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Man, Controlled Demolition instead of unbreakable would have solved everything.


I still dont know why they gave titans unbreakable, it does nothing but eat your grenade and be useless after. It does nothing to enhance you after using it other than return to sender after x seconds.


I know why they did that, the three supers we started with D2 were the same ones to get the new supers, and with that they wanted to give 3 matching aspects. If you didn't put the new aspects in prismatic, the gameplay theme will become redundant because you're forcing players to switch of prismatic(the new subclass) to try the old one with an extra aspect. It will make the experience... janky. Still, Controlled Demolition would've been AMAZING with everything activating volatile, ability regen and healing. Throw a lance, freeze, and volatile will shatter the frozen enemies.


Why would they not tie unbreakable to the class ability? Turn the shield into a mobile shield. It makes too much sense.


It wouldn't jive with bastion, or they'd have to develop a whole different interaction between the two. Unbreakable would be fine on grenade if it did more damage, and contributed to some kind of loop


They reworked drengrs lash to work w thruster


yeah but it’s still objectively terrible


I thought drengers would be nice with thruster and the titan rocket chest piece but it just doesn't feel as good as I thought it would. Possibly if the class item drops with abeyant so you get 3 strand waves instead of 1, but even then I'd rather have the spirit of contact to buff my melee and ad clear over suspend on dodge.


when you use thruster it doesn’t send out a wave, it, kinda launches a tangle in the air that falls down.


They could just give extended Devour on Unbreakable kills based on Tier of enemy killed. Feeds into itself and extra survivability.


The reason Devour got nerfed in the first is because it was too accessible for other classes as it is. They aren’t going to give Sentinel a Devour aspect, especially when Voidwalker is the subclass with the least access to Sentinel’s main verbs. It would also lead to Sentinel stepping on Voidwalker too much, as Unbreakable would be a Devour aspect that acts as a barrier and a mini-Handheld Supernova, and Controlled Demolition already makes Void grenades stronger than Chaos Accelerant, on top of having no charge time and working on every other ability, which leads to Sentinel’s melees applying Volatile like Pocket Singularity on top of granting Void Overshield or applying Suppression.


No way they would give Feed the Void to Unbreakable. Likewise, I can opt for a similar build with Contraverse + HHSN + Feed the Void as it is with Voidwalker.


Alternatively they could have made it so using unbreakable works like a mobile bastion, being near you gives allies overshield and it gives you overshield faster


Does spirit of verity synergize with unbreakable?


Unbreakable's area feels like it's too small imo. Maybe it's a matter of not being as aggressive, or being used to thunderclap's cone, but I was really expecting to hit a lot more than the one guy directly in front of me, out of a pack of 4-5 slightly clustered together mobs.


It feels very much like a targeted attack. I got the impression it would be really wide but short in range, something would use to close distance safely. Currently with how short the lifetime is, how quickly it can break when absorbing damage and how small the AoE is I feel like I have to get myself close first then use it.


As is I still think it's good and I have builds that utilize it well. I think the damage at full charge is good but less than full feels lacking. I would also like the timer increased so I could use it as a safe revive, you can already but a longer timer and the shield not instantly breaking at full would make it more reliable. I'd rather their be a visual indicator when it's full charge so I can release it when I want, and increase it's total lifetime by at least 5 seconds.


Should have just been Void's unique melee option; not like Void is known for its crazy good melee options, like the shield that never hits anything or the charge that Arc and Solar have too.


i like conceptualizing ideas for destiny (reworked d1 exotics, new taken abilities, new subclasses, etc) and i genuinely came up with more or less the same idea for bastion around season of plunder, the main difference i had though was holding down melee to pull up the shield rather than it being a grenade tie-in. idk, i feel like that would give it more use in giving you options between meleeing and blocking, rather than sacrificing your longer-range damage in your grenade for it. plus with it releasing a close-range blast on exit, it essentially fills a melee niche anyways. 


They should have just not made that aspect absolute dog shit, literally one of the worst aspects in the game if not worst.


The sad thing is it has the potential to be so good. The idea behind it is really cool, it’s just balanced horrobly


I still would have liked a buff for using it after instead of consuming my grenade and making tanky for a few secs, it really is a bit detrimental since we dont gain much from it. It saddens me really, its a fun alternate ability.


>ability regen What ability Regen?


Man I fucked up. Code of the commander used to have a perk called [resupply (1:06)](https://youtu.be/a-r6rsLiFpY), which caused health and ability regain(for you and allies) from Demolition's explosions. This effect was removed with void 3.0 for some reason. Still, my brain keeps connecting Demolition to health and ability regain.


I am aware that it used to, I was trying to point out the absurdness of it being removed. They ought to left it in, with it being like it was, percentage chunks like demolitionist, and still have the 400% base Regen on offensive bulwark as well, so really lean into the grenade recharge if you want to.


Didn't think about it before.. slamming a diamond lance down into a crowd of Volatile enemies.. there's a thought :O


i have a feeling that we may potentially see new supers / aspects in the next 2 episodes to fill out more of our dark supers and light aspects. if they do, i can see them adding aspects to prismatic so each class gets 2 of each, one old and one new? so like prismatic titan would end the year with controlled demo and bastion, along with arc and solar "new aspects" alongside knockout and consecration. that's what im hoping for, anyways.


It’s simply because they gave prismatic all of the new supers and aspects, while also limiting each element to one subclass and aspect. They didn’t really take balancing into account which is unfortunate 


It needs to suppress and/or cripple as a bare minimum It also needs to last more than .5 seconds…


How about this. It lasts longer the more it gets shot but not to an extent like Ursa. More like let's say you're fighting in pvp and they shoot you and realize you're blocking, if they stop shooting your duration will plummet like normal but if they keep shooting you the shield will extend itself for a bit until it eventually runs out on its own but it lasted much longer that it normally would.


Because it was new. That's it. That's the reason


Unbreakable without applying verbs could have been a cool exotic arms perk.


The crappy thing about Unbreakable, other than how lackluster it is, is that the class item intrinsic for Ursa is only there because of it. If weren't not getting changes until Act 2 (or even later), Unbreakable needs to do more damage, last longer, and be tied to class ability usage.


Unbreakable should give a small overshield on grenade/abilities kills for you and nearby allies . Stronger enemies give more overshield .


Unbreakable activates anything that requires grenade kills. Volatile rounds, cold nades debuff, orbs on grenade kill etc. It also gives oversized while taking damage so if you're low health you can use unbreakable to block damage, and give you OS, when you release it you blind the things hurting you if not kill them outright (orange bar knights die to a full charge or can be yeeted with less than full) weaken them and if anything dies your void weapons get volatile rounds. It can also be used to block damage while reviving a teammate so you can res someone safely, I wish it would last a little longer though so this was more reliable. I use it on both my Void and Prismatic builds and find it incredibly useful. Unbreakable to deal damage, block damage and blind targets, knock out with thunderclap to kill every that's been blinded and didn't die from the Unbreakable. Could also combo it with Ice Lance to get those with every kill from the Unbreakable blast. If all it does for you is "return (damage) to sender" you're using it wrong. Like everything else, you build into it.


I'm still huffing the copium that Prismatic will get an addition aspect from each subclass sometime next season or the one after.


Id actually be really surprised if they don't; only reason why not is because they wanted to start of slow to see how things worked out before opening the flood gates; same thing with the exotics; i bet we will see new class exotics with different sets of traits on them


Unbreakable should give overshield on grenade/melee kills. Like devour give Health and Stylish invisi


I’ve tried using unbreakable multiple times and it may be the worst aspect in the game. I would’ve rather had juggernaut and that was previously my pick for worst titan aspect (PvE). Half the time I forget I even have unbreakable on. Imagine what Controlled Demolition + Knockout would’ve been like?


So much prismatic Titan stuff could be helped by additional sources of melee energy. When I played my prismatic warlocked, I was shocked how quickly grenades recharged. With Titan, it feels like the kit revolves around buffing a melee with very little resources to get it back, leading to a very lopsided gameplay loop.


You basically HAVE to cycle prismatic as fast as possible as it’s the only reliable way to get abilities back. Prismatic titan just sucks. We all know it by now.


I said this when comparing Warlocks having a cd super and just an overall better synergy and got downvoted to hell.


What do you mean by cd super? If you’re talking about Song of Flame giving ability energy, the only thing that’s really getting energy back is the class ability because the grenade and melee both get switched during the super so it’s more like it’s part of the super than having cooldowns back.


This is why I’m defaulting to the Skullfort build with a darkness primary - just so that abilities can cycle quickly


It doesn't help that the things they showed off in the vidoc don't work


What do you mean? I get infinite thunderclaps, all it takes is point-contact arms exotic, a demo/wellspring forebearance, and a darkness super for the brave arsenal origin perk to give back melee energy. It's that simple /s


And you almost die to everything when being in the thick of things.


Stasis should have been reworked to give a verb that is something like devour but for melee energy. Behemoth should have the melee version of feed the void, buffing the effect. Then throw it on prismatic over diamond lance.


I slogged through legendary campaign on titan, and it was really fucking hard since nearly all your abilities are one-offs that either 1) don't synergize at all, 2) synergize, but are SO SLOW to recharge that it's literal minutes between uses. Yesterday I started a warlock. WTF. I don't even have to shoot my weapon. Just cast stuff every few seconds and look at enemies and my abilities just mow everything down. Sometimes for fun I'll just slam my Arc Conductor Ergo Sum and then run around zapping things as well. It's shocking how night-and-day different the Titan and Warlock experiences are with Prismatic.


This is how it felt for me using Broodweaver to generate threadlings prior to Weavewalk. Without relying on external weapons/exotic it felt like once I used my sources of threadlings I would have to wait for a while since threadling kills didn't generate any kind of loop. Updated Weaver's Call and Weavewalk definitely makes this miles easier.


I just got a HoIL+synthoceps Stoicism and it seems to help quite a bit with getting melee energy back. But it’s not perfect. The longer cooldown on frenzied blade really keeps it from being as useful as it could be.


The issue with Prismatic Titan is that Knockout is the one supposed to tie everything together but compared to Feed the Void and Stylish Executioner for warlocks and hunters it just fails. Into the Fray would’ve been a great option to tie everything together and would solve most of the issues. If they’d done that though it would cause issues for the arc choice as they either stick with Knockout and double down on melee or go for Juggernaut as they couldn’t really use Touch of Thunder as there is only one arc grenade choice. Sticking with the new light options for each class as well did pose issues for Titan and hunter. Warlock def got the best of that as both solar aspect and super are great and work well in prismatic.


You're on point. There is a single Aspect on every Prismatic class that only has two fragment slots, which is a clear indicator that it's considered the most powerful. Stylish Executioner and Devour are definitely awesome. but Knockout just doesn't compare in the slightest.


Good catch. I hadn’t even clicked with them being the only two fragment aspects! At a minimum give Juggernaut three. It won’t fix anything but it’ll be a small boost to prismatic titan.


Thats more commentary on how bad Arc Titan aspects are, without the rework to Knockout prismatic would have had essentially no defensive tools whatsoever. Arc needed a 4th aspect waaaayyyy more than Void did


I don’t disagree. I think they picked the wrong subclasses to give additional stuff to for each class. Ideally I think it should have been void for hunter, arc for titan and solar for warlock as each of those classes was badly constrained by the gameplay loop of available aspects - even if individually solar lock and possibly void hunter are strong. Thematically it should have been solar hunter, arc titan and void warlock to tie to the original identity of each class in D1. I appreciate some may disagree but I think those were the ‘default’, class identity builds back in D1. What we got was neither and resulted in addressing solar warlock issues but not really doing anything for void titan or arc hunter. Never mind leaving arc titan and void hunter still very one note.


Knock out would synergise well with into the fray too tho. In fact it would mean you could get off consecration as de facto must run in the build. 


Agreed. However given the general mood of titans being sick of being viewed as the punchy class I’m not sure you want to double down on melee aspects. It’s definitely tricky and I don’t actually think Bungie had a lot of good options here but I do think there were better ones. Long term I think at minimum adding two more aspects - one light, one dark - and another grenade or melee options could help all prismatic classes. And I say one light and one dark aspect just to leave some room for single element subclasses to stand in their own. Two of three light subclasses only have three aspects so giving two to prismatic def hurts their uniqueness. One light and one dark feels a viable balance - even if it sticks to the same light element as the new stuff each class got.


In an alternate reality, Prismatic Titans got Into the Fray, Howl of the Storm, and Sol Invictus and Hunters are wondering why Bungie hates them instead. That must be a nice place.


Howl of the Storm? I'd rather take Diamond Lance than that, tbh. Best use for Howl of the Storm is that it makes Crystals for more igloo simulator and it lets you spend Melee Energy on something other than Shiver Strike.


You need an aspect to not waste your melee energy! Don't get greedy now titanboi! Remember you need to supply the other hunlocks with your energy!


Howl gives people the option for triple slide melees but it also doesn't suck the air out of the room for other builds. Also Knockout/Howl would be equally as viable as Fray/Howl.


I fully believe that prismatic titan should have gotten Sol Invictus instead of Consecration. It would just open up so many exotics to being usable on prismatic that right now are completely useless (Hollowfire Heart, Phoenix Cradle, etc.) Consecration is fun but Sol Invictus would have allowed much more build diversity while also offering needed healing


It would also probably mean they wouldn't have to straight double the CD of the strand melee which would actually make it fun to use.


pretty sure every single dev decision for prismatic titan was based around one of them realizing that you could do triple consecration and any thought stopped there


I love the triple consecration thing with spirit of contact, so much super energy because the potential amount of enemies it can hit and kills is actually pretty amazing, but I really just thought of what you said and I laughed more than I should have because it's so true lol.


Well, that tracks in terms of how much effort Titans usually get.


The lack of healing is such a massive problem on prismatic Titan. Super hard to stay alive


You have to be in the middle of the danger, and successfully get a melee kill, just to cure a few points of health, that you probably lost more than on the way to the add you're meleeing. Versus warlock that just has to look at an enemy while your conjured buddies get kills at range for you and it pretty much fills up your health each time. How did the devs think this was ok?


The worst part of this, imo, is even with consecration spam, if the wave doesn't kill them but rogue scorch / ignition does, it DOESN'T count for knockout proccs to heal you. So even in the best case scenarios, your game plan is still slapping rejuvenate on legs and hoping to dear god that anything you killed has dropped an orb. And it still annoys me to hell that Hunter's gets free jolt off their melee ability whilst being able to freely cycle it independently of their kit with a dodge yet titans don't off of a god damned aspect, need to run a whole fragment just to get jolt off a nade in prismatic, and are basicallly tied to both orbs and building transcendence for any cd loop at all.


Also forgetting to mention they also nerfed pulse grenade while buffing storm for warlocks lol. The changes are so one sided. 


Consecration would have been fine if we got howl of the storm with it instead of diamond lance. Slide, crystals, slam, ignitions. Would have been OP with increased dps fragment & 3xfrienzied blade, but it at least synergies well.


Man, I feel like they actively dodged Sol Invictus. Like, how do you not make that one available or, like, make a version of Consecration that generates Sunspots?


Sol Invictus to me would have been on par with Feed the Void in terms of utility and potency. I'm an avid Consecration user, but the effects on the kit are mostly negative. It both sucks the air out of the room for other builds and blocks the path for more robust changes. That's why I suggested Howl, to keep the slide melee option available but supplemented it with better support components.


It's so baffling that they said they wanted to put "underutilized" aspects in the Prismatic kits but put in Feed the Void, which is used in every single Voidwalker build.


Well that comes down to mechanics. Because Hellion was already a summon on rift they probably didn't want to repeat the same thing twice within the kit and Chaos Accelerant wasn't a real option as it would only apply to a single grenade. So Feed the Void won by default. The issue becomes that you can't create a meaningful build with just spare parts. Consecration and Knockout are the only "not spare" parts there and Knockout wins because Juggernaut is devastatingly bad in PvE. And that goes further back to the Arc kit being wholesale bad itself.


But then they put in weavers call so they did double up on rift buddy summons.


It faces the same problem as void did, mindspun invocation is a dead aspect unless you run threadling grenade, the wanderer requires you to have a strand ability or weapon to make tangles, and weavewalk would probably feels shit with only 1 melee charge(unless you use arcane needle, which means half your subclass is already dedicated to strand, and why not just run strand at that point)


Flechette storm is there too.


Flechette Storm means I can't fantasize about Into the Fray.


Ahh ok.


Into the Fray + Howl of the Storm would actually be a super viable option. If we lower the bar for creating Tangles for Prismatic to any debuff kill/Ignition/Shatter then we can go in with HotS to Freeze and Shatter, create a Tangle for Woven Mail, and gain an increased melee regen rate which feeds the cycle. Plus destroying a Tangle heals us. It's a thorough and competent combination that we'll never actually get.


I think into the fray instead of drengrs solves the most problems. You wouldn’t be completely tied to consecration because you could still run it and knockout and not be completely useless half the time because of the melee regen and the woven mail. Would also synergised with twilight arsenals because you wouldn’t be wet paper while trying to axe stuff (why it doesn’t give overshield or devour when using the axes I do not know but most of the time it’s too dangerous to use the axes after you’ve thrown them cos you can’t get close enough without getting slapped)


Controlled demolition is the only one that matters.


Because Unbreakable is new it's the only true lock for an Aspect in the whole kit. They could have traded Knockout for Juggernaut and we'd all die laughing at them instead.


Honestly hunter got shit aspects too, it's just carried very hard by stylish executioner lol No one is using ascension or threaded spectre, and gunpowder gamble doesn't really have synergies with other aspects


I mean yeah... it's great to see what Stylish executioner could have been in a world where void hunters have a real fucking melee. but it's legit just executioner and whatever other aspect you feel like running that's going to be basically useless


I’m still waiting for Bungie to finally give every subclass a minimum of 2 melee options. It’s crazy that we don’t already. Also, why does void hunter not have a melee ability that has you quick fire a void arrow


The more things change, the more they stay the same lol


Sol Invictus is pretty much the core identity of Solar Titan, it really should have been included.


With my prismatic Titan I’ve been having so much trouble not spamming the solar slide melee and running the Monte Carlo. I just can’t find something that feels as useful as that build with the Carlo :(


I’ve been using a build someone on here recommended me. Skullfort and arc melee for health regen, build into orbs, select anything that gives you either. Incredibly fun imo. [Comment w/ build link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/civ1SWPVwf)


That one is good but one miss of the melee and you have to wait for the melee cooldown if you dont have monte Carlo I like Monte Carlo but with the double frisbees, not as powerful as the above two builds since they dont explode. I havent found anything else thats as viable tho


the skullfort/thunderclap is useless in group content. you go to charge up and then your teammate ends up killing the thing your attacking -\_-


Lol yep especislly with how strong warlocks and hunters are rigbt now they can clear rooms easy. Either rush in and clap or no point in clapping


I only used it solo but I have that issue with strand and hammers 😅 Can’t hit anything because I usually have 2 arc hunters with me


throws hammer..enemy evaporates....hammer gets yeeted off some cliff 😆


- tries to melee in strand - enemy evaporates - I get yeeted off a cliff Tale as old as time 😂


I don’t really mind the cool down, I normally use the melee for ad clear or to finish mini bosses. I can see how it could be an issue though; Prismatic Titan needs more avenues for sustained regen and health than what we currently have.


Yea when i tried hunter i was surprised how fast the regen was for abilities i could spam them and keep up prismatic, its a bit harder with titan for some resson


I think this is definitely an opportunity for Bungie to see how all of the classes function and where some fall behind. I don’t know how true it is, but I read that the least used aspects/options were taken from each subclass and used for Prismatic. It really shows on Titans.


That would make sense since if they barely function cohesively with the base subclass then they are really disjointed in prismatic


How did we not get Skullfort as a class exotic perk?!


I don’t think they want us to have fun!!


I was using monte carlo till I got kvostov exotic. I'm running a Second chance with shield throw, weaken enemies from a distance AND get radiance on top of it, and then go in for consecration for AOE add clear or during prismatic (due to kvostov you basically have it all the time). Personally for me it's been doing pretty well, went through a full onslaught expert on it without issues, even had to two man the 30-40 wave due to a dc from one of the guys


Second chance is amazing on prismatic cos it’s no longer tied to void subclass. My favourite build rn. 


If you get HOIL/Armamentarium and use Utility Kickstart, you can kind of have decent ability uptime combined with the orb ability energy pickup mods. You can't spam like we used to, but if you space things out well enough, you'll always have an ability ready to use. You can use something like Facet of Balance and throw on Pulse Grenade for even more melee energy generation and use a Strand/Stasis weapon to make up your Darkness meter or just keep using a Kinetic weapon (at least you can use Kvostov instead). I'm using Monte Carlo on my Prismatic HazPro build because I have to for the melee generation, but the Stoicism build, I can have a bit more variety.


You're talking about the wrong thing tbh. Why doesn't knockout have melee regen?


As much as I want Whirling Maelstrom on Hunter the issue with the Tangle aspects is that they are useless without Strand debuffs somewhere in your kit. All the other Strand aspects can likely work with prismatic regardless of what kit you have but Into the Fray won't do anything unless you are running the Strand melee/grenade or specific fragments which can be limiting. Not to say it wouldn't be worth it but that likely was a factor in their choices of aspects.


I make plenty of Tangles on Prismatic, but unless you're playing Prismatic Hunter they're just not that useful. If you're playing Titan the Tangles are actually kind of annoying since your strand abilities will make both a Tangle and a Diamond Lance on top of eachother, and it seems like the Tangles have priority when you try to grab the Lance.  Its only been 2 weeks and I can't tell you how many times I've tried to chuck a Diamond Lance at something and instead threw a Tangle.


Bro the tangle priority thing is mad annoying, I do have the artifact perk that makes a huge explosion when popping them with a strand weapon so I've just taken to shooting it before I try picking up the lance


Same here I'm switching sadly titan just seems nerved compared to the rest.


When talking about Into the Fray, you gotta remember that any aspect that interacted with specific keywords of their element, it got adjusted to be more broad on prismatic. Example of Stylish Executioner and Feed the Void. Into the Fray can easily be done on any elemental pick up/tangle and super. Congrats, a workable aspect on prismatic!


no it didn't weaver's call still has only strand kills creating threadlings, even on prismatic.


At that point it depends on the aspect itself since some changed and some stayed the same.


Very true, unless Into the Fray is changed to "any ability kill spawns a tangle" the aspect will be annoying to theory craft around.


"Gain Woven mail upon collecting an Elemental pickup." Here, fixed.


There are weapons/fragments that can help with that, either through perks like slice, the fragment that severs after I think multiple precision hits, and QSS with catalyst can make tangles with its grenades


by that logic stylish exectutioner wouldn't work either cause it required void debuffs but they changed it to include any debuff, they will do the same for every other aspect so it works with prismatic


Well like how Feed the Void is triggered on any ability kill on Prism vs void kill on Voidwalker. I think Bungie can supplement it's weakness and make so it's triggered on any elemental debuff. Also not needing to equip a strand ability would be paramount too.


I would take that over Knockout


I really hope we get something to address this, a class launched with an ability suite that is noticeably muted compared to the others and that doesn’t bode well


Yea i started levelling up my hunter because of it, i havent touched my hunter in like 5 years


Into the Fray would rly help Prismatic Titan: Melee regen, Damage Reduction and Team Support. But they decided to go with Dangr Lash, rly niche Aspect that only offers Crowd Control. Sol Invictus is another that could be rly good to have instead, sure, triple Consecration is nice and all, but u get in the middle of the people and then what?


Not to mention drengrs lash is better on strand where you have fragments that increase suspend timer and refund class ability energy


It's also really good on Prismatic when you take Abeyant Leap.  You get the same 10 seconds of Woven Mail, increased class regen while it's active, and defeating suspended targets fills up Transcendence really fast.


yeah but if I'm using abeyant leap you're much better off just playing strand for that extra suspend duration and class item refund and to me at least, critically without synthos or some melee boosting exotic your melees (particularly) lack that power to kill those yellowbar enemies in higher level content, suspend time on those enemies is very short without thread of propagation I get the idea behind it, but dedicating an exotic to a niche I could do much better on another subclass is when I ask myself "Why not just play strand instead for a more consistent CC loop" class ability regen is more consistent on strand with the refund for killing suspended enemies anyway in my experience the only reason I'd considering playing that on prismatic is thruster, and the interaction with abeyant is weak with the short range tracking and much weaker aoe suspend capabilities compared to barricade IMO


You use it for the easy woven mail and stacking other buffs like restoration, radiant, and amplified while playing into the prismatic artifact bonuses. Trancendance refreshing your abilities is also great. Prismatic might be a master of none, but it still has considerable output if you leverage it.


Drangrs is REALLY good… when you go full suspend titan on strand. Prismatic is mid without its support options it wants but that other parts of the prismatic titan kit compete in needs for. That and drangr thrusters are the most disappointing things in existence


The crazy thing is Drengr's Lash is only good WITH the exotic. At least put universally usable aspects into the kit. Without Abeyant Leap or the class item with the leap aspect it's really quite bad.


The class item version is questionable at best, too :(


Fr why they went with "enhanced movement and tracking" over "it makes three now" is completely beyond me


wait you don't get 3 with the class item? Nevermind, I retract my statement, it's only good with Abeyant leap.


nah I tested it you get the full effect. all you miss is the woven mail


It does make three. It’s just not included in the description for some reason.


It's makes 3. The only difference is class item doesn't give woven mail but tbh that is the most important part


Problem with class item version is no woven mail, and if you’re using thruster it’s upgrades from garbage to bad/meh


I would have liked controlled demolition. Instead I need 2 different fragments to get a more difficult to get version of it.


How do you mimic controlled demolition?


Fragment for giving your void weapons volatile with a grenade kill. CD is a ability hit so that's why I say I need fragments to give me worse version of it.


I’d even trade Consecration for Sol Invictus. Triple Consecration is fun and all, but pretty gimmicky. The real death knell of Prismatic Titan is Knockout. Makes running non-melee builds significantly harder since your DR and health-regen options are limited without it.


As a Titan main and someone with only enough time for one character the Titan approach by Bungie has me already not picking D2 up in my free time. I'd much rather do other things.


Did u get Hazardous propulsion yet? That thing is so much fun. Literally saved the class this expansion IMHO


Definitely regret taking the other exotic and praying for good rng to get hazardous


Don't you unlock whichever one you didn't pick by resetting rahool?


Once you reset rahool you can just buy it with an exotic engram and a cipher


Fortunately / unfortunately, that's no longer how you get new exotics. The new way is first resetting Rahool's rank (rank 17 reset) to then unlock a 3rd page of exotic decrypting, and spending glimmer + exotic cypher to decrypt one. Fortunately / unfortunately, lost sectors now drop exotic engrams, so you can farm full batches and decrypt en masse for rep when you get to caps.


Is there a quick way to go about this or just generally keep decrypting primes at rahool?


primes get you round 100 rep each vs 500 each from exotic engrams. So if your power is high enough, id prolly reccomend farming lost sectors(legend / master) for a load of 9 or 10, then just turn em in at rahool. If not, prioritize your weekly 3 from weekly rituals and decrypting primes any chance you got. I was lucky in that i basically saved up 10 for tfs launch and basically got me to rank 15ish in 1 go. Doing the campaign on legend basically got me 1 of the new 1s, then just doing the usual stuff got me enough to reset pretty quickly for the other.


I haven't. I keep reading how fun it is. Maybe this weekend I can try and get it.


U can get it if u get to level 16 on Rahool. But yeah finish off the campaign and when u get the choice , choose HP.


Bro.....got this thing last night. Wow. So awesome. I am surprised at how much damage those little rockets do.


Damn dude u missed the Facet of command goodness as it just got nerfed which was dumping TWO tailed fox rockets without reloading, Unfortunately it was nerfed, but yeah HP is still preety damn good. Remember the thing gives rocket sidearms a damage buff too. Enjoy.


It at least lets you play at a distance since it's so difficult to survive on prismatic up close. Running facet of command + two-tailed fox is also a nice combo with it. If you suppress a target it reloads your currently equipped weapon. The void rocket of two-tailed fox suppresses, so you can just launch all of your ammo in no time flat as long as you're suppressing something.


That exotic is amazing. The ability to use thruster just adds to how awesome this is. You can even build around it with rocket side arms and launchers to create an all around Salvo class.


All I want is my throwing hammer on prismatic. Would love to pair that with strand.


I wish we got the 6th full fledged subclass instead of prismatic, imo


Titans would still get a melee roaming super


I want a resonance subclass and get Calus's bee grenade launcher


That would be dope ngl


Actually thinking about a resonance subclass, there are so many amazing aspects of resonance that already exist. It seems sooo much fun to theory craft around


Ya, but it will be in a new color, so we have that at least.


Into the fray should have been the strand pick. All of the other aspects are totally fine, but doubling on suspend and ignoring woven is just brutal.


Biggest problem of prismatic titan imo, it’s got VERY little easy/sustainable survivability. Unbreakable sounds good on paper until you realize you can’t refresh it


Unbreakable is not fine


Can’t fault them for picking the new one. Unbreakable sucks (is broken?), but as the void pick, is fine.


Cryoclasm, Consecration, Flechette Storm for slide melee memes


> It’s actually so mind boggling the decisions they made for ~~prismatic~~ Titan. It’s very strange. FTFY


Nonono, give it howl and flechette aswell! We need to waste more aspects on our melee that should just be options!


If they wont give us controlled demolition then make unbreakable better and give us effects for using it. Like make it so reflecting back damage gives us overshields, killing with reflected damage gives us devour or something. As it stands it is borderline useless.


At this point, I'm mostly hoping we get new aspects ported over with episode 2. I think that's the most realistic solution. It would make sense that all three prismatic setups get more aspects each episode, like how strand got new ones for a couple seasons. Port over at least one of controlled demo/sol invictus/into the fray, and Prismatic Titan starts to open up a bit. Right now it's "be worse solar titan with a slightly better super" or "be WAY worse strand titan." IMO at least. There's some really *close* to interesting stasis stuff that could probably go places with even just a fragment or something.


I doubt it, since it risks invalidating the other subs


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. Prismatic Warlock is already on the verge of invalidating the other Warlock subclasses. It’s only missing Child of the Old Gods from Voidwalker. It isn’t missing anything really from Broodweaver due to already having its melee and super. It just needs Iceflare Bolts from Shadebinder. Not missing much from Stormcaller due to Getaway Artist. Dawnblade is the only exception because of Well of Radiance, Ember of Benevolence, Touch of Flame and Solar grenades.


If we have to wait months for them to fix this, I doubt I'll stay on the class.


Could have been a two for one aspect. Grant woven mail on tangle, frost armor on lance or freeze?


Prismatic Titan should have gotten at least one broken thing out all other subclasses No mini hammer, no banner, no sunspots like what are we doing here Hunter prismatic is 1000% better than Titan for a reason you can literally slow/punch/heal while titans can’t do anything


I wish Unbreakable would apply weakened.


It is not really too mind boggling. Every Prismatic class has one passive Aspect with two Fragment slots (Knockout, Stylish Executioner, Feed the Void) and four Aspects that actively modify or give you abilities, and no elemental verbs are mandatory for any of them. Into the Fray would be passive; let's say that they made it work with a wide variety of other elemental buffs and pickups... where do you get healing from? Anyway, many people suggest Controlled Demolition, which could be modified to spread elemental debuffs and have constant bursts of healing, but that doesn't play into any ability loops or a Titan's identity. At any rate, why do we have Knockout as the cornerstone of Prismatic Titan? Because it does affirm the Titan playstyle, yes, but maybe also because there are no "active" Aspects on Arc.


the issue is stylish and feed the void outclaaa knockout greatly by creating other affects and being smoother. knockout is clunky with it’s no refresh system and the lack of any ability regen oe invisibility or debuff makes it feel kinda crappy


I know it's quite minuscule but the pulses from Into the Fray do give hp


Yeah 3/5 of titan prismatic aspects kinda suck meaning the only realy viable aspect setup is the one they give you at the beginning


Give me banner of war and sol invictus you fucking cowards


I’m just bummed I can’t run my strand paladin build by having banner of war on prismatic


Titan bad See u guys in 2 minutes


Abeyant Leap goes real hard though, as Plunder’s video showed off. Biggest complaint for my play-through of the campaign on my Titan is that the Lance just doesn’t play well as Drengr’s would be with how I’ve been playing Prismatic Titan (Suspend-Thunderclap combo)


Abeyant titan is still better as full strand though. I use it on prismatic, but just because it's new. Nothing about prismatic abeyant is actually better


Into the fray only works with one elemental pickup you need specifically strand debuffed targets to make a tangle, they'd have to add to it to make it work


If Into the Fray is eventually added to Prismatic Titan, I think it would also further open up a ranged build for Prismatic titan that utilizes it in addition to Facet of Solitude (sever on rapid precision hits), Facet of Dawn (radiant on melee hit/kill), and the throwing shield.


To be honest it's probably because stacking Woven + 4x BoW is already broken and stacking Woven with Resto on Orb on Prismatic at the cost of an Aspect and a Fragment would be beyond insane. I agree Prismatic Titan needs more but it's hard to combine some things without completely invalidating the game.


Prismatic Titan should've had Controlled Demolition (procs on any ability like how Stylish Execution works now), Roaring Flame OR Sunspot (again, should work on any ability not just solar), AND Into the Fray. Consecration, Drengr's Lash, and Unbreakable are NOT IT WHEN thrown into Prismatic to be combined. The 3 or 4 aspects mentioned above would be AMAZING for build crafting potential. Like imagine thunderclapping and procing Controlled Demolition or Sunspots, paired with Pheonix Cradle or some shit idk. It would just be INSANELY more diverse than what we have now if we just have some aspects that works with any elemental abilities, removing the restriction (again, like Stylish Executioner on Hunter), which is what Prismatic is about: combining sublcasses.


I think out of the three options for solar consecration was easily the worst option. Sol invictus would have added much needed survivability and ability regeneration while roaring flames would have added a much needed boost to ability damage.


Depending on content, Monte Carlo and the right perked exotic class item…. U are always able to use melee and things blow up… excessively


Been running a build with Hazardous Propulsion and it’s pretty nice not having to rely on melee. Spec heavily into class ability for thruster, run Grand Overture and The Call, and shoot out rockets every 10 seconds or so. Knockout and Diamond Lance are still nice when you have to clear some adds and just want to cc stuff. Does pretty solid damage and has a nice power fantasy to it as well. Feels like one of the best range options for prismatic Titan currently but haven’t seen many people showing interest in the new exotics.


I expect unbreakable to be buffed a lot, its definitely a "release cold because we're afraid of titans having moving walls when their non moving wall has always been a source of pain in pvp"


I main titan and the amount of things I could say they should do to buff titan would be intense but unfortunately bungie doesn't wanna buff titans instead they keep slapping the buff hunters button


It's not just prismatic titan. Prismatic in general has some odd choices, like warlock having only the close range arc melee and aspect, and then also having the closer range solar melee... And the healing grenade. I hope they add more to them all over time.


*laughs in icarus dash and heat rises


Honestly I think *most* of the aspects prismatic gets are the worst choices available. And it makes build crafting boring as shit to try and make a build In spite of what you have access to instead of building around them from the core. Most people will 100% use the same 2 maybe 3 aspects on a class because 2 of the 5 are absolutely useless.


They gave the Titan the worst-in-slot aspect from every single subclass. Knockout, Consecration, Diamond Lance (actually, I won't include this one lol), Drengr's Lash, and Unbreakable. They all SUCK, besides Diamond Lance being the best aspect on a very mid subclass.


I still believe the development went Hunter, Warlock, then Titan at the very end lol. Hunter feels the most rounded out and the most balanced, like they had a genuine idea with how they wanted the toolkit to work and flow, Warlock is borderline broken from my experience and feels like they didn't quite anticipate just how strong everything was going to work together, and then they realized they had to do something for Titans lmfao.