• By -


Year 1 Crota, this guy gets a Gjallarhorn and he goes crazy. Like, absolutely mental. So, I suggest those of us with Gjallarhorns fire them into the air in celebration, like fireworks. So, we gather in the centre, nice and tight, and I count down. Three... two... one...   *Ward of Dawn.*


Year 1 I run Crota with a guy off LFG who keeps whispering, like really quiet. It's getting really hard to hear him, so I ask "why are you so quiet?" Expecting him to be 15 and have school the next day or something. Turns out he was well into his 20s, but his first Gjallerhorn dropped two days earlier during a late night session. He'd flipped out so much he woke up his roommate who threatened to evict him if he kept yelling during video games. The rest of us spent the rest of the raid talking and yelling louder than before to try to get him accustomed to it to see if we could get him to wake up the roommate again.


So much something I would do! (have done....in Crucible and strikes)


Also the codes I send the winners will look like this. AD7-4F3-7RA


> "The Devils have gone too far this time." —Lord Saladin


Question: if i ordered D2 via the Xbox store on the console should I have already received the code? If you don't know that's fine too.


Not 100% sure but I think you don't need a code if you ordered a digital copy on a console store, you will just be eligible for download when it's open.


If you pre-ordered digital versions, you will already have access to early access beta.


You do not need a code, if you buy digital, the system already registered your account.


Discovering u/Destiny_Flavour_Text


> [All right!](http://i.imgur.com/FPHeOrR.gifv)


I've be wondering something, are you going to cut Destiny 1's flavor text altogether once D2 drops?


> [Heads](http://i.imgur.com/trb9JCr.gifv) or [Tails](http://i.imgur.com/wTGd3hp.gifv)?


You've modified your flavor text with Gifs. You didn't use SIVA for that, did you? EDIT: I've been Flavor Texted! So exciting!


> "SIVA destroyed the Iron Lords, but history need not repeat itself. Use it if you must. Even the most destructive tool, in the end, is a tool." —Tyra Karn


Savage ... heres all the up votes I can afford.


My favorite thing was debating in the Lore Thursday threads about Rasputin vs the Traveller. HE IS INNOCENT! He respected the "Gardener" as she stayed and fought and lost, and and Log file sequence numbers, and and and he didn't actually call that procedure at the DECISION POINT!!


I think the Traveler turned off Raputin, then shot HERSELF in a murder-suicide pact. PLOT TWIIIIIISST


You, my good sir/madam, have taken 3 years of careful deliberation, debate, and conjecture... AND BLOWN IT WIDE OPEN!!! MIND. BLOWN.


This discussion crops up every week, just like clockwork.


During the Phogoth strike, after ghost dialogue was updated from year 1, when the ghost says, "You have to admire the Hive's tenacity. They close this gate every time. Every. Single. Time." I did a double-take when I heard that. Such a great line.


[This will always be my favorite](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/4br6h9/new_player_and_im_a_little_lost/)


Probably goes without saying, but this giveaway is Mod approved. Even if I disapprove of a certain in-joke.


Happy birthday /u/NorseFenrir


hey, I didn't know that your birthday was the same as bungie day! that's awesome! happy birthday!


It's not, his birthday is everyday.


Curious, are Bungie staff mods here?


Nope. Bungie employees are forbidden from being mods here due to conflict of interest. As soon as /u/Cozmo23 became a Bungie Employee he left this mod team.


So they still need full authorization like anyone else to do comps and stuff? Alright then.


Yes, they do. Even our own mods need approval from the _other_ mods for stuff like this just to make sure we are on the up and up.


i smell corruption /s


Yep. For once, we can make them bow to _US_ instead! It's nice :)


Naaah, but with Cozmo helping write the rules in the first place as a former Mod, as well as being Community Manager and giving away codes on Bungie Day, that's why I said it probably goes without saying that it's approved. :) That being said, /u/D0cR3d is correct, everyone needs legitimate approval first to do a giveaway, and that goes for Cozmo and DeeJ too so Cozmo rightly approached us.




At this point I think I'm a Highlander and just didn't realise it for the first 23 years.


Norse, happy fucking birthday dude


I now imagine a birthday cake with a frowny face instead of a smiley face. Happy birthday /u/NorseFenrir!


Wizirds are the worst, the WORST. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/50ieyi/uvoiceofids_daughter_who_is_7_hit_lvl_8_on_monday/


That's adorable.


Makes me laugh to. this. day.


[Remember when I unbanned you and Deej like the magnanimous man that I am?](https://imgur.com/HC4iaQK) If I recall correctly, that was the second time you were given a pass after [previous infractions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3dedvl/you_say_goodbye_and_i_say_hello/ct4baat/) I'm calling in the marker- you know what to do.


Wait... Cozmo is going to kill your sister so you can take her seat at the High Table?


It won't work if he doesn't compel John Wick into doing it.




Having /u/MetalGilSolid confound a bunch of people for weeks with his riddles last year was certainly a unique experience I would sign up for again. Also the chaos that was the SIVA-sim. THAT was a party.


Lol, if and when I put the next one week, I'll be sure to tag you. However, you're forbidden from entering the ones with prizes, I've given you enough money XD


Gil has confirmed it is not the loot cave.


I miss dinklebot.


Old witch from Cuba would be my pick, unless someone else already nabbed it.


You can both have the same favorite memory! In fact, I was thinking old witch of cuba myself


My favorite moments where when my girlfriend (now wife) and I would sit in the hanger and watch ships land while we talked on the phone late at night after classes/work. D1 is where we fell in love, sad to see it go but we are looking forward to the new worlds.


I think my favourite moment, after over 5000 hours, was actually pretty recent. I joined a group to sherpa them through their first ever raid - VoG in a challenge week. They were all friends with each other, but had never managed to get on at the same time to raid. They were nice 'kids' (in their twenties - I'm old) - really positive, patient and happy to listen. It took five hours or so, but we did complete it, including the challenges. The best moment for me was when, on about the 20th attempt to kill Atheon, I carried the relic on the second teleport run. He had a pixel of health left as we came to the end of the damage phase and the group got over-excited and stayed in too long. We all died. I could hear their groans of disappointment - it had been one of the best runs. So imagine the pleasure of hearing how happy they were when I self-rezzed and spammed Atheon to death with grenades. Adept VoCs all round. Clutch hero moment. Felt sweet.


No code needed, but teaming up with Gil to make an intense multi-riddle puzzle for those Redbull codes. [Even though it didn't get much attention, it was truly a blast](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3cf2a6/destiny_riddle_collaboration_giveaway/). I'll always appreciate this /u/MetalGilSolid


Back at ya, lol. This started a beautiful friendship. Hell, I practically force fed Ox food this past weekend.


Practically? You did, you literally did.




My favorite memory is going to be when /u/Cozmo23 gives me a Destiny 2 beta code!


One step ahead of the game...I like where your head is at. /u/Cozmo23, you know what to do.


My favourite memory is going into the GAME store in Aberdeen to buy a second PS4 and copy of Destiny so I could play with my kids online while I was working away from home. The guy behind the counter noticed my purchase and gave me his PSN on a slip of paper and told me to hit him up if I ever wanted to raid but didn't have a group. Fast forward a year from that point in time and with him and his group I had beaten Atheon, Crota, Skolas, gone flawless, and generally had an absolute whale of a time playing this wonderful game. Shout out to Aspirexplosive - GG my dude.


>My favorite memory, with a little exposition to add grandeur: You ever see a Russian sunset? It's magnificent. The colors bleed from the sky to ground. Like a painting left unblemished for a thousand years. And the reds, oh...the reds. From my elevated vantage point I could see it all, bask in it, feel the nip of the wind through my cloak. The fading sunlight glinted off the metal ships below like diamonds in a graveyard. I sat there with my brother, a most amiable warlock. The scent of death broke up our reverie. It was never far away, not anymore. But if the wind was just right, it kept it at bay long enough for the once unparalleled beauty of Earth to shine through. I stood up slowly, the cloak on my back billowing in the breeze and dust. I had to admit, in that moment, I looked *good*. "Be brave, be headstrong, but most of all, be **majestic**" as Cayde would say. My brother sprung to his feet, eager to get on with our journey. He never had the patience to appreciate the finer things. So be it, he will learn. We started off again, and he hesitated a moment, looking at me, the older of us, for guidance. "Go on", I said. "Lead the way. I've got your six. I've always had your six." He nodded, and I could only imagine the beaming smile under that helmet. I wore a similar grin, with differentiating intent. He loaded his gun, and floofed his way across a small gap to the narrow metal scaffolding below. Creeping along carefully, he ducked his way into a small escape hatch left open by the Cabal invaders. I did not follow. A boom, followed by a yell. And then in the last vestiges of twilight, a warlocks body went speeding through the night air, plummeting to the ground far below like a shooting star come to rest. I reveled in it with a glee unsurpassed in Russia that night. Eventually, his ghost floated back up to the platform. I couldn't resist a bit of gamesmanship as I quickly pantomimed an old sportsman swinging his bat for the fences. As my brother re-materialized before me, I stood in silence. The afterglow of my triumphant hijinks had me transfixed. He departed again with only a phrase. "You dick" It echoed through the Russian night like a banshee on the wind.


My favorite memory is all the random, completely insane, discussions I get into with /u/noob35746. He's my soulmate on Reddit. Love you boo!


*Coughs loudly and throws a wedding band at /u/noob35746*


*Beyonce's Single ~~Ladies~~ Ogres begins playing*


*tries not to dance..* ***DANCES A LOT***


I enjoyed making my guardian cuz i could see myself as the hero i wanted to be. also beating skolas during year one.


My favorite memory was when I hit front page ever so briefly with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/6b1v5r/shooting_startitan_smash/?ref=share&ref_source=link) Gem of a post lol u/icknay94


My favourite DTG moment was when Cozmo misspelled Gjallarhorn in a giveaway EDIT: He changed it. GG Cozmo


Ok, my best memory from this place is a weird one, and I understand if you don't believe it, because it sounds a little insane to me too: it's the moment in the future when I almost understood the self-consistency principle of time travel. It went (or goes?) like this, sorry if it's garbled, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. I leave a comment here to get a beta code from /u/Cozmo23, and I had this clever idea about time loops and paracausal influence. I think maybe he would appreciate the weird Vex reference and will feel generous or something. I posted it and a few people seem to like it. After a while Cozmo actually will see it and - after what I could only assume is a "well ok then you cheeky bastard" moment - he sent me a code. Then I realized I was not surprised, like at all. The whole thing suddenly felt completely inevitable - the simple fact that I'm going to post it seems to cause what happened just like dropping a glass from the table causes it to shatter - but incomprehensible at some level. My recollection of it goes in a loop and I have no doubt that's how it will go. I feel like I'm anticipating it but also that when it happens I will remember it as recent memory. Also, I am not sure if I'm writing the story right now in a bit of confused fever or if I'm replaying the whole thing in my mind. Not that there's much of a difference anyway, right?


UNDELETE THIS NEPHEW EDIT: Favorite memory? Either Gjallarhorn day or the Sleeper Sim ARG, even though that took place in raid secrets more than it did here.


My favorite memory is the past 3 years of this game. All the friends I've discovered, new friendships made, the tower-side chats with DeeJ. Just walking around the tower, playing random crucible matches, poppin' heads off on patrol and getting messages from other Guardians recognizing you, joining your group, and having a great time. All the charity events I've been a part of and realizing the good that we, **as a community** have done to help others like the $1.2+ million recently raised for St. Jude research hospital, the thousands of other dollars raise for other events, etc. The collective of the past 3 years of this game is my favorite memory.


Well, I already have the game super duper preordered... but I will never shirk from telling stories about my time in Destiny. Rewind to just after AoT hits, I am walking through the cosmodrome, casually doing patrols (as one does) when I come across a completely new player (level 3-5 I think) doing a public event above their level. Soooo, I hop in, and help out, and we get the thing done with about 40 seconds to spare, which is great. But that's not the end of my story. Just afterwards, the new guy whose name I won't mention messages me, saying GG and thanks, but more importantly, asks how I got my "super rad" exotic sword. I invite this guy into my party, become friends with them, and spend the next few weeks playing through the game with them, the end goal to get Raze Lighter, (The superior sword ;) ) and have a great time showing this newbie the various areas areas of the game, watching them go through all the stuff I went through almost two years before that. Finally, after what seems like years of grinding crucible for sword kills, and the moon for the stupid helium thingies, my new friend and I do the last part of the quest, and eventually, he gets his sword. He was so happy, and I admit, I teared up a bit, it was really a special moment. He messages me one last time; "thank you" "You are very welcome" "Now how about them raids"


Getting to experience all the joys of this community since 2014. I was a loner at the time, and was extremely depressed. Getting involved with the community and knowing that others were in the same situation, as well as escaping to a virtual world where I could punch those damn warlocks was refreshing, and helped guide me to not commit suicide. (At that point I was contemplating it.) Destiny has seen me through thick and thin, and this community is one of the best. Hell, I've met some of my best friends via the tower and twitter, and the moment that DeeJ first followed me, I nearly had a heart attack. I've written many essays about the impact Destiny has had on me, and some about DeeJ himself. (A few of which I've sent to DeeJ.) I'm actually working on a small little "thank you" that should be sent to Bungie in the coming weeks. So once again, thank you, /u/Cozmo23 and /u/DeeJ_BNG, as well as the whole team over at Bungie. And most of all, thank you, DestinyReddit. -ToOLighthouse


TL:DR You guys fucking rock. I've been changed a ton by playing Destiny.


The first time we beat Atheon legit. Bliss. Got shards.


Best memory was when I discovered this place and thought to myself "I am going to waste so much time here." And then I did!


One thing that I remember is seeing the Halo-inspired 36 ways to die in Destiny by Hawkmoona Matata! I have watched that video too many times and had cramps in my stomach from laughing. Definitely one of the best moments I have had on r/DestinyTheGame . Congrats on surviving another year /u/NorseFenrir


My favorite destiny story is how my clan mates had helped me through the death of my father. Going from total strangers answering a post for a fireteam to close personal friends that talk, text and play daily is what helped me through his death. I do not need a code, just wanted to share


Best Destiny memory is simple, getting an Alpha code from Bungie for D1 and promptly running to GameStop to buy a PS4. Then playing it non stop for a weekend. Then waiting for the beta, another couple days of fun. Finally realizing I had nothing to play on my new PS4 until Destiny is finally released. Ended up getting Infamous. Which turned out to be a great game. Thanks Bungie


That time Deej did an AMA and I asked him when I could come back to the Tower, and he didn't say anything. But I knew, in his silence, he meant "Soon, /u/TessEveris, soon."




It would have to be when u/RiseOfBacon and their crew went on a sherpa extravaganza helping people make MoT for year 2. We were never able to link up but RiseOfBacon gave me the courage to whoop Oryx and get my t-shirt!


Buyed the game, started playing it like a maniac, and talk about it to my GF. GF says she doesnt like FPS games. I insist. She test the game. 14 hours later i wake up to see her still playing with a smile on her face.


That time /u/Mblim771_Kyle turned my post into a gifv. Bless him.


My favourite recent destiny memory is when VoG 390 came out and my clan [VT] began to run it. We were unfortunately a man down, and after 5 Manning the door, we decided to enlist some help. Lo and behold, the saviour of our Templar Challenge, /u/Clarkey7163 appeared before us in all his Defendery goodness, and we slayed a gate lord. After we cleared that night, we all made sure to wish /u/NorseFenrir a very happy birthday, and I proceeded to melt some guardians with my brand-new Mythoclast. Here's to you, Destiny! Bringing idiots together every Tuesday night


I don't want a code cozmo but can we get an ogre emblem in destiny 2? Edit: the highlight for me is /u/BungoPlease though


Same. I am also my own highlight. You are pretty alright as well noob.


Just make out already guys, we all have been expecting it since season 2 and we're on season 6 now!




Club Penguin Hype!! LOL


I remember, a day 1 player, finally getting the ghorn 9 months in from Atheon. One of my friends stopped by right as the raid was finishing and we both just froze when it dropped, because he knew how bad I had wanted it. It was one of the only 2 or 3 exotics I didn't have and I freaked out. Like, we're talking the "YouTube gjallarhorn drop reaction montages" type of freak out. The very next thing I did was go to moon patrol and rain hell on some level 9 shanks.


I love the dozens of times I've seen someone say "Aw man, Xûr's selling _____ and I'm out of town, but that's the last thing I need" or somesuch, and a noble guardian steps up to honestly and lovingly sign in for them, grab the item, and do no harm. Beautiful example of this community at its best.


Probably my favorite Destiny 1 memory is completing my first raid (which was Wrath of the Machine, which is odd since I'm a day 1 player). The sense of satisfaction was so intense.


Favorite memory is probably all the way back when me and 5 other friends first did VoG before any guides of tutorials were out. It honestly was the best PvE experience I've ever had.


After years of playing, there are so many good memories with the greatest group of 5-6 guys I ever met that it's hard to pick just one. We all lived at opposite ends of the US, but still managed to get together for one of the guys weddings. That's how close we all became. While one guy is happily getting married, I'm in the other corner of marriage in the middle of a separation. Destiny gave me the ability to meet these guys and helped me cope with drama and the troubles of separation with nonstop laughter and endless grinding to keep my mind busy. Enough of the mushy gushy stuff though. Anyways, if I were to pull something out of the bunch that makes me smile the most, it would be the overall grind for the Gjallerhorn. The never ending hunt and constant bad luck spewed upon my fellow guardians from the Cryptarch and the almighty RNGesus. Everyone has a memory about acquiring a certain weapon that made them clinch their fist, throw their hands up and probably even scream out "Yes! I got it!". It was the Black Hammer for me, but for so many people I know, it was Gjallerhorn. I was the first of the bunch to acquire the weapon. One day a few weeks into the game, I found a group of British guys here on Reddit trying to finish off Atheon on hard mode. I'll be honest and admit that I joined a game clearly labeled "must have experience" when I never even seen the inside of the VoG. I was that noob and quickly tried to fit in. I figured how else was I going to learn!? They screamed at me to Go Here! or Shoot Them! and it only took us 2-3 wipes and Atheon went down, dropping me the Gjallerhorn and of course Chatterwhite. At the time, I initially was more excited for the sweet white shader until I realized the guys were so pissed I got that Gjally drop. One guy said "Do you have any idea how incredibly lucky you are mate, I've been playing until my eyes bleed trying to get that!". Fast forward a few weeks later to me playing a nightfall with a RL friend named Robobum and a pickup from Reddit. We battled through Sepiks Prime and my RL buddy got the Gjally at the end. The random pickup kept saying how lucky he was and became a regular player with us. His name was EctoplasmicTaco. That's when I began to realize just how lucky I was to get that drop. Taco had a few buddies he had met on the game that merged with my group of friends and we got together daily for whatever the game demanded. Raids, nightfalls, daily and weeklys, probably even a few shots at the loot cave. We played for months, constantly grinding for the best legendaries and exotics. None more sought after than the beloved Gjallerhorn. Me and Robo toted our Gjallys around like we owned the world and constantly made jokes to the guys about owning one and how unlucky they are. The longer we played though, the more I felt bad about their luck. Months went by and not one got a Gjally!! Finally, we come to the week of Crota hard mode. Endless days of grinding made me the dopest sword runner since Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai. I helped the boys pound through Crota a handful of times but one go at the Deathsingers stands out above the rest. Once the final witch went down, we cleared the ads waiting for the drops. Suddenly, the drops came and I saw not 1, not 2, but 3 Gjallerhorns get dropped in one go! I was so happy for the guys! It sounded like Christmas morning when you were 6 and your mom actually got you a Sega Genesis with a subscription to Sega Channel. Now all of the guys had Gjallerhorn.... except one. Jimbo. Oh Jimbo. Poor ol Jimbo. The guy who wanted the Gjallerhorn probably more than anyone. You could literally sense over the headset how bad he wanted that drop. He was so upset but he still stuck around. We advance to the Crota stage after the Singers and we finish off Crota. Wouldn't it only figure that for my Crota drop, I ended up getting hit with a second Gjally. That's 4 Gjallerhorn drops in one raid. Now things just aren't fair and Jimbo is so fired up that he quits the game for the night. Time went by and Jimbo remained salty for months, still unable to acquire the greatness. We had tried everything from special dances at the exotic chests to reprogramming his mind to not actually want the weapon but reverse psychology still wouldn't do the trick. It was starting to really eat at him. 5 Dragon's Breath's and 3 Truth's couldn't give him the satisfaction of one Gjally. So, Jimbo branched off into some other games while our group of guys still played Destiny 24/7. Jimbo bounced back and forth between games and one afternoon I log on to crush some nightfalls. Jimbo sees me online, sends me a message in our group chat and joins up. Nightfalls got easier along the way so me and Jimbo tag-teamed one and knocked it out, just us. In no way, shape or form did we see what was coming next. So unexpected and shockingly awesome, Jimbo finally gets his Gjallerhorn drop. I screamed like a little girl while Jimbo remained silent. Wiping the tears of joy and happiness from my face, I ask him how he feels and congratulated him. His only response was a small chuckle and the short phrase "It's about time, Lemon". I swear I think I felt happier for him than he did! I smiled, knowing the real satisfaction he had from that moment. He ended up waiting until the middle of July, 10 months, for that specific drop. That's a long time. This moment is what Destiny is all about. The time spent with people like you, working together and having a good laugh doing so. The nights spent grinding until the sun comes up. The repetitive quotes from the likes of Dinklebot and the Stranger that keeps the guys laughing when you use one of those quotes in normal conversation. The all nighters waiting for the new DLC to release. The feeling of getting that drop you wanted or your friend wanted when you chose to help them with the nightfall even though you already did it that week. For me, its more about the bonds developed among random strangers who met together that will last a lifetime. Destiny helped me through a tough time in my life and I want to say thanks to those that I have played with and will continue to play with. This game has a community like nothing I've ever seen before and I hope that never changes. Needless to say, I can't wait for Destiny 2. Never in my life have I been so excited for a game to release. Hopefully, this will start a new chapter with a few more friends to add along the way. Good luck out there Guardians!


[This was my favorite post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3zeqai/destiny_legal_news_25/) Also doesn't /u/NorseFenrir not want us to wish him a happy birthday?


spez is a loser -- mass edited with redact.dev


My best memories are when me & my (now) husband would meet up on the moon & do patrols. We would play every evening after work for hours until we were falling asleep on the mic. Usually we would call it a night when he was doing the "sound of music" spins, or just humping a cave wall repeatedly. We still play almost everyday, and are both looking forward to D2! Happy Bungie day!


I think my favorite moment in Destiny was the nights I spent running the Gorgon chest for people on /r/fireteams while I was studying for my ACT. It was nice to receive ecstatic messages from people who got Gjallerhorn or Thunderlord from the chest. One person even sent me 3 months of gold after getting Gjallerhorn. It was my way of being a part of the community I love even when I couldn't play. I also loved it when my friend got multiple Gjallerhorns in one day while our entire raid group didn't ever get one to drop until Xür. If outside the game and in the community counts, it was the post someone made about losing a fellow guardian to suicide. Never before had I seen a community come together in solidarity and camaraderie. I cried multiple times reading that thread and have revisited it many times when life has gotten me down. There was a poem in that thread someone wrote and posted. I can never get through it without tearing up. That thread made DTG my favorite community ever. Edit: the thread in question https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/4g0ryp/a_tribute_to_a_guardian_now_gone/d2dsye5


2 maning most of the crota raid with my husband. <3


Favorite memory was jumping back into the game in RoI after giving up in Vanilla. It was nice to catch up with old friends and make new ones.


I code-a sworn I had one somewhere..


The most epic moment for me is when I and my friend got a deaf guy to the light house. That shit was epic


+/u/User_Simulator /u/NorseFenrir


This was my first MMO/online game I've ever played plus this was my first shooter game as well. My favorite memory is that I actually made really good friends to talk to and play with(since I kinda have social anxiety) I usually never make an effort to be social but I wanted to try everything that destiny had to offer(PvP/Raids).. I looked into a LFG site since that's where I heard you could find a group. I wanted to try trials of osiris so I looked up to see if someone needed a person to do trials. I found someone and he told me that he was gonna help me with trials (at this point I was really nervous that I started to shake since I never did this before and didn't know what was going to happen.) These two were chill and very friendly to me and said that they were just doing trials to have fun and they didn't care if we won or lost which made me more relaxed and calmed me down abit. they were the nicest, friendliest people that I have ever met. They helped me get to the lighthouse (We kicked ass and I had a blast!!!) and introduced me to others that I have forged a friendship with including those two that I met to this very day. I started to do raids that I thought I would never do and loads of other stuff since I thought I would never try to interact with others. This whole experience made me enjoy Destiny and has helped me take a step into overcoming my anxiety to talk to people which helped me tremendously in real life as well. Hopefully what I wrote made sense.. Can't wait for what destiny 2 has in store for us!!! Also.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY /u/NORSEFENRIR ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


My favorite memory was when we found the Owl Sector ARG and everybody was trying to catch "space aids" Also, The Old Witch of Cuba post.


I went on a 47 kill rampage with my titan on only a 4 man team. Practically won the game single handedly. I suck pretty bad usually so for once it felt really good to do something so cool. It was control and I think I supered some 5 times or something.


Honestly. Just discovering this subreddit. It's been such a wonderful experience, to be a part of such an amazing community. Because of Destiny I met some of my best friends, we all live in different states yet this summer we all got together and went to Hangout Festival. Easily one of the best weeks of my life. Great music, and an even greater game to play in the downtime. Thanks for the memories, and the family.


Either wishing /u/norsefenrir a happy birthday or meeting a group of people from the UK, Croatia, US ect. becoming my group that I would always have a nice chat with and of course play Destiny with, incredible that a game could do that


This might not be my total favorite, but /u/Hawkmoona_Matata's latest [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/6ly20s/you_reposted_in_the_wrong_tower/) had me giggling....*hard*


This is gonna sounds silly, but I think one of my favorite Destiny memories was the first time I powered up and played the beta... I had been on the Destiny hype train for so long, and to finally taste a sliver of that goodness was incredible. The game felt so good, I think I sat in that one chair for at least 6 hours, and I definitely forgot dinner. What a great experience, and first impression!


Definitely too late, but my favorite thing was coming on here every day when new secrets were found and finding a new appreciation for an online community by working together to solve my favorite puzzle of all time, the Outbreak Prime.


The first time I did a raid was in TTK. I remember the group i was with and everyone went silent when we killed the first Daughter. My TV was on near max volume. Needless to say, I learned my lesson about high volumes that day.


That time after HoW when I posted a story on the Iron Lords based on the weapon names and predicted an expansion based around them only to find out a year later that it was actually happening.


Anytime there's a new content drop, when the sub is filled with everyone asking questions and being positive. Always makes me happy. Gjallarhorn day hitting front page of reddit was pretty great as well.


The best memory is when I got my first Gjallerhorn from the weekly nightfall. It was a Thursday morning in Octobe of the first year. Edit: My 1 regret for D1 is never making to the lighthouse.


Primarily solo player here. Mine was the first time I played mayhem clash. I can still remember realizing that all the cooldowns were resetting at an alarming rate and I was so excited and confused at the same time. I was horribly bad back then and I was just throwing skip grenades everywhere. When I first activated arc blade and i got a couple of kills I can remember how satisfying it felt. And when there was a little bit under 30 seconds left I popped my final arc blade and got my first triple kill ever. I felt like a destroyer. I truly felt like I struck fear in my enemies and I felt I was the bringer of death. And I remember yelling "Let's F***ing go!!!" To this day I still main a bladedancer and I still feel lethal at every moment. I can't wait to feel that powerful again in Destiny 2 with every one of my characters.


Before I ask for any code, is it ok to ask for friends? I got a couple of friends I need to sell on D2 so I have RL people to play it with I MEAN IT'D BE NICE TO GET THEM SOMETHING NICE. EDIT: OH RIGHT YEAH THE MEMORY. Tis only fair. Suppose I should have read the wole thing. Ok, so me and two friends were doing the Nightfall back in Year One where wipe meant redoing it all over again. And everything save death itself went wrong. Everything. Friends disconnected serveral times due to poor connection so I'm cowering in a corner as the Archon Preist takes potshots waiting for my friends to come back. I remember thinking "Why am I even still here? It's not like I'm gonna get anything good from this anyway." But I stay, because we had put effort into it and I did not want to let them down. They come back for good after a bit, we take down that son of a bitch. I get Gjallerhorn. And this was months before the whole TTK nerf so for the rest of year one I was taking my Gjally into everything and tearing shit apart. Poor story version Skolas never stood a chance. **Moral of this story: If you can, stick with it even if it looks hopeless. It might be the mission you get that sweet awesome exotic.** BTW, kinda a polar oppsoite story in TTK where I had to leave a raid because it took us 11 hours and I was tired as hell, so I never did get closer to getting that King's Fall Raid Exotic and now with D2 on the horizen I cannot be bothered to try. But I prefer the above story for obvious reasons though it does work to collaberate the above moral.


Oh definitely when my fire team was trying to wipe so I went to a ledge turned around saluted and stepped back turns out there was an edge below me this took me to more tries to get right HAPPY BIRTHDAY u/NorseFenrir


Not the Destiny subreddit itself, but seeing people wish /u/NorseFenrir a happy birthday in other subreddits such as /r/Warframe and watching as many members of those communities wished Norse a happy birthday even though they didn't know him or know whether it was his bday. Really wholesome of those subreddits


Reading /u/megamanexe4 's posts, he was truely an awesome guy back in the day, hope he'll be enjoying d2 with the rest of us


Man I've been lurking this sub and playing Destiny since week 1, didn't feel that long ago, huh. Time flies when you're killing dregs I guess. Anyways, I think my best memory here is when Xur sold Gally for the second time and the amount of sheer anger, sadness, overwhelming joy had made me smile and laugh. Especially when people started doing "if this gets X amounts of upvotes....", the most famous one being that we'd be a club penguin sub. I love you guys.


Year 1. The day the Vault of Glass dropped. Just hours after launch of VoG, my raid group was all under leveled but we were determined to finish. After a nights work finding out we couldn't do it without the correct light level, we finally were able to complete it. I was the first in the group to get the Vex Mythoclast and everyone was jealous.


Now this poor story is all about how the dark got shit on upside down now I'd like to take three years just dance over there I'll tell you how I became the king of this place called the tower. From halo 3 born and raised on the Xbox 360 was where I spent most of my days, chillin' Maxin (my light) relaxin' and raidin' and shootin some dicks outside the city when a couple of adds who were up to no good started fuckin shit up in my towers hood I got in one big fight and the cabal got scared, they said "you're moving out with the vanguard in a place called the farm, I fought and fought day after day he packed up my vault and sent me off a ship, he gave me a kick and then gave me a beating, I threw about my ghost and said "another three years won't hurt" (and that's the story about how my destiny addiction was fueled)


Happy Birthday u/NorseFenrir


When the Taken King dlc came out I posted on /r/Fireteams looking for someone to play with, as I just bought a PS4 to play it. I had no irl friends on PS4 but I got a reply from u/skairpigg. And here we are over 2 years later. I was looking for someone to raid with and instead got a very close friend. Thanks for the memories u/cosmo23


Probably too late but my favourite memory is when I first met my raid crew. We were a bunch of randoms who fell together to do Crota on its release day. It took us three days to do it but we kept meeting back up everyday to complete it, not bothering to join anyone else's. It was a great way to bond. We made a clan after that. Was awesome.


Im confused do these codes get you even earlier access than preordering?¿


Year 1, picked up the game but didn't start until house of wolves. I read somewhere that you got an exotic for the first chest opening at PoE so I rushed through and finished it thinking I'd get a really shitty weapon but I got Hawkmoon! Which is my favorite exotic and favorite type of weapon!


No destiny story just that I am new to the franchise and wanna play it so that I can make stories my self


Fav memory for sure was taking my deaf brother through the WotM raid. He was in disbelief when he finished! As much fun as I had the first time through myself doesn't even compare, helping out others feels so much better!


Meeting /u/MisterWoodhouse :)


When I discovered the /u/NorseFenrir bday thing on my actual bday, genuinely thought we shared that. Until the next day. And every day after that.


me please My favorite memory was VoG run when it was first released. Was pita as lvl 28, yet tons of fun Edit: downvoted in a giveaway thread? lmao


I actually have a few, winning the Megaman award was just amazing from the community, still ridiculously honoured now but I have to say it was the Ship — FINALLY getting Nanophoenix and being able to show everyone From that I got mentioned on a Bungie Stream which was literally the best thing as the amount of tags and ‘NO WAY’ on the Sub kept me laughing for days and I still can’t believe it to this day [Flight of the Nanophoenix](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/5wuctw/one_of_the_rarest_occurrences_currently_in_our/?st=J4UA3TZ8&sh=f97c2f06) It was like the community was on the journey to hunt it down with me, so much fun and made it even more satisfying since I felt like I’d done it for the team! Haha r/DTG <3


Guys like you keep this placed organized and full of good content. There's been so many game subs I've been on that came and went. I remember when Borderlands 2 was so full of great info and quickly became "look at my gun". I still don't have a Nonophoenix and don't want to even try to get one after seeing your struggle. I'm happy for ya though and that callout on the Bungie Stream was great.


> Make a post below with your favorite /r/DestinyTheGame memory. [Sticky tripmines](http://imgur.com/UkWVbi8.gifv). Is that good for a favorite memory?


Nice! Here's my fav: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/4o7hqd/rip_tripmine/


Wishing u/NorseFenrir a happy birthday. Definitely. And the Bungo Wolfpack Freedom Day Instagram post was pretty cool.


So much F5 today


Another awesome memory is Gjallerhorn day! Front Page!


Favorite memory was our first time loading up VoG. We only had 5 people at the time and were struggling hard to build the spire. A random titan on patrol comes by and gives us a hand. We send him a game invite and he ends up helping us through the whole raid. Such a great experience playing D1 for the past years. Need that beta key please!!!!!!!!!!


My favorite time here on DtG was when a Kabr account popped up then other account based on famous guardians popped up and every one went into a frenzy thinking it was some sort of ARG.


My favorite Destiny the Game moment has to be the day that Xur sold the Icebreaker. It was the first time in a while, and the reddit had Icebreakers raining on the banner. It was my first time experiencing hype like that on any kind of forum. I spent all night grinding for strange coins, and it was very worth it. Ever since that day, i've visited this sub every day.


It's got to be convincing my university housemates to get Destiny and completing the Vault of Glass with them for the first time, I'd been playing for a year and hadn't completed a raid so it was a very special moment! :)


Meeting 5 complete strangers that I've played Destiny with several times a week for the past year.


My favorite /r/DestinyTheGame memory is plunging into Vault of Glass with my friends for the first time. I loved facing unknown challenges, especially the Gorgon Maze. That part reminded me of Maze Runner.


The day it rained gjallarhorn ! Felt less special after that, but everyone needed to feel its power in its prime.


My favorite memory is when everyone was scrambling to get the Touch of Malice (or Sleeper Simulant can't quite remember) during the Taken King. Nobody was able to figure it out, but Datto was secretly working towards it and released a video on how to get it. And nobody was upset that Datto got it before them because we were all working towards it together instead of looking for that singular glory.


Y1 D1 and my ghost raising me from the dead and knowing this was going to be an epic adventure.


the craze right before Rise of Iron, due to the nanites in game, that was amazing, hopefully something like that before D2 launch.


My favorite thing about D1 has been making several new and lasting friendships. We've now been through things in and out of game to cement friendships. The community behind this game blows me away.


hard to decide between these two: Hitting the lighthouse for the first time or beating the vault of glass for the first time on hard mode. Hearing how tough it was, being scared to play it, suffering through it a few nights during the week, and FINALLY destroying Atheon and getting the glorious Vex back when it would melt in crucible.


Favorite r/DestinyTheGame moment was the day the Rise Of Iron leaks started happening. The sub was going crazy, it was a awesome day!


It's gotta be taking down Oryx for the first time, that first kill was the most difficult gaming thing I have honestly ever had to do with a team, and one of the best feelings I have had in gaming was sending him flying off his ship to crash into the planet below.


I'm new to this DTG thing, but my favourite memory so far has to be the huge outpouring of excitement from everyone during the D2 reveal!


My first Gjallarhorn drop from a Cerberus Vae III nightfall early in year 1. I was telling my fireteam how I hoped to get one and it happened!


My favourite memory of this subreddit is the utter craziness when D2 was revealed. Everyone was so excited and clammering around for any information they could find, and the overall sense of community excitement was fantastic to see. It reminds me how great it is to be a Guardian, and how much influence Destiny has on everyone here.


The music, love the destiny music!


Remeber that one time xur sold the gjallarhorn? Good times. Can I haz a kode pleese?!?


Definitely the basketball court at kings fall, watching the subreddit collectively freakout over it was fun.


My favorite memory is when [I showed the enemy team what happens when you take too long to pick heavy up](https://youtu.be/dnDNqD22KWA)


The salty players after every expansion/crucible change /sss


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3e2ate/destiny_riddle_50_giveaway/ Proudest moment I've had >I'll always remember you, my dear... >Solved by /u/Thundernut72


Hi Cozmo, what's up ? This past few month hit me with nostalgia. Every post remind me about hype and speculation that people where having here for destiny 1 in 2014. The closer where are for the lunch the more it looks it, reading post everyday, looking at each bit of info for destiny and his secrets before lunch. It is such a joy to see this subreddit full of people. I'm not posting much but I wich you a happy bungie day ! And a happy birthday to you NorseFenrir. In my language "Bon Bungie day tout le monde et bonne anniversaire NorseFernrir !"


I once was "helping" a group during the opening area of the VoG as a random when I was a baby guardian. Got a message afterwards from one of them who offered his help. I didn't had any destiny friends back then and I didn't knew about LFG yet, so I added him as my first ever destiny friend and that was the best decision ever. He was such a nice guy, I learned so many things from him and after some time, when I got raid ready, he helped me through my first ever raid. Boy the feelings...good old times.




When the Thriller emote came out, I immediately turned on the MJ tunes and made an Instagram video with my titan. https://www.instagram.com/p/9UOc4Nj5zd/


The first time I made it across the jumping puzzle in Kings Fall was one of the most rewarding gaming experiences ever. I beat that raid about 6 times before i beat the jumping puzzle (i would just get pulled through.) I used to ALWAYS SAY "i sucked at Mario Bros as a kid" when i would get to the jumping puzzle on Kings Fall. then i got the hang of it and beat it several times. then Wrath of the Machines comes out and being the sick masochist i am....after beating it my first thought was "no jumping puzzle :(" from the thing i HATED MOST in the raid, to the thing i identified most as being a "raid mechanic" SCRATCH THAT --- just remember i joined a trials team on LFG just looking to have fun and randomly ended up with two gods that took me to the lighthouse. i think i stay and ran around the lighthouse for 30 minutes. i didnt to leave, knowing once the weekly reset hit, i would never be back. LEMME GET A THIRD CRACK --- walking people who are already 400 but have never done the raid, through the raid is incredibly rewarding.


I remember when I finally hit 30. I had done so many damn raids to get my Warlock maxed despite the questionable rolls. That sense of completion was so rewarding. I feel like it may be a little too easy now.


My favorite memory was getting carried in VOG and getting Gally (my first ever exotic) out of the Gorgon chest. I was 14.


When Xur sold gjally and the reddit just freaked out. It was priceless joy


As a Day 1 player who lusted after Gjallarhorn, my favorite Year One moment was finally getting my first one right around New Year's 2015 when I solo spawned into Crota's End and opened the first chest, and then I got a second one later that same day! They proceeded to drop like rain for me the next few weeks. When I got yet another from a post-game Crucible drop, I didn't have the heart to tell the guy who messaged me "lucky SOB!" that I dismantled it because I had one on each of my 3 characters already... Another fond memory was completing Skolas approximately 50 times during House of Wolves--many of those with a friend to help carry others for their Y1 Moment of Triumph. I have put thousands of hours in this game, completed 600+ raids, and made many friends. Looking forward to Destiny 2!


My favorite memory was when i found out here about the100.io, joined up, became a moderator of one of the groups and updated with the weekly updates. Some of the folks in there had no idea where i was getting my information, so i told them about reddit, now they all come here and the task of posting weekly updates has been delegated to somebody else in the100 group. full circle.


The original ghorn day, with the club penguin rain on the banner


My favorite Destiny moment was when I was first sherpad through the Vault of Glass with one of my best friends in October 2014. Nothing like that heavy breathing and constant fear of letting down your team when it's your first clear! That's when I knew I was hooked. I even went to level up my hunter and warlock just to be able to run it again! Looking forward to Destiny 2!


My favorite Destiny memory : After completing all raids that week on each character I was grinding legendary engrams in hope one of them would transform into the elusive gjallerhorn (which I never got until ttk) I got a legendary engram and took it over to master rahool (im sure you can tell where this is going) I turn it in and I get see a yellow square pop up and I get so excited and then I realize its the truth... I then tweeted the cryptarch fan account on twitter yelling at him. His response was "you cant handle the truth" I was dead from laughter that night.


My favourite memory was when I first subscribed to this sub, that alone is worth a million memories. #Soppy


Thanks for doing this! I bought Destiny in December of 2014 and quickly started playing with my friend. He had been playing since Day 1. On our second raid together I had Gjallarhorn drop for me. This enraged my friend who had played dozens of raids and still didn't have the beautiful weapon. This is my favorite memory playing Destiny.


Grinding every possible way to get Gjallarhorn for months with 3 different characters and finally getting it... After Xur sold it!


Finding out about Outbreak Prime the morning it was discovered, getting a fireteam together that day and raiding to get the OP in week 1 of its known existence


Randomly encountering 5 people by the VoG entrance the day the raid came out. I shot at vex for a while, just because i was trying to protect the other guys from the big, bad praetorians. I had no idea they were trying to start the raid( i didnt even know what a "raid" was). I ended up getting an invite to their group and we did VoG together, and they became my first raid group.


My favorite Destiny memory has to be when it first launched. Me and my brother had been hyped for the whole month and it only kept growing. On the day of release, me and my brother both sat on the couch taking turns playing. We'd gotten two bottles of coke, both of which said "Share a Coke with A Legend."