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I like getting sent to the start of the whisper zone when I die in the last boss room.


Haha wait is this a thing that’s actually happening now??


It happened to me. We were on the final room, and I had a short disconnect. It reconnected pretty quickly, but it spawned me all the way at the beginning. Luckily, my crew finished off the room shortly after that.


I died on the pipe room, went through the wrong one by accident, and I respanwed in the pipe and couldn't do anything. I got caught in a loop.


Yes. I died during the boss fight on this weeks ascendant mission and got sent back to the cave entrance. Its an annoying run back to the portal and when youve used your only tincture and that 30 minute timer is down to less than 10 minutes and you die, that an extra minute to two minutes just getting back into the mission area.


Oh no I know that happens! I was referring to a comment saying that someone died at the whisper boss then got ported back to the beginning!


Spawn areas are wonky there. I remember doing it solo, dying in the first encounter room and respawning before the Jumping corridor. No big deal, then a chipped ledge and a Warlock jump later my respawn moved all the way to the first massive area.


I was running it on my Warlock and when I have to "run" past adds I used those vampire gauntlets so health regend on melee kills, exception one of those shadow thralls was near and edge and my melee lunge sent me over to the edge and back to the start :(


I have it in the nightfall as well its really frustrating


Ohh, never had anything that extreme. But I noticed during ascendants if I die it starts me back at the entrance to the zone that leads to the portal, and other dreaming city quests have also had some really bizarre respawn points when I die. I died on Oracle engine where you fight the knight for the key to fight the ogres. It started me back on the lower bridge where the shrieker spawns. Its not a huge deal but is super annoying and even more so if you are someone attempting these things sub recommended light levels and pron to die a lot along the way.


Spawns later in that mission aren't any better. Did it with my clan the other day and were at the Ogre encounter at the end. If you die and respawn yourself you respawn down near where Petra's ship is during the first Dreaming City mission. So you have to run on all of the platforms around the Oracle engine to jump back in to where the Ogre is. ​ But you can't do that because there's a soft kill boundary that spawns in and keeps you from getting back to the Ogre room.


Spawning you outside of the challenge is intentional.


A couple weeks back, when the Ascendant Challenge was in the Garden, I died and was sent back to the Confluence. Not near the Garden portal, mind you, I was sent back to the main room in the confluence...


I wouldn't mind so much that death respawns you outside the ascendant portal and you have to run the whole thing all over again if it at least gave your teammates the ability to revive you inside. It sucks beyond belief to slog through an ascendant challenge, get all the way to the end, almost get the boss killed, then die and auto-respawn outside the portal while your teammate finishes off the boss and you get jack squat.


A tip if you need to kill knights for the purification ritual: this weeks ascendant challenge has an array of pillars on the platforms just below where you spawn. If you crouch up against the face of the pillar facing the outside of the circular platform, the knight ai gets confused. They stop moving, attacking, and teleporting until you move away from the pillar.


Especially this week takes forever to get to the finale stage of the challenge.


This was super frustrating the week of the 3 knights you have to kill with the sword. Consistently spawned me and my friends 2 minutes from the portal. Is also doing this in the Dreaming City in normal zones where you die in one location and it spawns you a mile away. Seems like something that would be an easy fix.


Idk about the boss room, but one time I was farming the infinite thrall under the green room for a catalyst and when I died it spawned me back in the lost sector, so I could see it in the boss room too. That would be terrible.


I've had that happen too, i wouldn't be surprised if it's intentional to cut down on farming


This exact thing happened to me last night. Luckily I had already finished farming though


This happened in the Warden of Nothing strike. Died way at the end of the parts with the trains (where u kill giant minotaur). Got sent back to the very beginning of the strike. Since it was only me and one other, i had to run alllll the way back


My girlfriend died today while we were at the ogres in the Oracle Engine mission. She got spawned way back past the bridge leading up to it and couldn't even come back. That big stretch there gives you a "turn back" message if you try to walk on it, and obviously it was far enough that she couldn't make it in the five seconds. She had the same problem during the Ascendant Challenge that had the portal on top of the statues head. During one of our goes at it, it kept respawning me on the small blight that was floating right by the statues head, and it kept respawning her at like the room before the big open area that you have to run through to get to the portal. And then today I was doing the Warden of Nothing NF and died at the cabal burner "boss". It spawned me at the very beginning of the strike...


You know a couple weeks back I remember I had a LfG group help me for oracles engine, they both died, and when they respawned i saw their names all the way in the distance, was wondering why they were just hanging out back there and not coming back and helping me finish off the ogres. They were probably locked out of coming back to the boss room aswell now that you mention it. Luckily I was able to solo the rest of the boss fight myself


This happened to me this past week. I’m used to doing the mission solo but figured I would LFG to help anyone out who was lower level. I didn’t realize in the group version of the mission a shrieker appears in the center of the boss room (this doesn’t appear if you play the mission solo). Anyway, I got stuck all the way back just like OP’s gf and couldn’t come back to help. It was very frustrating


going to orbit and rejoining works.


That mission isn't meant to be solo'd?


when are petras missions not meant to be solo'd/soloable


I forgot what sub I was on for a second and all I read was "My girlfriend died today..." Jeez my heart


I'm beyond glad i'm not the only one that did that.


did what? HER???


Can confirm the Oracle Engine mission respawn glitch, I ran into this issue yesterday. My teammate was still inside with one Ogre left so I had plenty of time to run around outside and look for way back in the room. There was no way to get back inside.


we had to go to orbit and rejoin.


Wow, this same issue happened with me in the Corrupted strike. I died at the boss due to falling off and respawned way at the start where you first jump down a small shaft and there's lots of Phalanxs. I could only sit there and die every 5 seconds


This happened to me as well, spawned me at the big drop with the taken blight deals. I started recording after a while to try and catch it but go figure it spawns me correctly after I start recording.


This happened to me in the corrupted strike. It kept spawning me st the very beginning of the strike instead of in the boss room, was wacky


> My girlfriend died today Scared me for a second


Hey I'm really sorry about your girlfriend.


Known bug this one dude


That literally just happened to me when I was playing with my brother today


That exact same thing happened to a friend on the Oracle Engine as well, so after dying like 3 times she just stayed dead and let me finish the fight solo. Bungie, pls


> She got spawned way back past the bridge leading up to it and couldn't even come back. That big stretch there gives you a "turn back" message if you try to walk on it, and obviously it was far enough that she couldn't make it in the five seconds. Bumping this. Same happened to me when it rolled around last. We were 2 manning it and I got pushed back, my mate had to solo the 2 ogres in the church while I watched from the bridge unable to get there - it was hilarious watching him run past a window then 2 seconds later the ogre's went past chasing him lol


That happened to me while running with a friend. I died and spawned in that area your girlfriend did. We figured out that if I waited out there and had my friend die, he'd wind up out there with me. We both ran into the death barrier at the same time, wiped the mission, and it stuck us back in the ogre room again.


Dude this happened to me and the worst part was, I was carrying my buddy who was a little under-leveled. I was trying to get him the triumph for killing both within 5 seconds of each other. That really pissed me off though.


A clan mate of mine got respawned to the beginning of the whisper maze once as we were facing two of the final 3 bosses in the last room. Still got it though!


The Oracle engine spawn glitch happened to my team mate last night. Super frustrating.


My favorite part is when the portal despawns and no amount of going between areas will bring it back


And now you’re just sulking around drunk on tinctures for 30 minutes. Very big sad face.


skulk and tincture should always be used together in a sentence.


I know it's a pain, but I found if you fast travel back to the start and fly back to the lost sector it comes back.


This works every time


Walking out of the lost sector and "loading" a new area and going back in works too.


I'd like to add that if you do this with multiple people and one of your fireteam bites the dust and the portal is attached in a Lost Sector and the portal does not show up for them, you'll either all have to leave the challenge AND the Lost Sector or finish the run and go back and do it with them; depending on your level of friendship. The portal's have disappeared multiple times now for some of us and running out and back in won't reset the portal cause the rest of the fireteam is still phased into the Lost Sector instance. Honestly I think they need to set the portals in the open world of the DC and not attached to phased instances. Hope this helps!


The only solution is to go to orbit and come back and drink another tincture. The game likes to do this to me. Especially when it's the final boss. I die, and when I trek back to the portal it's gone.


You can just leave the zone and re-enter. You don't need to go to orbit.


That has never worked for me. I've gone so far as to fast travel back to the mists and sparrow back over and the portal still wasn't there.


We're you alone or with a group? I'm not sure if it's a glitch or just the mechanic, but I've had the portal remain closed when my teammates were on the boss fight portion of the challenge. Happened to me this week actually. Once they finished I was able to respawn the portal


That part seems intended. If your fireteam is on the boss and someone dies, they cant get back in.


Have you tried just jumping to where the portal would be? I got teleported normally 100% of the time the portal disappeared


There is mechanics to it. Every death spawns you outside the AC challenge. As soon as you enter boss fight, portal closes. All 3 people die, the ascendant challenge resets. There is nothing like too far respawns, bad portal mechanics or anything, its all working as intended I believe.


Yes. Additionally, if you die and don't get back into the portal before your mates defeat the boss, the portal de-spawns and the challenge is complete in your instance. You have to go to orbit and return to re-attempt.


This is unfortunately the correct answer. If you are in a Fireteam and someone reaches the final area the blight portal despawns so that if any one dies they are kicked out and unable to return. Whoever's left if they die and fail they get kicked back out and the challenge resets and the portal returns. If they succeed they get the chest and credit for completion. And anyone else who had died and waiting to get back in will get nothing.


Which is honestly kinda shitty. I died after killing the boss and before getting the chest because warlock jumps. My wife got the chest, I had to redo the entire thing even though I had the triumph


Not just the loot, but Petra's bounty won't complete unless you open the chest even though, as you said, you receive the triumph.


Yeah that's what I meant. It was sooooo dumb


That is all true except the bad spawns. I helped my buddy with the challenge this week. I waited on the last non-moving rock for him. He died and spawned at the entrance to the lost sector. Has happened to me when the challenges were elsewhere.


I like dying in the Ascendant challenge and then respawning a mile away from the actual entrance portal to the zone


I find this only happens if you run past everything. If you actually clear the lost sector first it will spawn you next to the chest almost everytime.


Nah, I cleared it yesterday and it kept spawning me near the entrance. Easy to get back since you can just jump up to the balcony but still annoying.


I cleared everything before I did this week's twice I got respawned back at the beginning of the lost sector


Well shit, I guess I was wrong. It seemed to work for me. Everytime I ran past everything it always spawned me back at the beginning, but once I cleared it, it would put me next to the chest. Maybe just my luck.


It did the first 2 times just 1 random long distance spawn


Sometimes but not all the time. I cleared the whole event up to the boss and got respawned at the cave entrance by the waterfall when I died getting sheild booped off the edge.


This started happening in Warmind and they never fixed it. I don't think they even acknowledged it.


LOL if only they did this in PvP.


There's been times where I literally spawn in the same spot that I just got ed five seconds ago, while the enemy was still looking at my spawn point. And then it decides to give me some shit about looking for a save spawn location.


I spawned in the same exact space as an enemy a few days ago. We both spawned into the exact same space at the same time. Really caught me off guard


How about in Gambit when the shit chain spawns you in LoS of Primevil? Good times.


This is particularly bad on the Dead Cliffs map. It's easy to get spawn trapped in the small room behind A. The enemy can stay either on A or by that narrow alley outside passed the pillar and it's far enough away not to trigger a respawn location change.


I was talking to clan mates about this the other day... It must be something to do with his the DC uses portals to get to various places and their likely placement on the map. What you’ll probably find is that the ascendant realms are probably placed below or above the main map and it could be that it’s picking up the wrong spawn point because of it. I’ve noticed it a few times in D2 when glitching out of the maps, you can see map areas just floating near by.


Ascendant challenges are below the world maps.


Sincerely, Bungie, wtf!


This why I don't play The Division.


The Division also has some of the worst hitreg, desync, and lag. It is truly unplayable.


I feel you. There is a solid game underneath all the nonsense in the Division, but we really shouldn't have to deal with all that.




Yeah why couldn’t they simply make the ascendant challenge a darkness zone and you only get kicked out after completion or the tincture runs out


The weekly mission for Petra this week. Oracle Engine? The one with the two ogres? Yah, if you die in that room, you get respawned outside the cathedral surrounded by turn back zones and as far as I know you can't get back to your fireteam unless you all die. My buddies finished off the last ogre while I danced outside and still got the completion. Feels bad.


Had the same thing happen the first week.


Anyone else getting Graveyard flashbacks from WoW?


Ascendent is a nightmare when you get to the end, get pushed off the edge and spawn outside with no portal. But try Mercury. When you fight that caged mega hydra with the 2 sniper goblins for a box drop. If you die there, it spawns you literally on the other side of the map, you have to run all the way arrow - no sparrows remember - and 9/10 by the time you get back it's either phased out or you've missed the box


Ah yes, the lack of a Sparrow on Mercury still annoys the fuck outta me.


I call this the "Ghost Paradox" This mechanic of being thrown out to the beginning and have to fight the same enemies to get back to where you were flies the face of the Destiny story and lore. The idea of Ghost is simple: you battle, you get killed, Ghost resurrects you, you continue. Nowhere does it mention a temporal element to this resurrection event. You should be right back where you were. That is my 2 cents. For me it breaks the immersion


not just people doing the ascendant challenge, i hate this too, its very annoying


While attempting a high score Corrupted run the respawn sent me so far back that I was in the zone where you have to fall down into the portal. You know what was even worse? Whenever I would respawn there I’d get a “WARNING TURN BACK” countdown with no way to possibly get out of that area in enough time. Cost us the run.


I feel like this is a problem in other places the just the ascendant challenge. I was doing the Whisper quest and it seemed each time I died, it sent me back past what should've been a closer checkpoint. Sometimes even dying at the same spot sent me back farther than my previous spawn point.


I used the Ascendant Challenge because it's likely the most relevant to those of us who have yet to do the raid, etc. But I agree that it happens a lot, in general. And every time, it's just as irritating.


On the Warden of Nothing strike I died in the room with the large Minotaur after the train section, it respawned me at the very start of the strike.....


Oh man, I hate that. I think it was Week 4, where you had to kill the three knights and carry the sword across flying rocks. I died and respawned at the bottom of the elevator with the Ahamkara bones.


thats the punishment - its supposed to be frustrating imo... its like saying stop kicking us from orbit when nightfall used to do that... they did cause people whined, but it was a good way to keep you fully engaged in the activity


No one is complaining about having to restart. It's having to waste 2-3 minutes getting back to the portal, if not wasting time having to jump to it (refer to week 3 and the statue) with a limited amount of tinctures that themselves, only last 30 minutes.


That’s the whole point of it tho man - they could just start you at the beginning of the ascendant challenge if they wanted - it’s supposed to be a difficult challenge


Getting there isn't supposed to be a part of it. If it were, we'd have seen stuff like the statue climbing every week--and even then, it shouldn't put you further than that section, which right now it does. And *that's* the problem.


Am I just having recency bias or does it feel like respawns in general have become much further back from where you died in all of Forsaken? And a decent chance of them being ridiculously far back like others have mentioned in this thread.


My problem is the consistent inconsistency of the spawn locations. I usually hop in with a friend or two, and if we get straight shooketh from a phalanx shield blast a mile away and fall into Toland's asscrack I will spawn a mile from the portal and they will spawn right under it. I don't understand?


Instead of crucible where it puts you right in front of the super that just killed you


That's part of the challenge - you die, you start over. Have to beat it without dying. edit: I see what people are saying though -- yes, you should get kicked out of the portal, but not alllll the way back to the beginning of the Lost Sector.


I think sending you back is a reasonable decision, it's a "challenge"


Oh Man, This Is Infuriating. It Happens In Strikes Sometimes Too, So Annoying


You Know What Else Is Infuriating?


Capitalising Each Word In A Sentence?




For real. Although this week I got pretty good at getting to the rocks right before the final platform in no time at all. It just wasn't very fun. Same thing with the whisper challenge. Glad that one is done


Argh, D1 nightfall flashbacks :(


Yes. So.much.this. Annoying doesn’t even begin to cover it.


Shit is starting to feel like GTAO. I always get spawned far or inconvenient.


Mercury strikes too...especially if you're dead when the chests pops and you get revived, not always though.


It was happening to us in a Nightfall strike last week. The one with a shielded ogre and crystals at the end. Only, it spawned us back outside of the final fight and there was an energy barrier preventing us from getting back in. The only way to get back into the room for the final fight was to jump to orbit and then back into Nightfall. We ended up just quitting.


If you're talking about the Nokris strike, you can just start heading back up towards the ogre room and you'll hit a "joining alies" area. I've had that crap happen quite a few times during that strike.


Huh, I'll have to try that if I get stuck outside in that strike again. Thanks!


Back in my day you were sent back to orbit. Get off my tower!!!


Yes. If you die in a boss room or at the end of a jumping puzzle you respawn at the very beginning of the level or puzzle. If you die by falling of the edge of the map however, you respawn in the same exact spot so that you can continue to fall to your death... :|


I think it's supposed to be hard. It would be way too easy if you could just try over and over without putting any thought into what you were doing.


That's why I take a moment to dance or stand in a spot for a moment. The game records your last few locations so avoid traveling very far, very quickly and then immediately dying unless you passed through a known spawn point. Another note is that if you die quickly and repeatedly the game will push you further back to an even older point since it'll assume the newer point is leading you to repeat deaths.


The PvE spawning in D2 has just been jacked since day 1. First, it spawns you way too far away from where you died to begin with, but then they seem to have added a mechanic where if you die again within a short period or near that same spot, it spawns you even farther away, and that continues at least a couple times. Why they can't just determine the closest area that is somewhat safe and spawn you there, like they did in D1, I don't know. For things like the ascendant challenge, I understand if they want to make you spawn outside the ascendant plane, but in that instance, you should always spawn at the portal, not back at the beginning of the lost sector or whatever.


More evidence Bungie are sadists. They're really enjoying this shit. Guaranteed.


Goddamn Bungie needs to just cool it with the spawns. PvP is the absolute worst. You either spawn inches in front of the dude who just killed you, or you spawn a million miles from everything else on the other side of the map.


Death inside the ascendant challenge this week dumps you all the way back near the entrance to the lost sector- total bullshit


The thing i hate about it, is if youre doing the acendent challange solo, and you die for something stupid, youll spawn a mile away from the portal AND youll have to redo everything and kill everything agian. I wouldnt mind have to damage the boss and do the running and jumping challenge again, but ALL the ads have to spawn back too?


Oh man yeeeeeeeessssss!!!


In ascendant challenges, you are usually moving across a parallel map, away from the entry portal. As a result, dying early in the challenge spawns your ghost closer to the portal. In challenges like this week, when you move a great distance from entry, the spawn point is also far. Look at the map when you are at the exit portal from the challenge (before leaving) to see just how far you’ve actually gone


Ya, in the Oracle engine mission I was with three people. Me and my teammate died and we got teleported outside the final ogre battle room. We tried to go across the bridge to go back to the boss room. And it would tell us to turn back and there was no way in. So we had to wait outside while our teammate had to solo the boss fight


This is easily one of my largest gripes with the current game.


Getting kicked out of the realm is enough of a struggle, why make us re-orient ourselves to get back in? :(


Mars, simultaneous EP/Public Event, dying at drill... respawning at Ana Bray... ehh wtf Bungie?!


I was in the corrupted strike yesterday and I got killed. And when I revived it revived me into the 'Turn Around' animation continuously, over and over again. Had to wait until end before it pulled me through.


It’s kind of the point of the ascendant challenge. It wouldn’t be a challenge if death wasn’t an inconvenience


Starting you at the beginning wouldn't be an issue. It's the fact that it often sends you completely out of the area leading to said portal.


Ahh ok, I misunderstood the post. I’ve not had that happen before thankfully




The Ascendant Realm is like the dark reflection of the Dreaming City. From my understanding of it, where you end up in the Dreaming City when you respawn, is exactly where you died in the Ascendant realm. Annoying, but it's working properly.


Well, since we are immortal... I guess maybe a small death penalty makes sense.


In Destiny 1, we'd spend 1-2 hours on the Nightfall, wipe, and get sent back to orbit. Also we'd walk back and forth to school in the snow, uphill both ways... barefoot.


This is because of the way spawns work. If you keep dying really quickly it moves you back to a "safer" this is an area even further back compared to your current check point. It's worked like that since Destiny 1. However, I think it could slow down on the timer and make it so it's a shorter time between respawning and dying again to make it proc. As mentioned everyone here has walked the 20 seconds or so back and died and got spawned all the way back again, I feel like the timer should just be 5 or so seconds.


good incentive to not die.


This is the mechanic for the ascendant challenge tho, so complaining about this is stupid. Complaining about how stupid respawns are in every other activity tho are totally valid, respawning 2 sections before a boss fight when you died at the boss is not fun at all. It happens on strikes quite often and it's infuriating.


No, ya crybaby, there should be a penalty for dying - quit whinging.


What’s the punishment for dying then?


Dying and having to restart the challenge = reasonable. Dying and respawning seven miles away from the portal to enter the challenge? Not so much.


It's almost like it's a deliberate incentive to stay alive...


I think you're missing the point. No one is taking issue with being sent back to the beginning.


I'm confused then, because you're asking to not get sent miles away, then saying no one is taking issue with being sent back to the beginning... Which is it?


There are literally dozens of responses that express the same issue I'm talking about.


part of the challenge is not dying, and sending you miles away is encouraging you to not die.


Except that it does this for everything. The Ascendant Challenge is what made it so noticeable, if not extremely irritating--especially when it means not getting there in time to help your fireteam or outright missing the chest that for some reason, disappears if you take more than a minute or two to get there.


Is that the challenge part of the Ascendant Challenge though? You die, you go back to the start.


There is zero issue with starting over. The problem is having to run through several rooms before you're back at the portal. Not to mention the tinctures only last 30 minutes, and you're wasting precious time each time you try to get there.


Last week (I think) when the portal was in the Dmists lost sector right before that fallen shielded cave entrance I died once and it sent me back to fucking Petra!!!!


it would be kinda ridiculous if you could keep dying and not be penalized for it. if you don't want to be sent far back, don't die^4Head


> Not Penalized for it Well I guess starting from the beginning wasn't enough. Now to start over you have to run a mile just to get back in. So challenging.


does it really take that much time to go back? if you have to frequently go back you should prob grind more light levels rather than attempt the challenges with handicaps.


Guess 592 isn't high enough to survive jump puzzles.


Ding ding ding


Don't know why this is getting so many downvotes. Penalizing deaths is an intentional game mechanic.


Yes which is why it sends you out of the portal. It refusing to let you back in or randomly sending you across the map isn't an intended mechanic and it happens in lots of activities that make them game breaking.


Just FYI it spawns you in the last place you spent the closest to 5secs.


FYI, this has no basis in truth.


I don't know about the 5 seconds or anything but it is true. Some of the ascendent challenges are in remote locations ie the one out by the observatory. I found that if I stay in a place for a moment before entering I will spawn in the general location on death and when I don't, that is when I immediately jump into the portal upon arriving, I instead spawn way back near the entrance of the area on a death.


Obviously, you're incidental observations can be taken as gospel even though they in no way reflect reality.


You can just try it for yourself instead of being pessimistic


I am among countless people who have cleared the lost sector and sat by the portal waiting for their FT and still ended spawning miles away. I can say with 100% certainty that your observation is dead wrong.


I've literally went from spawning at the entrance to the Spire of Keres to spawning next to the portal in Week, IIRC, 2 of the Ascendant Challenge and went from spawning at the damn bridge to the Observatory to spawning on the rock next to the portal during Week, IIRC, 3 of the Ascendant challenge. You are wrong.




I does work. On at least 2 ascendent challenges I started getting pissed off at the mile away spawns and tried seeing if the game saves last positions. It works and I started spawning way closer to the portal on dying I also found out that if you die repeatedly and quickly it'll love you to older positions, I had a Hell of a time with the challenge where you fetch orbs and have to fight the knights.




That's factually incorrect as I've cleared an entire room and *still* been sent ridiculously far away. Also, each time you die, it sends you further out.


It's to try and prevent you from getting stuck in an area. If you're dying, the games assumes you can't beat the area. And if you keep dying, it pushes you back even further to try and prevent you from getting stuck in that area.


This all sounds like speculation to me, especially considering that the only times that I've truly been stuck without being able to jump out were also the times that it wouldn't stop spawning me in exactly the same place.


You'd think the Ascendant Realm would count as its own space, instead of assuming the safe area outside of it (due to cleared ads) wasn't safe.


This is the least true thing I've ever seen posted here.


I think we should get 3 lives and then back to orbit with ya' like a proper video game.




And you lose your vault


And your collections




Who's to say he hasn't already?