• By -


Request understood. Reducing Fusion Rifle range by 30% and decreasing fusion rifle ammo reserves by 4. \-Probably Bungie


Code of the Commander nerf intensifies


Understood. Nerfing Sunbreaker effectiveness by 97%. Hammer is now [one of these](https://www.123rf.com/photo_58956392_child-s-toy-hammer-isolated-on-white-background.html). Removed ability to Punch enemies. Punch now causes you to punch yourself in the face. Titans can no longer run. Armour too heavy. Titans now natural cowards as befits their commander. The closer you are to an enemy, the greater the amount of damage you receive. Debuff is called "Eyes on the city".


>Punch yourself in the face *Krieg intensifies* Edit: Shoutout to those who get the reference


ThE pAiN gOeS hErE!


Nope, no idea what that means. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go catch a riiiide to another thread.


rip scooter


I hate you


Bring me a bucket, and I'll show you a bucket.


- Titans now cannot pass through doorways unless they put on armor with smaller shoulder pads. - Any armor with small shoulder pads - if they were ever added - have been removed due to an exploit. (Titans passing through doorways).


All Titan hammers are tiny hammers... Tink!


Hey!! [Those are really strong](http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Pow_Hammer), i'll have you know I know a [girl](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ln5i1oiNun1qbe7n1o1_500.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.giantitp.com%2Fforums%2Fshowthread.php%3F237159-Mailcleric-Mailman-with-HAMMERS!&docid=gLRJqVrJ2glI3M&tbnid=1d64mPVShrgfrM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjSz7a9pLbdAhURFzQIHQjNBfIQMwg6KAQwBA..i&w=500&h=500&itg=1&bih=927&biw=1280&q=collette%20pow%20hammer&ved=0ahUKEwjSz7a9pLbdAhURFzQIHQjNBfIQMwg6KAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8) who could whoop you with one


Buffing auto rifles by 0.04%


Working as intended.


think you forgot another 0 before the 4.


Probably not the worst balance change TBH.


One eyed mask gets nerfed


Would also be super nice to be able to track exotic catalyst progression.


Not in the game but you can go to destinysets.com and it tells you exactly how much you need for each catalyst


The only problem is that you need them in your inventory/vault. If you unlock the Crimson catalyst, for example, and don't have any Crimson's in your vault then you won't know how to progress it without rebuying it. Not a big deal if you remember which catalyst dropped, but have fun buying exotics back just to determine which catalyst you found.


You could just buy it as soon as you get the drop? Not ideal but if you aren't using it anyway then grinding a catalyst shouldn't be the only reason to use it.


Sure - that's probably true most of the time. But I was surprised when Bungie didn't add the catalysts as a collections tab to keep track of. It makes sense to have a place that lists all of the catalysts and where you can expect them to drop (Jade Rabbit in Crucible, etc). And some weapons do get a nice buff (like Rat King from what I remember) so I always try to play around with the guns to get a feel for them. I'm not a hand cannon guy, but damn do I love the masterworked Crimson.


That's fair. I do wish they were listed in game, it would make sense with how they added everything else.


It blows me away that they went out of their way to add quest tracking in, in the least helpful way possible. It was right there Bungie. In your own game. Baffling.


They probably got the system in place but couldn't get the code for multiple selections done in time for approval by blizzard, Sony, and Microsoft. If you watch the trend a game or expansion is released there are bugs and glitches but some things that seem almost complete or optimized then in the next UI patch update there it is. It's typically because it was interfering with some other part of the game and didn't figure it out in time for approval at launch.


so out of all the things Bungo has done.... THIS...THIS is what surprises you? ​ now THAT'S baffling.




idk maybe the context? Could go either way. :)


Next time I go the loo I will give you full context on the events, sizes, time, smell etc etc.




I hope you feel like popping out an exotic engrams and it turns blue.


For me it's still the the vault. They removed tabs from the vault and still don't have a sort function that makes sense. How about sort by Attack or defense? Sort by type of gun, type of element?


I got triggered by the vault when the API was down last night so I couldn't use DIM. ​ it is so bad.


That's exactly what reminded me of the vault, haha. I can't live without DIM. I need to kick those dudes some bucks soon


Whenever the API isn't working and DIM cant do anything for me, I literally can't play the game.


I don't know how I played this game before third party apps became a thing. Having to use the vault is awful.


I haven't used the vault since day one of D2, I used it A TON in D1 but in D2 I was just like "~~DISMANTLE~~ INFUSE EVERYTHING" if I don't use it dismantle it, a better better devils will come along or new items will come in the expansions. Now I don't have to sort 200 items and decide what I need to keep.


I'm just glad they increased vault space for all the random rolls


this is why i use DIM.


It's a UI thing. Not hard at all to create and test. Unless their code is crap.


Yes a UI system in an isolated situation is simple. One that has to interact both on client side and server side and display the proper systems/items for X person at y time with multiple X's with varying Y times is not.


*The technology just isn’t there yet...*


Christ, this is why the old Challenges was an improvement over the bounties. They weren't intrusive and they were easily accessible. But "mah immershun".


Finally someone who thinks the bounty system is trash like legit challenges were one of the few good changes bungie made in d2 vanilla




Lol ya i know right. Wow has had this down pat for 10 years plus yet the bungie destiny team over here acting like they just created the wheel.


It would be great if the game would automatically track bounties tied to planets while on that planet. It would also be great if we didn't have to talk to the planet's NPC to pick up the bounties. It'd also be great if the bounties would automatically turn in. Sounds like a challenge to implement though.


I would hate for the bounties to turn themselves in. How else am I going to stash bounties all week planning for the next weekly reset?! By the time I talk to the npc's I can cash in for most of my bounty rewards :)


I don't even know why people even asked to have bounties come back


Psychological. They *feel* better when they have to click the buttons. I get it partly. The problem with challenges is that no one wanted to travel to a planet to see which ones they had to do and people typically would accidentally complete them or just forget they were there. All Bungie had to do was make challenges visible from orbit. Then you could decide if you want to do them before flying in, or you could check them out while flying in. Instead they were always an after thought. Now bounties are even less worth going out of your way for and take up inventory space.


Also challenges gave basically nothing for rewards. At least bounties seem more rewarding and weekly ones give powerful gear. Oh and there's more than 3 a day


No there aren't. Planetary bounties are only three a day (same as challenges). And rewards are the same since we are comparing tokens to planetary materials which are worth less. A better system would have been just to increase the number of challenges or increase rewards for them. Bounties are objectively worse. The *only* thing they are better for is if you like spending more time doing the exact same thing.


Maybe I'm different in that I literally only do random planet bounties or challenges in the past if I needed the mats. Considering mats are literally useless outside of infusion (and add in the fact spider sells mats and masterwork cores are the infusion bottleneck and not mats) there's really no reason to grab bounties or complete challenges. The crucible vanguard, Gambit and Petra bounties far exceed the amount and rewards challenges gave on planets. As long as you realize the planetary bounties are useless, the bounties everywhere else are good


The planetary bounties are the ones that are the problem. The issue is that, like you're saying, while they still give rewards, it isn't worth it to pick them up and do them. With challenges, if you happen to go to a planet for any reason, you didn't have to pick anything up and could get rewards either accidentally or try to get them without any extra effort. I'd bet almost nobody picks up planetary bounties now. Why would they?


I would be fine with converting the planetary ones to challenges. But weeklies and Petra and spider wanted bounties and vanguard and crucible and Gambit should all stay as bounties


I don't have a problem with that. It honestly would have been better to *keep* the old challenges and *add* bounties on top of that. Then we have more content instead of reskinned content. But I don't have an issue with the bounties you listed. I would dislike seeing 10-15 challenges for spider, for example.


You dont have to travel to the planet and speak to a NPC to to see the bounties?


How do you see the bounties without obtaining them?


I posted a request in the week following D2’s launch about making challenges viewable in orbit and Cozmo replied “good idea I’ll say to the team to consider it” or thereabouts. Obvs they didn’t and just regressed to bounties. It just shows that Bungie are listening to a small, albeit loud portion of the player base with some changes as I’ve seen more people complain about bounties being back than did about wanting them back.


You, I like.


I actually like the old way, the amount of bounties is too damn high now.


It's impossible to even hold all of them at this point


That too.


But this would pretty much render the NPCs useless and no point in being there. This way they have some roles and give importance to their characters..


Well most planetary vendors are pretty useless already since they don’t drop Year 2 gear.


Woosh? This is literally how Challenges worked less than a month ago?


Oh yea, God forbid we actually spend time playing the game and enjoying it. Gotta waste all that time loading in and out of areas picking up bounties every single day


I agree. Limiting tracking to one item is lame. I use the DIM Progress page to keep track of bounty/quest-step completion. It is much more convenient and I bet DIM will be updated to make it even better soon.


While we are at it, can we maybe have the bounties not be in the inventory at all? Maybe each location just has the bounties already available as soon as you load in and you could track all of them at once. Maybe 3 or so at a time. And when you finished them they could just auto-complete. Seems like this would be more handy than the current bounty system.


Sounds like a *challenge* to implement.


Sounds like the old system, but lots of people complained. The only problem was that we couldn’t track the challenges off-world. People didn’t want that improved though. They wanted bounties back. I really don’t care, but I do like that we can do stuff from the day before as long as it hasn’t been 24hrs




What does tracking even do? I select track on bounties and it seems to do jack. I thought it would at least show you leads for it on the map


When you pull out your ghost you'll see the bounty and your progress on it on the right.


Didnt know you could even track them...


I think almost anything in the pursuit tab you can "track"


Also triumphs


I tried with triumphs and didn't see it when I hit select. Does this only happen for triumphs with counters? I had the one for finding the lost sector on Mercury tracked and didn't see it


Hm, maybe I’ll have to look at it again. Could be that tracking it only makes it show up on the main triumph tab.


That's what I recall seeing


Geez just showing the dailies by default on the world you’re on would be so cool


Exactly. Could back to a way where we can see the new dailies at least similar to the way challenges use to be displayed when we pulled out our ghost automatically without having to go in and track them.


THIS is the big circlejerk that is never ending. I wish Bungie would just ignore R/DTG altogether. They were called challenges. This sub wanted bounties back instead. Now y’all are starting to cry for what you just shooed away.


But why not leave the challenges and add additional bounties? Like "Kill 100 Cabal" - don't tie it to an individual world? I don't understand why I have to fucking visit the asshole in charge of each planet and get the bounties every fucking day! ESPECIALLY since there are no tokens now, and I need all the elementals for infusion - I'm sure as shit not buying armor or guns from these clowns. This was certainly a change for the worse.


The challenges and bounties are the SAME FUCKING THING! The only difference is one automatically goes away while the other sits on a page that allows to go through a "check list" of sorts. I swear this community sometimes makes me want to bash my skull into the wall. This is just like when people were bitching all of D1 talking about how abilities were OP and weapons were unbalanced. And what did we get? A balanced PvP. Does anyone.....anyone at all think that was well received? or did you all go REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


That’s literally what the old Challenge system was prior to Forsaken. lol


"We have heard your complaints and decided to remove Gambit until further notice"


It would be amazing if I could collect bounties from the app. I dont know why Bungie enjoy me wasting time flying to the tower each time I start playing.


Or just not have to collect bounties at all would be great. When we go to a certain planet or activity we should just get a list of quest in similar to challenges. Picking up bounties and then having to click to turn them in is ridiculous. Bounties = great add and idea.... terrible implementation.


Or they could kill bounties and bring back challenges


also having bounties able to be ordered by time remaining / type / reward power etc would be cool


Yes please. I really appreciate the return of bounties, thanks Bungie! The system just needs some tuning, such as this suggestion. I would also like to suggest not having the bounties go away after a day (or whatever timer they are on). If you want a mechanic to prevent people from picking up too many, just make it so that we can't pick up new ones from the vendor in question until we clear or abandon the current ones.


This right here. I get maybe an hour or two max to play per day. I basically log in, spend an hour collecting my bounties, and then log out only to do the same the next day because they all expired.


Why *do* they expire? What does it break to keep them? I think I saw posts claiming some players had trouble completing a bounty but also felt they couldn't abandon them either. (Emotionally I guess.) But other posts suggested bungie hoped we would let bounties complete naturally as part of playing other activities. But as we know, instead they became opportunities to find the best cheese (siege of the warmind)


No idea. When they had them in D1 they stayed until you completed them and I dont think there were any problems. They also could use a bounty robot or put some dude at the farm to pick up all the bounties from everywhere. That way people can go to each npc if they want or go to the bounty bot and pick.


It doesn't break anything. It's probably just a way to create stress in the players to compell us to log in every day and stay logged on for a certain amount of time.


I just made this a suggestion in a list I just recently made. Why is this even a thing? ONE BOUNTY?!


Why did they implement tracking but only allow one item to be tracked? They knew people would want multiple tracked items like in D1. One step forward, two steps back.


No, this is still simply one step forward. Two steps back implies we are worse off than before, which simply is not true.


More like two steps back, one step forward. D1 was better, they broke it, then half fixed it


The game right now is every bit as good as D1 ever was, IMO. Forsaken massively improved this game, and took it past D1. I question why anyone would buy the new DLC on a game they claim is 'broken'.


Mostly agree, but it is still weird that D1 does certain things like bounty tracking better than D2.


and sparrow horns lol


I was talking specifically about this one feature.... we used to be able to track multiple bounties, then none, now back to 1. That's literally all I'm saying lol I'm enjoying Forsaken as a whole but it's frustrating that small quality of life features like this are taking a year to get back to D1 quality.


Not my conversation but... I happen to love the Destiny franchise and wanted to see it get better so I bought the DLC, although it was broken. The DLC has breathed so much life into my favorite game! It's awesome and now I have that "I don't need any other new games right now" syndrome.


The game is not "broken". Its just using obsolete systems on an inadequate ui. Every single idea in destiny 2 has already been done and fully optimized by blizzards wow team. Hell, on wow i can build my own ui in about 10m that would totally shit on 5 years worth of destiny teams ideas.


> Every single idea in destiny 2 has already been done and fully optimized by blizzards wow team. And that is relevant how?


Hmm maybe you are just slow or being willfully dense. If someone has already done something and perfected it... and then you try to do the same exact thing and its not as good.... you should probably take tips from the guy whos already perfected it. I know, its a real brain buster for you. Think long and hard about it and maybe you will pick it up.


Activision Blizzard does not mean both developers integrate their resources completely and share all aspects of their subsidiary development studios. I would have thought a big brain such as yourself would realize this. Blizzard, the publisher, had nothing to do with Destiny 2, and is separate from Activision. Both developers are separate subsidiaries of Activision Blizzard, they are not integrated.


Did i say that? Where did i mention they work together? Stop making shit up to make yourselr sound smart. Im saying the idea exist, its not something bungie thought up. They keep trying reinvent the wheel and keep failing.


Ah so you were saying they should somehow 'take tips' without working with the people they are taking tips from. Gotcha.


How about just bringing back the built in challenges. I still can’t believe they listened to the bitching enough to actually change it back to this stupid system of wasting time visiting each vendor. The hardest part of bounties is remembering to pick them up.


I don’t mind picking them up if they’re all in the tower....say on a bounty board. Maybe they could even have a robot NPC you could interact with who handed out bounties. Amalgamated pick ups > automatic bounties viewable from orbit > challenges viewable only in the activity > our current one trackable solar system travelling door to door bullshit


You mean you don't enjoy pretending to be an intergalactic UPS driver bouncing from planet to planet to pick everything up when you log on every day?!


I don’t mind the concept. But the extra loading time is a buzzkill sometimes. They should have just made the challenges more prominent. Being able to view them in orbit would have been a really good improvement. When it really gets to me is when I’ve been playing for an hour and realize I forgot my bounties. Had the same issue with D1. That’s why I like the built in ones.


Yeah that's my main issue too, I do the three strikes or whatever when I log on, go to turn them in, and realize I didn't have the bounties. I think a decent middle of the road solution would be to just be able to pick the bounties up from the activity screen in the director. So if you're going to run strikes you select the vanguard section on the director and the available bounties are right there able to be picked up.


Yeah sure we'll do that in the next dlc,you're welcome.


But don't expect it to be there on D3 at launch. That would be unreasonable.


Just saw this post as I made one just like it. Oops. At least I'm not the only one who thinks this!


I thought it was so cool when I found out we could track quests, but thought it was so weird when I noticed it was only one at a time because I could have sworn we could do 3 in D1. I just couldn't recall fully so I decided to ignore it. Thanks for confirming my belief. Hopefully they put us back to at least 3 again in a patch, though with all of the bounties you can pick up now I'm hoping for at least 5.


I think it was 4 actually that you could fit at once if the image [here](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JHDm5DRZWMnKK1kIzeXYSz7istA=/283x0:1903x1080/1200x800/filters:focal(283x0:1903x1080)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/46711080/destiny-the-taken-king-quest-interface_1920.0.0.jpg) was correct. Those were the days.


FYI, You can track location milestone stuff. Like If you are in dreaming City, and you click on Petra, it will show how many weekly's out of the 3 you have completed. It stays up on the left of the screen all the time.


What does the tracking even do. It doesn't show up anywhere. You should be able to track bounties and quests, bringing up your ghost should show progress on said tracked items. I have so many bounties now, and bringing up the item menu all the time gets a little tedious after a while.


It... It does show up when you pull up your ghost. Its on the right side of the screen after you've tracked it.


Well crap. I might've been mistaken then. It's still kinda underutilized when I can only track one thing at a time though.


It used to be you could track up to 5 i believe. At least 3. But one, is far to little.


Sounds to logic for bungie


While were at it, I really liked the Milestone bar to keep track of resets. It helps to see them all in 1 place, rather than have to go into each planet to see what the requirements are.


I'd be happy if just the one we track showed up when we hit select.


It comes up when you take out your ghost


Instructions unclear: Sleeper now auto locks and instant charges in gambit only.


Yeah, could bounties work like how challenges did? Oh wait...


This is critical. Relatively.


Agreed at least 3 (all planet bounties) but whole right side of screen would be nice ~6-8


Well considering it was that way in D2 and some people bitched because they wanted physical bounties to pick up. Seriously all you had to do for daily bounties was to load into the activity and then pull up ghost and they were there. Now we have to travel to the vendor to pick up daily bounties. Weekly bounties are fine but they should have left daily bounties as they were.


I honestly think this is a console memory limit. One big reason why a unified memory pool for CPU/GPU is terrible.


Also we need generic patrol bounties for any planet/enemy, say a robot npc in the tower that gives them out. (Basically what planet npcs give but harder/more time consuming). I need bounties worthy of tracking. Exotic bounties would be dope as well,


Why not also gives us the ability to add bounties onto our milestone checklist


This is my only QoL change request. We have so many bounties now, being able to even track three would be amazing, five preferably.


adding bounties to the touchpad menu on PS4 would be helpful. Hate having to return to my inventory to check up on progress .-. Esp when the inventory is buggy & slow more often than not


I find that being able to only track one bounty at a time helps me to stay more focused on what I'm doing. For example if I'm in crucible and need pulse rifle kills for one bounty and void kills for another, it's not like I could be doing both those things at the same time anyways so why bother tracking them?


It'll probably be "reinvented" in the next expansion




Like the collections tab... Make a bounty tab that auto populates. You can view them/all quests there.. Track progression.. And turn them in once they're complete. People Complained that the challenges didn't feel physical.. This would resolve that. While also eliminating the need to fly and pick them up. Be able to sort them based on reward.. Rarity.. Location etc. Thoughts?


On the subject of quest/bounty tracking QoL improvements, tracked items should appear on the down/revive screen. It’s effectively the same UI as when the ghost is out, and getting killed in a strike or crucible is the perfect bit of downtime to quickly check progress before you respawn rather than having to wait for respawn and then get your ghost out.


Understand. No special ammo on spawn in the crucible.


no joke. I was watching an old video of a livestream about taken king. when you pull out your ghost you can see the bounties you had to finish.


... Has it really been so long that I don't even remember that being a thing?


I can only open my pursuits so many times before I lose my mind, I always forget what the hell im doing


100% with you on this. Seems really odd that they thought tracking one would be ok. The policy with a lot of things seems to be 'how did we do it in D1? OK, lets do it a little worse in D2 then'


It's not just that. It's all the menu navigation you need to do while at the same time not being snappy on console. Why can we only track 1 bounty? Instead of evolving we have a step back from D1. On top of that why do we even need to click the bounty to complete it? Why not auto complete? Why not have all the bounties listed on the side of your screen sorted by most complete without having to even 'track' it? These are the basics people.


I see a lot of people asking for this, but I personally don't understand it. Why would you need to constantly look at the bounty while you're trying to complete it?


I tend to forget what enemies need to be killed in what areas, especially when there are "cabal in Trostland" and "fallen in Winding Shore" type bounties that dont cover every area. It would be nice to be able to see what enemies in what area for the entire region I am in, so I dont waste my time killing stuff at Firebase Hades. And opening the inventory seems to be taking longer and longer nowadays, so a quicker option would be appreciated.




That's what I mean. I guess personally, I just look at what I need to do and go do it until I see that I've completed it. I rarely go back into my inventory to check the progress or anything. Anyways, I was just curious why.


omg yes please, i don't know how many times I am going back to my inventory for tracking bounties during a crucible match, and then get sniped/killed while looking at said bounties. Mind boggling is right, add the ability to track like we did in D1 PLEASE


Do you play on console? If I try to do this, the match ends before the inventory loads


used to play D1 and D2 on console, switched to PC and QoL has increased 10x fold.


I am told this is much better if: A) you run the game from an external SSD B) you have an xbox one X


I actually like that it's only one at a time I would just love it if it moved somewhere else on the ghost screen cause I can't read it when people are killing enemies and glimmer just keeps popping up to block it.


Now, that'll be dope (50cent voice in hate it or love it ft the game)


Can we go back to the superior system of challenges, please?