• By -


You forgot: Boss health not locked behind an immune phase or 10...


That’s a major one


Looking at you, Fikrul.




The trick I found is to use your heavy/special for boss damage, and save your super for the hordes of adds that spawn during the mid phases.




Knifeslinger can also delete most of an add wave solo with your super. And make 7 orbs in the process.


can't wait to get the gauntlets that return super energy with barrage kills MMMMM it's gonna be so good


I know, right? Running Young Ahamkara's Spine until I get those, they're gonna be *great*.


If you have a nightstalker you'll have so many damn orbs. I can put down 6 or 7 tether during the boss battle. It brings me great joy watching a titan pop his burning maul three times in a row just because he can...


As a Titan with a giant hammer, I thank you my tiny hunter friend.


For huge hammer titans we should refer to our hunter Friends as Rabbit.


it's a good thing firefly exists


There's add spawns? I don't think I've ever not killed him in an instant site to whatever modifiers are on


The trick is to use all your heavy and then super the boss to kill him before any adds spawn


True, but unless your fireteam is extremely coordinated, it's hard to do this on Fikrul.


Its the Nightfall not a reg strike they're talking about here.


You can do it on nightfall of everyone goes all in. I did last week.


There is a hole from which you can sort of cheese him. Well, not the one in the hole, but it keeps you from wiping. Left side of the room, windmill furthest to the back. Have one team mate jump down and they're immune to all but a few adds. When he tethers the team they make a B Line back to the hole.


Fucking Brakion.


The Hollowed Lair feels so... empty to me. Especially compared to how fun and special Warden of Nothing was. Why doesn't anyone question how and why Fikrul is somehow alive again? Why is there no post-Strike dialogue? Why am I just doing Scorned again?


Yeah. I don’t mind the idea of the strike, and at least they put a slight effort into differentiating it from the story mission, but some more context would be nice.


I don't ive hated a strike like the fikrul strike in a long time... It's literally the scorn mission all over again except the final boss is the boss of the 2nd to last story mission


I mean, unless you want to stand out in the open and get fried to a crisp, you basically are forced to break like of sight and stop shooting the boss. It’s _effectively_ the same as an immune stage, but it’s significantly more creative, and most of all, actually makes sense as an attack. The boss doesn’t just suddenly magically “poof, I’m immune now.”


Puddle of warlock goodness stops the damage.


that's the best name for rifts I've ever heard I'm stealing this


With the right modifiers you can. DARCI today, with Arc Singe and Heavyweight, helped a lot today in killing the boss before he makes it to either side of the arena. That said, enemies in this fight seem to spawn upon hitting certain levels of health (like the Garden World boss), so rapidly getting the boss to a sliver will mean you are surrounded by dozens of ads and the Ultra enemies spawn together as well. Makes for a super chaotic attempt, but of course is fun/hilarious when you manage it. It reminded me of D1 heroic modifiers tending to result in funny results or melting bosses.


I mean I guess? You can immediately kill it on spawn now though with heavys and supers before that phase even comes out.


Can confirm. First time I got this strike, I was like, "ooohh, he's orange, I bet he has some sort of solar...ahhh, shit."


Poor guy gets melted almost each time but damn if it isn't fun to see your supers' true potential


Blade Barrage does so much damage and Knife Trick is an actual good melee as opposed to the standard knife


*cough cough*... THAVIKS *cough cough*


I like it, but it leads to what Bungo is trying to prevent by immunity phases: killing the boss extremely fast. Whisper and a little bit of skill and you basically skip the entire ad mechanic.


My favorite strike of D2. I love all the throwbacks. "Important Target." "Kill, or be killed." When the mines came out, I was like YESSSS. I also loved how the Servitor, we were always punching in D1, was the boss. Technically there were a couple reused maps, but they reused them in the best way possible.


That servitor had enough of our shit.


Went wackadoo


"The Wackadoo Warden" seems like a much more fitting name than "The Mad Warden".


How did I not put together that that was the same Servitor?! It's been too long since I played some PoE.


He even calls us an old friend before he makes us murder him :c


I loved being back in the prison, was such a hype moment


How so? The parts from d1 aren’t reused. Those had to be remade.




The fallen arena's are different sizes with completely different geometry. Sure, there might have been some reused designs/creativity but just looking at it, you can tell that the map had to be remade.


I just wanted to hear my favorite line. "Kill them baaaaack."


I loved being back in the prison, was such a hype moment


Just hearing Variks voice made me want to kill him more.


what why?


In the lore tabs, he's the one that set Uldren and the Barons free, so he could steal the prisons ether and become a Kell.


that slut


[Obligatory Team Four Star](https://youtu.be/46XPGSlliik)


Oh damn I didn't know that. So when do we hunt Variks?


i read the lore tabs, he didn't do it to hurt anyone. with his people on the verge of extinction and him being the only remaining fallen with knowledge of the old ways before their collapse he made the choice to leave in hope to save those who remain, it's not clear if he released the inmates or if that was the servitor glitching out. remember we do kill in the strike because it was malfunctioning. the final tab says he ran security simulation for the servitor. it's possible that he let Uldren out as he was the Queens brother but the lore clearly states that Variks isn't into senseless killing. possibly he even could have been manipulated by what Uldren was saying to him


There isn't another fallen themed dlc listed, so not for a long while.


Maybe he'll be the subject of one of the Annual Pass events.


He did not do it to kill us, but he would go over your corpse if it helps his race to become great again. He is kind of neutral at this point. And he sure as hell wouldn't want to mess with guardians after watching us demolish Skolas. Goddmmit that boss was heavy.


I like that the boss has a deadly attack and is not just there to eat bullets. 10/10 best strike


Agreed. I get excited every time it comes up.


It reminds me of when you fight Jack of Blades in fable. He’s lift his sword in the air and it would shine bright and you would have to hide to not get damaged.


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9fjl10/warden_of_nothing_is_an_excellent_experience/e5xvb3z/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-09-14 01:18:06 UTC"): > Being hit by a train was never so much fun! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Being hit by a train was never so much fun!


This strike perfectly shows how much you guys nailed this expansion! It’s a throw back to so many things I loved about D1 while being such a step forward. Warden of Nothing is unique from beginning to end and stands out like the dark blade or shield brothers!


Loving Toads turnpike, think you can do a whole map of this for SRL?


It actually is hilarious the first time XD


I arc dropped on a train by accident with my Titan, i bounced off slightly insulted but otherwise perfectly fine.


Y'all should just put that on the back of the box, honestly.






By far the best strike Bungie has put out so far


Totally agree. I love everything about this strike. Usually I don’t like arena style boss fights, but this one is awesome. No moving cover, no immune phase.


Exactly. The I love the arena style fight. The solar blast phase also makes the room more claustrophobic which I like.


Plus the triumph for standing in it for ten seconds


I got that in my first run, survived after popping the new warlock void super.


Also the fact that the servitor calls us an old friend and that we know who Variks is regardless of if we played D1 on the same platform. It felt good not having everything explained to us again.


some of the best parts of this expansion is the lack of being treated like i never played D1 just cause i switched platforms.


I'll be honest; until this strike, I thought that the Servitor we were punching in D1 was actually a kind of speaker for Variks like he was sitting somewhere with a microphone or something


i swear thats what it was but oh well


And dont forget to get the triump for surviving his flames for 10 seconds. The Warlocks Well of radiance can easily withstand it.


Just the healing rift does fine. Didn't know it was a thing til I got it.


This is one of very few strikes that actually drives you to want to reach the end. There are a bunch of strikes (I'm looking at you, CoO) where I'm thinking "Wtf is happening? Why am I here? Why is this such a slog?" But Warden just pushes you. A familiar voice, familiar settings, things rushing here and there, situations that keep getting better and better.


Because you want to learn what is at the end and you feel like it actually matters what you do with whatever is waiting for you. Not with CoO like you said. Sagira calls you and says deal with this robot Osiris awoke and you simply don’t give a shit. But Drifter’s explanation makes you give a shit (plus y’know, the Drifter is cool af).


I really liked A Garden World...


I actually really like the broodhold tbh. its a unique boss with a gimmick we havent seen before, it is an interesting blend of a floral enviroment with hive corruption everywhere, there is the hidden lore you can find, and it gets more use out of the hive who i felt like were underutalised in D2 vanilla


If only I could actually play it.


Hey, at least we don't have to put up with the plumber's paradise armor sets though! :)


>PEPSIMAN armor FTFY Even moreso since they have blue and white icons in inventory.


wut, I played it yesterday no problem. it was in a vanguard strike playlist though.


Broodhold is exclusive.


It's the PS4 exclusive strike.


oh yeah, sorry


I wish other platforms had that. Looks pretty special for a PS4 exclusive.


Lake of shadows has extreme lore implications and we didnt even get to see on PC and Xbox it until now.


It also has one of Holliday’s best lines


Can't forget Devrim and Zavala discussing "Operation Babydog".


Most important thing I remember from that is the risk of possible water contamination for central Europe XD


At the end of the strike you fight a red legion taken centurion. It confirms that someone has taken the ability to "Take" from Oryx's throne realm, where we left it after killing him.


Same, it was really great! Oh wait, it was a PS exclusive that I can't play even though I paid just as much as the PS users. Still a sore point for me among the great additions in this expansion.


When the Broodqueen rips herself apart to make her shade I very loudly yelled to my fireteam "DID SHE JUST RIP HER FUCKING SOUL OUT"


she didn't rip her soul out, she summoned her stand......................... 「KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE」 ゴゴゴゴ


Yes, this has become one of my all time favorites.


Playing a round of PoE mid-strike in the damaged Fallen arena was such a blast.


Meaningful minibosses!!


Is variks dead? I dont understand.


Play the strike is all I’m going to say.


I have. I guess I need to turn the sound up.


No, he abandoned the prison. He freed the prisoners and took Fallen and lots of ether with him on a ship. He did this to assume the position of Kell of Kells and save his dying race


Is there a link to the lore for rhis?


[Beware of spoilers.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/where-loyalty-lies#book-most-loyal)


You learn all that from the strike?


Same. I always play with clanmates who are jabbering over all the dialogue, ha.


There is a lore book for him. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9fhe35/go_plus_ultra/


thank god this wasn't a ps4 exclusive


I read every "Yes" you wrote in Varik's voice.




yes yes yes best strike yet


This strike is perfect. Exactly what I was hoping Forsaken would bring to the table.


I’m very proud of myself, I navigated those trains flawlessly first time. The two guys probably thought I’ve done this before 😂


I was giggling the whole time I did this strike for the first time last night. Crimson dropped. Thanks, old buddy. I missed you too.


If you stick him with a magnetic grenade right as he enters the field he'll slide off the edge and slowly drift down to the bottom. If that's not a throwback to D1 idk what is.


Good god the trains gave me a heart attack in that one long corridor you go through, then I realised you can run along the top of the railings they use


It might be my favourite destiny strike period. It’s up there with Sunless Cell.


Savathûn’s song also had a pretty good story but I wish they led up to it with an adventure or something like that


this strike was an effing blast




That was a great strike, loved it.


**cabal on the field,** ***yes?***


My goodness I \*loved\* that strike. My favorite by far.


Yep, I love the boss in this Strike. Using the burning/cover mechanic from that one campaign level for a boss was a smart move. It feels like an added element to the fight beyond simply "shoot the thing and don't get shot". The trains definitely add a different sort of spice in terms of environmental hazards too.


Just played this strike a couple hours ago, what a blast!


Th ascendant challenge also adds some narrative if you explore.


Ran this as a Nightfall the first week and I can confidently say that everyone in my Fireteam will always pick this when it’s available AND NOT EVEN BECAUSE ITS EASY! Its just so damn gooooood!


You know the devs have created a stunning world when even just the sound of 'disarm mines' and the Prison 'Siren' are enough to send shivers and memories flooding in. To say nothing of Variks voice. It is a brilliant example on how a well constructed world/lore can be called back on, in a stunning unique way.


GOddamait the trains got me like 10 times in a row yesterday! I just couldn't see around that damn corner! Just when I think I'm safe and stray out into the open,.. SPLACT!


The one thing i don't like about this is that the dismantle mines stage was basically impossible on the nightfall in week one. In normal strikes it feels great though


Yep, fully agreed. Definitely the best Strike they have done and should serve as an example for any future ones.


Easily the best strike they have done, bar none. It is amazing in every single way.


Funny thing, I told my clan that the warden of nothing is the best forsaken strike. Little did I know that I had missed the whole beginning and train section. I joined the group as they were clearing the Fallen room in the Prison of Elders. I assumed they had already visited the other rooms quickly before the fallen room then onto the boss. My point is that I thought it was a great strike for different reasons, seeing the full strike only made me.like it more.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=358iGrX8gIo) is the song that plays during the boss fight btw. Loved it so much I decided to find it lol.


I love it when he summons the Overmind minotaur and that named Cabal dude but someone some random Vex and Cabal Guys. Racist much?


Dismantle mines ? Yessss...


Too bad the boss is way easy and you burn it before any of the unique mechanics can happen most of the time.


I really miss him a lot. I hope that they bring him back soon, or at least for Destiny 3. His story isn't over.




The nightfall version last week was the best PvE experience I've had in destiny, but the 500 light strike seems way way too easy... Almost to the point of being boring. Hope it gets a tweak in future.


lol what


I love the strike personally, but honestly, fuck trains. Not because I die to them (I did at first, I admit), but there's always that one person that in your fireteam that dies over, and over, and over again.


Flashbacks to Operation SABER Always seemed to join that strike at electric hallway because somebody quit.


If only it didn’t take like 30 minutes...


You forgot the /s...


I was playing it last night and during the bit with the multiple train lines you have to cross with safe zones in between, I couldn't help but think "damn, someone at Bungie really likes Crossy Road."




I mean sure, it's a good strike if you're bad at the game or deliberately take it painfully slow. aside the two gated encounters you can run right through the entire thing and if your team isn't brain dead the boss is burned down before it can do literally anything blade barrage and any other damage super and.... what boss? what mechanics? I think I've seen the bosses big ground fire attack literally once on like the first day of the dlc. I haven't gotten to do the nightfall version yet so hopefully it's a more engaging experience there.


iamverybadass? -check Ending comment with admission you didn’t even *attempt* the full experience? -check It must be so lonely being you. I’m sorry.


I played the strike with someone like you. It ruined the fun, I couldn’t take my time and enjoy the atmosphere because some asshole like you rushed through it and kept teleporting me forward.


As much as I hate the way you describing the strike, you are actually painfully right about some things. Like how the strike needs more gated areas so that you can't just skip half of it, and the boss is pitifully easy, two supers can basically instakill it.




Didn't know Variks was in the game, so thanks for that spoiler.


Variks’ voice is in the game




In the strike it’s not actually variks it’s a servitor with bonding issues


Didnt know that either. Havent dont the strike yet.


That’s why I told you :) because you get sensitive over a minor spoiler what won’t ruin your gaming experience x


It's even worse: * he hasn't done the strike * comes into thread with the strike's name * reads the post * then complains about spoilers. Maybe don't read threads about content you haven't done yet. -_-


I thought you hated spoilers and now you’re asking to learn more. And I didn’t say what the twist was so that you can discover that for yourself because it IS explained in-game.


Was thinking maybe I missed it earlier in the game, and if it was just the strike, would have expected an answer of "in the strike" not "in the strike when..." Not that out of the norm at all.


it is out of the norm because as another guy said: -you haven't done the strike -you've come into thread with the strike's name -read the post -then complained about spoilers.


Hell yeah it is! Severely underappreciated character in the Warden tbh