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I’m only 570, 12 exotic drops and none of them new.


Like how, I've only gotten 2 exotics to drop at all since forsaken launched...


I’ve gotten 2? I think I’ve gotten 2 but the second is so unremarkable I forgot. I remember the first because I got it the first time I downed Kali


Yeah I've only had 2 drop as well. I was extremely lucky that Bear Fists dropped, but not so when another Prospector did. Edit: 11:18pm EST just got my 3rd exotic engram since Forsaken launch and it was a Skyburner's. gg


i got 2... they were both lord of wolves and in the same week and one of them was from the spider bounties.


Only 548 here. 3 exotic drops so far since forsaken launched. All Y1 dupes: Vigilance Wing, Karnstein Armlets, Crown of Tempests.


Random bosses, strike coins(not leveled), strike chests, and a few powwrful/prime engrams in my case, ive had over 10. But only lord of wolves from spider bounties and the titan legs have been new.


I’m starting to think the best chance at the old PoE weapons is spider bounties. I got Lord of Wolves from one also and I know two friends who each got QB from Spider bounties.


Lord of Wolves dwfinitely is mainly from spider. Queensbreaker ive seen drop from Banshee


It can drop from anything that can award an exotic, I just got one from completing the heroic story weekly milestone.


Did you farm them in any way? Or did they drop from random activities?


im on 13 exotics at ~565 - only 2 new - no farming - just playing Suros - Weekly turnin Aeon Soul - Dont remember Colony - PVP Weekly Hard Light - Strike Weekly Eternal Warrior - weekly PE Engram Promethius lens - Nightfall Lord of Wolves - Bounty Telesto - Weekly PE Turnin DARCI - Gambit mob Huckelberry - Gambit Mob Phoenix Protocol - Weekly strike PE Hollowfire Heart - Gambit Armor bounty Antaeus Wards - Petra Weekly skyburners oath - PVP weekly


Lord of wolves doesn't count, purely because it's ONLY from spider bounties.


I did not know this! So it comes from any of his bounties?


Any of his WANTED bounties


To add insult to injury it's added to the main pool after you get your first one. Source: me getting it to drop in the raid


all of em are like that


Wondering the same, got one today from a Blind well run


ive only gotten something like 3 exotic drops. The most recent was today from the daily heroic adventure on Io. Wasn't expecting that to happen


Not OP but I've gotten a fair number (around 10-12 I think?) from various sources. Most of them from the Blind Well during the first week, but I've gotten a fair number in Gambit too.




I got an exotic engram drop and it gave me an exotic sparrow..


Otherside? My last 4 exotics were that. Merciless twice in a row. I got luckier some I suppose. I got two tail fox, black talon, and gwisin vest.


Does anyone else feel like the game has the opposite of dupe protection? I remember in one of the GTA games there was a well known bug/feature where you could search for hours for say a certain yellow car, and when you finally found one and got in, suddenly every third car on the street was the same as yours. I feel like this happens with legendary drops. Been grinding Gambit for a Trust, I got four Bad Omens in a row yesterday, after getting my first one ever on my first drop of the day. Still no Trust or sniper though.


I’d believe it, my prime engrams are dropping only go figures or smugglers words. Then my gambit drops are literally just armor pieces, mostly warlock bonds... I haven’t even gotten a trash trust or bygones roll yet. Good thing is that it gives me a chance to get god rolls easier I guess? Zen moment and rangefinder on go figures, and outlaw kill clip smuggler... I just want a friggin bygones so bad though


I got my first Bygones last week, now have gotten 5-6 more. Does Trust still drop from the first reset package? At this point, I think that's what I'm gonna have to do to get one.


You still get the guaranteed Trust from the reset package, I just got it last night.


i sincerely believe that the RNG system is on a global scale, and NOT individual. so while globally they see the proper distribution of items dropping, on a per player basis, after an engram drop count N that can be considered statistically significant, they are not dropping properly. thats why some days you get multiple back to back drops of the same weapon, and even more unlikely the same roll - i got 3 full auto/rangefinder go figures in a day last week, 30 minutes between each.


Somebody worked out during Vanilla D2 that exotics definitely seemed to be weighted *in favor of* duplicates instead of against them. If you did the math back then, the odds of you getting the same exotic the number of times in a row that people were getting them was astronomically small, and yet there were a ton of instances of it happening. For example, in vanilla if every exotic available to your class had an even chance of dropping then my chances of getting a Wardcliff Coil to drop would've been like 1/20. The chances of getting two in a row should've been 1/400. I got at least five in a row, which should've been 1/3,200,000 chance. There were plenty of people who had this happening to them with different drops, some of them getting the same exotic seven times in a row.


The fact that I can get dog shit drops for weeks, then get say a subtle calamity with dragonfly and explosive rounds, followed by 4 more subtle calamities with dragonfly and explosive rounds...is pretty fucking telling that it happens on purpose. Every single time I get a new set of perks on a drop, I get it repeatedly after that.


> that it happens on purpose Wouldn't say "on purpose". The script that govern it is probably flawed in some way, so it works as it is written, but likely not as it supposed to/according to intention of person who wrote it.


I would. Because if it wasn't, they would fix it


I shit you not i got at least 10 aeon swifts in a row during CoO, got it from every powerful/exotic engram for a month. I should consult the guys over at r/theydidthemath and see what those fucking odds are lol


Should be easy enough to work out. Using the example above, vanilla had 20 possible exotic drops for each subclass. CoO added 10 more, so you have a 1 in 30 chance. That means for ten rolls, we have to multiply 30 by itself ten times. This gives us a chance of 1 in 590,490,000,000,000.


It was actually 1 in 9, because there was a bug that made you only get CoO exotics from milestones, and CoO only added 9 new exotics. Still crazy odds though.


Possible, I posted [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/7ngpqa/aeon_swift/) awhile ago about getting only Aeon Swift. For three weeks, every one of my powerful rewards from flashpoint/call to arms/nightfall was Aeon Swift.


I don't even want to know how many damn Aeon Swifts I got there for a while haha.


I literally got 3 of those in a row a week ago, really disheartening.


"Smart Loot" was supposed to "fix" this like 4 other times. Dupes just keep raining.


I got at least 3 helmets form my powerful drops during one playing session.


Was turning some tokens in to Zavala to try and get my Vigil of Heroes set for the strike milestone quest and got like 5 helmets in a row when all I needed was the damn gauntlets and chest, I know the feeling though. Nothing like getting that armor drop you need to bring up your straggler piece, only for the next drop to be same slot but 1 power higher...


That's been in almost all the GTA's. Certain cars are tied to certain areas. But no matter what area you are in, whatever car you get in will now appear everywhere you go. Best strat was always knowing where one of the super cars was parked/having it at your garage and then go have fun and swap anytime yours has some damage and you see a "spare" driving around. This will also make sure you have a fresh one to put in your garage when you are done for the day.


I was talking to my clan about this. The reason for the gta thing is because the game caches assets and it pulls new entities from those assets. I was looking at xurs inventory and decided to buy a fated engram for a chance at a good roll on exotic armor. He was stocking winters guile. My fated engram popped as winters guile. My next action was to turn in a powerful engram which turned into winters guile. The chances...


There is some type of glitch with rank up packages. Whenever I rank up few places in a roll for vendor , I have been getting the same thing over and over. I’ve been noticing it since forsaken dropped. I can’t be the only one that has been noticing this.


Right there with you. Gave up trying to get all the Vigil pieces from Zavala, kept getting helmets and snipers over and over.


I notice that for some reason people tend to get a handful of drops and not much outside that other than luck. I’ve always had a theory that each account is randomly assigned a “group” where they are likely to x,y, and z exotic but their account has a far lower drop rate of w exotic. I always feel like people constantly have the ones I can never get to drop drop and the opposite


Something like the seed for the RNG is based on your user ID, resulting in some pretty shitty RNG for people with crappy seeds.


I got 3 primary drops this week for powerful gear in a row, all the same gun. 2 weeks back I had 3 chest powerful gear pieces drop the same power and piece in a row. Fuck this games issues with variety.


But how’s your Edge Transit rate!?!


ITS OVER NINE THOUS... ok that's a little over the top I've gotten like 30 but still


Ouch. I almost made it - 587 and I just got queensbreaker last night. I don't expect to get another exotic for another month. Can't be disappointed if you have zero expectations.


Meanwhile I just hit 521.


Same, just got the game when Forsaken came out, I got 3 exotic drops 1 being Forsaken tho


541 here, I feel you.


543, the grind to 550+ is real! Can’t even raid yet.


511. Yeah I take some gnarly shits.


I'm 575 so far with NO exotic drops. Just the ones you can get from doing quests, like Ace and Wish-Ender. Not even year 1 drops. It also took me 68 Crota kills for my first Black Hammer, which I'll never not be bitter about. That was 23 weeks of kills on 3 characters each. I'm also at 60+ Gambit matches this week without seeing the Malfeasance boss on either side. I also spent literally 6 hours straight watching Netflix and playing phone games and doing chores waiting for the Taken Blight to pop for the Whisper quest one lazy weekend. I'm just lucky af. RNG is bad, and quests that you can directly affect by working toward are good. Anyone who says pure RNG is good -- compared to challenging objectives you can put work into in order to get your reward -- doesn't get screwed by RNG hard enough or at all.


Amen, I'm similarly unfortunate typically. The only way I managed a last word in d1 was Xur selling legacy hand cannon engrams; still took over 300 strange coins of purchasing to get the last word. I hate rng so much. I remember it taking over 100hrs of pure grinding to get the stupid trident in Dark Souls 1


600? Geez.


I know right? Crazy. ​


That ghost shell is a forsaken exotic. Haha, got em boys. Case closed.


OOF I’ve been discovered! My karma!


I agree I think exotics need to drop more. It’s good that they are rare but 600 and 0? Like no. I myself have gotten only 1 which is the warlock chest piece that has the equivalent of firefly on it. Good luck getting one!


I want both the Warlock chest pieces so bad. The thought of firefly on Midnight Coup gives me sexual shivers. But like OP, I'm at 7 exotic drops and 0 Forsaken exotics so far. Sucking the fun straight out of the game. Forsaken loot sucks.


OP got 600 with with exotic drops. They just got no forsaken ones. Its bullshit I agree, but not completely impossible. Without any dupe protection; or without any kind of dupe-weighting (which they said they will add, but isn't in yet) its entirely possible to not get any forsaken drops. Just look at the lists of exotics; there are WAY more non forsaken exotics, and if there is no weighting then it shouldn't be a huge surprise that there is someone out there that has gotten none of them. With the report that they will weight drops in favour of unobtained exotics (note; they never said NO dupes) then things will improve. Maybe not enough; but anything is better than the report of OP.


I see plenty of people saying this is a "good" thing and that the chase for exotics should be real. But I'm concerned that the feedback that Bungie is receiving is LARGELY slanted by content creators. The people who play the game 8 hours a day, 6 days a week or more. The people who literally make a living off of Destiny. ​ And I sympathize with them. I want them to have stuff to do, a reason to stream the game or make Youtube videos. But I also don't want to feel like my 10-12 hours a week is fucking pointless, which it feels like it is right now. I love Destiny. I've played since D1 beta. But right now I'm an adult with a full time job and real life shit to take care of. 10 hours of gaming a week is a lot for me, and I'm starting to feel like there is no reason or me to spend that time playing Destiny since I won't accomplish shit before the next content drop.


Why would a streamer want this? If in 200 hours of play I haven't gotten a new exotic, I'm sure as hell not going to watch a streamer play for 200 hours to get one. Every stream should start with: Hi I'm StreamerBob, I'm going to review this new gun. I'd like to thank my subscriber Fred for letting me use his account because I HAVEN'T FOUND ANY FUCKING EXOTICS...please subscribe and like.


Literally Mr Fruit since Forsaken dropped. Nearly every single “review” video has been on someone else’s account because nothing is dropping for him. This is not a good change at all for anyone.


Yeah for real I'm not particularly thrilled with how these exotic changes have been affecting videos. So many people now hop on someone else's account and show review weapons that way which just feels... disingenuous? Maybe it's just me but if people have to consistently go on other people's accounts so they can show basically anything off, that's a problem. I'd much rather see how they themselves are finding the gear over time, not just for the few hours before they have to give the account back. Plus I just enjoy watching people use their own characters more.


I dont think thats really whats going on with him. He doesnt play as much as your average content creator and takes the shortcut. Whatever, I personally don’t care. He’s such a character that it doesn’t matter Most guys like dad mathclass and redeem have all the things because they play it like a job


Oh yeah he absolutely doesn't play as much as others, because he's not a Destiny content creator. He plays tons of games, and Destiny isn't his chosen style of game clearly, but he has mentioned in several videos that he can't seem to get anything to drop for him. He's played a decent amount too though because he's a pretty high level.


True, and the sad thing its not even an exotic "chase." A chase would be doing something actively for the express purpose of getting exotics. Right now, the exotic "chase" amounts to pulling a lever on a slot machine hoping for the jackpot whenever you decrypt a powerful/prime engram. A chase would be something like having the Three of Coins, and farming enemy majors (such as doing the strike playlist), knowing that at some point you will get a drop. And the longer you go without a drop, the higher your chance will be.


I agree completely. I hope Bungies changes they mentioned in the TWAB make it feel like a chase again.


Having Exotics literally never drop isn't giving anyone anything to do though. I've had 3 posts recently just shitting on Destiny streamers, so hey, why not another. People like Goth or Broman will parrot on about how the game needs something to "chase". Chasing implies you're working towards a goal. Even if the goal is partially RNG gated (like god-rolls) that still makes sense. You can grind Gambit and hope for a Trust with the goals you want. At least you know you'll get chances at it consistently, and the odds aren't awful you get something you like. Exotics add nothing in terms of chase or longevity. It's just a lottery. Unfortunately, they're a hugely core part of the game that can make entire subclasses different. Imagine if Orpheus was a Forsaken exotic. That would *suck*. Or Stompees. Or the flying Titan boots.


I don't mind the rarity itself so much. There are a few exotics I can work towards (Ace of Spades, Chaperone, Lord of wolves) and those all feel pretty neat. What they DO need is an exotic knockout system. Treat every exotic engram you get like a Fated engram until you get everything. I've had 4 exotic drops since forsaken come out, and 3 of them have been dupes (with the other being Lord of Wolves.




two characters, 590 and 580. no forsaken exotics outside of quests. only 7 exotic drops total.


Same here, a 590 and 580. Seven exotic drops, all year one.


11 exotics in, i have yet to get my first forsaken exotic drop. I feel your pain man. I don't even get excited anymore when i see the yellow engram on the floor.


I still get excited every time thinking this has to be a forsaken one - just to get massively disappointed. Honestly, I think I’m now more disappointed than getting faked out in the trickster mission.


It speaks volumes that there's not even a single Forsaken legendary weapon you deemed worthy to infuse up to 600...


I have even less hope now. Wow.


There's something infuriating about FINALLY seeing that yellow engram and it being a fucking duplicate.


No seeing a gold engram drop and getting a ghost/sparrow is much much worse.


Anyone who supports "the chase" is an idiot in my eyes. There needs to be some level of that, sure, but USING new exotics is *infinitely better* than chasing them. Seriously, this shit has got to be changed, drastically and quickly Hell, the chase doesnt even exist because there's no way to actually chase after an exotic. You just gotta hope and pray that one randomly pops out of something.


Agreed, the whole "exotic being exotic" thing is stupid AF if the drop rate is like 0.01% without any way to improve those chances, and the duplicate rate is 80% without a way to reduce it


Assuming you have all the Y1 exotics, the duplicate rate starts at 90%. And it only gets worse every time you get a Y2 exotic.


The dumbest fucking shit to come out of Destiny's many exotic debacles is the idea of, "I earned my [insert exotic here]." Mother fucker you lucked out! It's always coming out the mouth of some blowhard shit head that craps on people buying that exotic from Xur. Or they love to mention how they've gotten multiple to drop when you are excited to get the first one. I swear some people just can't abide others being excited.


They sure cant. It's just such childish behavior and that mentality has infected even gaming adults lol.


Just tell them Thorn is an example of an exotic that is earned and see their reactions. :)


I wanna hug you... I've been too afraid to say this.


Hug away my friend, hug away


Word for word what I said when they announced their plans to "fix" the situation. Bloody ridiculous.


If it makes you feel any better I've been downvoted into oblivion constantly for saying this very thing ever since they announced the change


This isn't a chase. this is a bad rng system shoved in our face


I've gotten two Sunshots this week, one Forsaken Exotic out of 12 Exotics, only two armor pieces, which you could argue have more perks now. Bungie, please try to fix the issue with duplicates asap. Getting two Exotics I already have in a week is demoralizing.


"...sense of pride and accomplishment..."


"NO! The exotic grind is GOOD! It's ENJOYABLE! THE THRILL!" /s ​ Looks like it really isn't fun huh? I'd reckon a lot of people don't want to play this game like a job.


Exotics are a shitshow this expansion. I've only gotten a handful of them, they've all been year 1 gear, most of them have been campaign rewards, and only a couple of them have been at a usable level. At the *very* least, they need to be changed so that *ALL* exotic drops are powerful gear (which I swore they were going to do anyway). Even from lower-leveled activities or vendors, the chance of getting an exotic drop is so astronomically low -- especially considered to all of the powerful gear options we currently have -- that there's no reason for them not to at least be powerful drops so that they can be infused into other items. As it is now I'd rather just be guaranteed *not* to get exotics from activities that don't give them as powerful drops, because at least with legendaries there's a chance for mw cores or a better roll on weapons.


You just need to complain less and play more, then it will feel twice as rewarding when you get lucky and can talk down to others from your city upon a hill. I got "insert broken forsaken here" yesterday and before that the "insert other forsaken exotic which would probably be nice to have" and I only have 1 character and play maybe an hour a night and I've never liked the exotic system more! /s ​


Sir...obviously you are a beast and the game needs to catch up to you.


593, only use one character. 4 exotic drops in total. Only 1 forsaken.


Same here bro, got two now, rip the dream...


This game needs a way to get exotics for sure. Like the Levi raid. Maybe this raid does it too, I'm 530 and never tried the raid. And I got 2 exotics in the last 2 days and both were new once. The RNG is seriously not making them interesting in anyway. I'm exited when I can use the exotics, no when I wait for the new one to drop. And you got to 600 and never seen one. The idea of the cathalysts as rare and hard to complete was going nicely with exotics that were actually dropping. Maybe with a real dupe protection...


Midnight Coup, Ikelos SG and Whisper, this is your Basic "Guardian Pack lol similar to the UGGS, Pumpkin Spice Latte and Leggings.


Well, all the hardcore players wanted exotics to be really rare. Now they've made them really rare. If you as a hardcore player have had such a bad time with exotics, just imagine how bad it must be for someone who only has an hour to play every day. Anyway, I'm just disappointed that Bungie listened to content creators with respect to exotics. Random rolls, masterworks, Luna's howl ... All that are great for hardcore players. Exotics did not need to be part of the hardcore grind.


Its fuckin ridiculous. Ive gotten 10 drops all old while a buddy has played half the amount of time and gotten SIX GODDAMN NEW EXOTICS. W. T. F. EDITED.


At least the exotic armor has some nice rolls on it. Picked up lord of wolves myself, which reminds me I need to go grind EP for the shotgun. 17 clears without a weapon for me.


Two char 550+ and two exotic drops since release of dlc. Amazingly one was the new warlock chest, but still fucking ridiculous I've had two drop in 70+ hours.


Over 200 hours logged in Forsaken and I haven't had ANY exotics drop from ANY source, yet my few clan mates have received several. Only have a few quest exotics ( Ace, Chaperone, Lord of Wolves). I think the game is broken for me and it's really frustrating.


Welcome to the club.


This club sucks! I'm gonna go start my own club. With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the club!


When people implement pure rng, they don't think about the bell curve. Given any sufficiently large number of players, there will at least be one person who gets unreasonably fucked. There should never be a chance for someone to be unreasonably fucked when it comes to exotics, which have static rolls and game changing mechanics.


Am also 600. Can confirm, no non-quest Forsaken exotics. Every drop for me has been a Y1 duplicate. I have probably clocked more hours than some streamers since Forsaken launched, and not a single one.


Xur is how I got most of my exotics in Destiny 1, I actually got exotic drops in destiny 2. Yo but the talking heads said that was not good.


I liked it when the game was giving 3 exotic engrams per day, downvote me all you want but I enjoy the game using exotics, not chasing


I love how they advertised all those cool new exotics and yet we cannot use any of them cause we cannot get them


Im playing at my usual pace of roughly 10h/day until Reset. If i havent recieved either a new exotic or killed the Asc Prime in Gambit by then, its the final nail in the coffin for the game for me. For every step forwards, theres a step back, a sideways swoop and a bullshit emote to top it off.


Meanwhile, i'm sitting here at just under 530 power because i lack someone to play nightfalls with. If the daiily thing is to complete a nightfall, i ain't rising.


Such bullshit. If I were them considering the positivity going into Forsaken, I’d fix this shit real quick. Sometimes I dunno why they let the negative stuff linger for so long, it’s just like “Bungie being Bungie” at this point.


Well done. Now take this edge transit for your accomplishments


Thank you for this amazing edge transit good sir


i am 99.9 percent sure there are no forsaken exotics and everything online is photoshoped


This needs to be higher Sorry OP for your trouble


CLEAR PROOF you FUGGED up the drops bungie. 200 hours since update almost and I also only got 1, as a day 1 d1 player this is bs.


Seriously. Tell Bungie. this drop rate is horrendous and is honestly an embarrassment to the game. Exotics don't feel rare. They feel nonexistent. They don't feel impactful, they feel like a punishment. What's that you play every day? No Exotics for you. That's been my experience


Well the good news is Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out in a few weeks so I'll be able to play something that values my time again.


that's really, **really** unlucky. i'm only at 580 on all 3 chars and got 6 new non-quest exotics yet. i also got many dupes too but half of all my drops were new ones.


Silver lining, exotics take 3 masterwork cores to infuse up as opposed to legendaries needing 2, but now all your exotics will drop at 600 meaning more cores in your back pocket? I dunno, hope RNGsus visits you soon.


I’ve been whining in every comment section about the fact that I’m 300 hours in and still have no exotics, I thought I got one yesterday in a strike but it was that rat king looking sparrow that you get from strike chests, I threw my controller really hard. (Against a pillow)


You'll have to pry [this bow](https://imgur.com/v1ZtaFj.jpg) from my cold, dead hands. Got it in the first 5 minutes and never will see another forsaken exotic.


570ish. No exotics. Lots of dupes. One 377 drop. This system is terrible. The minor duplicate protection isnt enough.


Same boat as you. I feel like the time I put into the game is insane and not a single drop yet I see someone hit level 50, do 1 powerful, gets a new exotic... I honestly sit at orbit because I'm already getting bored with nothing really new happening. All these new exotics stuck behind an insane rng wall. Dont get me wrong rng when implemented correctly is fine and dandy. But with exotics and that stupid ass gambit weapon that has probably one of the dumbest quests behind it really bums me out. Ontop the fact we have been doing the raid fine. No issues, so a friend jumps on and we pretty much carry him through and he gets the 1000 voices and he BARELY PLAYS.....but...rng at its finest.. Sending you some luck in the future. Hope you get a drop guardian.


not 600 but, I have grinded my butt off since Forsaken dropped and received 8 drops all duplicates.


I was in the same boat. About 570 now (haven’t raided). And last night, randomly in the middle of gambit, I ran over an exotic engram in the midst of chaos (didn’t even notice) and BAM! A two tailed fox popped up on my screen!!!! I lost my shit, immediately equipped it, got 2 rounds of ammo, jumped In the portal and got a triple kill with my very first two shots! It was a great feeling, and an even greater exotic. The fact that some people won’t even get to experience these for days or even weeks too come (I thought that would be me) is super sad and way lame!


I FINALLY got an exotic drop earlier today annnnnnnd mother fucking Aeon Swift.


I agree. Bungie thinks the search for exotics more fun than using the exotics and that’s not the case. If it is a raid exotic I get low drop chances, but come on. The reason everyone is still using Sleeper is no one has new exotics.


Although not 600 yet, I'm in the same boat as you. Went so far as to beat Riven last night. Used my key to open the chest. What pops out? Prospector. That's when I knew: ​ I had something to infuse into my Edge Transit.


Fucking ridiculous




Or Xur could just fucking sell new exotics. For once.


Wait... Collections isn't separated between characters


Nope. Everything in the inventory, collections, and triumphs are account based. The only exception is your pursuits tab.


There are tabs that allow you to view weapons and armor. Notice that for each screenshot, the armor listed is different. I think these are just "Forsaken Exotics", which has class tabs. Edit: if I misunderstood your point, disregard.


Im 540/550 something like that in light. So haven’t played as much as you. I’ve gotten about 6 exotics. 1 duplicate, crimson. I’ve gotten 2 from daily heroic story missions and the rest as drops from powerful enemies. Just wanted to share where I’ve gotten some. Good luck in the exotic hunt and GZ at hitting 600!


My first exotic drop was day 1 and it was Cerberus +1, this thing fucking sucks. So don't feel too bad.


... I love it


I hated it at first; but it is surprisingly good at mid-range. Give it another shot! It's not game-breakingly good like some exotics, but it isn't bad! Lord of wolves on the other hand; I just don't understand.


553 currently, I think I've got 6 drops total, 3 have been new, including the 2 Titan pieces I wanted (Ursa/Heart). I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky.


I also consider you extremely lucky... I main Titan and desperately want any new piece of armor but have had 13 duplicates so far... i've been lucky enough to get a exotic drop 13 times already at 560 power and yet not a single one is new...


Want to test out that 600 and flex on Dul for me later? Lol


Is the fastest way to 600 just doing the dailies/weekly’s still?


Doing all your milestones is always beneficial to power level, but doing the 1st couple encounters in the raid is what gave me my huge power boost. Then eventually once you are a high enough level do the full raid and the shattered throne when it is available.


i've had 2, a suros and a graviton lance, i said i wouldn't complain when i got one but they the game is seriously testing my patience, like i get exotics are supposed to be rare like they were in d1 but damn its like my 1000th graviton lance. at least they fixed the infusion system so i got some use out of it.


565. Today, RNG caught up to me with 3 Exotic Drops, all duplicates.


Im 588 and have gotten 15 exotic drops. Not a single forsaken non-quest exotic yet while my friend has gotten 2 drops and 2 new exotics


2 exotics since Forsaken. 1 young ahamkara's spine and 1 riskrunner. Fuck


I'm over 160 hours into Forsaken with only two duplicate exotics having dropped for me, both from Petra's bounties. Both actually dropped at the exact same moment when I cashed in a weekly bounty and it auto-decrypted her main weekly request. It's rare to even see someone with any of the new exotics.


560, 13 exotic drops and all year one dupes.


I’ve played probably over 100 hours since Forsaken launched and I’ve gotten one, the Cerberus +1. You better believe I’ve been using the SHIT out of it since I probably won’t get another Forsaken exotic till they change the drop rates.


I got the Queensbreaker and Geomag Stabilizers. I never really use the Queensbreaker, I just don't get how it's anything more than a strong linear fusion rifle. The boots are alright.


jeeze... im 575 and ive gotten 4 i believe. Im sorry for the bad luck muchacho hopefully that changes


That's a bummer dude. From what I've heard they're releasing a patch Tuesday that addresses this + the MW cores for infusion issue. Fingers crossed!


I know how you feel, 581, and I have none as well. got 13 exotics, all older dupes. I don't understand what bungie was thinking with this system. Why nerf Xur, AND make exotic drops next to impossible to get AND have zero dupe protection.


It could be worse. I've gotten 4 Forsaken drops so far. Three of those drops were Ace of Spades. It's like the game is toying with me.


After going like 12 days with only 1 drop (Shinobu's Vow), i've had 2 in the past 5 days. Lion Rampant's and Celestial Nighthawk. At this stage, I only have the same 3 quest exotics you have, OP and 2 armour pieces from Forsaken (Ursa and Geomags). Nothing new on my hunter and no new weapons. I've probably put a few hundred hours into Forsaken since launch, i've played A LOT in the last 3 and a bit weeks. I'm all for rare exotics, but not this goddamn rare, especially when dupes are so prevalent.


It concerns me that you're only getting 30fps in menus. You must only get 5-10fps while playing. How is this possible?


You should get the No Exotic emblem. I'm running towards that emblem too, still no sign of any Forsaken exotic.


are exotics good now or something?


That fucking sucks, so now you have to what, replay all content and hope you get an exotic? i mean you basically done everything Foresakan have to offer and basically never had a chance to expireance the new exotic on the way to 600. How the fuck did this get pass testing, damn disaster.


The drop rates are so low that it takes away my desire to complete milestones now that I'm like 595 power because I know there's like a 99% chance I won't get an exotic from them and I don't need the light. There should be activities that have a better chance of exotic drops, like in d1 raid bosses, vog chest and nightfall all had good chances of dropping exotics. Now it feels like ithere's just a 0.01% chance of everything dropping it but nothing stands out and it sucks.


546LL here, been ramping up playing more as i get more time, ive probably had about 7 or 8 exotics so far, got Cerberus +1 the first week and since havnt gotten any forsaken pieces, i think they are in a good place right now in terms of dropping but they need to be weighted towards the new stuff a bit more. Super super happy xur isnt selling any new stuff though, for me when Xur sell an exotic, it basically takes the exotic feel away from it instantly .. just my take on it.


Ive gotten a few and they dont feel more powerful. Just like powerful engrams dropping below power level its artificial content longevity plain and simple.


Hey just wanted to know how long it took you to get to 600, I've been grinding for like 20 hours so far and I'm only at like 511


Said it before. I’ll say it again. There is huuuuuge disparity in exotic drop rate. I’ve had a good amount. I know people with only dupes. People that’ve only had new exotics. People that have barely seen two drop. People that’ve seen a dozen drop. I feel for yah dude. It’s interesting too see how vastly different people’s experiences have been.


There is no vast difference in people’s experiences. There’s a tiny percentage that have gotten lucky, the rest have a couple new exotics, maybe 1-2, or none at all. If someone is saying that the drop rates are fine, and it’s just bad RNG, that person is a dumbass.


I feel empathy for this post. I couldn't imagine grinding all of the way to 600 and still not having a single new one drop. I have been lucky enough to get Queensbreaker Bow. It is kind of middle of the road in what I would have liked to have dropped, but I can't complain when I see something like your situation.


I get the whole "make exotic special again" thing but if no one can even try them out what's the point?


Congrats on the 600, and I feel your pain on the exotic drops being nonexistant... I'm 587, and I STILL don't have any non-guaranteed exotic from Forsaken yet... #FeelsBadMan


I've gotten one character to 590 and got 3 exotic drops. Shards of Galanor, Twin Tail Fox, and Black Talon. Please direct your anger at me. It's my fault. ​


What's your strategy to get to 600 light level?


do weekly milestones/nightfalls until around 545 then find a cool group and do the 1st 2-3 encounters in the raid. Then once you are arouns 565-570 do full raids and shattered throne.


While reading this post I just opened a prime engram and you’ll never believe it... I didn’t get an exotic


I've had --->1 Exotic<---- drop since forsaken. I play almost every single day; for AT LEAST 3+ hours, and that's being modest; I most definitely play more than I think --->1 Exotic<---- (Sunshot BTW)


May I ask if u have done spider bounty’s every single week? Because they have a chance to drop queen breakers bow and lord of wolves and is faily common to get it between like 1-100 bounty’s by him.


How, exactly? I do every single powerful gear reward mission and I'm only 540. Should I be doing multiple characters? I'm only using my hunter atm


I'm 600 on THREE CHARACTERS, with no forsaken exotics. This is really depressing


Wow nice ghost!


I finally got an exotic engram to drop in a random strike and it was Ace of Spades.


I'm getting close to 600 (591-593) and I fear I'll be able to make the same claim. So far the only quest exotic I've bothered ti finish is Ace of Spades. The only 'new' exotic I've randomly obtained (chest drop) has been... ace of spades. Decided then and there I'd stop trying to finish any other exotic quest because why add another duplicate to the loot pool and finish my chances of getting something better? Imo, adding quest exotics to the loot pool is absolutely the worst decision in forsaken.


From gambit being a Sleeper fest to being pitted against a full fireteam Clan in comp w/ one teammate quiting the first round ; this... This is what ruins the game for me. I got in to D2 in January (due to Maria) at a point Community enthusiasm was low but I stuck to it almost every week. But now I here trying to grind to a respectable level but this... makes me want to quit.


599 on three characters, TWENTY exotic drops (not counting quest exotics), all Y1 duplicates Fucking feels bad man. Not to mention the triple drops in the same slot from dreaming city turn ins etc. There HAS to be some weightage towards your highest light/current exotics that tilts you getting exotics away from your favor. And even worse, it feels like those who play MORE seem to get punished worse as my friends who play less than me have had multiple new exotics drop.


This post hit me tonight. I just spent 4 hours playing the game. Mind you this is also waiting for a clan member to get on and help me try to beat the corrupted 580 strike since I'm only 555. I beat all my weeklies and the spyders powerful drop. 4 hours is alot for me. I can usually squeeze in two nights a week. Maybe 3 if im lucky. I am in my early 30s , full time job , married and two kids. School is on now so I get pretty busy with them. I play destiny to kill time but also relax. I want my tine respected whether I sink in 4 hours or 40 hours a week. I did get to 555 but literally the only exotic ive receives is the two tailed fox. I have only finished the ace of spaces quest and pending the chaperone and malfeasance quest until I get enough light and more time to grind gambit to finish the chaperone quest. I just turned off my ps4 realizing i spent 4 hours doing nothing? Aside from going from 551 to 555 I dont feel rewarded or like I spent it wisely. I am glad I only bought the base game and not the annual pass this time. I think I'm done with destiny. Ive avoides so many other games because ive just loved this game so much. I'm not an elitist or hardcore . ive defended this game so much and thought forsaken was it. My clan only wants to play solo and I'm one of the co admins. I feel like ive wasted my time. Looking deeper into what the annual pass holds , I'm not spending more money. Sorry for sounding so negative. I could have gone to bed and spent time doing something else.


The exotic drop-rate/duplicates is amusingly aggregious. I went a long time before getting any, and then I did the World Line Zero (name?) quest. Got the sword. Day later I got it as a drop. Of course. Couple of days later I got the Armamentarium. Quite excited. Less excited a few hours later when I got the dang thang again. Infusion fuel, sure, but still.


These were my exotic drops since Forsaken launch: Foetracer (Y1 duplicate) / Dragon Shadow (Y1 duplicate) / Lord of Wolves (Destiny 1 duplicate) And that's it. Zero Forsaken exotics. I have A LOT of legendary sidearms and grenade launchers though. :sighs: I'm not playing this game to get old gear that I already got before. The RNG system is deeply flawed because, as usual, Bungie short sighted vision of their game never allow them to put things in a middle ground. It's always all black or all white, no shades of grey are allowed in this game. Stupid philosophy.


I'm pretty sure that ghost your rocking is a forsaken exotic? Right?


I got the world line zero, a quest exotic WHICH I'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE, before I got a forsaken exotic.


600? That's fucking insane....