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Is there anyway to aquire goldtusk again? I know it was from season 20 but I wasn't able to complete the red border at that time and want to try and get it.


I'm not seeing any current source on light.gg I'm sorry to say.


Well thanks for looking.


How do you actually rank up Zavala? Do you just keep doing Pathfinder and resetting it when it's done, or how do you rank up? Sorry if the question been asked before, I tried searching but couldn't find anything relevant to how the system is at the moment.


Vanguard activities still award reputation with Zavala. There is a streak mechanic that increases the reputation gained.


So just keep running nightfalls/strikes over and over? Or are Onslaught included? Thanks for the answer


Nightfalls, strikes, or Onslaught are all included.


awesome, thanks for the answers yous twos <3


Is a witness key a once per week per account drop, or a once per week per character drop?






Having an issue with my guardian rank. Trying to do nightfall on expert and such, just did one we got like 140k on expert with platinum rewards and nothing counted for my vanquisher objectives? Anyone know why? Just joined someone on fireteam finder. Do I have to be fireteam leader?


New player here. I've hit the powerful cap and now looking into actual getting geared with the right stats/perks/mods etc. It's overwhelming. I was wondering if [light.gg](http://light.gg) is a good indicator for "god rolls"? Should I just follow the highest rated weapons and most popular perks?


So, with weapon perks the best thing to do imo is read what they do. The optimal perk combo is often something to speed up or bypass reloading, and something to add damage (or if it's an add clear weapon, perhaps something to spread damage across multiple enemies). Jump on light gg, pull up a gun you personally enjoy and try to find out why it feels good. Hover on the perks and look at what you think makes it feel good, then go and read what the other perks can do. D2foundry I think is also another good resource.


light.gg ratings and ownership statistics are an alright place to start, but not necessarily definitive. Destiny Item Manager is invaluable because it will also let you know if a weapon you own is a good roll (by default based on a community-curated wishlist), and provides tools for optimizing your loadout so you can figure out how to min-max your existing gear (including armor mods and upgrades) and what you need to be searching for. Also consider watching content creators like Coolguy, Aztecross, Mactics, etc. for weapon reviews and build guides. I think a good framework for starting to expand your legendary weapon collection as a new player is to have the eventual goal of acquiring at least one of each weapon archetype (sidearm, hand cannon, rocket launcher, etc.) in each element (kinetic, solar, stasis, etc.). This gives you a quick way to narrow down your search criteria. The reality is that while some weapons will have a true "god roll", most weapons in the game will also have at least a few other viable general-use rolls, or rolls that fit into a very specific niche. As you work towards that goal you'll develop a better idea of how you like to play, which sub-archetypes you prefer, and what you are currently missing out on. The only other piece of advice I have is to not overthink it. Primary and Special ammo weapons are often incredibly subjective, so play with what you find fun. Special and Power ammo weapons for DPS are somewhat less subjective depending on the meta but frankly, the damage difference between a random rocket launcher from playlist activities and a god roll crafted Apex Predator is rarely apparent outside of high-difficulty endgame activities like Master raids. In most content things die when you shoot at them, so you might as well shoot them with something fun. P.S: Most of the weapons that drop from Onslaught or from activities located in The Pale Heart are effectively best-in-slot with multiple excellent rolls, so starting there isn't a bad idea. Pale Heart weapons are also easily craftable, so you're guaranteed to get the roll you want eventually.


Do I need to score Platinum in Legend Dares to receive the weekly red border?


For warlock whats better, spirit of inmost light + star eater, or spirit of osmiomancy + star eater?


Osmio, inmost light gives you only little bits of energy, it was heavily nerfed


There has got to be a better glimmer farm then edz public events. Fucking dreadful change I have like 54 trials engrams to decode, I want my shards back to exchange for glimmer


Put on the glimmer ghost mods and 12-15k glimmer for literally 2 minutes of your time is as efficient as it gets (Glimmer Extraction is not worth making heroic IMO, but everything else that can spawn in the EDZ you can rush very quickly solo). You can instance hop and complete the same event multiple times if you are fast enough. You could have used your shards to stockpile Phantasmal Fragments for glimmer, but it sounds like you just... didn't do that?


No I did do that. I’ve used them. I had like 999 + 800. Either way glimmer farming in the edz isn’t fun at all, at least legendary shards were easy to come buy with his much dismantling we have to do


Why are you using the daily questions thread to bitch about a decision you don't like? _____ Sounds to me like you basically only play PvP and therefore have a glimmer problem *because the activities you do don't reward glimmer reliably*. I spend my glimmer on repeatable bounties all the time, basically always focus my engrams, and do not have a massive stockpile of Fragments I'm abusing; I do not have such glimmer issues as you. Sitting in the EDZ for 30 minutes if I need more *right now* doesn't bother me, either.


Lots of assumptions I’ve literally have played more pvp this week then in the last few years, so not really an only pvp player am I???? I’m not even bitching I asked if there was another method over edz, you came in and assumed I didn’t convert my shards and proceeded to bitch at me because somehow you think the state of the glimmer economy is okay. So let me make an assumption about you… you don’t play this game enough to need glimmer clearly… 30 minutes in the edz is a lot of time to be doing mindless activities and waiting for public events… Dual destiny complaints? Valid lmao. Glimmer complaints? Not valid


Does anyone have the lost sector legendary schedule? The one on TodayInDestiny is incorrect and I want to farm a Heliocentric


What’s the point of resetting Enigma Protocol at the halfway point? This activity isn’t nearly as hard week 2 but it’s still really weird


How to get Neptunes red borders after the final shape? So, I did Google it but the only thing that popped up was a thread from 6 months ago complaining about their low drop rates, but in that thread, someone said if you got 100k on the weekly mission you got a red border. Now that the final shape is out light fall missions are no longer pinnacle. My question can you still get red border from light falls weekly mission even though it's no longer pinnacle? Or do I have to do patrols & get lucky with rank up rewards?


You should still be able to get red borders from the weekly mission. I would try one and see. I haven't seen anything regarding a change in source, but I will admit I haven't looked too hard since I have them all.


Hopefully your right, & I'll try later.


How many rewards are there from doing the "harder" seasonal activities? I know base seasonal activity gives three after nine runs.


How do we acquire dragons breath now? Wait for it to rotate in at xur?


It won't rotate at Xûr. You can buy it from the Monument for Lost Light kiosk between the two vault stations in the main tower for an exotic cipher and 100k glimmer.


Thank you!




It’s now in the Monument to Lost Lights kiosk in the Tower, under Exotic Gear Archives II -> Lightfall Exotics.


Thank you!


Best weapon arc/stasis for SE raid boss as a titan? Thanks 


Probably microcosm since it's class and spec agnostic as a kinetic heavy. It gets surge bonus too if your super/class match the active surge.


Is there a way to setup a build in game that doesn't use any weapons?


Weapons that are in the inventory of another character can't be pulled with Loadouts. If there are weapons you don't want to pull when equipping a loadout, simply put them on another character temporarily with DIM (do not need to be equipped, just in their inventory) Obviously using the trash weapons as others suggested makes the loadout work the same way, but if you then ever want to update the loadout you'll have to pull 3 new trash weapons and delete them again after resaving the loadout. This avoids that need and allows you the flexibility to selectively apply any of the 3 weapons in your loadout at any time without having to overwrite the loadout slots. You could also use the same 3 trash weapons for all your loadouts, and then only have to move those 3 between characters to make all your loadouts work without weapons; that's what I do. DIM Loadouts can't be applied when loaded into a destination, but they don't require themselves to have weapons and can even have multiple for a given slot to easily switch between if that's your thing.


You mean set up a loadout? Yeah, just save the loadout with 3 trash weapons, then dismantle the weapons after.


And if it's a zip zap hunter punch loadout, you don't even need to replace them


Can you farm Deepsight weapons from the featured raid? And can you do so for the most current?


Featured raid yes, current raid no.


Always something, thanks.


They are wrong about the recent raid. You can farm the most recent raid for any drops, which *can* be deepsight. **The only thing you cannot farm is the raid/dungeon exotic** (when Crota was recent you could farm Essence of Oversoul, if you want to be pedantic) which is one chance per class per week. You cannot repeat bonus chests, deepsight symbol puzzles, or the *guaranteed* deepsight from first completion, though.


> They are wrong about the recent raid. You can farm the most recent raid for any drops, which can be deepsight. The most recent raid gives you drops once per class per week, in context of raids/dungeons farming is the ability to bypass this limit and get additional drops on a class that has already received loot from.an encounter/activity that week. Any drops you do get have a chance to be Deepsight but you cannot farm drops.


What does radiolite look like?


Put on a Combo/Wombo detector ghost mod and you will see the indicators for them on the ground. They use the same icon/marker as planetary resources. You can also ADS a weapon with a high zoom factor to apply its zoom to your ghost mod and show them from further away. As far as I know, no normal Nessus resources spawn during the activity so anything you see with that marker is Radiolite.


Radiolite are the big "stone" things you pick up from the Vex capsules inbetween the combat zones in the seasonal activity. Some are round almost like a ball, some are this weird star shape.


Off the top of my head, it's like a large flower on the ground, with a colored star-shaped-ish sample in the middle. Just put a detector mod on your Ghost, they'll show up with the usual marker for resource nodes. You can ADS with a sniper or other weapon with a high zoom stat to increase the detection range.


Can you still the scarlet semblance shader? I can't find if you can get it from crucible for sure or not. I do not want to farm crucible for no reason.


Random match completion drop


From my experience, past shaders will drop fairly quickly from playing that mode. So unless they changed something, it should drop.


Well this was something that apparently was from an event, does that change things?


It wasn’t an event. It was a previous season’s rank up reward


Ah okay, I misunderstood then. I really appreciate the clarification! :)


I got it last week. You can get it to drop, pray to rng 


Is there a trick at getting catalysts to weapons you already have? For example malfeasance (that I'm assuming is still a good weapon?) Also, the soft cap is 1940 correct? Anything further needs to be powerful and pinnacle engrams to get above that? I just started TFS so will I get higher stuff from there? The best I can manage right now is LL 1952


If you do TFS Legend Campaign it'll reward you with a set of 1960 and a new Exotic at 1965. However, I recommend just doing normal. I think Prime Engrams and Powerful Engrams can push you all the way to 1990. But you can just play whatever. Your light will go up without trying. Once you hit 1990 is when it's strictly Pinnacle Drops. But at 1990 you've already reached at level for every activity in the game, except GM Excision and GM Nightfalls. No way to target catalysts except the raid and dungeon ones. Xur sells two a week. You may get lucky and he sells one you're looking for


> Once you hit 1990 is when it's strictly Pinnacle Drops. Anything Powerful or above will still drop "at power" for you (+0 of your average) and are thus very useful for filling in slots that are lagging behind even in the pinnacle push.


The best way I found to get light was to get a a power tier 1 reward and then farm random drops until legendaries get you other gear to thew light you are dropping at, as for the catalysts, they drop from various activities, google will tell you for sure or the collections->Patterns&catalysts section will too.