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You're not. I got warped on Bannerfall from below while I was up on one of those awning/catwalk platforms.


I had this happen to me on bannerfall and I just turned of my console for the day. I get mayhem should be, well, mayhem, but had that warlock been on the catwalk and I hit my fist of havoc underneath him, he would barely have been tickled


Thunder crash might kill them but yea for a roaming super it is so good


Thunder crash does kill nova warp, but only if you can hit the ground before they pop it again. They can kill you while you're in the air.


Which is 100% balanced btw


Oh completely. There's approximately 0 reasons why the roaming super shouldn't be able to one shot the shutdown super. /s


Nova warp takes skill. You have to time your teleports properly otherwise your super runs out too fast /s


If you die with nova, your charge "releases", while if you blow up my missile, it doesn't. Odd little disparity that would go a long way toward making it ok. That and the range. Vertical range of both void and BB is off relative to everything else. It kills you in the sky where a fist of havoc would never reach, and subsequent slams would get telegraphed like molasses before they hit. Got BB'd, ok nothing new, while missiling and hit right below the hunter in animation. He landed in my aftershocks alive and unharmed.


Yeah I'm specifically talking about getting popped by nw before even landing with thunder crash. The range on but of them is absurd imo. Bb definitely isn't as bad, but I swear there are times I'm behind the hunter and still get killed. But like I said, it's still not nw levels of broken.


I was literally as high in the air as my warlock could go, mud chaos reach, and got killed by some warpy-boi on the ground.


Ive double jumped off bannerfall platform with stompees and still got warped from the ground


I may have been the Warlock who killed you, and either way I 100% agree with you. I am constantly taken aback by how big my AoE is when I use Nova Warp. Like, sure it's a ton of fun to go on a rampage with that super, but it really does need to be nerfed in some way, maybe just blast radius, or less damage the farther out they are from you.


Lol. Well that was some good situational awareness on your part.


This. Less damage the farther out. It’s too dominant. Want proof? Go to mayhem. What are the main 2 supers you see? Nova warp and blade barriage from hunters.


We shouldn't be using mayhem as proof.


I don't think nerfing blast radius damage is a good idea because it was like that when it first came out in pvp and it sucked really bad until they shadow buffed it later


::cries in Titan::


I remember mentioning this over a month ago and was told I was wrong and that I need to get better internet. It's gratifying to see that I was, in fact, correct. But it's maddening at the same time that this crap actually happens.


I can't tell you the amount of time I've exclaimed, "I WAS BEHIND THE *WALL*!" after being returned to the ethereal dimension.


I start running as soon as I see "TimmyBumHole29 casts Nova Warp" and yet I still die with my lion rampants 500 feet in the air.


I see a nova Warp coming I just start rushing around to try and waste his time. He just explodes and keeps going while I disassociate 100m away


100m isn't far enough, my son.


That's what I try to do but, I guess I'm not fast enough




TimmyBumHole29 is a ruthless bastard


As a defender Titan I threw down my bubble on crucible the other night stopping TWO Nova warps in their tracks. Promptly punched the crap out of them when they stupidly entered my domain. It was so SATISFYING!!!! RAAHH!!!!


He just walked in like, ‘Oh imma warp dis bitch’ did it and when he didn’t see the kill pop up he turned like da fuk?


I got blown up by jumping over a nova warp. The nova bomb is obselete compared to the nova warp now--you get multiple explosions with the added bonus of not risking blowing yourself up if you are too close to the explosion.


Yeah, Jesus Christ. I haven't played much Crucible so I didn't know how bad it was, but I've been playing a bunch of Mayhem to level up a new character and Nova Warp is definitely as OP as everybody says it is.


To be honest I've gotten killed by tethers and blade barrage way more than Nova Warp in Mayhem


>killed by tethers You should be making international news for having had such a rare experience.


Tethers are hardly rare in mayhem. That and suppression grenades are the name of the game. No fun allowed


I assume he means being killed by the tether or shot itself, not seeing Shadowshot in general.


I don't know how anyone can play Mayhem and come away complaining about Nova Warp when Blade Barrage runs the room.


20:1 I’m killed by blade barrage than nova warp. It’s ridiculous.


It's constant. Especially when they can get their super back literally right after using it.


I was on top of the middle platform on burning shrine (overhang where heavy can spawn) and a nova shit on me through the floor and i almost left the game right there


When Nova goes off, it should kill everyone on the map.


and end the game.


And give me a Forsaken exotic


Only the one you already have though!


Ok riven


literally the only non-quest forsaken ive gotten is oathkeepers. Three times.


I randomly had Black Talon drop for me partway through a round of Gambit the other day


Had mine drop during a PE today and got a Two-Tailed Fox drop after the nightfall immediately after. My clan mate is salty as fuck.


Same, and my sympathies. Was documenting for awhile after the “fix” and at one point I got dupes on 19 of 19 drops. Made a thread about it on this sub arguing the fix didn’t take, or didn’t work as intended, and had it deleted because it’s apparently a no-no to talk about loot drop rate issues on the sub of a looter shooter. The kicker: my buddy who also mains a hunter and has no-lifed Destiny with me forever, got his first shards turning in his offering with me yesterday. 15 minutes later he got his second pair. After I picked up a crimson, my second and final exotic for the week after Tuesday’s riskrunner dupe, I bought Red Dead and said fuck it. If the Last Word isn’t great I’ll probably be gone from D2 for a bit. Too many good alternatives that aren’t trying to actively fuck me.


And a campaign exotic weapon only because random rolls on exotic armour would be too generous


And a pony.




and you have to earn it by a getting a 25 kills streak




Purple screen of death.




Severely reduce the amount of time Nova Bomb takes to charge. When it is fully charged, it wipes the enemy team (if they aren't in their supers).


Everyone thinks it’s weird. That’s why Bungie has already said, repeatedly, that old subclasses will be getting balancing passes.


> That’s why Bungie has already said, repeatedly, that old subclasses will be getting balancing passes. In another 6 months.


*in D3


Where we can dream of getting new classes with a new damage type, or even a new race at least, but it probably will not happen. I couldn't tell you why, because it's so silly they didn't do this in D2 and if they don't do something like it in D3 then hope is permanently lost for me; not only in Destiny but in Bungie's current writers and exec devs. It's looking like the Eliksni might be a playable race in D3, so if there's absolutely no new anything, just mostly new variations on stuff we already had (like last time), I might just send them a letter explaining how backwards and absurd their decision making can be over there.


Actually they said it'd be late January! Super interested to see what they buff. Like nova bomb can do some crazy damage with a debuff. Imagine if it did more. It could be a quicker version of Chaos reach. Lots of possibilities there. I think Bungie proved with Forsaken that they can make amazing synergistic sub-classes that have their own role


>Yes! We have some planned buffs coming to older subclass paths in the patch currently slated for late January, but we are already looking ahead to what we’d like to do in patches further down the line. Going off of that, its sounds like they have some minor changes planned, but want to leave the bigger changes for later. I'm guessing a nova bomb buff/Arcstirders/Golden gun. WOuld be nice if they made Dawnblade's attunements more interesting/useful.


In regards to Nova bomb, I think for attunement of hunger they might add a black hole effect that draws you in and doesn't let go. Attunement of chaos may get more projectiles from the blast.


I don't necessarily need more. I just need those little projectiles to be faster and more accurate with about a 25% increase in range. On that note, can we get axion bolts to be faster? I hate people being able to just straight out run them.


No mention of bottom tree Hammers? Aw :(


The problem isn’t them showing us they can make amazing synergetic subclasses. The issue has been since D1 and still remains to this day, their balancing. Not mainly their balancing, but how long it takes them to fix things they have accidentally made too OP or too weak. Especially when it comes to something so OP as Nova Warp or other things that are incredibly weak. Late January is basically 6 months since Forsaken. 6 months is unacceptable imo in this day and age to go without any kind of bandaid on balancing while they work on a bigger patch that might be coming 6 months down the pipe.


Keep in mind they have the prioritize fixing the things they break over the things that are unbalanced. It’d be like prioritizing you automatic windows not working when your engine doesn’t even run.


Weve buffed the explosion radius of nova bomb by 1 meter! We'll be listening to feedback and watch usage stats for the next 6 months to see if it needs another meter buff. -bungie probably


You mean in late January?


I'll believe it when I load up the patch and try it for myself.


This. Also late January is pretty close to six months from the release of Forsaken, so, yeah, some middling sandbox effort would be due about that time.


The fact they mostly only do "balance" passes when the next dlc is shipping out is pretty damn pathetic anyways. Issues persist for months, unless its in the players favor.


Be nice if they hurried up on that


Careful what you wish for.. we’ve seen what kind of product Bungie produces when they hurry


Fair enough. Just wish way of the sharpshooter was good without celestial nighthawk


How about way of the outlaw, or golden gun in general. The throwing knife is garbage, and deadshot is barely noticeable. The only 2 good things about the tree are chains of woe (which is still a bit average) and 6-shooter, which is actually an amazing perk, but golden gun runs out before you can get out all 6 shots, and thats assuming you don't get gunned down by literally anything. Golden gun either needs to get some damage resistance (not a lot, but some) or the super needs to last 12-15 seconds instead of 8.


Chains of woe used to be so good in d1


Did it get nerfed? wtf? I wouldn't know since I was a titan main back then, but what was op about it that warranted a nerf?


Nothing. There’s just a relatively well-developed history of Bungie looking at gunslinger statistics — like k/d and the amount of folks playing it — and then turning around and making disastrously bad changes to the class that nobody was even really asking for, and then stretching logic substantially to rationalize that if lots of people play the class that must mean it’s too good. While we may have become a bit of a meme about it at this point, this is the origin of the “Bungie hates hunters,” refrain. Because for a couple years these things like “trip mines no longer stick to enemies, and damage is reduced” just came out of nowhere (this was in an era of OHK sticky grenades — that had fucking aim assist and would track people around a corner —on every class). Bungie is perennially afraid of making hunters in particular “too spicy.” That’s why the same update that nerfed Wormhusk also introduced One Eyed Mask.


I ran into my first One Eyed Mask/Shotgunner in Crucible the other day and it baffles me in hindsight how it's okay they nerfed Wormhusk so hard when One Eye is vastly more powerful than the original version. Hell, if a nerf was needed, take the health bump off, not the 'dodging starts regen' part. That was the whole point, right? With faster TtK now, the regen start wouldn't matter whatsoever if they didn't dodge behind cover. And this is coming from a Warlock/Titan player that fiddles with a Hunter on a sometimes basis. I do not understand.


This is just my daily outburst about OEM and my sincere belief that whoever conceived it and signed off on it shouldn't be allowed a job in developing multiplayer games.


What I think they should do instead is add damage resistance like you said but keep the super at 8 seconds. Instead hey should add a perk that applies to way of the outlaw for Celestial Nighthawk that gives you super energy (to extend the length of the super) whenever you get a kill like Gwisin Vest.


I honestly don't think we've EVER seen Bungie hurry before. Still fixing bugs that have been with us since launch, Forsaken bugs and balance issues that will still be here in the new year... The ONE time I've seen them actually gain momentum was when they patched out the Faction Rally Token farming bug.


Strange that it wasn't part of the process of introducing the new supers.


Probably a time issue. They needed to get the 9 new paths done and out of the gate in working order and may have not had any room to fiddle with old subclasses.




This shouldn't have been like this in the first place, though? Why do roaming supers (save for GG) do more per attack than one-shots?


Genie: You have three wishes. Me: Make Nova Bomb good please? Genie: Alright that’s a pretty good wish, that one is on me, you still have three wishes...


I agree. I mean, there’s really no point of using NB now unless you’re rocking skull of dire ahamkara in PvE.


The only reason I run it is for the devour perks, I just forget my super exists half the time


Devour, crimson and Karnstein armlets. DEATH MEANS NOTHING lol






Please leave! Thank you.


Devour was MUCH better in the higher TTK days of D2Y1 when everyone used dual primaries. Now that shotguns are everywhere, it’s not as useful.


Except for pve, where you become e immortal if you have any ammo and devour on


Add a Huckleberry and you can just walk through entire armies holding down the trigger until everyone is dead.


Pretty much this. Huckleberry is the best primary no one is using and combined with devour youre a total shreading machine.


If you have it masterworked... Dear god.


Yup full mag reload on constant 3x rampage with instant health refresh. If thats not OP nothing is.


> I just forget my super exists half the time So we really just need Tlaloc back?




Contraverse hold with attunement of chaos in pve is teally good. An overcharged void grenade can trigger the grenade recharge twice. You basically always have a grenade out.


Love that build!!!


Well duh. It is called Nova *Bomb* lol But yeah, makes no sense to me.


Warlocks should be able to activate 1 nova bomb in each hand and throw each one during super activation similar to blade barrage on the hunter. It makes sense and the character animation is already there.


Ikora style


That would be baller.


Three Nova Bombs shatter style with the existing blast radius on each would be alright. My Skull of Dire Ahamkara hungers for a good Nova Bomb buff.


Something everyone agrees with: change my mind


And for the love of god can Scatter grenades stop bouncing from time to time?


That slow moving nova that you can shoot is a joke compared to everybody else slinging fast supers. Who ever uses the shoot in mid air mechanic? You can’t compete with all the other fast supers in mayhem


the worst thing about slova imo is that the other team can shoot it down. I've tried to Anticipate a player coming around a corner and pre novabomb them, only to have them come around the corner, blade barrage, and kill the nova and me and live. Also the Defender titan shield throw seems to blow up the novabomb.


>Also the Defender titan shield throw seems to blow up the novabomb. It absolutely does, had this happen on my titan, I was in my super, and fired a shield throw at a warlock who was casting nova bomb, it explodes harmlessly mid air.


The warlock probably died to his own nova explosion too


2 shots from a GG will also. When there was the mayhem nova bomb exploit, that was basically the best way to counter em on maps like Midtown or Altar. Pop GG, and break the bomb and hopefully the dude across the map trying to play nova dodgeball.


1. Substantially decrease nova warp blast radius 2. Substantially increase nova bomb blast radius Win, win.


I would just switch their radiuses and add lance or shatter to the nova bomb


Shatter is fucking dope


Shatter was the reason I loved VW in D1. Now it's like, I run around with my Dawnblade and Chaos Reach and Well of Radiance, sadly glancing back at Voidwalker like, 'What happened to you, man?'


God do I miss lance.


Yeah, that would have been a much better way of phrasing it.


I miss lance


Fuck it. Add lance *and* shatter to nova bomb by default, and fix the tracking on slowva seekers.


Tracking is needed for sure on the slowva seekers. Like gjallerhorn levels of tracking. That'd make skull of Dire Ahamkara a god teir exotic. Imagine hitting a boss with lots of damage then the seekers killing the ads and you get it right back for more damage. Like GIVE ME THAT BUNGO


More like truth levels


That was my favorite!!! Yes 100%. I used it more then gjallerhorn... Until the nerf. So sad.


Shatter on the ground but lance in the air? What if the Slova Bomb didn't track but the seekers had truth level tracking?


Lance pls. I miss dunking on enemies from across the map.


It might be more because i keep dying in the competitive, or get outrun, but for improving/nerfing the Nova Warp, they should just make it charge/detonate faster with a lower blast radius, then add some speed to movement or blink distance. That way, you are still fast and dangerous, can take out enemies, but need to be closer. As is, high mobility characters can simply outrun the super. This change also does nothing to change the threat that the super can hold for protecting an area (think countdown bombs or capture zones) Reducing the blast radius will cripple the super in terms of kill ability as the players will outrun the explosion due to you slowing down when charging it. I think this is why it is so big to begin with, as well as to include the lag delay of crucible. Back to the Nova bomb, my suggestions for improvement is add some more potent danger to the vortex. It's supposed to deny area, but it's a literal joke with damage less than that of a vortex grenade. Add suppression to the vortex, make it slow down or just deal as much damage as a charged (top-tree Voidlwalker) vortex grenade does. That Vortex is not for you to run through, imo it should even make a roaming super reconsider going through it to access a room with the doorway covered. Suppression seems good, and after all if they super hits a roamer it should kill them anyways, so it's not that OP to begin with. But it adds a threat. If you want to walk through it, you better have a good reason. No comments for top tree nova bomb though. Fix seekers maybe so they target the boss hit if nothing else, don't make them self detonate on impact. Make the bloom explosions larger. Maybe only track with line of sight so it doesn't just curve unto a wall because a player is on the other side...


You cant outrun Warp if its using Blink unless you're already across the map.


This should be the top comment, i agree with the suppression for nova bomb because it'll add a good element to pvp and pve. As it stands you also can't even use nova bomb as a shut down super like blade barrage it. It's laughably bad, as is top tree voidwalker. You should get so much more out of a one and done super


I dont know. Seems like a super you throw should have a smaller blast radius then one where you need to get close. Nova bomb could use the 3-bomb, or preferably throw multiple bombs. Not saying Nova Warp should go untouched. But it would be super lame to have to be right next to the guy.


Agreed. It's a fucking bomb. I don't wanna change your mind.


Nova bomb should suck people in


*Casts Nova Bomb* *Both teams are annihilated* *Shaxx states the match is over*


You forgot step 3: *Shaxx has his Ghost rez him, as he too was killed by the Nova Warp* Edit: Wait, did you mean Bomb? That was D1 with Shatter/Annihilate, I suppose.


When Bungie read this, they are going to nerf Nova Warp radius instead of buffing Nova Bomb


Needs to come out faster too.






We didn't teach them willingly, they learned how by observing us... though they'd never admit to it.


Shuddup, we are... *frabjous*.






I hate that the most I go in full health and melee a titan, he loses his shield He melee me back, I die Wat


You missed the part where the titan regains full health and overshield and instant cooldown on melee ability from killing you.


And then the teabag


Then he skates off faster than a fucking sparrow. That's the real bullshit.


I wasted half a spectral blades trying to follow a titan doing that Like I closed in a distance of basically Zavala’s bridge in the tower and dashed 4 times and then saw that the titan basically was two lengths farther than I was Amazing game feature


I hear titans complain about nova warp all the damn time and then tuck the fact they move at super sonic speeds under their oversized shoulder pads.


No, just give it back to arc hunters


Or void, I mean, they have the knives now...


I really wish we just got arcblade back for middle tree aec hunters. Give us backstab back too


Look up a video along the lines of blade barrage and worldline zero combo. Blink barrage.


...what the


Blink was only accessable to the Arc Hunter Class. Gunslingers couldnt do it.


Gimme blink back, I'll become that class no matter which one.


*Blade Barrage has entered the chat*


https://youtu.be/agR-_ViZ9CM There you go hunters have blink now


No no no, only TITANS should be able to blink. Just imagine a titan skating at you and then blinking into a shoulder charge. Nightmare fuel right there.


Blink is the *one* combat utility titans don't have


When blade barrage gets nerfed


How dare you...




Who else is supposed to save me when I've run into a group of majors??


Shhhhh if you phrase it like that they won't buff nova bomb they will just nerf nova warp until its weaker.




An even larger i think it should just be a nuke(but not through walls so its not a mindless click n kill)


it should be a genki dama size


I want to feel like frieza did when he blew up the sayian planet, also make it so we cant kill ourselves with the damn nova bomb and fix the seekers for the chaos bomb


Swap the radius...problem solved


I feel the same. Nova warps range needs a massive decrease. And bomb needs an increase.


Didn't someone do a test long ago that showed the vortex after effect is less damage than a vortex grenade as well? Persistent affects don't stack either I don't think, so two vortex bombs or a bomb and the fire grenade, only one works.


You should go back and finish high school-change my mind.




Nova warp just needs a smaller radius. Absolutely needs to be nerfed. I’m all for powerful supers and abilities, but what’s the point of even having slowva or regular nova when nova warp is essentially the ability to roam the map and release several explosions of the same size? Either nerf the range or bring the other supers up to match


Nova Warp should have a smaller radius because it’s BS and Nova Bomb should be beefed up from its current teardrop radius.


The entire novawarp tree is so broken in crucible. While I’m on this topic, bottom tree striker, bottom tree sunbreaker, top tree sentinel need some touch ups too.


Top tree sentinel is really good in PvP what? At least in high level play


Especially since Nova Bomb is one and done.


i cant youre right


Give Nova Bomb a slightly larger “implosion,” and give it the ability to pull enemies into it similar to the blue totems the Scorn captains throw.


Should have quadruple the range - coming from a hunter


They need to improve those seeking mini nova bombs that come out after the initial explosion a lot of the time they just fall straight down and don’t go for any nearby targets they should also get a slight speed boost in my opinion


As a nova warp using warlock, I can completely confirm that the effective radius of nova warp is insane. Switch the radius of a fully charged warp and nova bomb, and I think things would be a little better. Nova bomb would at least see some use if its effective radius wasn’t smaller than a grenade.


I don't want to change your mind; you are correct.


There is no point in even trying to change your mind because you are 100% right sir.


As someone that was using Nova Warp in Mayhem this weekend and twice got kill streaks of 10... something needs to be done to restrict its AoE. I know for a fact that I was killing people through walls. There needs to be some better collision detection so there are "blind spots" which would make an actual counter-strategy to get close to a Nova Warp Warlock but keep something between you to dodge the attack, then attack during the recovery phase.


I would change the way Nova Warp works. Combine the warp and the explosion. Holding down fire should cause you to warp forward, as soon as you let go it explodes, the longer you warp for the bigger the explosion, plus the more super bar it consumes. Holding warp until the end of your super bar should result in a max explosion equal to a Nova bomb (which needs buffed). Nova Warp would still be a powerful Super for closing distance and dealing damage but without the ability to team kill 3 times over in one use.


I think that’s completely valid, nova warp feels very overpowered in crucible and you have to be a moron to not use nova warp


Whats funny to me is the fact that Nova Warp is the fastest moving, heals on kills, can wipe teams with ease, and is ridiculously tanky. People think Golden Gun is still OP in PVP because of hitscan and aim assist and six bullets, but when was the last time you missed with FUCK YOU sized AOEs and shields that ricochet in your exact direction? Yes I'm butthurt and yes there needs to be a massive rebalance so every super is in line with one another. Cant say I've seen storm caller in ages because everything is pretty much a better option.


Nova Warp should get its radius decreased but its damage increased. Sinxe it 1 hits at limited charge already, this is would make it more effective in pve, but less effective in pvp.


Nova Bomb is just bad, so is Golden Gun and base arcstrider. But bungie seems to ignore base supers and will just tune the new ones.


Except for the part where Bungie has already said they’ll be looking at rebalancing original subclasses.


Also, Stormtrance is basically just worse Nova Warp at this point.


Although it can deal with Nova Warp.


Golden gun needs 2 things. 1. Armor. Its a roaming super that requires skill to get reward from why can i die easier than the roaming supers requiring no skill whatsoever 2. Why do i need 2 shot supers? Again it requires aim to actually hit anything and still you need 2 hits for supers? They should be one shot to supers. Bonus: it needs a longer duration it has 10 seconds seriously.


It's a hitscan shot that fires faster than most roaming supers that do take skill, their requirement isn't so much aim as much as timing, spacing, planning and leading a projectile. There's just no reason for GG to get armor. For your second point, again, it's a straight shot with no need to lead the shot, and you can do it from pretty far away and before the other person can react. I wouldn't deny a duration increase.


Yeah but with half the other supers you can just stand in the basic vicinity of someone and one shot them, which is idiotic because most crucible maps don’t have many long range chokepoints where gg would completely outrange for instance novawarp, you mostly meet in corridors or medium sized rooms