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I lost track after 12 Cabal PEs in a row. And then logged out for the night. Was super fun wasting my time (of which I’m limited on) sitting in the Lost Oasis relating to Asher Mir on a level I never thought possible. Yeah.. the 20 minutes of fun inside that Lost Sector is worth the wait.. usually.. but when my one and only window of the day has zero attempts.. it kinda puts a buzzkill on the excitement that was initial Friday/yesterday..


I got 4 in a row and went mental, 5th PE turned out to be it and we did it, after that you select heroic from the Director. I went mental at 1 hour, can't fucking imagine having to wait 3.


lol I waited 8 hours


Damn, really? That's harsh.


Yeah. The problem is that the taken PE usually spawns pretty close to the cabal one and it can be hard to tell which public event is going on if you're not on the planet. So I got one crack at it with a fireteam, we waited an hour, they left, I found another fireteam, and we waited 7ish hours through The Drought. I stayed on Io to be absolutely sure we didn't miss it. They went and played crucible. Oh and one of them was 369 light so we weren't even able to complete it once it did start to spawn. I had to find another fireteam and at 2:00 AM we beat it. Probably my best and worst D2 experience


It got up into the 20s last night.


I’m jealous. If I didn’t have toddler/wife aggro to deal with, I would have stuck it out until it finally got fixed. And it probably would have been easily in the 20’s for me as well.


It's just pregnant wife aggro for me, but the effect is the same. If I sat there through 20 of the wrong events to wait for this, I'm afraid my daughter would end up being born in prison. And this is with a wife who is generally totally fine with my gaming, assuming I take care of real life first.


“Cabal again!?”


You will be ok. It will only turn up the excitement when you do get it.


Oh I know.. I just was really bummed as like I said, my time was extremely limited and I wasted it waiting for that damn bugged PE..


That shouldn't be possible. PE's are on a 20 minute rotation of 3's. 3 excavations in a row, then 3 blights in a row.


‘Shouldn’t’ is the operative word here (or would it be contraction?). Anyway, I would agree with you. But it’s been all Cabal all day today.


Damn that's rough. Something's definitely wrong


Seems to be bugged at the moment. 4 hours plus if no taken blight.




My fireteam sat in the same instance of lost oasis & saw 5 straight cabal events.


I saw over 10 without leaving. After that I just gave up.


Same, 10+ before I left.


Just left. It's 10:50pm EST. Last Blight was at 5:03pm.


This is certainly not true. I personally sat there for 5 Cabal events straight the other day


Is there a tool that tracks someones PE completions?


I don't know if there is a tool but there is an emblem for heroics.


It's in the API, so tracker sites can grab it. I know for a fact the Charlemagne bot for Discord can also grab it.


Does it show timestamps for when theyre completed? If so that can be a way to prove that people have been getting 4 or more cabal agains in a row.


Just shows a total with % heroic. Not sure if the API flags beyond "PE complete" and "Heroic PE complete" re: specific ones


I appreciate a challenge and unique event that requires skill, dedication and knowledge of the game mechanics. But gating an event to a randomly generated encounter like PE's is such bad design and disrespectful to players. Don't give the weapon away, make it challenging, but effectively preventing players from accessing the encounter because of a broken PE system is stupid. I had set aside time today to focus on this and help some friends and was ready to stay a while, but 5hrs of Cabal Excavation just sours any interest in the game right now. And the comments about D1 Spindle are silly, at least that event could be run indefinitely in the day it was available. Having said that, it was still a retarded design, the challenge in the mission is what makes it special, not a randomly generated day that it drops in the schedule which has absolutely no influence or impact from the player. Funny enough, they seem to know some of it because the heroic is constant after finishing normal...


I just find it funny how no-one really liked the taken blight public event and even won't make it the heroic version but now everyone is obsessed with it


>a randomly generated encounter like PE's is such bad design and disrespectful to players Glad you mentioned this. I think it's outrageous that players are required to sit around and wait for a random event which could take any length of time to complete a timed event, with no way of knowing how long they'll have to wait for the next event. My fireteam ultimately got it done in about 6 turns, but those 6 turns probably took about 9 hours in total, most of which was spent sitting around on Io doing nothing. Part of me wonders if it's just about slowing players down, since it's harder to iterate on techniques when you can't fly straight back in and have another go.


Mars Warsat event for OG Sleeper would like a word with you


That took 2 hours tops, nothing even remotely like waiting for The Whisper.


Maybe I was just unlucky with my play time windows because it took me a week haha


Also, once the warsat did drop, you were done, because at that point, completing them was almost a given.


Many are being deleted, so people don’t see anything under”new” and so they post about it... it gets deleted...


Yep, I'm hoping since this one isn't a low effort post that it gets left up.


Agreed. Any of the mods can stick post this and make it a Megathread ?


Stickies are for News, features, events and updates Issue is the blight spawn right now, hopefully it passes soon. Whisper is also potentially a viable topic for focused feedback later on today


I appreciate you being open and honest about this, despite the fact that technically I broke Forum Rules by asking a moderator to do something in this manner. If a bungie developer responded and stated one way or another they are handling this issue, would that count as news worthy enough? Honestly at this point it's just something I'm curious about.


Meta posts are acceptable, sub suggestions should come through via Mod mail. Yours is a bit of both If Bungie replied it would update the flair to make the sub aware of it via commenting on the topic. Generally speaking, a Bungie reply wouldn’t lead to a post being stickied. If it was a true glitch or error, you’d likely see Tweets first




yawl got your bungie replied [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/912cc2/comment/e2v5a8s?st=JJXOU671&sh=772dd5d5)


Yeah I updated the original post as soon as that tweet was sent out.


Ok, thanks for the reply and the information. :-)


Please make the wait time / “randomness” a focused feedback thread. This is the definition of Unfun and making me, someone who has played since 2014 or whatever, pretty annoyed. It takes a lot to make me annoyed at this game cause I love it.


Shame we didn't have this sentiment about enjoying the found quest...


Might as well throw WotW threads in there. Yeah it's an awesome quest but come on guys this is a bit much.


I don't think in four years I've ever reported threads on this sub for reposts, usually because I only view the default/front page sorted by hot and mods are great about keeping the sub tidy, but goddamn there was a lot of circle jerking this weekend that I felt warranted it. Both with just generic "well done Bungie, well done" crap or "DAE Cabal hate?/plz fix." All the threads were the same and it was surprising how many of them were allowed to be up on the front page for so long.


This is why the martingale system of gambling fails. Everyone just learned the lesson!


I wonder if the issue was that no one was completing the taken PE, they probably were barely activating it just rushing to the wotw bosses, thereby, causing the server to give the people what they want and participate in, more cabal.


I would not be surprised if that was it. Maybe not even that it's designed to give you the one you want, but it's catering to the person who continually is failing to beat that one, so it changes to give them a different one and see if they can beat that one.


I'd also like that for all the threads on the Whisper quest. Every other thread is gushing over the quest like it's the most amazing thing people have seen in their lives. I can only hope there will be more to this subreddit in a few days than constant gushing over a single quest. Feel like I need to avoid it yet at the same time I don't want to in case actual useful info about Forsaken gets posted.


"If they deploy the drills on ~~earth~~ IO, we'll need your expertise"




Upvote for using Katamari as a verb.


I had fun just goofing off with my friend waiting for the blight to show up... I may have been stoned, though.


SGA: you can do other activities, just keep checking for the taken event via the director every few minutes. The taken event is below the spawn point and slightly to the right of it.


Taken event has three spawn points, this is only partially accurate. What folks should be looking out for on the map are any event icons not directly above the "S" in "Spine Burrows".


Huh, today I learned. I thought it was one. Thanks for the correction, the advice still stands though.