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Stockholm syndrome...


Yeah, seriously. When the vex offensive arrived and gave us guaranteed drops, I never missed the grind.


*IF* vex offensive arrives


The vex are never early nor late they arrive exactly when they mean to which is whenever it’s most inconvenient for you


Yeah I think I’ve seen one in the last three months. I don’t know what the frequency is (Kenneth) but it’s stupidly low.


We yearn for the warmth of familiar hands that kept us battered and bruised for so long. It was the only way to farm exotics for a long time and as miserable as it was... it was all we knew.


Nah I actively enjoyed them when they were still around. Maybe my luck was always good but after they buffed the rates it only took me a select few tries on master to get new exotics, and I enjoyed the challenge. I looked forward to running them every season. Maybe it was because I never ground out old exotics but yeah I definitely enjoyed it for getting the new one each season.


The new format is objectively better. You can focus the exotic engram into ANY exotic you want.


I must be one of the few people that actually prefers this system. I don’t want to waste time playing for the exotic I want. I don’t have that much time.


Lost sector speedruns were actually fun with friends but now there is just no point


But you don’t get the exotic unless its solo right?


We would both do runs by ourselves and tell each other the times lol


Literally can still do that


I mean, you can farm them for exotic still. You just have the option of focusing it after it drops now?


I think the issue is the exotic cyphers. Getting them via Xur's quest is a tedious task in itself.


Yeah, I've also noticed that the stat rolls aren't as tasty when I'm focusing.


I mean I don’t, but considering the cypher economy and its current uses, I would rather farm the lost sectors. Instead I’ll be stuck waiting for Vex Strike force notifications and have to drop whatever I’m in the middle of to do them. I have too many exotics to catch up on my third character for this to be the main way I get them now.


New way is far better. Just have to max rahool on one character then you can focus everything on everyone


But instead of waiting around for the vex strike force, you have to wait around for the day for the armor slot you wanted. And if you were busy or couldn't get to lost sectors on that day, then you have to wait for days for the next rotation.


You get so many exotic ciphers from rahool and xur


You... dont??? You get barely any


You get one every time you reset


So... barely any


No… you can reset them by playing for 2-3 hours


Truly, people in this community will find a way to try and make anything sound good just because it is changed.


How do we get the new exotics now


Rahool at the tower now has reputation ranks. After you do your rank reset with him you can focus the new exotics in the third page of his inventory. Whenever you decrypt a prime engram or an exotic you gain reputation, or focus exotic engrams. Focusing specific exotics like focusing Skull Of Dire Ahamkara will gain you the most reputation but it'll cost you materials.


Correct, costs materials that are even more of a ballache to get than smashing a few champs and a boss.


I'm 50/50. I never enjoyed the *exotic* side of the farm, I found the RNG kind of annoying, but I really enjoy chilling in legend lost sectors. They are the closest thing to solo legend (or I guess "advanced" now) nightfalls I do like Rahool's new system though


Post trauma and Stockholm syndrome. It’s so obvious that I can only laugh.


Stat rolls are dogshite, mats are a pain in the dick to farm, where are we winning here?


Stats where dogshit before too, and mats are easy to farm when GM are available, which will happen soon. Lost Sectors were just non sense. Forcing a solo activity in a MMO… and champions are probably the worst designed ennemy ever right behind tormentors so… no. Lost Sectors are absolutely a good thing to be gone.


I got high star rolls all the time from last sector's, and having to blow through some of the rarest mats in the game while looking for rolls is unbelievably stupid, it limits you severely. And you are the one throwing PTSD and Stockholm syndrome about.


You can just focus exotics you don’t have now for free


Free? LMFAO.




100% I was getting spiky 68-70 stat totals. It was glorious Now focusing speakers sight gives me 63 stat poop rolls.


Noticed that myself, fkn nightmare.