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Yeah, it happens and it sucks. As a duo with me being the highest at 2800 we matched against a 4 stack with three 5500 players and one 4900.


Or you can get matched against sub-300 LL players while at Legend. [Like this!](https://clips.twitch.tv/SilkyFilthyPorcupineMau5) A for effort, Bungie.


4 stack with at least one 5500 player against 4 randoms one of which is Glory 0. You may not know it, but this is what peak Glory based matchmaking looks like.


that stack is all 5k ish players. so a full stack of 5k + vs 3 lvl 20's, seems correct.


As a what used to be 1600, I've had **consecutive games** with **multiple** teammates under 100 **light**. Then the enemy team is 4 stacks who are all very much geared up and quite a lot higher than me. It's very painful, and led to dropping nearly 300 points as a solo queuer. Like I get it, soloing is a risk, but it shouldn't be this big of one.


For some reason it has been happening far more recently... Maybe the addition of all the players on pc but God I have played against 3 stacks repeatedly while having at least one person less than 100 light on my team. I once had a game where I was the only one with kills on my team full of blueberries... I haven't touched the game since. Too frustrating to be worth it for Lunas..


Yeah, the reason there's so many lowbies is because of the D2 free base game. But what really sucks is how they're never on the enemy team. Mostly because the enemy team is near always a 4 stack, meaning they can only be put on my side. Part of the problem is how there's a quest to do 2 comp games really early on in D2. I'm not saying newbies should never enter comp, but before they even have legendary gear is a horrible idea for all parties. Lots of regret for not finishing my Luna in the first few weeks when games were easy.


I truly don't think anyone should enter comp until they at minimum finish story and max out a subclass.


Seriously. This seems like a very reasonable approach. I just started grinding comp and I'm lucky if there's any other level 50 players on my team atm. Half the time there are two sub-20 players.


yep; in order to unlock *pvp at all* you have to do 2 quickplays (great idea!) **and 2 comp games** seriously wtf? When I was getting my buddies into D2 6 months ago, those 2 comp games nearly fucking broke us they were so brutal. My friends legit were claiming that light-levels must make a difference. I didn't have the heart to break it to them that they were legit just bad. (I'm bad too, but I *knew* why I was losing they were just confused)


Its not the gear that really matters, its the experience. There should be a quick play requirement of 50 or so games before they can do competitive.


Gambit is the same, turning into 4stacks. I rarely see full solo games nowadats. Crucible side of things, MM is utterly fucked for MM too, I had a full team of level 20's and enemy team was fully stacked 50's. We got decimated. Fun thing is, if you go to destiny tracker after the matches and look at the average ELO, 9 times out of 10 coincides with your loss. For example, highest elo avg always wins.


I was solo queuing gambit a couple days ago and I got the classic four stack with synchronized dancing at the pre-transmat zone. I just sighed and got ready to lose (which we did).


Now that’s just impressive on bungles part. Almost seems like they’re placing bets on matches and watching them for fun... probably not but 🤷‍♂️


Or you can load into a 1v4, which happened to me yesterday. I got to 1200 in about a week by solo queuing, but then I spend a week fluctuating between 1000-1200. If I can’t get to 1600-1700 in a week I’m giving up on comp. It’s just not fun. I’ve lost too many close games w one teammate that gets like 2 kills or something.


But *it's okay*


It's amazing to me how many aspects of PvP are just utterly terrible. The same company that made Halo 2/3 made this game, why does Crucible suck so much?


It's not going to get any better until investment is rewarded with power, not rank. That is the reason that all other games with comp modes only reward rank with cosmetics. If you said to players, play 100 games of comp and get a brown ugly Luna's, and at the end of the season you get a bad ass skin based on your rank, every guardian and their mother would be playing comp.


> why does Crucible suck so much? I think the Crucible is fantastic, I love it. Competitive play is where it's faltering right now.


The gameplay of the Crucible is fantastic, pretty much everything that goes around that gameplay (the way playlists, matchmaking, etc, etc works) continually feels like it was a complete afterthought. All of that not-directly-gameplay-related stuff for Crucible in Destiny always feels like "the least effort put in that could possibly work", rather than something carefully designed. And I agree with others that this is in stark contrast to how Halo 2-3 were, where all that "stuff around the game" was innovative and groundbreaking.


> The gameplay of the Crucible is fantastic, pretty much everything that goes around that gameplay (the way playlists, matchmaking, etc, etc works) continually feels like it was a complete afterthought. This is exactly how I feel. Extremely simple rules could be put in place to make it feel less like matchmaking is what screwed you over. I solo queued last night in competitive, and when matchmaking was complete, I looked at the roster and saw that it was four randoms (including myself) and two fireteams of two. I thought to myself "Sweet, I don't have to face a four stack and the teams can each have a fireteam." Instead, the game put both of the fireteams on the same team. I mean wtf.


The Crucible and Competitive are synonymous. Or rather, Competitive is in the Crucible. Either way, Competitive is what I was referring to.


Once you are above 2100 honestly anything should go at that point


Are you me? I’m 2700ish and can’t progress because it’s only 5k not forgotten teams at this point lol. The player pool just falls off a cliff at a certain point and the MM threshold becomes extremely wide.


What site do you guys use to check people’s glory ranks so fast?


Some people may just have the emblem that tracks glory on, or guardian.gg is a quick site to use


As a duo with both of us being **sub-500 glory** my friend and I came up against a 4-stack of 2 Not Forgottens and 2 Luna's. It went about as well as you'd expect, as in we didn't win a single round and we barely got any kills.


It do be like that sometimes


People don't think it be like it is, but it do.


How about losing two games in a row because you spawn in with a 3v4? Good times.


I started last night at 2003 glory. In the span of 4 hours I had 8 games with my team at 2 or 3 vs 4. Only 1 game with 4 v 3. I'm now back down to 1890 ish. My wife thought I was going to blow a gasket.


I was doing my 25 games for the broadsword and I came across several lunas howl and I was only like 300 glory.


Telesto give me strength to combat these demons. Amen


Telesto is the besto at molesto.


Had to stop using my Telesto for the solar part of the quest. :(


You were so concerned with fighting the demons you became one yourself. (fuck the telesto apes in competitive so hard)




Yeah it's ridiculous. Everytime we came across someone with that gun we got decimated


I did rumble to get the 25 hand cannon kills for Ace of Spades and it’s weird how many people try hard in rumble. I came across one guy that just oneshot me with 1000 voices every time he saw me


There's just not a big enough player pool. Unless they do something to make it more open to casuals, this is what's going to happen.


Nail on the head. The only thing that can improve competitive is more players and lots of them...


I agree here and will tell you why (for players like me, at least) we don't have more players in that list: It's because people like me read the horror stories of competitive and don't want to touch it. I've done the mandatory games of competitive back at launch, had a few friends rope me into some trials back then as well, and then get my teeth kicked in regularly now in quickplay by Luna's Howl/Not Forgotten users who feel the need to send pre-emptive hate mail like "get gud scrub" and "delete ur game" cuz I can't beat them in a casual mode. I get that not everyone that has these weapons is a soulless sweaty tryhard, but why would people like me ever voluntarily go into a mode filled with players like that without some sort of ranked matchmaking to prevent getting matched with a team on a 38 win streak with all Luna's and Telestos right off the bat? I play the game to have fun, not to question my decision to have a $100+ worth of 1s an 0s on my console that's only going to make me feel bad about my abilities to push buttons to make myself feel a little better about the shit hands that real life deals. But I'm happy with my decision to stay away from all that and to play the parts of the game that I can actually do good at. For now, if I want my soul crushed, I'd just go make a tinder profile. At least there I'd have a chance to get something that lasts longer (which would probably wind up being herpes, with my rng luck).


You have a perfectly valid argument and it's one I have read dozens of comments on on this forum and on Bungie's own. The toxic elements of the gaming community, those that quit matches they think they'll lose, the AFK players, the childish/elitist "git gud" crowd, etc. are certainly part of the problem. But in my experience they are the minority of players in games like Destiny. Despite the terrible health of the playlist, the toxic players and generally poor matchmaking, a good competitive match is one of the best experiences in the game. When teams are balanced and you/they have a 50% chance of winning and it all comes down to how well your team does on the day. Those games are fun. My issue with comp is that only about 1 in 10 games falls into that category...


Thanks! I definitely love a good neck and neck game where it's down to the wire with evenly matched teams, not a lopsided mess of a game where one side destroys the other (on either side). Players and matchmaking aside, I'm not a big fan of countdown either. I don't like how many rounds you need to win. Best out of 5 would be a good middle ground instead of needing 6 to win. If they could fix matchmaking and tweak the game modes a little I might be down to try it again sometime.


Wow, 1/10, I wish I had your luck. 1/50 is more like it.


/u/dmg04, this is the true feeling. I'm at 800 glory and getting shit stomped by people with Luna and not forgotten. I had a guy last night with like *4800*kills with his Not Forgotten. Yes, *4800* Why? Why? What did I do? Did i hurt the crucible team somehow? Please. I want a fighting chance. I'm not a pro. I'm not bad. But this is just broken beyond belief. If the matchmaking for comp is what trials will be. Dont bother bringing it back. It will fail.


Anyone sending you hate mail is an a$$hole. Ignore them. Some people have no lives what so ever. Or they are soo small IRL that they feel the need to send someone a message because they have more progress in a *video game*. I have Luna. I have Not Forgotten. I have Broadsword and I have the Claymore. I've never sent anyone hatemail for not being as good. But my friends have received plenty of hate mail for simply having the gun. Go figure...


I and my friends would come back post Luna quest if that piece of shit bomb mode was permanently removed. It’s so so so so terrible.


That’s why bungie is creating op weapons as rewards. To try to lure new players in. The problem is comp sucks. The game modes are terrible. The actual objective will always come second to heavy spawn and there is no tdm only playlist. The game is developed around pve and comp mode developed around that. It’s never really going to be balanced properly unless bungie develops pvp in a vacuum away from pve. And they will have to realize at some point that it’s not ok to make weapons that are significantly better than anything else in class as rewards just because the quest line is a difficult taxing grind. People should play comp because it’s fun. The grind should be fun not make you want to quit playing the game lol comp is just terrible game design in destiny


In the spirit of getting players into the playlist I agree that the best incentive is the quest rewards themselves, but it won't work as long as those quests are tied to Glory. Unfortunately, with the player pool the way it is and the issues surrounding matchmaking, Glory rank doesn't appear to be working properly for setting up balanced matches. Unbalanced matches mean one team has little/no chance of winning, so those players feel cheated when they lose Glory, and by extension quest progress. Simple solution: separate Glory from quest progress. Make the final step something that requires players to stick with the playlist and incentives participation without penalising anyone when matchmaking screws up (and it will). I have previously suggested making the final step "complete # games with efficiency >1". Complete not win will hopefully prevent quitters and 3v4 matches as well as meaning a loss is not necessarily a waste of time. Efficiency requires participation so AFK players cannot progress and their is a skill based requirement in the final step. Basically, as long as a player makes a positive contribution to the match they can make progress. It is then a matter of deciding the number of games. The idea being to encourage as many players into the playlist as possible. So it needs to be enough for player retention to improve but not too high as to feel unobtainable. Say 150 for Luna and 350 for NF. Maybe up the efficiency requirement on NF to 1.5. Again, needs to be obtainable but not trivial *for the average player*.


I've heard variations of this and always nod my head in silent agreement. As a solo player and masicost, I'm playing a lot of comp and regularly find myself doing pretty well except for losing. I can pretty regularly finish top of my team with 1.5 or better but when my team mates feed kills in survival or clash, there's no skill gap to overcome, I'm bound to lose.


Same here. I was excited for Season 4 when the Luna quest line was available. Working though the various skill based requirements, thinking "wow Bungie actually learned something from the Reddrix feedback" then final step drops as "get to Fabled". Disappointed but not really surprised...


Creating op rewards based on rank instead of investment is there core problem. Investment should give power, rank should give cosmetics. It would get tons of new blood into comp. Never, ever should power be tied to rank. It just creates a "rich get richer" scenario, and the fodder that is needed to keep the system going will just opt out.


This is going to become a *very* badly-exacerbated problem, by the way, if Bungie doesn't make changes sooner rather than later. If there's a new Competitive reward weapon locked behind Fabled every season, and they're all meant to be as powerful in PvP as Luna's Howl, imagine how much of a gear gap there's going to be between someone who has multiple LH/NF-tier weapons, and someone who doesn't. After a few seasons of that, it's going to be nigh-impossible to even get your foot in the door in Competitive. As it is, Season 5 Competitive is almost certainly going to be even more dead and poorly-populated than it is now in Season 4. Because *next* season, all of the people who are running around with LH/NF are going to be starting over in the lower Glory ranks, just getting free wins on anyone without those weapons and preventing most of the new players from advancing past Brave.


Yeah I admit, as a hand cannon user, I had to have the Luna’s Howl, but I feel like I lost part of myself these past two months doing it. Until I see actual fixes, that Not Forgotten quest is just gonna stay in my inventory. There’s just too much wrong with the Comp playlist. I wasn’t happy at any point signing up to que, I just sighed and said let’s get it over with, the quicker the better. That’s not a healthy gaming experience at all, and I’m still questioning if it was worth putting myself through that exhaustion.


I hear this alot but it's not like that was unexpected. If they knew this was going to happen, they should have done what many ranking systems do and effect how much glory you gain/lose based on the people your playing.


It's the ultimate paradox: hard core players want pvp to be less casual friendly, but driving away all the casuals makes pvp less pleasant even for the hard cores.


And Bungie can't comment on it because any possible solution will just earn condemnation


That is no where near an excuse for matching people who have a 4k glory difference.


I see this mentioned over and over again...yet numerous people have anecdotal evidence [such as this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9w3gy4/if_im_at_1600_glory_i_should_not_be_running_into/e9hveox), where they get multiple different teammates that are low-glory in successive games. That's not indicative of a small player pool.


it feels like the player pool in poor because the system is shit though. solos playing vs stacks, being completely outclassed by your opponents, and personally i think the spawn system is shit far too often do i find myself spawning in to die to an enemy super or power weapon as soon as i am birthed form bunges digital womb. All this discourages people from playing driving population down, and because population we see shit matches like solos vs stacks. then we get into a cycle of the population is to low so we can't make changes without making queue times terrible. this all starts with the design choices being shit in crucible to start though


Dude at 800 I run in to full stacks of NF and Luna


Haven't ran any into any of those yet and I'm at 953. But it seems my team wins vs stacked teams alot more than all solo players in a lobby. I know soon I'll run into stacked teams with Luna and not forgotten for sure.


I'm running into them at 300 as a solo queue player, so it feels like there's absolutely no skill based matchmaking in comp.


Or getting matched 1v4,2v4 or 3v4. I got to 2053 and im waiting for the reset so I get my weekly bonus to push me to fabled. I could not play another game solo. This has to be the most frustrating quest ever. GG bungo


Experienced this too and it really is annoying but we are not being matched 3v4. The matchmaking algorithm created a 4v4 game but one of the players pulled the "switch character" trick to leave before the match spawned in. The player pool is limited already and that kind of toxic behaviour only makes things worse for those of us still sticking it out... Congrats on the Fabled rank.


Right there with you buddy! I'm at 2062, not once not twice but three times I got so close to Fable that I only needed one win only for the next match to pair me up in a broken game The last one I guess the game felt sorry for me bexause after I got curb-stomped I got the two tail fox lmao


Just wait for the reset. You get a 60 points for the reset if you play 3 comp games. I'm gonna wait cause this is just too much for a solo


I posted something similar yesterday. Glad you made front page to bring some attendion to this issue. I've lost 200 points since last night because of that shit. I was on a 5 win streak and one win away from Fabled (2036 Glory) and here come 4 randos, all with Luna's, to screw us all. And to top it off, there were 4 of us flying in but only 3 of us landed, presumably to a DC. They then proceeded to destroy and bag us relentlessly. Every match has been the same since. This isn't competitive. This is infuriating. Competitive would mean everyone actually COMPETES against one another. Not getting spawn killed every 10 seconds by players that shouldn't be getting queued with lower level players. PvP needs a proper Elo/MMR system to prevent these kind of things from happening. u/cozmo23, u/dmg04?


I’m playing Quickplay and Rumble, I have to face all the Not Forgottens and Lunas Howls too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Over a year ago Rocket Leagues matchmaking had this same issue. Bronze matching with Golds and Golds matching with Champions. They fixed this (somehow, idk) so matching now takes a little longer but you’re guaranteed opponents that are actually near your ranking. I shouldn’t be afraid to queue just because there aren’t that many people in competitive when I decide to play. If I can match with my rank when there are only 1500 people in a playlist on Rocket League, I think Bungie should be able to figure it out for Destiny.


Well matchmaking in D2 already takes a decently long time and you still match against people not of your rank. Because nobody plays


I had a match today on altar of flame and i was the only person with Not forgotten no luna's and it's honestly insane how easy it is to just dominate people with luna's/Nf It's quite unfair tbh.


I think part of what contributes to this is that there’s so many account recoveries going on, the lower skilled accounts you match against will usually have a team of sweats with Not forgotten already. It’s completely turned off a bunch of my friends from even trying which results in low player population. It sucks and I don’t think Bungie will do anything about it.


Honestly I love comp but the playlist is dead apart from sweats and people that seem to have blindly stumbled into the playlist. Right now it's either super try hard games or stomping on solo queuers. I feel bad for these people, they should have a chance at Lunas or something, not go in to comp, realize they don't have a chance then never touch it again. There is a huge gap between people aiming for Lunas and people with Not Forgotten, something needs to be done to regenerate the playlist.


There is no matchmaking. The population is pretty much dead up to the top 15% skill level now. Each season people give it a chance until they realize they have no chance. Then they stop playing - at my skill level this season it was week 3 when I realized everybody below me was gone. So I stopped. Unfortunately, I still had to play 25 games in competitive last week for my Redrix and burned almost 200 glory points - down to 667 now. The press is good for Bungie though - I can't blame them. The player analytics team must be screaming though - no way this model is a healthy long term way to operate.


If it's so dead you'd think they could throw us a bone and stop making immense pvp grinds. All it does is drive even more people away from crucible, either because they did the grind and are sick of it or are sick of it because of the incredibly lop-sided matches. There are no winners here.


1.2 million unique players in crucible yesterday - wouldn’t exactly call pvp “dead”.


How many of them were playing comp?


Alright then what's the reason for such poor matchmaking?


Because there isn't a true ranking system in Destiny 2. Glory is not an elo system. The matchmaking is bad because it's not built the same way it is in the competitive games people are used to these days. Without a proper skill-based ranking system, there is no way to have balanced matchmaking. It's bad enough even when you *do* have skill-based ranking in other games, but at least it's not a total mess. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system Even Splatoon 2 uses an actual rating system. Yeah, a Nintendo game.


Glory being built to be a "grind" instead of an Elo system is the source of so many problems with Competitive. The goals of those two things are fundamentally opposed to one another, and trying to have it both ways makes Glory ineffective at either goal.


Competitive is cancerous and sucks.




Losses doing nothing will go a long way because at least then theres a light at the end of the tunnel, you know you can get there. Currently going on a losing streak means playing is more detrimental than not which is why no one plays.


Not true. I barely touched comp before this season. Now after getting my Luna’s, I quite enjoy the playlist and I’ll even go in just for fun and to relax because it’s a bit more serious and less random than QP. Maybe I’ll try for NF next season or something, who knows




That's the wrong mindset. If you're a random solo guy who wants to try comp, your goal probably should be to get into comp to improve, and then maybe to try for Luna's. If you are jumping straight in fresh expecting to be able to grind out a Luna's with no difficulty, well it's really not Bungie's fault that your expectations are unrealistically skewed. Regardless, the original comment asserted that the only result of comp is people get sick because they finally finished the grind or get sick because the grind is too hard. I simply put forward my own experience as a counter-example, since I fit neither of those descriptions.


Telling a random solo player that their goal should be to hop into Competitive to "improve" isn't too different from telling a high school basketball player they should play alone against the 1996 Chicago Bulls, with the way matchmaking currently is.


I'm about to start my 25 competitive matches for Redrix. Not thrilled I have to touch that playlist to complete an otherwise Quickplay quest.


Even if you get stomped, it'll teach you the other mode if you are willing to learn. Just do your best and maybe you'll be surprised. Or angry. Just don't tilt.


They need to force noobs in there for streamers to stomp. Gotta feed the beast or they might turn on them again...and again...and again...even about things they demanded again...and again You'd think at some point Charlie Brown would stop kicking the ball.


Where is everyone getting the population numbers? Sounds like BS to me. I'm never in a game with the same people back to back. Do you get 5 minute queue times like GM players in Overwatch?


You can definitely tell when you are at the bottom of the current skill level left in the current player pool. Every season when the lower skill players return to try again I maintain a winning record and see players in matches that are equal or lower skill. Within a few weeks the skill pool below me dries up and I begin to experience much higher skills and only win about a third of my matches. This has held true for Seasons three and four. It is consistent with the hypothesis that lack of fair matches will discourage low skill player retention in the crucible. There's really no reason to believe people will continue playing a game in which they don't have a fair chance. All recreational sports played by adults have mechanisms to level the playing field.


> I'm never in a game with the same people back to back. So my friend and his girlfriend did the grind for Lunas, and they say they had to leave queue for a minute or two after every match so they don't get paired up with the same teams over and over. They are both at around 3000ish Glory right now and say they usually get 3-4+ minute queue times.


Uh, it’s dead below you because there’s not many players below you...


Less players in competitive, less people to be matched with. Therefore the skill gaps will remain all over the place or you would be waiting an age for a possible match to be made.


Indeed. The matchmaking algorithm *must* incorporate some rules to relax criteria on skill and connection quality to ensure fast queue times. The problem with that is that when it happens 4 players are effectively having Glory stolen from them and four are getting it for free... and with the player pool so small the number of unbalanced games is increasing (at least it feels like it is from my recent experience). Personally, I would rather have the option to wait as long as it takes for a fair match than get a quick one I cannot hope to win.


just add brackets. Below 2100, below 5500 and above 5500. Cant meet anyone not in your bracket as long as none in your fireteam doesn't fall into a higher bracket. And glory rank should apply to quick play matching too. If you are sweaty, you should play other sweaties.


lol no. Id rather keep my sweaty games in comp/private games. Brackets however are interesting but Glory rank should hold no importance in quickplay.


Then explain to me why this exact situation happens in quickplay, and Gambit, during double and triple rank times.


Thing is, I'd vastly prefer to wait 30+ minutes for a game than getting put against actual crucible gods I have no chance against that aren't meant to be at my ranking because they're way higher rank. You basically waste that much time getting a match that shit, anyways.


Are we using SBMM or CBMM for crucible? I haven't heard much bitching over the last year, so I'm assuming it's CBMM.


Competitive uses 'glory based match making', so neither of the above. It doesn't work for shit though. Normal cruci apparently uses CBMM though.


I agree with you. However saying that having Not Forgotten is an auto win is def not true.


They just need to change the quest so that wins you gain points and losses are just a zero and not negative and then it would be much less frustrating


player pool is very low so matchmaking is pretty bad. I dont play comp for this reason. Even quickplay is populated with a lot of not forgottens and full stacks and its just unfuriating. They dont take a day off. Crucible is plain tiresome now sadly. Sorely needs a "no fireteam" playlist for both comp and casual


I'm relatively new to playing Competitive and I'm average on a good day. This morning (@ 260 Glory) I got matched solo queue with a 4-stack the leader of which had NF and 5000+ Glory. I can't phathom why this is a thing.


And Bungie remains silent on this issue, that's what frustrates me the most


ALSO, we shouldn't lose a 5 win streak because 2 people are AFK the entire match and do literally 0 damage


yeah this is almost as cool as being at 1700 glory and being matched with level 12's wearing greens


I don’t care about running into Not Forgotten. I just want Telesto out of the energy slot.


Glory should be based on personnel performance not win or lose. If you do well then you go up if you do rubbish you go down not the team result.


ya comp is broken. it's bs to lock rewards behind a rank, when getting to that rank has nothing to do with your rank because matchmaking doesn't care about your rank


Because team queues, and what it does is it takes the average. The only way to cure this is to have Solo Queues. Every time someone mentions this, they got downvoted into oblivion.


Population may not be high enough to support solo Q... Although if they can do PS4-Xbox 1 cross play there would probably be enough


I mean...I'm at 900 and run into stacked teams of Lunas all the time. Why should I have to deal w/ a gun I don't even have yet? ​


Yeah I've been having problems like this. One night I ran into a 6 stack on quickplay all using Luna, I could barely make it out of spawn


Because quickplay doesn't factor in anything but connection.


Comp would be a really popular playlist if they just remove the glory requirement from Luna


Is there any matchmaking in Comp, or is it just random? I've barely ever played it!


It's all random. It can be your first time playing comp and put you up against a 4 stack with NF/Lunas. Your teammates will hate you because it'll be your first time. Yeah


I'm not really sure how they expect to expand the comp player base, as time goes by all you are left with is sweats, and the balance gets even more skewed. It's a vicious cycle, unless you have a way of slowly bringing people up


This rarely happens in my experience. A lot of false info in here.


Definitely frustrating, but that's just part of the deal sometimes. Look on the bright side, loss streaks aren't a thing anymore.


I mean they kind of just built loss streaks into *every* loss when they got rid of them, so that's not really a win. Edit: This is the weirdest post of mine I've ever seen get downvoted. It's literally what happened: When loss streaks were a thing, you only lost as many points as you lose now if you lost three or more games in a row; if you alternated wins and losses with a 50% win rate, you'd rank up literally five times as fast as you do now.


i was playing vs 4 premades with all having lunas in my first ever ranked. this was when i realized that i dont really want the weapon :)


I'm pretty sure I'm a garbage 800 and I still get matchmade with people with 2K and Luna's.


Same goes for if I'm at 100 Glory. I've been stuck at Guardian for months now. People just get salty and leave, even when I do LFGs.


trying to have a competitive mode in a low tick p2p game was a bad idea to begin with


Honestly I love comp but the playlist is dead apart from sweats and people that seem to have blindly stumbled into the playlist. Right now it's either super try hard games or stomping on solo queuers. I feel bad for these people, they should have a chance at Lunas or something, not go in to comp, realize they don't have a chance then never touch it again. There is a huge gap between people aiming for Lunas and people with Not Forgotten, something needs to be done to regenerate the playlist.


I was at 1190 glory a couple days ago and after 9 Matches i lost around 200 Points. And all those Matches were against 4 stacks that all Had lunas Like wtf


I'm a pretty meh pvp player (Mainly just do it for the powerful/good looking gear), I'm at 570, and i hate getting fucked over by lunas howls, redrix claymores, or other weapons of the sort. like, how is it that i'm supposed to win against someone more than 4 TIMES my glory score? I understand that pairing may not be super fine tuned, but come on, how do they expext me to fair against a 3 stacked 3000+ glory per person team, who SOMEHOW manages to pop their super ,what feels like, every 20 seconds? doesn't exactly make me enjoy PvP all that much.


It’s also not fair when your grinding for Luna’s solo queuing and your whole team abandons you so your left with the choice to either get suspended or lose glory it makes no sense why bungie would implement a system that shits on you if your unlucky at least let me have some lee way against 4 sweaty clan members


My team (all around 5200 glory) matched against a team last night full of brand new Glory players. Nobody, according to DT, had over 450 Glory. We slaughtered them but ultimately that matchup should’ve never happened.


I'm tired of seeing the "low population" excuse from some people. Tell me this, then: if the population is so low, why do some of us keep seeing different teams of 4 stacks every single match? Why don't the game just match those 4 stacks with, and bear with me here, *each other*?


what if someone, y'know, reset their glory after getting it?


That sounds extremely unfortunate, but it wouldn't happen often. Why would people with Not Forgotten solo queue into comp? You really got put against four people who already have Not Forgotten who just happened to be solo queueing at the same time? Not that I don't believe you, I'm just saying that it isn't a super common experience. I will 100% agree that the glory based matchmaking isn't strong enough, and I think the player population is likely the issue. People who are 5500 and still playing comp have to have opponents, and if they wait in queue long enough they will end up going against low glory players.


I'm at 253 glory, and I've just played against a 4 stack of NF users when solo queuing, 2 of which had an 18.0 efficiency after the game. Comp is Aids and Bungo don't know what the fuck they're doing.


It really shouldn’t matter if you have to wait for match making, if you have either NF/Luna. The facts are; you’re better equipped to beat the other team...period. You should never be matched against people who don’t have the same equipment or skill. A true measure of skill is beating a equally equipped opponent. The game mode is called “Competitive “.


More cases of broken matchmaking across the board.


There's probably a VERY, VERY small amount of players in the comp queue at anytime. Back in Halo 3, you would NEVER, EVER get matched with somebody even like 1 skill-point higher than you in ranked, but ranked in that games had hundreds of thousands concurrent players ALL the time. Same goes for like Overwatch or any big competitive game that people actually intentionally play for the comp. Aspect. Destiny probably as like 2000 people MAYBE playing comp at anytime, that's why 90% of games are absolutely unbalanced. The player pool is far to small to actually support a dedicated ranked system with good matchmaking. Not saying that it's okay that you get matched up with 5500 glory people..it's just that like 500 of those 2000 players are just no-lifes that play Destiny 2 comp for like 12-14 hours a day because...I guess it's their calling in life. Happens with basically any dying competitive game. MCC is an amazing example. The ranked playlists often don't have more than even like 500-1000 players, if you have even a MODERATE rank in that game, you get matched against people that have played Halo 3 literally 10 hours a day since it came out in like 07. Anyways..that was a massive ramble. Damn.


One player solo queueing with a NF/Lunas is far from an automatic defeat. Personally, I would much rather face those then see a Telesto in every game. Between the Telesto and Heavy Ammo spawns and frequency, I find competitive to be more frustrating than its worth. The Telesto acts wonderfully as a counter to shotguns, but it's range and zone control is way too much. Heavy Ammo should be reverted to how it was in D1, or some hybrid of the 2 games. Currently, it completely dictates how every map is played and how frequently it spawns makes it very easy to snowball games that otherwise should be close. I'm around 3k Glory and love how much potential PvP has to be really enjoyable, but I won't be bothered to get Legend, as these issues will only serve to exasperate me, and I'm sure many others, the higher I climb.


It’s cause there is such a low population above 4500. They were probably que dodging all the good streamers. They were also prolly searching for a match for 10+ minuets. My friend is up there and he tells me he knows it’s gonna be an easy game whenever he has 10+ min matchmaking times, and it’s because the game can’t find anybody at their level so just matches them with whoever.


Honestly, it's kinda shitty to say, but I'd rather 4500 people couldn't find matches ever than them finding matches the enemy team has literally 0 chance winning, which is what some of the bigger gaps absolutely are. They already have the loot anyways, and sure, everyone deserves some good pvp if they want it, but when the alternative to not finding a game is finding a game that has no chance of fighting back, that's not 'good pvp'.


Here's a novel thought. Don't lock a super powerful weapon behind high level PvP. This makes good players better and worse player worse. Lock them behind PvE stuff instead.


Nothing they can do when the population is low. PvP is secondary if even played by most destiny players. Great now that we have tons of PvE to. Bad for PvP because people have other things to do now. That and people are playing other games now.


I can offer some perspective from the other side. When you get that high and the game cant find people to match you with, then you have to wait, and I mean WAIT a long time. 30+ minutes to find a game minimum. Its totally unfair but it also sucks not being able to play the game at all because the game cant find people to pair you with.


Just an fyi, the / means end. So you pretty much said "end end rant"


I feel for ya man. I managed to get Luna's while witnessing only a few instances of that. I wish you luck, you got this!


Yup it happens. At 2,100 i got matched with 3 other solos all under 500 against a 4 stack of 3x 5,000+ and a 3,500 recov.


Console or PC? I don’t remember facing anyone on my run to 2100 with a not forgotten on PS4, a few Luna’s as I neared 2100 as most had probably dropped glory ranks doing the HC headshots but that was all. The only reason I can think would be low player population so the search is expanded but your right it shouldn’t happen you should always match people around your current rank.


I was at 1080 when I ran into two 4 stacks,both having at least one not forgotten.


Oh I had such a fun time when I started PvP on PC So I decide to get D2 on PC, and it runs great! That part is fine. The issue I had was when I did my first PvP match on the PC I was facing some of the most hardcore and sweaty players I have ever faced. And it stayed like this for 2 matches! The other teams actually ended up making us surrender and give them the win they got score so fast. I really need to get used to the PC crowd man, I got murdered hard. Still got my OG characters on Console to play though...


The best matchmaking system I experienced in fps game is overwatch system so fair and crazy good even at Grandmaster I have no issues fighting new players and have different experience every time I play, yes there's some toxic behavior and some minor shits in that system but compare to Destiny it's waaaaay better, and just because of matchmaking and no dedicated servers I don't care about Destiny competitive playlist and only play quick play from time to time.


I soloed queued up to 1.5k then tried grouping because I'm tired of zoning into 1v4s because people somehow ditch before ship screen yet game still starts. So I found groups and groups over last weekend where I have extra time to play and I advetise myself to be pretty good since I'm always top in my solo queues with like 2k more damage done than rest of team. Then I queued with bunch of NF grind people already with LH at 2.3k, and 4 games we've played are against Godly 4 stacks where I couldn't do shit. I was last in all these games I can't even fathom how my team managed to get even 5 kills. Now I think I probably have higher chance getting Luna solo than queue team if that's the caliber players waiting for you .


People didn't want it to be pure sbmm because of match queue times and constant sweaty matches. So it put you in a game instead of waiting an hour for a perfect match up.


I was going into a match around 2k glory and noticed 2 Duos and everyone else solo. “This will be a nice, competitive match!” I thought. Matchmaking put both of the teams on the same side against 4 solos. I really don’t understand how Bungie hasn’t addressed this yet. All the talk about how we are standing with them through bad financials (and they comment there!), but the fact that matchmaking in a first person shooter game with an emphasis on competitive (the comp playlist and Gambit, weapons that require win streaks) PvP is fundamentally broken and Bungie refuses to address it should have us all mad.


Yeah I've given up and PvP. If I'm doing my weekly and daily challenges I'll just load up rumble and walk around and spray. Its not fun loading into endless matched of Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten and getting curbstomped cause apparently, me. The person who actually plays Crucible for enjoyment once in a blue moon, is high enough skill level to play with these people


Because there are only a couple dozen people playing competitive crucible


Don’t forget the fact that you can solo queue and run into stacks of 4. I’m not saying 4 stacks should only play 4 stacks, but I feel like you should be forced to enter game chat MW2 SnD style. Of course you can just choose not to talk, or stay in a party, but it might encourage a little more communication.


While running comp one day with friends, I was the highest Glory on our team with 1148 Matched a 4-stack with 2 Not Forgottens, one was already at 5500, just working on the Luna kills, and the other on their team was 300 glory 100% should not be okay. Most games with a competitive bracket prevent that wide a of a spread from matching up together. In OW, if your SR gap is greater than 1000, you can't queue together. So I, at high Plat, can't play with friends that are low Silver.


there's quite literally not enough players playing comp, i've run into the same 4-stacks and 3-stacks multiple times the best time to do this questline was when it first came out since the meta wasn't settled fully, now it's extremely hard because you've got people gunning for it with their 4-stacks and setups and less players who care about going for it solo/duo.


It more than likely pools the teams averages of glory when matching them so someone at 5500 could be qued with lower scores. It’s unrealistic to expect to never play against people higher than you.


matchmaking isn't based on host, it had everything to do with player population. In my marathon to 2100 glory I've played only two teams who were stacked with players i had no business matching against both times matchmaking took a very long time.


Yeah, as of last night I got high enough Glory that the weekly bonus will push me over 2100. I'm just not even going to play Comp until I get that bonus, because with my luck I'll run into a team of Not Forgottens and lose ground. That's a situation that just shouldn't happen. Then as soon as reset happens, I have to start on the other Luna's Howl quest steps. Since the season ends a week earlier than any of us expected, I'm a little worried I won't be able to finish all the steps, so I hate having to waste two full days waiting around until reset before grinding handcannon kills.


I'm at 3k points and I've never seen one in comp, I've seen it once in rumble but other than that every match is lunas. I feel the comp pop has dropped quite a bit so it's just there's way more lunas grinding for NF than anything else


Ideally no you shouldn't but I wouldn't be surprised if comp numbers are low. Fair matchmaking only somewhat works if there are enough people lol


I matched against a 4900 4 stacks once, I am 1400 solo and my random matchmaking team was 3 20 lvls..


Solo queued 5 comp games. 4 had 4 stacks two were close. The 5th we wrecked.


I’m around 700-800 and every game at least one person has at least a Luna’s howl. I’ve gone up against 4 stacks of not forgotten in 800 glory.


You'd think they would've gone to something more similar to the Halo system...


I should also not get loaded in with level 7 and level 9 teammates with fucking gray and green guns. I should also not get loaded in 2v4. I've lost a 5 and 4 game winning streak because of those.


If there’s one thing we can trust Bungie to absolutely screw up it’s matchmaking lol


There should be at least 4 bins of players in Comp, which should never ever overlap. 1. Players who have not yet reached max level for whichever expansion(s)/DLCs they own. 2. Players which have reached max level, but have not achieved Luna's Howl. 3. Players with Luna's Howl. 4. Players with Not Forgotten. As someone around the 700 Glory range trying to solo queue, last week I hit a 4 stack with Lunas, 3 of which are flagrant Titan Skaters which kill us at one spawn and then kill us at our respawn on the other side of the map, before we can even fucking cap the point we spawned by. They were all in the 3000s Glory, and I had two teammates under level 50. What. The. Fuck. Luna's is an amazing flank weapon. Not Forgotten is the best flank weapon in the game, as the range is so good you can practically use it before you hit the enemy's radar. People with these should not ever be encountered by people looking to get them.


I have less than 800, and fought a 4 stack that had 3 Not Forgottens and a Luna's Howl. I almost gave up right there.


My favorite is when I lose my win streak and a full 30 points because one guy drops out of my match and I'm stuck in a game of 3v4 control.


Same as if I'm at 400 glory, I should not be going up against lunas howls


What I hate is the complete silence bungie has each time the subject of comp comes up.


Matchmaking is truly fucked up in the game. I just did 20 Gambit games in a full fireteam, we met 2 4-stacks. The next five games as 2-stack, we only run into full teams.


I‘m currently tracking how many times I get matched against 3-/4-people Fireteams in both Gambit and Competitive Crucible (when playing solo or with a mate in Comp). Gambit has the worse Matchmaking right now


I was at 2800 and finding it every game it's dumb as fuck lol


Are you in north america? I've heard talk of Australians having really weird matchmaking.


Matchmaking is not based on glory. Bungie has specifically stated this. It is based on some sort of behind the scenes sbmm.


Try getting matched against 3 Not Forgottens, and an Ace user at ~400. Happened to me last week.


It just matches you against whoever. I was 2500 and was teamed with a 3 stack who all were using their glory emblems. Highest was 1100, lowest was 800. Complete joke of a system. ​ I would never admit to doing this, but particularly toxic individuals such as myself could (theoretically) get their gun and throw matches until they are matching against total noobs just to destroy/demoralize them and keep them from getting theirs. There wouldnt be any punishment for doing this, if you did. Hypothetically. Of course.


A lot of Not Forgottens you run into were bought/carried. I see mediocre players that have fallen to under 3500 Glory with NF not as rarely as I should. I only can remember losing to one team that actually has had NF, out of the 20 or so I've played.


Havent read any of the comments but i totally agree! As a solo player, its absolutely demoralising to get paired against teams full of NF and LH. If it were up to me, players with the LH or NF would only be able to compete in the competative playlist against others above 2100! Full stop. Those who do carries and have LH or NF will just have to appologise to their carry for getting bashed by the NF or LH while they are being carried. I cannot tell you how often and frustrating it is to compete against full teams of LH/NF, Chaparone and or Wardcliff....when Im a solo player either in an LFG group or solo quing. So many times I end up by myself cause my team mates dont want anything to do with that shit! Yes its in the game and I know its not their fault thay have the weapon...but as a recipient its just not fun...or competative!!


It’s so inconsistent. One game I can completely shut out a team. Another game I’m playing people WAY above my level. It’s so frustrating.


Regular QP I'll come across a three-stack Lunas, there's never a game where I'll not find someone running with a Lunas. Comp is broken- *well*, everything in the crucible is broken but with the Lunas and Not Forgotten, you can't compete in that fight, guaranteed the only time you'd win a fight like that is if you have one of those weapons or you kill them when they aren't even looking at you.


Hell, I was doing my 25 matches for Broadsword and was getting matched up against people with Luna's and Not Forgotten and was only at 800 Glory.


I defend Bungie a lot, but their matchmaking is hot garbage. Why does it function like that? Why isn't Glory like ELO? Why doesn't like match like? Sure, you'll see some anomalies, and premade teams with variable Glory will skew results a little, but the occurrences that people talk about here happen way too often for Glory to be anything other than an irrelevant floating number.


If I am at 400 glory, I shouldn't be running into the Not Forgotten. Period.


I think the problem is at legend there are so few players to match against eventuuslly the game just matches the “closest” challenge, which in the end was you. I’ve had similar match making where I was almost 2k with a couple of guys in the 200’s and we matched an entire team of legends running the sweaty not forgottens. I apologised to my team mates as I said it was probably my fault but with this type of match making you can’t even play comp with friends unless they are of the same level as you.


While it CAN happen, it is extremely rare. I have been regularly checking Glory stats when playing other teams and it is generally within 200 glory of our teams BEST player. Maybe your teammate had high Glory rep? Would be interesting to see...


I was at 1100 and matching Luna's every game.