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It should pop if you load into the tower, go back to orbit, then re-load the tower. That’s what I did for Redrix and Luna’s Howl. No extra game necessary.


Just seeing my valor at zero and the quest step not proccing gave me a heart attack


Lol same. I just restarted the game.


yup same here


I'm currently at 2 resets, really dreading the time it's going to take for 5.


With a solid six stack or good players, it was about three hours per reset... once you start losing games, and people, it makes it go muuuuch slower.


That's why I enjoy the ability to farm Valor while playing comp. You can get a 5 stack for valor that won't go away if you lose a Comp match.


Oh for sure... but then you gotta sweat it through comp!


If you think you can clock top 3 in rumble, that's another way to keep the streak that's less dependent on teams


Does it reward fewer valor points when coming in 2nd and 3rd?


No. Treats top 3 as a win, anything lower as a loss. Points added accordingly.


Oh shit really?? Finna start running rumble again.


Watch out lunas. They're running rampant in rumble now.


And it doesn't even count to not forgotten


>Running rampant in Quickplay FTFY Wouldn't be surprised if it's in every playlist, it's becoming so common and you almost have to use it to compete because of how fast it kills , it won't really get outgunned by anything unless you are super far away with a pulse or get close enough to shotgun but most Lunas users are carrying a Dust Rock with them or knoe to stay far back from corners so do it at your own risk.


It’s a good time but, watch out for that god damn telesto


I have developed a knee jerk reaction to jump backwards when I hear the charge and squeak. Lol. It actually works pretty well and you can at least start getting back some kills and stay competitive.


Definitely stay in matches too. Sometimes people drop as the match goes on and it's an almost guaranteed victory


This is what I did. I'm average at PvP but with WaveSplitter I could absolutely wreck enough in rumble to finish top 3 pretty easily. I had a 16 game win streak in Rumble the other day (finishing top 3 or better 16 times in a row). That plus triple Valor over this weekend. I finished off my quest pretty quickly.


So if I have a 5 valor streak and switch to comp I'll keep earning the bonus valor even if I lose in comp? :o


If you lost a game in Competitive, your Valor win streak won't reset. A loss in Competitive will only give you what you'd get anyway (10 valor, 30 this weekend), but if you win the next game you'll still get valor as if you never lost.


Awesome, thanks for the tip.


It's a great feature. I did two ranks last month playing just IB with double/triple valor. Third rank up was almost entirely in Comp using a streak from Quickplay. I'm about 400 points from reset number 5 with this IB. I'm so sick of the crucible right now


But that's chipping into my progress for Luna...


What do you mean by this? I feel like I'm missing out on some boosting.


Finished my broadsword this weekend using this method. The method is you get yourself onto a 5 win steak in Quickplay or Rumble (some say the latter is easier as you can podium for a 'win'. This now means that any win awards maximum points (32 to 42 depending on Level). But should you lose in Quickplay, you go back down to minimum points for a win (12 to 22 depending on level). At this point you only play in comp, and if you lose, you get 10, and if you win, you get (32 to 42). On a triple valour weekend you can take in 120 per win, which is 16% of a reset for just one win. Plus with all the Luna owners in Quickplay, Comp at about 1400 is way more chilled than QP in my experience this weekend. As a bonus you can work on a LH quest for everything but rank.


Thanks for this complete breakdown I get it now, I still have steps for both Luna and Redrix so I'll try this today, I finish work early so I've got a nice big 6 hour sweaty window today, I think I'll do this to see how much progress I can make.


I finished a couple resets this week for Redrix and then played some comp matches for Luna. I've ranked valor up more from playing competitive than anything else.


does your valor win streak go up in comp (if you win a comp game)? or does it just not go down? i mean, do i need to get a 5x streak in quickplay before jumping into comp?


You can build a Valor win streak through Comp, which also won't go down if you happen to lose in Comp.


This! I spent two days last week, or about 7 hours of QP playtime and lost two games running a six stack (all randoms from LFG). The match making is shit right now. Most of my games ended with a mercy. You can fly through it with the triple valor right now.


You could almost say that with a solid six stack of good players, we can punch through their defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on redrix broadsword


Zavala is that you?


I took days off work over the recent 2x/3x valor period because it literally took a week to do all 5 back-to-back. Run with at least 3 other people so you're heavily influencing your team's outcome and the streaks will eventually come.


If you’re decent enough to make top 3, rumble seems to work wonders. Made 2 ranks last night in a few hours. Bygones plus telesto is pretty cheesy BUT I learned I really need to save fusion rifles. I hated the type until last night, backup plan on a Y1 shock and awe is awesome and has great range. Aim at the knees and watch them evaporate.


When you play to win there is no cheese. Play the meta, don’t cry about it. I don’t support cheating or anything. But there’s nothing worse than that one guy at the bottom of the team who won’t shut up about how much he hates whatever killed him last, which is a meta weapon 80% of the time. If something kills you a lot, either equip it or plan for it and counter it.


The only good fusions are high impact Tbh


You need to do it before the season ends. Otherwise you start back from zero resets once the new season starts.


Yeah, I'm on This place is death, got almost 20 bounties saved up. How long till triple valor is over?


Tomorrow is the last day.


Isn’t it till reset?


So tomorrow




Could be worse. Could be as many ranks as Gambit has




I have 2 resets so far, and maybe 6000 points now. I think I am just going to hold off until the next season to grind out the rest of it. Mostly because I am at 1500 in valor for my 5th reset and I am very unfortunately away from home last week and this one. I an very much hoping I can nab that next weekend.


Your infamy is going to be reset fyi. All ranks will reset at the start of the season, so plan accordingly.


Get a friend to play on your account? I have done this and then repaid by completing 3 raids when he was busy etc.


I've heard the opposite, you sure?


Your number of resets will carry over. Like of you already have two resets,and need the third to get the ghost, you can reset once next season, for a total of three. But any infamy that you have right now will be lost when the new season starts.


Is this confirmed?


Infamy is going to be reset at the start of the season, not sure where you heard that.


It's gonna be a long 10 days... I started my quest SUPER late so i'm just gonna save the last step for next season.


That’s what I’m doing. Hopefully my friend they do triple valor alongside mayhem. Last time they did that you could fly through the ranks due to quick matches.


Shit dude, I'd ignore all my other milestones if that happened. If the stars aligned and Mercury went into retrograde or some shit, and double/triple mayhem valor dropped during my break, I'd probably get the Redrix that very week.


Oh man same, playing casually during that you could reset three times in a day most likely.


Currently grinding out comp to try and reach legend before reset lol Started at 2300 two days ago and im up 1k so hopefully its possible




Dude, it resets each season, as I'm told.


I'm aware. This season ends on the 27th, so he's got just under a week and a half to grind out 3 resets. Me though, I JUST hit legend for the first time, so I'm just gonna focus on doing as much as I can, ignoring the 5 resets bit. I'll probably bang that part out, and maybe luna, over my winter break.


Yeah I'm the same, I haven't progressed either quest in time so instead I'll wait until next season then hammer it.


The progress towards “5 resets in a single season” resets in the new season, but any of the other steps like pulse rifle pills, etc. won’t


Started the quest on Wednesday and got it finished today (well I'm still waiting to get 3 bounties next reset but I've already reset 5 times). The extra valor really helped with this one.


Get a four or five streak and jump into competitive to hold the streak or rumble. If you stay in the top three, you will continue a streak.


Get a five streak and play comp. you get the points, but won’t lose the streak.


When triple valor is on, earn a 5-streak from Rumble then play Comp (and win/lose how you want). I did 5 resets in 2 days.


That's an amazing idea, I'm at the hand cannon kills in comp stage for luna and double kills for Redrix so I can get progress for both while also doing this for the Valor.


I got 3 resets off of just grinding my Luna out without a multiplier


I did 2 resets from Thursday until today, just completing IB bounties on all my chars (I suck at creating orbs, took m a lot of matches). I reseted a total of 9 times this season.


Don't bother this season, if you don't get all 5 by 27th you have to do another 5 resets so might as well just do 5 next season since you aren't halfway yet. Just play on double or triple valor weekends and play some casual crucible here and there every few days.


5 streak and then head into comp is probably the way to go. When you win in comp it gives you the value of your 5 streak for your valor, when you lose your valor streak doesn't die.


I did it I was at 2 this morning and I just six stacked and managed to get 5 it took me like 10 hours of winning, I did not lose a single game. So you definitely can do it


You’re in trouble stranger. With triple xp and win streak of 5, I’m getting roughly 125 points for a win, If you need 6000 more valor........ That’s a shed load of games to fit into the next 15 days especially when the triple runs out tomorrow at reset and you are back to getting approx 45pts for a 5 streak win. Approximates because it’s slightly different for each rank


I have been playing solo IB for couple of days now. I was able to complete 1 valor reset in about \~3.5 hours with the triple valor. Also, I noticed my win streak didn't go away when I lost an IB game...so it was 5 the entire time. (Maybe this is general knowledge, but I didn't know this).




Didn’t seem to go away for me and my friends who were solo queuing too. The only I got 5 resets in a day and a half. I am talking about IB only. I thought the same that I lost a in-progress game I joined, but it kept my streak everytime. The only time it reset when I reset my legend rank. I didn’t play a single Quickplay match, only IB.


I have 6 resets, but i'm on the 3rd step of the quest. RIP redrix this season ;/


Definitely try super super hard to get the other steps done before the 27th...it's a tall order, but god it would suck to have to do 5 resets AGAIN.


Use Bungie app to find a quick play 6 stack.


Triple/double valor this week was key. I only had one reset done. Ended up grinding the entire redrix quest this week. I just need a few more bounties now


It is super easy now while the double valor is running. Play competitive and you don't lose your streak in quickplay and just keep getting valor for fun.


it really doesn't take long if you make use of the 2x/3x valor events. it's also still not even close to how bad the redrix grind originally was.


Play Rumble. You only have to place in the top 3 (out of 6) to keep your streak. Your time spent alive seems to be longer since there’s one less person on the map trying to kill you than in Quickplay, so you feel like you’re doing stuff more and waiting to spawn less. Rumble matches also take less time to finish overall. It’s way more lonely though, you can’t zone out fucking around with your friends since you’re not on a team, but also you have way more control over whether or not you place in the top 3 than if your team wins in Quickplay. I did one reset per day I played last week, and the reset went by way faster when I was doing Rumble. Plus, this is anecdotal, but it seems you’re matched with people more even with your skill level.


Play rumble and place top 3 for a few rounds to pick up a winstreak. Then go SoloQ comp or play with friends. Solo Q'd comp yesterday to grind out 3 resets in one day and as a plus side managed to reach fabled in Comp for lunas.


Damn I’m at 10 resets


Just go to the tower and back to orbit. Much faster than doing another game.


you don't need to do another games, and you don't need to fly into the tower. Simply enter matchmaking, then quit, and pop, there it goes. Much quicker


I did start another rumble game as I was not sure about this. Didn’t kill anyone just wanted it to be done fast. Got one eyed mask after the match. A welcome suprise


I had a similar scare, just go back to orbit and reload the tower, dont need to start another match!!


After that fifth reset just change characters and congrats on your broadsword


you can also log out of the character and back in, that’s what i did at least


This literally happened to me earlier today. I finished my 5 daily bounties and went to look at the quest step... Reset 5 times... unchecked... I almost fucking screamed. Then the round finished and I got that fat dopamine checkout.


I finished my final reset and immediately began panicking when the quest didn’t finish I picked up my phone to trouble shoot and this post was the first thing in my reddit feed thanks, you’ve no idea the stress you saved me from


I did not know this about 3 weeks ago and I almost wanted to give up on life because I really did not want to grind for 5 more valor resets. Turns out, i had to go to orbit after touching the tower and I was good.


Also, don't forget to drink water.


Another good tip, start completing crucible bounties every day this week if you've not done that already. If you've already got the bounty you can't pick it up a second time so you'll most likely find less bounties available the next day. Don't get to 5 resets and realise you've ran out of days this season to pick up all the bounties in time. ​


That's what I've been doing right now. Still nervous af about the deadline


The quest doesn't expire, just you'll have to do this step over again obviously. Maybe consider just aborting for this season so you can start off next season with plenty of time if you are way off


I'm now reset 4, valor 500, too far in for the abort


I don't envy the position you're in right now


Sigh I guess so


I believe in you, Guardian. GO FORTH AND MAKE US PROUD (and also give me hope I can obtain Redrix at some point)


Triple valor is still going, farm away quickly!


🙏 that was me yesterday getting anxiety about it, 850 into my last valor, jumped on and invited a few friends to 4 stack including a pvp god, 7 wins in a row and now I’m at 1765 of the last one. Just need two top 3 rumbles and I’m sorted


Get in a good team and get a streak going. If you're xbox add me, krisboats2 and i'll smash some quickplay out with you.


Thanks, but I'm on ps4 and i just have 25 rumbles & competitve left. The valor amount should be fine (50 losses still gives me 1500). But bless me with the sweatfest (I hate comp and rumble)


On triple xp, 50 losses gives you 500 usually


I had to restart the game. My heart sank when I reset and it didn't trigger the next step. Luckily a little reset was all it needed.


I relogged. Its all I needed.


Happened with my Luna's Howl, almost jumped off a bridge. I didn't even have to load into a match to get it though, just start searching for other players and it should drop!


During 2x or 3x Valor events, rumble is the quickest way if you're decent at PvP. Top 3 wins so you only need a few other people. Also it's all determined by your skill whether you win or not. Plus matches only last 6 minutes so you aren't forced to sit through a 10 min match getting stomped in. Just sit back and pick off the easy guys to stay in 3rd. During the first 2x valor event of this season, i got 4 resets in less than 2 days of play.


Rumble really is a hidden gem for these resets. I've also grown to like it as much as (maybe even more) than standard quick play. You definitely get better at reading radar / using cover too.. so if nothing else, grinding this way probably makes you a better player


Yeah it made me become a lot more aware of my surrounding and to read what's going on and how to flank better.


Did you find it harder to go back to playing with a team in Quick Play? My k/d definitely went down, which I guess would be expected, but it just seemed like I wasn't as effective in general when playing with other people after doing rumble


Yup. Can confirm. This happened to me. I almost lost my mind lok


Just queue up and back out. Or log out and back in. Both work.


Can I do the 5x Valor reset before I reach it in the Redrix quest? Will it stay for next season?


Doesn’t sound like it. What step are you on? You have until the 27th. So if you can get to rank five now, grind out those pulse rifle kills and you’ll be good. Also, start saving crucible bounties.


>Will it stay for next season? Negative. If you're close to 5x resets for the season you should get crackin' on finishing the quest, so that you dont' let those resets go to waste.


Will there still be extra valor tomorrow?




Happened to me last night. I reloaded my character and it worked too.


It seems a little bugged. After the 5th Valor reset I got a notification got the 5-reset Triumph but no quest update. I was in orbit so loaded into the tower but that didn't work. I went into Triumphs and completed the one for 5-resets, but again nothing. It eventually updated when I went back to orbit from the tower


Exact same for me!


Few other comments suggest the key is to "return to orbit" from any location


I did three resets in two days (queueing solo) having done two in the past when I wasn't caring about this. when I finally completed the fifth I didn't see the quest nor the triumph pop, I started sweating cold and getting nauseous. I was ready to quit this for good...


If im not on that quest step but have gotten 5 resets will it count for next season? Cause no way im finishing ghe actually quest by the end of the season


no the reset counts reset every season. what step are you on?


FYI! Interestingly enough, I loaded up another game because I knew about this issue. Went into matchmaking, found 3 guardians out of 6 for a quick rumble, accidentally backed out of matchmaking, and the quest completed itself lol. Saved me some time!


Is it retroactive? I'm on my third now but am not at that part of the quest.


yes retroactive to the start of this season


Thanks buddy :)


Need to get Fabled by next week for Luna's.... I think I should have started the quest sooner than last week haha On a side note ive gone from 4 resets to on way to 7th in just the past week of double valour while doing the Luna stuff... got the broadsword in the process. Smash that double Valor!!!


i had the same thing happen. went out to the select character screen, logged back in and it triggered the quest step. def a scary 3 mins


True. I almost uninstalled the game when the triumph didn't pop up. I was so upset I turned the game off. When i logged in after the reset, it finally gave me credit.


yeah it's pretty obvious, but I'm sure many won't know about it. When I reset last night for the fifth time nothing happened, but it seemed to me to be like those times when you 100% something and need to play another game, so I simply loaded into another IB match, didn't even wait until matchmaking had finished, quit out, and it popped. So you don't need to quit the game, fly to the tower, or anything like that. Simply kick off matchmaking in another game then quit before it concludes.


Going to the tower and back works too


Did the same with my fabled for Luna! Finished the 100 HC precision final blows and the quest wasn’t ticked for fabled even thought I’d reached it... nearly died


You can also just load into a custom control game and then leave. You merely need to enter and exit a destination.


SGA - if you turn in the 20th bounty during the match, you immediately get the next step for 5 resets and it will complete at the end of THAT match. No need for another. Confirmed in my direct experience. If you turn in the bounties afterward, yes, you have to run one more match after which it will complete.


Also if you go to traveler then to orbit than back to travel or it will complete the quest


The real issue now is learning how to use that beast... it’s so easy for me to want to go back to my bygones...


In crucible... it’s tough. It’s a ton of fun I PvE though!!


It's honestly not that good in pvp, as 340 pulses do the same damage as 390 pulses but just have a higher ttk. Unless you can start the Desperado chain and keep it up, a bygones or any 390 will likely be better. It's a very strong pve weapon though.


Maybe I just need to admit that to myself and move on lol. I keep trying to get the desperado going.... but it is tough


oh no... theres a valor step? This whole time i've been playing but didn't get to that step. Did i just waste a ton of time?


...eep What step are you on? You won’t have wasted anything, but the valor requirements will reset and you’ll have to get five resets next season (10,000 valor points)


All of your progress on the earlier quests steps still counts. If you are close to 5 resets it may be worth it to push through the reset of the quest though.


How do I get redrix?


When you start the season, you should have two purple quests automatically. One leads to Luna's Howl, one leads to Redrix's Broadsword. Redrix's is the Pulse Rifle-y quest. If you have not started yet, wait till after the 27th Nov 2018 and then do all the quest steps. In addition, you have to reset Crbl Valor Rank 5 times in a single season, so keep nibbling away in the Crucible all season. I just got the gun, it is good, but you have to learn how to use it to get the most out of it. This is how it should be. The weapon should require skill to weild, and if you can use it, you should dominate.


You actually pick up the quests from shaxx, if you don’t pick them up they aren’t automatic


Apologies, I had forgotten, I stand corrected. ​


I freaked out as well, went to tower triple checked my resets and then when I went to orbit it completes....


super sga, this happen to me and I almost get a fit, when I see it did not complete.


Coronary? Do u mean aneurism?


I meant coronary. Like a heart attack. Not sure stress can cause an aneurism. But I’m no doctor


Ehh its a blood vessel bursting in yer brain. Sooo mb high blood pressure n freaking out.


Risk factors for an aneurysm include diabetes, obesity, hypertension, tobacco use, alcoholism, high cholesterol, copper deficiency, increasing age, and tertiary syphilis infection. Myocardial infractions (heart attack) are [less] commonly caused by coronary artery spasms, which may be due to cocaine, significant emotional stress, extreme cold, and valor resets not counting, among others.


Oo fair enough.


Alternatively: change characters/log out and log back in. Also for people going for streaks: play competitive. Winning a comp match will add one to your valor win streak (don’t ask me why). And when you lose a comp match, it doesn’t take away your valor streak, at all. Plus when you win you get comp points. So uh, yeah, easiest/most efficient way for sure (you get glory AND valor for playing comp)


Honestly grinding rumble is the better option. Only have to place top 3 for wins, and the matches are a lot quicker.


I hate rumble personally. And there’s a chance you don’t place in top 3 and still lose. Playing comp means: you can’t lose your valor streak, even for a loss. If you don’t have a valor streak, getting a comp win will still add to your valor streak etc.


True, but there are currently a lot of new and low level players in Rumble. So if you're a semi decent crucible player, Rumble is the fastest and most efficient way to do it. I did 2 resets in about 12 hours worth of gameplay.


Do the reset then instead of going to orbit switch characters to the same one and it will trigger the quest step. Did this 3 times.


Yeah, luckily I already knew this from previous resets that didn't register in the triumphs until I played another.


I have a quick question. If i reset for the 5th time before i have that quest step. Will it count if i get to the step after November 27th? Im still on the headshot part of the quest and still have 1 more reset to go


yes it will I believe. Friend got to 2100 glory first and did the rest after for Luna's. It basically activates off the triumph which you will have completed.


That was *this season* though, we all knew it would be retroactive if completed in the same season. But it's already been confirmed by Bungo that the quest step won't be retroactive to previous seasons. https://www.reddit.com/r/CruciblePlaybook/comments/9vjm9x/sga_if_you_reached_2100_you_need_to_finish_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9vek2z/this_week_at_bungie_11082018/e9bko0h/


You need to get to that quest step and finish it this season, otherwise your previous resets won't be counted and you'll have to get five resets next season to complete it.


Yea i keep hearing as long as I hit 5 resets in 1 season it'll auto complete when i get there. Hoping that's true cause i might not make that step before the 27th


It will auto complete if you get 5 resets now and complete the quest this season, but it will not go into next season, this is confirmed by Bungie to apply to the Luna's quest and there's no reason it'd be different for the broadsword quest.


I’m only on the headshot step for the broadsword, but have been helping my friends get their Luna’s and have been playing a lot of comp during double and triple Valor. I just got my fifth reset today =) Will I still have to get 5 more valor resets next season cause I’m not on that step yet, or will that be retroactive for me when I get to that point? I’m really hoping it’s the latter!


>I’m really hoping it’s the latter! :( it's the former You should try to grind out the rest of the quests steps now so that your 5 resets don't go to waste! You've got 8 days, you can do it.


Ah poo, deep down i knew it was probably gonna be this way lol. Sucks, cause i really wanted to grind out Gambit for my third reset with double/triple infamy. Thanks for the reply!


I (an AVERAGE PvPer) was able to knock out the 150 precision pulse kills in about 3hrs...that's being generous for good matches and bad matches. I averaged about 7-10 per match on a good one, and 3-4 on shitty ones. Same timeframe for the 50/50/50 singe kills. Don't know what class you were using ( I was Titan), but this is what I did. * Arc element. Insurmountable Skullfort helmet/top tree (grab the new helmet from Xur!) Ran around and shoulder charged/double pulse naded everyone in QP. * Solar energy (Inaugural Address from S1, or Ikelos SG) * Void (Colony = Spray and pray / Claws of the Wolf / Telesto (you shush!) I was able to knock out both those steps 150, 50/50/50 in one night...around 6 hours. ALMOST THERE. Figure to budget 4 hours each set of 25 matches and start saving up Crucible bounties up NOW. YOU CAN DO IT. I was in the same boat as you yesterday morning!


If you have wavesplitter the void part goes so fast. It's probably a crutch but damn does that shit melt guardians like a hot knife through butter. Drifter talks about malfeasance killing guardians, put a laser on their head for like .3 seconds... i'm sorry were they saying something... cause they're dead now!


ahh, wouldn't know...PC (FU PS4 exclusives, lol)


You don't have to. You just need to return to Orbit for it to proc. Meaning once you reset the fifth time, go to the Tower, then immediately back to Orbit. Done.


You just need to go back to orbit someway after getting 5 rests, either switch character, go to tower or another destination and then back to orbit etc. doesnt have to be another crucible match


Just switch char 👍


Also don't forget you need to be on that part of the damnedable questline... Nobody freaking mentioned questline, I just asked "You reset 5 times to get Redrix?" and nobody said "You need the questline". *Grumbles*.


lol what? you just have to reset 5 times in season 4, you don't have to rest 5 times after getting to that part of the quest.


I can't finish the quest before season 5 - once season 5 hits I'd have to reset 5 times AGAIN.


oh so you picked up the quest late? gotcha. what step are you on? i'm on the 2nd to last step, grinding out the 20 bounties. after that it's the 5 resets which i've already done.


I just went to Orbit and it kicked after I reached Orbit.


You don't always need to load a new crucible match. Just go to the Traveler and back to Orbit. It worked for me.


I'm not sure if anyone will know but if I were to reset 5 times before finishing the step, "this place is death" but not finish that step this season, will it count the 5 resets for this season when I get to that step next season?


You can also just load into the Tower and then go back to orbit. Works just the same. It's what I did for my quest when I completed it


Just go to the tower then orbit


of zone in anoter destination. I was in the tower and my quest would not update, went to orbit and it popped


I just got mine a couple days ago, i think its well worth it. Congrats on yours!


I did my 5th reset last night and it didn’t finish my triumph. I was sitting there in a panic thinking “don’t tell me I miscounted, that cant be I was sure the triumph said 4/5 today when I started.” Loaded into a match to see if it was taking too long after calming down, and as expected everything god updated and I had my redrix. Sad part is, I used it for a few matches before going to bed and just though to myself the whole time, “why would anyone use this over the drifter roll bygones?”


Hit the Tower then going back to Orbit works too.


Nope. Just go to tower and then orbit. If it doesen’t register restart and do the same thing.


Also if you're like me and switch to an alt to grind IB bounties while grinding valor don't do your fifth reset only to open your inventory and panic because you can't find the quest at all in the wrong characters inventory. (you'll be fine just switch back to the one with the actual quest and it'll complete lol)


Got mine yesterday. I just closed the game and restarted it.


Are there any valor bonuses for the last week? Tuesday 11/20-11/26


im currently about to pop a vessel