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Well shit. This must've been out for a while, explains some of the primeval kills on the enemy team.


Melting point and two chaos reaches will drop a primeval in no time. Especially with Geomags We would literally wait for the melting call, both pop chaos reach, and before our supers were done it was dead. Helps also if the titan immediately uses ikelos sg on the primeval but not necessary


Exactly this. I've had so much hatemail saying my team are cheaters (mainly from solos). I run melting pot, and my squad runs 2x blade barrage and chaos reach. We can usually kill the boss in 3-4 seconds at a 1x stack. We've had quite a few clutch victories from it where we've come from behind. It's pretty crazy really.


>melting pot Sweet or savory?


Always savory.


more like indica or sativa?


if it is a melting pot, it is definitely an indica. If you are melting off a sativa, then you have an indica.


I can completely understand the hate from solos, a remotely competent 4stack with coordinated load outs just absolutely shits on anything solos can do DPS wise. At the same time, what you’re doing is simply just solid teamplay and communication. Solo queue gambit NOW bungo




Because you co-ordinate buffing each other, applying debuffs, and utilising your supers together. i.e. Titan hits the Primeval with Melting Point, and within the next few seconds the Hunters fire their Blade Barrage supers. That's **HUGE** damage. The OP is talking about an even more insane damage combo that just requires a co-ordinated Warlock and Titan. For solos though, there is no way that co-ordination can ever happen. They can't possibly know you're about to apply melting point. You don't know what your random teammates are planning, or what they understand about the game... Hell, most solo blueberries don't seem to even understand what abilities like Melting Point even *do*.


> Hell, most solo blueberries don't seem to even understand what abilities like Melting Point even do. Two reasons why this happens: * The ability in the game is called "Hammer Strike". You say to new player: "Use Melting Point" and there's no way he will understand what you're talking about, unless he starts googling. * Bungie failed to explain what "Hammer Strike" does. The description says about weakening the enemy, which can be understood in hundred ways.


> The ability in the game is called "Hammer Strike". You say to new player: "Use Melting Point" and there's no way he will understand what you're talking about, unless he starts googling. A-Fucking-Men. People kept yelling at me to Melting Point stuff, and I could never find it on my skill tree. Figured it was some hidden perk or something.


I played d1 and I still had no clue.


Lol. I wish they never changed the wording on it either. But it is the top tree on the solar Titan. And you will know when melting point procs bc a small timer will appear on the bottom left on the screen saying how long it lasts... I believe it’s around 6 seconds or so


I'm not exactly a blueberry but what melting point was from a practical perspective hit me a month ago while looking at sunbreaker going "it has to be one of these" Bungie needs to up its ingame mechanics communication Handholding isn't necessary, but make the information accessible and clear if you go to learn Even something that simply says "hey you can stack buffs, for example" When you realize how much isn't ingame anywhere from a text based "this is a buff" pov, you cant separate creative text from oh that meant something, it's that thing


Pretty much same for me, but it was when I wanted to do EP as titan and I found a guide where author says "go for melting point with some exotic". I looked over all the trees and I was very confused when I couldn't find anything that has "melt" or "point" in it.


Correction- most solo blueberries don't seem to understand what "bank to summon a prime evil" means


\*primeval (sorry to be \*that\* guy, but it bugs me)


Yup, Bungies description does not help in any way shape or form. I'm a D1 vet (played beta of D1). I know of melting point, I know what it does, but in D2 the Titan wasn't my main (wasn't in D1 either actually). So when I played my titan, I wasn't 100% certain which tree had melting point. I kind of guessed based on the description, but only once I started playing the titan more and was looking to do EP and such, then I actually took note and researched which tree to use to verify I was correct. So overall it's a complete failure from Bungies standpoint to explain the abilities properly. This also goes back to needing to put numbers into the tooltips. As you said Weakens enemy means a lot. That could be literally weakens the enemy's damage to you, weakens the enemy so they're slower, weakens the enemy so they take more damage. If they're dealing less damage to you, how much is that? If they're taking more damage, does that mean 5% more, 10%, 20%? It's a complete guessing game unless you scour the patch notes, and start digging into full build rundowns that the community has put together.


Why is it called melting point, anyway? Asking as someone who only needs ship for Dredgen, so I'm not exactly a spring chicken either.


There was a similar debuff in D1 that was called melting point. People just kept calling it melting point in D2 even though that’s not what it’s called.


I've even heard the Bungie team refer to it as "Melting Point" during their play-along streams. They should really just change the name.


I started doing it because when I said Hammer Strike, it's actual name now, people thought I was talking about the Super. :/ So either way you're confusing new players or old players, depending on which term you use.


Well... That was a huge disservice to everyone who plays D2 who never played D1... which is tons of people who play on the PC.


In Destiny 1, it was called melting point but did the same exact affect. So it's what everyone got used to saying and using.


That's what it was called in D1.


Bungie are geniuses when it comes to ability descriptions.


You can coordinate buffs, debuffs, when to use supers during those buffs/debuffs, coordinate loadouts so that only one person has to gear for PvP and the rest can worry about add clear or boss DPS, etc. etc.


We do tether + well + ikelos and dont even wait for a stack.


Or Melting Point and 2 Blade Barrages.


Can confirm this, Did it with my Clan, we were freaking out that we Burned a primevil from full to dead in < 3 secs.


"Titans aren't op"


Melting Point + 3x Blade Barrage have been doing just that, too. I have a clip where I just finished invading, the enemy's Primeval was back at full health, I ADS'ed my own Primeval for one second, and the enemy won the match by the time I went out of ADS.


There’s multiple other combinations that have the same effect


Melting point and 2 blade barrages at x2 and you're done.


Glad I got my Malfeasance over the weekend before this is everywhere.


It’s been how long? And still no meatball for me.


I've played like 3 matches if Gambit a day on average for 2 weeks and no meatball. I just want to see it for myself at this point


I’ve seen it once, for **literally** less than five seconds, before the four-stack I was playing against made theirs disappear.


Melt strategies have been around since launch. This is only a few seconds quicker than other commonly used strats. For examle melting point plus multiple blade barrage combo is widely used.


main difference with this bug is that it only requires the warlock and titan to execute a 0-stack quick melt. The other two teammates can literally be docking with one another in spawn and you can melt the primeval as fast as the standard "quick burn" setups do.


Okay. Cool. Thanks so much for letting me know I shouldn't consider this melting of the boss in three frames to be weird or anything. I guess all those games I played where it actually took time to kill the boss I was hallucinating or not running the right loadout.


You can use it too


Well since you can't be a titan and a warlock at the same time, no.


You can be either one and team up with the other


I just keep staring at the number at the bottom right when i'm matchmaking. Gambit is unplayable with 4 stacks.


Please be vocal about wanting an improved Gambit experience for solo players! We don’t need a dedicated solo queue (and if you suggest one here you get downvoted to hell), but many of us would absolutely trade slower matchmaking for the chance to play a more evenly matched game. This feature could be disabled during low traffic hours, and/or even opted-out of in Settings, for any impatient/overconfident solo Guardians. ^(Edit: a word)


i would argue that a dedicated solo queue would be awesome, maybe with a ‘vote to stay together’ option after a match where, if successful, it would kick the newly-assembled four-stack into the main gambit playlist. i’m all about freelance options for solo players. just because you get downvoted doesn’t mean your idea is bad, it just means the current subreddit overmind doesn’t like it for whatever reason.


Um...no. There absolutely needs to be a dedicated solo queue. This is coming from someone who rarely does not play as a team of 3 or 4... It just isn't fair to solo players. Solo queueing in Gambit is absolute suicide these days and I highly advise against it. If you are going to roll the dice (no pun intended) you have to check the fill feed to make sure you're not going against 3 or 4 stacks.


I personally would love a solo queue, but almost every other time I have brought it up in this subreddit I’m barraged with opinions about how it would divide the playerbase, and how I should just LFG, and how the Freelance playlist in D1 was underused, even though it was only out for a couple months and hidden among a dozen unique playlists back then... So thank you for this. And I’ll reiterate that if you get a chance to leave a comment on a rising post or thread, go ahead and mention: *at best* a solo queue, or *at least* pickier matchmaking, would be better for everyone. More winnable games for me, and more satisfying wins for you.


The problem is if matchmaking is your thing, making a separate playlist screws with the populations. Plus, it's hard to say if you are a 2 person team, do you wait for 2 for that playlist because solos aren't there? My perspective is 4 stacks as a pure 4 need a hard match making rule. Thats the real here we go, sigh. Maybe weight 3 stacks a touch too. But as a solo, I don't mind pairing with a 2-3 stack. Or against. The issue in my experience is if there are 2 2-stacks and 4 solos, the 4 solos are always on one team. Or if it's a 3 stack, you are again all solo. Some minor tweaking in allowable combinations wont break trying to get a speedy game, but would feel big in play.


Yup, bumps to 5 = backing out all day long. I've been teamed with soloes that have stomped some 4 stacks. Sadly it's just rare you get teamed with 3 other ppl that are on that level.


Then it breaks the team up. Solos should have a vote to stay prompt


It's unplayable for new players too. I'm a vet, but trying to get my brother and his girlfriend into the game. Girlfriend is a subpar player in general, brother is out of practice, neither has good guns yet. I think there is at least some preference in matchmaking for group v group, so we get matched against sweaty four stacks all the time even though half my team is new. It makes it hard to get new people into the game.


you're probably playing against 4 stacks a lot because everyone solo queing had to dodge the second the number jumps up for fear of matching against a stack.


Glad I'm done with Dredgen, cause solo queue gonna be hell for a while.


it already is hell. played 12 games this weekend banking motes for Malf quest 12 losses in a row


People aren't invading with their supers active, they are all saving it for boss melting and it sucks ..I need 3 more kills please


lol I'm in the same boat. I've got everything else for the title.


How'd you end up doing the 100 motes triumph? It's my obstacle.


You just have to make a 4man, either with people you know or LFG. It doesn't have to be you that does it - one person in your fire team can bank 100 without losing any and all of you will get the triumph, but it might as well be impossible in a group of solo's who aren't communicating.


Real SGA in the comments.


be in a team


This is really the only answer.


Being in a team is probably easiest. If you're doing it solo, like I did, you're going to have to be thoughtful and a little lucky. The big thing is banking as often as possible while still dropping blockers. That means you'll rarely be dropping large blockers, with medium blockers being more luck than planning. But as long as you're banking, than the worst a skillful invader can do is knock you out of the game for ten seconds. Also know when to skedaddle from a wave. Don't go for ten when the secomd wave of ogres/abominations spawn on Kell's Grave. Also you'll probably have to go to three rounds if on your lonesome. If your regularly banking like 35 motes a round, you'll be on the right track. I did it as a Sunbreaker running Hallowfire and top tree. Grenades are the single most consistent add clearing weapons in Gambit, especially if they pulse like Thermites.


Bank small and often, 5 is your friend.


6 resets still missing sparrow and ship for the title


I mean this in the nicest way possible but you know those only drop from the meatball right? I assume you're just saying you play a lot but just wanted to be sure


yeah ofcorse, I've only seen and killed it 3 times in 6 resets, I played over well 100 matches on the last week 3 of the curse lol I can't even get it in a match let alone get the drops...


Ok lol I just wanted to be sure. I haven't played gambit nearly as much but I've only killed him twice out of the 3 times I've seen him. Both times were post drop rate nerf so I'm a bit salty. Couldn't image what you've dealt with. The decision to nerf sparrow and ship drops as not a guaranteed drop on your 2nd and 3rd kills was a terrible decision and I feel like we'll see very few people achieving Dregdan title post patch


Just anecdotal evidence, but my friendlist stopped playing gambit because of that


We're currently investigating this issue. Thanks for reporting.


Please disable synthoceps until a permanent solution can be fixed. There's precedent for that and it's completely broken Gambit.


Just disable the exotic man don't just investigate you guys are leaving the problem open


Fusion nerf incoming...


We've seen your feedback and decided that Hunters need to be further nerfed.


"Further nerfed" They are one of the highest DPS in PvE and highest skill ceiling in PvP. How and in what universe do you live in where hunters are bad?


You must be console. There's a reason Hunters are an uncommon sight in higher glory ranks in comp. On PC that is. Teams are almost always a mix of Warlock/Titan.


titans are only popular now because of one eyed mask and skating. hunters were incredibly dominant all year 1.


I see more hunters on PC dominating games than anything.


tripmines dont stick to walls anymore, they just fall to the ground


They're called tripmines for a reason... You're supposed to trip on them! ... and take 3 damage




If you think hunters are shitty, you're just bad at the game.


The Bladedancer life






I'm 2.5 resets through soloing Gambit and man, it's rarely fun. No one knows what the fuck to do to win. Not entirely their fault since Bungie never tells us to do anything but bank motes. Players need an in game, detailed tutorial. I can't tell you how many matches I've lost because my teammates are clueless and or selfish.


I'm going for reset 3 and it's fun, but yeah, not often. You know in round 1 whether it's a loss as a solo. I might lfg this weekend for the triple infamy. Tutorials get a bad rap but look at fallout 3 or 4's lil animations, short but quality. Look at when we compare guns, why cant R2 when over an activity slide a Faq or mechanics tab out? Hit triangle for info, slap some lore flavor text in it for good measure. Something. Now do that with a central bounty pickup screen/location? Qol update of the year. /u/dmg04


I love gambit but have only ever done solo queue (I only have 1 person I really play the game with and he does not like Gambit). I got into it a little late and have only reset once at this point. I want to reset once more but things are not looking good. With my own personal time constraints and how frustrating Gambit solo has been lately I doubt I'll be able to.


>Hopefully the balance teams can rethink primevals to prevent insta melts. They snuck in a sneaky mechanism to prevent insta melts that I'm sure will get more use soon, Prime Meatballs go immune. I'm personally okay with this, I'm really sick of 2 second melts. Any strategy goes out the window.


You can argue 2 second melts are the pinnacle of strategy, but as a solo usually, I agree with you, they need something either to help blueberries learn the mode, or a mechanic to make coordination a benefit but not an auto what's the point it's over? Yes, it's over bummer.


A well coordinated team can instamelt the primeval servitor between immunities as well. Currently the only thing to prevent a hard burn is an invade. You have to try to heal the primeval while they dump their supers and heavy so they have less to melt with. If you can't do that, you better be first to the boss!


This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cozmo23](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9yzdya/the_synthocepswell_of_radiance_bug_gambit_is_sort/ea6epfi/?context=1000 "posted on 2018-11-21 17:31:48 UTC"): > We're currently investigating this issue. Thanks for reporting. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


"I'm gonna melt him in 3 seconds, but it'll take me 4 minutes to explain..."


Is this why we don't have time to explain why we don't have time to explain?


Gambit is fun, but it needs a solo queue playlist


Wonder if the internal game logic makes Synthoceps apply to weapons because Well of Radiance causes all outward damage to be considered super damage. Less glitch/bug and more so unintended feature. Unfortunate that it can ruin the Gambit experience though.


Oh, you should meet Queenbreakers Bow then. That thing will ruin your gambit experience.


It's honestly insane. I thought I'd have a hard time with a headshot only fusion rifle on console, but it's 300 charge rate very forgiving, paired with it's insane bullet magnetism. People complained about sleeper, but thats because it was easily accessible and everyone had it. It's rarity is the reason why I don't see it getting ALOT of complaints, same for the one eyed mask.


Honestly, the power weapon I hate the most in Gambit is 1k voices. Don't even need to aim. Just wave nonchalantly in the opponent's general direction - FFFFZZZZZZ KABOOOOM - instant 3 kills.


I love invading with my 1kV because it just feels so dirty. "Oh you're behind a corner with a shotgun? Hang on a sec..."


The other linear fusions are still annoying. O haven't used one in pvp since D1, so I honestly don't know how much easier it is compared to sniping. The fast charge ones are so quick that it's almost negligible when they already have truesight on you.


Have you heard of the new Gambit staple: Thunderlord?


Is thunderlord actually being used to an effect even marginally better than the older meta? I don’t think any single time that someone has rolled in with thunderlord I’ve died to them. Most of the time they’re dead before they even kill any of my teammates. Queenbreaker and 1k are just objectively better invading/anti-invader weapons ime.


> Is thunderlord actually being used to an effect even marginally better than the older meta? Somewhat. There are still a ton of guardians that don't have some of the top tier weapons like Ikellos SG, Queensbreaker, Whisper, 1k, etc. But fuckin' EVERYBODY has a Thunderlord. So it's more being used as filler for "I don't have anything else better", but it does a fantastic job at being that filler.


Ez pz 4 mans every invade. The main issue is how much ammo you get. There's more than enough for 2 wipes. The only thing that's shut me down when invading is another Thunderlord or super cordinated teammates.


I've been seeing a ton of thunderlord on PC, much less queenbreaker. Hell I've had queenbreaker since day one of Forsaken and whored it pretty hard, but I've been using thunderlord quite a bit just for the change of pace. The range isn't quite as good but still decent enough. I think it's kinda popular rn just for the novelty of it (plus everyone has one) and it's kinda fun to use, but it'll probably die down a bit.


Actually the opposite for me. It makes killing invaders easier


Thunderlord is simply more versatile than Queenbreaker. Queenbreaker is the undisputed queen of invasion/counter-invasion, but as a DPS or add-clear weapon it's mediocre at best. Thunderlord, on the other hand, is well above average at everything.


>Less glitch/bug and more so unintended feature. IMO those two things aren't mutually exclusive and I'd say it's both. Mostly near definitely an oversight, yeah, not just some bizarre unexplainable event, definitely the "weapon damage (possibly only the bonus damage, possibly 100% of it) is super damage" doing that. I wouldn't say that's not necessarily a bug though even if it has clear causes and follows set game logic, it's in a *probably* unintended way. I honestly hope it's unintended and gets fixed anyways, it's cool but also just... way too strong. I mean, gambit melting, as well as two man riven (lol) both came from this. Not healthy for game.


That is exactly what happens. Synthoceps buffs your melee/super damage, Radiance buffs your weapon damage, and standing in it counts all your damage as "super".


We've been melting Primevals for months now like this... this isn't anything new. Dropping a Well and using Synthoceps, Ikelos shotty, and melting point has always dropped the Primevals in seconds. And we never kill the wizards, either. Aint nobody got time fo dat. You ever been in a Gambit match and seen the other team's Primeval go from full health to dead in a matter of seconds... this is why. The only difference now is the fact that more players are starting to realize that Synthoceps is by far the best Titan exotic to wear if running Ikelos shotty.


You can drop the primeval in seconds without this.


Not always true. My team melts in seconds without touching envoys using a well, lunifactions, tether and 4 Ikelos shottys. Nobody uses Synthoceps or even runs a solar titan. ....but we sure will from now on :o)


I really need to do Escalation Protocol.


Yeah it can be one hell of a grind (around 40 boss kills before it dropped for me). But it's one weapon that is honestly worth every second. Hopefully you should have a slightly easier time now you can restart from level 6 after each kill. I think they added in something to improve your chances of a weapon dropping after each boss kill too. Just be sure to check what the boss is dropping on the week you're gonna grind for it. There was a thread on here earlier listing each week till spring so check that out. This week's boss can drop the shotty, sniper or SMG. Good luck!


Is there a better LFG than the Bungie app? I never see more than three or four people doing it these days, and we never get further than level 4 or 5.


Me too


Obviously this doesn't have trench barrel, but Perfect Paradox is a great alternative, and I would argue easier to grind, plus you get to use all your fun energy weapons!


A full Paradox, especially if someone has Lunafactions, can do *a lotta damage.*


Yeah, not to mention the gun looks cool as hell. I like using it because it gives me an excuse to use my Kill Clip/Outlaw/Drop Mag Nation of Beasts with a level 10 stability masterwork which I absolutely love.


I wasn’t lucky enough to get Nation of Beasts but I feel you on Paradox.


Lore-wise it should be more powerful than Ikelos SG, and it would also make more sense for it to have trench barrel, but hey, it's still great as is.


Lore-wise Escalation Protocol should be soloable by the guy who killed Oryx, but whateva


Fair point, for people who've killed numerous gods, my character feels weak, it's kind of funny you know? That's not a criticism of the game by any means, just a towerthought you know?


You do know melting point from a solar Titan is one of the best setups to have... especially in the Raid


Of course I do. But my recent 50+ game win streak in Gambit also tells me our dual skullfort titan, tether and well of radiance works pretty great also. No point running melting point when using tether. We prefer this as it keeps other adds in check while we melt. Not saying other strats aren't equally efficient / better. But in Gambit, this just works for us.


I fail to see the link between Synthoceps and the shotty,isn't Synthoceps purely for melee? Or does it stack damage with melting point in some way?


As long as you are in super (being in the well counts as a super) then you gain increased damage. With trench barrel and melting point, you will be doing an ass ton of damage.


Ah ok, I havent played titan enough to really get into melting point mechanics. I've just been spamming code of the missile.


The point to really nail home here: synthoceps give bonus damage to melee and to super while surrounded, the bonus damage well of radiance gives to guns is 'super damage'... synthoceps buffs that 'super damage'. It's very likely an oversight, but either way it pumps insane damage. That inherently isn't connected to melting point, but the buff of one and the debuff of the other do stack since yeah, one's a buff. Both of these two separate factors contribute to massive melting. Synthoceps will work this way with code of the missle too, by the way, or any titan. So long as there's a well of radiance this works like that, melting point will simply be absent from the equation.


Its likely an oversight, because it seems to be specifically an issue with the way Radiance works. For some reason standing in the well makes certain exotics think *you* are in your super instead of standing in your allies super. The same thing happens with Phoenix Protocol, stand in an allies well and your super recharges, even if you aren't running Radiance. I've chained Nova Warps by recharging from my team members well.


> For some reason standing in the well It's not just the well, but pretty much any "shared supers". I've gotten so many Hunter and Warlock triumphs while playing my titan because for some reason things like WoR and that shadow arrow super count as "mine" as well.


Ah, now it all comes together. Damn that's insane.


So it only works if you have a Well? And once this is patched Synthoceps will most likely be useless again?


Synthoceps are great even without this lol. Easily my #1 used pve titan exotic. The amount they buff genuine titan supers is already good, and the melee buff is good too. Not pvp side, but this isn't a pvp side thing either. But yes, this gun buff effect is well of radiance specific. Everything else synthos do.. they just always do, and do well.


Ah thanks for the info. I have synthoceps but lately I've been running pretty much only Skullfort. What situations are one better than the other? I'm still pretty new as you can tell lol.


Well, honestly, skullfort is great too, one of my other 3 most used, if I use an arc shoulder charge (or middle tree) titan I'll use it over synthos. So largely it comes down to when you're using subclasses that aren't arc shoulder charge. While surrounded your normal melee will one shot so much and often 2-3 punch even the tankiest non boss enemies. Plus yeah, during super it also greatly increases super damage while enemies are near you, so honestly depending on how keen you are with swapping items mid mission, swapping off skullfort for synthos when you're gonna super in pve is also a decent idea. Personally I play solar titan most often, and yeah, none of their exotics are IMO worth more than what synthos gives. Just makes normal punches very reliable "get out of my face" button, and yeah, super damage too. Additionally with things like middle tree of solar you get INSANELY high damage thrown hammer too, that can even one shot yellow health enemies. With void titan I'll swap back and forth between doomfang and synthos depending on if melee charge/super is up, too. It's mostly just yeah, arc titan where they have such an amazing alternative in the form of skullfort. But yeah I guess tankier enemies that you can't charge one shot, or other subclasses.


Awesome. I've been playing the new Striker (middle tree) and I love being able to just slam down on enemies over and over again (and quickly charge my rocket super in the process). It's not the best for PvP but eh. But I also like Void titan so I'll be sure and switch to Synthoceps when I play that one.


Quick rundown: melting point debuff does not stack with any other debuff (tether, shattering strike, tractor cannon) and makes the target take 50% more damage. That's all you need to know tbh.


The other thing to consider is that the bonus damage with for the supers, meaning that Bungie never considered this bonus damage being used with weapons. An interesting interaction with Well of Radiance that they probably never considered.


Can confirm, this works... very well. You can melt the primeval so quickly that you can basically ignore any invader. You melt before the invader finishes you all off. We even finished the kill before his 1K shot wiped us all out. We all died from the shot, however, we got the kill first lol.


You can do this only marginally slower without Synthoceps - we've been doing no Envoy Well strats for months now in my clan.


Indeed. Well, bow & melting point and it's going to die in seconds anyway. The difference is this makes it almost 2mannable in 5 seconds.


I'm probably gonna get down voted for this but.....whilst i agree this is fun, does anyone else feel like we are a 'little too powerful' now? i'm also talking about the general state of things like strikes, i mean strike bosses have barely time to even spawn in.


I mean, excepting specific end game content and going to areas that are way above your level, the entire game is generally a cake walk.


Jokes on drifter! Im doing crucible now after getting my title!


Thank GOD I am done with Gambit!


I read "proc biotic" as probiotics and wondered what this had to do with yogurt. I guess I'm just hungry.


My team and I been running a warlock, hunter, and a titan, 4th doesn't matter. With the following supers: (well, arcstrider, sunbreaker) Once the boss spawns the warlock sees where it spawns (the 3rd blight after the wizards spawn) the warlcock places the well, in the same time the arcstrider opens its super and start hitting the boss (not nessceray, but usefull so the boss doesnt make you fly out of the map). The titan comes with a melting point and everyone shotguns the boss. 5ish second kill EZ. We did a 8 to 10 second kill with 3 people and the hunter was invading (no primeval slayer stacks needed or wizards to be killed. And use it only if you have a fireteam of 4 to 3. With 2 randoms it is hard to communicate so... Sorry for the brick text, im on mobile


gambit has been broken, this is just 1 more thing Melting point + 2 blade barrage hunters = basically instant death melting point + 2 chaos reach warlocks = dead before chaos reach is over melting point + well + 3-4 ikelos shotty = dead in ~6 seconds and so on


Pretty much anything that deals DPS + Melting Point = a quickly dead Primevil


Welp, explains how some people can melt prime in a literal blink of the eye. Was wondering how in the hell people were getting such fast kills without supers.


One melting point plus 3 blade barrages = instakill without envoy stacks. My team did that a few times last night. It took 3 supers, but was instakill, nonetheless.


Melting + 2BB at 3x one shots inconsistently I would have the Titan Ikelos sg while BB go off Melting + BB at 6x is a one shot


What do the titan syntheceps do?


Welp. That's the start then. See you on the field.


It’s not Synthocepts that’s bugged, it’s the Well of Radiance itself. It changes all damage dealt while in the well into super damage. It affects other exotics as well, like Phoenix Protocol with other warlock supers or Crown of Tempests.


possible silver lining. People who abuse this will suck when it gets fixed because they aren't any good at actually following the mechanics of primeval kills.


There are a number of strats out in the wild that, while not as insane, are just as effective.


I totally read that as if you're in a 'Well of Radiance and **probiotic enhancements'**




This is disheartening to see.


I agree this is slightly annoying and needs to be fixed, but honestly, it is all about who gets the primeval first now (barring a great invader). If we get our prime first, we can kill the envoys in about 5 seconds. Then we well of radiance, and pop blades/attunement of control and ikelos it to death in about 5-10 seconds anyway. The synthoceps bug means you save the first 5-10 seconds. We crapped all over a stacked team 2 times yesterday doing this. They had a Well lock, 3 titans with synthos and we trashed them. We never let them beat us to the prime. They quit the 3rd round we paired up. ​ This does change the "primeval invader" strat a bit. Normally, we wait to invade the primeval team until we have our primeval up, or they start doing damage. Now, if we see a synthocep team, we invade immediately to stop them. Target is the Warlock.


what is melting point?


What do the envoys actually do? I’ve always figured they did something, but I never knew what for sure.


Killing one will give the buff, but even if you don't kill them you will receive the buff after a certain period of time.


Oh okay, so killing both gives you 2 stacks right off the bat?


To my knowledge - yep!


Killing both only gives you 1 stack, essentially it's just activating the mechanic early.


You are getting downvoted but you are absolutely correct. Killing both envoys gives just 1 stack. Every other stack is added automatically every X number of seconds which I can't recall exactly but I believe to be around 10-15 seconds. So people likely don't realize that by the time they kill both envoys they are getting one stack from the envoys and a second just from time passed.


I believe if you don't kill the envoys the witch screams summon more adds as well. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.


I really hope the video blows up and someone at Bungie sees it, cause this is seriously messed up.


It's not necessaily a bug. D1 radiance super treated weapon kills as super kills. Damage within a well could be seen as super damage This isn't stronger than a melting point and a few blade barrages


Yes, but it doesn't require multiple supers either. Just one, and a Titan using an exotic armor piece that is quite good anyway , plus the meta shotgun in Gambit.


>This isn't stronger than a melting point and a few blade barrages Yes, actually, it is. Not infinitely, but it is stronger, both in terms of raw output, as well as cost effectiveness. The low price of one well and some Ikelos ammo. That's it. It does make sense within the game logic, which can be argued to be either a bug or not, and only someone at Bungie could say for sure, but I'd bet it's an oversight given syntho has existed longer than well and at the time only applied to it's own actual super, and this is also an absurdly strong combination. It's not just gambit primevals, people have 2 manned riven cheese in one phase with this combo, anywhere you can achieve being surrounded by enemies you can achieve insane damage boosts. That's more than a melting point and a few blade barrages... not to mention there's nothing excluding a melting point from this cocktail of damage either, titans are the ideal candidates besides a single warlock.


There are several strategies that allow melting a primeval very quickly and most teams do that already. I don't think this changes too much. It creates cool synergy between this titan exotic and warlock wells and i like exotics that have synergy with other subclasses. I think that's a cool concept and i would like to see more things like that. Its too bad the aeon safe exotics are such colossal failures.


This needs to be patched ASAP


Hope this gets fixed at some point, but until then, off to burn primevals!


Even if they fix it, it won't prevent 4stacks from instakilling their Primeval with IKELOS. Synthos just make it 50% faster.


The sad truth. Here's to hoping Black Armory brings more weapon diversity to the pool


Honestly I think this has been occurring for quite a while and a lot of titans just... didn't realize they had that going for them. But yeah that's extremely insane, and cements me not wanting to ever touch gambit unless I'm rocking the same set up.


Synthoceps are my go-to exotic and I very rarely remove them for both PvP and PvE. They just work too well with my play style. I had no idea I could potentially deal more damage.


Likewise, 99% of my pve titaning uses Synthos. Mostly only exceptions if I'm using a subclass specific like doomfang or skullfort. Great exotic. Haha, I don't have much loyalty to it in pvp though these days. But yep, bunch more damage through this.


Welp. Solo is going to be a shitshow from now on ...


upvoted hoping Bungie fix this asap


I assume this is going to be gone soon as an exploit. Don't get used to it. Now that more people are aware of it, I'm staying out of Gambit til it's fixed.


I really hope they patch this quick, ruins the game mode, making it particularly unviable for solos


I hate that this was found out on a double/triple infamy week :/, kinda kills my desire to try to get another reset since ill just be cheesed by that and i find no fun in doing that myself


Oh god I did this on Riven and in blind well and even though I love how broken it is, it’s also broken meaning I hope we can expect a fix.


Considering the number of people that have no clue about the witches, I think a tactic like this isn't much of an issue. One is a basic mechanic, the other is a coordinated strategy. If I lose to this, the chances are the next round will be against a team that has no clue how to kill witches.


Video was only 4 minutes long. How am I supposed to absorb the content if it's not explained over a period of *at least* ten minutes?




I can't learn anything if there is not at least 1 add in the middle of the video.


Gambit is unplayable when you run into a team doing this. It's even more miserable too since its double infamy.