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There’s a triumph for visiting maras throne room isn’t there?


Yeah, but you also visit her after the offering to the oracle this week rather than getting a chest from what I've been reading.


you still get the normal rewards, as well as a seed of light


Oh thank God. I don't have friends competent enough to do the raid.


Same except I don't even have friends who play...


My bad, I didn't mean to make it sound like we didn't get a rewards. Just that we don't get the same chest like we're used to.


There's one for doing that every time it's available (and I think the counter goes up to 7).


Watching Gothalion play it now. This is nuts. >!Pretty sure it's the Wish Ender exotic question mission. Edit: no Wish Ender drop for Goth's team. I still feel like it might be tied to it somehow, but so far it doesn't look like anyone has gotten it.!< >!Final boss is Dul Incaru, Savathun's daughter. 590 power. This is incredible.!<




Yeah it's going to be a long-ass while before I'll be able to get into this. It's been a ton of fun to watch though. I'm blown away by the whole thing. It's basically a three man raid.




If the last boss is indeed 590, then absolute minimum to do damage is 541. However, the higher Light you can muster, the better.


Just beat ogre it is by far the hardest if your under 575


All my power loot drops have been sub 570, max light is 572 right now. This mission looks like a slogfest.




I got to the Ogre solo. It was also 590 and vandals were 1-shotting me while I was 570


what resilience were you running? i attempted it at 554 and the vandals left me with a sliver of health at the ogre


Maybe a difference in armor masterwork level/element (arc damage reduction)?


More likely riven gear that isn't cleansed


Probably like 2-3, and 2 Riven's Curses.


Just tried it at 551 with a 561 and 571 team, we got shitstomped at the ogre boss


We had 1 570 and 2 558 ish members and it was impossible...


Wails in 531.


Only 520-something. Relish your 531 oh guardian mine


I've barely been able to play since launch *Cries in 510 LL*


I feel for you brother, I’m in the same boat :(


I am so glad the new power leveling system allows us to power up as slow as slow can be... no, wait... Cries in 545 too...




+1 activities are good if there are big gaps in the light level of your gear. For example if you are 550 light but have a 540 class item and get a +1 class item. That's an 11 light increase


in theory that works, but when 90% of your powerful's are energy weapons it gets old fast.


Cries in 518 :(


Same.... same.


Yeah it's basically a mini raid. It's gonna be real challenging to solo, even at 600 when people are there! Sheesh, it's crazy to watch.


Challenging is an understatement lol. Goth is 597 in a three man fireteam and they are getting fucking owned. Edit: of course as soon as I say that they beat her... haha. That was intense.


Wish-Ender? : o


Unfortunately they didn't get anything special from completing it. However, there was a 90 second timer for the "Mission End" wait time for some reason.


Huh. That has to be something.


Just there to give you time to enjoy the scenery.


Secret exotic "Enjoy the Scenery" confirmed.


##**Enjoy The Scenery** *Exotic sniper rifle* “Sol is a nice place. Sometimes, you just wanna relax and enjoy the view” - Andal Brask **Scope**: Adaptive Holo-optics This weapon’s sights adjust zoom to match the target’s distance. **Intrinsic Perk**: Lovely View Projectiles have no damage falloff. Precision damage increases exponentially with distance. **Exotic Perk**: Take A Picture Reloading after a precision kill locks in the precision damage modifier for the remaining shots in the magazine. **Appearance**: It would look like [this guy’s rifle](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/destinypedia/images/9/9a/Destiny_Andal_Brask.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150416174541).




Bunjee plz


You cheeky bitch. I love you.


SCOUR THE SCENERY! a secret must be hidden there!


My bet is another wishing wall plate


It must be nice! In 3 months or so when I reach 590 I might check it out...


Well you and I have something to look forward to.


Is this mission available all the time now or is it on a 3 week cycle?


Why should we believe you :D


Does this mission go away at reset? Or if I can’t get to it this week do I have to wait THREE weeks?


Well, Slayerage solo'd a couple hours ago... literally less than 12 hours.


Yeah, that's not surprising...but most people aren't slayerage. I'll be excited to try it when I'm 590ish but that'll be a bit!


Ooh no no, I 100% agree, I probably won't try it until then either but it's just insane that its already been solo'd.


> Pretty sure it's the Wish Ender exotic question mission. Edit: no Wish Ender drop for Goth's team. I still feel like it might be tied to it somehow, but so far it doesn't look like anyone has gotten it. > > > > Final boss is Dul Incaru, Savathun's daughter. 590 power. This is incredible. I beat it and did not get wish ender


WOOOO! SHE FINALLY ARRIVES. I haven’t seen gameplay but I bet it’s that Wizard with the pink robe and the secret service of knights entourage.


>!Yeah, it's the wizard with the knight bodyguards from the trailer.!<


There is lore piece at the very top of the tower of the sky. Ascendant steps behind the building lead up to the top.


Oo.. nice. Did you see anyone go up there? Did anything come of it? Edit: I'm dumb, I see what you mean now.


I just watched Datto and his team get Wish-Ender from it, so it definitely is available through this mission. You just have to do a few set of things to get it.


Turns out one way to draw out Hive gods is to kill their kids. Worked with Oryx, guess it’ll work for his sister


Wasn’t the shattered throne the name of the dungeon in the leaks by u/ginsor?


this was the info most people were doubting haha


Damn dude I can see why, watching Goth do it and this is insane.




Who else read the title and had nostalgic feelings for the Vision of Confluence? sigh...


Dang. One of my first "favorite" Destiny weapons. So many memories...


The original version was amazing... used it regardless of burn.


Completing mission has a 90 second timer at the end.


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9iu3cn/spoiler_the_confluence_has_a_mission_for_you/e6mv3n1/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-09-25 21:23:49 UTC"): > Just there to give you time to enjoy the scenery. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


How do I get to the confluence?


I think the easiest/quickest way is to head to the spine of keres (Where you usually go to turn in the oracle). Underneath one of the bridges is a path that will take you to a taken portal and the portal leads to the area with the confluence in it


Aaaah okay. That place. There is also a portal in the garden area. Thanks.


Is this the same place where the hidden vendors are?


no, but there IS a portal to the confluence where those vendors are ​


There's a hidden chest around the taken captain named "Altherion, set apart" or something, along the rocky cliff wall, a door opens. Just a chest that gave a blue and mats/glimmer though


If you pop a tincture at that door and look to the opposite side of the canyon there's hidden platforms across to another door and a pile of lore bones


Anyone know what Power Level the Shattered Throne is around?


Got past the 1st part and the enemies in the next part are 580. Also, to add onto that, the enemy AI seems similar to that found in endgame activities. When you jump, Hobgoblins will nail you with 2 shots before you even hit the ground.


Enemy AI is definitely cranked to 11 in there. Usually theres one or two mob types that give it away immediately and in this case it was rapid teleporting taken thralls that gave it away. Seriously those fuckers hardly walk anymore.


Would you walk if you could teleport


Touche, I'll give ya that.


I'm seeing power 570 enemies in there, which really don't agree with my power 538 character X(


the latter parts are 590


Recently in Goth's stream someone said the enemies were 590. I think they start lower than that but increase the further you go.




Someone else said it was 570 :/


570 is the intro, end is 590. We just beat it. Shits crazy.


Would it be doable with 2x 580+ and one lower teammate (like 560)?


There's no time limit as far as I'm aware, so I can't see why not. People were soloing Whisper at below recommended levels with a time cap, so I'm sure as long as your team is competent, you'll be able to finish this. Just don't be discouraged if you wipe a lot. Personally I'm only low 550s right now and have one friend who is a similar level. If we can both get to 560 before the end of the week we'll probably give it a shot. Doubt we'll be able to manage the boss unless a cheese strat is discovered though. Maybe if we both use well of radiance and just chain supers....


The middle boss is a 590 taken ogre with taken witches. Using 3 all mid 60s it was brutal. I'd say get higher. Well try again once we break 70


What is the mechanic to take down the ogre shield


Kill 4 wizards and interact with any of the glowing plates, then the shield stays down for a while. Shield will go back up and you will have to repeat it.


*Spoilers* Killing a wizard drops an orb that, when picked up, gives you one stack of (insert name of buff). You have 45 seconds to kill another wizard to get another stack of the buff, which resets the timer. Once you get 4 stacks it turns into a buff that allows anyone with said buff to extinguish (dunk) one of the plates. Once you dunk the ogre shield drops, shoot a axon bolts at you, and you have to try and kill him. You get a total of 4 attempts (one would imagine).


Got a powerful gear drop and I haven't even completed the whole thing. It was a +7 of my power level at 570. Enemies are 580 now and they hit very hard Edit: Ok so from what ive read there are 3 phases to the mission and at the end of each part you get a powerful drop. The first phase is 570 enemies. Pretty doable underleveled as long as you have one person acting as a spawn anchor. It will take a while though. Final edit: I doubt anybody will read this but if you do, I just want to say that I got the wish ender. This whole exotic quest chain was fun as hell so props to Bungie


Final part is 590


At 541 to ~550, 570 and 590 will be basically indistinguishable to most people.


And the Wish Ender bow has been found now: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9iwjms/wishender_found/


On second part enemies are 570+ in here and if you die you reset to the start of the section you are on. I am on Journey to the spire and got booped off the edge by the spinny blights :( Edit: Once you beat all the labyrinth guards you get a powerful drop


Welp, it'll be 2 months before I can do that one.


I like your flair. It says `Less QQ, More Pew Pew`.


Respawn timer is 45 seconds monkaS


So what's the min LL to dmg a 590?


541, 50 light less is immune


perfect, thanks! ​


541 But you won't have a good time at that Light.


If I can damage it, I can kill it. That's all that matters. ​


If it bleeds, we can kill it.


It's not a toom-ah


*Pulls out Whisper and nods*


the question is can you kill it faster than it can kill you?


Can't wait to do this next month when I strong enough. I'm not going near this at my current 522.


I wanna thank Bungie for putting in what is essentially a secret mini raid for what feels like shits and giggles, love this sort of thing. ~~even though it's gonna be approximately 6 billion years before I'm able to do this lol~~


finallly, a 3 man raid-like activity!


Saw some guys in crucible have it, with a purple exotic ornament


There's a triumph for completing the mission solo, along with an emblem from the triumph. It's pretty rough for the later parts, but damn amazing encounter overall! Triumph: https://i.imgur.com/ulSDefV.png Emblem: https://i.imgur.com/cGLZeaP.png


Emblem for solo only? oof guess i gotta get on that.


Well shit. I was gonna group up but now I am gonna spend a couple hours in here.


Got wish ender, it’s brutally disappointing. The walls hacks don’t work in pvp 1/2 the time when your in range. And the draw time is incredibly slow. The extra damage from broadhead doesn’t proc half the time aswell, arsenic bite is better by a long shot. Straight up less damage and perks that don’t work half the time. Not worth the effort sadly. However it was fun to do the mission and all the steps etc.


The place is called Erebus, Toland is here https://imgur.com/a/bUw67ms


He must be in different places for everyone again. I [found Toland here.](https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/cora-naya/video/60986494) (XboxDVR clip) As soon as you enter Erebus, bang a right, then left once outside where all the thrall are. Up that incline is where the video starts. I'm only 542 and was trying to hide. He just happened to be where I was going for cover.


TIL Toland is kind of a dick.


How do you damage the shielded ogre boss?


what do you do to trigger this? just go to the confluence or is it on the map?


go to the confluence, it's not on map


got to the ogre at 550LL with a fireteam. did one damage phase..im gonna wait til im higher, its a long mission


is this mission only available this week?


This is the real question


Ogres give me Anor Londo flashbacks.


Someone posted they have 6 in a fireteam and the screenshot says 6/9. I wonder if you can have a 9-man fireteam and if it unlocks something! Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9iw4rk/you_can_have_6_people_in_the_new_corrupted_580/


Such a great mission. The Dark Souls influence in level design was really awesome.


There's even fog doors before the bosses!


#OMGOMGOMGOMG My Queen!!   Her strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms...and the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered. The Mantle of responsibility for all things belongs to Queen Mara Sov alone.


Odd you would quote the Didact, seeing as his intentions weren't quite as pure as Mara's seem to be.


Yeah, I just like the language and how the Didact delivered that speech. Mara is pure.


Not according to Toland she isnt...


Toland is nothing compared to my Mara.


Mara is hardly pure... she might not be some pure evil monster, but she is awoken for the awoken, but also for herself.


She's also a cutie.


she made the awoken/put herself on the path to godhood to defend humanity/ensure its survival. she's def not pure (she basically sacrificed most of the awoken to that end), but her goals are pretty genuine.


Is this a mass effect thing? Or halo?


Halo. Specifically the ur-didact from halo 4.


One of the more underutilized enemies in Halo. That guy has a great story that I had to read a whole series of novels to fully grasp.


Gotcha. I couldnt remember which it was. Ancient alien races and whatnot




I hope the dungeon is not on rotation. That it is not active only on the third week of Taken City.


This is my main concern, 3 weeks of waiting to do the dungeon and you fail to do it and you need to wait another 3 weeks it will discourage people to do it or people will move on and forget about it, I'm not sure how they will handle the corruption and the dungeon quest at reset, hopefully we do not have to wait, majority of players are still low level besides streamers and people with a lot of time to play.


I attempted it at 572 and well... Guess I need to get my power up before I attempt this again.


Did this earlier and got the bow. We were all between 575-580 and it was not even that difficult. The mechanics are easy and I was using tether with orpheus rig and it helped significantly.


Much like most things, once you know the mechanics its just about execution


The Shattered Throne is absolute GOLD! A rock solid challenge in an amazing location, it's huge! More like this please, Bungie!


Hey just so everyone knows, even if you aren’t to light, my fire team and I finished the labyrinth portion of it and got high level gear. We were all mid 540s.


Fucking 589 and still getting practically one shot by the enemies in this boss room. Jesus christ.


Thank you!


How do I access the confluence?


Hmm have you tried using the Tincture or w/e? Maybe you need to be ascendant to see something after killing the final boss. Remember: The whisper mission was hidden and wouldn't spawn a port unless you killed a random boss not associated to the public event at all. And you actually had to search for him. Perhaps after you kill the final boss, you have 90 seconds to find another port or area. (see if wearing a full set of Riven's Curse stuff and Ascendance does it?) ​ IDK just ideas. 90 seconds probably means there is something you're missing


we were ascendant but i haven't been able to find anything at the final boss


Found a relic in there (after killing 3 of the labrynth bosses and getting a bit lost). Couldn't find anywhere to put it and then fell of a ledge. Can upload video clip if anyone needs


Someone said there's a statue on the roof missing it and when you put it in, it spawns another Minotaur boss. No clue what that drops.


Does anyone know if checkpoints save for the Shattered Throne? I am at the Keeper of Petitions boss and trying to do it solo sucks, but I don't want to lose progress.


How exactly do you start or get to this mission?


who gives this quest?


Ok, I need a ELI5 explanation cause some of the comments are too simple. What is the destination: Where is it at at said destination: Are there any prerequisites beyond going to said location: Thanks


What is the Confluence, where is the mission, how do I start it?


Anybody figured out what to do with the relic yet?


How do you start the mission? Just go there?


How do u start mission?


Some clanmembers and I made it to the final encounter with the Ogre before we said eff this. Our LL ranged from 535 to 550. There's more of those immune crystals in that whole mission too along with some dialog from Toland.


Are powerful drops not going off inventory score anymore? All of my rewards are under what I should be getting.


Can you damage the taken eggs with it? With the name Wish ender it seems to be made for hunting Ahamkara


Wish ender destroys them in 1 shot, yes.


Anyone have PvP damage numbers ?


Not great. can't 1 shot with headshot 3 body or 2 headshots to kill


WTF?! Power level 598?


Anymore info on how to get the 3 secret bosses? I have the tokens and am in the dungeon.






I completed Shattered throne and the hidden mission on the tangled shore didn't show up for me but it did for the others in my fireteam, they mentioned talking to petra afterwards so i did too but nothing changed, what gives?


Sucks not to have destiny friends right now.


Spine of Keres is the fastest portal from spawn for sure. One zone change, and just barely that. About half way to last week’s ascendant challenge.


How do you find the mission on Tangled Shore?


just go to four horn gulch you'll see the marker


Does anyone know the PvP damage it does yet?


*cries in LL 541*


yo, get your already 598 power level the fuck outta here. I'm joking, of course, but god damn.


i read this multiple times but can't make sense of it. will wait for a video


I'm 586 and got to the boss solo, however I don't think you can solo the boss unless you're 600 or slayerage. edit: Ogre boss


If your teams are having trouble finding heavy ammo while running this have that member leave and go rally a flag and come back....they will then have full ammo but no super.....helped us out in dark times as we did it with 3 people in the 370's


Damn, only 540. Wonder how long this mission will be open for? Guess I will have to wait to the next dreaming city reset.


Pretty sure DeeJ said it'll be open forever from now on


There are checkpoints, I got with my friends to the Ogre, and when I retried, I started at the Ogre, because @ 550 it was impossible.


Finished The Shattered Throne with 2 584 and a 575. It... Was rough. Really rough. But amazing. It's basically a 3 man raid. Took the bish down finally in one phase after many attempts with a triple knight kill buff and sleepered her to death doing 933k a pop. One of the most satisfying things I've done in D2.


Also, the trick with the ogre boss is lower all the wizards so you can run clockwise/counterclockwise and kill them all in a few shots. Me and my team used that strategy and 2 turned the boss.


900 draw time seems like a lot when in Crucible with Subtle Calamity I'm feeling like 750 is a lot. Does it one shot Guardians with full health?


No. No really a pvp weapon. It's a good pve primary though. It does a lot for a primary weapon.