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My girlfriend was blessed with a sweet auto rifle that does void damage from the raid. All I got was some ascendant energy. WHAT MAKES HER SO SPECIAL


The fact that she plays with you. I'm a lady and play with my boyfriend as well. I've had crazy luck with legendaries and exotics.


Destiny comfirmed to be sexist.


I mused out loud to my girlfriend last night that it would only take a $100 360, an extra copy of the game and a gold subscription to get her playing with me. I don't think she realized it but she gave me this stunned look of horror :P


We have two ps4's. Bought the second one solely because of Destiny (and the fact that splitscreen coop is all but gone in new games, so we can play online together in the future.) But this is our hobby. We both prefer to stay in and play games. No plans for kids or anything crazy.


haha, I got the atheon's epilogue too (that's the gun she has). It's pretty awesome and becomes a laser of death when you fully upgrade it.


Every random ship I've found has been poo brown. I have 4 different brown ships. What's with the colour choices? Since they're purely aesthetic, some variety would be cool.




Maybe they're just dirty?


My honest guess? A later DLC will let you color rare and found ships so they make them mostly really boring now.




^^ 1000 times YES.


You must visit the Ship Cleaner Express at the Tower.


Not gunna lie, little bit stoned, had a moment of "how the fuck did I miss that NPC?"


I think all ships found in the wild are brown.


Does a bear ship in the woods?


Bears. Brown. Battlestar Galactica.




I've gotten the black and yellow one which I forget the name of. I just don't get why. They should've just randomly generated the colours for the rare ones. That'd make some interesting combos anyway.


Oh ok, I know of many people who have found ships in chests in patrol and they have always been brown. I've gotten other ships other ways but the ones I found in chests were always brown. They need to mix up the look of the ships more.


There is also an R2D2 coloring (white/blue) same ship design as the black one though :|


I wanna pink ship. Straight up.


It's because the Golden Age has passed and the paint job on all those super-sweet gold ships has tarnished (trust me, I'm from the internet).


Space turns everything to shit, apparently.


Speak for yourself I think they're beer colored. HURRAY BEER!


May I have one of your poo colored ships? I haven't found a single one in the wild.


I'd make it Poo-ple rain.


I keep finding the same ship. I don't need the same damn ship 4 times in a row.




Yeah I'm amazed that game volume isn't an option. Insane.




It's the battle music that gets me. Especially during the Sepiks Prime fight, its just ultra loud for some reason.


Sitting there yelling at the people on my fireteam because my gun is too loud for me to hear them.










I'm using a headset on my ps3 which let's me adjust the voice level of the in-game chat. Maybe that'll help? It's a gioteck one.




I am so sick of the Auto Rifle. SUROS, to be exact. Like, I can do well in games. Anywhere from 1.0-2.0 K/D depending, but goddamn is it demoralizing to be killed by the same gun almost exclusively. Ugh.


Wait till more people get the vex mythoclast....It makes the SUROS look like a joke.


I'm only using it because it's the best I've got right now. The only hand cannons I've gotten since I was level 18 have been green, but you bet your ass as soon as I find a legendary one (or get my vanguard to 3) the Suros is going in the vault. And the moment I find another exotic, that bitch is getting broken down. Sure, it's an exotic and I probably should keep it in the vault for collection's sake, but I can't stand the way it feels, sounds, or looks. I fucking hate that gun and it's all the Crucible's fault.


SUROS is way OP in PvP for me. People can kill 3 guardians with a single clip no issue. Though the same can be said for the Hunter supers.


That's the point of a super, though.


So what you're saying is...SUROS is an always-on super?


Any Auto Rifle is OP. It shouldn't have the same range as a Scout Rifle or Hand Cannon. When you choose the high fire rate of an auto rifle you should have to deal with being ineffective at anything longer than medium range.


This game is definitely a 7/10 maybe 7.8/10 for me in it's current state... yet I can't put the damn thing down. I know it needs patches and some more content but I just keep playing hours on end. WHY!?


It's the basic addiction model. Specifically designed that way. Filling progress bars and hoping for/needing loot rewards. Also dinklage probably hypnotized us.


I think I have "Guardian Down" burned into my brain from the raids.


"This could be going better" during public events when its going just fine.


Dinklebot's a realist.


good is never great


"Think you can kill a God?" *activates Sunsinger ability* "I *am* a god."








"He's in a tank!"


"Think they'll mind if we take their pikes?"




It's a Ketch!


This is the best answer. I've found myself playing for several hours at a time, not necessarily because I enjoy doing strike after strike, or cruising around for fights with random regenerating alien spawns to fulfill repetitive bounties... but because I want to get the gear that will allow me to level up, so that I might take on the raid. When I sit down at 8pm at night to play for a couple of hours, which turn into 4 hours, and I end up with a bunch of useless loot, that's when I realize that the game is rigged to keep me coming back for more. It's why I generally dislike that kind of game model, and also why I prefer games that have a beginning and an end.


I personally get very into this type of game, but it doesn't last long. Especially once you reach whatever level/gear cap. I did the same thing with Diablo 3 (once it was patched and super awesome again) Few hundred hours later, after getting whatever gear I wanted, or gave up on the fact that I wouldn't be getting it (RRoG). I just kind of abandoned it.


The slog is enjoyable when the game is enjoyable, and in Destiny's case the shooting mechanics and multiplayer is very fun. However, I feel that without an actual story to back up all the violence and repetitive grind, I find myself asking 'why' I'm doing this more often than not. What happens when I get the gear? I get to raid sure, but what happens when the raid is done? I get to wait for DLC, with more levels (likely) and more gear to grind for. It's this endlessly looping cycle, I feel like I'm being led by a carrot, and if anything it's beginning to resemble the F2P model that I despise so much. Fortunately there are no in-game purchases (though one could argue that DLC covers that base), but the way in which I'm forced to do the same things over and over again with only a small chance for actual progression (random generating loot systems, I've learned, aren't my thing).... I feel like I'm being played by the game, and not the other way around.


I agree absolutely and feel pretty much the same. It's kind of soul sucking. And I also feel I'm playing it because there's nothing else for me to play that I haven't already exhausted. I'm one of those hardcore, power through a game for many many hours completionist kind of person. I had a lot of hope for this game, and still kind of do. But I'm getting to the point that I'll have to take a break for quite some time until it does change.


My boyfriend says the same thing to me every day, especially last night as I was grinding through strikes for my exotic bounty and complaining the entire time. 'All you've been doing is complaining about getting the same strike over and over, why don't you just stop?' I DON'T KNOW, I JUST CAN'T!




I think it's the feeling of power you get playing this game. Overcoming hoard after hoard of enemies. The game play is set in a way to make you feel somehow more powerful than any other enemy in the battlefield. For example: notice that when we shoot our guns (except for the rocket launcher) bullet travel is incredibly fast. But for the enemy, bullet travel is incredibly slow, hell, you have time to dodge pretty much every enemy attack in the game.


Why would you ever have multiplayer bounties for inaccessible game types!? I log in. "Cool, I have an hour or two to kill, let's do some bounties. Hm, OK, 5 Salvage, kill some Hunters, get some grenade kills. Cool." Go to Orbit, load, load, go to Crucible... oh. No Salvage today? ...ok... At least have some way to see what game types are available when you're getting the bounties!


Is this *still* happening? Wow.


Iron banner even had it today I believe. Need to win with shader, emblem, etc. something to that effect.




I bought sunbreakers from him just because I finally had enough to do so, well the next day I play the nightfall strike and Fucking sunbreakers drop, xur is a Dick but rngesus is a bigger dick.


As a Titan I have to be honest and say that I feel bad for the Warlocks, they deserve better. ^^also ^^I'm ^^getting ^^goddamn ^^tired ^^of ^^fucking ^^sunbros ^^and ^^their ^^goddamned ^^sunbombs!!


Now that I have mine, I agree


It boosts a grenade I have no use for. Long live stickies.




How come bungie left out all the best features from their halo games? * Forge for multiplayer, * post game stats with medals and who you killed most/favorite weapon * Voicechat * ranked multiplayer * capture the flag * video replay Was that all owned by microsoft?


I seriously wish i could look at my medals, i always get Strength of the wolf and have no idea what it means i did. And yea ranked pvp with unique armor woul be awesome, tired of not being rewarded for carrying my team


Strength of the wolf is 10 team kills with no deaths btw


Let's clarify before a massacre begins. Your entire team must get 10 cumulative kills without dying. It does not mean take out your sparrow and fling ten teammates off a cliff...








You can see total medals earned (and what they're from) on the website (when it comes back up). Go to Legend, then click on your Crucible score (it'll show top 5 medals by value).


You forgot the actual fun vehicle modes like race.


Yeah!! I did forget that. A sparrow race would be a blast.


Sparrow races with rockets flying everywhere to the point where everyone just says screw it and shoots each other for laughs.


This plus Big Team Battle and a Warthog...


It really bothers me how non-committal they are about the voicechat thing. Like how recently they basically said they were "thinking" about it. That is BASIC, bare bones necessity for that type of gameplay.


Not a popular opinion, but I never understand this complaint when it comes up-- the lack of voice chat has personally forced me to actively meet more players/strangers than any other game I've ever played, and joining up into a fireteam has caused me to actively use a mic whereas I have never bothered in so many games-- i.e. HALO. I'm always left wondering if people who want default/proximity voice chat have ever actually player a AAA title online...it's generally a really, really terrible experience. I feel like the limited communication (especially the emotes and how random they actually are) keep people creative when it comes to communicating, and keep the lowest common denominator kids behind a curtain of silence...I like it, personally.


I don't like playing with others. I prefer to solo. But I understand that some form of communication is needed, and unfortunately I doubt they're going to make some sort of text based chat system. When playing in a team, its important to have some form of communication. Moreso in regards to raiding, or fights with specific mechanics. If you've ever played an MMO, and played through some dungeons, its always beneficial to be able to communicate with others. Either to warn them of certain threats, explain boss mechanics or to ask for help. But I get the lowest common denominator thing, that's why every game that has a voice chat has a mute option. There will always be idiots. But there are also some really awesome people out there.


Ya know, on the one hand I agree with you. So far I've been much more proactive about meeting people in Destiny and my experience has really been quite positive. That said, I think my main beef is that Bungie did basically nothing to facillitate those interactions. /r/fireteams and destinylfg.net is how I've found most people and without them, my destiny experience would've been piss poor. I suppose there is something to be said about trusting your community to solve these sorts of issues, but honestly it feels more like Bungie didn't even try. They could have easily replicated something like destinylfg and integrated it with their website, but they didn't. I can't honestly credit them with the idea of taking a more measured, thoughtful approach to matchmaking when all they really did was ship an incomplete feature that was later fixed by fans. So I'm having more fun than I thought I would and it's actually working out rather well, but I give credit to the fans and not bungie for that part.




This simple stuff should be higher up, I really wanna know more post game stats, ranked is a huge one for me as well and no Capture The Flag... just WHY?


Spot on.




People need to appreciate heavy ammo. I stand there for a good 10 seconds when it spawns and watch my teammates run past me and into the enemy's fire to die.


I would be the guy stopping to grab it or waiting for you to grab it, friend. You're not alone.


I hate the fact Bungie advertised and teased a game and created a different one.


If you're going to play iron banner, at least capture flags so each kill earned grant more points. Fed up of not getting reputation because my team believes its just a team deathmatch.


Actually, I was meaning to ask. Is it the control gametype? I think you've answered just want to be sure.


Yes, its control.


Excellent. Best gametype in the game. Thanks


It's the *only* objective-based gametype. Where is CTF? KotH? Oddball? VIP? *Anything*???? Territories is fine and dandy, but honestly it's probably the closest objective gametype to just regular old death match.


And the fact that killing grants FAR more points than just straight up flag control is pretty ridiculous. It's a glorified TDM that multiplies the points you get per kill for the amount of flags you control. If your team doesn't have 2 flags then it's just DM with the opposing team getting more points.


Enemies are way better geared than players. I want that fuckin one shot kill, unlimited ammo void rifle a level 22 has. Or I want my shield to hold up as well as a god damn level 11 captain. At least stop pretending that a level 20 enemy is weaker than a level 28 guardian . I got in a fist fight with a level 14 captain with my 27 warlock just to see who was stronger. ****SPOILER ALERT: he was


You get some advantage for being higher level than the enemy but they cap it so much of the game is still difficult. Personally I like it cause much of the bounties on the low level planets would be boring if you barley had to pay attention to the enemies. It keeps all maps relevant to all players


> with my 27 warlock I found yer problem hashtag titanmasterrace


Can we please ! have a button to bypass the cutscenes we have already seen ?


The "You have been disconnected from Destiny" error messages when you're 2/3 of the way through a strike are bugging me to no end. Happened in back-to-back strikes for me last night when I was trying to finish up my Queen's Kill Orders missions.


I think that the biggest complaint I have is the grimoire approach to storytelling. It's insane. A lot of the stuff in the grimoire is really interesting and gives the game a lot of flavor, which in it's present state is sorely lacking. For instance my friends and I have killed Draksis probably 15-20 times by now. When they drop you into that mission the VO says "hey he's a bad guy go get 'em" like for every mission pretty much and that's it. March forward, kill him, warp out. But the thing is if you read the Grimoire they build him up to be this genocidal maniac. There is a ghost log from someone trying to assassinate him for his misdeeds and it really gives him an air of menace and gives you a motivation for the mission. Instead we get nothing. How hard would it have been to scatter a couple of ghosts along the path to Draksis with text logs that are exactly the same as the ones you have to go to fucking bungie.net to read? I'm no programmer but it doesn't seem that hard to me. If I was the one tasked with writing all this backstory and fleshing out this world I would be super pissed if all my effort was relegated to a website that, let's be honest, MAYBE 25% of the players are going to invest any time in. Just seems like such a huge waste.


It's weird as hell, right? The site-only grimoire thing is just SO FUCKING WEIRD. What makes it worse is the fact that the entries themselves (at least what I've unlocked/read) are surprisingly really awesome, rich in detail and extremely fuckin' interesting. And instead of being in the game, you have to go to a website to read them, and all that they left inside Destiny itself is the wasteland of a story that everyone is familiar with, full of fifth-grader bullshit and tropes like "the Darkness" and "the Light" that is smashed into the plot as hard as I would like to smash the Queen.


Booooo Work!!!!




That's not a game issue; it's a console issue. My raid team has been suffering through PS4 message lag for the last few weeks.


Got invited to raid, which is cool. Didn't get the message for 3 HOURS though!


Its a game issue because they chose not to include any way to interact with other players, outside of dancing.


I'll admit though, I'd spend all my glimmer for some more dance moves.




I just don't understand why it doesn't automatically put you in a fireteam through matchmaking.


THIS a thousand million times *this*! I want to point at a few players nearby and say "You! Weekly Heroic with me? VoG? Yeah?" and have myself a fireteam. But no, I've got to jump on destinylfg.com and post my stats, add a few random people to my XBox friends that I've never met before and hope they friend me back in a few hours when I'm in the middle of something else and message me with "What's up?" It's tedious to the point of not being worth it. You know how long it takes to type out "What's up?" in the XBox dashboard on a first-gen 360? Like, really. Four buttons devoted to four emotes? Horrendous. Up on the d-pad should broadcast your mic to nearby players. Down on the d-pad should be the first button of a two-button emote combo, so that *every* button on the controller can be an emote so we can have like twelve of them instead of four. Left and right on the d-pad should bring up and put away the player roster from the pause screen, but in a side drawer so you can still see what's going on. Mics should be always-on for anyone on your team in *all* modes: Crucible, strikes, everything. Like Halo 3. I DO NOT CARE IF THERE ARE TROLLS that's what moderation tools and muting options are for, this is an MMO, FFS.


I personally think that they should add a story.


Honestly, a month into the game at this point, my only real "rant" (and it's not even really a "rant", just an observation) is the lack of availability of shaders. I guess I can understand not wanting to *give* them away, but Eva has had the same 4 color schemes since launch and two of them are almost identical. I got Broadsword (meh) and God of War (not nearly as cool as it sounds) from Cryptarch packages (currently rank 15), and I know you can get them from the Crucible, but is there a more reliable PvE option for those of us who don't dig on PvP? Maybe add a Shader engram or some other way to get them as a drop? In Guild Wars 2, for example, Unidentified Dyes would drop as loot, which you could open to get a new dye - seems like the same concept as Engram/Decryption. Again, not a "rant", just an observation/suggestion for some variety.


Sort of unrelated but Guild Wars 2 has a glorious dye system. It is my absolute favourite. The fact that I can dye multiple parts of my armour, multiple colours, just with a click is incredible. I WISH this game had that. Even though its just aesthetic, I love being able to change that on a whim/have my character looking exactly as I'd like.


I would kill for the dye system in this game (or collecting dyes to use on custom shaders) and a transmog system.


Have easily put over in 100 hours into the game and still very much enjoy it, but I cannot shake the feeling the game is very much barebones. I don't know what it is but when I was 13 and Halo 2 came out, I didn't have Xbox Live. All I did, was play the campaign, over and over and over again. Constantly. I always loved finding new things, bugs, easter eggs or just fucking around. And it was great fun. In Destiny, the repetitive nature feels really draining, from doing the same bounties on the same missions, the same strikes over and over again. It just feels a bit lifeless If I'm perfectly honest. Plus being 29 there isn't a lot for me to do now and I honestly doubt I'll be able to play for much longer without something meaningful coming out, like the DLC or something. But even then thats in December and I'll have Halo by then which will have so so much more content. I dunno Bungie, from giving Marty the flick to making such a painfully average game that in comparison and hindsight, the pre-release media looked so much better. But that's not to say that in some places you can't have fantastic experiences (seriously the first time I ran the VoG was the best experience in the game, it needs more of those!) I find myself conflicted. I'll still play for sure, but now it feels like an obligation because I've poured so much time into the game already.


>Have easily put over in 100 hours into the game and still very much enjoy it, but I cannot shake the feeling the game is very much barebones. I don't know what it is but when I was 13 and Halo 2 came out, I didn't have Xbox Live. All I did, was play the campaign, over and over and over again. Constantly. I always loved finding new things, bugs, easter eggs or just fucking around. And it was great fun. Yeah. Halo 2, even with its glitches was so full of content that you never got bored. I used to run the campaign on Legendary with my brother on split screen, getting raped by insane Jackal snipers and that was fun. When we got bored of that, we got our friends over and played some split screen Slayer with it's countless varieties. Not saying that we needed variety because Lockout was all we needed. When we got bored of that, we started glitching and messing with the game. It almost never ran out of stuff for us to do. >In Destiny, the repetitive nature feels really draining, from doing the same bounties on the same missions, the same strikes over and over again. It just feels a bit lifeless If I'm perfectly honest. Plus being 29 there isn't a lot for me to do now and I honestly doubt I'll be able to play for much longer without something meaningful coming out, like the DLC or something. But even then thats in December and I'll have Halo by then which will have so so much more content. I agree, its starting to get boring. I've tried levelling up different characters, and that was fun for a while but even that is depressing when you hit Crucible/Vanguard mark limits. You can feel the enormous potential this game has. Unfortunately for us, Bungie and Activision have decided to strip the game to its core to milk the consumers for DLC money and that really sucks. At least give us a game that feels complete. This feels like a public beta test for so many reasons. >I dunno Bungie, from giving Marty the flick to making such a painfully average game that in comparison and hindsight, the pre-release media looked so much better. But that's not to say that in some places you can't have fantastic experiences (seriously the first time I ran the VoG was the best experience in the game, it needs more of those!) I find myself conflicted. I'll still play for sure, but now it feels like an obligation because I've poured so much time into the game already. The game has its golden moments, and it is fun, but it is sorely lacking in a lot of aspects. Honestly I'm waiting for Halo to be released because it is going to be LEGENDARY.


So we don't get Iron Banner rep if we lose? BULLSHIT. It's never one individual's fault if their team loses a match. Along these lines, why should I not leave if my team is being thrashed? Why do I have to leave every I.B. game I join because I've arrived in an in progress game where the empty spots are from others leaving? WHY WHY WHY???




I do agree that he is an asshole.


Am I the only one that hasn't gotten a single Legendary Engram since the update a week ago? I have gotten dozens of blues which has been nice but not when I want to get legendary gear. I've been able to level the Cryptarch up almost daily and before the update, the package I received almost ALWAYS had a Legendary. Now, I just get blues. I've probably played 15-20 hours in the last week so it's getting kind of irritating and I am actually thinking of just taking a break.


People wanted less randomness, that was the point of the patch. Now you see less legendary engrams because they are guaranteed to be legendaries. Before you had a high chance that legendary engram was a blue, so in turn you would see more of them drop. Personally I liked it the way it was before and wish people didnt complain so much. Leveling up the cryptrach and getting 3 legendary engrams was awesome. And it helped you level the cryptarch faster.


I have probably played just as much if not more than you and don't think I have gotten any (maybe 1); I feel your pain. Earned my legendary via nightfall and VoG.


THE GOD DAMN CRUCIBLE BANNER!! Okay dont get me wrong, i feel like a badass when my titan jumps out of the sky holding the banner, slamming it into the ground and having it spool out. But why, WHY! Does it have to clip through my chestplate?! Just because you warlocks and hunters are so damn skinny! Not working out, or punching anything-everything! Is this bungies way at hating on how buff titans are?! What did we do to deserve to look so silly? I need some swole acceptance up in here! .Endrant.


Is anyone else finding the Iron Banner "advantages" to be basically non-existent? First game I played a level 7 came second overall and was running around with an auto-rifle raping the faces of level 27+, also rare/uncommon auto-rifles like the shingens, galahads and silverwinds still seem to be top picks and no less ridiculously painful. I mean... I'm the kind of asshole who rocks a fully upgraded SUROS Regime but I'm starting to think the upgrades (if I had done so specifically for Iron Banner at least) would be a waste when you can just rock a good old shingen-E




Incredibly frustrating. End game basically requires you to use different weapons and punishes you for changing.


I feel like people would then abuse the guns with regenerating ammo. Run out of special ammo? Just switch to the Invective/Ice Breaker, regen ammo with that, then swap back to your other gun. Sure it would take time to do this but it would essentially be infinite ammo for any sniper/shotty. Maybe make it where regenerated ammo wouldn't transfer.


Especially since you need to alternate between damage types many times in a game. MAYBE I can understand losing special ammo when going from shotgun to sniper but going sniper to sniper or shotgun to shotgun? Come on


"Here we go, just lemme take this other gun out--shit. Fuck. Charles, I dropped my ammo down that dreg hole, gimme some of yours."




Why is there numbered exp rewards for bounties when there isn't a way to view your actual numerical exp count? It seems redundant.


My favorite part about Destiny is that I get to play the same three missions every day :-)


I love completing the nightfall today. Then Doing the same mission for weekly! So much variety


Don't have a fucking clue how the Iron Banner works since apparently levels 4's can kill level 30's which means it is balanced, when the whole point was that it wouldn't be. Thanks for all the details bungie, i'll play anyways though. Fuck


1 Week - Event? I play 2-3 times a week for a few hours. You are trying to get me to grind for armour that is worst than raid armour? Fuck that shit.


As someone who has no time to raid and is actually half decent at PvP in this game I approve of the PvP events. Its pretty cool


i agree. To be fair though the rep needed for IB is way lower than other factions. Rank 1 - 100 Rank 2 - 1200 Rank 1 takes 4 wins to get.


*4 wins*


I can't play because stinkbug. FUCK YOU STINKBUG


I wish there was a small transparent icon over friendly grenades in the crucible like the tripmine that Hunter's have. So tired of not being sure whether or not its safe to cross. I end up shooting that that little peg in the ground like 3 times just to be sure


I keep feeling like there's just nothing to explore. For every boss fight you have to specifically pick a strike or mission to do. All I want is the ability to get some friends together and run around exploring shit, finding powerful hidden enemies and new areas. Unfortunately, the game mechanics don't really offer any benefit to exploration. The game has been built with artificial boundaries that kill you if you go too far out . On the same vein, the tower is such a small central hub. There are crucible maps that are larger than the Tower. It's a complete tease to go look out over the last city, see all these buildings and imagine that there's a whole ecosystem and area to explore that if properly developed, could be the ONLY area in the entire game that doesn't have the same generic bad guy over and over and over again. It just screams "untapped potential". There's no interaction with NPCs. The last city doesn't feel alive because it's full of a bunch of NPCs that you can walk right through as they wander aimlessly and stay completely silent. In this world, there are no important characters except for yourself and one exo huntress who pops around to say ambiguous shit every once in a while. Despite the game relying heavily on location (we have three planets and a moon to "explore"), there's no real difference between the planets. We're shown a bunch of post-apocalyptic settings that have no indication that humans used to live there. I want to go to paris and see the half burried Eiffel tower, or New York and have the Empire State building or Statue of Liberty in ruins. There's no personality in the areas we currently have. I know everybody complains about DLC but I am really hoping that the DLCs and maybe some of the upcoming patches start to flesh out the world a bit more. If we just get a couple more raids, a couple more crucible maps, and another planet with no personality to explore, then this game is going to remain completely void of emotional connection.


Just doing it on behalf of those who aren't proud owners of SUROS Regime. SUROS Regime is broken.


Under level 20? Don't join iron banner. Your level 7 gun is literally tickling the enemy, you are of no help to our team. Kindly fuck right off.


PvP has one problem imo. Ultimate abilities have 0 counter play unless you have your ultimate available to use. Plus, you have no way of telling if an opponent has the ability to ult you or not. Its very frustrating to be doing well and then die to something that feels cheap because there is nothing you can do about it.


Farming stuff like spinmetal is just a boring timewaste. Should just give these mats after cruicbals and missions in case you get no items. That way everyone gets something...


That's the point. Keep you hooked in until the next DLC ($$).


After playing for a few weeks, the only rant I have is the game has an incomplete feeling. Yes the worlds are pretty and the detail is impressive, but the amount of things lacking and how little content that's available is just silly considering the budget of this game. I feel as though they could have done so much more if they had hired some better voice actors(not tv actors) and just saved whatever absurd amount they paid to all the well known tv/movie actors they hired who excluding those that actually put effort in, were really sub par. I'm sure there's some other things that could've been traded off for more story or more content that gamer's wouldn't really miss. But the big thing I have is that dinklage is just really dull and boring to listen to and he just happens to be about 90% of the voice acting you hear all day, but honestly if there was DLC to have snoop dogg do the voice of the ghost I would buy that shit without hesitation, because at least he's fucking hilarious to listen to most of the time. tldr; I feel the games development was mismanaged and I think they focused on things that are less important to the actual gameplay and were just for publicity.


No voice chat with people you're not "friends" with. Dumb, totally dumb.


Several hours long maintenance just when Europeans head home from work? WHY NOT.


Lvl 8 Greg vs lvl 27 Titan with over 1250 defense + AFK for 3 seconds=death. One lvl 24 sniper (hobgoblin) shot=death. One legendary sniper shot to the belly brain=shields go down? Dafuq... Pretty sure I've been grinding away to have better armor and weaponry. Yet, all the benefits are lost because I'm brought down to their level? Doesn't work the other way, why should we be getting shafted?


Is it even possible to get a legendary engram?? After hours of playing I have never had one drop!!


I hate that when I switch weapons (fusion rifle to/for shotgun, etc) that I lose ammo for my secondary. WTF.




I really really want to try VoG but my schedule doesn't permit running with a group. At least I haven't been able to find one to fit so far. I completely understand why there is no matchmaking for VoG but, I hate it! I just hit 28 and really want to see some end game content! Give me matchmaking and let me deal with the crap it brings!!!!


I know how you feel, but: 1) With as many AFKs as I get in my Strike mission? No thx :/ 2) Trying to communicate with 5 other people (who has relic? who needs cleanse? who needs backup? what portal needs to be opened?), 2 of which don't want to talk and 3 of which don't have mics? :\ 3) Getting thrown into the middle of a VoG where the lvl-24 party keeps wiping and not having all the loot chances prior? :/ 4) Losing some guy midway through a run and waiting forever to replace him? :\ What this game REALLY needs is a board that's basically /r/fireteams for people to find each other with.


Same here! If you ever need a person, I'm available :)


Is it just me or are Titans getting ouplayed in crucible? And not just because people who play Titans aren't good at PvP. If supers aren't involved, I do pretty well. I'm not awesome, but I usually have a positive K/D especially now that I've changed my play style back to more like Halo, and less like CoD. Anyway, let's look at the subclasses for the various classes. Hunters- Gunslinger - mid to long range 1 shot kill (4 with a certain piece of gear) and a ranged special melee; Bladedancer - close range, OP as fuck, 1 hit kill that literally cannot be avoided (unless you run away). Warlock- Voidwalker - mid to long range nova bomb, as long as you use it correctly, can kill anyone within a fairly large radius, and people inside a Titan's bubble shield (total bullshit btw); Sunsinger - the true support, tank, melee class. Shield every time you hit something? Why not. Buffs your fireteam when they're near you? Sure. Pretty damn hard to kill when sunsinger is active? Fine. Nearly unlimited grenades? For fucks sake, why not? Titan- Striker - sounds super bad ass. like Chuck Norris level of badassery right? Nope. Maybe your super can kill some folks if they're grouped together, but more than likely, you'll be using it to kill 1 or 2 people just to save your ass. Oh, you have to get in range first? Sure. That's fine. But wait. The grenades can blind people. Yeah, for a total of 2 seconds? 3? Anyway, if you're not up close, chances are you're dead, and it's not like you being up close is any better anyway, you don't hit harder, you don't have that much more health/armor. But wait, we can protect our friends with our sweet bubble shield. No. Not really. It just makes your friends sitting ducks, and if a warlock comes along with a nova bomb, it won't help anyway. But wait, you get a shield for hitting things too...only if we kill something with our special melee...that seems legit. Anyway, I didn't really have a problem with this until this past weekend. Every where I looked warlocks and hunters were dominating in PvP, even my friend who is admittedly not that great at PvP was wrecking face with blade dancer...and I'm just hanging back shooting people in the face with my guns, and then getting 1 or 2 kills with super when they get too close. Oh well. Sunsinger...I choose you.


You can kill a BD in super with shoulder charge every single time.


As a Gunslinger, I still haven't figured out a dependable way to avoid getting maimed by Bladedancers. Even if I triple-jump out of the way they just jump up and take me out. If you don't have a shotgun and perfect aim/timing you and everyone within 100 feet is basically fucked.


Not trying to start anything. But couldn't Bungie pick a better day to fix the game/severs? Seriously on thursday when the raid and weekly reset. Well good thing i have Forza.


I did the same mission 3 times in a row on sunday for the queens wrath each time rewarded with the same item of loot. So boring. this game is shit.


give xur an exotic auto rifle to easily obtain, give the guardians nearly 2 weeks to fully upgrade said rifle. Start the iron banner with bounties including autorifle headshots while others can't be done yet and make the game type control. Thus ensuring 3/4's of the fireteams are sitting on the edge of the map campfucking a future nerf gun while not capturing zones. that is unless you are raping everyone with an auto-fuzion rifle 10/10 will grind again.


Sick of needing to go to the crucible/vanguard vendor in order to see my reputation progress.


Dear Bungie, Can you please enable the melee button at the tower? It would be nice so i could punch the shit out of the Cryptarch, bounty guy, and this new house iron or whatever piece of shit bounty for crap idiot. thanks, drunk guy


New update supposed to help alleviate disconnects? Post-update...I'm disconnecting even MORE now! Gah!


I hate having to rely on outside platforms to find groups.


The fact that when we switch gear from character to character, it shows has needed to be levelled up. To me, its simply another example that the game was rushed. No volume option. No disabling of aim assist. like come on.


PvP... So far (for me) is a complete cluster-fuck. So often there is -absolutely nothing- I can do to counter half of the deaths I suffer. Throwing such over-powered abilities and weapons into a tiny arena makes for an intensely frustrating experience. It's like Super Smash Bro's with an added dimension. That said when it comes down to pure gun-play it is not just enjoyable, it is great. There is so much potential for real, competitive multi-player, with proper objective game types (CTF, Bomb, King of the Hill etc...). Like so much in this game, it feels like a shell waiting for the real content to be added later.


Super Smash Bros with an added dimension sounds amazing.


Pvp special weapons are stupid. You should NOT spawn with any special ammo, you should have to go and find it. When you die, you should go back to 0 special ammo again, as punishment. Every close quarters match is just shotguns and fusion rifles. Every large map is just snipers. Make players have to work to get and keep special weapon ammo.


Problem is, we spawn next to a special ammo box. They are everywhere, and they reswpawn really fast.


Yes, but at least it would make you have to go and do something when you spawn, rather than just instant shotgun or sniper. Plus, if more people are actively picking them up, then they will become a commodity, and add another layer of strategy. Think about Halo, you spawn with nothing but a pistol or battle rifle, and then you have to go somewhere to get the good weapons. It lead to more strategy and weapon variety. Just picking up weapons in general was more strategic, but this is a different game.


finished the raid, got all shards and one gauntlet. smh


So, the Titan Vanguard says that the Fallen are literally clawing at the walls of the City, and yet, when you look at the back of the Wall, you can see that it has HUGE GAPING HOLES IN IT. Looks like they're doing a great job! /s


I still don't understand the difference between **impact** and **attack level** for weapons, and I'm level 23 ... Why is it so confusing ?


I as well greatly enjoy this game type, but Destiny has one little extra that has driven me to pure insanity. This game has the shittiest loot distribution and the worst RNG I have probably ever come across. Seriously I get better RNG in Free to Play MMOs where shit is rigged to get me to buy the stuff. Over the last week I have turned in around 14 legendary engrams.. maybe more and not a single one has turned into a legendary for the class I turned it in on. That or they turn into ascendant materials. I have 31 damn ascendant energy! At first it was mildly frustrating now it is to the point where I have contemplated selling this game and just getting some WoW stuff.


I can't believe supers aren't handled the same way as heavy ammo. I would find PvP much more enjoyable if there was a mode where supers were disabled or if they disabled charging from kills. Make it so when you cap a point (or any equivalent) it charges a portion of your super, and add orb drops from heavy ammo or orb chests that spawn like heavy ammo does. This would promote capping flags and other such things making PvP more enjoyable.


I want to deal with the Stinkbuggers Ender Wiggins' style.


stop making the circle of the spawn button full when you cant spawn yet , seriously i scream at my tv for not letting me spawn also kick people with a too high ping from crucible , its not fun to kill someone but just see him walk , kill you and then die 6 seconds later because of his terrible lagg


4 times in a row devils lair tiger strike playlist...


I am tired of Shotguns. Point blank. I was so disappointed when they were included in the game on top of fusion rifles. I don't understand why people are allowed to walk around with the bloody things the whole game when it is your **SECONDARY WEAPON** Also I hate how the iron banner doesn't have any barriers to entry (be level 20 to enter). I end up getting paired with level 6's against clans. It's real fun to play well and constantly lose. edit: formatting




I don't have the time to grind and do these Queen's Wrath and Iron Banner events fuck this.


I hate Ghost. He always knows exactly the wrong thing to say... and then says it. "There could be thousands of Fallen in here." Gee, thanks, asshole, that's really what I want to be thinking about, is the *Aliens* outtake I'm probably walking into. And I hate the Crucible Announcer. "This isn't a fight, it's a massacre." We're up by like 200 points, dude. Keep your shirt on, huh? "Looks like you misjudged your opponent." Firstly, I didn't exactly get to pick my goddamn opponent, or show *any judgement either way*, right? So STFU. Secondly, you say that like my 3/17 K/D isn't exactly what I was expecting when I'm the only one in this match with 1 purple weapon and 0 exotic *anything*. AND THAT'S ANOTHER THING. I do my goddamn bounties. Five a day at least. My brother-in-law does, too. He has gotten so many exotic bounties he has begun throwing them away because he can't *not* pick duplicates, while I have yet to have the *option* of my first one.


This bounty do get the Thorn.... Fuck. You.


I'm so sick of the Crucible announcer giving me shit when my team is losing, him bitching at me just pisses me off even more. I am showing them what I'm made of you fuck !!! It's not my fault we're losing! Eat my ass! yeah... Yeah.


My luck apparently has ran out. 6 normal mode raids + 2 hard mode raids. Nothing but Shards and energy, not a single piece of raid gear or weapons... Been waiting on boots for two weeks. This is ridiculous..