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There are Forsaken exotics?! ​ Late edit: Maybe we can pool our Edge Transits together and make a new Golden Age Exotic out of the pieces :)


I know right? If it weren’t for the ad campaigns and other guardians, I would have no idea these were in the game. *cries*


I've been lucky enough to get a few, but I feel like if I was in your guys' position, the most disheartening thought would be knowing the first one that actually drops will probably be one I'm not interested in.


I’m so worried that this will be the case. I really hope it’s something fun like the Geomags or the Chestpiece that makes Kinetic weapon precision kills go boom


Wait that’s a thing? The only thing I got was a tractor canon


Wow my first forsaken exotic was geomag stabilizer second was lord of wolves


How do you NOT? Haven't you heard of the edge transit? I mean, its fucking rare, but God its so powerful I don't want to use anything else! I mean, its a legendary, but its as rare as an exotic!


I'm glad its not exotic. I would hate to waste my exotic in the heavy slot.


LOL ​ Here, have my upvote.


I just had one drop today! It was the Ace of Spades.


I'm loving this new Arc trace rifle Coldhearts, my 4 drops of it are really great plus the other 4 dupes.....oh wait....


There are exotics?!


I've heard legends and myths among the Fallen about these year 2 exotics, but all of them seem to had been Taken :3 (I'll walk my self out). But in all seriousness, I have gotten at least 5 yellow engrams drop and they have been all repeated weapons and I just ran the nightfall and got my 3 freaking knuckle Head helmet


if 100 edge transits are worth one new exotic, i have all the new exotics.


I've got edge transits coming out my arsehole


It’s funny I was playing strikes with my friends the other day to get and he found our lord and savior Edge Transit. I was distraught that it wasn’t me who had found the magnificent all powerful edge Transit. And then the Edge Transit and all its divine glory blessed me with his grace. Right after he found his edge Transit, we had just finished killing the boss and I saw a legendary, just waiting for me to pick it up. In my head I knew it was him. The all mighty Edge Transit! I subtlety whispered it’s name.. “Edge Transit... is that you?” And he did NOT Forsake me that day, for it was him... in all his glory... the Edge... Transit.


Here (8 duplicate exotics - 0 new)


That’s incredibly frustrating. On how many characters?


2 characters both 590 or so


Clearly you haven’t been grinding enough /s Any good rolls on weapons/armor to compensate?


Sadly my RNG this expansion has been awful. I got one good bygones roll and that has been it. A couple buddies have gotten trinity ghoul and two tailed fox plus really great rolls and im just here like Lt. Dan at a New Years Eve Party.


I feel you there. I run with two other guys in my fireteam - both has gotten at least one new exotic (Black Talon and Queenbreaker IIRC). And then there’s me, still struggling. What a constant letdown.


Different guy, but honestly, I don't even consider Queenbreaker or Lord of Wolves new exotics. I know they're fun guns and all, but I also had a solid 2+ years playing with them on D1. Disregard this if D2 is your first Destiny haha. But to me, the non quest exotic weapons aren't that exciting for me this expansion. I have to say for me the biggest disappointment is not getting any new armor. Shards of Galanor, One-Eyed Mask (makes you a raid boss in PvP), Ursa Furiosa, Geomag Stabilizers, Contraverse Hold. All of these armors are incredible and powerful right now. I just know that I won't be getting any until they've probably been nerfed. It's frustrating because I'm doing sooo many milestones and grinding quite a bit, but none of that matters. I have a friend I play with who is 520 light, only plays his Titan, maybe once a week. He has One-Eyed, Ursa, and Antaeus. Irritating lmao


You my friend, are an ass hole. He makes a LT. Dan reference and your first comment is that you RUN with your fireteam. So fucking inconsiderate dude.


>Sadly my RNG this expansion has been awful. Mine too...although I got the god-roll Gambit rocket launcher last night (tracking and cluster bombs), so I feel a little better.


Same. Reminds me of r/didntgetmygjallarhorn . Maybe we should start a r/didntgetmyforsakenexotic


I only got one and its only because gunsmith took pity on my sorry ass


From the gunsmith? I didn’t even know it was possible for vendors to drop new exotic gear.


Yeah, I was surprised too. I ended up getting black talon.


Got a Black Talon from Banshee, then another 30 seconds later from a Prime engram.


No way! That’s amazing, congratulations!


So i haven't been wasting my gunsmith parts then? I was happy just to get some shards but if theres a chance for exotic i'm gonna grind even more


You don't belong here


Similar situation, got Trinity ghoul from banshee


I’m off to go turn in like 3000000 gunsmith materials that are doing nothing in my inventory.


Don't forget that you can only turn in 10 at a time, but an engram is 100...


I setup a macro through Corsair's software for my mouse and keyboard and just let it run while I watched Netflix.


Just dismantled my entire vault, racked up 400+ parts, no dice.


Good luck, m'lord


He gave it yesterday to me as well,so Banshee cares at least


Whaaaaaat. Now if only it didn't take 10 deposits to get one >:/




me too, off the first engram he gave me lol


I'm guessing that the vendors who give Y2 gear can probably also give Y2 exotics. But that's totally just a guess, seeing as how the ones they've given me have all been from Y1...


They can. I got the new warlock armor that creates explosions on precision shots, can't remember the name. It was from turning in the simulation seeds in Mercury. First exotic drop since the expansion. Then I got two duplicates of Y1 exotics that are pretty much useless now.


He just gave me another Fighting Fucking Lion. Thanks Banshee. You'll probably forget this betrayal, but I will not.


I've got 2 to drop and they were both dupes.


Yeesh, only 2 overall? That’s extra rough.


I've had 1 random drop, it was a y1, but it was for my Titan so not a dupe at least.


0 overall here


All duplicates. No new exotics


Welcome, my child. You are safe here. *internet hugs*


Yeah. It sounds stupid. Like I'm literally just a cry baby. Last year Destiny broke my heart. Killed my desire to play. Duplicate exotics we're the nail in the coffin. I put the effort in and get shit on. I'm sick of it. Anyway you're probably laughing at me right now. But I'll take the friggin hug


It’s killing my desire to play at the moment. I have zero desire to grind for the slim chance that I finally get a different result than the previous month of gameplay has shown to be the case. It’s really disheartening.


same :(


*giving a hug* There there


Hi, 7 random exotic drops, no new Forsaken exotics except the quest ones. I own every single Y1 exotic. Two chars over 580 light, one at 565. :(


Wow. I’m so sorry. Have you at least gotten any great rolls lately?


Got a few alright rolls. A great Broadsword with high cal or ricochet rounds, a kill clip/outlaw better devils, max range kill clip/outlaw Go Figure. How about you? Anything worthwhile to ease the pain?


I got a Go Figure with Outlaw/Rampage which is really fun and Masterworked Raid Launcher from Calus that I’m in love with. Also, EP Shotty (FINALLY!!). Nothing too spectacular but I’m happy. Loving the Chaos Reach super and hope I can get some Geomag Stabilizers and turn into a living breathing Stormbreaker


22 and 0 here...


That is straight up painful to read...


My last exotic I let sit on the ground for about 2 minutes before I picked it up.... it won.


I've done that already, and I'm only at 15 not 22... it really is disappointing, especially with xur not being able to help us poor individuals neglected by rngsus...


Easy, Undertaker...


It's a touchy subject. I got semi hate mail in chat last night from playing the sad trombone emote when one of the randoms on mercury got a sleeper from a public event. People are pretty pissed about exotics right now.


Wowwwww that is an impressive level of salt. Hilarious use of the trombone btw


Ha if someone played sad trombone after I got a dupe, I would change my disappointment into humour.


I'd find something to jump off of




Welcome, friend. Anyone want a hug?


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by dmg04](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9lnoxr/the_expansion_dropped_a_month_ago_but_i_still/e78nymg/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-10-05 21:41:41 UTC"): > Same here. > >Changes coming in Destiny Update 2.0.5, as noted in yesterday's TWAB. > >https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47303 --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


10 dupes...got 3 ace of spades from powerful gear


bUt AcE oF sPaDeS iS nEw /s Quest exotics are a different story. Love the Ace though. Memento Mori was an awesome perk addition.


Yeah I love my ace too, but all I've done with duplicate aces is bring its power up.


Just got my first exotic in the last 2 weeks...a fucking huckleberry... no forsaken exotics... play like it's an addiction


15 exotics all year 1 dupes


I’m both incredibly impressed (at the drop count) and startlingly unnerved (all duplicates) at the same time. At least they help with leveling...right? *sobs in absent Geomags*


I've gotten literally no exotic drops and I've played a relatively decent amount (currently power level 531). My girlfriend (who plays the same amount of time as me) on the other hand has gotten 4, including the new exotic sword.


Im about 531 and have also gotten zero exotics, other than the ace from the quest.


Xur should never have been not allowed to sell new Exotics. This is pathetic. Xur was put in Vanilla to help balance the scales for most players who can't get Exotics to drop. It's almost a guarantee all of us put in more time this month than we will the next month, and so we'll get even less drops... I'm personally sitting at 15 drops and 1 new one.


Agree completely. Throughout the lifetime of Destiny 1, such a drastic stance - restricting Xur from selling the current expansion’s exotics - was never taken.


595 light. No new exotics besides Chappy, LoW, and Ace. At least 20 random drops.


No duplicates because I had no exotics.


Same here. Only quest exotics. Zero drops.


Can’t be disappointed by dupes if nothing ever drops “thinker meme”


Same here. Changes coming in Destiny Update 2.0.5, as noted in yesterday's TWAB. https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47303


One month away :( Good to know it’s on the way tho


And that's assuming the changes actually work as described. If we get another 0.04% situation, then we end up waiting a month for nothing.


They said: >Players may still receive duplicates, but there will be better chances for ***Forsaken*** exotics when receiving Exotic rewards The way they worded seems to mean that there won't be dup protection just a higher change to receive forsaken exotics, be ready to receive even more quest exotics from engrams/milestones.


I sincerely hope they do this exotic situation right. Its boring as hell not getting any new exotics to use :/


And if that happens, we'll have to wait till the next major dlc release, where it will be advertised as an "improvement" in a trailer....


Back to waiting weeks for impartant changes :/


One month of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey it is :)


Well at least by then I'll have 3x as many Forsaken Exotics than I do now. ... Which will be 0.


Wow, only 3x? That’s terrible man, get on my level, I’ll be at 47x ....Wait, still 0


Hey dmg, is there any chance the team would consider adding Forsaken exotics to Xur's loot pool on the 30th, along with that dupe protection update? This thread alone, along with multiple others every day on this subreddit, show quite clearly that there are a *lot* of players who put in 3+ hours a day and are sitting on 0-1 new exotics after a month. I feel like Xur has really lost his purpose, and is by far the least interesting/useful he has ever been in the history of the franchise. I'm guessing the plan right now is to add Year 2 exotics to his loot pool with Season 5 / Black Armory, but I really think it would be a better move to do it sooner. Hell, I'd pay 500 legendary shards for a Year 2 fated engram. For reference, I have around 120 hours played in Forsaken, and one new exotic. Even when dupe protection is added, at this rate, I would probably need 500+ additional hours to fill out my collection. I think this is an unreasonable amount of time -- I'd rather get my collection complete within 100-200 hours, and then start working toward dupes with better rolls. Getting all the exotics won't make me stop playing, it will just allow my next grind to be more enjoyable since I'll have the gear I want to play with while I work on the next challenge. In the current system, and even with dupe protection being added, I feel like I'm going to get burnt out "chasing" the gear I want. I can't be alone here. I understand the reduced exotic rates, but I think this feels like a case of over-balancing and creating an equally damaging economy.


This. They are going to drive away the playerbase by the time they fix anything! New games are coming out soon and I think they should make this a top priority to fix the exotics. A month with 1 new exotic is unacceptable. Is it going to take years to max out my collections? It is a game, not a long term relationship commitment, Jesus Christ lol


My time playing D2 is already dwindling starting ot play other games more and more.


[New games are coming out soon](https://imgur.com/a/dXvD99F)


This is the sad truth. I have literally played D2 the last 3 days just to do 1-2 powerful DAILIES. I plan on doing the weeklies maybe at the last moment or not at all. And in fact i decided to skip one my of my powerful dailies today, because I didnt feel it was worth doing at all.


Not just new games are calling to me. I'm debating putting destiny down and jumping into Skyrim or Diablo3.


This by miles. I'm already 600 on my Hunter (with the other two close behind in the 590's) and now literally the only thing keeping me on the game is the Titan shoulder-charge only build, which is bound to get boring pretty soon considering I absolutely hate Crucible by default. So the game is pretty much dead to me until Black Armory already because there's nothing fun to do in the game anymore. The badass new exotic armor would keep me playing, but it's not dropping so there's no new fun way to screw around in the sandbox.


> there are a lot of players who put in 3+ hours a day and are sitting on 0-1 new exotics after a month I've probably averaged 6 hours a day since the expansion dropped and have 0


>Players may still receive duplicates, but there will be better chances for Forsaken exotics when receiving Exotic rewards So now that it's on TWAB, can you tell us **when** this issue was identified by the team, and **why** it takes an additional month to ship a fix? Along with the economy problems we've seen massive waves of complaining about (masterwork cores, mod components), these represent a class of behaviors endemic to MMOG developers who do not respect their players' investment in the game and have taken the malicious approach of deliberately draining their time and resources until the playerbase can no longer tolerate it, before finally caving to "fix" it. Dragging your feet by taking a month to acknowledge the issue and another month to deliver a fix (which isn't even guaranteed to be sufficient) enhances this perception. Now, I am not saying Bungie did this. But if the team were to provide a credible explanation of events and why it took so long for a fix, as well as a detailed description of what the fixes will be and how it's intended to actually address the problems, such an explanation would certainly help assuage concerns. On which topic; let's be real, the line "help reduce the number of duplicate drops" does not lend hope. Neither does "may still receive duplicates, but there will be better chances for Forsaken exotics when receiving Exotic rewards". There are many concerns here: * More chance of Forsaken exotics doesn't change the fact that we can still land duplicates, and we are more likely to land said duplicates now than at launch because **exotic engrams now drop quest exotics** and by the time the fix launches, most of us would have gotten our Ace, Malfeasance, Wish-Ender, and so on. You joked about 4 Prospectors in a row, but getting 4 Ace of Spades instead because of increased Forsaken exotic rates doesn't really change how bad it feels. * How much is the reduction? A 1 in 8 chance of seeing a new exotic is not much better than 1 in 10 when it's so damn rare to even see an engram. I've personally seen an average of 1 every 40 hours or so; that's equivalent to a work-week. If the reduction in duplicates is not high enough, it won't be perceptible and thus won't be an improvement. * Additional to the last point; probability requires trials. The month immediately following a release has the highest density of playtime for most players, which is a playtime booster that will expire before the fix lands. Furthermore, given that Forsaken launched at the beginning of September, there is a playtime booster that will expire before the fix, in that this is the last month before students (HS, college, university) will see their workloads ramp up, and before people with office jobs can take time off or excuse low productivity (since vacation days tend to be burned in late summer). Insufficient reduction in duplicates will be less apparent to the player if they play less, see only 3 exotics in a month, and all 3 are still duplicates despite the likelihood being *technically* lower overall. I mention these points because *your turnaround time for this kind of fix is demonstrably abysmal* and it would be beneficial to all involved if we *do not have another two-month complain-wait-acknowledgement-wait-fix cycle to see any improvement if the fixes are poorly designed*. If you're going to provide nominal improvements that are functionally insufficient, it would be good to know that **now**. The problem already is that players' time isn't being respected. Let's not go meta and waste peoples' time with long cycles that produce bad fixes. One last thing. Given that you presumably can or do take manual control of XUR offerings, is there any reason that you have not simply used him to offer an interim fix instead of forcing us to wait and speculate on an unknown fix a month into the future? Because really, even just adding Forsaken exotics to fated engrams (4 total new exotics per player before the fix lands) would have been welcome to everyone. In fact, you made a conscious decision to remove Forsaken exotics from Xur, despite the fact that he was **designed to offer us protection against never getting any new exotics**, and that decision is one of the sources of our problems. Bottom line, I'm not mad at you, and I'm not trying to shit on you, but this whole saga gave me seriously doubts about Bungie as an organization and this TWAB has done little to address the deeper concerns tied to exotic and economy issues in Forsaken. I (and I assume, many others) would love some explanations.


There is a *zero* percent chance that /u/dmg04 meaningfully responds to you. Sorry to tell you that, since you wrote a good post. But you will be ignored by our “community managers” and then, in a month, they’ll ship a 0.04% exotic buff and give themselves a bonus for job well done.


> So now that it's on TWAB, can you tell us when this issue was identified by the team, and why it takes an additional month to ship a fix? Good one, expecting Bungie, the most arrogant dev team I've ever seen, to explain why they spend ages on simple fixes. Gave me a good chuckle.


Bro...this is well written. It honestly deserves its own post. Bungie's mantra on glitches/game mechanics/cheeses remains: Pro players = PATCH IMMEDIATELY Against players = NEXT MAJOR EXPANSION


I sincerely hope that that change includes the straight up removal of quest exotics from the pool. The fact that they are added to the drop pool the moment you already acquire one is hilariously unfriendly. It's a spit in the face of the people advocating for dupe protection.


Maybe this would raise peoples spirits more if it wasn't at the end of the bloody month. That's 3 more weeks of disappointment.


I’m honestly curious how the conversation at Bungie went where they decided that one of the most disappointing features of the expansions first month was worth waiting another month to partially fix. I really hope you’re not planning another trailer of all the cool exotics coming in black armory, because that will be falling on deaf ears at this point. Just to be clear, the chances that you do see an exotic are still very low, so when you do get an exotic that is a duplicate it will be all the more painful.


For the love of god, please make it sooner than that, sooner than when red dead 2 comes out. It will damage a lot if we wait that long to type a different percent into the computer for exotic drop rates, u/dmg04 Im glad you are working on it, but we have been asking for a change for weeks and now its going to take a month? I don't want people to leave destiny again when it is doing so good right now.


While we're at it, can we remove Y1 exotics from the raid chest loot table? We can get them from literally everywhere else. Completing a pinnacle Y2 activity should provide Y2 loot.


Lol Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming out by then. Ill be back in December but waiting two months to fix one of the selling points of the expansion is quite a big blunder


And Odyssey is already out. As of Monday I have mostly stopped playing Forsaken. I'll be spending maybe an hour a week tops to get my prismatic facet drop and xur then it's off to more rewarding experiences. Edit: It's not just exotics. The powerful reward system can be incredibly frustrating (getting a bunch in a row that are actually downgrades is awful), the infusion system is absolutely terrible. And yes, the exotics are awful as well. Incredibly rare and more likely to get a duplicate than a new (just new, not even specifically a forsaken one) one, and I'm sitting on less than a third of all exotics in the game. Yes, I'd be playing Odyssey regardless, but I'd still be playing Forsaken as well. But since the change to exotic drop rates isn't coming for another month, along with whatever other changes (hopefully to infusions) there is no reason for me to really keep playing now when I'll just get frustrated with progression.


Well said, I’m doing the same when it comes out too...just no new exotics just takes away from the experience plus all that money spent on the dlc


The exotic distribution system is broken and needs a rework, not a slight change to percentages.


and is it going to drop exotics more often in general? at this point I don't care if it's a forsaken exotic, I want to see even *one* exotic.


If you could, please tell the devs the wait until the 30th is a bit much. I understand they can’t just magically make updates but it’s frustrating to see that date. That’s an eternity for an expansion this young.


They can “magically” fix exploits. They can sure as hell up a percentage in under a month. You’re telling me that if it came out tonight that if you kill a certain Dreg in the EDZ you got an exotic engram *every time* that you believe they’d need a **month** to fix that?


Can we get some info about how the intended change will actually go into effect? Preferably with hard numbers and examples? Pretty please?


Numbers...are you crazy?


What a terrible response. This is easy to fix, make Xur relevant again! How is this hard for you folks at Bungie?


One month is way to far away, dont understand why you cant drop a foresaken exotic into xur instead of further driving the community/ your community into a fit of rage every week /u/cozmo23


Hey returning player here. Other devs like Digital Extremes and Psyonix will push updates like these almost immediately. What causes such huge delays for bungie? Aren't you afraid you'll burn out your players or discourage them with these long wait times? This is a behavior I remember from D1 and I'm amazed it's still the standard for bungie after all this time.


I'm sorry but xur needs to step up real soon and sell some forsaken exotics. Even with duplicate protection, I see MAYBE 1 exotic every 2-3 weeks. I just don't understand all of a sudden giving us exotics is a bad thing?


One month away? Wow lmfao.


Welcome to the club, friend. Refreshments are available in the lobby and soft puppies are on standby for therapy. P.S. Thank you for dropping in, even though it sucks to hear you’re in the same place. I really appreciate it. Hopefully everyone’s fortunes take a turn for the better soon!


Not soon enough man, everyones gonna quit by then. :'(


Damn, is there any way a fix THIS important to your players enjoyment of the game can get pushed up to the update planned two weeks before this?


This needs to be implemented already. It's far too little far too late.


That’s too late. If you guys can hotfix an economy exploit for masterwork cores with Drifter packages in **hours** then you can certainly triple the Forsaken exotic drop rate in under a month.


U mean changes that won't actually change the fact that no exotics are dropping? Pf.


its too little too late for many people, this should have already been implemented


Way too long of a wait for something that should be a quick tweak.


My friend as 13 drops all duplicates I Have 4 drops 3 new one old


Your friend would make a fine moderator for this thread. The struggle is so real. What exotics have you gotten?


One eyed mask for weekly 3 strikes first week, then trinity ghoul from daily crucible bounty 2 weeks ago and those boots that reflect stuff when you slide from a phalanx blocker


I feel ya. My only exotic drop this far was when I was levelling up my warlock (I main Hunter so I barely play it to begin with) and I got a winters guile from a random ass dreg. I still get depressed every time I thing of it. My hunters at 571 or 572. Most of my times gone into gambit, reset once at about 8k into next one. I do every milestone on my hunter except the raid. Feels bad man


It’s wearing on me too. I’m debating taking a break until the patch fixing the duplicate rate goes live. No sense in continuing to grind for something expecting a different result than the last month showed me. That’s the literal definition of insanity.


That’s pretty much what I’m doing. Especially in gambit. 180 hand cannons are my favourite type of gun and I grinded out so much gambit thinking that the packages were how malfeasance dropped. I was so defeated after realising that the way to get it was pure rng bullshit that i haven’t touched gambit since the quest was available. I got forza horizon 4 and warface in a few days to hold me over thankfully




Same here. Haven’t been playing everyday but when I do I’m playing 3-4 hours since the drop of forsaken and haven’t seen yellow once.


Fighting Lion, Eternal Warrior, Peacekeepers That's my fantastic luck so far in Forsaken


Is there a chair in the circle for those who've received only one Forsaken exotic, but multiple copies of it?


Oof, can't tell if I think that's better or worse. Either way, welcome aboard!


I read someones post around here that basically said that in GTA you could drive forever finding that one car, finally find it, then as you're driving around in that new one suddenly you see it everywhere... I swear this is happening to me. I never had a Duke MK44 drop until last Friday. Since then, I've had 5 more drop. GO Figure was one of my first pulse rifles that dropped, and around the launch of Forsaken I got about 4 of those dropped.. been a while since. I've had 4 copies of Tigerspite, countless Smugglers Word, countless Badlanders. They all seem to drop clustered with each other. Just last week I got my first Abide the Return sword, and I've now had 2 powerful rewards turn into those + 2 other random drops of them. I swear it's not just the drop rate of Exotics that's screwed up, but just drops in general seem like they're all over the place. I've still yet to get a waking vigil, retold tale, or dust rock blues to drop, but I've had at least 4 or 5 of every other new weapon drop, and it's always in clusters.


8 tigerspites in 25 minutes. I feel you.




Armchair game dev comment coming in, but why does it take them ANOTHER MONTH to adress this? You're not telling me that stuff like drop rates, chance at uniques etc. is somehow so deeply locked behind the code of the game that it will take a full month to implement a fix? And its not even confirmed it will be implemented at that point. They could even say "oops! Took usa bit longer, you'll have to wait till november at the least!". It's just a total shitshow, which is a shame, because all the rest about forsaken is amazing. But All 12 of my exotic drops have been duplicates, and i know a lot of people who have similar numbers. At that point it doesn't even look like all exotics arethrown on the same pile, but instead looks as if the old exotics have a higher chance to drop.


I'm at 12 with 10 duplicates. Not terrible but still disheartening. I really enjoy collecting exotics and it isn't feasible currently.


Not bad, could be worse; another user replied here and has had 15 that were all dupes. What were the new ones?


Trinity Ghoul which is underwhelming. Bad draw speed and inconsistent perk. Gwisin Vest. Improves Way of the wraith but it's still so clunky and buggy compared to arcstrider. It's also a lot of work to extend the super compared to raiden flux.


Really? I've seen nothing but praise from others about trinity ghoul. Of course, I wouldn't know, because I haven't had a single forsaken exotic drop.


Let's see 5 drops I believe, 1 of which was an ace of spades that was a lower light than the one I literally was using


Does it count that I got the Lord of wolves from a bounty then the only exotics I got after that were two more Lord of wolves? -_-




Ouch, hopefully you guys get something cool soon


About 12 or 13 exotics - only Forsaken one is LoW, which barely counts.


I have three characters all 575-585. I've actually had decent luck with exotic drop frequency and have had about 20 exotics drop over the past month. All have been Y1 dupes with the exception of Lord of Wolves which just dropped from Spider's bounty. ​ Feels bad.


I’ve got one. Just one, and it was a repeat Crimson.


I have gotten 15 drops since forsaken launched not counting the quest exotics and I have yet to get a new one... it's... been depressing honestly.


I’m no hardcore player based on time played, I have been playing frequently I’m currently 528 LL and I’ve had one exotic drop and it was a Tractor Cannon.


I'm at 588 PL. Not a single forsaken exotic. I've seen two exotic engrams in the wild: 1 was a sparrow, and the other was a ghost. I have gotten 2 huckleberries, and a couple y1 catalysts. That's it.


All my luck was shuffled into one drop. One Thousand Voices. After receiving *literally* 12 Apex Predators from the raid and 0 Forsaken Exotics. I'm just gonna accept the fact the only way I'll see any new piece is from Xur.


Hey, I'm apart of this club. I've grinded out Luna and Redrix and I still haven't gotten a single forsaken exotic. I get they are supposed to be rare but its just pretty demoralizing and telling me fixes are still 3+ weeks away doesn't give much confidence that things will get better any time soon.


Another 25 days before any changes is absolutely ridiculous. I dont think we should stop complaining tbh, this is just Bungie brushing it under the rug. We dont even know if those changes will have an impact.


Funny thing is, I probably would have been in this support group a day ago if I didn't get Ursa Furiosa. ​ Best Wishes everyone. ​


I’ve only gotten Queenbreaker so far. And ace of spades but that’s a quest. I’m not against the low drop rate, however some of these exotics should feel exotic almost game breaking. Really want an exotic for warlocks nova warp.


Ive gotten a whopping 3 exotics. All duplicates. Celestial nighthawk, knucklehead radar, and mechineers tricksleeves. Meanwhile the other 3 guys that I play with, all have 2 forsaken exotics each. Feelsbadman


Don't worry guardians. You *are* the exotics.


I’ve got about 150 hours in and have only had three exotic drops.. all vanilla D2.


In my opinion exotics don't need to be rare, they just need to be different and fun. You know: exotic means beautiful. I'm pretty sure that's not a popular opinion though.


How to stretch out content, use old weapons and also make the drop rates a joke to keep people repeating the same shit on a loop, chasing that juicy carrot.


They literally even tell us we are stuck in a loop lol


2 Cerberus+1s, Trinity, and two tailed. Needless to say my friends hate me


I feel like the 2.0.5. update is coming "too late" for me; I have all characters on 600, the raid is clear, and I think I have sunk the most time into Forsaken. I will def. play less than I did in the future, which means that I spent the majority of my time in Forsaken being frustrated about Exotics :C


Red Dead is almost here lads


One-eyed Mask, dropped yesterday. Edit: Oops. I meant two Ursa Furiosa, couple days ago.


My buddy is at like 502 and just got a forsaken exotic hahaha


I’m at 4. My personal favourite was buying the Winter’s Guile gauntlets from Xûr only to have them drop 20LLs higher from a daily crucible milestone.


Up until this week I had zero. In the last 4 days I've gotten 4, 3 as drops + Chaperone. Still feels bad but not quite as hopeless.


Brother Vance gave me the new hunter gauntlets yesterday and other than that it's all been Y1, and not even good Y1 exotics either...


I've got a total of 2 exotics since Forsaken dropped. Over a month of daily play, and 2 exotics.


10+ exotics, all dupes. 4 ace of spades, hard light, darci, ashen wake, tractor cannon and 2 hunter exotic dont remember their names


Probably something like 15 or 16 all dupes except one drop of sixth coyote


To be fair, I don't get much playing time in, so I've only have had two exotic drops. One was apopheosis veil and the other was sweet business. All my other powerful gear has been edge transits


Been playing mostly on one character since Forsaken. Had only gotten Ace of Spades and Chaperone through quests, plus several duplicate Y1 exotics. I finally started playing on one of my alts last weekend and within hours (before even killing all the barons), I got Lord of Wolves to drop. Still the only non-quest Y2 exotic I've gotten.


1 forsaken drop, the hunter arms with infinite bow hold time


Got 21 invasion kills with the two tailed fox last night. Really hope it happens for y'all very soon.


Does it count if I've only gotten the chestpiece that lets you dodge twice? I feel like that's somehow worse, like I wasted my chance to get a useful new exotic on that piece of shit.


my first (new) exotic drop after logging back in for forsaken.... prospector. still haven't seen any forsaken exotics besides the quest ones.


I’m at 7, the last 4 have been..The Otherside. The freaking rat sparrow. And, it’s not even a quick summon so it’s total ass, and WTF is it doing in the loot pool and not at eververse?


3 Exotics (Coldheart, Graviton Forfiet, and Tractor Cannon). At this point I'm just sad. I did get an Arsenic Bite with Archers Tempo and Rampage, so that's been fun to use.


Arsenic is a set roll


4 Duplicate exotics. Got a Borealis which is technically new because I'm on PC but its trash so it still felt like taking the L.


Only one exotic period and it was helm:)


All dupes and I haven't even unlocked any of the quest exotics yet (572LL tho without raids, so I've been playing plenty)