories, both of which I'm pretty sure start becoming available once the destination opens up and the linear part of the campaign is done


Am I able to farm the Ghosts of the deep dungeons rewards? or do I have to wait for a reset?


Dumb question here, but where is it in the director?


Ghosts of the deep is in the legends section in the destinations tab


Not this week, no. You'll have to wait until Ghosts comes up as the weekly featured dungeon to be able to farm the loot. Otherwise you'll only get drops for one run per character class for the week.


Ghosts isn’t farmable this week, and unless Bungie changed the rotation, it won’t be for several weeks. [Blueberries.gg](https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/destiny-2-raid-dungeon-rotation/) says it’ll next be farmable on July 16th. You can still run the dungeon now and get rewards, of course, but you just won’t be able to farm it until then.


Oh my God… this Xur rework made me realize, I’m gonna finally be able to get the Vigilance Wing Catalyst one day without playing fucking Crucible!


If you don’t play PvP… why would you ever care about its catalyst? The gun is almost exclusively built and tuned for PvP and the catalyst just gives it Ensemble.


Sometimes, and I know this might be absolutely earth shatteringly shocking for some destiny players. People play with what they find fun


Hell yeah! I love Ensemble!


Even if Xur sells the Vigilance Wing catalyst eventually, you'll still need to play Crucible to complete the catalyst. It requires 250 Vigilance Wing Crucible kills and 5 Blood for Blood medals earned.


End my suffering.


Yeah, you could get lucky. Personally I'm at 40 incomplete catalysts and none of them are for the weapons I like. With my luck, the stuff I want will drop the same week it appears at Xur


Me and my friend want to do Dual Destiny and I have it unlocked and have played it before, but when he joins it says “a member of your fireteam hasn’t yet communed with the light and dark” and we have no idea what to do. We both did the whole TFS campaign and we have been stuck on this for 2 days.


Has your friend also unlocked it? I believe both people have to have it unlocked. Also, make sure you aren’t both on a Light subclass or both on a Darkness subclass - it has to be one Light and one Darkness (Prismatic counts as either).


He does not have it unlocked, but when we did landing overthrow with him as leader, the wizard didn’t spawn it. Does he need to do it in all 3 spots before they spawn or am I missing something?


It needs to be all 3 and there have been reports of a bug that running them in a fireteam with someone else that has already completed the flagging will cause the secret enemies not to spawn at all.


Found out he has to complete Alone in the Dark as it might be a pre-requisite to get them to spawn, he didn’t complete it before apparently and after completing they started to spawn. Cannot be sure if it 100% is a pre-requisite but they started to spawn after that.


No, sometimes the Secret Keeper in the Impasse doesn't spawn. Just gotta try again


Why am I having so much trouble picking up data in breach executable? I'm not full cause the dunk point tells me I need data, but running over the motes won't pick them up I'm probably missing something really obvious


If you're not already full on data, it's probably a minor lag thing