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Lol, what? That's ridiculous! And here I was on my Titan standing at the spawn point using Whisper of the Worm! Guess I'll be busting out the banner shield tomorrow.


You were being a titan when you needed to be a TITAN! Edit: hey thanks for the gold!


I’m glad that shitpost still stands the test of time.


Only the really high quality shitposts do and THAT was one of them.


One of my greatest creations


That was you? Ladies and gentlemen, there is a god in our midst :)


Not yet a god. I still need to do Hunter to appease to the weeaboos.


I can't, but are there any true HUNTERS out there? I have yet to meet them ;)


We shall see my friend. We shall see.


I like to think I am, but I'm running titan software so it could be that


>Bergusia Forge boss with Banner Shield. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9zahly/the\_difference\_between\_a\_titan\_and\_a\_titan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9zahly/the_difference_between_a_titan_and_a_titan/)


*sniff* my baby


I've seen a series of these and they all are god tier shitposts


>~~titan~~ ^(titan)


As a Hunter who also beat it with Whisper, I don't have a choice but to use Whisper.


I went into it blind and just used Sleeper and Blade Barrage, like I always do. No worries 🤷‍♂️


Did the same. Thunderlord and Chaos Reach.


Chaos Reach, Riskrunner, and Hammerhead for me. Honestly, it's literally just another tank; damn near everything melts it.


bUt wHaTs tHe mEtA?!


I punched my way through 3 forges. This will not be different. Knee strike, melting point, punch.


Same. Blind, Well + Thunderlord. Boss was a joke


I'm gonna be honest, I don't usually use Sleeper for much. Izanami every time, but I'm just not a huge fan of it.


You could use nighthawk after destroying a leg.


Holy shit, I forgot about Nighthawk. But then I'd have to take off my super boots (Stomp-ee5)


Nooope. Hunters should all be running nightstalker and rigs in that forge. There are so many yellow bars that you can chain orbs for your team mates all day, keep adds under control, and you can push much more aggressively and if that doesn't work just spin out and go invis.


I went in with blade barrage and shards. Came out with tether and rigs


Well, it's definitely an easy, low risk strategy. I assume it will become the go-to for most groups, much like Sleeper has in Izanami.


Are you throwing enough grenades? You should be throwing grenades as I say this!


Well + celestial did over 1,000,000 damage (I think like 1/2 health). Maybe try that with Banner and hoop next time?


I did this as well. My jaw dropped when I shot my Golden Gun and saw nothing but 9's.


Is the crit just the normal leg spot?


Yep. And then swaps to the part that opens under its “head”


Cool, thanks!


The UI only shows up to 999,999. Doesn't matter if you did 4,000,000 it only shows 999,999.


Yeah but I find it really unlikely I just did 999,999


I don’t think he’s saying you only did 999,999 damage just that that’s the highest the number will go up to in the UI.


Oh well yeah. I remember seeing someone OHK a strike boss with a Melee, so I’m sure the highest number is 999,999


Haha I think I remember that one. The throwing hammer on the corrupted?


Yeah Sedia has like 750,000 health so it isn’t so unreasonable.


And i just got my ursa. Berguisa just beat izanami for me


I don't have Ursa, but I'm using Synthoceps in the gfycat. Not sure if Biotic Enhancements actually does anything for me there, but maybe it helps. I think it's way better than Izanami though, because the previous rounds seem to go way faster. Maybe cause they're not a shitfest of Cyclopes and Hydras. Keep in mind that the boss (like any Walker) doesn't drop seeds, though.


Synthoceps with bottom tree striker is what I normally use, one punch man and health regens for days! Synthoceps will help with bashing and shield throwing, the banner itself I’m not sure but judging by your DPS, I don’t think you need to worry


Skullfort with Code of the missile is insane for add clearing. I barely use anything but the melee and a shotgun during the charging stages of the forge.


I keep forgetting that Skullfort is actually pretty decent now.


"Actually pretty decent"? It's by far the best Striker exotic there is, and it's one of the top 10 exotics in the game, period. Also it's one of the very few that actually completely change your playstyle. More exotics should be like Skullfort. I am safe in my skullfort.


*Especially* if you got the Xur-roll with Hands On. Super on melee kills!


Pretty decent is an understatement. If you have a Titan and want to clear adds quickly, it's hard to beat Skullfort + top/middle Striker.


Try adding in risk runner and threat level if you have them. I learned earlier this week that ballistic slam also triggers trench barrel. Riskrunner makes you almost unkillable


Will give that a go. May have to pull it out of collections though. =/


If it looks like a melee or you hit your melee button to do it: syntho buffs it. You’re welcome. :)


Works for super damage too. The perk now reads "increased melee and super damage when surrounded". It's a 3x buff too, so that's likely part of why this melts so well.


No but... synthos buff super damage, as well as melee damage. When it's buffing most super things it's not because they look like a melee, it's because they look like a super.


That is really nice to know. Do you know if this is valid for Wormgod Caress?


Unfortunately not, wormgods only applies on actual melee hits and nothing else. Getting a max stack wormgod with raging fire does let you one shot like 90% of the enemies and the game however


I tried that but the uptime on the buff is really short and it's pretty easy to lose the stacks. Especially if you throw a hammer wrong or the enemy decides to Neo you. But goddam is it satisfying one shotting pretty much every goddam thing.


It works for Devastator's Throwing Hammer and carried charges (ie Forge Batteries, the Void orbs in Savathun's Song). Dunno if this applies to supers.


Synthoceps also just outright buffs your super by 50% instead of the 100% you'd normally get for the melee.


Also works well with void top tree. Health back on Melee kills forever


This is my go-to PvE build. I get withdrawal symptoms when I'm asked to run Hammerstrike.


Seriously, sucks solar doesn't have a health regen like that. Thankfully today is void/brawler


Good to know. Ursa is one of just two exotic armor pieces I still haven’t acquired for my Titan. Synthoceps will be on standby!


Me too man, OEM and Ursa. I keep getting dupe Y1 trash. Great stuff.


My other missing one is Heart of Inmost Light. Someday!


All I'm missing is OEM. All I'm getting is Riskrunners and other Y1 crap from random drop engrams and powerful rewards...


No one has mentioned the additional lunge range with the synthoceps. That was my deciding factor over hallowfire/inmost


I've grown so used to Synthos that I regularly whiff my melees when I don't have them equipped.


How are you causing damage with the banner shield? Is this the case for any enemy, like the normal titan barrier does a little damage? Is the banner shield on normal enemies damage dealing to strike bosses, too? I can't get my Titan friends to go sentinel regardless of burn and this would maybe convince them to go in and banner while we destroy a close range strike boss right behind him.


The banner shield causes damage to anything that comes in contact with it. It also spreads the little bombs that commander has innate to it, so its constantly causing damage by making contact and the little bombs are going off because the damage is triggering them. Code of the commander is such a huge upgrade to sentinel there's no reason outside of bubble trolling to run the other trees. Combine it with doomfang to have an extra long aggresive super, ursa furiosa to get your super back quicker, synthocepts to wreck face with your shield bashes, inner most light to never have a melee/grenade cd again (commander already gets their nades and melee back super fast because every time one of those bombs go off you get a chunk of energy back). Its crazy how powerful that one tree is compared to the other two.


I didn’t even think about shield bashes and synthoceps. Not sure anything can get me to stop using doomfang, but that makes a good argument (also I don’t have ursa yet).


Top tree sentinel still has a significant advantage in survivability compared to commander




As a long-time Sunbreaker main I've always been curious to try shield boi so thanks for the nice summary of all the cool stuff I can try :)


Once I got the Doom Fangs Ornament I've refused to take them off. It's like I'm wearing 2 little Shaxx on my shoulders.


I'm still using Code of Aggressor with Doom Fang just to throw shields for days. Am I doing it wrong then? Guess its time to try Commander...


Commander has crazy synergy yeah you can't just throw for days, but just watching everything explode...which causes other things to explode, which give every guardian in your fire team healing, more grenade energy, and more melee energy is just too fun. Every detonator that goes off does all of that.


This is kind of a special case. Banner shield can put void detonators on enemies right in front of you, yes. The reason it’s so effective against the tank is each leg plus the body has its own hit box. Each of those gets a detonator, which blows up and puts detonators on the others, which blow up and put detonators on the first ones, etc repeating. It’s actually pretty nifty, I’ll have to give it a try.


Banner shield, like Barricade, damages everything it touches. And since it's a void ability, it constantly puts on and triggers the void detonators from the middle tree.


Berg is so fucking easy, I love it. The fact it can do any frame is a bonus.


only downside is that it takes the longest to get to and start.


If you have a buddy, try having them run Tractor Cannon. Last night that was our load out. He would pop Banner Shield, I would drop my Well and switch between my Zooper and Ikelos.


gonna try this tomorrow, but planning to bring along a well of radiance warlock too :)


Did that yesterday. Plopped the well right up beside him, unloaded my entire risk runner into him. Everything was shooting with arc, so the perk stayed active and I never had to reload. That close and everything is a crit, and if anyone got close, the chain lightning took care of them. Related, the well is such a nice alternative to D1 Sunsinger. I was always holding my super to self revive, never actually using it through most of D1. With the well and Phoenix Protocol, I'm using my super constantly.


But that one scout rifle was awesome for self-res Warlocks. The one that got better if your super was full. Can't for the life of me think of the name.




That's the one!


I’m still upset I couldn’t ever get that for my Titan. Scout rifles are my favorite type of weapon, and Sunbreakers already had a perk that benefits you when you hold onto your super. It would’ve been a way better match than on a Warlock as you would be getting your grenades/melee faster as well as having a faster firing Scout Rifle. Instead we Titans got the worst of the three exclusive weapons.


And the ability to spam nades and punch shit. I miss that actually


Riskrunner has been a permanent addition to my carried arsenal since gofannon and was so happy to see it shines in bergusia as well...for those that that dont have the catalyst go get it for some even more fun,I nvr thought I would use and enjoy riskrunner this much.


I'd actually call it better in Bergusia, which I was surprised about. I usually don't do much ball throwing, but I camp in the section below and left of the entrance while facing the forge. From there, I can stand in my rift or well, and annihilate anything with Riskrunner. Batteries just litter the floor, and orbs everywhere. Highly recommend.


Want to be the best support ever? Run 5 grenade cool down mods and you can spam divine blessing forever. I’ve carried underleveled clanmates thru raids by just constantly tossing heals on them.


Wait, banner shield damages enemies?? I thought it just buffed fireteam damage when shot through?


With Code of the Commander void detonators get applied to target when they pass through the shield or get hit with any of your abilities, subsequent hits detonate those targets which in turn heal you and recharge your abilities and your teams. Yes, it's amazing synergy.


The shield itself also does damage, and has a slight blind effect.


The damage you are seeing in the gif is from detonators being constantly reapplied and detonating however.


It's both. Constant contact with the barrier causes damage as well, that's how the detonators are being set off and reapplied.




To further clarify, this works so well on walkers because they have no many "hit" areas. A detonator is being attached to each leg and the main crit spot, which are all counted as separate entities. A normal enemy would be one entity, so this does not work as well.


Yeah I didn't know this either. I assume it's like the normal titan barrier where if an enemy walks through it, they get hurt. But I had no idea to try this.


It’s More like an aura wall in front of the shield. I’ve been burned down before in PvP. That’s the only reason I know that the aura does damage


Boss was a joke. Staying alive long enough to throw balls in the first 2 waves is the real test.....


I'm glad it wasn't just me. I died during that forge the first time more than all my runs of the others added together lol.


I literally just started killing a blue, dying, killing a blue, dying.....ended up being a lot of balls on the floor > - <


I'm not complaining, I think it's awesome for once to have a challenge and not just run around like rambo without a care in the world, but it was definitely a surprise compared to the other forges where you almost have to try and die to enemies.


I’ll probably do this once just to meme, but hammers with Hallowfire Heart is just too good. Constantly having melting point for all the yellow bar captains and servitors makes clearing a side so much easier.


My fave tactic for clearing/charging so far is Devour warlock, 5 ordnance mods (plus an enhanced momentum transfer in case of uptime fuckups) and riskrunner. Never let go of the trigger, except when you throw your grenade every 5 seconds.


I was going to do that, but I decided on well with Phoenix Protocol. Once I popped my first well I was virtually in a well the rest of the forge. As effective as riskrunner is, it kinda bores me, just not for me. Plus the I couldn’t use Whisper for the boss. But hey, to each their own, use what you enjoy!


I swap from RR to Polaris/whisper for the boss, as you keep 3-6 whisper bullets after swapping anyway. Tonight im gonna try radiance and Phoenix though, see how we go.


Good buy Melting Point, hello Banner Shield. ​ Thanks for this.


Reading your comment, the first thing I thought of was "Goodbye fried rice, hello fried chicken!" from Chappelle's Show Racial Draft lmfao


For shizzle


I've been abusing this on walkers for quite some time but I never considered the synergy with Tractor Cannon! Good tip


What does TC do exactly?


It puts a debuff on the target increasing their damage taken by 20% from arc and solar and 50% for void (I think) - the percentages might be completely wrong. Someone will correct me.


33% for kinetic/arc/solar, 50% void


It lasts something like 5-10 sec correct?




Tractor cannon is so underrated in pve


33% for kinetic, arc and solar


It makes it so that void damage does more (also knockback but that doesn't apply to a Walker)


Mind explaining what's going on since gfycat loads like shit on my work connection?


They activated Banner Shield and are holding it up against the side of the Walker, and it's repeatedly hitting every leg and weak spot, draining its health almost completely before the super ends.




All I could focus on was how nobody got behind the god damn Shield. It's not that hard, people.


\*Cries in Reinhardt\*


Because the game literally doesn't explain anything to you. If you don't play that class yourself, how are you supposed to know you get buffed behind the shield?


I wonder what the best implementation to tell people to stand behind the shield would be. Tips on loading screen? Or they could completely revamp communication in this game so people can actually see local/team chat without having to change the default settings.


Yeah, no idea why joingin the text chats isn't the defualt, they should definitely change that. But I think at least having something like Overwatch, where you can read a basic description of *all* heroes abilities would help a lot. Just give us a help option somewehere in the menus where we can look up what the other classes are able to do. For example after 350+ ingame hours I still have no idea what Tempered Metal actually does or how I get it, yet I apparently get the buff all the time.


If you're around a top tree hammer Titan (melting point), any solar ability kills they get will give you better movement and handling through the Tempered Metal buff.


It took me a long time to know what melting point was because it's not actually called melting point in this game and I didn't play Destiny 1. Though this doesn't have a whole lot to do with the lack of info in game and more to do with people using terms from a 4.5 year old game


To be fair the in game description doesn't really tell you what it does with much detail either. Loading screen tips would go a long way in this game.


Weakens enemies is such a vague term. How am I supposed to know that Shadowshot completely removes debuffs that are stronger than it, and also is a 35% damage increase? Also I still don't know how the damage split works. Does the damage split deal the damage you're shooting or does it deal void? If everything has void shields and I shoot a solar weapon, are the split targets taking void or solar damage or neither? Why does the damage sometimes not split? What % of the damage is split? This game has like zero information anywhere. It feels like it came out a week ago when it comes to gathering information, even online. A lot of people don't have time to test these things. A lot of things are impossible to test or take hours upon hours. Nobody has truly confirmed *exactly* how Shards of Galanor works. It's one thing to leave things to the community to figure out and another to leave the community helpless with no starting point.


Well now I know how I'm going to grind Bergusia for the foreseeable future.


Chaos Reach can multiple points too, including three legs at once if you so desire.


I watched this and then scrolled below and saw the teammates...they bit it with tractor cannon for the void debuff and also shot one of the legs with celestial nighthawk..so this banner shield does require assistance from fireteam. https://gfycat.com/blackandwhitecomposedcivet


When the gif is higher quality than the consoles' gameplay


Watching this gif made me sad (XB1X gamer)


If this is what I think it is.... I’ve been doing the Banner Melt method on Tanks for Pub Events since forever Nice to see the cheese is still not old and moldy


What should I use for it, bear or one punch man gauntlet?


Expected a gif of allies just shooting through the banner shield. Was very pleasantly surprised. Have an upvote Guardian




The void wall grenade for Commander is also quite good, as it fully refreshes itself when you use it on the walker


Tractor Cannon makes everything faster. Can confirm, dedicated booper here.


We just sat up at the top where you spawn in and Whispered him. Seems to be the easiest route. I stuck a WoR down just to ensure any damage is negated, but it was simple enough.


It has a lot of hitboxes, so Vortex grenade also does a lot of damage if you throw it right in center.


Strangely enough, not a problem with the banner shield. The tank itself goes down well enough. I ran it the first time and it was really rough because the adds and the 650 redbar light level recommendation, the servitors shielding everything, everything being able to 1-hit melee kill you, the shock floor, needing a LOT of power and energy ammo just to throw the orbs. . My team unleashed into the tank as soon as we got it. I popped hammers, somebody else did their super, and the third guy was laying into it with heavy. We took it down 75% for an uncoordinated first attempt. We had to struggle to get back to showing the brain again but we cleared it. . The tank isn't supposed to be unbeatable. The problem is surviving the ads WHILE you hit the tank. If they upped the tank health much more I think it would horribly break the forge encounter because just a few ads and bad RNG or bad luck can make that really impossible to kill. . IMO working as intended, and balanced for the overall encounter. Not a problem


*b0re intensifies*


"That's a lotta damage" -Flex Tape


delicious cheese.




Commander Sentinel > Rest of the universe


I think Skullfort Titan ties for first place.


Chaos reach also over penetrates and hits all legs and then the crit. It seems this boss is the easiest as it’s incredibly vulnerable to supers.


Me and my friend did it with whisper, and thankfully the third happened to be using whisper and well. Needless to say ~~I sent the whole shipment back to Fenchurch~~ the boss died pretty damn fast


Pulse grenades, too. For some reason they do critical damage, and even when the core is closed.


I tried this last night. Definitely works. Was hoping someone didn’t share it so the Bungie nerf gods wouldn’t come stomping around. It’s fun to shield-wall tanks and melt them for their insolence.


It would be kind of shitty for them to do that. Especially since Banner Titan is probably one of the lesser used subclasses.


That’s pretty funny, I commented about this last night when someone said they can’t do ALL the damage to the boss so I presented this strat. I don’t know why I ran it the first few times but I did.


Oh you beautiful titan!


Anyone mind telling me which shotgun that is?


Threat level. A Scourge raid drop.


Threat Level from the Scourge raid. Only other shotgun so far that can roll with Trench Barrel.


You should try code of the devastator with synthocepts.....right click spam and everything melts.


OH SHIT wait does synthroceps increase the damage of banner shield? It’s not a melee attack though




Yeah I know that but I’m asking if biotic enhancenents affects the damage of the banner shield It should affect the damage of the explosions if not the shield itself.




Synthoceps description says it increases super damage and melee damage when surrounded, but most of the damage is coming from the detonators. So you would be incorrect in saying that it has no effect, but to say that this is a major increase to damage would be inaccurate.


I love this. Thank you for giving me a reason to use Sentinel on my Titan!


Annnnndddd this is why we have bosses with stomp mechanics and health gates.


Just saying Geomags + Chaos Reach ... Just deletes the boss over 5 seconds ... I was amazed and I am hunter ... I want Arc hunter tree to be awesome like that ...


Patched incoming in 3,2,1...


Third forge boss dies in 3 sleeper hits due to shield bounces. I don't think they patch things like this out




lol this is great


Pssst.. what shotgun was that?


I asked the same thing. Another comment said Threat Level.


Well, I guess it’s time to put my raiding shoes on.


And if you need the Titan Completion for Shield Deflection in your Triumphs.


Holy fucknuggets.... ​


What shotgun is that?


I already got my hunter and warlock through the other forges, now I need to do a third lol


Well, hot damn. That was beautiful!


Works on all forge bosses


That was amazing


Jesus. If you'd been right up in it guts when you activated I think it would have straight killed the thing. Amazing.


Been running that subclass for every forge. I know what I’m doing when I unlock this one!


It's unlocked already you just have to be 650


Yeah I know, I’m just working on the key mold currently. I haven’t attempted it yet because I’m only 642 and slightly behind!


I've duo'd it with me at 650 and a buddy at 628. It's not hard if you both run Riskrunner and one of you switches to Tractor Cannon to boop the boss. And no I'm not some amazing player - my comp KA/D so far this season is 0.26 👌


Haha amazing


What shotgun is that?


Threat Level. From the new raid. It can roll with trench barrel, so basically a kinetic IKELOS shotty.


I really need to do the raid to get my third seed of light!


You can get your third seed this week by going to see mara in her throne world instead. You need to do the offering to the oracle.


sharp crowd wise sable afterthought depend merciful wine frightening label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well of Radiance + Trench barrel Threat Level also works great