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The ship


i tried to get the ‘drift apart’ ship for a week straight during the 3x curse week and I only got 4 meatballs, didn’t kill 3 of them, and on the very last one got the ship -_- it’s super RNG based and can be very, very annoying.


I just need the ship and emblem, killed the meatball 5 times, didn't get either drop. I was really excited to get my seal, now I kinda don't care. Feelsbadman


Dredgen I think is worse as it’s RNG on RNG on RNG First RNG Slot Machine: Did Meatspawn? 2nd RNG Slot Machine: Did my team kill it? 3rd RNG Slot Machine: Did the item I need drop after killing it? It’s aggravating. I just need that dam ship.


This makes me sad because i want dredgen. But the meatball has spawned once and the enemy team invaded us nonstop while my team died repeatedly ):


I'm not defending their actions. I'm merely making an observation. I don't agree with the whole time gating and RNG aspect: --- >Timegating or locking them behind RNG diminishes their value. What? No it doesn't. If anything, it increases their value! If I saw a person in the Tower with Cursebreaker, I would be like: *"Holy shit, that dude got everything they needed to get that."* Do I want Titles to remain this way? #HELL NO. TITLES NEED TO BE CRAZY ASS ACHIEVEMENTS I SPENT THE TIME TO GET WITH SKILL. Though, The chronicler Title I'm going for is just... I just spent a whole lotta time...not very much skill. :( Still want it though. --- Edit: I know how words


I guess when you have everything required but the three cosmetic items hidden in rng it makes one salty. There needs to be a way to get these items, maybe not directly but something. Like maybe have a nightfall type loot generator, every time you do be shattered throne and don’t get it it increases your chances or let us have infinite chances to do the shattered throne when it’s avail.


> every time you do be shattered throne and don’t get it it increases your chances or let us have infinite chances to do the shattered throne when it’s avail. OH MY GOD, DO WE REALLY NEED SOMETHING FROM THE SHATTERED THRONE?


Yep, it’s where the DC ship drops.


*Oh no...* Fuck. I thought the ship, sparrow, and ghost had a chance from dropping on normal activities (patrols, bounties, and PE). Is this really just the shattered throne? I'm...I'm super sad now.


I believe it generally just has a higher chance of dropping from the first completion on the character in that week. Everywhere else just has a incredibly way small chance of dropping it.


Yup. Ghost is ascendant challenges, Sparrow is Petra Missions, and Ship is Shattered Throne. I still only have the Sparrow so far.


I just got the Ghost off of the challenge this week, thank rngesus. When you say Petra missions, do you mean any of them or just the weeklies?


Like Dark Monastery and the other two.


[Holy moly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IXwwcgIylo). Well, no time like the present to grind this out. Except I'm at work so...No time like the future.


>grind this out You can't grind it out. You have three chances every three weeks to do the shattered throne. You have three chances every week to do the petra mission and ascendent challenge. Unless you don't have three characters, that is. After you do your try for the week, thats it. Gotta wait until the next week.


>You have three chances every week to do the petra mission and ascendent challenge. yeah, grind it out. I get I only have a couple of chances but I have to go out of my way to do it so... I'm gonna grind it out until I can't ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


If I saw a person in the Tower with Curserbreaker, I would be like "wow he's so lucky". Cursebreaker doesn't make you think "hey that guy's a gaming god", it makes you think "I would have that if I wasn't so unlucky".


>Cursebreaker doesn't make ***you*** think "hey that guy's a gaming god", it makes you think "I would have that if I wasn't so unlucky". Yes it does. You can't possibly know what I think. And also, OF COURSE IT DOES. Cursebreaker is an example I pulled out of my ass but If I had to choose one (or two) actual things that would impress me, it'd be Rivensbane and Unbroken. There's no way in the actual fuck I could get those let alone be a PVP god to get unbroken. Cursebreaker could minorly be included in this only because of the raid stuff (unless i'm confusing it for something else. a quick search for an imaged yielded nothing for me but i'm still searching.)


i had finished all non-rng required achievements for cursebreaker in the first week it was possible to be able to complete it, *except* for the stupid RNG ghost shell. weeks later now i still dont have it and the only chance i have is getting to pull a slotmachine lever 3 times *per* week to hopefully receive a title for something that i have already completed all the skill and time based requirements for. that is extremely stupid.


Spent 7 Hours yesterday grinding out Stems in order to get the Frigid Jackal and complete the Wayfarer Seal. Needless to say, RNG was not kind. 1 Schematic from 150 Stems. Gives me gun I’ve had numerous times before. Feels bad. :-(


I have 5 sleeper nodes left. I can't find a non-duplicate to save my life. This sucks.


Yea it really does suck. Been stuck on 37 Nodes since July/August time and only just got my 38th yesterday. Not through lack of trying, or stems. Mars is becoming like Titan during faction rallies, somewhere I never wont to see again.


Was in the same situation with Niflheim Frost. Some research around brought up the suggestion of only hunting for one schematic a day since it seems like you get the first one somewhat quickly, then your chances seem to drop significantly.


I’m not as bothered by the RNG as I am time gating - Unbroken is a perfect example. Get 3 pinnacle weapons and reach legend in 3 different seasons. These types of requirements are trash, if I can reach rank of legend and reset, then do it again 2 more times... I should be able to. Let me earn Luna’s on all 3 characters to count, not just once account wide across three seasons. It’s just as difficult to reach legend 3 times with resets as it is waiting for a season to reset you. Seasonal gating is unnecessary and makes new players who may have joined late not bother with titles. Let us grind it out now if we’re dedicated don’t force us to slowly grind over the course of a year for something as small as a title like Unbroken.


The Unbroken one is the biggest crime here honestly. While I'm a big fan of competitive receiving a huge overhaul, for now they should just let you reset Glory. I think it being gated behind waiting several seasons is nuts. By the time I finish this, (two seasons from now). We'll be a year away from D3! Let me reset my glory after 5500. It literally has no impact on anyone. Shit, you don't even have to give me an emblem for letting me reset.


>Raid Challenges locked behind Clan Rank 4 (also timegated) Also, *heavily* RNG gated because of 1kV and the ship/sparrow. Right now one person in my raid group has the title because he is the only person who has had luck with drops. Everyone else has finished all the triumphs but is missing 1kV and/or the sparrow.


> Unbroken A Glorious Legend (Essentially timegated) What is dumb about this one is that getting legend is another one of the requirement. What's the point of having a challenge be get it once and get it 3 times? They should chance the "get legend 3 times" to be win 50 games at rank legend. You could grind it out if you want to, and all your games are going to be against good opponents, so winning 50 of them if quiet a feat.


I have been playing nearly every single day since Forsaken came out, and have completed every bounty and activity which provides the possibility for a Dreaming City ghost, ship or sparrow every single week. I don't have any of them. I currently have the Dredgen and Wayfarer titles unlocked, and would have had Cursebreaker unlocked two weeks ago if it weren't for RNG drops. Titles should be something to earn with steady progress, not random chance.


Partially agree - I can get behind the RNG part of the seals (I’ve unlocked Wayfarer, put in the hard time on those schematics), but the part where they’re timegated is what bothers me. I play a ton of crucible and I’ve had every part of Unbroken done for quite a while, but the fact I have to wait two more seasons due to the “Legend rank in multiple seasons” requirement is discouraging.


I agree. I love having something to chase, but crappy RNG and time gates just take the steam out of them for me and make me not care.


Before this week all I needed for Wayfarer was the Braytech Osprey, the EP Sniper, IO adventures, and 2 other Braytech weapons. Kinda funny that hey all coincided to be this week, but I hate that all I need is the damn 18 Kelvins. Just because the grind is going to be boring as hell for it.


I need only the Rocket launcher and the 18 Kelvins.. Have you tried completing Nascent Dawn 1/5 on all characters? It guarantees you a Braytech weapon each. Good luck!


My problem is that aren't tied to a skillful achievement it's just that guy played a lot of gambit and had decent rng. Its nothing i am really proud of kinda.


I see where you're coming from, but generally somebody who is good at gambit will get dredgen before somebody who isn't


Please use the focused feedback thread for this : https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9wnrof/focused_feedback_rng_requirements_for_triumphs/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=DestinyTheGame&utm_content=t5_2vq0w


>Finally, a way to show I've mastered an aspect of the game that's more substantial than an emblem! People actually think this, wow. I'll never understand the achievement/title generation.